STUMP PULLING MACHINES W S FOR SALE AT THE DALLAS IRON WORKS We have several of these machines On hand which have been selling for $75 each, but are reducing the price to $00, which price cannot be duplif-ated. Our machine carries an iron clad guarantee and it will be to your interest to see us before buying. i H L C htae. Rickreall ............................ rep G A Laraon, R ick rea ll........................... ind J W Edgar, Rick reall.........................Jem M ichael Becker, Independence 1 dein Merrill Gee, Dallas l .................... .. .»ep Fred S C row ley, Ind ep end ence.........deni E J Brown, Independence ................. rep • F A W iliianja, Independence ........deni .Tniiiee II Jotiea, Ind ep en d en ce.........dem Tom Fox, Independence .................dem John R C ollins, Independence. ...d e m * 1 John M cK in non , Independence . . . .rep Thom as M cClellan, Independence rep E L Ketchurn, Independence .......... rep Eli Tice, In d ep en d en ce ...................... deui I L Sm ith, In d ep en d en ce .................. rep C A M cLaughlin, In d ep en d en ce......... aoc rep 1 A lfred W hitn ey, Indepem lence. . rep Asa B T aylor, In d ep en d en ce.. John Ballard. In d e p e n d e n c e .... . . imi 8 H Kdwarriä, Independence . . . . . rep S F C lodfeiter. Independence. . . . . rep Beiij F H tike, Ind ep en d en ce.. .. . . . r ip O B Francia, Ind ep end ence........ . . . rep rep ■ J t) Kizer, In d ep en d en ce............ • i I) W H aley, Independence ............ dem ' W N Futnani, In d ep en d en ce................. rep i D J Purvine, In d ep en d en ce...................rep j George Reuf, In d ep en d en ce................ deni | W H Riggs, In d ep en d en ce .............. rep C E H e n e n , M o u m o u th .................... dem f James M T edrow . M on m ou th ............ rep| W arren Neal, Mon m oot n ..................rep f S W Leonard, Buena V ista ................ rep * W E Be vena, Buena V is ta ..................rep j, W I R eynolds, Buena Vista .............. rep|i M M Porterfield, In d ep en d en ce... .dem W in Shafer, Independence ...............dem R Peterson, Buena Vista ................... rep !. Everett Carden. In d ep en d en ce...........rep Edward Pugenkoff, M ou m ou th .........dem j That the knockers are so ela­ ted over their semi victory that they threaten to enter county politics. All Over Baby’s Body, Head and Face. Scratching Made Sores. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and Have Had No Further Trouble. ••On July 27, 1909, we left Boston for a trip to England and Ireland, taking baby with u*. After being in Ireland a few days a nasty rash came out all over his body. We took him to a doctor who said it was chicken pox, and gave us medicine for him. The trouble started in tho form of a rash and was all over baby's body, head and face, at different times. It Irritated, and he would scratch it with all his might. The con­ sequence was it developed into sores, and we were afraid it would leave /f nasty scars on his face. “ When we reached England we took baby to another doctor, who his condition was due to change of food and climate, and gave more medicine. The rash got no better, and it used to itch and burn at night so bad that the child could not .deep. He was completely covered with It at different times. It was at this time that my mother advised us to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. After using Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment for about nine months the places disappeared. There are not any scars, or other kind of disfigurement, and baby Is completely cu*-<»d by the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. We have had no further trouble with baby's skin. Nothing stopped the itching, and allowed baby to sleep but Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment.'* (Signed) Mrs. Margaret Gunn, 29 Burrell St., lloxbury, Boston, Mass., March 12, 1911, Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug A Chem. Corp., Dept. 14A, Boston, for free .sample of each with 32-p. book oa the skin. Win lloiaington, Monmouth 1 ....... dem Win E Burns, Monmouth 1 ........... Jem M C Syron, Dallas............................... rep F i CJhus Biege, Dallas ............................. rep | ( | Wm E Beaver. Dallas ............... .. deni r ! Clair Snyder, Dallas............................. rep • Karl Crook, D a lla s ............................... re p 1 ! W D Calkins, Dallas............................. pro j Mark Hayter. D a lla s.... ................dem i You can see one of these ! John Bird, Dallas................................. rep I M a chin es at Craven Bros. j J L Blodgett, Dallas ..........................ind |c E Sibley, Dalla-*.............................. dem 10 Hughes, Dallas .............................. repj Oscar Holmes, Dallas .......................... rep Floyd E Smith, Dallas..........................rep Peter Berg, Dallas ............................. dem J H Ruber tson, Da H uh ....................... rep Frank R Smith. Dallas........................prog LTr Dornhecker, Dallas..................... dem J M Simmons. Dallas............................rep jl Hugh Hayea, Dallua............................. rep E W Fuller, Dallas ............................. repH emlenee ............ pro R R Van Oradel, Dallas..................... dem John Sykes, Salem 2 ......... .. rep Win C Wood, Independence.............. rep !N Hughes, Dallas ............................... ind J I Miller, Salem 2 ........... .dem H C Chase, In depen den ce................ rep Lloyd Elliott, Dallas............................. rep John H Morgan, Salem 2 . pm A S Wilson, Independence ................ rep T P Janes, Dallas ............. J A Shields, Salem 2 . . . . rep rep F M Brown, Independence.................. rep K G Erickson, Dallas ........................rep Gottleib. Stoller, Salem 2. .r e p W H Roy, Independence ....................rep A L Bartholomew, Dallas....................rep J M Turner, Salem 2 . . . . .deni A L Sperling, Independence..............rep E A Cad well, Dallas............................. rep Jas Simonton. Salem 2 ... . .rep L P Bail, Independence ..................rep N H Stonebrink, Salem 1. . .rep Barron W Agnew, Independence... rep F L’ Wood, Salem l ........... . rep Carl Richards, Independence ......... rep Frank Wells, Sahn» 2 ___ . . rep John H Ilihbs, Independence............ rep M A Vandenberg, Salem 2 . soc A L Thomas. Independence................ rep J F Walters, Salem 2 . . . FOR FLETCHER’S . . rep ! L Hazel ton, Independence................dem A K Chase, Rick reali .. . rep i N W Miers, Indepe deuce ................ dem M H Richards, Independence REGISTRATION LIST. List of Persons Who Are Now Eli­ gible to Vote Next November. Children Cry C A S T O R I A — —1 *********** I p « « ’« ' « » * 4* *- * #■ 4* *■ *r * ^ ■- . . , 4* »16- *r #r * * * * * * # # #r * # * + * * * # 10 * £ * * * )0 + # * & * # * + + + # F t ALLAS is the most progressive City on the W est Side o f the Willamette River, with a pull together population, and the best prospects for future advance­ ment. She has a number o f good, sound industries, but wants more, and is open for any sound, business­ like proposition from manufacturers who have capital behind them and the experi­ ence in making the goods. Dallas now has a fruit packer, a flouring mill, a foundry, a planing mill, wagon shops, tannery, saw mill, axe handle factory, wheel barrow factory, and the other usual small in­ dustries, and prospective oil wells. Dallas wants a cement factory, a woolen mill, a match factory, a furniture factory, a barrel stave factory, a ship knee and bow sprit factory, piano factory, box factory, etc. Our timber resources are unlimited and we desire them worked up into anything that can be made o f wood. For further particulars address the Secre­ tary o f the Dallas Commercial Club. That some some of them are very liable to want assistance to » ! Wr. F o rg e t." er, light and heat. C. L. H A W K IN S ltailroad street, Dallas. ON U ME N T Ch FOR il dr en Cry FLETCHER’S C A S T O R I A Marble— — Granite Ward school closed April 2nd after having a very successful term of six months’ school. The patrons have been loyal and true to the school and ever ready to lend a helping hand to assist in the upbuilding of the school. But few districts have enjoyed the curtesy and sympathy as that shown by the board in their un­ tiring effort to aid and assist the teacher and pupils in fulfilling their duty. Because o f this promiscuous effort on the part of the directors the school has become one of the standard schools of Polk county and has established a president that will be an incentive to the teachers and school officers that are to follow. The pupils are to be congratu­ lated on their success in the spell­ ing contests and their good at­ tendance throughout the year. Much progress has been made in the school work and the improve­ ment in penmanship has caused the patrons to sit up and take notice. The following is a brief report for the entire term: Per cent of attendance 96.5, number of visits made by superintendent and su­ pervisor of Polk county 4, Benton county 1, number of visits made by directors during school hours 19, clerk 5, total visitors for the entire year 51. Many of the patrons and teach­ ers of the ruial schools are in­ clined to feel that the time is fast nearing when the six months’ term will be a thing of the past and the chilren will be given the same or nearly the same amount of time that is taught in the city schools and thereby place them on equality. Parents who send their children to a six months’ school realize that they cannot advance the same amount as those attending a nine months’ term, while the teachers feel that the short term does not ju s­ tify them to follow that vocation. Send F or This Seed Annual-Free paaiMHi without wune obstruction of the bow «In, in other words, constipation, even if ouly temporary. The bloating, the doll feeling may stait after theev^uing meal. If a laxa­ tive is not taken that night it in certain that sleep will not be nound, and you will awaken unrefrenhed. Hence, it in important for you and fo** all the meinbern of vour family that a good, re­ liable laxative be always kept in the house for just such emergency. It in sure to be needed, and when needtd yau want it at hand. No family^ that in careful of it« health can do without noch a remedy. But the question of which remedy to have on hand in also of vast importance. The laxative most highly recommended by the majority of intelligent Americans us being Lent for babies ami growuupn is Dr. Caldwells ,p re j mu n. It is a liquid laxative-tonic, is mild, and never gripes, in effective on r> I bust people and can be given with safety to { an iufant. Children like it bebauae of these i gentle qualities and because it is pleasant to the taste. it in the bent all-around remedp you can 1 have in the house for any disorder ot the 1 stomach, liv. r :ind bowels, and many people I like Mr. W. j Wigner, Alma, Oolo., and Mrs. Albert E. Garni, Messex, Colo., say I they would as soon be without the necesri- i ties an without Dr. Caldwell’s Byrup Pepsin. ! Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedy before buying it in the regular way of (a druggist at ¿SO ctmts or one dollar a bottle family size) can have a sample bottle sent to the home free of charge b.v simply addrennin; Dr. W B Caldwell, 40.'» Washington B t, Mont cello, III. Your name and address on a postal card will do. ¡! Old Çorvtm?rvt&l Is the acme of excellence in whiskey production. It is the Genuine Old-style delicious product which made Kentucky famous . . . For sale b y Chas. N* Bilyeu PLAN YOUR VACATION NOW TO THE E A S T -S E A S H O R E or M O U N T A IN S * THE ¡SOUTHERN PACIFIC! % Will place on sale low round trip tickets to all the principal Cities of the East, go- ing or returning through California, or via Portland with going limit 13 days. Final return limit Oct, 31. --------------------------------- SALE DATES — •---------------------------- April 25, 2«, 27 July 2. 3, 0, 7, 11, 12, 15. 16, 20, 22, 23, May 2, 3, 4. #, 10, 11, 14.15. 17,18, 24, 29 26, 29, 30, 31 June 1, 6, 7. 8, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, Aug. 1, 2,3,6,7, '.2,15, 16, 22, 23, 29, SO, 31 21, 24 25, 27, 28, 29 September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. 30 IMPERIAL COUNCIL MYSTIC SHRINE, Lot Angela*, April 30 te May 4 NEW PORT Y A Q U IN A B AY Offers many advantages for a seashor outing. Low fares from ell l*>ii-te in Oregon, reiiMoneble hotel rates, outdoor amusements and ell tne delights of the seeshore T H E N E W P. R. & N. B E A C H E S Tillamook*, Garibaldi (Bayocean), Brighton, Manhattan and Ro kaway, LakeMytle __ , Tillamook ............. .. ~ Beach and ‘ Bay CUy will (»pen a new ^ Ocean Lake Park, Twin Rooks, field for a summer outing. Low Round Trip Fares from ail points in Oregon Call on our nearest Agent for full information as to East Bound Excursion Far s, Routes, Stop-Overs, Etc., or write to the very higheil S • quipped labor direction of • k seed te*er removes all «ocas work. When buying Lilly, toed. ^toJ buy increased crop.. Sand fl. YklaVig Tb. CW H. Lily Cfc. tosol. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Eat California Raisins. Raisin Day April 30 REO t h e FIFTH, Five Passenger Touring Car The Result of 25 Years of Successful Automobile Construction. $1275 f. 0. B. Dallas. Completely Equipped wifi Tip, Windshield, Speedometer, Gas Lamps Self Sbrter. If interested let us show you this Car and demostrate its Advantages L r> r\ A M I C I A g e n t for Polk County for ■ Um U n l v I C L R E O and A P P E R S O N CA R S The Largest Industry in Polk County is the Dallas Lumber and Logging Company Buy Your Lumber of Them and Help the Community Grow