Delinquent Tax List, 1911. 8. R 4 W. A sec. 13. tp. 6 8. R 3 W 312 acres. Also beg. 7 chs. E. A 62 Iks. X. 35* 44 * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * + * * * * % ♦ A * ★ % qf. % * * + 44 * * %■» W of N. K cor. of sec. 27; N. 8 5 J W. 12.»5 This advertised list of delinquent taxes for chs ; N 20“ W 12.27 chs., N 5* W 3 82 In the C ircuit Court o f the state of Oregon the year 1911 i* in pursuance of an act of chs.; N. 6° 30' K. 14 42 ch*. E. 43 65 ch *.; for Polk County. Department No. *2. tne state legi-dsture, which ia embodied iu 8. 35 ch* ; W. 20 ch*. ; 8. 40* W 5 88 chs ; Chapter 275 of the General Laws of the 1911 W. to p. o. b . secs. 22 k 23. tp. 6 8. R. 4 Clear V iew Orchard Company, a -s Session. corporation, plaintifT >■ W. 157 acres Tax $299.25. VS The taxes on the follow ing advertised real Kimsey, Leila L.— All ef block 6, Saling’ s property became delinquent on April 1, 5 C. O. A nd rew », deceased, the un­ Tax $13.11. known heirs o f C. <•. Andrews, de­ o'clock P. M., 1912, and are subject to a Add. BelUton King, L. M.— Beg. at 8. E. cor. of see. 12; ceased, and Mrs. R. G. Andrews penalty of 10 per cent and interest at the and a ll oth er persons or p a r ies un­ rite of 12 per cent per annum until they W. 20 ch*. ; N. 36° K 16.99 ch.. ; 8. 3 50 chs. ; E. It) chs. ; 8. 10 chs. to p. o. b., sec. known claim in g any right, title or shall have been paid. estate, lien nr interest in the real Any day after the expiration of six months, 12, tp. 7 H. R. 6 TV'. 16 acres. Tax $3.65 Krebs. Gertrude A Harry— Lots 10, 11 A estate describe I in the com plaint ) after the taxes charged against the following h rein, delendaul*. real property are delinquent, the Sheriff is 12. block A. 1st Add. Kalis City. Tax $9.67 Madison. D. A.— Beg. 30 feet N. of 8. K. T o C. G. Andrews, the unknown heirs o f C. O. authorized, upon demand of any person mak Andrews, and Mrs. R. C. Andrews and all ing application, to issue to them, a c ertifi­ cor. of block 9. Dallas; N. 30 feet; W. $5 other persons or parties unknown claim ing cate o! delinquency upon the payment of the feet; 8. 30 feet; K. | foot; 8. 30 feet; E. 9 feet; N. 30 feet; E. 75 feet to p. o. b. any right title estate lie n o r interest in the taxes, penalty, interest and cost of adver (part of lot 8, block 9. Dallas). Tax $65.50. * - real estate described in thecoiuplaiut herein, tising. defendants. Major. 0. O.— Lot 5. block 16. Talmage. Certificates o f delinquency shall bear in­ * N the name o f the state o f Oregon- You are terest from the date of issue until redeemed Tax $0.53. I required to appear and answer the com­ at the rate of 15 per cent per annum. Mansion. W. H. F A M — Beg. 60 ft. 8. plaint filed against yon in the above entitled Adams, II. J., F. A. Koenn, Agt.— Beg. at of 8. E. cor. of block 1. Sites Add. to suit w ithin six w ees* from the date of the first 8. W. cor. of Purviue tract on «enter line of Dallas. 8. 332 ft.; K 06 ft.; N 332 ft.; W. publication • i this summons, which said date sec. 18; H 25.75 rh*. ; 8 87° 30' E. 1.25 66 ft. to p. o. b., also beg. 60 ft. 8. of S. E. Is the 27tb t’ ay .»f June, 1912, and if you fail to chs.; N. 15 chs.; E. 6.66 eh.*.; N. 10.25 chs.; cor. of blk. 2, Hites Add. to Dallas, 8. 332 answer for w ant thereof the plain tiff w ill ap­ W. 7.91 chs. to p. o. b. Also beg at N. W. f t . ; E. 66 ft. ; N. 332 f t . ; W. 66 ft. to p. o. p ly to the court for a judgm ent and decree cor. of N. E. quarter of sec. 18; 8. 25 chs.; h Dallas. Tax $6 84. against you as prayed for in the complaint, E. 15 chs.; N. 25 chs.; W. 15 chs. to p. o. b. Marietta Realty C o.—8. »4 «1 8 E. Vi of to w it! Also beg. 60 Iks. N. of 8. E. cor. of 11. Eng­ aec. 20. tp. 9 8. R. 8 W.. 80 acres; N. Vi of 1. Th at p la in tiff is the ow ner in fee simple lish d I. c., N. 15.30 chs ; 8. 87° 45' W. X. E. Vi of sec 29. tp. 9 8. R. 8 W.. 80 of the fo llow in g described premises, tow it: 5.78 chs.; 8. 1° 30' K. 7.92 chs.; 8. 73* 15' acres. Tax $13.77. Beginning at the northeast corner o f the E. 1 eh n .; 8. 50* 20' E. 65 Iks.; 8. 19° 56' Mark. P. A Dart. John— X. W. Vi of W illiam T. Syron donation land claim, Notifi­ K. 5.50 chs ; 8. 2° 80' W. 1.15 chs.; K. 2.25 10 acres in 8. W. cor.) sec. 25, tp. 6 8. R. cation No. 4981, claim No 54, in township«* chs. to p. o. b. Hoe. 18. tp. 7 8. K 3 W .— 55 7 W., 150 acre». Tax $24.62. south, ran ged west of the „W illam ette meridian acres. Tax 983.80. Masters, R. G.— Beg 16.75 chs. W. o f 8. in Polk county, Oregon, running thence Ames, l.d.vard— N. W. Vi o f sec. 2 tp. 10 E. cor. of sec. 14; W. 17 chs.; N. to 8. alone the center o f the road south 89 degrees 8. K. 7 W. and N E. *4 of N. K. Vi of bank Luckianiute river; Easterly along aaid 22 minutes west 2243.2 feet; thence south 0-31 3. tp. 10 8. K. 7 W .- -221 acres. Tax 949.88. river to a point due N. o f p. o. b .; 8. to p. m inute* east 1522.6 feet; thence south »9 de­ Btll, M. A. " o. b., sec. 14, tp. 8 8. R. 7 W., 2 acres. 4k gree* 22 minutes west, 120.8 fe e t; thence south ’ Tax $12.56. 's Indep Tax $4.11. 00 degrees 31 minutes cast 2441.64 feel; thence Mntney, Pearl— Lots 3 A 4. fractional block lie > . 8 — K. V 4 of .X . K. o 8. E. y. V 4 4k north 88 degrees 56 minutes ea*t, 2364.2. feel to tp. 6 W sec. 10 8. K. 8 JO 4. Th orp’ s Add. Indep. Tax $11.57. acres. center o f county road ; thence north 00 degrees M«?Csrthy. Mary— Lots 2 Ac 3, block 5 Mon­ o f S E. % k W. H of 8. K V4 of 31 minutes west along center of county road Tax $12.77. V* ê N. K. * of S. W. Vi k 8. W. Vi mouth. 3919.44 leet to the place of beginning, contain ­ w % k W. of H. K. Vi of N. w . Vi McFarland. K. B.— 20.83 acres of the fo l­ in g 200.45 acres, situate In Polk county, Ore­ '2 of X. W. Vi of H. W. Vi k W. u of low ing: Beg. 36.8» chs. W. of N. E. cor. of gon. of 8. \Y Vi k X K. '4 of 8. K Vi John Bergh d I. c.. W. 42.45 ch *.; 8. 34.20 2. Th at a ll adverse claims of the defendants chs.; E. 42.51 c h «.; N. 34.20 ehs. to p. o. b., 1, tp. 6 8. t. 8 W.. 240 a ires. w m ay be determined by a decree o f said court. >4 of N. W. Vi of 8 W. $4 k 8 \V. Vi of sec. 1 8 . tp. 8 8. R. 5 W.. 20.83 acres. 3. That by said decree it be decreed and ad judged that the M id defendants end each <■ S. W. V4 of sec. 12, tp. « . 8. U. 8 W . 60 Tax $7.18. McKinney, G. T.— N. Vi o f follow ing: them have no estate or interest whatever in or kcres. 8. W. V4 of N. W. $4 A N. W. V* of «4 o f 8. W. Vi Beg 476 feet 8 A 251 Vi feet W. of N. E to said parcel o f land and that the title of 8. W. Vi A N. ‘4 of N E. k K Va of 8. E. Vi of N. W. Vi o f sec. 14, cor. of Out lot 12, M-mraouth; 8. 230 feet; p la in tiff thereto is good and va lid ; and E. 251 Vi feet. X. 230 feet; W. 251 Vi feet 3. Th at the said defendants ami each of tp. 6 H. R. 8 W.. 120 sere*. Tax $169.54. Hevens, T. O — Eighty acres of the follow- to p* o. b. (pa rt o f Out lot 12, Monmouth) them be forever enjoined ami debarred from asserting any claims whatever in or to said ing : Beg at 8. E. cor. of see. 3, ; W. 4«) chs* Tax $3.99. McKye. Peter— K. Vi o f 8. E. H « I N . W laud adverse to plain tiff and that plaintiff may X. 40 chs. ; E. 40 chs. ; ?i. 7.44 chs.; N. 75¿ have such other relief as may seem meet with 20' K. 20 chs. ; 8. 53° 30' E. 20.75 ehs.; E. V* A N. W. V* of 8. E. Vi of sec. 11. tp. 6 10. 21 cha . : 8. 20 chs. ; W. 25.95 ch*. ; 8 8 K H W. 60 acres. Tax $21.34. eoiiity. McMurphy, G. L.— Lots 4, 5, 6 A 7, block This summons by an order o f the Honorable 20 chs.; W. 2 0 chs. to p. o. b. Secs. 2 k 3. M Fall* City. Tax $18.32. Ed. F, Coad, county judge o f Polk county, On - tp 10 8. R 6 W., 80 acres. Tax $13.57. MoTimraonds, E. C.— 535.10 acres of the gon, on the 24th day of June, 1912, is seived up­ Bowers, Benton— Sixty ucres of the follow ­ on you by publication thereof for a period oi ing; Beg. 26.91 chs. N. k 17.62 chs. W. of follow in g: Beg. at most southerly cor. o f L. six consecutive weeks im m ediately prior to 8. W. cor. of sec. 35; W. 22.88 chs.; 8. McTimmonds «1. 1. e., N. 38° 15' E. 25.81 the 8th day o f August, 1912, in the Polk County 26.91 chs.; W. 10 chs.; 8. 20.50 chs.; 8. chs . K. 10.28 chs.; N. 67.69 chs.. W 11 Item izer, a newspaper o f general circulation 85° 15' K. 33.10 chs.; N. 51.30 chs. to p. o. chs.; S. 23° 30' W. 6 30 rh». ; W. 69.71 chs.; printed at Dallas, in said county, b., see. 85, tp. D 8. R. 5 W k sec. 2. tp. 10 8. 23° 30' W. 17.60 chs . H 41.27 ch *.; W O . SIM S, 5. 73° 30' K. 32 chs.; 8. 61° 30' E. 37 chs. 8. R. 5 W . 60 acres. Tax $35.53. Attorney (o r Plaintiff. Boyle, J. M.— Lot 6 o f J. W. Boyle estate, to p. o. b. (ex. 21.70 acres sold), secs. 19. sec. 26, tp. 7 8 R. 6 W.. 1.66 acres. Tax $0.19. 11, 14 A 15, tp. 9 8. R. 6 W. 535.10 acres. Braley. L. K.— 8. K. Vi of sec 8, tp. 7 8. Tax $139.7 7. Merwin, Arthur, estate— Lots 1. 2 A 3, R. 6 W .. 160 acres. Tax $15.50. Bricker. Mary E. estate— Beg. at 8. K. cor. bl'-ok 15, Th orp’ s Add. Indep. Tax $9.92. Miller. H. C. — Beg 63 feet W of H E of lot 4. block 8, Levens’ L. II. Add. to cor. of lot 5, block 2. H ill’ s Indep., N. 99 Dallas, N. 60 feet; K. 136 feet; 8. CO feet; W. 136 feet to p. o. b. Part o f lot 4, blk. 8 feet: W. 16 fee l; 8. 99 feet; E. 16 feet to Levens’ 1,. H. Add. to Dallas. Tax $21.20. p. o. b. (part of lots 5 A 6, block 2, H ill’ s Brown, J. G. k H. M.— Nine and one-halt Indep.) Tax $20.50. Montgomery, Esther— L ot 11, block B. • ere* of the follow ing; Beg. 20 chs. W. of Tax $15.89. N. K. cor o f W C. Brown d. I. c., 8. 39.40 Montgom ery’ s Falls City. M«»ntgoniery. Maud, et al.— For de«crlp- chs ; W. 6.07 chs.; N. 39.40 chs.; K. 6.07 chs to p. o. b. sec 34. tp. 7 8. R. 5 W.. 9 Vi tion see vol. 51, page 46, Deed Records, see. 20, tp. ‘ 8 8. R. 6 W 3 acres. Tax $7.75. acres. Tax $3.64. Morrison, J. F,— Lot 6, block 4, P e rrv ­ Brown. W T — N. E. Vi of N. K. Vi of dale Tax $3.88. sec. 9. tp. 9 8. R. 6 W., 40 acres. Tax $37.07 Moseinan, Fred— Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Brown, Jacob, estate— Lot 3, block 24. A 8, block U . Talmage; also beg. 7.76 chs Mill ■ i.i.irn Tax |19 Hi Butler, J. B. V. Ac O. D.—Lot 4 o f section 4. W. of X. W. cor. of J. E. Davidson d. ). c., S. 5.72 chs ; E. 4.75 chs.; N. 5.72 chs.; W tp. 9 8. R. 5 W. Lot 1 o f sec. 5, tp. 9 8. R 5 W. Lots 2. 3, 4 A 5 of sec. 8. tp. 9 8. R. 4.75 o. b., secs. 19 A 30, tp. 8 8. R. 4 W. W. Vi of K. Vi o f N. W Vi of sec. 9. tp. 0 p. 11 sere*. Tax $22.71. 8. R. 5 W. Also beg. 10 chs. N. o f 8. K. cor Mott. W .H . D r.-B eg. at 8. E. c»r. of I. Gil- .f sec. 9; N. 7.13 chs.; W. 7.07 chs.. 8. 7.18 chs.; E. 7-07 chs. to p. o. b „ sec. 9, tp. 9 8. strep <1. 1. <•., W. 29 chs: N. 23J degrees W. 16 R. 5 W. 1429 acres of aftove described tract* ehs. N. 4.57 ehs; E 35;80ehs: 8 17.04 ehs. to p. 0. b., sec. 34. tp. 6 8 K. 6 W. 55 seres. Tax $19.38 Tax $60.08. Myer. Wenrv— B« g. 39.88 chs. S. «.f X. W Butler, Eleanor F.— Three acres o f the fo l­ lowing; 120 acres in the John Sheldon d. 1. cor. of I Kimball «1 1. e.. K. 28.50 chs.; a W. 28.50 chs.; X. 34.87 chs. to r.. secs. 31, 28 A 29, tp. 8 8. R. 6 W . 3 34 H7 ehs p. o. b., secs. 11 A 14. tp. 7 8. R. 5 W. acres. Tax $1.05. Church, Frank— Lot 57, block K, Falls 100 acres. Tax *59.85. 4k Mver, J W — 8. Vi < f 8. F. Vi of sec. 36 City. Tax $1.16. Churchmere Realty Oo.-r—Lots 1 A 2 block tp. t> H. R. 5 W., lot 3 and that part of 4k lot 4 lving X. o f H. M ver d. I. c., sec. 1, to. 3, Churctihiere Add. to W est Salem. Tax $6.84 at X. E. eor. of H. Collins, It. E.— W. Vi of lots 7 A 8, block 7 S. R 5 W.. Also be- Mver <1 I c , 8. 52.78 chs.: X 42.90 chs.; 25. Mill's Indep. Tax $26.45. Coulee. Phoebe— Lots 1. 7 A 8, block 3, X. 12.01 chs.; K. 2.49 chs.; X. 25.40 chs.; W. 39 »1 c..s.; X. 15.37 c h «.: X 39° 54' E (Germantown) Dallas. Tax $8.99. Conner, Ilen rv— Beg. 11.50 chs. W. of 8. 80 18 chs. to p. o. b., secs. 1 A 2, tp. 7 8. R. 8k cor. of sec. 14; W. 5.2$ chs.; N. 1.25 chs. ') W. 379 acres. Tax $130.99. Nehrba*. Bessie M.—One eighth interest in to center of Luckianiute river; down said j and S. V o f X. W. i river 5.25 chs.; 8. 1.25 chs. to p. o. b „ sec. N. j o f 8. w 14, tp. 8 8 R. 7 W., 62/100 acres. Tax $8.66 of sec. 29. tp. 9 8. R. 8 W., 20 acre». Tax Cornwell, C. P.— Lot 4 A part lot 5, block $1.03. Nelson. C. A.— Beg. at 8. E. cor. of sec. 18, tp. 9 8. R. 6 W. 80 acres. Tax $5.83. 3, Bentley's Add. to Monmouth. Tax $4.15 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * i Courter, A. F., et al.— Seven acres of 14 W Ml feet; N. 150 feet; E. 50 feet; H Wheeler, Mary I.— Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 A 5, Out-lots 1, 2 A 3 of Enstview Add. to Falls 150 feet to p. o. b., sec. 14, tp. 8 8. R. 7 W. block B. 1st Add. Fall* City. Tax $8.52. Tsx $1 09. ' ’itv, sec. 16, tp. 8 H. R. 6 W . Lots 5. 6 A 17 /100 ncres Whcclock, M. K.— Th irty A one-hslf acres N«»rweKt. Olevia— Lots i7 A 32 o f sec. 17. of the follow in g: Beg. 14.30 chs. N. of N. E. 'T, block A and lots 12 A 13, block B, and OTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned lot 5, block K, Eastview Add. to Falls City, tp. 6 S. R. 7 W. A Lot 1 of aec. 20, tp. 6 cor. of sec. 35, E. 26.86 chs.: 8. 21.85 chs.; adm iulatrator of the estate of John F. Syron 8. R. 7 W. 56.20 aefe*. Tax $16.93 lax $9.14. W. 26 86 chs.; X. 21.85 ehs. to p. o. 1».. deceased, by virtu e of an order of the Hon. Oviatt, Claude A R «v — Beg. at N. 1!. cor secs. 26 A 35, tp. 8 8. R. 5 W. 30Vi acres. County court o f Polk county. «»reg«»n, du ly Craven, P. It. A Jos.— Five acres out of made and entered of accord therein, anfchortz- •he follow ing; Beg. at 8. E. cor. o f Wm. of lot 8, block 23. H ill’ s Independence; \V. Tax $43 33. 90 feet; S 132 fee«: K. 90 feet N 132 feet Myer d. I. c.. N. 50.86 chs : W. 1.11 chs. Wilkins A Ovelmitu— Beg. 25.25 chs. N. A ing and directin g him so to do. w ill on or after 10 p. o. b. (part of Mock 23, H ill’ a Independ ,5.80 chs. E. o f 8. W. cor. of I. Levens d. 1. c., the 17th day of August. 1912, offer for «ale to V. 1.98 chs.; W. 10.28 chs : N. 25 chs. W Do you nee. 8 chs.; E. 6.57 chs ; 8. 1813 chs.; W . 16.41 dets remember that I am 24.72 chs 8 1 0 ° W 14.61 ch «.; W *2.20 ch«. to p. o. b., secs. 31 A 32, tp. 7 8. R. o f the right, title and interest of the said John 4 It. 4 W.. 5 acres. Tax $6.52. uble to furnish you all kinds chs • N. 14. 40 chs. to n. o. b. Also beg. at 5 VV. 45 acres. Lots 3, 4, 5 A 11, block 1; F. Syron, deceased, in that certain tra cto r p a r­ Day. Joseph— 8 E. V4 o f S W. Vi of cel o f land beginning at the southwest corner H. W. cor. of sec 18. E. 5 chs.; N. 5 chs.; of slab wood from either of 14, tp. « 8 It 8 W. 40 acres Tax $14.23 lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 9. 10. 11 A 12. block 7; lots W. 3.66 chs : Southerly to p. o. b. Als«» 1, 2. 3, 4. 5 A 6. block 10; lots 1. 2, 6, 7. 8 o f section 23, in township 6 south, of runye 6 Dirksv O It - B e g . at N. W ror. of Jas the Dallas sawmills, at the Leg. 2 5.8» chs. S. of N. W. cor. of said A 9. block 11; bits l. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 13 A west o f the W illam ette Meridan. in Polk coun­ Wooden d. I. r.. E. 28.60 chs.; 8. 16.61 chs. heat possible rates, Send in W. 28.60 chs.; N. 16.61 ch. to p. o. b.. sec. «1 I. e. E. 27.22 chs.; S 10° W. 13.12 chs.; 14. block 12; all of blocks 6. 8. 13, 15 A tv, Ciregon, running thence north 20 chains, thence east 4V> feet as a starting point for said vour order« by either phone. 18 tp. 6 8. R 6 W.. 47 acres. Tax $25.08. W. 24.72 chs.; N. 12.75 chs. to p. o. b.. 16, City View Add. Dallas. Tax $193.06. land, thence north 10 chains, thence east 7.60 Dunsmore, Florence A.— Beg. at 8. E. ror. sec 18. tp. 7 8. R. 4 W. 68 acres. Tax $57 17. Mutual 1196; Bell 443. W illiams O. E. A M. E.— Three-fourths off Peterson. Marcus— W. Vi of N. W. Vi of of the E. side of the fo llow in g: Beg. 80 feet chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west .( N. W. Vi of 8. K. «4 of nee. 16; N. 15 7.6 chains to the place o f beginning and con- «•hs ; N. 685 30' W 22 chs.; 8. 28.81 rha ; 8 W'. V* of *ec. 13. tp. 6 8. R. 8 W. 20 W . of N. W. cor. of block 10, Dallas; 8. 100 E. 20 chs. to p. o. b.. sec. 16, tp. 9 8. It. 4 W. acres. K. *i of N. K. V» of H. K. Vi o f sec. feet; W. 200 feet; N. 100 feet; E. 200 feet tain in g 20 acres more or less. A ll bids should be securely sealed and marked “ bids for Syron Dont think that piles can't be cured. 14. tp. 6 8 R 8 \V. 20 acres. Tax $9.48 38.81 acres. Tax $13.68. to p. o. b. Tex $17.96. la n d ” and be handed to the adin iu istia to r of Pettit. P. J.— Beg. at S. E. cor. of lot 6. Dyer, John. 8r.— Beg. 35 chs. E. of 8. W. Williams. Thus.— Five acres (F o r descrip­ said estate or his a ttorn ey’s on or before the Thousadg of obstinate eases have b en Mock 4. Bentley’ s Add. Monmout%; W. 40 «•or. of M. Gilliam d. I. c., N. 20 t hs.; E. tion see vol. 54, page 65, Deed Records), see. said 17th day o f August, 1912, at 1 o ’clock p. in. 12.50 chs.: 8. 20 chs ; W. 12.50 chs. to p. o. feet; X 77 feet. W 2 8 0 feet; N. 40 feet; 13. tp. 6 8. R. H W. 5 acres. Tax $8.00. J. C. Syron, adm inistrator of cured by Doan's Ointment. !>0 cents at 1»., sec. 38, tp. 9 8. R. 6 W., 25 acres. K. 320 feet; 8. 117 feet to p. o. b. (part of Wo«iden, Craft A Hall— Beg. at N. K. cor. the estate of John F. Syron, bit 6, Mock 4. Bentley’ s Add. Monmouth). of lot 3 c Í J. B. Syron estate ; S. 31.37 ch s. ; Tax $7.52. any drug store. de ceased. Ebert. W m — Beg. 58.71 chs. N. A 6.80 Tsx $2.24. E. 20.04 ch». ; X. 19.73 chs.; W. 10 78 chs. ; Sibley Ai Kakin, a ttv’s for «state. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Plumer. Sophia— Sixtv-nine acres of the N. 11.30 ch». ; W. 9.26 chs. to p. o. h., A l*o chs. E. of 8. W. cor. of 8. Onthard d. 1. c. N. 5° 5' W. 150 feet; Easterly 90 feet; S. follow ing; Beg. 28.50 chs X. A 11.33 ch«. beg. 6.15 oh». N k 23 chs 1B. of 8. E. cor. 5° 5' Fb 150 feet; W esterly 90 feet to p. o. 1> F. of M E cor. of sec. 18; X. 26.50 chs ; of sec. 16 : E. 16.12 ch*.; N. 2 4.81 chs ; W. I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # + * * * * * + * «* W. 20.76 chs.; 8. 20.50 chs.; E. 20.76 ehs *ee. 16, tp. H 8. It. 0 W., 30/100 acres 16.12 chs. ; s . 24.81 ch», to p. o. b., sec». to p. o. b. Also beg. at 8. E. f«»r. of aec Tax $2.41. 15 k 22. tp. 6 S U. 6 W. 90 acres. Tax Kekhurt. W in — Lots l A 2. block 18. D. 18; N. 28.50 eh«, which i< beginning point; $42.96. X. 20. "0 ehs.; W. 11.33 chs.; S. 26.50 chs : L. A I. ( ’«». Add., Dallas Tax $22.28. J M. GRANT. Eidv, Myrtle. Zoe Overmier. Agt.— Lots 5, E. 11.83 ch?. to p. o. h.. sec. 18. tp. 7 8. It. Sheriff and Tax Collector Tsx $38.15. •», 7 . * 9. 10. 11 1» 13 A 14, block O., 1st 1 W 60 acres of Polk County, Oregon. \dd. I alls City. Tax |19:tH, Powell. Martha J., (). W. Reese A rt.— On the dates given below, round trip tickets will be sold J Beg 1 87 chs 8. A 5 ch*. W of N. K. c r Ellis. Wm.— Eight acre« of the following from Portland to the points in the East shown below, ar.d 5 k 6.60 hs. 8. 50® j. from of .1 Sheldon d. 1. c.. N 4 17 elm.: 8 72° 50* K. 30' F. 1 43 Chs.: 8. 37° 30' E. 3 60 chs : t. Oothard d 1. c.. 8 many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted. Your home I 21.61 chs : N. 3° 3 30' E. 49. 71 cha : N. 86 ' S. 3.78 chs. to p. o. h, sec. 21, tp. 8 8. R. 6 2 acres. Tax $17.44. W. 25.83 chs. 8. 21.26 ch*. ; 8. 89° 30' E W. agtnt will sell these tickets via the North Bank Road Price. F L — 8. H o f 8. Vi of sec 3. 7 chs. ; 8. 89 E. 2 chs. ; 8 83 Vi ° K. 2.02 slightly higher fares, on request. I chs. ; 8. 70° V 2.07 ch*. H. 8.31 chs ; W. 8 tp. 10 H R 7 W ; also her 5 chs E. of V, F o r In fan t* and C hildren. chs.; 8. 7.31 chs. to p. o. b. (except 10 acres «o<\ cor. bet. sec«. 2 A 3, W. 5 chs.; 8. K t-. out of N. W. corner). Sec. 21, tp. 8 8. R. 6 31.03 chs ; E 40 chs ; M. 8.37 chs center of Luckiamute river; N. W. along said W. 8 acres. Tax $11 33 Emmett, 1>. E.— Beg. 20 chs. 8. A 16.25 river to p. o. b. Also beg. at S. W. oor. of X. 8 37 chs ; K 40 chs.; 8 8 37 chs.; E. of N. W. cor. of sec. 31; W. 40 vec. 2 Sold by first-class dealers all over the world. Bears tho IN CONNECTION WITH rh* : 8. 36 chs ; K. 50 chs.; N. 16 c h «.; W. ■•h<.: W. 40 chs. to p. o. b.. Rec. 2. tp. 10 8. Signature of 10 chs.; N. 20 chs. to p. o. b. (ex. Vi acre) R 7 W. 307 seres. Tsx $54.71. Sec. 31. tp. 6 8. It. 6 W. 160 acres. Tax Pugh W. D A J. H — Beg at N. E. eor of n. McMahon d 1. e.. 8. 8 90 chs.; E. 62,50 $26.50. A tlan tic C i t y ........ $111.00 Detroit ............ ...... $ 8-2.50 Enos, Elmer E.— Beg. at N. K. cor. of «•hs X 24 ch* : W 100 chs.; 8. 14 51 chs.; Omaha .............. ....$ 60,00 B altim ore.............. .. 107 50 Duluth ........... b’ ook 1. Perrydale; 8. 50 fe t. W «0 fee', K. 37 50 ehs. to p. o. b.. secs. 2 A 3 tp. 60.00 P h ila d e lp h ia ___ .... 108.50 Boston.................... .. nu.tnt Tax $109 17. N. 50 feet; E. 60 feet to p. o. b. (part of 7 H It 4 W. 205 acres Kansas City ___...... 60 00 P itts b u rg ........... ___ 91.50 Buffalo ................. I l .e Kh-MaMirger. Jacob— Beg. 16.70 chs. S. M ilw aukee ...... ...... 72.50 Ht. L o u is ............ ___ 70 00 block l, Perrvd ale). Tax $8.53. C h ic a g o ................. 73yM Minneapolis ... ...... 60.00 8t. P a u l.............. . .. . 60 CO Fleck. Louis— l e t 3. block 22. I). L. A I. A 14.06 ch*. 8 86* E. of X W. eor. ..f 8 Colorado Springs .. .. .V» 00 M ontreal........... ... . 106.00 Toronto ............ ___ 91.50 Gothnrd d. 1. c.. Easterlv along countv road Co. Add. Dalis*. Tax $3.42 D en ver.................. .. 55 00 New Y o r k ........ ---- 108.U0 5.26 chs : X 3t)° W. 17 31 chs : X 86° SO' Frskes. Alice M —-Lota 5 A 6. M.kck 15. D W a s h in g to n ___ .. 107.50 W 5.21 chs 8. 1° 35' E. 17 31 ch*. to n. L A 1. Co Add Dallas. Tax $25.65. D A T E S of S A L E Fundman. Paul— H.W. >4 of S.W V* of arc «». b. (ex. one-half acre) sec. 21, tp. 8 8. R. 5. tp. 6 8. R 7 W.. 38 acres N. Vi of 6 W Tax $31.01. Mav 2, 3. 4, 9, 10, II, 17, 18, 24, 29, 1912, 8 W. % of sec 15. tp 6 8 R. 8 W.. 80 Rnnco. J. V .— Lot 10, block 17, D. L. A June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. 1912 acres. N K Vi o f N. W . Vi o f see. 22. tp. 1. f\i Add. Dallas Tax $19.15. July 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12. 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 1912. 6 8 R. 8 W.. 40 acres. Tax $45.37. Rowlev. H. B.— Beg. 32 chs. 8. A 25 ehs. Goodnough, A. L.— Four acres of the fo l­ W ..f X F cor of J. Shelden d I. e.. 8. August 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 16, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 1912. lowing: Beg. 9.16 chs. E. of N. E. cor. of T. 18.80 chs.; W. 5 chs.; N. 18.80 «'hs. ; K. 5 September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30, 1912. Holcomb d 1. c.. 8 6.50 ch* ; K. 18.84 c h i.; ch*. to p. o. b., sec. 21. tp. 8 8. R. 6 W. X. 6.50 chs.; W. 13.84 chs. to p. o. b., sec. 9 acres. Tax $9 41. Stn(Miv.*r and choice of routes allowed in each direction. Final return 3, In. 7 8 It 6 W 4 acres Tax $0 80. Schauer A Ralough— 150 acres o f the fo l­ limit Oct. 31, 1912. Details of schedules, fares, etc., furnished on request. Hall, David K.— N. W. Vi of 8 W. of lowing- Beg. at 8. W. cor. of sec. 12; N. 40 see 2. tp. 9 8. R 6 W.. 40 acre*. Tax $1 88. chs.- K. 30 chs.; X. 20 chs.; E. 30 chs.; 8. Hall. David R.— Part «»f lots 1 A 2, block 20 chs.; W. 10 ch». ; 8. 10 chs. : W. 30 ch* ; K. Falls City. Tax $9 69 5 in chs ; E. 5 chs.; 8. 40 chs : W 2 5 Hampton. l>. M A R J — Lots 1 A 2. chs.: X. 90 chs. to p. o. b., secs. 12 A 13. block 1 (part of Out lot 5, Monmouth). Tax tp 7 8 R. 6 W. 150 acres Tax $26.69. Bilious attacks, tick headache», indiges­ $21 39. Seaehrest. F. E.— Five A 61 /100 acres «*f tion, constipation, dizzy spells these Hanna Bros.— 80x75 ft. o f lot 3, fraction the folhiwing: Beg. at 8. W. cor. of E. Steel­ man d. 1. c . W. 10 chs.; 8. 13.29 ehs.: E are some of the results or an inactive block 2. H ill s Indep. Tax $66.12. J. W. -8. K Vi of 8. E. Vi of 11 38 chs. t«> W. side of state road: northerly liver. Ask your doctor if bs endorses sec Harper. 21. tp. 7 8 R. 0 W. 40 acre-» Tsx $9.12. along said road 14.14 chs.; W. 5.85 cha. to Ayer's Pills in these cescs. The dose Harris, Birdie— Lot 4, block 7, Levens’ L. p. o. b . sec 3 4 tp. 6 8. R. 3 W. 5.61 tf Vd.t D.llns. Tax $22.57 Is small, one pill et bedtime. acre« Tax $6 75. Hartley A Craig— Lots 2 A 8 of Hartley A k, t.o. area co i.<».n Mu, Smith. Frank J.— Lot* 1 A 2. block 1 8. Craig Fruit Tract». see 19. tp. 7 8. It. 3 W. 1 E . Buena Vlata. Tax $4 79. 22.25 acre* Tax $19.43. Stanton. F. M.— One eighth interest in 8. Hastings. 1». 8. — Beg. 73.«»9 eh*. 8. 6° 13' U. of N. W V« and X S of 8. W »4 of W. of X W ror. of J A W illiam * d. I c . sec. 29. tp. 9 8. R. 8 W. 20 acre*. Tax T R A IN No. 2. j T R A IN No. 1. X 6 ° 13' K 36 25 ch*. W 6 chs.; 8. 11.98 $1.04 Lv. hallas........ ch s; N. 1 6 ° W 19.33 chs.; K. 12 eh«.; X. Steinfeld» John— W % of lot 2. Mock 10. ............. Z 8 m Lv. West Salem......... .»:00 a tr. I Ar. West Salem 6° 13' E 10 chs.; N. 26° 30' K. 19.24 chs ; Tonkey’ » 1st Add. Dallas. Tax $4.00. lO !* MUSCOTT, PK O rR irroR ............8:15 a. m. ; t,v. Dallas ................ 9 :45 a. m. 8. 70° 45' K 22 88 ch s; 8 84° 30' W Strong, E W —Tw elve A 03 /100 acres in 10:15 a. m All kinds of hauling at reasonable 44 42 chs.; 8. 21° W ?.50 chs.; H. 12° W. S tron g'« Fruit Tract No, 1, sec*. 19 A 30. I TR AIN No. 4. I Lv F»H* City 15.73 ch* 8 50° W. to « o h . sec 29. tp 9 8. R 5 W 12 03 acres Tax $5 44 Ar. Black Rock .......... rates. 1’ lione orders promptly at­ 10:35 a. m. Lv. Black Rock ............ 11:00 a. m. tp 9 8 R. 5 W 127 acres. Tax $91.20 8yrnn. E O — Beg. 13.79 chs W A 14 49. tended to. Headquarters at Web- Lv. Falls City . Hastings. A. J. Mrs.— Beg 41.61 ch*. 8 ch« 8 .»f X E cor of If F Kced d. I r . . ....... 11:15 a. in. T R A IN No. 3. ater’a confectionery. o f 8 R. cor of see. 8; 8. 4.77 chs W ; E. : 28.50 42 05 rha 8. 14 50 ch« E 42.03 chs ; ¡ Lv. Titilas ...... ........... 11:50 a. m. ch«. ; N. 4 77 ch* ; W. 28 50 chs. t«i X 14.50 chs p. to o b. p. o. h . aec. 10, tp. 8 8. R. I Lv. West Salem ....................1:20 p. in Ar. W .H Salem Pbonea: Bell 204, Mutual 251 ......... 12 :30 p. iu. sec 11. tp 7 8 . R. 5 W 12 seres. Tax $6 84. 6 W 61 acres Tax $30.27. Lv. Dallas ............................. 2:00 p. m Hicks, ('has E.- Beg 72 ft. X A 8 ft. K. Frank A N«>rx— Beg. at 8. K. cor. Barn Phone Mutual 24f> of .8. W. cor. of fr. block 2, H ill’ s Inde­ of Tstoin. T R A IN No. 6 . Ar. Falls City .................... .2:30 p. in Snling's Add to Ballaton; 33’ . 2.35 chs. • pendence. N. 29 Vi ft E. 78 ft ; 8. 29 Vi ft.; 8 4 56 ch« K. 7 3.3 chs N 4.56. to p. o. b . . ! Lv. Falls C;ty ...... ............ 2 :4 0 p. m . W. 78 ft. to p. o. b. (part lot 3, fr. block 2, aec 8, tp. 6 8. R 5 W. one acre. Tax $7.87. T R A IN No. 5. ! Lv. Pallas.............. ............. 3:10 p. m. H ill’ s Indep ) Tax $37.86 Tatom Wm.— W *i of lot 2. block 14. Ar. A'est Salem. ... Hickman. J. C.— Lots 13 k 14. River Fr«»nt, D M • .3 :40 p. m. Lv. West Salem ................ 4 :45 p in. Tsx *34 *<8. Lincoln Tax $8.04. T itle A Trust T o — W U. of let 1. of W ll ' Lv. Dallas ........................................ 5 ::«i p. ln . TK A IN No. » . Hopkins. Elvira k C. L.. D TV Bell. Agt — lim ette Valiev Orchard Tract No. 1. secs 5 « Ar. F a lls C ity ............................. 6:00 p. m. 8 /5 of acre in aec. 21. tp. 8 8 R. 6 W 8 '5 A 8. tp 7 8 R 4 W 5.22 acre*. Tax *2 60. \ ; Lv. Falls City ___ .................. 6 : 1 0 p. n i. I sere. Tax $2.32. Trtieax. Carrie M.—Beginning 30 rh«. W. A 7 I ; Ar. Dallas........... ............. 6:40 |>. in. Hutchin* Margaret, heirs— Lot* 3 A 9 of «•h. S. o f N K. cor .1 Shelden d I e.. 33V 3 T R A IN No. 11. sec. 7. In 6 8. R. 7 W 86 sere*. Tax $ 1 8 01. chs. : 8 9 chs. : V. 3 chs ; V. 2 ch* t«> p o. T R A IN No. 10. (Sunda.a *nly.) Me. Iruman H —W j « f N W J and N b.. sec. 91. tp. 8 8. R. 6 W. 60 /100 seres ! Lv. West Salem .... ............ 9 48) a. in. E. V4 of N W Vi of aec 26. tp. 7 8. R. 7 Tsx »7 75 Lv. Dallas........... .............7 35 a. m. Lv. Dallas ............ . ............ 9 '45 a. m. W 130 acrea. Tax $21.89. V«»pet. Feed A.— lints 1 A 2 of sec. 4, tp. | Ar. West Salem .. ............. 8:15 a. m. I.v. Falls C itv ........ .......... 10:15a. m. I-aac, Frank O.— E. *4 <«f lot 1 A l«*ta 2 A 7 9 R 4 W 8.3 acres Tax $39 26 Ar. Black Rock 3 of sec. 18, to. 6 8. R. 7 W 83 acres, and ............ 10:35 a. ui. W nrner John— T.o»a 1. 2. 3 A 4 M»*ck O j T R A IN No. 12. (Sundays Only.) S W. U of !f. N E. V4 A W. W H Of of W »4 of A l.»ts 6 7. 8. 9 A 1 0 . block H. Fall* City ' 8. K. », ef see 18. tp. 6 8. R. 8 W. 80 Tsx •■’ 2 0«. T R A IN No. 13. Lv. Black Rock .. ............. 1140 a in. ,«e■ Txx • ‘»6.76. Wall. peter— Beg 2.25 chs. 33’ of quarter | Lv. Falls City . . . . ........... 11 :A6 a. m. Lv. West Salem Johnson. John F.— Lot 28, block 7. W aters’ ^ *ec. cor. be»srecn sec«. 17 A 20, F 18 43 ■MtAlllc boms, sealed with Blu Lv, Pallas .......... ............. 12:30 p. m Lv. Dallas ........... .................. 1 :2 0 p . m . A«1'1 West Maleia Tax $2.28. ch* 8 14 83 chs V 79 • 30' W 2 98 « . T i U wo o r a BE. H r o f j m t \ V , J«*hnson. O. W A M P — I^»t 29. hloek L. ! ch« N 60* 30' 33T 17 43 ch«. ; V 3 72 i Ar. West Salem .. ............ 1:10 p .m . Lv. Fall* Citv ...... ............. 2:05 p. in. j M » 4 w k b r r ll-C S E S -T r l S V j Weal Salem Tax $2 74 .............. 2:33 p. m. chs. to p. o h.. sec 20, tp. 7 8. R 5 W i B l i k i l l 8 B 4 R R P I L L S , for twenty Avo 1 J«»»tes Mary J. A A. F —IxtU 1. 7. 8. «. 7 A ; 20 sere* Tax $3 77. Ar. Black Rock ... ............. 2 :35 p. m . T R A IN No. 14 (Sundays Only.) j s s n r s f r d s d as Bmt, SsfeM, Always Reliably 8. blk 13. Thorp's Independence. Tax $20.15. I Wsnn W F. — 8 W H o f N W S of Lv. Black Rook.......... .......... 4:00 Kevt. E C.— Beg. at 8. W. c«»r. of E se«v t*». tp 7 8 R 8 W 40 acre« Tsx * « *4 T R A I N No. 15. Richardson d I E. 71 29 chs N «0 W eleeeofb»h F E.— fe»t 3 M «ek 8. K ill • Lv. K*H* City ........... . . . . 4:15 ch« W 18 20 ch* N 4.66 cha W 58 20 Add Independence Tsx $19 19 Lv. Lalla*» .......... .........4:50 Lv. West Salem 6.50 p ch* 8. 44,66 ch*. to p. o. b.. see 16 tp 8 W ell* Geo A.— S. »4 o f N E «4 o f *•*. ' Summons. A Clearance Sale of Actual Merit : : * * * * * * * * * * Not M erely on Paper, but of Bona-fide Reductons * * * * * * -* * -* * * * * Hop Stoves £ Presses * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DALLAS IRON WORKS Men’s Suits Young Men’s Suits Boy’s Knicker Suits Juvenile Russian Suits Men’s and Boy’s Underwear Men’s and Boy’s Shirts Men’s and Boy’s Shoes Men’s and Boy’s Hats Hosiery Neckwear Etc., Etc. * * AT ALL SUMMER GOODS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES * -* * * * Wm. Herzog Leading Clothier N Dallas, Oregon BUFFALO RANCH WILD WEST A N D T R A IN E D * * * * * * WILD ANIMAL EXHIBITION T e n th T ra n s -C o n tin e n ta l T o u r of the LARGEST WILD WEST SHOW ON EARTH C o rn in g direct on their ow n special train of doub le-leng th railroad c a rs F ro m the B ig g e s t R anch in the W o rld . * * * * * * MENAGERIE OF TRAINED WILD ANIMALS 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4$ 46 4k 4k * 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k A cosmopolitan collection o f Cow Boys and Girls, Vacqueros, Señoritas, Guardis Rurale, Champions of the Lariat, Rough Riders, Pony Express Veterans, Daring Atheletes, Comical Clowns, Thr............... Fights and W ar Dances. PRINCE BOTLOINE'S TROUP OF RUSSIAN COSSACKS The Most Daring Horse Men in the World. RINDS OF SIOUX, CHEYENNE AND COMMANGHE INDIANS Fresh from the Camp Fire and Council, making their first appearance with Pale Face Civilization. T h e G ra n d E thn olog ical P e rfo rm a n c e concludes w ith the S uperb , S p e c ­ tacular, D ra m a tic , H isto ric F a n ta s y “THE BATTLE OF WOUNDED KNEE” Introducing a vast and motley herd of Indians, scouts, trappers and soldiers, that actually took ac­ tive part in the last brave stand and hopeless strug­ gle the noble Redskin made for his freedom and rights TWO PERFORMANCES DULY; RUN DR SRINE A ftern oon at 2 E ven in g at 8 D o o rs open one hour earlier. W a te r P ro o f C a n v a s ; C a n n o t Leak. GRAND, GOLD, GLITTERING, FREE STREET PARADE Two Miles Loo;, IU a. 01. Daily oniha MainThorjughfares B ig F re e Exhibition on s hew g ro u n d s im m ediatelv a fte r the parad8. BRING IN YOUR BAD HORSES AND MULES r WOOD fOR SALE I Our cowboys will ride them free o f charge. $ 2 5 .0 0 : AUGUST BOMAN C A S T O R IA Hu Kind You Haio Always Bought VVhen rough, high-proof, strong whiskey begins to telf on you— when your nerves and stomach commence “ calling for help” — try a little Cyrus Noble. It is inild in character— aged in wood in charred barrels— blended and re-aged in steam-heated warehouses. This gives it that palatable, enjoyable flavor peculiar to it— its mellowness— its richness. C h ild ren c CHICHESTER SPILLS C ry FOR FLETCHER’S A S T O R I A ii LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST j at j THROUGH TRAINS EAST W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO., Cetera! Agents, Portland. The Largest Industry in Polk County is the NORTHERN PACIFIC and GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAYS W. E. COMAN, General freight and Passenger Agent, I T E City Express & Transfer Co. will be paid any person bringing a horse or mule they cannot ride. AFTERNOON & NIGHT WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 We are still putting out our Stump Pullers at $60.00 *What is a “ to n ic” ? A medicine that increases the strength or the tone of the whole system. What is an "alterative” ? A medicine that alters or changes un­ healthy action to healthy action. Name the best “tonic and alterative”? Ayer’s Sar­ saparilla. the only Sarsapa rillaentirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor about it. - Administrator’s Sale. New Patent Hop Stoves made as rear fire proof as possible. Call and see our stove and get prices before buying. Tonic Alterative - KiT C A R SO N ’S Dallas Lumber and Logging Company M I Z E R -A .ID S Portland, Oregon P A Y S A LE M , F A L LS C IT Y & W E S T E R N R Y. East Bound. W est Bound. (Sundays Only.) Buy Your lumber of Them and Help the Community Grow (Sundays Only.) BOLD BY ALL DRUG6IST8 EVERYWHERE Tw^ , (Sundays Only.) Ar. Woat Salem.......... ____ 6:30 Ar. Dallas.............................6:30 p. us