o îo : c ; c ; c M » M .. 1 1 B » un - 1 11 T m a ■*> F I F T H A N N U A L ■ ■■ «F |A m 0 à, Eé ^H ì «r œ î a bd h s I ,E Commences Tuesday, January 2nd, 1912 CAMPBELL’S STORE, Dallas, Oregon THIS WILL BE THE Biggest Price Cutting Sale Ever Put On in Dallas lY ^O ST Dallas people are familiar with our method of conducting SALES. We offer only merchandise of standard makes, and quality. IMo Jobs bought for sale puproses. Our aim will be and always has been to sell you good, dependable, satisfactory goods at Money Saving Prices. Everything in the store reduced in price excepting Spool Cotton, Rubbers, Paper Patterns, Overalls. BLANKETS UNDERWEAR Large Cotton Blankets 64x76, Sale price _ _ _ _ 98 68x80, Sale price ______ $120 Wool finish Blankets, extra heavy all colors and very fine blank­ ets 60x76, sale price 1 60 64x80, sale price______________ 1 98 66x80, sale price _ _ ...... ........._ _ 2 40 72x84, sale price ___________ 2 80 Also Lounging Robes and Comforts at prices you never bought them for before Mens Heavy Ribbed, in Gray or Salmon, all sizes, sale price 36c Mens’ Gray natural Wool heavy, al­ so in ribbed all-wool, special 79c Ladies’ Fleeced Underwear, vest or pants, all sizes, sale price 20c Ladies’ pure white, a beautiful gar­ ment, worth 65c, sale price 40c DRESS GOODS COTTON GOODS We will show you real bargains in wool Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings. You will save money on every purchase Wide 9-4 Unbleached Sheetings, good standard qualities . . .......... __ 19c Same in B leached________________ 20c Best Shirting ............................. 9c Percales in dark or light colors 36 in. wide, standard quality, 9c Now is the time to buy your fancy Curtain Scrim, 12 to 20c yd Big reduction on all childrens’ underwear SHOES SHOES Space will not permit us giving a de­ scription of our shoes on sale. We will promise you Buy your yard wide Muslin now, Bleached, per y a r d _________ 7c Same, only better quality, very fin e _________________________7 l-2c Best Calico......................................5c Best Outing Flannel, dark or light colors_____________________ _8c Bargains in Shoes if you will attend this sale. We will also promise you shoe satisfaction on every pair we sell. Don’t Overlook our Shoe Bargains for they are Certainly Eye Openers We have a few LADIES’ COATS and SUITS to close out. Also a few LADIES RAIN COATS that we will sacrifice during this sale Mens Shirts, Hats, Socks, Underwear, Trousers, Etc. Etc. HOSIERY NOTIONS Childrens’ and Misses fast black Hose all sizes, sale p ric e _______ 10c Mens fast black Cotton Socks, regu­ lar 15c quality, special................... 9c MENS SUITS Pearl Buttons, 2 cards for __ 5c and Hooks and Eyes, 2 cards for _ _ 5c OVERCOATS ______ 5c Safety Pins, 2 cards for Mens heavy wool Socks, the best 35c Socks ever sold, sale price__ 20c Heavy All-linen Crash, sale price. 8c Large Turkish Towels, sale price 10c Mens heavy wool Socks, blue or gray 19c Large Huek Towels, sale price..........10c All our ladies’ and childrens 25c hose including the famous Black Cat brand........................................ 19c See those fine Bed Spreads at the sale price You can take your choice of our Suits or Overcoats, during this Sale at _________________ $11 00 Boys all Wool knee Pant Suits all made with Knickerbocker trousers and not an old timer in the lot 20 to 25 per cent discount SHIRTS All our regular 50c work Shirts, Sale P ric e .. _______ _. . . . 35c Mens Dress Shirts $1 and $1 25 without collar, Sale Price ___ 79c Mens Golf Dress Shirts, to close out during sale a t . . . . . . . . . . . 40c Heavy Blue Flannel Shirts, single or double breasted, made of Oregon Flannel, all to go at big reduction Visit our store during this sale and you will be convinced that here is the place to spend your money where you will get Good Merchandise at practical­ ly wholesale cost. Don’t forget the time or place NO GOODS SENT OUT ON APPROVAL and GOODS SOLD STRICTLY FOR CASH DURING SALE t Tuesday January 2nd turn? sms DALLAS OREGON Tuesday January 2nd