Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, January 18, 1912, Image 1

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P o lk C o u n ty h a s S oil
A d ap tab le for all P u rp o se s. |
A n y F r u it T h r i v e s
The Paper tha*t Qit/es Y ou WhaHTYou Wan-t to ifoad
D A L L A S , O R E G O N , JA N U A R Y
V O L . X X X V II.
* * *
Committeeman Confers With Hilles Civic Improvement Organization
Asks for Cleanliness on Streets
Political Situation.
and in Stores.
18, 1912.
ter was left to the fire and wat­
er committee with power to act,
after Mr. Bowles has the sewer
i On motion of Ayres a commit-
e consisting of Campbell &
'enton was named to confer
with the Odd Fellows regarding
tjie letting of the upper story of
the city hall to that association
for a term of years.
On motion of Ayres it was or­
dered that a warrant be drawn
on sewer fund for $90 to pay in­
terest on sewer outlet bonds.
On motion of Fuller the mat­
ter of the plans of the Ash street
sewer, already partially drawn
by Mr. Morrison, was left in the
hands of the finance committee
to arrange with him for their
completion. On motion of Fen­
ton the matter of latterals for
such was left to the same and
the street committee,
On motion of Fenton the coun­
cil adjourned to next Monday
Ralph E. Williams, Republican
¡National committeeman
for ,p. Ore- The council met in regular ses-
Still Continues at Campbell's Store * jgon, after a conference
ihurs-, s;on
Monday evening, with
with Mr Hilles, private sec- ajj
COuncilmen and officers
* , day
retary of the President, left for 1 present except Mayor Craven,
Chicago to attend a meeting of jCouncilmen Ayres called the
the sub-committee, which is to meeting to order, but hardly suc­
make arrangements for repre­ ceeded in warming the chair be­
our sale in the last ten days; people
sentation in the National conven­ fore Mayor Craven appeared.
who know values in merchandise.
tion. At the White House con­ Chairman Coad, of the street
ference Mr, Williams gave Hilles committee, reported a number of
the benefit of snch politicai in­ defective walks, also that J. G,
*- formation as came his way on and Henry Brown be given six
his recent visit to New York. months to remove their water
He was not disposed to talk for pipes on Main street, also that
publication regarding what took the'eity vacate 20 feet on North
place at the Whte House today. side of Academy street, between
Mr. Williams will return to Main and Church. Also a catch
Washington in about a week for j basin at corner of Jefferson and
It is not a question of profit with
a further conference with the | Clay at Christian church. Also
us, it’s a question of turning our
President and Mr. Hilles and a fire hydrant at the Dashiell
then will leave for Oregon by corner. Also alley ways from
stock into cash. Our sale up to
the Southern route. Mrs. Wil­ Oak to Washington. Report ac­
date surpasses by far any sale we
liams accompanied him to Chica­ cepted and so ordered,
ever had. The majority of the
Mrs. Ella J. Metzger appeared Judge Galloway Dispoies of a Fe
a representative of the ladies’
Cases iu Department 2.
civic improvement club, and ask­
chandise values and when prices
ed the aid of the council in their
D ilia* to Try Conclusions with Fast work. She stated that at their
Judge Galloway was over iro n
are put to bed rock tqey simply an­
recent meeting the ladies had de­ Salem on the 12th and 13th, and
Corvallis Team.
ticipate their wants and lay in a
cided to begin with little things, rid his docket of a few cases as
had decided to ask first for follows:
On next Saturday evening, the an ordinance prohibiting either
M. E. Shuck vs. W. H. Ma-
*£ have the opportunity of seeing expectorating or spitting on the theny and Soloman Edelman;
Buy while You Can Save Money.
the local Co. H. basket-ball team spector be named by the council Sibley and Eakin for plaintiff and
lock horns with their old time to supervise the cleanliness of Oscar Hayter for defendant.—
Our Profits are Not Considered During
rivals, the Corvallis team. Of markets and groceries, this offi­ Decree for defendants and suit
all games scheduled thus far this cer to serve without pay, but to dismissed.
This Sale ::
R. A. Campbell et al vs. Hen-
season, this game will undoubt­ have full authority to see that
edly prove the most interesting. more sanitary means are employ­ ritta Van Gross, partition; W. A.
Corvallis comes this year as ed by our merchants to keep Sims for plaintiff.—Report of
strong as ever, and as determin­ their eatables clean and whole­ referee filed and approved.
*- ed to wrest victory from the lo­ some for the health and taste of
Thursa L. Tichenor vs. Leon
cal team.
E. Tichenor, divorce; J. H. Flow­
their patrons.
‘'Skeeter” Swan, Cate, Bilyeu,
Ayres recommended a catch er for plaintiff.—Default entered
the trio that have made basket basin
Ray’s corner. Referred and decree as prayed for.
ball famous in the Oregon Agri­ to the at finance
Horace J. Glanden et al vs.
committee with
cultural college.and in Corvallis power to act.
Cora F. Kerr, fore closure; Mc­
will be in the line-up. The men
Cain and Vinton for plaintiff. —
have been playing together for Campbell moved that the mat­ Certain motion overruled and
years, and have developed into a ter of the McBee street dedica­ defendant given 20 days to an­
combination that is hard to beat. tion be laid over and the city en­ swer.
In addition to these men, Tripp, gineer be instructed to make lines „ Go rge F. Patterson vs. Helen
an O. A, C. star of last year, to see whether such will conform Coffee and P. I. H. Eisele, act­
will be in the game for Corvallis. to the center of the street, Car­ ion for money; Sibley & Eakin
Thus far this season, Corvallis ried.
for plaintiff, Oscar Hayter for
has not lost a game, and defeat­ Fuller moved that the waste defendant.—Decree for plaintiff
We have made some pretty broad state­
ed the Philomath college team
for $110.30 and $25 attorney’s
without having practiced once. the vicinity of the confectionery fees.
ments in our advertising, concerning
They are in practice now, and stores, as they were continually
Judith Snyder vs. Benjamine
our shoes. If they aren’t true the
come here fully prepared for a filled with hetrogemeous m atter
against the health of the city. F. Snyder, divorce; B. F. Swope
public aught to know it; if they are
for plaintiff. Default entered
There is not much that can be Carried.
true the public should know this, also.
said of the Dallas boys that is Staats reported that data had and decree as prayed for except
not fully known to the sport-lov­ been received of the proposed change of name.
There’s only one way to find out. Come
ing public of this city and coun­ Carnegie library, and as soon as I. A. Cramer vs. Katie Holmes,
in and buy a pair. We are willing to
ty. During the past three possible the committee would get foreclosure of lein; Weatherford
leave the truth of our claims to your
weeks, the local team has been together and select plans from & Weatherford for plaintiff,
own individual experience.
Frank Holmes for defendant.—
practicing rather irregularly ow­ those proposed.
ing to the goat show in the Ar­ Attorney Tooze suggested the Transferred to Marion county to
mory, and injuries to several of substitution of two cluster lights take stipulations.
the players. However, they are at the armory, one on Railroad
Pleasant Party and Dance,
working hard now, and will be street and one on Mill, in place
M R S . J . C . G A Y N O R , P ro p rie to r
in the pink of condition on Sat­ of the arc light recently ordered
A pleasant party and dance was
urday evening when the referees at that intersection, stating that given at the farm home of Mr.
whistle blows for the opening if the council would pay for one and Mrs. Joe Gage near Bridge­
of the game. “ Pebo” Shaw’s the state would pay for the oth­ port Friday evening Jan., 12.
finger is nearly healed, though er, Referred to the fire and Those present were: Mr. and
same was hurt some in the Mt. water committee.
Mrs. Joe Gage and children, Mr.
A communication was received and Mrs. Will Morrison and son,
Angel college game last week.
For the benefit of the business
Mr. and Mrs. Yeater and four
men, the game will not be called Craven, making a proposition as sons, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Brown
until 9 o’clock. Arrangements consulting engineer for a new and children, Mr. and Mrs. Claud
are being made to secure music sanitary and storm sewerage sys­ Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
----------- A
for the occasion, and everything tem. He agreed to furnish full Krebs, Misses Ola and Nita Mar­
will be done that it is possible to plans, and see that all work was tin, Dorothy Boyjie, Mrs. B. Mc­
do to make visitors comfortable. lived up to in specifications for Dowell and daughter, Dora.
Seats on sale Wednesday at the 2 per cent of the total cost of con­ Messrs Dave, Will, Aubrey, and
Fuller Pharmacy on the corner struction. The city engineer Merritt Martin, Robert, Will and
Coffee pots, g ra n ite . . .35 and 45c
3 inch h in g e ........................ 2 for 5c
was to have actual local super­ Adrian Ford, G. and R. “Furge-
of Main and Mi.l streets.
2 for 5c
Coffee pots, copper, nickel plated
4 inch h in g e ...........
vision without cost to Mr. Kelsay. son, George McCormic, We? Os­
5 inch h inge ........................ 2 for 5e.
...................................................... 75c
and he to give street levels. The born, E. Morris, D. Chamberlain
Ten pot», copper, nickel plated 75c
fi inch h i n g e ........................ 2 for H e
proposition was ordered placed John Sumpter, J. L. Braly,
and 10c
W ash loiter», copper bottom 91.25
on file.
W ash boilers, cop|>er bottom and
P a n ts hangers ............... 5 and 10c
Charley Truax, James Murphey
r i m ............. ...............................f l.6 5
City Auditor Gregory stated and son, Dick Gage and Ran
W ard ro l* h o o k s ............... lc each
List of Persons Who Are Now Eli­
H orn comb, m etal b a r k ...............10c
4 and 5 in shelf brackets . .
that the mayor had returned the dolph Butler. Everybody had
gible to Vote Next November.
P.vralin com b ................................ 15c
7 and 9 in shelf b rack ets. . . . ,.1 0 c
ordinance providing for placing such a good time that they did
. . . As
R ubber co m b ................................. 15c
B arn door latch , 2 staples
the marshal on a flat salary with­
1} in sm all clasp or door hinge
S having brush ................................15c
John Clow, Rickreall______ dem out his approval, together with not go home until the early hours
2 for 5c
S having m ug. . .............
. . 20c
Burray R Knowles, Rickreall rep" some valid reasons for such non of the morning. A very nice
S having m irrors ...........15 and 20c
1 1-4 in, s a m e .................... 2 for 5c
Lorenzo BKnowles, Rickreall.rep approval. The question being lunch was served at midnight.
Playing c a r d s .................................. 10c
2 in s a m e ............................ 2 for 5c
Will W Rowell, Rickrealj__ rep shall the veto be sustained, which
Steel door h in g e s............... 2 for 10c
B ristle h air b ru s h ........................ 20c
Dallas Wins.
Peter Cook, R ick reall....___rep evoked considerable discussion,
W inged screw d r i v e r .........
H am m ers ........................ 15c a n d up
the Company
James E Hunt, Monmouth l.rep all the council being in favor ot
S. issors, tl>ese are g o o d ................ 20c
Sm all screw d riv e r...............
P S Greenwood, Dallas....... dem putting the marshal on a flat sal­ H. basket ball team defeated the
Screw eves, dnz<*n.................. .........5c I G ran ite m ilk pans
20c, 3 (or 50c
Willis Simonton, Dallas __ dem ary, but desiring to be certain Mount Angel college team at
G ran ite pudding p a n s ...................10c
V egetable ch o p p er.............
Albert Longnecker, Dallas., rep that they had an ordinance per­ Mount Angel 20 to 9. The game
Power egg b e a te r................
6 q u a rt stew k ettlea ...................25c
6 large tu m b le rs ............................. 25c
3 dozen clothes p in s .............
J R Harrington, Dallas___ rep fectly legal and without possible wa3 fast and exciting, but was
Cold stove lifte r.................... . . 10c
L arge glass bowls .15, 20 and 25c
Joseph L Brown, Dallas___rep holes, the action of the mayor not in doubt after the first few
Gold stam ped cups and saucers
Shoe tacks, p a ck a g e ...........
minutes of plav. Mount Angel
Geo W Myer, Dallas ........... dem was upheld.
Sole le a th e r...................... 15c and up 1
............................................75c a set
John M Lynn, Dallas ____ dem
An ordinance providing for the scored the first ba ;ket, but Dallas
Sure catch m ouse tra p s . 2 for 5f
Gold stam ped plates to m atc h . 75c
C H Hoag, Dallas............ ...re p macadam street and curb work soon started shooting baskets
B utcher knives, e a c h ......... . . . 20c ( W h ite cups a n d saucers. 70c a set
L H McBee, Dallas................. rep for 1912 was read second time and at the end of the first half
A good jKireing k n ife ........... . . . . 5o J W hite plates to m a t c h ............. 70c
John R Mills, Dallas_______ rep and on motion of Staats laid ov­ the score stood 11 to 2. The
K itchen knife, th is is goo . . . . 2 0 c ¡ P e a n u t candy ..............20c a pound
Clyde E Timme, Monmouth rep er to next Monday night, and on Mount Angel team seemed to
C hocolate can d y . . . . 20c a pound
W hite m etal tab le sp o o n s. .2">c set
D C Walker, Buell ............... dem motion of Cosper the matter o f , have it in , for
25c set
Best lines of post cards in co u n ty
W h ite m etal tea spoons
, , . Pebo and
. , did
. . their
Fry p a n s .................... 5, 20 and 25c
................................................ lc each
C u rta in rods ............. 5, 10 and 15c
Set d 12 c en ts and g et 10 by re­
there as usual, "a
T ooth brushes ............. .5
On motion of Coad the ordi- wise is sufficient.’
Dog licenses under the provis- nance committee was instructed
LaCreole Academy Victorious.
We carry new and second hand stoves, heaters, iron beds,
ions of Ordinance No. 148 of the to bring in an ordinance covering
Friday the Lacreole acad­
springs, chairs, tables, dressers, wedges, mauls, axes, handles,
city of Dallas, Oregon, are now the improvements suggested by
mirrors, suit cases, trunks, and manv articles on which our due and payable at the office of the representative from the la­ emy quintet won from the Capi­
tal business college team in Sa-
prices are right. Remember the place
the auditor and police judge, and dies’ civic club.
unless such licenses are procured
and paid for on or before Feb­
ruary 1, 1912, a penalty of 50
cents shall be add«i to each of
such licenses issued thereafter.
Just South of tho Now Bonk Building
Auditor and Police Judge.
You Gan’t Afford to Miss the
Many Bargains Offered
During this Sale
Broad Statements
5,10,15 and 25c. 0000$
- « ,—
1VT EVER has our Annual Clearance Sale
^ met with such enthusiasm and eager
buying. From the opening of the sale
all Dallas and vicinity has been intent on
sharing in the thousands of sensational
Size 18x36 Huck Towels
1 A_
sale price, each.................. 1VC
Ladies silk Waists, values
to $6.50, sale price
19x42 extra heavy Huck
Towels, sale price, each
Ladies silk Petticoats
values up to $10, sale price $3.”
tf*0 69
Ÿ“ *
Unbleached Turkish Towels
sale price, each
Ladies Coats, values up to
$15, sale price
Bleached Turkish Towels
sale price, each
Ladies tailored Suits, values
to $35, sale
$12.50 and
60 inch bleached Mercerized
Damask, sale price, yard
Bovs Suits, values to
$7, sale price, per suit ..
Boys Suits, values to
$10, sale price, per suit
Best American Print«
sale price, yard
Best bleached Muslin
sale price, yard
Ladies black Hose
sale price, pair
Monarch Shirts, values
to $1.25, sale price, each
Suit Cases, $6.00 value
sale price ....................
10c, 15c » 20c
Beautiful line of Laces
sale price, yard
Hair Pins, sale price
2 packages for ..........
Rain Coats, $6.00 value
sale price ...............
Safety Pins and regular Pins
sale price, 2 packages for
Mens Clothing a t per sui
$5.00, 7.50, 10.00 ar
Outing Flannels
sale price