DOINGS IN THE TOWN. Oregon; for mao id am , $3 JO, for curb am $286, for curb $57 80. Get your mohair sacks at C ri-' Ed Lamport died at Salem yes­ Gon. w . 11 ft goo l, Fre D allas, Oregon, thence north 100 feet, dition to D allas. O regon; for m acadam L ovelady’s addition to D allas, Oregon ; for m acadam $312, for curb $82 40 r ad Compmiv. A rth ur and M ary thence w eal 50 feet, thence south 100 61 4 a , for curb $28 80. Cass Gibson was over from Miss Johann Rowell, of Spo­ Mu» All th a t certain tract of land ownerl r, Mark lla v le r , Seliool Dint net feet, thence All that certain tract of land owned by 50 feet to place of be­ Salem yesterday. kane, is here visiting relatives. ' N" 2. P"lk C ounty. Oregon, E. C\ gin n in g. For m acadam $U 0.00, for Ellen J . H ubbard and described aa hy F. J . and G eorgia 11. C hapm an and described aa follows: B eginning a t the K irkpatrick. K. J . and G eorgia II. cu rb $20 00. follow s: South 1-2 of lot 8,“ of See the new prune stove at Can save you money on rugs, CliMtinmn. |jin«l and Ini- i northeast corner of block 15, O rigin s! r . S. and N ellie tira n t, All th at certain tract of land owned block 19, Dallas t f new line just arrived, large and the Dallas Iron Works. and J . NV. am i Alice ('rid e r: by Sam uel Coed Estate and described provem ent C om pany's F irst Addition tow n of D allas, O regon; thence south » 1 ' he,M* .w‘,8t 81 :M jf*» ! »' Hammocks! Hammocks! —$1 small sizes,— Sterling Furniture noth K. is ilKUEliY «41VKX. th a t a s follow a : Lot 3, block 3. L evens’ l» t to D allas, Oregon ; for n.acHdau. *144, i I " north <8 feet; thence east 81 3 4 feet t m ile * * th e Him h o f iiMinpv rc»|***divelv addition to D liaa, Oregon. For ma- for cu rb $28.80. and up at Sterling Furniture Co. : Co. place of b egin n in g: for m acadam $150. upon end) I**t <»r part of 1«it or ‘“ dam $200 (0 , for curb $40 00 All that ce tain tract of land owned $31.20. Don’t forget Sterling Furni-| Assessor Graves, and deputies tract of lam l, hereinafter ile»cril>ed and desert!**! aa 78 feet ; thence west 143 fe e t; t h e ic a Kersev’s tf hospital. and Allan Clark, of Monmouth, geth er with a ll co ataand accruing coat« aa follow t L ila 4 and 5, tdock 1, la?v- follows : Lot 4 block 18, D allas Land A north 78 feet ; thence east 143 feet, to pOH 8 VLB—Fine «pan of young coach Gelidi n g for m íe 1 11 h from th e «late ‘ f aai«l aa- ,«■)•’ 3rd addition t«« D allas. Oregon: Im provem ent C om pany’s F irst A ddi­ p | u e o f b ) { t n i t i i i j ; n , 1 M is s T ucv Graves of Sheri- leave this week for Kentucky. am i interest ahall w also K»oj b a l d ha,). F» *ne l»e fully paid w ithin hor m acadam $202 00 2-3, for curb tion to D allas. O regon; f »r m acadam $158, for curb $21.20. We want your fat cattle, M2S 14zl Dalla«. dan, visUed relative; in Dallas t0 buY some blood- ^ All th a t certain tract of land nw .ed hereof, the said C'itv $40.53 1-3 $288, for cu rb $57.80. las Meat Co. Council will declare the sam e d e lin ­ All th a t certain tract of land owned i A11 that certain tract of land owned by bv U. H and N ellie G rant am i d escrib ­ T „ 1 over Sunday. )R HALE— 10 Berkshire Brood Kona in pig- ed as follows: Beginning a t the south­ t, and w ill com m ence proceedings by A. ( i. C'lltler and deacribeil aa tal- Fred Rock and described as follows : Lot Joe Crowther now owns a new F D, L. Keyt, Perrydale, Oregon Mrs. Andrew Hannum was quen tf For the collection thereof. Lane Steamer I Wm. Churchill, a former resi- operated ! lo w s: tait 1, block 1, lx*veus' 3rd a»l- 1,1)1 k. 20. D allas Land and Im provem ent east corner of lot 1, block 14, O rigin d on at the Dallas hospi­ The description of th e real property dition to D allas, Oregon. For m acadam C o m p any's F irst Addition to Dallas, Tow n of D allas, O regon; thence west „ o _ dent of Monmouth, died at Eu tal the other day for appendicitis Dr. Butler, dentist, office over q, f*’e nail)** of f tin the respective $101 33 1-3, for curb $20.26 2-3 O regon; for m acadam $288. for curb 2321-2 feet; tbence south 72 fe et; fi room hou-*e, bam, 91200. Term», P )H 819 “ALE— tf A. K. 1 1 HatV dt. tbence east 20 fe et; tbence south ’l l Hayter 8treet. and dislocated kidney by Dr. V. ou nera thereof am i the aum 8Haeaae«l All th at certain tract of land owned $57.80. the Fuller pharmacy. tf gene OJnuay; _ thenee east 212 1-2 fe et; thence c , ... They are boring again at the c. Staats and is getting along upon each lot or part of lot or tract of hy E. W . K earns am i (lescribed aa f«>l- All th a t certain tract of land owned feet; lam ), and the am ounts iihw • Ine, a e as lo w s: L«*t 2, block 1, l i v e n s ’ 3rd a«l«li- by A lice Towle and described as fol­ north 144 feet to place of b eginn ing, be­ See the new hop stoves at the vVhiteaker oil well, and indica- nicely. OR SALE—A borne, buggy and harne»»; gen­ F tle driver and 7 year» old.—W, F. Nichel», Dallas Iron Works. follows, to-wit : tion t«> D allas, Oregon. For m acadam low s: Lot 6, block 20, Dallas Land & ing a ll of M iller’s S qu are in D allas, tf tjong are most promising. Fall» City. Im provem ent C om pany’s First A ddi­ Oregon, except a strip of land 20x72 Cora Tufts, Ada Longnecker, , A ll that 7 r'«in tract of lumt own«1 $101 33 1 3, for curb $20.20 2-3. All that certain tra c t of land owned tion to D allas, O regon; for m acadam feet out of the southw est corner thereof, Same old fire, same old place Log creams, Penoches, „ and Fannie Demsey returned Wc.,nI"T.f I 0/ 2 ¿ W ’ oh E for m acadam $125, for curb $85 $288, lor curb $57.80. Oscar Holmes and described as fol­ potato« » for sale. Small Burbank i* Jap restaurant r riday. — and - fresh - S EED Fluffy Ruffles, taffys Monday from attending a three , i „* i <*f D allas, Oregon ; for macad- by All that certain tract of land owned iato«-» for »ale ft per hundred pound low s: Ix»t 3, block 1. Levens* 3rd addi All th a t certain tract of land owned phone 9x1 Phil S. Bates, of the Pacific made every day at Kersey’s, tf days district convention of the am $iftooo; for curb, $ 3 0 0 0 . tion to D allas. Oregon. For m acadam by M. O. and B. Sm ith and described by J . W. and A lice C rider am i d escrib ­ as follow s: IgOt 4 block 21 D allas Land ed as follows: B eginning 300 1-2 feet 1-3, for curb $20 20 2-3. Northwest, wag a caller Friday. Mrs Elias Hinshaw was oper- Epworth league at Salem. Miss V‘ w n Ji.n «T T c $101.33 ll th at certain t ract of I hik J owned «!k Im provem ent C om pany's First Ad­ south an 1 212 1-2 feet west of the n orth­ ft Ne. good « oung Jersey COW for sa!le Will be Dr. E. J. Scheetz, Chlroprac- ated on Tuesday by Dr. Bollman Dempsey was elected secretary of \\v„,ovpr ,,n i ,i..u,.ri>,^r curb $57410. im n r o v im r profitable and enjoyable session. <•( I*;.1I hh . O regon; for nini'inlain, D allas, Oregon ; f«.r m acadam , $101 33%, AII th at certain tract of lam l owned thence west 20 fe et; thence n ortli 72 m ip t v v m i!. j »1*0.00: for curh, »30.00; nlro lot 1. SuRur cured bacon and hams at far i'llr b, *C0.2t»*3'. by R. E. W illiam s an«l described as Mi- feet; thence west 80 feet ; thence south I) A LED Vetch, ««st» and ch. at hay for »ale by Bernle Churchman, of Sheri- I There will be a meeting of the I block n o rig in a l town of null»». Ore- D Isas«- Phillip». cast Ol Dalla»,, a*!lj«)inii g the Dallas Meat Company’s shop. All lh a t certain tract r>f lam l owned low s: Lot 5, block 21, D allas Land & 144 feet ; thence east 80 feet to p lace <»f Jó beginning, being a strip of lan d 20x72 Jas. Myers hop yard visited with his aunts, Mrs. Polk county poultry association J.?"L)i',r nia,a,l*"1> ,ur Cllrl>. !<>' H. II IlnnkellK'rt'Hr am i «Icai'rilicil Im provem ent C om pany’s F irst A ddi­ feet in the southw est corner of M ille r’s We sell good pure lard at dan, A S. r Campbell, ’a m n h o ll nnrl M e« C. S. S n f t the h e e court n urt h n n se n e x t . Saturday F tatn eH av , a sfo llo w a ; Beginning 1U0 ect north uf tion to D allas. Oregon, fo.• m acadam Squ are C. at house next A. and Mrs, in D allas, Oregon, and also lot All that certnin tract of land owned the antitlmaat corner of lilnca 1, Love- $288, tor curb $57.80 r OK »ale-A Io« ln Kairview Addition. flOxlftO. 121-2 cents a pound Dallas Meat Graves, Sunday, at 1 o’clock. Please attend as lettered C, in block 14. M ille r’ s additio n 1 >y J L. ro llin a and deacrilwd aa fid- la d y 's Addition to D allas, Oregon; All th a t certain tract of land owned I 7 lilock» fror*. lh«- court li«)U»e. *ii’fty. Co. to D allas. O regon; for m acadam $180, low s; L o t? , block 1, lyivcIa.Iv’H Ail- tbence w «st SB fe et; tlie m e north 50 we wish to definitely settle the u K. Holrnan, Dal la», Jersey hoi ter call L by W. H. McDaniel and describe«! as Mr. Jones, a frenial passenger tf week» old for saie al. 9ò. Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs. Carl agent of the S. F. C. & W. R question of cups to be awarded ilitinn to D allas, O regnn; for m acadam , fe e t; thenca a a a l SB fu e l; tbence south folhiws: Ia>t 7 block 14, Dallas I.and A for curb $32. All th a t certain tract of land owned Oft; for curb. $Bft 00. *0 feet to gdace of beginning ; for maca- Im provem ent C om pany’s First Addition Cerilnafer were visitors in Salem r j,as j US(- completed a fine the different breeds at our coming $.100 A ll th at certain tract of land owned | d am , *100; for curb, D allas, O regon; for m acadam $150, by th e Southern Pacific R ailro ad com­ CORSALE— Four ton» of B aled c h e at h ay at poultry show.—Winnie Braden, bv C K Snvder am i descrilied as fob A ll th at eertain tract of land owned to lu ll. F hone Fink 16. U. W. Hiarr pany and described as follow »: Begin­ I-riday. residence in East Dallas. tor curb $30. Miti lo w s: Beginning lift feift east from the I by Deo E. C u tler and desciib ed as fob All th at certain tract of land owned ning 300 1 2 feet south and 292 1-2 fe**t Thoma3 Catherwood spent the I carry a full line of everything secretary. northwest corner nf block 1. L ovelady’s low s: Beginning a t th e southeast c««r- by S C arter am i described as follows: west of the northeast corner of block week end with his daughter in and expert watch and jewelry The grand jury completed their adilltion («1 D allas, Oregon ; I hence south ner of lot *, b lin k I. In u e la d y ’s Addi- L o t3 , block 14. D allas Land A Im prove­ 14, O riginal town of D illa s, Oregon, BALE—B akery, in v lu d ln c ground, build r )R ins. j repairing done at my jewelry labors yesterday and were ex­ 200 fe e t; thence east B4 feet; thence | lion to D elias; tbence north 100 feet; ment C om pany’s F irst Addition to Dal­ thence north 144 feet, thence w est 121) new brh k ovtn with pai ni I iaht ami Portland. door», fixture* am i »unta; o r i¿, MX). 1 in tu ire north 200 fe e t; tbence west B 4 feet to j t hence west 50 fe et; thence south 100 las, O regon; f«>r m acadam $150, for feet, thence s«juth 144 feet, th e n c e east The tennis court on Court store on Main street.—J. H. cused subject to the call of the place W . M. F ia h b a e k , «»f C arlton City Bakery 120 feet to nlace of lieginning. being a ll of beginning, l.eii g p arts nf Inis 1 feet; thence east 50 feet to place of be­ curb $30 tf C a n to n , Ore. street is being gotten in shape Shepherd. tf court. They recommended in am ! 4. block 1. I.nvelady’s a d d itio n ; for g in n in g ; lor m acadam . $200, for curb, AII th at certain tract of land owned of lots A am i B in block 14, M ille r’s ad ­ dition to D allas, Oregon ; f«>r m acadam m acadam $128.00; for curb, $25.B0. ¡$40. by M illie and Conrad Stafrin and d e ­ for games once more. The street oiling people have their report a larger vault for All that certain fraet of land owned All th a t eertain tract of land owned scribed ejw » for »a le. Hen» from tra p ne»t as follows: W est 1-2 of lot 2. $240, for cu rb $48. the holding of the sheriff’srec- A NCONA e«l »lock lor i> Jeaale K eyt, Perry Miss Montgomery’s kindergar- notified Auditor Gregory that All of the above specified street im ­ H C Kakin and described as fob by II C. C am pbell and descrilied as and lots 3. 4, 5, of block 1, Gem Ad«li- tf ords, and that a new fu rn a p f* hp Ihv 'I w s; Beginning at the northeast corn- follows: Lots 2 anil 3, block 2, Love tion to D allas, O regon: for m acadam provem ent were ordered hv O rdinance ten class of 15 had a picnic at they will be up this week to sign installed in the jail, they con­ No. 175 of the city of D allas. Oregon er of block I, Lovclndy'a addition to la d y ’s Addition to D allas, O regon; for $287, for curb $57.40. contracts, and begin oiling next fam ily drivfug hor»e for »ale.—Henry the city park Monday. sidering the old one dangerous. D allas, O regon; tbence west St! fe et; m acadam »400; fur curb, $S0. All th at certain tract of land owned passed by the council of said citv on G ENTLE week. Kohhin». Phone Luxie 2ft. 22ml day of Ja n u a ry , 1912, and ap- by th e T rustees of the Ch istian church H ence sm ith 150 feet; tbence east 80 4 II t bat certain tract of land owned Miss Alrneda Fuller was up J. B. Stump, of Monmouth, J. W. Crider suggests that the fe e t; them e north 150 feet to place of bv K. K. and Oeo. K C u tler and de- nnd described as follows: Lot 1 block 2, the proved by th e m ayor of said c ity on the from Harrisburg, visiting her; was through town the other day four blocks surrounding the begininng, being parts of lots I ami 4, scrilied as follow s: Lots I am i 4. block Gem A ddition to D allas. O regon; for j 23rd d ay of Ja n u a ry , 1912, and th e p i > R 8A LK—Improved Cheater W hile brood ' above specified and designated sess- blnck 1. i.ovelndv's a d d itio n ; for ma- 4. Lovelatly’a A ddition to D allas, Ore- m acadam $287. for curb $57.40. how w ith eilt ht pig». Cow and pig» aubjeet parents here last week. ¡with a band of Shetland ponhs. courthouse he hard surfaced this cadam to re giatratlo n .—c\ I. B ullard, Hl«*kreall, Ore.. 00 ; for curb, $04 40. j gon ; lor m acadam , $412; for cu rb ,$62 40 AH that certain tract of land owned ment were entered in the Docket of the 2 1-2 m iles »«nilheaat ol I> h 1. hh . If We sell dressed goat at 4 cents, and will raise them on his ranch season and thinks he has a com­ All th . $472 at certain tract of land owned All that certain tract of land owned Ed. Biddle am i described as follows: C ity Liens of the citv of D.illa s , Oregon, pany who will take so small a by A Byerlev anil described as follows: by E. N. fla il and des rilled as follows- bv — 1 For front quarters 3 1-2 and hind . near Monmouth. l/»t 10, block 9, M iller’s Addition to on th e 13tii d ay of M ay, 1912. Done by order of the city council of Beginning at the northw est corner of j Lot I Idoek 3, Loveladv’s Addition to I>alla«. Oregon ; i *r m acadam $300, for ¡quarters 5 1-2. Dallas Meat Co. Brown & Sibley, attorneys and job. As the largest frontage block R ad this Please. addition to D allas. , D allas. Oregon ; for m acadam . $200 for curb $6) Alsr beginning 150 feet west th e citv of D allas, Oregon, m ade and except the county, he Oiegon 2 : Lnveladv’s Mr. B. H. Pillar, Mr. F. R. | abstracters, notary public. Ab- owner, thence south 100 f<*<*t: thence i curb. $40. entered of record on the 6th d ay of of the n ortheast corner of lot 10 block U m » 91 for 15 for th e b alan ce ol the » ,,„„l from my A No. 1 Rhode labili«! Reti».- J s Rich and Mrs. Fellows have been i stracts made promptly at a rea­ would like to know how the oth­ c a n 93 fe e t; tbence north 100 r e e l; | All that certain tract nf land owned 9 M ille r’s addition to D allas, Oregon, M ay. 1912. Macoinber. balla». Pilone Black 2ú er property owners feel about it. W itness m y hand and th e official seal em e west 93 feet to place of beginning, j bv Deo E. C u tler and described as fob th e m e west 52 1-2 feet, thence south spending a few days at Newport. . sonable charge. 616 Mill street, The Itemizer says, push it along. th ♦*n g a part of l«*t t 1, Mock 2. Lovttlady'a lows: Lot 2. block 3, Lovelm lv’s Ad 150 feet, thence east 52 1-2 fee'*, thence of the c ity of D allas, Oregon, th is 16th h «I«1 ivi<> * : for m acadam , $388 00 ; for d ay of M av, A. I)., 1912. north 150 feet to place of beginning, b«»- Watchmen of the Tracks and . n . . . dition to D allas, O regon; for m acadam , TWENTY »bare» of the l\H. Cashier Company 20 I stock for sale o rlo traile lor a »pan »ff Most Marvelous of Terminals are . *!• ing lot lettered “ D.” of said M iller’s a d ­ CH A S. G REGORY. $112, for curb, $22.40 Lands, of I ayette, Idaho, Judge Ed.F. Coad was out last • in All h $77 workhorse». Inquire at this olttce. tl certain tr«c t nf land owned A uditor and Police Ju d g e, All that certain tract of land owned ditio n , for m acadam $105, for cu rb $21. two of the big stories in the June Is, exP^cL’d to arrive here tonight. Friday to get the work started hy 11 that W. Earn ham and describe«! ns bv E m ilia Dunn and H iram W indover [ se a l ] of D allas, Oregon. All th at certain tract of land owned He 0PCeL tak,e charge of at Polk-Yamhill line near Willa- folhiws: Beginning 93 feet easi from described as follows; Beginning at by Conrad S tafrin and described as fol­ POR BALK—Good. young, frc»h «pilet m ilch Technical World. ! the New Scott hotel, having ac- mina, where there is about 800 the nfirthwest corner of block 2. 1/ive* and low s: Beginning 52 1-2 feet west of • lie southw est eorner of Idoek 13, Con- Ktm lebakcr A carload of goats was shipped ,iuired it on a lease .young well broke hor»e’ ami hnlv’s jidditinn tn DallaR, Oregon ;thence k e y ’s Second Addition to D allas, Ore­ the northwest corner of lot l », block 9, yards yet to finish up before smith Notice. wagon. Phone 4xL . I ■ * • . .1 llK) f«»*‘t : then«'e enst 37 fee*; gon ; th em e north 94 fe et; th e m e east M iller’s addition to D allas, Oregon, from here Monday to Southern | j w Mathenv. who has been moving * the rock crusher to the ......... „or„, „,0 ,..H (: ,im.,ee west 37 thence west 80 feet, thence fouth 150 8Q ,ontr wa8' operated on at Joe Tharp place. Yesterday the ieet t„ pia.-c of iw ein nii.g, being a part 130 fe e t; t lienee south 04 feet; thence P a lla » , Oregon, May 15, 1912. Hale— I2T» i Hlltng cherry tree» at a cent» Oregon, they being purchased in 130 feet to place of is-g itiiiin g ; for feet, thence east.6 0 feet, tbence north To the citizen » of D allas: F ir each.-F. J. )a«l. balia». the county by Alva McDonald. the hospital Saturday by Dr. whole court were over at the Har- "f b » 1 , block 2, i.o velady’s ad d itio n ; w m est 150 feet to place of beginning, being lot P urely by accid en t, a license w as Lsuc«! by acadam , $44S. for curb $89 Bo the A uditor and P«>lice Ju d g e of th is c ity t«> ii«ti lettered — A of -- * h «1 Miller’s addition, for the Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ritner, of Bollman for chronic appendicitis, riett place and Wallace orchards, ■fl,r AH th at certain ».„vw tract of mu,i land ,,W owned *74 lK) 1 i"1' ‘‘"rh. $n *'• , ....................... m anagers of th e Hell»-Plot«) C ircus to »how poR Sale—Buff and White Orpington, Buff that certain tract of land « wned hy H ardy H olm an and de<>cril**d as m acadam $120. for curb $24. in th is city «m May 30th, Decoration Day. where a couple of new culverts ; by All Leghorn, egg» and chick». Prie« » right.- Airlie. are now permanent resi- and is getting along nicely, A bet Tglow and 4*d hs follow s: ! follow s: Beginning 94 feet north from All th at certain tract of lam l owned The gen tlem an secu rin g the licen se paid for Homer Calkin», Eaat balla» Hatchery. tf dents of Dallas, stopping for the I Have your carpets and rugs are being installed. Rock is L««tB, block 2, ( ’o n key’ s 1st addition to | th e south we t corn« r nf hl«»ck 13 (\»n- ^.V th e Southern Pacific R ailro ad Com- tiie sam e a i the tim e Jt w a» issued. It di«l not to the A uditor and police ju d g e th at tlie present with Dr. and Mrs. V. C. I cleaned by the vacuum cleaner. now being placed in North Dallas »alias. O regon; for m acadam , $500.00;; k e y’s Second A« 1« I i ti«»n to D allas, ()»•''• panv and describe«! as follow s: Lot 1 occur licence wa* for the p riv ilege «>f show ing upon \I,Kl) oat ami vetch hay for aale hy H tor cm h, $100. ¡g o n ; thence north 50 fe et: thence east block 9, M iller’s addition to D allas. Ore- decoration d ay u n til after it had been issued from tiie other crusher by Sup­ Staats. | \Ve get the dirt, can prove it bv Cam pbell, b a lla » . and paid for, w hen it wa» too la te to do a n y­ All certain tract of land owned | i;{0 f e e t; thenee south 50 fe e t; thence Ron, for m acadam $300, for curb $80. in g. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald looking into the can when ervisor Henry Voth on that bad y H. L Fenton am i described as fnl- weet 130 feet to place of lie g in n in g : for All th a t certain tract of lam l owned th On account of th is m any persona h av e in te r­ strip of road of last year. AM MOTH black b erry p lan i» t»r »u-w ha «re been visiting the Sweeneys! through Sterling Furniture Co. lows; Beginning at the southwest cor j m acadam $100, for curb $20 ¡b y A rth ur and M ary S ta rr and descrih- view ed tin- M ayor of the city w ith a view to M P. Holman, iUL O rchard ave im r oi block 5. Sh elto n ’s addition to A ll th a t certain tract of land owned ! « « .follow s: Lot 6 block 9. M iller’s having the license revoked, and *he M ayor ha . this week, they having lately: Roy Sparks returned Tuesday the m atter in niv hand ». After b av in ; D allas, O regon, thence east .300 feet ; I hv A. .1. am i Maggie E VYiBon an«l de- i at 8()()| «:n h e d as follow s: b*t 1, block 1, Gem ! ■ '» 1^00. for curb $80. I have a good 2-Inch M itchell wagon and t with his friend, the late Robert ------- 1 ligh t harnea» for »a le.—W .W . Rowell, Rick Ballston. Mrs. ------------------------------ Lenora Bolle Cryderman. All th »t certain I ----------------- v t ; tlience ...n th lftjt (eel 1«. |«l«<-e of I Ad.iilK.n to D ali«». Oregon for m aca- tract, of lam l owned of a rriv in g at such an opinion, 1 m ust giv e a* opinion in th is m atter th at n o th in g < a i re ali, ore. 11 hy M ark H ayter and described as fol­ my ^; l<,r '»» vhohih I mk ); for curl«. ,i;im $2S7. f..r curb *57.43. he done to prevent th is circu s sh ow in g in tliJD Mrs. L. I). Brown has return- 1 Weathered, for a short time be- who died May 8th at her home in ' lo w s: B eginning at t he soutnwe-0 co r­ city on that «lay, in so far as the city is coil certain traci «*f land own*Hl " O. (ir a n t am i descritted as fol- ner of l«)t 6, block 9 ,M iller’s a«lditi«>n to cernad . 1 am u n ab le totinil a n y S tate law pro­ ed from a visit with relatives in fore h,s death.-Newport News. Salem Oregon, was a well known I Jui ,|micr.*in t..eton«„,i o*„e,i bv! hv A" Alice H arm »» anil w *fon. wagon nearly F )R nt SALE h ib itin g the g iv in g of such e n ie . tain in en t» on Baker Citv, her lister. Miss' Sheriff Minto caught F. M. Polk county girl, having been u w (’«mkey and describe«! as follows: !‘ »v%s: Nortli 1-2 of lot. 5, block 2. C*m- D allas, Oregon, thence west 112 1-2 feet, th tf w Phone Hug—Jo h n W ebster. and there is no thing in our own bi.wh i. (’onkev’-3r.i ud«iition to k . y ’ s F irst A ddition to D alla-, O regon; thence north 75 feet, thence east 112 1 2 ch is a rte «lay, r, nor tm ong ou r O rdinances th a t pro­ Marguerite McKinn, accompany- Bishop, of West Salem at Chema- horn in Buena Vista February feet, thence south 75 feet to place of he- h ib it it. H aving paid for the licenac. mid hav­ 12th, 1878, of pioneer parents, fl» h ih c «.U ih * 2 t».oo; for m acadam $HH), fo* curh $20 ing her home. ] wa yesterday, who was charged in g lived up to a ll th e requ irem en ts of the o r ­ SALE—T hree ntee Bronx«* hens am i I K«>h- All th a t certain tract of land owned gin n uig being t h*» south 1-2 ot lots let- d in an ces of th is city w ith reference to th is tf F OR 1er.— J. M. Brigg», Phone 12x2. .......... . ... .............. , -r J with Incest and indicted by the Mr. and Mr,. F. VV J . G asile aliti t 5, block 2, additio n, for m acadam $225, for curb I and thrown into a ditch and th eir; \ afUT him this morning. it is not within the |>owerof the munici- of el< lug m t my »t«H*k. I iderman October 9th, 1897 niov-M"«-: "««*( of m s , bi.»k i, Oon- O oukey’a First Addition to D allas, Ore- $45 , . . . . , , | p««l authorities to »top them. If the public 0 N for account »ale 10 nice »h t» anti som e ¿0 buggy badly broken Friday even-j l ing to Portland where they lived I ¡iev’H o' k « tn»t all •v.llablv l..,mioi.« within mg hy an auto running without! Miss Goldie Bevens, daughter } t vvo years. They then moved to for ma. a . l s m l 44 8)0: for « uri. $28.80 j All th at certain tract of lam i ««wne«! by th e Southern 1’n .itic K ailroa.l Com- e - 1 th «fuire of J. M. B iigg». i ______ _ that __ aa follow s: L-*t R the e city were tied up In »uyb a manner |ofMr. and Mrs. Sharp Bevens. Winlock, Washington, where they All that c e ita iii tract of lam l ownod hv A bel Tglow am ml i «le devcrihfMl as foil* w h . 4 pany . - and . rleseribed .... lights. ° ihe»e people could not get the use «>f them . «>r Wot Comings and Goings of Citizens of Dal­ las and their Friends. W om an'i to awake worthy r» no one ir ahe endu ncs# and ganism s a man. her good and her p the assist thousand ments. specific f lutes, str advise yc Dr. Piet t ( ,w n 9« H t>le ine block 9, M iller h Addition to D allas, a n y of them , upon th at d a y , the question Oregon, for m acadam $300, for curb $80 could e a sily be solved ; and th a t 1» the on ly w ay in .w h ich 'th e m atter * an he handle«!. All th at certain tract of lam l owned LT n 'e r th e law , the city ia pow erle»» to act by School d istric t No. 2, Polk co un ty, fu rth er in the m atter. Oregon, and described ns follows: I>ot The blam e iof th is condition can h a rd ly be la id ut anyone’s «lour, for the rca»«>n th at the 10 block 10. M ille r’s addition to D allas, m ista k e 1» one th a t alm o»t an y of ua m iah t Oregon, for m acadam $.‘{0 ), for cu rb $80. have ma«le, an«! one thnt ha» been m ade in ___ _____ ww j Also beginning at the northw est corner m any oth er c itie s w ith in the past two weeks, $20 per li We have 11 acres just outside t n o f Woodcraft, in w h ic h order Vor,lr.r "f l,l<” 14 Town of l)al- j dam *33«, _______ for curb _ *57 B0 in Salem a license w as refused upon tb e o n ter Mrs. T. J. Warren and emlu- the city limits ^ for sale that ...n. has .. 1.37 2 3 fe et; | All that certain tract of land owned oi ,ot 10> l>loik 10 M ille r’s additio n to of the m ayor, the recorder h av in g rem em ber­ .’T I'R IV IN G hoi »e for »a le. Inq u ire of W ilder’» ren I aid and Dorothy, spent the exceptional irriRatinfr facilities, S h e carried $2000. Besides her ! thence sooth by Alice I. Demp«ev am i describe«! a» ' D allas, Oregon, thence west 52 1-2 feet. ed w hat toe d ay w as th a t licen»e w as requ est­ husband she is survived by Mrs. 10 f . « t ; then.-« «««t 37 i s f « « t ; tt « m « follow s; East 1-2 of lot 4, block 2. Con- I 1 »tor. ed for. In G rant’s Pas» and oth er citic* the *°uth 150 feet., thence east 52 1-2 latter part of the week here with a ^00d barn on the premises, but A. J. Anderson, her mother, ! "«»»h Hi 2-3 f««t; them-« ««at ’ 1 is f««t k e y ’s F irst A«ldition to D allas, O regon; fe e t, thence n o rth 150 f e e t to place of license was issued. au«l la te r steps were tak en to revoke it, but w ith ou t a v a il. Kf'OND hand buggy for »ale in q u ire at < ri ! b e g in n in g , b e in g lo t le t t e r e « ! I), in Raid 1 tru st th at the public w ill un d erstan d the l»r mara.lam for m acadam $200, for curb $40 iV>,V ,arTt ’ ^ a,U ^ r3‘ ^ ' "° house. You cannot heat this Mrs. M. L. Baldwin, of W'inlock, i",.,1.’1,'!?’ ,"1 tf «1er’» store. a tter as it r e a lly !». I, with the rest of you, h’ H t’r.h-it o f AI ♦£#• «*); fnr rurh *4« 00. k . hnyaer. ! if y0u want to raise most any- 1 Wn n’’ Mrs All th a t eertain tract of land owned b lo c k 10 of a a id M iller’s a d d it io n , fo r m sin cerely regret to see this d a y of a il d a y s dese­ ,V ' f?j ° ‘ Al- All that certain tract of land owned by B Bursou iltal II L Fenton and d e­ m acadam $105, fo r curb $21. crated by the exixtence in our mi«(*t of a th in g The Oak Grove grantre will fhiti)?. ihe Itemizer Realty Con- bony, Mrs. Ed Harmon, of l.v John II shepherd and d«« ril»ai aa scribed L'OR HALE—One ft-horse power steam eue ine, A ll th at certain tract of land owned of th is k in d —here, p u rely for the d o lla rs and as follows: Lot 1, block 13, I been used about 12 month», p ractical ) a» th a t can be m ade out of the people gath- Buena Vista, Mrs. M. Conger, of toll»«-; Uetrmnitift at a point 75 feet C o nkey’s Second Addition to D allas, by E. C. K irkpatrick and descrilied aa cents good a* new . 9:fft tak es it.— Dalla» Meat C« „ jrive a picnic Saturday. June 8th. cern- for the purpoee of p a jin g trib u te to the follows: Beginning 52 1-2 feet w est o f ed and a very pleasant time is an-1 Mary E. Gilson and family de- S tver, her sisters, and R. E. rant of the aonthweat corner of lot B in . Urep.n ; macadam *»10, f..r curl. *40 m em ory of our depart« d heroes, frien d», and Anderson ° r'l'i" .d , own .. » a lia * . (I r e -, A ll th at certain tract ..f land owned the northw est corner of lot 10 block 10, re la tiv e«, P erso n ally, I cannot conceive of a and full «ire to thus --------- publicly express their . Prather ticipated. The pntjrram . ----------..... —^----------- . . I and . N. C. rtM ,, u e , re o o , • t her „ r .. gon ......... nMU ie ¡th e n c e north 1Z, 2 3 f e d ; thenee , hy «71»,ni 1«. I.vnch and deacribed aa M iller’s addition to D allas, Oregon, more uupatrioti«- th in g , u ?ed 89 ireven t any fu rth er spread of th is very ev id en t f j 150 taet to place of b eginn ing, being lot a«-k of patriotism . Hut under the law as it ni. J U/ ANTED— I pay 12 «»ent» for prim e of their sorrow during their late daughter and son. Geneva and SoSfi, r *i*d.uo, (or curb macmiam * 200 . f»r cnrh * 40 . now stand», it is u p Jo you a» pair!« tic c t i - tf » ' M. Hrigg». plume !4xJ. D h ÍI m ». A in said block 10 of said M il­ xen*. Fifty years a/o: Mr. Henry t*« e ith er prevent th e p o ssib ility of the of their loved h us-1 Carl aged i2¡and 14.respectively, j* All ;h„ ,.ertnin ,„ rt of llln have some 360 hen I of tine he »f cuttle Wm Her 7 mr in hn vino-n dilator with the mother Was laid to rest HH followa : Betiinninir at the Routhwext oml Addition t<* Dallita, O regon; for A ll th at certain tra ct of land owne , ir?01 vange^licai church -H arrv Kill ” phom honograpli w ith JM ree«) lieginning. l-or inacailam $1*0.00, for ,0m l Addition to D alla*, Oregon ; for 0. A. Spinnev had his fingers around the court house square, ^ pester 1. (iate8, of Dallas, of M HI by, D alla» curb $.39 09 niHt'Mtlam $288, for curh $57 60. badly crushed Friday while build- we will have a beautifully light-! , cia*m,^* , cous,nfl,° f A ll th at certain t-a rt of land owned th a t certain tract of lam l owned ing a bridge near Falls City. He ed Main street. The New Scott !iVcease( - a.c ^e” as pallbearers, by A II. C ollin* Eatate am i S. E. ( T«»1 - by AH FOR RENT NV. II. Boa Is am i described as fol­ was brought to the Dallas hospi- is also to have a cluster light. . Pro‘ us,on °f flowers bore I imh and ileacrila*«! a* follow*: IVgin- lo w s: L>t 3, block 12, Con k e y’s Sec­ feet west «»f the aoiitheaHt c«>r- ond Addition to D allas. O iego n; for The literarv spctjon of : testimOTy to the love and affec- ning of 115 for rm t I) mil«-» of D alla», full p a rtira taland Dr. Starbuck fixed up lot 5, block 3. O riginal Town of m aciolam $288, for curb $57 80. In the c irc u it court of th e state of Oregon for F ARM . . . 1 ne , %T, r3 section ot the tton in which the deceased was ner la r i I1r»t le ttrr .Mr» L«’r, «IR K. T aylo r Ht. the member county, 1 Villa», Oregon, tbence north 127 2 3 tf I'ortlund. Ore. A ll that certain tract of land owned Polk Womans lub will meet at the held by a larKe number of teef. W. R «» v e ry , p lain tiff, , them*« west 55 feet, thence »outh by P. C. M artin am i descHbcil as fol­ While Mr. Ah. Bvereley was home of Mrs. Oscar Hayter Wed-1 friends. 127 2-3 feet, th e m e ea»t 55 feet to pla«*e low*: North 1-2 of lot 1 and 2, block . I. N icklin .h eirs, defend- ) U O k RENT—Tw.. fiirni»h«*«l lig h t house kn ants. cutting wood recently, his foot oesday afternoon May 22 at 2:30 1 «if h«*t|ilining. For m aeadam $110.00, 14, l>allas Laml amt Im provem ent To*%. ' Ing r«K>m» w ith um * of bath at 79*1 ' « « N tcklin, heir», the above nam ed d e­ C o m p any's First Addition to D allas, fendant. slipped. causinR the wood to fly XoliCe Collection ol Street for curh $22 Or«*gon; tar m acatlam $444, for curb All th at certain tract of lam l owned up and hit him, making a painful IN the nam e nf the state nf O regon: You are h ereby notified th a t W. R. Sa very, th e hold- J r w r tuill for »ervice. Phone 4x1." —Wit hy M artha Holman and d*»cril*e«l a» $88 80. 1 er of C ertificate of D elinqtieory num bered 2. issued on the 3*1 h «lay of October, 1 UU* by I IDprovcillcnt Assessments. M10 hurt, and from which he is now larjre attendance is requested as Elliott. the ta x <*««llector «»f the county ot P o l», state of O regon.for the am ount of Two and .la-tuu d o l­ follow*: L it 5, block 2, Leven*’ l» t AH that certain tract of lam l owned there are officers to be elected ---- lars. the »a m «b e in g the am ount then du«* and deiin«|uem for taxes for the year 1907, to geth ­ able to be out on crutches. t«* Dalla*, Oregon. For m acad­ h.v Bell Bro*,, J . NV »tall am i C. V Bell er w ith p en alty, interest and <*o«ts thereon upon th e re al p o p e x y a»»es»ed to vou. of w hich and other business of importance TO Ealimr M. itumn. J. J. Wiseman *«ldition am $309.00, for curb $l«0 (X). am i undeeiul the aunim er. Her niece, ’ a< 1 ’ 4JUU 3 { 15 per et. services, 325 being present last m an, J . J and Roe* K. Fuller, Tract* «Ution h2 tor» 1909 Oct. to Ditlla*. Oregon. For inaca«!- D allas, O regon; for m acadam $288, tar , 1 Mias llax e l W ork, acc«)mpanie«l her to S»aat*, F. N. !>«>rnln*ckt*r, Amlr«*\« curb $57 80 i Call in and see the new Van- Sunday. May we not have 350 &Ó 4 Independence. Holme*. C. II. M orris. Sam u el (\>a«l am $3 )0 00. tar cnrh $«50 00. 15 1 190? XMft Kuard new 16 size watch move- next Sunday? What is your an- E state, F E. F ish er, Theodore Far­ A ll th at «*ertain tr* cf of lam l owne«l All that «‘e rta in tract nf land owne«I by — li **’ , t i l Geo. Shew Itegan work on hit* t ile and A lice M Frnke*. deaeri Ioni a* follows: 1911 J 15 per et. I------------- Oft 1910 hy F . N. l>o»nherk«T and de*«*rihe«l as rington, A. («. C u tler. E. W. Kesrn*. ment winding indication showing 8Wer’ Remember the time 10 j 1« March brick kiln Wednemlay with a full crew Oscar llo ln ie * . Eva 'r e a l, II H Dun follow*: Beginning *t the »onthck 2. Leven*’ 1st a«l- proveinent ( ’«»mpanv’* F irst Ad«li»tau Morning sermon subject the watch has run since last Mr. and Mrs. H am ilton M ulkey a r ­ Cam pl*ell, E. R. and (»«*«». E. C utler. littan to l>aila*, Oregon, thence ea*t 50 to D allas. O regon; for m acatlam $288, Haid A t X irkltn heirs as ow ners nt the legal title of a ___ »ve _ «letfcTioed pro| K-r.y as »atue Sj>pr«r< Two's of the Bible.” rive«! Tuemlay m orning on the train winding. C. H. Morris, jeweler. of record. an«i ea«‘h of the oth er person s above n a n u d arc hereby fu rth er n«>tifled th at W1 k Ha- E N H all. Emma Dunn, Hiram fe«*t, thenee north DU) fe«*t, then«*e west tar rttrb $57.80. v F F “ PP'y •» th e C trra lt C ourt of the co«inty and »«ate aforaaid for a decree foreclosl i x from Port lam l to attend hia b rother's 606 Court street. All th at tract of land owned by K M16 C. E. 7 p. m. Win«h»ver, lla n ly H olm an, A. J . and 50 tact, tben«*e s«mth 100 to* place of lie- i he ,<,n ■ ** 'n** property a>>ove dew-rib«*d. and mentione«! in sai«t certift« ate. An«I you a/e fu n eral, going to A m ity in th e atter- _ . _ , Evening sermon subject, "Sub-; M aggie E. U ilm m , A lice O. G rant, ginning. For ma«*adam $100.00, for am i Roliert H atton a« •le»«,ribed a s lo 4 t- t hereby »ummone«i to apin a r w ith in s ix ty d a y » after the first publicatio n of th ii n m a o i i i ex noon. lo w s: Lot 4. bl'*ci 15, D alla» Ijin d an«l c lu a ive «if the d a y of «an) first nublb-ation. and defend th is action «>r p ay t'.e am ount d u e _ Lorcna J . C aatle, tic r h a n l Harder. cu rb $23.00. bcott »wetland, manager for stitution” r . irst . . . Addi a»""'»* «hown l ’u ieiher w ith c«*«4a and u«vrue4 Interest and tn ease «if your fa ilu re to «¡«i ».« * F lice I. lH*mi>aey, B. Bitrs**n, II. 1^. A ll that ee rta in tract of !*n«l owned im provem ent ( ’««mpanv** Mn». N ettie Boeche, M ra. La wand«* oi.e Arnishy people, and J. C. . » . _____» __ derm * w ill f>e rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxe» aud c«»»t» a g a in st the lan«i and prem . There will be baptism at the A Eenton. ’ 'regni» ; for m acadam »es aN »»» n u m a l * C laude L. L yn ch , W. (i hv Andrew H«*ln*e* an«i «lescrilie«! as t i n t" Italla and Mm. R em ington en tertain e«l the H. Shepard, the company's archi- close of the morning sen-ice. This «Mirniiiin» i» p u b lish ed by order of the H onorable Ed P Coad. Judge of the roti»n> Cauipb«dl. L illian Laurem*on, \V. II follow*: Bevinni g 50 feet east «»f the $2M . for « nrb $57.80. H. R. club at buaineM m eetin g V e«l- •ourt «»f the «tate of «>r. gon f«»r the «nuint« of P o lk .an d «aid ««rder w »» m ade and dste«1 th tb Come and worship with us and B«»*la, IV C. M aitin . Bell Bro*., J W. •cwithweSt corner of lot 8, hliwk 2. I>ev* All th a t «‘ertain tract of land owned la y of AprO. I41J, an«! the d ate of the tirai p u b licatio n of th is sum m on» is th e 2nd d a y of is M » ay, neadav afternoon a t th e hom e of M ri tect, were here Monday looking Bell, C. V. B ell, A lice M. F rak .a, en*' l*t *«i«lition to Ihilla*. Orqron, by H C. Yai.îM uke ai d deecr be<1 a* >12 B< eehe The disegnatati of fav o rite over the site for the packing we will do vou good. 411 process and papers in th is prot-eading m ay be served upon th e u ndersigned n sid in g wttta- R oherl Hatton l*>tate, K. E. Hatton. thence east 50 f«et, thence north 100 follow • : l>»t 1 blnek 19, IhsB* • T *nd ____________ .... ___ auth o rs was tb e d iversio n, . e*ch oelect plant here, and making arrange -1 n the sta te of Oreg«>a, at the address hereafter m entioned. C h a s. t. m II. . Morris, feet, memo* th e m e s«*si west . 50 9 «f, et, m thence south and *nt C o om C h r io#ior« 1 M i.'»» C. Van S kike, vim m *rns. i«vf, tu u ence »otiin am i Im nn proved) proven) mii m pany’s p a n y s ^ ^Firat ir a t JOriN H Mt WARY, ing twaire book« ttiat tb«y liked beet. ^ ments to build in the near future., L H ! lbTian Ai m is t e r . l Ellen J . H u b b an l, NVillig Sim onton, 100 feet to place of beginning. F o r m t- A«kiit»oi» to D an«*, Uregvu ; for and J E. HI BLEY S Summons For Publication in Foreclosure of Tax Lien. C A H Christian Church. I I LEON L. MYEBS. Ad«treas D allas. Oregon A ttorneys for P lain tiff, '■ * * * * * $ * * I i t % * i He Igj & * Hi Phc Hi Hi * * * * * * :! SüV I JÍ 1 Ext