Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, August 08, 1912, Image 6

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    Polk County h
Adaptable lor all
Any Fruit T
Presidi ut
as there was no provision laade la
these bowls to prevent ttie interming­
ling of cream and skim milk tiiat had
“ I find that my potatoes are nad'y been separated.
Infested with what seems to rue to
Most separator bowls are now equip­
answer the description of potato scab.’ ped with an interior device composed
In treating potatoes for scab it is of a central milk-frerllng shaft and a
best to use one pound of forma*in to number of disks. Tha disks divide
thirty gallons of water. This treatr the milk into thin layers or sheets and
ment should be given the seed before centrifugal force acts upoe each sheet
of milk independent of the others.
the potatoes are cut, and after treat
The disks Increase the capacity of the
ing they should be scattered out and bowl and reduce the speed at which it
allowed to dry unless you are ready to must be revolved by eliminating the
plant them immediately. After using necessity of forcing the skim milk
the solution for two or three hours it solids through a thick wall of milk.
should be replenished, because when 1 The use of disks lias now become s
left open it loses its strength very * standard feature of separator con­
While it is true that the separator
We can see no reason why the fcero
sene barrels would in any way hinder bowl does the actual work of separa­
tion, the mechanism which revolves
o this treatment. We believe it will be the bowl is of the utmost Importance.
all right to use them in treating your In fact, the design and construction
potatoes. As far as disinfecting the of the operating m echanim will de­
© planter isconcerned, we do not believe termine the length of time the ma­
© this will be necessary if >ou treat the chine will do good work.
Good material and workmanship are
seed properly.
The fungus disease called scan has necessary to a separator. The truth
been known to live for at least »1* of this is often overlooked when the
machine is new, but the farmer who
years In the soil, even though no |
buysahigh grade separator will appre­
© potatoes were grown in that field ciate it after he lias used the machine
Because of this, It is a good plan to a few years as he will realize tiiat lie
rbtate your crops and to plant your
a machine that will do good work
© treated seed in fields where potatoes j has
for many years. That Is the real test
© have not been grown for at least four of a separator after all.. Any separ­
© or five years
ator that will developcentrlfugal force
The soil that contains an arid is will do good work for a time, but for
© injurious to the growth of jmtato
scab, hence the application of sul
phateof ammonia, sulphaleof potash,
kanit, or acid phosphate will tend to
© free the soil of the scab fungus On
other hand, the presence of lime,
© the
wood ashes, or large quantities of
stable manure, will aid or encourage
© the growth of potato scab
A Hew lentey C urrckpoodcot write«
i [erge Shipment
Justrite Corsets
Just received.
Several new styles
added to our line.
All prices.
$ 1 .O O to $ 5 . 0 0
N o. 2 8 4
Fall Model.
Low Bust.
Extra Long, Extention
Specialy adapted to the Slender Figure.
tiste—Lace Trimmed—3 sets of Garters.
Price $ 1 .OO
N o. 4 3 4
One of the very latest models, with medium bust
and extreme length over the It ij»s. Made for comfort
as well as style.
Price $ 2 .0 0
• • ïH & © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © @ © @ © © @ © © © ® @
Dallas Mercantile Company
)im .
IVI l/v- ' '
s \ » I
«...........' V . ì ' '
.• m
The selection of a separator Is not a
ditlicult matter if the farmer will
bear in mind a few simple facts
Cream ami skim milk are separated
in the cream separator by the action
of centrifugal force. Centrifugal i-ree
is a force exerted outward from the
center of the separator bowl ami is
produced by revolving the bow' at a
high rate of speed Just what 'lie
action of centrifugal force is can be
I rest explained by a simple and often-
used illustration.
When a trail attached to the end of
a string is swung around in a circie,
the ball, because of its weight, will
exert an outward pull. The force
exerted on the ball, which makes it
try to get away from the central point
around which it is whirling, Is centri­
fugal force. When whole milk enters
the separator bowl it is acted upon by
centrifugal force and the heavy milk
solids are thrown to the outer wall of
the howl. The butter fat, which is
the lightest part of milk. Is not so
strongly affected, and gathers near
the center of the bowl where It mixes
with a small amount of skim milk and
forms cream.
i / / ' __
. v ~
Paled Hay Most Profitable
H E T H E R you feed y ou r hay or sell it,
you profit m ost b y baling it. Haled
hay may be sh ipp ed w here the price is
highest. It takes up on ly on e-fifth o f the stor­
age sp ace required by loose hay. It retains
its feedin g value lon ger, atul is easier to handle.
T h ese advantages m ore than offset the cost o f
baling, w h ich is very sm all w hen don e bv an
H ow crer.m separation takes place in modern
separator bowl “ D” dirt arrester chamber
I n c o rigirateti)
P ortla n d
I H C Servie« Bu
T h e p u r p o s e o f th is B u re a u fs to fu rn ish , fr e e
o f ch a r g e to all. th e b est in fo r m at ion o b t a in a b le
on b e tte r farm in g If yo u h a ve any w o rth y q u e s -
t,° ? >- c ? lic r.r.n *n* s o ils , c r o p s , land d ra in a g e , ir
g a llo n , fr m i n e r s , e t c ., tnak«» yo u r In q u irie s s p e c ific
and « e n d them to I H C S e r v ic e B u rea u . H a rv e s te r
M r. and M rs. F. S Longacr**
ca m e up fr o m R iddle the fir s t o f
th e w eek , w h ere th ey h ave been
s te p p in g w ith th eir d a u g h ter,
M rs. J. W . W elch , sin ce r e tu rn in g
fr o m a y ea rs viait at S h a n gh a i,
E5cThey w ill sp en d a fe w
d% vs in S ilv erton iuid then g o fo
t h e i r (arm at J»>ft‘ an ion . retn rn -
b e r e a t o n t th e first o f O ctober.
T h » ir m a n y fr ie n d s are pleased
to see them again and to k now
that th ev h ave beer» e n jo y in g life.
— S ilv erton A p p ea l.
Now and again you tee two women past­
ing down the street who look like sisters.
You are astonished to learn that they are
mother and daughter, and you realize that
a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
ai her finest and lairest. Why isn't it so?
The general health of woman is so in­
timately associated with the local health
of the essentially feminine organs that
there can be no red cheeks and round
form where there is female weakness.
Women who have suffered from
this trouble have found prompt
re^cf and cure in the use o f Dr.
Pie.ce** Favorite Prescription. It gives vigor and vitality to tb©
organs of womanhood. It clears the complexion, brightens tbs
eyes and redden* the checks.
No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in “ Favorite Prescription.'*
Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free Every letter is
held as sacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address:
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Piei^e. Pres.. Buffalo N Y.
Biielah Donai», .
Alma Mitchell
A tt orney . a t - L a w
DR. B. E. N E V E L
Veterinary Surgeon
tili M ain S thkkt
Phone 20
F. B U T L E R
O fficB o v e r F u lle r P h a r m a c y , D a lla * .
O ffic e H o u r * : H t o 1 2 .A. M .
1 t o 5 P. M.
A ll k in d * of D e n ta l w o rk d o n e a t
r tn tb o n a b le p r i c e » .
f MRS.
W. C. Sunderland, of Black Rock,
visited at H. F. Douglas’ Sunday.
J. M. Card made a business trip to
Falls City Saturday.
Jerry Morris, of Bridgeport, was a
Dallas visitor Monday.
F. M. NoMe, of Hoquiam, was a Dal­
las visitor Tuesday.
Miles Davis and daughter, of Si m-
mitt, were Dallas visitors over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Selig, of Falls City,
were Dallas visitors the first of the
Miss Fred Cummins, of Corvallis, s
visiting friends in Dallas.
Mrs. Tom Hill returned home from
Portland Saturday. She was accom­
panied by her son, Arthur.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Blessing went to
Newberg Sunday to visit their daugh­
Sharp Decker left Saturday for h's
home in Cookport, Pa.
Mrs. Will Hinshaw, of Falls City,
visited friends in Dallas Wednesday.
Gordon H. Wood, of Nebraska, is in
Dallas looking for a location.
Miss Merl Hall is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Victor Bsllentyne, of Adney, Wn.
Studio: 712 Oak St., Dallas, Oregon j
Greater productiveness of tree»
—larger, cleaner, and finer fruit
—more money. Isn’t that fruit
growers’ reasoning? Nothing
will contribute to this end more
than effective spraying. And
Effective Spraying can best be
attained with
Rerlv to W. Bcstwick. Mervln. Sask
"W ill you *end me a riesrrlption of
how to iua’ e a S-hoise anil also a 5-
ho"se e\oner?”
The illustration shows the 3-horse
©ven6t* In combination with the 5-
horse. The dimensions, however, from
the center hole fo the outside holes
are given, also the length of the single-
trees. You will note that the evener
Is seventy-five Inches long, and the
main hole is thirty Inches from
one end and forty-five Inches from the
other. Tc> make a 6-horse evener the
portion "A ” will have to he ninety
inches long from outside hole to out-
a R
:• v
A five-horae evener.
side hole. The main bole would then
need to he In the center. This Is
making an evener so as to drive
fix horses abreast. If you are plan­
ning on using two or three horses In
the lead, a different arrangement will
huve to be made.
fhamlrarlaia’s Cough Remedy
C u m CoLls, Croup »tW U ¡.tVipiny Cough. 9
The amount of centrifugal force
exerted outward from the center on
tiie milk in a separator bowl Is deter­
mined hv the speed and diameter of
the howl. As the diameter of the
bowl is decreased the speed at which
it is revolved must be Increased or
there will be a loss of centrifugal
This can also be illustrated by
swinging a ball attached to tlie end of
a string in a circle The greater the
length of tiie string, the greater the
puli exerted. As tiie string is short­
ened, It will he noticed that the puli
It exerts decreases unless tiie speed at
which it Is whirled is Increased.
Therefore, in a howl, which hasacom-
paratlvely large diameter, tiie maxi­
mum centrifugal force is secured
without running tiie howl at an ex­
cessively high rate of speed This
means greater durability liecause it
reduces the strain upon lh« operating
Cantrifugal force is what causet
separation in all cream separatoi
bowls, hut there are several conditions
which slTect the thoroughness of its
work. T^e first separator bowls madt
were hollow ami centrifugal force war
requires! to act upon the milk ea
masse It was necessary tiiat these
bowls be revolved at an excessively
high rate of speed to Insure so indent
centrifugal force being developed to
force the milk solids, oilier than but­
ter fat, through tiie thick wall of milk
to the outer edge of tiie bowl. Fur­
thermore, the results weiu uncertain.
2 0 % re
It will p
on 1
Bean Magic
Spray Pumps
Effective s p r a y i n g means
High Pressure Spraying and j
till the advent of the Bean
Magics a high pressure could not j
be maintained with a hand pump 1
for any length o f time,on account
of the b o d y - r a c k i n g effort
needed to operate it. The Bean
patent spring divides the work
between the two strokes of the
handle and works against only
one-half the pressure shown on
the gauge and saves exactly
one-third the labor.
long service It must contain the high­
est quality of material and workman­
ship and he designed to accomplish a
thorough separation of cream and skim
| milk without tearing itself to pieces.
Spiral cut gears are now used in the
I best separators because they run
smoothly and prevent jarring, loose or K R ej. C. P. Gates returned home from
unsteady motion, or back-lasli. They Portland the first of the week.
do tliis because they have four teeth
H. F. Douglas made a business tr p
We have these pnmps in
in mesh where spur cut gears have to Airi e Friday.
F or particu lars, ad dress or call on
atoch and will ha pleased te
one tooth in mesh at a time. The
Mr. and Mrs. Hinman visited Q-ierds
show them. Weceneetrec-
slightest jarring or unsteady motion
them tee atreafly.
in ttieg ears will he transmitted to tiie in Monmouth Sunday.
Mis i Velma Milled of Falls City, w; s
bowl and will cause it to vibrate and
A ir lie , O r e g o n
do poor work. Hence, tiie value of a Dallas visitor Wednesday.
smooth-running spiral gears can easily
Mrs. Walter Fuller went to Newport
be appreciated.
D allas, Ore.
The quality of material U9ed In
Char'.e i Nichols returned home from I
making the gears will materially affect Monroe, Wash.
the amount of wear they will stand.
The K. L. C. E. of all the churches
Tough, close-grained iron is the best
material for this purpose as it wears in town are invited to meet at the park
on Sunday evening at 6:45. Dr. Mc-
smoothly and does not grind or cut.
Nichols will lead.
The shafts, spindles, and frame of a
separator are among the most expen­
A im a M itc h e ll.
You are Shown the Way Out.
sive parts of tiie machine and should
T rade M a r x ©
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hutchins and
D e s ig n s
be protected from wear as much as child, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett and
o p y r ig h t s A c .
There cun lie no just reason why any
possible. In tiie better grade of cream baby have gone camping.
Anvono «ending a «ketch mid description may
separators, phosphor bronze bustlings
invention is probably p intentnhle.
Mr. and Mrs. Oran Kearns visited in tortures of ari aching back, the annoy­
are used to protect tiie frame and
li o n s hi r ie l ly c o n fid e n t Ini.
Salem this week.
ance of urinary di8«»rdi.*r8. the dangers
sent freo. Oldest agency y for securing i patents.
operating mechanism This is a very
Paient« ______
taken through
Munti A
A Ct
Co. receive
____gh Munii
»pedal notice, without c harge. In the
Mrs. C. P. Mitchell and daughter, of serioiin kidney ills when reiief is so
smooth, fine-grained metal which does
near at hand and the most positive
not cut the parts moving in it. It is Mrs. Davis, have gone to Newport to proof given that these ills can be cured
slightly softer than tiie steel shafts visit friends.
The following is convincing proof.
A handsomely lUuntrntcd weekly. I.nrcest cir­
and spindles which move in it, and
o f nny scienllllc
Mrs. Ollie Chase, of Black Rock, was
F. A. Sutton, llovt and West Sts., 8a
-- . f:i a
yenr _ : . (our
months, %L 0 ^ 4 l b bJ-
y a l l n e w s d e a le r s .
consequently bears the burden of wear. a Dallas visitor Wednesday.
lem,. Ore., says: “ For ten or twelve
Herein lies Its value as tiie bushings
Mrs. Jessie Moyer, of Falls City, is years kidney trouble was the plague of
Brauch Office. 635 F BL, Washington. D. C.
uiy life. I suffeied intensely from pain
can be replaced at a very small cost a Dallas visitor this week.
in the small of my hack and was often
whereas it would be a considerable
unable to move. I doctored and tried a
expense to replace the shafts, spindles,
iting in Amity this week.
i timber of remedies but to no avail,
and frame.
I was in a bad way when I used
Fred Pierce went to Portland Satur­
The bowl spindle or neck bearing of
Doans Kidney Pills. Tliej benefited
a-separator is one of tiie features a day.
Railroad street, 1 »alias.
me at orfee and after I bail taken the
farmer should carefully investigate.
Mr. Kraber, of Washington, is visit­ contents of three boxes. I was free from
The purpose of this bearing is to keep ing Mr. Alsip and family.
every symptom of kidney complaint.
the bowl properly centered and to pre­
My health is now of the best and for
Mrs. Gleason and babies, of Salem, that
reason I cannot recommend Doan’»
‘ ‘ Lent We Forget."
vent shocks or vibrations from being visited friends here Sunday.
Kidney Pills too highly.” (Statement
transmitted to the bowl from the
gears. This bearing tb be satisfactory
must be strong, simple, and free from iting in Dallas.
On November 22, 19)9 Mr. Sutton
the necessity of difficult adjustments.
Mrs. Clara Seifarth, of Portland, is
his former statement saying:
The fewer parts the bearing has the visiting her mother, Mrs. Dimmick.
‘ I willingly leiterateall I have previous­
better, providing, tiie parts are prop
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, of Salem, mov­ ly said in favor of Doan’s Kidney Pills.
erly made.
ed to Dallas Monday.
This remedy cured me three years ago
Kvery farmer naturally wants s sep­
Clark Wright, of Portland, is visit­ and I have had no return attack of kid­
arator that is easy to turn, liy all ing at the Pierce home.
ney trouble.”
mean a separator should be easy to
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milbtirn Co.,
operate, and many of them are, but
New York, sole agents for the United
unfortunately for the purchaser this
Mr. Rhude and Sam Mills are visiting
quality is often secured by building
Remember the name— Doan’s—and
the machine ligh t— by sacrificing in Salem this week.
take no other.
durability. It la poor hnsines* sense
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stockwell have
to buy a light, ftimsiiy constructed moved into their new home in south­
separator simply liecause it Is easy to east Dallas.
turn. Such aseparator will not stand
H. P. Shrivel- goes to Hillsboro Fri­
up under the work for a long enough day and Saturday joins R. D. Jennings
In the C ircuit C ourt o f the. State o f O regon
period to be a profitable Investment. on a fishing trip to Tillamook.
for Polk c o u n ty . D epartm ent No, 2.
Milk as It conies from thscow is one
Mrs. H. P. Shriver has been laid up Irene C hiimvmi ), plain tiff
of the purest articles of food, but it is
vith rheumatism in her back.
Frank C auavan, defen dan t. )
also very easily contaminated There­
fore the separator bowl must lie kept
Mrs. A. E. Snyder, o f Bryan, Ohio, T o Frank C anavan, the a b ove nam ed defen d
In a clean, sanitary condition. Don't have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry | a n t :
|N I he nam e o f the state o f O regon : Y ou are j
judge the easy-cleaning qualities of Woods.
• hereby required to appear and answ er the
a separator by tiie number of pieces
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Viers, of Chica­ com pla in t filed against you in the a bove e n ­
court and suit w ithin six w eeks from
the bowl contains. What is infinitely go, visited his sister, Mrs. Harry Wood, titled
the date o f the first p u b lica tion o f this sum ­
more Important is the construction of this week.
m ons, to w it: On or before Septem ber 12, MM2,
and If you tail to answ er for w ant thereof.
the parts. A plalu. smooth surface is
Ihe plain tiff w ill apply for the relief dem a n d ­
easily cleaned, whereas, intricate crev­
ed in said com p la in t, tow it: For a decree dis
solvin g am! a n n u llin g the m u rn a ge contract
ices and corners are hard to get at and
Call For Buis.
and heretofore existing: betw een the
will often be improperly cleaned
plaintiff and d e fe n d a n t: that plain tiff m ay be j
allow ed to resum e her m aiden nam e o f Irene
In »electing a separator do not be
SALED FIDS will b . ra n iv n ) by th* hoard of lla a cr ; and for sueh oth er and furth er t e lie f |
misled by th» price. Those w ho try ers
directors of School District No. 3. Polk coun­ as to the court seems equitable.
to sell » nisrhine »nd use as their ty. for the erection of a aehoolhouse at Sir.ithfieid ! This s'linm otis by an order o f 'h e H on orable '
Ed. F. Toad, cou n ty ju d g e ot p olk C ou nty, j
strongest argument Its low price, oiieu in said district. AH bids must be in the hands o f j O
regon, m ade at eham hers at Dallas. O re g o n .;
clerk of said district at 6 p. m.. August 13.
use this argument because they hatu the
1912. Bids to be opened by board at 2 p. m.. A ug- j on July 25». 1912. is served upon you by j uM iea- .
thereof, not less than once a week for six j
no other. Tiie man who is selling I’ w- | ust 1«. 1912 at the residence o f clerk. Plans and I con n secu
tive anil sticeessive weeks im m ed ia tely .
at county school superintendent’s j
priced machines is making just as specifications
For Sale by
office in Dalles and at residence of clerk in said j prior toSeptem l»er 12. 1912. In th r Polk Conn- ;
week I v new spaper o f general 1
much profit as the man who sells a district. Boerd reserves the right to reject any \ ctrru latiou dn a said
Polk County. O regon.
high grade machine at a slight ly higher
First p u b lllfied A lign s' 1. 15»i?,
R 1
C krk
price. The Hille reue» U tu Ute quality Date 1 u r u it S. 1912
A ttorneys for Plaintiff.
oí th» macinilo.
Roosters Caponized
Have Yeur Yci ng
Results Guaranteed
F. TA. S H U C K
New York
Tha dairy maid « fricad
Household Co
Men’s Red Ha
Men’s Blue Hi
Men’s White 1
Thread, 6 spo<
Talcom Powd<
Oil Cloth Bibs
Perfect Waist
Arm Bands
Men’s Hose
Window Shad
Suspender Bu
Shoe Laces, b
Curtain Rods
Perforated La
Razor Strop
Wire Hair Bri
Horn Combs
Flour Sifter
Hat Pins, 1 d<
R o o m 8 , U g lo w B ld g .
G. L. H A W K I N S
T b t interior of a m odern separator bow l
C E O . F. S K I F F
B e u la h D o ig 'a v.
Miss Flora McCallon visited friei ds j
in Falls City over Sunday.
H. G. Campbell went to Portland
T e le p h o n e 5 0 2
Motor or Horse-Driven
International Harvester Company of America
Not Sisters
This hank is pleased to place I il j
imposai of its customers the families
gained during many years of contium rs
service and growth.
Scientific American.
International Hay Press
T h e In ternation al m o to r press is a com bin a­
tion o f tw o m ach in es in on e, a hay press and
a portable I H C en gin e for w hich y ou will
find m any oth er uses. T h e hay press works
on the pow erfu l tog g le-join t prin ciple, the
pow er bein g ap p lied through a pull, not a push.
An adjustable bale ten sion assures bales o f
uniform w eigh t. A roller tucker folds the loose
ends o f each ch a rge well dow n in to the bale,
keepin g it sm ooth and neat. T h e hale ch a m ber
is so low that hales can be tied by reachin g
ov e r the m achine.
T h e I H C pu ll-pow er press, made in o n e and
tw o-h orse sizes, is a similar press w ith a bed
reach and horse p ow er m echanism in pla ce o f
the I H C, engine. 'The reach is on ly fou r
in ch es high, m aking it easy for the h orses to
rte p ov er.
T h e h orses are pulling n o load
w hen th ey cross the rtach.
A self feeder is m ade for both the m o to r and
h o rs e -d riv e n presses.
Hale c h a m b e r s are
I 4 x i s " , l b x l 8 and 17 x 22” in size. S ee the
I H C loca l dealer and have him sh ow you
all about I H C hay presses, (je t catalogues
and full in form ation from him, o r write us.
Spiral gears of a cream separator
w w w w w w w w s w a w w w vw w v w w v w w w w w v e
R. C. Craven, I. N. V\n.«|. M. M. Ellin
V' . G. Vassal!. U. K Williams,
il. il. McCallon, F. J. Craven.
— Granite
Delightful Beverage
A Safe Stimulant
1 Good Medicine
f © C h i n e
Blue an
© • « © © « « « €