Dallas Lumber and Logging Company Buy Your Lumber of Them and Help the Community Grow Merle and Glen Holman are able to sit up after a long ■|>wll of tppboid fever. Roland Holm an will clerk for FI. C. Dunn in bis new grocery store. Dr. Baiendrick, of Portland; was in town Monday. Mr and Mrs. Jack Billups, of Port­ land, have been hero visiting her par­ ents, Judge and Mrs. J L. lolliua. Mrs. Jam es Hodson has returned front T ualitin, w here she I isb been vis- itinfi iter daughter, Mrs. Koeiiiieman, Mr. and Mrs. Buell, of Independence, have been visiting with Mrs. Longneck- er. Mr. and Mrs. S b u lti returned from Eugene the first of the week. Charlie Poling has returned from Monmouth. Mrs. M artin, who is here visiting | her niece, Mrs. K. L. Chapm an, spent a few days in Purtland. Mr. and Mg*. Jas. Hubbard and Mr. and Mrs. R. Arnold, spent Thanksgiv­ ing day with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sm ith. Rev, ami Mrs. Bicknel! and daughter, Buena, visited relatives in Dallas last week. Mrs. Virginia Sm ith, of Eugene, is visiting her m other, Mrs. Delashmutt. Mrs. Davidson, of Eugene, visited several daysat Mrs. D elashm utt’s. P e a r l Sm ith . CHILDREN’S CONTEST. . 1 0 0 . .. $ ..100 .. 70 ..til . . . 2:1 Adda VanNortwick ...3 0 Pearl S m ith ............................. 40 H arriet Davis. ... . . .... . . .. 50 50 50 25 L e o n a M a so n . Mrs. Guy N orm an, of Salem, was in Dallas Thursday. The skating rink will run on Monday, W ednesday and Saturday evenings aft­ er this, instead of once a week. Miss Annie Anderson is improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Gates and E sth ­ er are visiting in Portland. Pearl Owens spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. J. JBurford, of Kick- reall. D. Snyder returned from Indepen­ dence Tuesday. Eva Peebles, of Salem, came to Dallas Tuesday. Misses Viola Mason and E tta Fleck returned from Independence Monday. Flovd Sears, of Portland, is visiting in Dallas. Elk Blake wont to Salem Thursday. Miss Mabel Adams is working for Mrs. Jack Lynn, Ora K err, of Salem , spent Sunday w ith Miss Mabel Adams. The Sheridan m inister of the C hrist­ ian church spoke in Dallas Sunday. Lester Toll returned to his home in P ortland Sunday. Mrs. John Lynn returned from Mc­ M innville Tuesday. Lester Young, who has l>een going to school in Portland, returned to his hom e in Dallas Monday. Roy Coulter returned from Salem Thuredav. R. C. Mason is still visiting relatives in Iowa. Miss E Pelerson, of Portland, is vis- itiag in this city. The fourth and fifth grades in the pub­ lic school gave a program Wednesday atternoon. Vern F arnham , of Portand, is in Dal­ las. Lillian Kisver went to Portland Sun­ day. Mrs F. Moore, of Yam hill, is visiting in Dallas. Dr. W. J. C urtis returned from P ort­ land W ednesday. F. R. Snyder is visiting in McMinn­ ville. with Mr. and Mrs. Braden a t their country home. Miss Thelm a Blessing came over from Salem Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tatom spent sev­ eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Skip- ton in Salem Mrs. Henry Sayery is up from P o rt­ land on a visit. FIRST CLASS Mrs. W alter Brown returned from Albany, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. George Fiddeinan. Lyle Rice filled the place of Miss Pau­ line Snyder T hursday evening a t the Star theater. C. R. G raves was a Monmouth visitor Sunday. Mrs. H . L. Veszie, of P ortland, was a Dalllas visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sm ith were in Portland last week. Foot of Academy Miss Allle Fuller spent Thanksgiving ... Street ... wtth her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Orvai Shultz and chil­ dren, of Black Rock, spent Thanksgiv­ ing in Dallas. Mrs. Mary Suvage spent T hanksgiv­ Laundry Called for ing with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fawk, on Salt Creek, and Delivered Alvie Morton is spending a few days » here with his m other. Miss Georgia Shaw cam e over from Salem Sunday and spent the dav with her parents. Sir. and Mrs. Joel Shaw. Amos Holman and Jim Sm ith have gone to 8)iend the winter in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper C raven spent Thanksgiving with her m other, down home near Greenwood. fives in this city returned t Mrs. Will Greenwood and son Wayne, in Seattle. Mrs. C. B. Sundherg lias returned went to Salem Thursday. from Seattle. Mrs. Jennie Sm ith returned from Mrs. Henry Lucas has returned to Portland Sunday night. home in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Reamer are mov­ Joe Card and family, of Dallas, spent ing to th eir home in the country. Thursday in Salem. Henry Stum p is confined to his home Mrs. Forrest returned from Salem with tonsilitis this week. Thursday. Tom W right is moving to his home \V. M. Tuhert, who has been in Dal­ I , near Oakdale litis week. las, is on his way to 8an Francisco. A. N. Ifallock was down from Mon­ Mrs. Ella G reen, of Seattle, is visit- mouth Friday. ing friends in this city. E. Webb, of Salem, was in Dallas B. F. Beezlev went to Newport T hurs­ day. Sunday. Miss L am a C hijm an, of Portland, is Mrs. P. A. Finseth is confined to her visiting relatives in this city. bed witli rheum atism . Carl Kenton returned to his school in w. V. Fuller went to Portland Sun- Eugene Sunday. day. Norvel Gates sp .n t Thanksgiving in Frank Shriver is home for a few «lays’ Portland. Mrs. Kyser went to McMinnville Sun­ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shriver. day. Lillian Bow man returned from Salem R u t h M ille r . Thursday. Mrs. Hazel W hiting, of Freew ater, Mrs Paul Harlev was up from Port­ Oiegon, is here on a visit to her par­ land Sunday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. George H arsh man. SANG LEE H AN D LAUNDRY Phone 592 Rosco Ballantyne went to Salem F ri­ day. F ra n k Stu m p Mrs Frank Blessing and son, Victor, Mr*. Strowen and children, of Seattle, who have been v.siting in Dallas, re ­ went to McMinnville Wednesday. turned to their home Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs T. A. Riggs enrne up Miss Agnes O’Keef returned from Sa- ' from Portland Saturday evening for a visit with relatives. lem Tuesday. Miss Iva Stanley spent Thanksgiving John K night who was visiting ra is ­ New Line to Tillamook VIA THF. AND P a c ific R a ilw a y Sc N a v ig a tio n C om p an y ' ( O l SU N SET 1 9 ^ I OGDEN fit SHASTA) ROUTES f Trains will run daily, except Sunday on the following schedule: Lv. Port la ml . . Lv. Hillsboro . . A r. Beach Points Ar. Bay City . . . Ar. Tillamook 7:2 0 » 8 :30 a 1 :20 p 2:04 p 2 ;25 p m m in m in L f. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Tillamook Bay City Beach Points Hillsboro . . . . Portia a d . .. 7 M . 8:15 9:00 .1 :25 a id a m a m p m .4:10pm Throogh tickets on **le *t city ticket office. Thin! and W ashington Ms or Fourth ami Yam hill, to all point» on the P R A N. F urther partic­ ular* from the city ticket agent or agent Fourth ami Yamhill streets. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt. Portland. Ore Owin to the increase in business, Black's grocery had to put in another telephone. R uth Sm ith lias a new piano. Rev. Van W inkle is preaching here at the C hristian church. Je rry Driscol visited his wife in La­ fayette Thanksgiving. The Dallas Lum ber and Logging com­ pany have just received a new DO hotse power engine, which will he used to drive the gang trim m er, tram pers and sorting tim ber. Mr. and Mrs. McGregor have retu rn ­ ed from a few days visit in Portland. Carolyn Ghorke has a new piano. A large force of men are working on the new filing room a t the saw mill. Mrs. Ralph McCormick left Wednes­ day fora few days’ visit in Portland. The Endeavors of the Christian church bought a new organ to go in the basem ent. There was a surprise p arty on Miss Velma Ray Thursday afternoon. All had a very nice tim e. There was a surprise party on S. T. Jones Monday evening. All had a nice tim e. A unt Am anda Frazure is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Black were Portland visitors last week. County Clerk Sm ith and wife were Portland visitors last week. Jack K e rris m aking his home with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Black. Mrs. Singleton, of Falls City, is visit­ ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 8. T. Jones. Mr. and Mrs H . G. Campbell went to Portland on business last week. W .J . McCoy is remodeling his house. Mrs. Shister. from Portland, is visit­ ing Mrs. R. E. McCormick. Miss Lillian Laurensen anil her sister have gone to California to visit her brother. Sam Steffy has c o n e back from C ali­ fornia, w here he lias bought him a ranch. H s is going to move there soon. Claudia and Mrs. Plank were Salem Visitors Thursday. Mrs. I. L. Sm ith was a Salem visitor last week. NATURE’S WARNING. Dallas People Must Recognize and Heed it. Kidney ills come quietly— m ysterious­ Mr. Hopkins returned from Mon­ ly- But nature always warns you m outh Monday. Notice the Kidney secretions. Hom er Dashiell left Monday for east­ See if the color is unhealthy— ern W ashington where he expects to If there are settlings and sedim ent, study pharm acy. Passages frequent, scanty, painful. I t ’s tim e then to use Doan's Kidnev Wm. Elliott, a wealthy farm er of W al­ la W alla, has been visiting his unde, Pills. To ward off B right's disease or d ia ­ Jam es E lliott. betes. Mr. Rasm ussen sold a car load of po­ Doan’s have done great work in this tatoes to a potato buyer. locality. P. II. Drexler, Main Street, Indepen­ The new Ash street sewer, which is over a mile iu length, lias the best out­ dence, Oregon, says: " I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and I am glad to let of any sewer in th e e ity . th a t they have helped me. My There were 187 boys a t the convention say back was very weak and l was bother­ in Corvallis, and they pledged $243. ed by irregular passages of the kklney Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cam pbell have secretions. Being advised to try Doan’s gone to California to visit their daugh­ Kidney Pills, I did so and hv the tim e I ter. had taken the contents of three boxes, Miss Larson, who has been nursing my trouble had disapneared. I have not the Holm an boys, has gone to Dave tee n bothered since then and conse­ quently, have no hesitation in recom­ G rantV . Ralph C hilcott, of Black Rock, has j m ending Doan’s Kidney Pills to other been here visiting his m other, Mrs. N. I kidney sufferers.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 M. G ran t. * F'oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, The Falls City Lumber Co. have mov- j cents. New Y ork, sole agents for the United ed their donkey engine to the Hinshaw S u te a. place in the Siletz basin. Rem em ber the name— Doan's—and Of the four churches having the larg- j take no other. j est attendance'of delegates a t the boys, | ! convention a t Corvallis, there were Bap- I tists 15 classes. C hristian 27. Presbyter­ ian, 29, Methonists 49. A T h e R e fle x E d g e H. 8. Buts has bought a new sprayer ■ o. MW PATENTED outfit. Mrs. Dempsey and Fannie spent | Thanksgiving in Portland. The farm era have more fall grain in than for a num ber of years. Airis Lynch went to Newhe g Tnef- M W i . W tk . lo w . « .J day to take charge of a b arb-r rhop th a t TW he has recently bought. Mrs. Lvm h will go later. The ladieu’ aid of th e Methodist church gave Mrs Alvis Lynch a fare­ well re ce itio n Monday night. Mrs. L. J. Chapin ami three children, of Puvalhip. W ash., will arrive Friday t i spend the iMdidays with her parent«, Pish Brail Reflex Slicker Ina Parks cut her ear with the axe i ¥ X I Ladies’ and Children’s S u its and Coats COME and SEE OUR PRICES A Ladies’ Black Coat for _ _ _ $ 3.00 A Misses’ Suit fo r________ $ 6.00 Many Real Bargains to Close the Line Dallas MERGANTILE Company The DALLAS HOME of HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES A d d a V a n N o rtw tc k . W illiam Schwartz, of I’erryilale, visit­ ed his daughter, Mrs. Van N ortw ics, last week. Chas. Cook, of Upper Salt Creek, vis­ ited relatives here Tuesday. An Endeavor party was yiven at the home of Miss Carrie Ghorke Friday I We are Now Going to Close Out Our Season’s evening, AU present report a good tim e. Noah Gregg, of Ballston, was in Dal­ las Tuesday. Andrew Cam pbell, of Ballston, visited here F'ridav. Frank Brobst and w ife, of Perrvdale vicinity, were visiting relatives here last Thursday. Miss W anda Keyt, of Perrvdale, visit­ ed E thel Van Nortwick Saturday. Toinmv 8hort, of Ballston, visited heie last week. Miss Stella Plankington, of Bridge­ port, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Dave G rant. Otis Byerley, of Perrydale, visited in Dallas last week. The loyal women of the Christian Bi­ ble school m et a t Mrs. Jones’ Wednes­ day afternoon. W in. C arrol, of Ballston, visited here last week. Mr. F'lannery, of Perrydale was In Dallas Sunday. M r.a n d Mrs. K rgie’s daughter and baby is here from W ashington visiting them . Mabel E aton has a had case of poison oak. Otis Foster, of Salt Creek, visited in Dallas over Sunday. Mr S tarr, and .on, H erald, of Salt Creek, were in Dallas Saturday. A uum lter of Mr. Jones’ friends gave him a birthday surprise Monday night. Mrs. Frank Van Nortwick is very sick. Nola Coad was given a surprise party Monday night. H erm an Zum w alt. of Perrydale. waa in Dallas Saturday. Mrs M cKiney’s house is nearly fin­ ished and will soon be ready for occu­ pancy. Thera wsa a business meeting held at the home of Hugh Black Monday even­ ing for the C hristian Endeavor of the C hristian church. by the way of California. Mr. Price Is the principal of the dairy departm ent in the agricultural college. Tom Guy and Ah Burnett arc clean­ ing up John G ra n t’s hop yard. MrB. Louise Chase has rheum atism in her hack. Bho and her family leave for California Saturday, Mr. Chase go­ ing Thursday. John Brown run a nail in his foot. Mr. and Mrs. Stow, of Independence, visited Mrs. Mabel Martin Thursday. Mr. Ediger is building a pantry onto his house. Glenn Brock went to the boys’ Sun­ day school convention at Corvallis. John Guy is very Bick. Mrs. Woods entertained her Sun lay school class Friday. Mrs. W illiams and son are janitors a t the North Dallas school. H a r r ie t Davia. M r. R. Lynn i. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Vernon, at McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peery, of Mc- We aim to carry as many sorts of underwear as there are physical types among men. Heavy, long-cut un­ d e r w e a r fo r t h e c o ld ­ blooded; lighter, athletic-cut underwear lo r those of more active circulation. And the in-between kinds. All sizes, all good fabrics, and all dependable qualities. No one undersells us on underwear of equal grades. Thursday'vi8it0,, “ J' c' ,,K,0W> ,""t ; Notice Road District No. 14. M r s . Dave S e ll e r s h a i l a s t r o k e o f p a r* ! v u B , th e u n d e rsig n e d ta x payer» of ro ad dfs* a ly sis t h e o th e r d a y . ! vv trte t No. 14, in Polk co u n ty , O regon, being 1 m ore th a n ten per c e n t of th e ta x p a y e rs of said Miss Follow spent Thanksgiving a t ; district hereby give notice that there will be a n ueH Mildred . Wilson, of Pennsylvania, vis- ¡ . 1 .I n - , . .... • . ’ lted H arriett Davis last Ihnrsday. F. F. Bowser went to Monmouth Wed­ nesday. Mr. and Mrs. If. W estover spent Thanksgiving a t Jim F ryer’s. I m e e t in g h e ld a t th e Odd F e llo w ’s h a ll in Me I C oy, lu P«»ik c o u n ty , O regon, on th e 9th d a v of hour ,of W «*<-•»«* a. | ! of »aid d a y for the the purpose of voting an a< ad d i tinnal taxfor improvement of the roads wit . ---------------------------j it h in id d istr ict, D ated t h is 11th d a y o f N ovem b er n il. J a m e s K. Hears F. T. Komin G. W. H arry H. F M iller A I! W yatt H, L. Hiewart O ra KhodeM W . W. G lan d oli G eo. L. R ichard» J. W. F inn Carl Sel’ers is building a new house in south Dallas. . Rev. M. B. Young went to Portland Friday. T. J . G raves Chas, H axclton P. L. Hmuck C Fai»t M. Holm es « A. S h ie ld s W K W ells F. Sch afer A. C h riste n se n Summons, Harvey Westover and wife want to Hillsboro Friday. In th e c ir c u it c o u r t o f ih e s ta te o f O regon fo t h e c o u n ty o f P o lk . D e p a r tm en t N o. 2. C h a rle s If. V ic k , p la in tiff \ vs. > T h e U n k n o w n H eirs of Mrs. Becker, of Independence, visited S a m u e l G o ih a r d , d e c e a s­ e d ; a lso a ll o th e r persona at H. W. (¿airing’s this week or p a r tie s u n k n ow n c la im ­ g a n y rig h t, t it le , e s ta te , Miss E tta Bevens vi«fte th e U n k n o w n h e ir s of S a m u el G o th a r d .d e - oeaaed ; a lso a ll o th e r p erson s 01 p a r tie s u n ­ Teddie Berg visited the Fosters on k n ow n c la im in g a n y r ig h t, t it le , e s ta te , lie n Halt ('reek last week. or in te r e st in th e real e s ta te d e sc rib e d in th e c o m p la in t h e r e in , th e a b o v e n a m e d d e fe n d ­ a n ts: Rev. [¿»on Myers went to Sheridan I N th e n a m e o f ih e s ta te o f O regon Y ou are Saturday. • h e n by req u ired to ap p ea r a n d a n sw e r th e p la in t filed a g a in s t y ou in th e a b o v e e n ­ Miss Fearl Munson, of Fortland, is c t it o m le d su it w ith in s ix w eek s from th e d a te o f visiting in town. th e se r v ic e of th is su m m on * up on von. t o -w it: On or before th e 7th d a y o f D ecem b er, 1911: Mitts Mabel Hager is visiting Mrs. J. a n d if yo u fail an to a n sw e r for w a n t th e r e o f th e p la in tiff w ill ta k e a d e cree a g a in s t yo u for G. Junkin a t Airlie. ! th e r e lie f prayed for in h is c o m p la in t filed J . Franks, of Siletz. gassed through j h e r e in , t o w l t : T h e r e m o v a l o f a c lo u d n o w ! e x is t in g a g a in s t th e t it le to p la in t iff ’s la n d , here on his way to Portland. by reason of t h e n o n -c a n c e lla tio n o f a e, e x e c u te d and d e liv e r e d by N. A. Em m ett, of Fortland. visited in o m n o e rtg J a g K e D m e ad la sh tn u tt a n d M ary K. D elash Falls City last week. I m u tt h is w ife, th e n t h e o w n e r s o f s a id tra c t of la n d , to o n e B an tael Got h ard , n o w d e c e a se d , Charley Mitchell is building l ie w p la in tiff's sa id land b e in g d e sc rib e d as fo llo w s , I to -w it: A p art o f th e D o n a tio n L and C la im house for O tto Byerley. ^ -------mm— -------- h — ■—-—- o f -«ainucl G o ih a r d , N o tific a tio n N o. ."280, M r s. G e o r g e Conle« attended t h e fit - j c la i m No t a i n t o w n s h ip » s o u th , r a n g e 6 w est n e r a l o f I s e o n a r d Stew art a t Falls Citv. ! » * th e W illa m e tte M erid ian in Potk c o m ity . ,, . / 1» . 1 1 : 1. 1 a’« o f O regon, an d m ore p a r tic u la r ly de- H . C . C o t i r t e r , Of Portland, visited I I . srribed as b e g in n in g at a p o in t on th e w est 1 b o u n d a ry of s a id d o n a tio n la u d c la im , 8 J * 8. C .Skins over Sunday. . . . I c h a in s s o u th from th e n o r th e a st c o r n e r o f th e Clyde Munson made a MHliieHM t r i p d o n a tio n lan d c la im of John H h e ld e n : th e n c e to Fortland last week. r u n n in g so u th * 9 2 c h a in s : t h e n c e east 5 ”i,_____ « _____a. . r i» L i_ I c h a in s : th e n c e n o r th 4 r h a ln s : O u n c e w est Mrs. Joe Card is visiting relatives in Salem. j I or u „ n,iau ' * r I b y p u b lic a tio n m e r e o i Mr a period 01 *ix I e o n »«-«u liv e an d su.-caaaive w eek* i.n m e d U n lv