Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 28, 1911, Image 3

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A d m itte d to th e second class o í m a il m a tte r.
Coapujr H Annex Philomath in
Classy Exhibition.
• i
e +
* * -
* '
osca r
r in g
0 .
The Company
Patronize One Another tor the Upbuilding ot Town and County.
That the Pacific Northwest need not take second
place with any other section of the country in feeding
and fattening livestock is shown by the recent killing of
a 2100-pound steer at the Portland stockyards that
dressed but 72.14 per cent. So far as known this is the
best percentage ever shown anywhere. The much
boasted corn belt is surpassed. The champion steer at
the recent national livestock show in Chicago dressed
66.2 per cent.
Christmas was duly and truly observed by all resi­
dents of Dallas, and was an occasion of good cheer and
festivities from which there were hardly any exceptions.
The churches all held exercises and had trees on Christ­
mas eve, and all were made exquisitely happy, especial­
ly the younger ones, by receiving gifts appropriate to
the season. Many preferred their trees at home, by
their own fireside, and family reunions were numerous.
The giving spirit was uppermost in the hearts of all,
and for once in the year all animosities and jealousies
were buried in the giving and receiving of mutual con­
gratulation upon the birth of a Christ child.
From Washington comes the weighty news that Ralph
Williams, national Republican committeeman from Ore­
gon, says Mr. Taft will be nominated and triumphantly
elected. And it’s our Ralph, too, our Ralph who grew
to be a statesman amid the clover fields and tall grass
of Polk county. What a joy that in presidential politics
it is an Oregonfan who knows who’s who and what’s
what. If the gentleman from old Polk tells them at
Washington that it is to be Taft, it must be Taft and
there is not much use to hold a convention. Nor to hold
an election. It is all over but the inauguration. La
Follette’s boom is punctured, Sagamore Hill is a hole
n the ground. Ih e colonel has absquatulated, and the
progressives are laid away in cold storage. Pinchot
doesn’t know whether to turn around or go ahead, and
the Democratic Mule has swallowed a gallon of whiskey
and kicked itself to death. All this is what is meant in
what our Ralph says to the big men at Washington. It
is what has ccme to pass because Polk county rose up
on her hind legs and produced a real statesman. But,
let’s see. Wasn’t it our Ralph that helped to pull off a
great assembly movement in Oregon ?—Portland Jour­
Looking back over our files we find the following per­
tinent editorial in the issue of December 31, 1880, and
reprint it, standing fast for all the promises made by
the editor of 31 years ago:
“ Today the book closes for 1880, and with the next
morning’s dawn the year 1881 will have entered upon its
course. It is well at this time to take a retrospective
glance at the past, and discover if we can what good
works we could have accomplished if we had only made
proper use of the means within our power. Every per­
son who is placed upon the earth has his mission to ac­
complish, and by his acts he is judged. Time is ever
fleeting, and the many opportunities it presents must be
embraced if we wish to keep pace with the world we
live in. That the era for hard, earnest work has dawn­
ed with the advent of the present century none can de­
ny, and if we ffrish to be “no sluggard in the race of
life” we must fully realize that there is no success with­
out labor. Have you, kind patrons, accomplished the
work you intended in the year about to close? Have
you made use of the opportunities presented to you and
profited by them? If not, now make a new resolve.
Promise that for the coming year you will so comport
yourselves that when the Itemizer again wishes you “A
Happy New Year” it will greet you with good promises
well and faithfully observed.
The Itemizer. in greeting its numerous patrons, while
not boasting of its excellence as a live local paper, would
state that the premises it made a year ago have been
faithfully kept and that time and labor have been equal­
ly devoted to make our paper a welcome guest to the
family and the fireside. Encouraged by the support re­
ceived in the past, we enter upon the new year with
renewed hope and shall do all that lies in our power to
merit a continuation of the support now so generously
extended to us. We wish our readers a Happy New
When You Think
H basketball
Eczema Began When Three Weeks team, of Dallas, gained another
Old. Arms, Shoulders and Breast victory Friday night in the armo­
Item izer,o n e year in advance.................................................. $1
a Solid Scab. Bolls Broke O u t , ry by defeating the team from
With Weekly Oregonian Or Semi-weekly Journal.............. 2
During Teething. Used Cuticura Philomath college by the score of
With Goat M agazine.................. ...............................................
Soap and Ointment,
and He Was 34 to 12. The game was close
the first half, neither team scor­
Office :
ing during the first six minutes,
and Philomath scored the first
O f the H h w h ich m any w om an experience w ith eve ry
m onth it make* the gentleoe.. and k in d n a n alw ay» e «.o c i-
m od w ith w om anhood atom to be almoat a miracle.
W h ite in general no wom an rebel« again»! what the re-
narda aa a natural neeeaaity there ia no wom an w ho would
m i gladly be tree Irom thia recurring period ol pain.
O p . P ie r c e 'a f t r e r M e P re e e rlp tln n m ekee
m oo* w o m e n arro w * a n d ale* w o m e n
m oIf. a n d g ire a I t e m fpoodom fro m p a in .
It aara»/ia *ee re g a / a rlly , aakdnea / « / l i e -
*ea/a n le o ra tio n a n d ca re a to -
■ w em «w are invited to eooault D r . Pierce h y letter.
A l l eorm apondeoce a tn c tly private and aacredly
------- 1
W rite w ithout (ear and w ithout Ice to W o rld 'a Diapeoaary M od «
on , R . V . Pierce, M . D . , Preaideot, B u fa lo , N . Y .
H you w arn a book that tell« all about w o m a n ’a d i«e «e a . and how to aura
* m at hom o, «end 21 one-cent «tampa to D r . Pierce to pay coal o< mailing
t a b , mad ha «rill tend yea a fr e e copy ot hia great thoueaad-page illuatrated
------- Sanaa M edical A d v ia e r— revieed. up-to-date edition, ia i-------------
fa handsome aiotb-biadiag, 31 a ta e * ».
" M y son w as ab o u t th re e weeks old w hen
I noticed a break in g -o u t on his chocks, from
w hich a w atery su b stan ce oozed. A sh o rt
tim e after, his arm s, shoulders an d b reast
b ro k e o u t also, an d in a
few d ay s becam e a solid
scab. I becam e alarm ed,
an d called o u r fam ily
physician w ho a t once
pronounced th e disease
eczem a. T he little fellow
w as u n d er his tre a tm e n t
for ab o u t th re e m onths.
B y th e end of th a t tim e,
he seem ed no b etter. I
_ j becam e discouraged. I
dro p p ed th e d o cto r’s tre a tm e n t, and com -
m enced th e use of C u ticu ra Soap an d O int-
merit, an d in a few d ay s noticed a m arked
T he eru p tio n on his cheeks was
alm ost healed, and his shoulders, arm s and
b reast w ere decidedly b etter. W hen he was
ab o u t seven m on th s old, all tra c e of th e
eczem a w as gone.
‘‘D uring his te eth in g period, his head an d
face w ere Droken o u t In boils w hich I cured
w ith C u ticu ra Soap a n d O in tm en t. Surely
he m u st h av e been a g re a t sufferer. D uring
th e tim e of te eth in g an d from th e tim e 1
dro p p ed th e d o cto r’s tre a tm e n t, I used th e
C u ticu ra S oap an d C u ticu ra O in tm en t,
n o th in g else, an d w hen tw o y ears old he was
th e p ic tu re of h ea lth .
H is com plexion
was soft an d b eau tifu l, an d his head a mass
of silky curls. I h ad been afraid th a t he would
n ever be well, a n d I feel th a t I owe a great
deal to th e C u ticu ra R em edies.” (Signed)
Mrs. M ary W . R am sey, 224 E . Jack so n S t.,
C olorado S prings. Colo., S ep t. 24. 1910.
A lthough C u ticu ra S oap an d C u ticu ra
O in tm en t a re sold b y d ru g g ists an d dealers
everyw here, a lib eral sam ple o f each, w ith
32-page booklet on th e skin an d hair, will
be sen t, post-free, o n ap p licatio n to P o tte r
D rug A Chern. C orp., D ept. 5B, B oston.
goal. After Dallas started scor­
ing it ran the score to 18 to 6 at
1 the end of the first half.
for Dallas made the most goals
and Smith for the Philomath
The second half was
I team.
j harder with the score of 16 to 6.
' The lineups were as follows:
i Dallas
! Gates
j Bailantyne
E Shaw
D G Shaw
Follett I
Referee, Morrison, of Philo- j
math; umpire, Rice of Dallas.
The next game will be with the
Silverton Athletic club at Silver-
ton on Christmas night and a
close game is expected.
Sheriffs Sale,
111 the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for Polk county. Department
No. 2.
Robert M. Roberts, plaintiff
J. E. Reynolds and May Rey­
nolds, bis wife, E. W. Kim­
ble and Addie S. Kimble,
bis wife, defendants.
By virtue of an execution judgement,
decree and order of sale issued out of
the above entitled court in the above
entitled cause to me directed and dated
on the 14th day of December, 1911, up­
on judgement, decree and order of sale
entered in said coilrt and cause on the
2nd day of December, 1911, in favor of
the above named plaintiff. Robert M.
Roberta, and against J. E. Reynolds
and May Reynolds, his wife, and E. W,
Kimble aud Addie S. Kimbie, bis wife,
for the sum of $2332.28 with interest at
the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from
the 27th day of November, 1911. and
the further sum of $250 attorneys’ fees
to draw interest af the rate of 6 per cent,
per annum from the second day of De­
cember, 1911. and costs of said suit tax­
ed at $70.70 and the costs of and upon
thia writ and commanding me to sell
the following described real property
lowit: Lots five and six (6 and 6) in
section three (3) and lot four (4) in sec­
tion four (4) in township seven (7)
south range three (3) west of the Wil­
lamette meridian in Polk county, Ore­
gon, containing 113.35 acres with all ac­
cretions. Also beginning at the north
east corner of the Louis Parkburst do­
nation land claim No. 70 in section ten
(10), thence south (seven' 7 chains;
thence east to the Willamette riyer;
thence down said river with the mean-
derings thereof to the line between sec­
tions three (3) and ten (10); thence west
along said section line to the place of
beginning, all lying and being in Polk
county, Oregon, township seven (7)
south range three (3) west of the Wil­
lamette meridian
That by virtue of the said execution,
judgement, decree and order of sale,
mid in compliance with the commands
of the said writ, I will on
Monday, the 15th day of January,
1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock, a. m., of
said day at the front door of the court
house in
city of
Polk county, Oregon, to sell
at a public auction,
subject to
redemption) to the highest bidder for
cash in hand all the right, title and in­
terest of the above named defendants or
either of them had in the said property
the daysaid mortgage was dated and to
sell every part of the said property to sat­
isfy the said execution,judgment, decree
and order ot sale including interest
coals, and accruing costs.
Dated thia 14th dav of December, 1911.
Sheriff of Polk County, Oregon.
In th e c irc u it c o u rt of th e s ta te o l O regon for
P olk c o u n ty .
M athew s & B ell. C. W. M a th e w s '»
a n ! T ill Bell, p la in tiffs
Studio; Room 2, Wilson building,
Dallas, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County. Department
No. 2.
Lucy Hudson, plaintiff,
Benjamin Hudson, defendant, )
To Benjamin Hudson, the above nam­
ed defendant:
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled Court and suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons towit:
On or before January 18, 1912, and if
you fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will aoply for the relief de­
manded insan ì complaint towit: For
<t decree dissolving and annulling the
marriage contract now and heretofore
existing between the plaintiff and de­
fendant and for such other and further
relief as to the court may seem meet
and equitable.
This summons by an order of the
Honorable Ed. F. Coad, county judge of
Polk county, Oregon, made at chambers
at Dallas, Oregon, on December 6, 1911,
is served upon you by publication there­
of not less than once a week for six con­
secutive weeks immediately prior to
January 18, 1911, in the Polk County
Itemizer, a weekly newspaper of gener­
al circulation in said Polk County, Ore­
gon, first published December 7, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
VY7E Have the largest stock. We buy direct from
New Yor , thus saving freight. What we save in
this manner we give to our customers.
HpO the “Aristo” line we have added the “Radient,”
which for faultless iridescence, superb workman­
ship and excellent finish cannot be excelled.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon for Folk County. Department
No. 2.
May W. Curtis, plaintiff
Wm. H. Curtis, defendant
To William It. Curtia, the above named
defenda t:
In the name of the S t.te of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint fiild against you
in the above entitled court and suit
within Bix weeks from the date of the
first publication of thia summons, towit:
on or before January 18th, 1912, aud it
you fail to answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply for the relief de­
manded in said coinplaint, towit: For
a decree dissolving and annulling the
marriage contract now and heretofore
existing between the plaintiff and de­
fendant, and for such other and further
relief as to the Court seems equitable.
This summons by an order of the Hon­
orable Ed. F. Coad, County Judge of
Polk county, Oregon, made st chambers
at Dallas, Oregon, on November 29,
1911, is served upon yon by publication
thereof not less than once a week for
six consecutive and successive weeks
immediately prior to January 18, 1912,
in the Polk County Itemizer, a weekly
newspaper of general circulation in said
I Polk Comity, Oregon.
1 First published December 7, 1911.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Monday, tbe 15th day of Janaary,
1912 a t th e h o u r of 10 o ’clock a m . of said d ay
s t th e fro n t d o o r of th e c o n rt house in th e city
of D allas in Polk C o u n ty , O regon, sell a t p u b ­
lic a u c tio n (su b je c t to re d em p tio n ) to th e
h ig h e st b id d e r fo r c a sh in ha nd all th e lig h t, 1
title a n d in te re s t of th e ab o v e name«) d e fe n d ­
a n ts o r e ith e r of th em h ad in th e said p ro p e r
ty th e d ay th e said m o rtg ag e w as d ated an d
ev ery p a r t theraw f to satisfy th e said execii- ,
tio n . ju d g m e n t, d ecree a n d o rd e r o f sale, In ­
c lu d in g In te re st costs an d ac cru in g costs.
D ated th is 14th d a y o f D ecem ber, 1911.
I . W
S heriff for Polk C o unty. O regon.
C h i l d r e n Cry
n1 4 «
I F You bought of us you still have those
1 “little mutters of satisfaction'' in your
heart which always accompanies having
made a purchase of Good Goods at Right
I la n d claim , n u m b e r 70 in section te n (10);
( th e n ce so u th seven (7) c h a in * ; th e n c e e a st to
j th e W illa m ette riv e r ; th e n c e d ow n »aid riv e r
; w ith th e m ean d erin g * th e re o f to th e lin e b e ­
tw een section* n u m b e red th re e (3) an d ten (10);
’ th e n c e w est a lo n g said section lin e to th e
' p lace of b e g in n in g , a ll ly in g a n d b ein g in
Polk C o unty, O regon in to w n sh ip n u m b e ie d
»even (7) s o u th , ra n g e th re e (3) w s t of tl.e
W illam ette M erid ian , to be sold by th e sh eriff
i of Polk C o u n ty . O regon, in th e m a n n e r pre-
srrib e d by law for th e s a le ftf real p ro p e rty o n
I e x e c u tio n .
T h a t bv v irtu e of th e said e x e c u tio n , ju d g - |
, m e n t a n a decree an d o rd e r of sale, a n d in th e ■
co m p lia n ce w ith th e co m m an d s of said w rit,
I w ill on
W here Did You Buy Your
Cut Glass Last Year ?
Sheriffs Sale.
In th e C irc u it C o u rt of th e S ta te of O regon
for P o lk C o u n ty .
D e p a rtm e n t No. 2.
R o b ert M. R oberts, p lain tiff.^
Isaac B u m g a fd n er an d M ary
C. B u m g ard n er, h is w ife, E.
W. K im ble an d A ddie 8.
K im ble h is wife, a n d J. E.
R eynolds a n d May R eynolds,
h is wife, d efen d a n ts.
By v irtu e of an ex e cu tio n , ju d g e m en t, decree
an d o rd er of sale issued o u t of th e above e n ti
tied c o u rt in th e above e n title d cau se to me
d ire cted an d d a te d th is 11th d av of D ecem ber,
1911, u p o n a ju d g m e n t, d ecree an d o rd e r of sale
en te re d in said c o u rt a n d cau se o n th e second
d ay of D eem ber, 1911, in fav o r of th e ab o v e
nam ed p la in tiff, R o b ert M .Robeit* an d a g a in st
th e d efen d a n ts, Isaac B u m g a rd n er a n d M ary
C. B u m g a rd n er,
h is wife, E W. K im ble
I an d A ddie 8. K im ble, h is wife, a n d J. E.
| R eynolds a n d May R eynolds, h is w ife, for
( th e sum of $2X21.45 to d ra w in te re s t fro m th e
27th d a y of N ovem ber, 1911. a t th e ra te o f 7 1-2
per ce n t per a n n u m a n d $2.50.00 a tto r n e y s ’
lees, w ith In te re st at th e ra te of 6 per c e n t p er
a n n u m from th e second d a y o f D ecem ber, 1911.
I a n d th e costs of said s u it ta x e d a t $77.95, an d
th e costs of an d u p o n th e w rit co m m an d in g
I m e to sell th e follo w in g describ ed real p ro p e r­
t y to w it: Lots five (5) a n d six (6) in section
th re e (3) an d lo t fo u r (4) in section fo u r (4)
j to w n sh ip seven (7) s o u th , ran g e th re e (8) w est
of th e W illam eftte M erid ian in Polk C o unty.
| O regon, c o n ta in in g 113.35 acres, to g e th e r w ith
1 all accretio n s. Also b eg in n in g a t th e n o rth -
Zoe Ov.»rmeyer am ! C. R. O ver- )
raeyer, d efen d a n ts.
To Zoe O v erm ey er a n d C. K. O v erm ey er, d e ­
fen d an ts ab o v e n am ed :
I N th e n am e ol th e s ta te of O reg o n : Y ou a re
h e re b y notified a n d re q u ire d to a p p e a r a n d
an sw ei th e c o m p la in t filed a g a in s t you in th e
ab o v e e n title d c o u rt a n d ac tio n , o n o r b efo re
th e la st d av of th e tim e prescrib ed in th e o r ­
d e r of p u b lic a tio n of th is su m m o n s u p o n you,
v iz : Six w eeks from th e d a te of first p u b lic a ­
tio n th e re o f b e g in n in g N o v em b er 23, 1911, th r
b ein g th e d a te of th e first p u b lic a tio n , a n d it
fa* * to
you fail
so u n p e a r a n d an sw er, •*
th e -------
p la in ­
tiffs w ill ta k e ju d g e m e n t a ag g a in st
s t y<
a m o u n t claim ed in th e said c o m p p la
la in
in t, to w it:
th e su m of 1212 50, to g e th e r w ith $20 a tto r n e y ’s
fee a n d th e costs a n d d is b u rs m e n ts of th e a c ­
tio n . Y ou a re f u r th e r notified th a t th is s u m ­
m ons is serv ed u p o n you by p u b lic a tio n th e r e ­
of in th e P o lk C o u n ty Ite m iz er. p u b lish e d in
th e city of D allas, P o lk C o u n ty , O regon, p u r­
s u a n t to th e o rd e r of H o n . Ed, F. C oad, c o u n ty
ju d g e of Polk c o u n ty , O regon, m a d e In c h a m ­
b ers o n th e 14th d ay o f N ovem ber, 1911.
T he d a te o: th e tirst p u b lic a tio n of th is s u m ­
m o n s is N ovem ber 23, 1911, a n d th e la st p u b li­
c a tio n th e reo f w ill be m a d e on th e 4 th of
J a n u a r y 1912.
A tto rn e y for P lain tiffs.
Fw Sale at Tke Skultz.
YY7E are pioneers in the Cut Glass business, and invite
your inspection of our magnificent display.
Fuller P harm acy