Mrs. H. O. Hibbard. Miss Beatch Huebner. Mr. Fred Scott. Mrs. Mabel Yeaum. C. G. COAD, Postmaster LETTER LIST. Good Service Counts The following letters remained ~ uncalled for in the Dallas post- office Tuesday: Mr. E. D. Baldwin. Ruby won’ t suffer live m inute, with = Mr. Joseph E. Boyd. * croup if you apply Or. T h om ».’ Klectric Mrs. Ida M. Giebrer. 1 O il a t o n c e . It acta lik e m a g ic. in Groceries as well as anything else We have the Clerks and the Goods SIMONTON & SCOTT South o f the Court House, Dallas GASTORIA F or^ In fentejan d ^ C hU d re^ O L D C O N T IN E N T A L The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of It reaches the spot and satisfies as no other Whiskey can. Pure, Delicate, Rich and invigorating Sold by C H A S . N. B I L Y E U DON’T! Be Caught Napping Now is the Time, To Buy Low Shoes For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA Y o u r s fo r B usiness DALLAS SHOE STORE Phone 5J3 M RS. J. C. G A Y N O R , Proprietor E xa ct C o p y o f W rap p er. T H I CKNTAUR C O M PA N Y . N S W YO R K CITY. ******** i The DALLAS TRANSFER D ALLA S, O REG O N PHONE and S T A N D at W. R. ELLIS’ CONFECTIONERY All Kinds of Hauling Done Well and Promptly Special Attention Given to Commercial Men S H A W & M U S C O T T , Proprietors BELL PHONE 64 M U T U A L PHONE 24 Good Ventilators T h e popularity of better class restaurants, dining rooms and cafes is largely due to the use of in the home-sink, toilet, bath­ tub-should be flushed once a week with hot water and Babbitt's L y e. which effectively keep them free from kitchen odors. phere; often saves plumbing bills and prevents sickness. A mere disinfectant destroys only the odor while the dirt and grease remain. Th ey are indispensable for the satisfactory ventila­ tion of kitchens, lavatories and laboratories. T h ey can also be advantageously used in paint shops, furriers’ shops, and other manufacturing and industrial establish­ ments handling materials giving off disagreeable odors or dangerous gases. Babbitt’s Lye dissolves the filth and removes the cause of bad odors ^ and disease germs. The Babb tt Pry-ofT-lop Can keeps the Lye good until used. ft'&W — ----- ~------- Trad--mark* from all Babbitt Cleansing Pro- duct« are good tot valuable premium«. ^ Y ou will find it profitable to inspect our stock of exhaust fans, before the hot weather sets in. Babbitt’s Best Soap White Floating Soap Naptha Soap F O R S A L S BY Oregon Power Com pany V* PU RE PURE LY E i ! HOUIM STRENGTH rftUfltiStJfttJfltiStril iff. tfX At At AtAtifltAtAl.—. ? Í Murray’s Industrial Paints is « <= « Babbitt’sCleanser CON CEN TRATED 60S Court Street Telephone 24 This little attention means cleanliness, purity o f atmos­ These fans not only carry off all odors, but also attract into the vortex formed by their powerful air currents all particles of dust floating in the air, and banish them to the outer atmosphere. 1!. Write fo t fro* booklet tolling nttdt and u j.s • / Ly*. Addreu: B. T . BABBITT. INC.. Bo. 1776 New Y.»k Car it it Ü it * ìt a J August at the Beaches it Are the Best and Most Dura- able for Barns, Roofs, Out­ buildings, etc. Look at this price and order while it is down. « <§ * 1 « For one gallon $ 1 .2 5 In 5 gallon cans, per gal. $1.20 W e are Clearing Out all Figured Pattern» in V a it a a a a a Ü a a » it h a h a a it 1 DUNGAN BROTHERS a it 508 Washington Street, Dallas, Oregon a v v w v v w 'd w v v w wr w Excellent train Nehalem, service. Bayocean, round-trip fares. Beaches. Season Special week-end and Sunday fares. y y y y y v v Sen«! for illn-traterl booklet, about the Oreiron resort, ami our aperial foMer un “ Vacation l)aya in Oregon.” It tell* all about tbe beaches, spring., mountain resorts, etc. Csll rn nearest agent for information relative to fares, literature, etc., or a a r a n ir w w v G O V IA T H E Tillamook Co. T H U R SD A Y . A U G U S T 8, 1912 Funds Now Available For Carnegie Library. Many Bills. The La Creole Fi We recently made a visit to the La Creole farm, W. O. Mor­ row, proprietor. We found Mr. Morrow deep in the baying and hardly time to talk, although busy, yet he found time to show us the best field o f corn we have seen this year in the w est This corn was just sixty days from planting and showed a remark­ able growth. There are ten acres o f it and it ia very even through the field. This corn is known as Pride o f the North and is a yellow dent. He uses it for sileage and doubtless will have a great crop o f it for this purpose. We also found a very heavy field o f flax which Mr. Morrow is growing and will use the seed in­ stead o f oil cake for his dairy cattle. We found his herd o f Jerseys in the pink o f condition and Morrow’ s Select turning out a fine flow o f rich milk. She had been on test from September 1, 1911, and up to July 16th, when we were there, had made 705.88 pounds o f 85 per cent butter. This cow is one that is repro­ ducing her good qualities in her daughters. One o f her heifers, with the first calf, produced in 147 days, 487 pounds o f butter fat. This was La Creole carna­ tion. Another La Creole Select Tose made 363 pounds o f butter- in 216 days. Mr. Morrow now has a number of his cows under official test, having just had eight of them passed into the A A class. There are now in his herd about 50 head, a fine lot of heif­ ers and a few bulls. We found the young bull Oxford, “ You’ ll d o.” in fine condition and will be shown on the circuit this fall. - Agriculturist. The city council met in regular session last Monday evening with Mayor Craven in the chair and V. P . FISKC. all the officers and members pres­ ent. The new constitution and by­ Itemizer,one year in advance ............................................... f ] 5b With Weekly Oregonian or Semi-weekly Journal.............. 2 00 laws o f the fire department was With Ooat Si agazine ................................................... 1 50 presented and referred to the fire and water committee. The matter o f water in the 1 Office: No. 506 Main St. Grand theatre was referred to the building co nm ttee with power to act. A letter wa3 received from An­ /'attonite One Another for the Upbuilding ol Town and County. drew Carnegie’ s financial secre­ tary stating that funds for the $10,000 librnry building at Dallas THE MENACE OF THE FLY. were now available, and stating that payments would be made in sums of $2000 or $3000 upon ar­ Every year there goes up a great hue and cry about chitect’s certificates as to the “ «watting the fly.” But the truth remains that there progress of the work. are more flies this year than last, and there were more Claims allowed: Dallas garage, labor.......... 5.50 last year than the one b.efore. Oregon Power C o............,.177.75 A friend o f the writer offered recently what he claim­ Street labor____ _________ 232.90 ed to be a solution o f the fly problem. He says the on­ P S Greenwood, services.. 40.00 ly way to get rid o f flies is for every person to wage A Bowman, wood________ 32.00 Dallas Wood & Coal yards. 2.00 personal and persistent warfare against these insects. Craven Bros., sundries___ 37.12 He says, for example, one afternoon he took two Jones & Flagg, surveying. 12.00 sheets o f tanglefoot fly paper and placed them beside a Chas Gregory, salary____ 72.20 F H Morrison, services___ 8.00 pile o f fresh peach peelings. In two hours more than J H Frakes, moving_____ 85.00 900flies (by actual count had been caught.) One can Observer, p rin tin g ............ 123.60 hardly imagine what a swarm these 900 would have pro­ W L Tooze, salary_______ 20.00 duced in the course o f another generation. VV. G. Vassall, fees______ 127.78 Dallas L & L C o_________ 25.65 It does no good for a few to strike at the fly. What Itemizer, p r in tin g ............ 7.02 it will take to eradicate this evil is for everyone to join Portland Abstract, printing 1.25 the army. The fly is one o f the most dangerous insects S F C & W R R . ............ . 1.54 E M Smith, recording___ 1.75 known. It carries infectious diseases and filth where- Dallas L L & L Co______ 7.90 ever it goes. In the name o f self preservation and hu­ Itemizer, printing_________37.60 manity the people o f this county should not stop until J C Hay ter. record b ook .. 2.00 the fly is a thing of the past. Some will say this cannot Star Transfer..................... 4.26 The first edition of the Inde­ Dallas Transfer______ J .. .50 pendence Monitor is at hand, ed­ be done. Today England does not know what a fly is. Dallas Planing Mills_____ 17.15 The warfare there has been completely successful. Let ited by G. A. Hurlev. an old Polk Fire department, salaries. 30.00 county boy. Mr, Hurley surely the North Amsrican continent do likewise. Aetna Fire Insurance C o ..100.00 got out a fine initial number, and Dallas Iron W orks.............. 16.58 one that the town should be proud Quarry labor for July____ 828.94 We heard it remarked the other day that genuine bar­ of and gladly support. Ralph Adams, hauling___ 892.10 gains in land were hard to find in this vicinity. In or­ John Olin, cement cu rbs..110.30 der to test the veracity o f this statement the Itemizer Administratrix Sale. Star Transfer Co................ 1.15 Dennis & Christiansen....114.23 will in its colums next week give every real estate deal­ An ordinance providing for the VO TICE is hereby given that by virtue o f and in er in the county an opportunity to advertise free of pursuance to an order o f the County court o f straightening o f Court street be State o f Oregon, for Polk county, sitting: in pro­ charge what he considers the best bargain in land he bate. and entered o f record in said court on tween Jefferson and Lyle was the 3rd made day o f August. 19 12 . in the matter o f the has listed. Describe the place, state terms, etc., sign estate o f John Alb r ¡, deceased, directin'* the un­ read first time. as administratrix o f said estate to sell An ordinance providing for the dersigned the real property o f said estate, hereinafter des­ your name and we will publish the same free o f charge at private sale, for cash, in the manner raising o f bonds for the Ash cribed, prescribed by law, the undersipmed as such ad­ for one issue. The only restriction we place on the o f­ street sewer was read second ministratrix. will, from and after Saturday Sep­ tember 7. 1 3 1 2 . at the hour o f ten o ’clock a. m. of fer is that you have the “ copy” in this office by Monday time and passed. said day. at tho law office o f Brown A Sibley, at Dallas. Polk County. Oregon, procejd to sell the A representative o f a safe com­ said neon, so that we will not be delayed by the publishing property, and all thereof, at private sale. for cash in hand on day o f sale, in accordance with pany appeared before the coun­ o f the same. We consider nearly all real estate offered the said order and in the manner prescribed by cil with a proposition to put in a law. subject to confirmation by said County Court, a good buy, but every real estate dealer has something real property being; particularly described as safe for the keeping o f the city’ s said follows, to wit: he thinks is extra good, and he, now has the chance to records. On motion o f Goad the Lot No.’« 7 and 8 in Block No. 1 in Baker’s addi­ to Independence, in Polk County, Oregon. proposition was not accepted, tion Dated this 8th day o f August, 1912. tell of it free o f charge. AUGUSTA ALBERS. owing to a contemplated remod­ Administratrix o f the Estate o f John Albers, deceased. eling of the present building. A SIBLEY. Although small fires are becoming numerous, green On motion o f Goad the ordi­ BROWN* A tty’ s. for estate. nance committee was instruct­ timber is not dry enough to carry them unless strong ed to bring in an ordinance wind prevails and the patrol forces are handling them governing the speed and travel promptly. The season has been favorable for disposing o f automobiles. Certain catch basins were or­ o f dangerous slashings and never before has there been dered fixed. such system and success in extinguishing smouldering On motion o f Coad Nightwatch logs and snags left after burning to become a menace Grant was empowered to collect liter. On the other hand, the growth o f grass aud un­ the occupation tax, the marshal «kfaw i, S cott’a Emulsion having too many other duties to der brush has been so heavy as to threaten peculiar increiMi the appetite aad baiMe perform. danger ir o n now on. Marked improvement in care strength rapidly- Iti wonderful On motion o f Coad the marshal with fire is reported, although there is considerable com­ was instructed to notify Mrs. aient* »atare ia Fellows to keep within her own plaint against careless leaving o f debris by county road . A U D ru g fia ta . sewer district. Ou motion of Scott ft Bower. Bloomfield N J builders and against the operations of'small and irres- Coad the building committee o f sponsible loggers. the library were authorized to connect the city hall property As is well krown the democratic party is without fi- with the sewer. The same com­ Special Offer. mittee were also authorized to ra ices for the co nducting of a presidential campaign. locate a driveway on Court street Correspondence Cards Steel Tainted monev, o f whatever nature, has been refused for the city property, by our candidate and his advisers, and securing o f the Ayres advocated the bringing Die Stamped. Some people pre­ sinews o f war left to voluntary contributions from the in ofan ordinance prohibiting in­ fer correspondence cards to cor discriminate bill posting on fen­ respondence paper. Here is a people who wish to see the right triumph, and a good ces,barns, etc,, in other words to chance to get them at a bargain. man tlected. The Itemizer has been named as a repos­ make our city beautiful in this itory for contributions, and those who desire to help respect as well as others, and not Wo will furnish one box (24 [allow Kit Carson’ s diversions, cards and 24envelopes to match) can leave their dollars or dimes at this office and have etc. to stare everv passerby in o f Highland Linen, stamped in them forwarded to the proper quarters. the face for months to come. He any single initial in gold for 75 also brought up the stiring of If any lonesome men are lojking for helpmites, they large quantities o f fuel oil. The cents. might be able to fin i their f ita by writing M iyor George city attorney was instructed to look into both propositions. Cotterill, o f Seattle. He has on file the letters o f two eligibles living in Oregin w in want husbands “ large Prohibition M.'eling. well built, and as near physical perfection as possible’ . ’ Í ’PHONES'. MUTUAL] Änoe.1,13 ni'oTiiiùîioii on Poultry Wnile th e mayor is not running a matrimonial bureau, he is still a strong advocate o f domesticity and chival­ rous enough to be willing t > help the wo.nen should any­ one app y. Both o f them are under 35. One is a wid­ ow, the ith er a spinster. A great scarcity o f labor is announce! for all over the northwest, and the supply will be more limited as fall comes on with the added labor o f that season. Yet you can see hundreds o f men today walking the streets o f the metropolis, an i claiming that times are bad and they can get nothing to do. The customary presidential year business scare does not seem to be developing this time. It is generally conceded that vVilson will be elected, and with a safe conservative m ai in the White House, all seem willing to trust to the future with no dismay. It was Secretary Olney, o f the Cleveland administra­ tion that specially laid down to all nations the purpose o f the Monroe doctrine, and no nation will be found fool­ ish enough to get any other construction plated on its meaning. it it* Wall Paper. The beach season in in full awing. Go while the crowds go. Enjoy the cool hreezt-a new, while the heat ia ao unpleasant inland. Bathing, boatinur, hill climbing, fitting, hike« over delightful trails. Oregon beaches better pre|ntred than ever liefore to care for the crowds. Plenty of accomodations. Lots of fun. The water is fine! Newport, Admitted to the second class ol mail matter. COUNCIL MEETING. AFTER ANY Every drain pipe G - E Electric Exhaust Fans i THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon Candidates are now laying low and not having much to say, laying their wires and getting thoroughly ready for the active campaign that will begin with them about September 1st. Send your eastern friend or relative the Itemizer for four months for 26 cents, and see if it does not give him a longing to be one o f us. The Prohibition club meeting was held at the home o f D. G. I Rempel August 2. j The temporary organization of the “ Out to Win” Prohibition i club was made permanent. The officers o f the club are, President, C. P. Gates; Vice president, H. It. Holman; Secre­ tary, Dr. D. C. Rempel ¡ Treasur­ er, H. H. Dunkleberger; report­ er, A. G. Rempel. It was decided to appoint a committee of three to canvass the city for club members. This committee will be appointed at ; the next meeting. After the business o f the club was finished, a social hour was enjoyed during which Miss Eliza­ beth Freisen favored the club with a solo, after which the host­ ess, Mrs. I). C. Rempel, and a few lady friends served those in attendance with ice cream and candy. The next meeting will be held in the Sunday school room o f the Evangelical church, Friday, August 10th at 8 o ’clock. Sam Smithson, who is well known by our people here, left Tuesday for his old home in Win­ chester. Scott county, lllonois, where he will spend some time visiting with his sister, whom he has not seen for 40 years. Sam has a host o f friends here who wish him a safe and pleasant journey.—Amity Times. Alm tr» Rebekab Lodge. No. 26 Meet« on the First and Thin! Wednesday« of each ***ontl» in the Odd Fellow» H-%11. A it a S avage , N oble Grand O ka C ohpkh , Secretary Mistletoe Circle, No. 23, Women of Woodcraft Meet» on the Second and Fourth W ednes­ day« of each month at the Woodman Mali. K m m J > mt . Ou-irdim Neighbor S adie L ynm . C lerk Dallas Assembly, No. 46 United A rtisans Meet» F in d anti Third Monday Kveningsnf each month in W oodman Hall. Visiting; member* cordially invited. Mr». J. K. M ilt er . Maeter Arti»*n W il l Ml S im on tov , S e e r U ry Dallas Camp, No. ?0 6 Woodmen of tbe World Meet« every Tuesday at Woodman Hall, coiner of Wa*hiii?toM aud Jetfereoii Street«. Visiting Neighbor» welcomed. T r act S taath , C oimu I Commander W . A . A trim , Clerk A. F. 4 A. M. Jennings Lodge. No. 9 Meet» Second and Fourth Friday« o f each month in Manomc hall on Mai*» »tree*. Via- itiug brethren weiemue. W . L. S oehrew . W M. W alter S. M n a , •eoretary