Harriet D a v i«.............. Frank Stump ............ A lm a M itch ell.............. Le<*^a Mason .............. R uth M ille r .................. Bergetta S to w .............. . . . . «0 . . . ___ BO . . . . Ö0 .. . . . . M . .. . . . . 50 .. . 2 2 ... 80 SO 80 j 25: 25 ha* »o n e to California. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil O elchell have m oved in W ill A y re ’a houae on Jeffer- aon atreet. Mr. Billinira «rent to Salem with 72 ftoat hide« and 20U pounda ol tallow. Jiiu W right, o f N orton«, waa ia Dal­ las Thursday and Friday. M r. Sachler ia cutting wood on K im b a ll's place. The follow ing resolutions were passed Mr. Lewis Fosnot expects to m ove to by the mohuir association w hile i ia ses­ h is p la c o nortn of here about the first of February. * sion here: W hereas, The nresei w ill1 Elbert and M able Hayes were visit­ enact a new tariff law, ami, W hereas, It is necessary that the in­ ors at the hom e of Mrs. Chau Mtennett Sunday afternoon. terests of the mohair growers have p rop­ er attention ; Fred Margin, a prom inent business Resolved, That we endorse the action man o f Jefferson, purchased tw o car­ of the National M ohair G row ers’ A sso­ loads of potatoes in this vicinity Isst ciation in em ploying J. E. M cCarty for week. He was also a visitor i t the this position, and pledge them our sup­ hom e o f J. W . Mangis Sunday. port, both moral and financial; H olt McDaniel sold a span of colta off W hereas, in proper com bination there his ranch near here last week for a auiu is strength ; Resolved, That we endorse the Na­ of $400. tional M ohair Association us being such Alien and Emm a Cadle were visitors an organization, and advise all breeders at the hom e of M. II. W ilson at Folk of Angora goats to becom e m em beis of Sunday. sam e; Mrs. W in ified W ilson, of Etna, who W hereas, T he life of the mdhair in­ dustry depends upon proper regulations has been workimr for Mrs. F. A . K o.tr, returned hom e Saturday. of the taiiff on raw m oh air; Next Door to Gail Hotel Telephone Number 541 A lm a M itc h e ll. Mr*. John G ran t went to Indepen­ dence Sunday. Mr. Lovelady Dallas Tailors Mr. Suits Made to Order $ 1 7.5G and Up Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Suita Called far and Delivered to Aay Part of the City Mra John Brown ia able to be about again. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson went to Sher- ian church for all young people of the dan to visit their son, town. T he evening wan «pent bv play- Mra. Body went to Portland Sunday. in« gam e» and supper wan nerved. A good tim e is reported by all. Clem James, from Idaho, ia visiting Miss Bessie Chipman 1» visiting 111 his parents. Corvallis. Mr. ohepard, the jeweler, went to Clark VanOrsdel returned from In d e­ Portland the last o f the week. pendence. Miss Mable Adam s visited in M on­ Clifford C hipm an has returned from mouth last week. C orvallis. Mr. Mittv visiter) his sister, Mrs. R . T here was a surprise party given in H aniet, in Salem recently. honor of Miss Lillian Erickson last ltav A rm strong has gone to C orval­ Thursday evening. Those who were lis to attend college. present were Blanche M ason, Lillian Jim M iddleton has started his saw ­ Bowman, Juanetta Burch, M ary Kra- m ill, A rt W indover running the engine. l>er, Nina Farley, Blanch M utheney, Lillian Eriuksou. Jean C hipm an, Will Kriss Dom aaohofsky la attending 0 . Lockm an, Clifford C hipm an, Melvin A . C. and Earl Cutler. Frank Lockm an, Fred Smith and W alter Erickson. Mrs. J. M itchell. Mrs. W. A. Murtin There was a nururi e party given Miss and Mrs. Frank M orrisou visited the Fay Barber this week at her hom e here. public school last week. A bout 20 were present and a go>d time Tom W atson ia building a chicken was bad by all. house for his father. Mrs. C hapel »m l ch ild ren , of M on­ Jim M iddleton was a Portland visitor m outh, are nere visiting. last week. Ksley Farley has returned from M c­ Mr. and Mra. E. H. Slone, of Inde­ M innville. pendence, were viaitors in Dallas Sun­ Miss Margaret Shinners cam e over day. from Independence and spent Sunday Newton Harris visited his sister in with relatives here. Portland over Sunday. Anna W illiam s left Tuesdav for l.er The S. P. section hus a th ree days home m Canada. layoff this m oiilh. Mrs. John Lockm an spent Sunday in Ed Biddle went to Portland this week. Salem. R u t h M ille r . W ilson M iller, o f Falls City, stayed with his uncle W . W . Miller Saturday night. Miss V iolet Mason is im proving. Miss Ada fgongnecker is very ill. Key. Y oung is visiting in Portland. Christie ami Minnie Clow, of R ick- T he H . H. C. will meet at the M etho­ read, spent Saturday here. dist church M onday, Jan., 29. E very­ Mr. and Mrs. Pye, who have been body is welcome. visiting here, have returned to their H . 8. But* went to Portland Tuesdav home in N ew port. m orning us witness in a law suit. Miss Rossiter is again able to teach M r. ami Mrs. Ted Johnson, o f Ray­ her school. m ond, W ash., are spending part o f their There was a lecture given at the honeym oon with her parents, Mr. and C atholic church Mondav evening. Mrs. Abel C glow . Mrs. Meador has returned to her hom e in Portland. Mrs. W illard G ilbert went to Falls Miss Lauren »on returned from W ash­ C itv Friday to visit her m other, Mrs. 8. ington M onday. H. Tctherow . Mrs. B. Burns, of Roseburg, is visit­ The oldes. son o f E . C. Dunn was quite severely burner! about the head by ing in this city. playing with gasoline. Miss Georgia Shaw returned to her W illard G ilbert has gone to Portland. May H olliday has just recovered from a severe attack o f tonsilitis. school in Salem Tuesdav. H a r r ie t D a v ie . A baby Irov was troni to Mr. and Mrs. The Baptist m inister, Rev V ine, is W aller Òhilcott Sunday. going to m ove to South Dallas in Carl Mrs. Fowler has returned to her hom e Seller’s new house. after a m onth's visit in Purtland. They started a new hand saw at the Mr. and Mrs. W estover returned 8at- mill Thursday. urdoy from a several week's stay in Mrs. C. Sellers went to Fall» City Portland. Friday to visit her brother, C. H ubbard. Mrs. F. H. M orrison has taken charge Mr. E d Bowser was a Salem visitor o f the prim ary departm ent of the M eth­ Sunday. odist Sunday school. Mr. C. C. Becker is the proud father Kay Mann is just getting over an a t­ of a baby boy. tack of appendicitis. , Mrs. L, R. Adams went to M onm outh Dick Daniel was a Salem visitor the M onday, last o f the week. August Shrader went to Portland to Zeliti* Fulgtim was given a surprise H|>end Sunday. party Friday by. som e of her girl friends Hurt. Id Hinshaw, o f Newberg, spent at her hom e on Shelton street. Sunday in Dallas. Mrs. Daniel, o f M onm outh, was in A. P. Starr was a Portland visitor Dallas Tuesday. this week. Fred Stiver and Bert Oehurne are sur­ F. II. R yder, of Baker C ity, was in veying fur J. M Hanna at Inde|>eu- Dallas on business M onday. dence this We.k. Frank L ynn, o f Perrydale, was in Ira Phillips and fam ily, who has been Dallas Monday. staying at his fathers on account ot his sickness, hsve m oved back to town into Mrs. Sol Blessing went to A lbany their home. Sunday. T he W. 11. M. I. met at Mrs. A. S. Harry Byers expects to go to Rainier C am pbell’s Tuesday evening. soon as he has work there. Mr. and Mrs. John Minnich, near the G uthrie school house, have a new baby girl born Sum lav, Jan., 21. A baby Imv was born to Mr. and Mrs. Schw m ts, of Salt Creek, Saturday. T he Epworth Dengue choir H elene Svron’s last Saturday. met Mr. and Mrs. G eo. W erner, of Perry- dale. ufç visiting in Dallas this week. Helen CoTfev, of Buell, was a bu si­ ness vie Hol in Wallas Friday. Mrs. H. II. Taylor went to Salem this week. Mrs. G eorge M uscott visitor>n M onm outh. was a DaII.is Mrs. John Belt returned Monday m orning to her hom e in W illamina after W alter Tooxe went to M cM innville visiting over Sunday with her boh , Saturday on business. H arry. H. W ynn Johnson returned W ednes­ day from a business visit to Portland. B a rg a tta i S t o w . J. W .S to w went to M onmouth Thurs­ day. Misses Cordia and Bessie Gooch cam e hom e Friday from a visit in Portland. George Friday. G erlinger went to Portland A ndrew Siefarth and Joe Stow are cutting wood on John Farley's place. Oscar lla v le r was a visitor in Albany M onday. Morris Fowle. o f A irlie, was a Dallas visitor M ondav. John Belt, the W illam ina druggist was a Dallas visitor Friday. Mrs. F J. Craven returned from Port­ land W ednesday. Mrs. Anna Farley W ednesday. went to Portland Mias Flora MeCallon. returned from Portl »nd W ednesday for a visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs W alter W illium s have returned from Portland. Mrs. W illis Sim onton was an In d e­ pendence visitor W ednesday. Mr. Harris and family have m oved to Tillam ook. Mrs. Nancy FowIrr lias returned hom e (rom Portland. Kittle Dale Garrison is with pneum onia. Mr ami Mrs. C ritchlnw, o f Portland, were In Dallas Sunday visiting friends. Mr. Swope, of Independence, was a Dallas visitor M ondav, N. L. I'almer haa trip to W ashington. F ra n k S tu m p C lyde Smith is helping In Sim onton A S cott,» grocery store this week. Mrs. W J K earth underwent an op •ration in s Portland hospital last week. returned from A. J. M sthis. of Salem , was a visitor in Dallas Thursday. Seei Free Misa ftuhy Ellis ia in the hospital at Spokane under quarantine. up from New­ M r. and Mrs. R obert Fnnlks, o f P ort­ land, arrived in Dallaa Saturday sv e n ­ ine for a visit at the hom e of Mr. ami Mra. Isaac H ughes. Í wâ U r 'i s s k w M d l s n é r e J » • ¿ b .« « . N. ... by ue uaU* *e* two ! ib* Wty k¡tb#a é a »mataB Mias Etl front 8a T b o ra wi U m C hristian cDonald haa retnrned gwMNi i—» y b - U ykt « ilfim ik TI m C W H. L ût C*.. & m «! í r party given b y Ch rial- a Mrs. W . A. School has returned from a visit in W ashington. Mra. H . W . Stum p and son , Frank, left Sunday for a weeks viait In Albany M r. laiineraon cam e berg W ednesday. threatened Resolved, That the Secretary of this Association send a copy of thin resolu­ tion to each m em ber oL our delegation in Congress, asking that the tariff on the raw m ohair be raised from 12 cents to lk cents ; Resolved, That the thanks of this As­ sociation be extended to the newspapers of Dallas, and the agricultural press for t h e h e ir t y support given this associa­ tion and show ; to the C om m ercial club, to G rant & H olm es, contractors ; to C ap­ tain Tooze, to the Electric Lighting C o., and to all others w ho asssisted in mak ing the show a success; Resolved, That we extend to the rail- rouds our appreciation of the uniform courtesy extended to exh ibitors and those attending the show Realizing the value of the Northwest to the livestock industry, and realizing the necessity of a com petent man as livestock com m issioner at the Panama- Pacific Exposition, Resolved, That we endorse D. O. Live­ ly, of Portland, Oregon, for this posi tion, recognizing in him a man especial ly fitted for this position and request that a copy of this resolution he sent to the director of exhibits asking that Mr. Lively be appointed to this position and pledging an ex h ibit Resolved, T hat we show our apprecia­ tion of the uniform courtesy extended the Angora breeders by B F. M eredith secretary sf the Oregon State Fair, and prom ise ano:lier large ex h ib it for 1912. C. D. M INTON, ED. R ID D L E . J. K. S P R IN G E R Dallas, January 22, 1912. E ditor Item izer: Reading the record of J. M. Can! in your last weeks paper of his 25 hens and two turkeys makes som e of us that have chickens sit up and take notice Now with us Mr. C ard’ s word is as good as his bond, but if he can clear $1,000 with 500 hens, we wish lie would lead so som e of us m ight follow ao4 som e of chicken men would be not like ye editor but like the real estate men and doctors ride in autom obiles. If the consum er that reads Mr. C ard’s article thinks he is getting buncoed, let him keep a few hens in his back yard and try it out. Here is our record with 08 hens. Last year we got 7754 e /gs which so’d for $141.51, tlie feed costing $75.05, leaving a profit of $08.40. W e did this w ithout giving much care to our hens, except to see that they had plenty of feed at all times, as we feed in hoppers find we do not let the hoppers get em pty. This record is for eggs only as there is seven of ns and we are like the Baptist pastor, we like chicken. There were no ch ick ­ ens sold and we Hnd we are starting the year 1912 with 08 liens and two roost­ ers W II K R A B E R . SCHOOL REPORT. Howard Zinzer, who is working in a ; Portland brash factory, hail the tniafor-1 tune lant week to have two finger o n , the left h a rd cut off, one just atmve the j nail and the other at the knuckle. j Mr. G. A. M cK inley was thrown out of the huevy Monday night and qu ite I badly hurt, Mrs. Tilden waa at Sheridan week on busineas. laat THE FAM O U S Hart, Schaffner Marx Suits and Overcoats Mra. H om er A llem an, o f W oodburn, arrived M onday evening for a short stay with Mrs. Frank Crawford. | T he Spring V alley Grange held its regular m onthly m eeting at Lincoln I Saturday. A good tim e ia promieed ior | the meeting next m onth when a num ­ ber will he initiated. Mr». J. D. H olm an, Miss Clara Pech- in and Henry Lehm an spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. C. E , Me- Caleb. T here was preaching at the Guthrie schoolhoiiHe Sunday, by R ev. W ood , of Bridgeport. M rs. Mrs. Clem Fishback, of C a rlton , visiting at her home. Mr. and Mr». Jack M oore returned hom e Sunday from A lbany where they have been visiting their friends, Mr. M orris’ . Mrs. C . W . Stuart was sick last week. Mr. E . Skinner and daughter, Eva, left for a short visit with relatives •• Mr NOW IS THE TIME • • Other Suits and Overcoats, largest stock in Dallas to choose from, at $6, $8, $10, 12, but dont wait until your size is gone The B. L. M. S. met W ednesday with Mrs. W. J. C rawford. Calvin W hite is over from Salem vis­ iting friends here. One to 3 yard remnants, values $1, $1.25 and $1.50 F. W . Royal made a flying trip hom é Sunday, returning M enoay. is w orking for To Go Quickly at 5 0 Cents per Yard Mrs Etta Dundas, of W illam ina, was visiting friends here this week. Values 50 aud 75 cents at 30 cents per Yard Norman K ou b has returned from Cal­ ifornia. All Dress Goods, Hose, etc., at 20 per cent. Boots and Shoes at Regular Prices Miss Bertha Van Patten is teaching school at E nterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis were called to Tillam ook Tuesdav by the severe ill­ Mi»» Beth Deal, the teacher of our ness of Mrs. D ayis’ fattier. 8cho<*l attended the teacher’ s m eeting Stanley and Austin Edwards were up at Falls C ity and spent Sunday with from North Y am hill the last of the week her parents. visiting their brother, Gom er. Mrs. Ed. Steele was called to the bed­ Miss Ida Lasher, who haa been cle rk ­ side of her m other. Mrs. Bagiev, M on­ day evening, she being taken sick su d ­ ing for her uncle, VV. H. Mack, return­ ed to her hom e in Brush Prairie Thurs­ denly. day. Mr. Ordner preached at Fidrview S un­ Lillian Short and Warren G ould re­ day aud a large crow d attended services. turned Tuesday from a *ew days visit Milton Lehman is now w orking for at Falls C itv. Mr. E . E. H iltebrand. Richard Clanfield is out again after his recent illness. Dallas Mercantile Company Mrs. G eorgia Davie, of Tacom a, is here with htr sister, Mrs. Edward K ou b, Cards under this heading will be charged for who is qu^te ill. at the rate of $3.00 a year. Mr, Fleck, of W apato, visited friends here Saturday. Almira Rebekah Lodge, No. 26 € •st - IMPORTANT - y# Saturday, February 3rd Our Great Sale will End Have you had your share o f this wonderful saving? If not you will have to hurry as our sale will positively close Saturday night, February 3rd. I A 3 « £ is Mens and Boys Clothing, Womens and Childrens Suits and Coats, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishings, and in fact every line in our store is reduced one-fourth to one-half from former price L FOR FLET C H E R ’ S 3 € € DALLAS CITY BANK Chas. N. Bilyeu « v w Jack Svron was a Ballston visitor this week. Meets on the First and Third Wednesdays Mark Sear» returned to his h 'm e at H illsboro Saturday after a few weeks of each mouth in the Odd Fellows Hall. visit here. R eport of the school» of Polk county E mma C o a p , Noble G ra n d or the school m onth eiuling Decern her A lta S a va g k , Secretary 29, 1911: Num ber of schools reporting cor­ rect ly and on tim e ........................ 58 Mistletoe Circle, No. 23, Names of schools not reporting cor­ Mrs. G . G , Irish has been seriously ill Women of Woodcraft rectly and on tim e: Parkers, Bru.h Meet« on the Second and Fourth Wednes­ for several weeks pa.at but is now slight­ C ollege, M ctlm m on d sV alley, G reen­ ly better. day» of each month at the Woodman Hall. wood, Lone Star. M cCoy, G uthrie. M aky S t a It, Guardian Neighbor Mr. and Mrs T. G uthrie are making Num ber of pupils rem aining at an extended visit, with relatives and S aiuk L ynn , C lekk last rep ort.................................... 2682 friends at C orvallis and vicinity. Num ber of pupils registered new during m o n th ................................ 37 Mrs. W in. Mack, chairm an of the Dallas Assembly. No. 46 Num ber of pupils registered sec­ board of directors conducted the eighth United Artisans ondary during mouth ................ 18 grade exam ination at the G uthrie school um ber o f pupils readmitted d u r­ Meet» Flint and Third Monday Evenings of house T h u rsd ay and Friday of last ing month . . . ........ .......... each month in Woodman Hall. Visitiug week. Total num ber of pupils on regis­ member» cordially invited. 2858 Mr. Talent received a message last ter during m onth ...................... J. E. Miu.Kit. Master Artisan Num ber of pupiis dropped during week telling him that his m other was W illis S imonton , Secretary month ............................................ dangerously ill. Mr. Talent left on the 199 Num!)er of pupils remaining at first out-goin;. train for-M edford and is time of r ep ort................................ 2639 still there by his m other’s bedside. Dallas Camp, No. 209 Numlter of days taught during W ill Bressler cam e ever from M on­ Woodmen of the World month ............................................ 14 m outh Friday night of last week and W hole number of days attendance 37493 Meet» every Tuesday at Woodman Hall, W hole num ber of days absence. . 1813 corner of Washington and Jefferson Street«. continues here witli his sick mother, W hole nuiiilier of times late ........ 478 Visiting Neighbors welcomed. Number of pupils neither absent T kacy S t a a t s , Consul Commander nor tardy. .................................... 1(148 VV. G, V’ a m s a l l , Clerk Average number of pupils belong­ ing ................. 2795 Dallas, Oregon Average daily attendance ............2B78 2 R .E . V IL L IA M S President A. F. A. M Per cent of attendance ................ 95 8 W. G. VASSALL Cashier Jennings Lodge, No. 9 Num ber of visits by parents 112 d ir e c t o r s : T Meet» Second and Fourth Friday« of each Num ber of visits bv m embers of R .C . Craven, I . N . W imm I M. M . E llis school b oa rd s.................................. 40 month in Manodic hall on Main street. Vis­ W . G . V assall. R . E. W illiam s, T he follow ing schools have been iting brethren welcome. B. H. M eCallon, F. J . Craven. placed on the roll of honor for the W . L. SOKHKKN, W . M. T his hank is pleased to p lace 1 t i e county for having m ade a p ercen t o f at­ W alter S. Munt, Secretary disposal o f its custom ers the fadiitie* tendance of 95 or more : Zeim, Dallas, gained during m any years o f contiuuor.r Sm ithticld, Red Prairie, Bridgeport. Item izer and Oregonian, $2.00. service and grow th . Lewisville, Salt Creek, Valley View, M onm outh, No. 15, Bethel, Oak G rove, W ard, Fair View, Cochrane, Oak Point, Elkins, Indi pendence, A ntioch, W est Salem, Buena Vista, Spring Valley, Popcorn, H arm ony, M ontgom ery, Lin­ coln, North Dallua, Enterprise, 0 row ley Fir (trove, ttunnvsloner Oakdale, Pow­ ells Cam p, L ibeity, Falls C ity, Pioneer, Oakhurst Rock Creek, M ountain View, Mistletoe, V alley Junction. T he following schools have been It ¡» natural for a child to laugh and play . complete satisfaction in the morning. After placed on the roll o f honor for the cou n ­ and when it sulk« drowsily or cries you may j a short use of this remedy all forms of out­ ty for not having had anv tardies d u r ­ tiej**nd on it Nomething physical is the matter. side aid can l>e dispensed with and nature will ing the m unth: ¡"huhhfield, W ard, Oak If you see no evidences of a serious ailment again act alone. Point, Elkins, Spring V alley, L incoln, you will not be wroug if you quietly give it a j All classes of good American people keep of mild laxative that evening on putting j it in the home fur the ills of the »tomach. liv- C row ley, Powell* C am p, L iberty, H op- doae it to lied. | er and bowels, and among the thousanda who ville, Mistletoe. The remedy most generally recommended ba\e written the dot-tor that they will never You will notice that the attendance for this purpose is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep­ be without >t are Mrs G. A. Bate , 94$ K. this month has lteen very good and sin, which mother» throughout the country ; «Rh St . Salt Lake t ity, I ’ tah, ai d Mr T. m any schools are on the roll o f honor, it have been giving their children for a quarter K. Hickman, Temnath, Colo. A dose of it is Imped that t h is 'm a y continue the >f a century. Today thousand« of families 1 has saved many a person from a seiioun ill- rest of the school year, as the interest are usitig it where hundred» used it then, and Anyone wishing’ to make a trial of this in the attendance over the coun ty ia the there tuuai lie good reason for this word of mouth recommendation. remedy before buying it iti the regular way of best I have ever seen. It ia admittedly the most perfect laxative (a druggist at NO cents or one dollar a bottle W e still have too m any tardies, there for children, women, old |>e tple and all other» family size) can have a sample bottle sent to are too many people kipping their c h ild ­ who need a gen’ le bowel stimulant and not a the home free of charge by simply addressing ren home a few m om ents to work, and I I violent »alt, cathartic pill, or doctored water. 1)r. W B. Caldwell, 4«5 Washington Mt.. find that nearly all the tardies com e from j Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will act gently, \l<»nt cello. 111. Your name and address on A few families hi the cotlntv. and when taken before retiring will ting a poetai cani will do. W e have now tw o standard school* In I the coun ty. Spring Valley And Buena i V ista and there are many others tl at j Are w ithin one or tw o points o f being standard and will be by next report. If we sre to keep Polk county as the ha nner school coun ty, we must keep working and laMatting school condition* and we ask the co operation for the rest of the >M-hool year of every parent, ! school officer, teacher, and pupil in the cou n ty , and we will win. Yours respect fully, SC P T . H .C N K Y M O t'K . j C h i l d r e n Cry D« SILK SALE BALLST0N. Miss Laura W inters Mrs. W . II. Morris, VOL Are placed on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices, and Mi»s Eulalia D lv is is staving at Bert T he 18-month o,d babv o f Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barber drank a pint of coal T hom pson’». She will not enter school oil Saturday, the child suffering greatly until the second sem ester. for a few hours but is getting along nice­ Cheater Frakea, who form erly lived ly at the present tim e. here, n u n « nearly being electrocuted last week in P< rtland. He is em ploy ­ C. W . Holm an has purchased a new ed as a chauffeur there and he and his hack. em ployer were at a power house and Miss Lizzie Bogynski visited with ! a« they were leaving the sliding door Misses M ona ..nd Ollie H inkle S unday. I slipped so that it would not shut. Mrs. W . H. Mack has been c o n d u c t­ Cheater clim bed up to fix it and cam e ing eighth grade exam inations at th e mo close to a live wire that it held him G uthrie school house Thursday aud F r i­ there, burning his face and arm » d rea d ­ fully. 11,000 volts passing through him . day. His em ployer took hold of his coat and Mrs. Elizabeth Bressler, form erly of dragged him from the door. He was this m ace, is laving at *the point of taken to a hospital in a very serious death at her hom e in G illiam . condition, but at last reports was doing Mr. and Mrs. R alph Barber spent well. Snudi» v at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs Lena T hom pson is visiting her grand ­ Herm an W under. m other in Salem . Mrs. W . II. Muck visited with M innich, of Guthrie, this week. ONCE A YEAR T he school is planning to hold a box social in February with a W ashington and Lincoln program . ANTIOCH VALLEY. FAIRVIEW. Another Hen Record. Born, Sunday, January 21st, a girl to t Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thom pson. j t D. M. NAYBERGER Successor and Former Partner to R. Jacobson & Company McMinnville g « £ € € ugh Bha-k* 9 and 10, O riginal tow n of Dalla», O regon That said im p rovem en t« sh all consist in g e n ­ eral o f the grad in g and nm eadaniization o f said streets and alleys an d parts th ereof h ere­ in a b ove «qiecified am i designateli, and the placin g o f cem en t curbs thereon, and shall !*e !!r ,n o r e P * r t ic t » la r l) pes< r. bed by am a on the 22no day o f Jan uary. 1912. W itness my hand and the officia l se-.l ot the city of Dallas. O regon, this 23rd day o f J a n u ­ ary. A. D.. 1912. 1 (HEAL) CflAH. G REG O RY, \ A u ditor and P olice Ju d ge o f Dallas. O regon. | i 1 ! | i -------- X J o T P K I« hereby given that b l.l« w li: he re ; l x reiv ed by the cou n ty clerk up to K ebruar 7. 1912 at 9 o ’ c lo c k » . m . o f saldi d a y to furnish , an 1 d eliv er at the com rt house in Dnllns on or ' before Septem ber 12. 50 cord s o f oak w ood, to be not less than tw o in ch es in dia m eter and not ex ceed in g 6 in c h e s : also fifty c o r d s o f first I class second grow th fir w ood. E. M SMITH El C ou nty Clerk. 1 Notice for Bids Notice to Creditors- I ROUGH H ID M E S S E D LUMBER! V O T Ie E is hereby given that the undersigned L' ha» been d u ly appointed e x e u u to r o f the estate o f Edna P. Sm ythe d eceased, b y the «••Minty cou rt o f the »ra ten f O regon »or Polk 4*oiinty, and has qualified. All persons h a v in g . «-lsim» against the said estate are hereby n o I tid ed to present the sam e d u ly verified., »,»- j get he; with the proper vou ch ers th erefor, to he undersigned at tne law office o f Bro\ u A I l*l, l,‘T - , l » X ' l l * t r r a i. D U » . , o r r a n n - „ i* m onth* from the date o f this notire. r. $ 7 to $ 1 1 A THOUSAND Brow n. A ttorney for the estate. 1 ____ ) ~ 71------------- 1 '- J" • ' ___ ___ ___ At Ward’s Sawmill, on the Canyon Road, Four miles west of Dallas, Or. « (t h in Dated W ILLI A S HMYTHK. E x ecu tor of the estate o f Eiina P. .»m ythe decease«]. _ -------- € £ « 1 FOR FROM 1 ! r i i i T h V . « , ..M im p ro rv n i. u t, . h . l l h , ! ‘ " 'I "™ ‘ assessed to th e real pro p erty fro n tin g »nd ab- I b u ttin g u pon sani s i;e e ls am i alleys and p a rts tb e ie o i lit rein alcove »peci tied and d e sig n a te d : ’ L. D That tt»e city coiiim -II o f the sab! city o f t a l­ las. Oiegon. ti. w ill «It In the c o n ic il ch am ber in »aid city on M«*n there be. a I Hi D CT P I IT I C D That all owners of real property within the j w 9 la b fl lim its o f the «aid proposed improvement dta-I D PN TK T trie», and ail other persons in interest, mar at- i 1 1 tend at »aid place amt time ami s h o w cause it t Office «iver Fuller Pharimtcv, Dull»». Veterinary Surgeon kav*. w kj .u. h iui|.turnn, i.i» .houi.l oitW.- It ik - : H (.. 12 A M l ' to P. ,M. 812 M a im S t r u c t notbe marie A ll iinf I V e t al work d one at Done by order o f the city rota nett o f the c ity o f Da has, O regon, m aile am i entered o f record reasonable prices. Phone 29 D ALLAS, OREGON D R . B. E. N E V E L *1 « « € « 5 € «