Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, July 18, 1912, Image 3

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    Good Service Counts
in Groceries as well as anything else
We have the Clerks and the Goods
South o f the Court House, Dallas
Praises P erryd a le Bai d
Correspondence Cards Steel
Die Stamped. Some people pre­
fer correspondence cards to cor
respondence paper. Here is a
chance to get them at a bargain.
Wc will furnish one box (24
cards and 24 envelopes to match)
o f Highland Linen, stamped in
any single initial in gold for 75
Among the various musical or­
ganizations which help to enliv­
en the spirits o f a large crowd
last night, was the amateur band
from Perrydale, under the lead­
ership of J. P. Caldwell. Thej
organization o f 35 men was one
o f the first bands on the streets
this morning, and dispensed all
sorts o f music, both classical and
semi-classical, and lots o f rag­
time. In their neat blue uniforms
streaked with white braid they ,
made a very good showing andi
attracted much favorable com­
ment. The uniforms o f the Per­
rydale contingent were formerly
those o f the Journal Carriers’
association. The band proper
has only been organized since
last October. “ It is just a little
counfry town band,” said Direc­
tor Caldwell this morning, but I
believe that we have demonstra­
ted what we can do. Our band
has done a lot to advertise Per­
rydale.” —Journal.
Cough Remedy
Cures Colds, Croup and W h oopin g Cough.
S C O T T ’S
It reaches the spot and satisfies
as no other Whiskey can. Pure,
Delicate, Rich and invigorating
Sold by
C H A S . N. B I L Y E U
|H % H »U H »% U % U H V H % % H U U % W U U H U V V U U W »W V W W W 1
witk plenty of oat-door exer­
cise, pare food and air, will
irreit consauiptive tendencies,
allay irritation in th r o a t and
lungs, and bnild up th e whole
A U Druggist «.
Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N J
S t
S i
Cough Remedy
Cures Colds. Croup and W hooping Cough.
j *
Is your chance to buy Good Shoes
10 per cent off
T h e K in d Y o u H ave A lw ays B ou g h t, a n d w h ich has been
in use fo r aver 3 0 years, has b o rn e th e signature o f
,-J t
— an d has been m ade un d er hfs p e r -
sonai supervision since its infancy.
A llo w n o on e to deceive you In this.
AU C ounterfeits, Im itations a n d “ J u st-a s-g o o d ” are b u t
E xperim ents th at trttte w ith an d en danger tlic health o f
Infants and Children—E xperien ce against E xperim en t.
On all Ladies, Misses, and Childrens
Low Shoes and Oxfords
Phone 5J3
What is C A S T O R IA
M R S . J. C. G A Y N O R , Proprietor }
Castoria Is a harmless substitute fo r Castor OU, P ar#«
goric, D rops and S ooth in g Syrups. I t is Pleasant. It
contains n eith er O pium , M orphine n o r oth er N arcotio
substance. Its a g o is its guarantee. I t destroys W orm s
anti allays Feverishness. I t cu res D iarrhoea an d W in d
Colic. I t relieves T eeth in g T roubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. I t assimilates th e F o o d , regulates th e
Stom ach and B ow els, g ivin g healthy and natural sleep.
T h e C hildren’ s Panacea—T he M other’ s F rien d.
alw ays
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
fBetter Than Ice
Ice affords but temporary relief when suffering from
heat— a cooling breeze is more effective.
Iced food or drink drives the heat of the body to
the surface, making the skin feel hot and disagreeable;
a breeze reduces the temperature of the skin by process
of evaporation, thus keeping the’ whole body cool and
Babbitt’ s L ye cleanses—purifies—gets right dow n to
tbe root of things.
Chloride of lime, carboKc acid and other disinfectants
kill bad odors, but d o not reach the cause.
L ye gets in every nook and corner, dissolves the
grease, dirt, filth, and hot water washes it away. L ye
softens hard water—makes things clean easier.
G -E 8-in. Oscillating Fan
provides the ideal breeze for homes and offices— the
swinging breeze that circulates the air in all parts of the
room, so that all the occupants enjoy the benefits of
Let us send you a
B a b b itt’s L y e
Let us install one in your home or office. Its breeze
will keep you cool all summer for less than a-cent-
All Babbitt trade-mail), can be ezch.nged lot
valuable premium*. Save them from
S,° m m o n ” p o T a s i * i¡
605 Coer» Street
N e w YORK
/ u e / gtl the Babbitt habit
B. T. BABBITT. INC.. Boz 1776
New Yoik City
J h A A A M A A At A A A A A A A A A A A A A At At At At At At At At
Telephone 24
Babbitt’s Best Soap
W h ite Floating Soap
Naptha Soap
Babbitt’s Cleanser
Oregon Power Company
Tell* many ways the home can be made sweeter and cleaner.
The Pry-off-top can keeps Babbitt's Lye
? good until used.
its cooling influence.
W hy Have
Shabby Furniture?
It costs but a trifle for material to make it look
as good as new. Comes in cans of all sizes,
ready to put on, and anybody can apply it
We recommend
Acme Quality Varno-Lac
To the Beaches,
Springs and
f 0 ) l SUNSET
10 0 0EN è SHASTA I
Excellent Train
Service and
Low Round Trip
which stains and varnishes at one operation
and makes a beautiful varnish-gloss finish in
fine imitations of expensive woods such as ma­
hogany, cherry, walnut, oak, etc. We have
Acme Quality Paints, Anamels, Stains and
Varnishes for all shabby surfaces, both indoors
and outdoors. Let us show you colors and tell
you about them whether ready to buy or not.
If you are looking for an ideal place to «»pend a portion of the summer
where yon can find rest, health and recreation, the outing resorts rearin'!
by the Southern Pacific are par excellence.
Newport—Yaquina Kav, Tillamook County Beaches, Crater Lake, Ccles-
tin Springs, Shasta Springs, C attend i a Breitenbush Hot Springs and many
ether springs of more or less note.
Get a Copy of Our “ Home Beautifying” Bcwklet-IT’S FREE
With long limits on sale daily to the above resorls. Our booklet. “ Vacation
Days in Oregon’ ’ describing these and other on ting places can be obtained
from any Agent, who ill cheerfully fnrttish information as to fares, train
service, etc, or a postal card to the undersigned will receive prompt attention
508 Washington Street, Dallas, Oregon
Special Offer.
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger A ft. Portland, Oregon.
Adm itted to the second c l* «* o f m ail m atter.
T H U R S D A Y . JULY 18, 1912
V . P . F IS K E .
lteuiizer,one year in advance......................................... . ....... % 1
With Weekly Oregonian or Semi-weekly Journal. ............. 2
With Goat Magazine.................................................... 1
R eeidence.il 13
No. 506 Main St.
i lii »he m atter of the lu't w ill ami testam ent
! ol \V. I. G ilson, deceased.
| T o all whom it may con c e r n :
OTICE 1 » h eieby given that the u n d ersign ­
ed. Mary 4 . GII moii , w h o bv virtue c»f the
J lust w ill and lestim eiit o f w illia m Lorenzo
G iU on, deceased, and by virtue o f the order of
j the cou n ty court o f Polk cou n ty. Oregon, is
the duly appointed q u a lified uiul actin g ex-
e e u tiix 01 said estatv, that all versons having
I claim s against said estate should present them
» her w ithin six m onths from the date o f the
I first pu b lication of tikis notice, by m a ilin g the
! sam e to her in rare o f Carey I . G ilson, K F.
!)., No. 1, box 1 ) 2 . Dallas Polk cou n ty , Oregon.
Said a ccou n ts should be du ly venfle 1 as by
law required
The first pu b lication o f this n otice Is m ade
in the Polk County Item izer o f the issue dated
the 27th day o f June, 1912.
E xecu trix o f tire last w ill and
testament o f W. L. G ilson
d eceased.
Patronize One Another for the Upbuilding of Town and County.
An eastern man the other day, when we were talking
about natural gas, said he would rather have an own­
er’s interest in a gas well than the town o f Dallas.
That seemed to us a very exaggerated statement, but
when we take into consideration that such a well, pro­
viding the flow was sufficient, could be made to supply
the town o f Dallas with light and heat, the city o f Sa­
lem with the same, and. if necessary, could easily be
piped to the metropolis to supply other thousands. It
is well known that nearly within our city limits we have
natural gas in quantity, but what quantity has never
yet been determined. Before long someone with suffi­
cient capital to sink wells and experiment will undoubt­
edly be found, as it is a money making proposition that
cannot always lie idle.
Our development needs the
utilization o f all our resources, especially our natural
ones. There is hardly any question but that where gas
is found at all it may be found in quantity, all that is
needed being to continue probing until the right spot i$
struck. The finding o f natural gas would prove a god
send to our people in the way o f cheaper fuel and the
many different things for which it might be used.
For instance, in the burning of brick it has proven of
much more advantage than the present method, and
Mr. Patridge would welcome it as a long lost child. Gas
would also create other industries, which we now lack
on account of the high cost of fuel. Like the finding
o f oil, this is an industry we are held back from by lack
of capital, but it will come sometime, and the sooner
the better for our advancement.
Executrix Notice to Creditors.
If weak, you need Cardui,
the woman’s tonic. Cardui
is made from gentle herbs,
acts in a natural manner,
and has no bad results, as
some of the strong drugs
sometimes used. As a med­
icine—a tonic—for weak,
tired, worn-out women,
Cardui has been a popular
success for over 50 years.
E 57
A couple o f weeks ago the Itemizer put in a plea for
a cannery at Dallas because so many o f our growers
had goodly portions o f their crops o f strawberries left
on their hands. Now we are compellfed to reiterate the
demand on account o f the surplus o f cherries, logan and
other berries. This is a wonderful valley for the pro­
pagation o f all kinds o f small fruits, as no particular
care has to be taken in the selection of land on which to
raise, most varieties bearing prolifically by just sticking
them in the ground and letting them alone, and so far
are without pests. Every farmer has berries going to
waste, and most o f them cherries in the same condition.
A cannery would see these vines and trees made a
source o f revenue instead of simply a supply for the
family. Another season must not see Dallas without a
cannery. We have waited too long, already.
Last Satur/’ ay night really marked the opening o f our
band concerts, as it was t ie first evening that the tem­
perature was really pleasant in summer garb.
From 8 until 9 our main street was a pretty sight,
crowded as it was with pedestrians, autoists and rigs
o f all descriptions. The court house green was cover­
ed with lolling groups and dancing children, all show­
ing to advantage under the numerous electric lights.
The band numbers were continuously applauded, and
everyone was out for a good time. Our farmers should
all take a layoff of Saturday nights, come to town and
help us enjoy our good music. As far as we know Dal­
las is the only town in Oregon furnishing a weekly
treat o f this kind entirely free to everyone.
A small electric plant o f one and one-third horse
power, suitable for lighting purposes and for driving
small motors, is now made which is cranked like an
automobile and runs automatically. The machine con­
sists o f a small electric generator direct-connected to a
gasolene engine, and mounted in the same compact
frame. It takes only a few square feet o f floor space.
Oregon and Washington nurserymen, at their meet­
ing just held determined to wage a vigorous campaign
for members during the coming year, so that when the
American association o f Nurserymen meets in Portland
next June, the visitors will be met by strong delega­
tions from the two Northwest states. It is hoped to
swell the enrollment o f the Oregon-Washington associa­
tion o f Nurserymen to 5)0 by next June.
Land Title.
In tin* c ir c u it cou rt o f the stale o f O regon for
1 Polk i-oduty.
In the nuttier o f the a p p lica tion o f Oscar
1 Li» rnimi. to have registered the title to Ihe
follow in g described lands to w it: T he w est
h a lf of the southeast quarter o f the sou th east
quarter and the east h alf o f tbe southw est
quarter of the southeast qu a rter o f section 12,
• in tow n sh ip 6 south, range 8 west of the W il­
lam ette m eridian in Polk cou n ty . O regon,
save and excep t therefrom 2 acres int he n orth ­
west corn er of said east h a lf o f the aouthweat
quarter o f the southeast qu a rter h eretofore
sold to Sc hool District No. fid. in Polk cou n ty ,
O regon. A lso the weat h alf o f tb e north tv te l
quarter o f the southeast qu a rter o f section 12,
in tow nship tt south, range 8 west o f the W il­
lam ette m eridian in Polk cou n ty, O regon, c o n ­
tainin g in all 58 acres, applicant,
i Guorge G utbrod and all w hom it m a y con cern ,
| A KK NOTICE that on the 17th day o f June,
t 1912, an a p p lica tion was filed oy O scar
’ Lierm an in the circu it c o u r t o f the state of
i Oregon, for Polk cou n ty, for in itia l registra­
tion o f the title to the a b ove describ ed lauds.
| Now,
tn erefoie,
unless you
on or before
the 3rd dr*y o»' August, 1912 and
show cause w hy such ap p lica tion sh ou ld not
be granted the sam e w ill b e taken as confessed,
and a decree w ill be entered accord in g to the
prayer o f said ap p licant, and you w ill be for-
ever barred from dispu tin g the name.
In witness w hereof I have h ereu n to set ray
hand and affixed the seal o f said c o u r t o u this
the 19th day o f June, 1912.
Clerk o f and for Polk
Sim pson & Lew is
County, O regon.
A ttorneys for A p plicant.
The Woman’s Tonic
Mrs. Lula Walden,’ of
Gramlin, S. C., followed
this advice. Read her let­
ter : “ I was so weak,
when I first began to take
Cardui, that it tired me to
walk just a little. Now, I
can do all the general
housework, for a family of
9.” Try Cardui for your
troubles. It may be the
very remedy you need.
Have the suffragists no sense o f humor or o f the fit­
ness o f things, that they continue to quote Governor
Shafroth of Colorado in regard to the beauties o f wo­
man suffrage? Have they forgotten the fact that
Shaforth was forced to resign his seat in congress in
face of the most convincing mass o f evidence that
pointed to corrupt politics in sending him to congress?
Have they forgotten that the evidence brought forth
the fact that women were as corrupt as men in that
memorable corrupting elect:on?
Woman suffrage o f Colorado carried off equal ‘honors’
with manhood suffrage, when the Shaforth method of
election was made to an appalled world. It ill becomes
Shaforth to speak of the beauties and the purifying e f­
fects o f the woman vote.
To ask such a politician to express himself on the
women suffrage question -and expect the public to
take him seriously, is offering insult to average intelli­
gence, —Ex.
Registration of
In the C ircuit C ourt o f the state o f O regon
for Polk cou n ty,
Em pire Investm ent C om pany, a corpora--^
tion , plaintiff
\V. B. Perry and Am erica Perry his wife,
and C, G. Perry and M clvina Perry his
w ife, and the u n k n ow n heirs o f said W.
B. Perry and C G. P erry; also alt oth er
persons or parties un k n ow n , cla im in g
any right, title, estate, lien upon o r in ­
terest in the real property d escrib ed in
tlie com p la in t herein and Charles H. '
Dodd, detendants.
T o W. B. Perry and Am erica Perry his w ife, C
U. IVrry and M alvina Perry
' his wife, and
the u n k n ow n heirs o f said w . B. Perry and
C. G. Perry, also all other persons or parties
t t K p o w u ,c la im in g an y right, title, in ter-
I. cat, estate lien upon or" interest in the real
I jW p s r t y in the coin p la in t herein, and a ls o
described in this sum m ons, defendan ts.
1 You and each o f you are hereby sum m oned
aud required to appear In tlie a b ov e nam ed
(•unit and answ er or plead to the com p la in t
i filed against you In the a bove entitled suit
w ithin six weeks from t’ tc date o f the first p u b ­
l i c a t i o n o f this sum m ons, w hich said date of
' ( ! » m ib lteatiou la t h e 18th day o f Jnn e, 1912,
and if you fail so to appear aud answ er or
pldmd, The plain tiff w ill apply to the cou rt for
th’e relief prayed lor in its c om p la in t h e r ;iu ,
tow it: Th at plain tiff’ s title to the follow in g
described real property situate in Polk cou n ty
I O regon t o w it : Lota No. on e, tw o, three ana
! four of section 25 in tow n sh ip tt south, range 7
west o f the W illam ette M eridian; also the
' southw est I of the south west j o f the north-
! west J o f said section 25. nl o lot No. fou r o f
section -30 hi tow n sh ip *J south, r in g « 8 west o f
the W illam ette M eridian con ta in in g in all 211
aeivs morfcjOr !«•.->, and every part thereof, be
forever cnm »d Against j o u o r eith er or any o f
you, ami t»lf parsons cla im in g by. through or
under you rtffliihar o f y o u ; aud" that plaintiff
be adju deed’ fo in* the ow ner th ereof it» fee sim ­
p le: and that you und all persons cla im in g by
through or u n d er you be forev er barred, e n ­
join ed and restrained Irtnn cla im in g or setting
Up any rig h t, title or interest In or to said
property o f any M r l t hereof, and fo r snail o i li ­
er and lurther relief as to the cou rt m ay seem
equitable in the premises.
This sum m ons is published pursuant to an
order of *he Hon. Kd. F. Coad, cou n ty judge
o f and for Polk cou n ty , O regon, m ade ou the
8th «lay o f June, 1912.
A ttorneys for Plaintiff.
In tbe Circuit Court o f the stale o f Oregon
for tlif C ounty of Polk. D epartm ent No. 1.
Ferdinand Freimnn, plaintiff,
A. Krieman and E velyn Freim an. do )
Greater productiveness o f trees
—larger, cleaner, and finer fruit
— more money. Isn’ t that fruit
grow ers’ reasoning? Nothing
will contribute to this end more
than effective spraying.
Effective Spraying can best be
attained with
Bean Magic
Spray Pumps
Effective s p r a y i n g means
High Pressure Spraying and
till the advent o f the Bean
Mag'.cs a high pressure could not
be maintained with a hand pump
for any length o f time,on account
o f the b o d y - r a c k i n g effort
needed to operate it. The Bean
patent spring divides the work
between the tw o strokes o f the
handle and works against only
one-hulf the pressure shown on
the gauge and saves exactly
one-third the labor.
We b m these pampa is
stock soil will he pleaseJ to
■how them. Wccsaaot rec­
ommend them too strongly.
Dallas, Ore.
---------- ^
Information on P oultry
Authent’c mid vnluaM« information
■bout breeding, hatching, raising.
I feeding and housing pou ltry i«
I contained in the latrlt edition of
Lilly's Poultry Book—jufl punted.
| Send for copy, free.
T he C W H . LiUy C o., Seattle
Almira Rebeknh Lodge, No. 26
T o A, Freim an and Evelyn Freim an, the above
nam ed defend a n t s ;
In the nam e of the Slate o f O regon : Y ou
are hereby required to appear and answ er
plaintiff's com p la in t filed against you in the
circu it cou rt for Polk County, u regon , on or
before six w eek« from the first day o f the p u b ­
lication o f this sum m ons, said first p ub lication
being on Thursday, the 13th day o f June, 1912,
mid you are hereby notified that if you fntl to
appear aud answ er said com p la in t, or oth er­
w ise plead th e r e to w ith in «aid tim e, plain tiff
w ill take judgem ent against you in the sum o f
Pour Thousand (H , 000) dollars, w ith interest
in. i ... 11 from O cto b e r s , 19U8, at the rate o f six
per cent, per annum , aud ihe further sum of
9250 attorn ey ’ s fees, together w ith the costs
and disbursem ents, and for the sale o f the real
properly h eretofore attached in this cause,
situated in Polk cou n ty, O regon, together with
the order o f sale o f real property so attached
to satisfy said ju dgm en t, costs am i disburse­
m ents; said attached property being d escrib­
ed as follow s, tow it:
All the right, title ami interest o f said d e ­
fendants A. Freim an am i Evelyn Freim an,
Ills wife (form erly Emma Beckett, w idow and
»»nly licit’ of P. J. Beckett, d e ce a s e d ; in and to
th e"follow in g described real prem ises, tow it;
Beginning at a point in the t enter of the
county rmui 18.34 chains west o f the uortheast
corner o f the east p rojection o f the d on a tion
land cla im o l C. O. H<>sfnrd and w ife. No. 05,
in tow n sh ip 7 south, range 3 west o f the W il­
lam ette m eridian , in Polk cou n ty, O regon;
thence east to the southeast corn er of tlie d o ­
nation land claim o f E. F. H osford; thence
north to a point on the east lin e o f the said
K. F. H osfon l d on a tion land claim due weat of
tlie most southerly southw est corner of the
«lunation bim l claim of Lewis Parkhurst ami
w ife; thence cast to the line betw een Suctions
and 10 in said tow n sh ip ami range aforesaid :
thence south on said iln u to th e north line of
a forty acre tract o f land ow ned bv C. W. Beck-
tt; them e west to the east line o f the su'id d o ­
nation lam ! cla im o f C. O. H osfotd and w ife;
thence Muith ton c h a in s : th e m e w«’»t 7.17
chains t«> the center Os tiie c o u n ty road ;thcnce
m rth 37 degrees west alon g tiie center of said
road io the place of beginning. A lso River
ot No. 8, o f Section 10 in sai«i tow n sh ip 7
south, range 3 west o f the W illam ette Meri­
dian in Polk cou n ty, Oregon, being all the u n ­
d ivid ed interest in said prem ises o f tlie said
defendants, that descended to said Evelyn
Freiman (form erly Knuna Beckett) as the
w idow an d on ly heir at law o f P. J. Beckett,
This sum m ons js published in the Polk Coun­
ty Item izer. a new spaper o f general circu la
Hon published c.eek ly and regularly at Dallas,
Polk County, O regon, w hich said sum m ons
requires the defendan ts A. Freim an am i Eve­
lyn Freiinaii to appear am i answ er said co m ­
plaint on or before six w eeks from the day of
the p u b lication ot said sum m ons, said p u b li­
cation th eieot being ou Th ursday, the 14th day
«>f June, 1912, am i the order for the pu b lica ­
tion th ereof b c lT,g du ly am i regularly m ade by
Hon. Kd. K. Coad, jm .ge o f the cou n ty court
for Polk cou n ty, O rtfo n , in op en court on the
10th day o f J u n e , 1912.
A ttorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff’s Sale
Meets on the First and Third Wednesdays |
VOTIC’ E is he « by given that by virtue of an
of each woiith in the Odd Fellows Hall.
«execution am i order o f sale d u ly issued out
«»f the c ircu it cou rt o f the state o f O regon for
the «‘ou n ty of Polk, on the 19th day o f June,
1912, ami w h ich judgm ent was enrolled ami
! docketc«l in the office o f tiie clerk o f said court
i on tiie 19th day o f Jtrne. 1912. in a certain sale
Mistletoe Circle. No. 23,
then pending in sai«l cou rt, w herein 8. A.
Riggs was plain tiff and A. M. Holm es, the
Women of Woodcraft
M cM innville N ational Bank, a corp ora tion ;
Meet« on the Second and Fourth W ednes­ W 11. Ibdm es am i Josie L Holm es, his w ife
I and W illia m Homer were defendants, and hy
days of each month at the Woodman Hall.
w hich executi«»» amt order «»f sale, I am com
M ahy .S t a r , Cuardian N eigh bor
i inandcd to sell tiie real property in sai«l exe-
j ru tion am i hereinafter described, to satisfy
H a d ir L y n n , C lkkk
plain tiff’ s iiKlgment Iter« in to w it: Tiie »um
ot 93,7«9>. prim -ipai ami interest to M arch U\
i 1912. ami for S«"» a ttorn ey’s fees, together with
! «•«* ts ami disbursem ents o f this suit, or so
Dallas Assembly, No. 46
m uch th ereof as the said p ro ce o is o f said sale
United Artisans
w ill pay of the Maine together w tto «terming
Meets First and Third Monday Evening«of «oat a and expenses upon s a il e .e d itio n .
Now, therefore, I w ill on
K mma C o a d , N o b le U rand
A lta S a va o k , Secretary
each month in Woodman Hall.
Saturday, July 27, 1912,
; members conlially invited.
nt the h our o f 1 o 'c lo c k , p. m ., of said day at
Mrs. J. K. MlLLER. Master Artisan
the west «b*or «>f the cou rt h« use in Dallas,
W il l is S im o . vto n , Secretary
j Polk cou n ty. O regon, sell at p u b lic auction tit
Dallas Camp. No. °09
Woodmen of the World
Meets every T need ay at W oodmen Hall,
i corner «»f Washington and .lefferson Streets.
Visiting Neighbor* welcomed.
T r a c t H t a a T«, Consul Commander
W. (», V assal !., Clerk
A. F. & A. M
Jennings Lodge. No. 9
Meets Second and Fourth Fridays of each
month in Miionttie hall on Main street. Vis-
J ilirtg brethren welcome.
W. L SoRHRKN. W . M.
W alter S. M u r , secreta ry
' the higheat niiider. for « ash in hand on «lay
o f sab*, all the right, title, interest and «’state
w hich defvluiants, A. M. Holm es, tbe M cM inn­
ville N ational Hank a co rp o ra tio n ; W. H.
Holm e«, ami Josie L. Holmes, his u
W illiam Homer, o r eith er o f them , o* all per­
sons «-laiming un d er «aid d efen d an t« o t either
of them , had in or to said mort.«a.‘ '. d premia-
>rior to the 12th day o f M an’h 1912, aud ev-
ery part and parcel thereof^
Beginning at I point 13,33 ch ain s south <»f
the qu a rter section corn er betw een see tion* r»
• ud 32. on the lin e between tow nship* six and
seven south, o f range I we t of m e W illa m ­
ette m eridian, in Polk conn y, state of O reton.
ami running ‘ hence south Jb.dfl ch a in s ; th^m-e
east 40 ch a in s ; thence tuuth 2R.tW c h a in s ;
thence west 10 chain4 to the place of begin ­
ning. containing Mi j I a smo.
8ai«l sal«* being ma«le subject to redeinpli«tn
in the m anner pr »vided by law.
Dated this 20th day •« June. 1912.
Sheriff of Polk «'ou n ty