Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, November 30, 1911, Image 4

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........ »1 so
Itemizvr,one year in ntlyânofl
SUBSCRIPTION j With Weekly Orugoniun or Semi a fenklv Journal............ 2 00
With Uuat Muga/me.................
Orti««1 :
’P H O N E S -
N**. ßOfl Main St.
P u t r o i l i t f Our A iw llir r for Ihr IJp b iith lin a
» 1 T a ira 'n u l C o u n ty .
Today is the day which has been designated by our
president and governor as the one on which we are sup­
posed to each year cease our toil and worry, and by the
entertainment o f our friends and family give thanks to
God above for the favor o f being placed on this terres­
trial sphere, and especially as residents o f a country
whose enlightenment and progress has far outstripped
that o f other nations and countries. Harking back to
the fashion o f our forefathers, who established the ob­
servance in direct recognition o f blessings to hand, we
still mainly observe it by stupenduous dinners o f turkey,
cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and other eatables
thought especially tasty at that time. That the custom
is a good one, no one will gainsay, and it is look 1 for­
ward to with pleasurable anticipations by all './ho can
afford the price. It should be and is as a general rule,
a day rivaling Christmas, for the flow from our breasts
o f the milk o f human kindness the milk that finds it
msre pleasurable to give to some stricken brother or
sister o f what we can spare o f the pleasures o f this life
than to hog it all to ourselves, forgettin g the fraternal
obligation we rightfully owe one to another during our
short span o f residence upon this mundane sphere.
That we are not entirely a selfish people is fully demon­
strated on the occasions o f Thanksgiving and Christ­
mas. The reason that we are, as a race, frequently
called such, is because we use mostly these two days as
our safety valves, allowing business and other matters
to the rest o f the year encrust our hearts with a sort o f
imperviousness to the needs o f other people. One and
all we should be more careful to keep the spirit o f these
days with us in each and every day, making o f us a
more contented people with the lot in life vouchsafed us,
more tolerant o f the shortcomings o f our friends, more
anxious to help the needy and to assist those o f us in
need o f assistance who have not been as well able to
cope with life as ourselves. To all our readers we hope
that the past year has been one over which they have
no great regrets, that they have all made sufficient
filthy lucre to tide them over another year, or have it
in prospect, that no great sorrow has entered their lives,
and that the day itself will prove one o f a happy re­
union with friends or relatives.
ami Mrs. II. W. Stump and son, Fran' ,
will spend Thanksgiving in Salem wito
Mr. and Mrs. K I. Blessing.
Harriet Oavi-..........
Ruth M iller.............
Frank Stump ........
Alma Mitchell..........
........ 80 . ..
........ 80..
Mrs. R. R Jones has left the Dallas
hospital anil returned to her home on
50 Salt Creek on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Museolt have
returned to their home ai Portland.
F ra n k S tu m p
Frank -Blessing came up from Port­
Mrs W. A. Ayres has been ill will»
lagi ip this w eek.
land Friday.
Nolaltoy waaover from Independence
Mrs. A. Burkhalter has left the Dallas
hospital and returned to her home at
John Hughe* in visiting with hi§ par­ Polk.
ent*, Mr. ami Mrs. Inane Hughe», of
Miss Anna Andeison was taken to
thin city.
her In me from the Da.las hospital.
Mr. Irving in working at Falla City
Ah. Magers was oyer from Salem last
thin week.
Mrs. Henry Stump went to New berg Monday.
Kd. Blessing wus over front Salem
M ih . J. C. Uglow returned Tuesday Monday.
evening from Portland.
Mrs Walter Baker is up from Port­
Mr* Frank Lvnn, of Pcrrydale, was ia d ou a visit.
in town thi* week.
R u th M i.icr.
George Richmond was in town Wed­
Miss Jennie X orrl< swallowed a j in
Mr*, (ieorge Fiddimnn and Mrs. \V. at si I 10 *1 Thursday.
N. Brown went to Albany Sunday.
Mrs. S B. Taylor and chi’dren have
Mis* Itubv Futon returned from Por I gone to Washington to visit Mr. Tay­
rydale Monday.
lor’s niece.
Mr. and Mrs. McGee, of Peedee, were
Henry Fulgent** f ¡end» will la glad
business visitors here last week.
to know that he is getting along i ie> ly
S. W. Blessing and son, Frank, wete
Mr. and Mr* Kirkpatrick went to Sa
visiting relatives in Salem Sunday.
J. II Holister was up from Portland lent Saturday.
Mi*» Ta vlor, w ho lias been here visit-
Lloyd Rice is waiting tables at the pig her brother, S. B. Taylor, has re­
to California.
the Gail hotel this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. ( ’ . ¿Rockwell return­
Mrs. Lola Dunn, of Polk Station, was
ed from Portland Wednesday evening. in town on business Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McClure have
Mr* Lucan of Monmouth, was in Dal­
moved into the house once occupied bv las the last of the week.
Harry McDonald on Washington street.
Mr. Coy is repairing their house on
Mrs. J. ( ’ Guvnor ha* returned front
Ash street.
a visit with her daughter in Sulem.
Mrs. Lewis, of Portland, is here visit­
Mr and Mrs. li. C Sevmour have re­
ing her sistei-in law , Mis. Fow ler.
turned from a visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Blessing and Mr.
Mr. Morrow got hurt at the mill
Mr*. Dodge, who ha* been visiting
her daughter-in.law, returned to her
home in Salem Saturday.
Mr*. Jake Burch, of Rickreall. was a
business visitor in Dull»* Saturday.
Mrs. Nancy Brow n went to *»alem the
first of the week to visit Mrs. Cor ben.
Hies Ada Longneeker went to Salem
Saturday to attend the old fashioned
Honored by Women
W lm a woman speak« of her|
•ilent s e c r e t suffering she
trusts you. Millions have be­
stowed this mark of confi­
dence or. Dr. K. V. Pierce,
of Buffalo, N. Y.
where there are women who
hear witness to the wonder­
working, curing-power of Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
—which saves the suffering set
from pain, end successfully
grapples with woman's weak­
nesses and stubborn ills.
Dr Ptarca'a
, N o woman’s appeal was ever misdirected or her con«
fidence misplaced when she wrote for advice, to
the W oaio’s D is s im m M e d i c a l A s s o c ia t io n , Dr.
R. V. Pierce, President. Buffalo, N Y.
wi Ar/kf» Indm* m/k natural towel movement once a day.
C. B. F IZ K R , Mt. Hterllng, K y ., »ays:
'* / have Buffered with kidney ant
bladder trouble for ten years past
“ Last March I commenced using
Parana and continued for three mouths
I have not used it since, nor have I felt
a pain.”
Thanksgiving supper given by tie
Misaea Christy and Minnie Clow, of
Monmouth, were in Dallas Friday on
Miss Laura Poling, who has hi en vis­
iting in Portland, returned home.
Flder Staibuck went to Falls City
Mr. and Mrs. Kit tier, of King* Valley,
visited their daughter, Mrs. Rob Arn­
old, at Dallas last week.
Mrs. Henry Brown’s niece, accom­
panied by her husband, is visiting rela­
tives here. Her home is in Wisconsin.
M kW W
ter, Mrs. W. L. Skipton, of Salem, last:
Ben Thompson and Don Miller are
planting several acres of prunes for A. ' There was a new engine of the 8. P., I
No. 2930, to the depot Friday noon ami ,
E. Thompson.
back over the road.
Ernest Loy is logging at the Martin I
Rev. M. L. Bullock went to Portland 1
again Friday t«> hear Gipsy Smith, re­
Mr*. Monahan, of St. Johns, is in turning Saturday morning.
the city visiting relatives.
The Ladies’ Home and Foreign Mis- |
Mii*a Laura Hager visited J. G. Jun­ siotiary society, led by Mrs. Wallace, j
king, of Falls City recently,
met at the huine of Mrs. Nichols lu*t
Mr*. I. G. Singleton visited in Salem Wednesday for a very interesting meet­
ing. Refreshments were served by the
last week.
Charles Garner was up from Fulls
Mr. S. Moore, of West Wood burn,
City Sunday.
ha.« been at home of his daughter, Mrs.
Lester Barber, of Sheiidan, visited his ('. Rak*M, buffciing with one of his eyes.
uncle, \V. L. Barber, this week.
He went ow r to the Sale«. horpital
W (). Ellis, visited with his parents' Saturday and hail it taken out by Dr.
and is doing hi« t ly.
in Falls City over Sunday.
from Eugene, by the name
Miss Nora Jones of Buell, was a
of Clemens, moved into the house just
Dallas visitor Wednesday.
vacated by Mrs. Cone Baker.
M rs. W. W. Dodge, of Salem, is visit­
Mrs. Cade, our new store-keeper’ s
ing in Dallas.
wife, visited with her sister iu McMinn­
B. W. Webb was dow n from Falls Citv ville a few «lays last week.
Mr. Pages are moving in their new
A. N. P-iole, of Monmouth, attended home in Kingwood Park. Two large
the Sunday school convention last week, i loads of crated furniture was draye«l
there Monday.
Mrs. Earl White went to Monmouth !
Saturd ly.
The excursion Saturday night return­
ed to Dallas and Falls City at 2 o’clock
M « Warren Guilliams left Monday Sunday morning
h* r California.
Those who at ten« led the first quarter­
Mrs. limner had her arm broken the ly conference at .1 Bedford’s last Satur­
other day.
day were: Mrs. C. A. Clark, Summit ;
Mrs. W. R. Uinshaw is visiting her Mrs. J. Smith, O ik Grove; -Mr. and
brother at Lone Rock. Eastern Oregon. Mrs. Delap, Mrs. Lewis, D. K. Moore,
M. L. Bullock. Mrs. lot mb. Mrs. Thom­
Rev. Smalley, of Salem, made a trip as, M rs. Nichols, Mrs. Brock. Mrs. j
to this city Sunday.
Hunt, Mr. ami Mrs. Bedford and
Robey Acuff will start to his home in daughter, Beth, of West Salem. Light
refreshments were served after the busi­
Tennessee Tuesday.
ness was over.
Frank Laws, with two team», is
plowing for the Dallas Fruit company.
Harold Miller. Harold Hinshaw, Her­
Lyle Rice was a Portland visitor
man Haw kins and (Penn Brock are go Wednesday.
ing to Corvallis to attend the annual
Last Friday evening a£ the Baptist
Bovs’ Convention, December, 1, 2, 3,
church a pleasant informal reception
was held in honor of the new pastor,
Dr. Hellwortli, of Fulls City, was in Rev. II. John Vine and Mrs. Vine.
Dallas Saturday.
The M. E. Mis ionary society met
Mrs \V. Bevens and children, who with Miss May Shelton the other even­
were visiting Mrs. Vanskike, went to ing.
Silveiton the first of the week.
E. N. Hall spent Sunday wit!) his
Rev. James Moore held the first family.
quarterly conference at the Methodist
church Thursday nig! t.
Dr. W. J. Curtis, of Portland, i* visit-
Mr. Notson visited friends in Hills­ i ig at the home of W. II. Bottorff, of
the Oregon Power company.
boro last week.
John Reasoner’s little girl is very
AI Stove went to Black Rock Satur­
Mrs. Donald Prime, of Livingston,
A \V. Teats was a Portland visitor
Montana, was visiting Mrs. Beit Wells.
1 ist week.
P h o n o g ra ^ >hs ;
From $11.00 to $200. DO
$3.00 Down and $3.00 a
Month will take any Ma­
chine in the House
The Phonograph and Re-
cords will be sent to any
home in the city or coun-
ty on Five Days Trial.
....... ~
Miss Dollie Bennett entertained her
friend, Miss Alice Butz Sunday.
Edward Parker spent
Dallas on business.
1 i
Stockwi all-Rice Mus ic Co. 1
Saturday in
The Faye brothers and Dwight Miller
spent Sunday with their families in
fllkl AM nl iA?9 m U >1 1
flC K J
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Werner are the
proud parents of a new daughter, born,
Friday the 24th.
Whenever Mr. Fiske gets that cat
farm starte«l lie may call on J. S. Park­
er, a* he has nineteen of both the black
and the white varieties.
Several from here attended the liter­
ary exercises in Perrydale last Thurs-
day evening and all pronounced them
South Perydale has plenty of “ music
in the air” nowdavs. Those having
cornets are Herman and Byron Zu-
mwalt, Edward Parker, Leri Lee and
Miss Dollie Bennett and the clarinets
belong to Guy L**e and Percy Zuinwalt,
and Clarkson Reese plays the trombone.
Mr I ,ee and Mr. Parker have been
sorting and grading their apples and
find them in excellent condition.
Albert Werner, of McCoy, was a call­
er at the Ben net home Sunday.
Chet Coad, from Portland, was an
Mrs Hanson, of Salem, visited her
eider, Mrs. Alvis Lynch, the first of the over Sunday visitor with his parents.
Harvey Westover and wife, of Ma-
Mr. and Mrs. Ot Byerley have return­ haffev. Pennsylvania, are visiting at II.
ed from their honeymoon trip to Port­ II. M eckley’s ami expect to make Ore­
gon their home.
land and will move onto their farm.
The Presbyterian church will have
There are 13 Methodist churches be­
their Thanksgiving services Thursday
ing built in the Salem district.
Oscar Holmes returned from New-
Harold Hinshaw, of Newberg, spent
p »rt Friday evening.
Saturday and Sunday with his parents.
Will Davis, of Lind, Washington, is Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hinshaw.
visiting his aunt, Mrs. McCalion.
Mrs. Scruggs returned from Portland
Forrest Holmes has the measles.
Dr. Curtis, an eye specialist, from
J. G Trent, of Kola, visited his sister.
Portland, visited at Mr. Buttorff’s last Mrs. T. A Odom Sunday'.
Mrs. Farmer, of Kola, has been visit­
Frank Coad returned Friday from ing relatives in Dallas.
Viola Mason spent Saturday iu Inde­
Mr. and ¿Mr*. Willard Gilbert have pendence.
moved from Portland to Dallas and are
Ora Kerns, of Salem spent Sunkay in
living in the Ha I lock house.
Otis Smith lost a valuable horse in a
M’s* Etta Fleck has returned from
runaway the other day.
Mabel Stowe has been visiting in
Dr. L. A. Bollman went to Portland
Falls City.
Tuesday, where his sister i* to be oper­
Mr Barbour in going to establish a ated upon.
wood yard in Dallas.
11 A. lliiiihaw was a Salem visitor
Mr*. Dessie Irvine went to Falls Citv Sunday.
Mrs V. C. Staats is on the Hick list.
Mr. Ramsey, of East Dallas, is going
Miss O’ Keefe was a Salem visitoi
to set nut quite a huge cherry orchard.
II. S Blitz is going to set out ten Thursday.
more acres of prunes.
Mr. Parsons is improving rapidly.
Mr. Johnson, of Salem, is staying at
Vaughn returned from Port
Mrs. Mark Emhree’s and taking treat laud Sunday.
P. F. Bowser ami Harvey Westover
The S. F. ( ’ it W. R. R. company is
fencing their track from here to Salem. drove over to Salem Tuesday.
Wm. ITllrey ha* purchased Jim W il­
Mrs. L. Fleek, who has been sick for
several weeks is inq roving.
son’s 30 acre tiuct in Fast Dallas.
Dallas Mercantile Co.
The city engineer was in East Dallas
A l m a M it c h e ll
Momhiv looking for a suitable outlet foi
Mrs. Ann e Kurtz, of Perrydale, vis­
the new Ash street sewer.
Mr. White i* able to he out again af­ ited iu North Dallas Friday and then Sheri IPs Sale of Real
to Imlepemlence Saturday.
ter l>eii g confined to his house with
blond poison.
Mrs. Forrett’s niece is visiting her
NOTICE is hereby given that by vir­
Mac Grant has just butchered four rom Stayton and also her cousin.
tue of a writ of execution and order of
line l.ogs and Henry Clifford has hutch-
-ale of attached real property hearing
Cleve Hinshaw has b«mght a »pan of
erc«l two.
date the 14th day of October, A. D.,
1911, issued out of the circuit court of the *
Mrs. Smith, whose husband recently
Mis* Forrett visited Mrs. Henry state o f ‘Oregon for Yamhill county and
bought tlio Bcs-icker place, arrived
Wright recently.
under the seal of the said court and to me t
from Alberta, Canada, last week
The Dallas Water company is going
Mi»* Keyt, of Perrydale, was in tow n directed,commanding me to sell the here­
inafter described real property by me,
to extend its main to Holman’s dairy Friday.
tlieundersigued as sheriff of Polk coun­
The holies’ aid of the Methodist
Rev. Gates and wife went to Portland ty, Oregon, duly attached on Jane 20,
church is building a Sunday school to hear Gipsy Smith.
1911, in the manner by law' required,
room onto the northeast of the church
for the purpose of satisfying that cer­
Mis* Veva Burn* came home Friday tain judgment recovered on September
The wink is to done by the members of
the church and when it is finished, they evening.
21st. 1911. in the aforesaid circuit court
will he given a banquet.
Miss Ruth Beaver went to Salem Sat­ by Mary D. Simonson, plaintiff, against
Coe is «‘leuring up the Uglow hop urday.
M. A. Thurston, defendant, for the sum
yard ami burning the vines.
of $93.30 together with interest therton
Mrs. C. P. Mitchell and daughter, at fi per cent per annum until paid and
Claude Nott, of Springfibl a, is visit- Linnie, went to Portland Tuesday.
the further sum of $30 as special attorn­
i ng at A . Uglow ’ h .
Ed Uadwell returned from Portland ey’» fees and $13 80 costs and disburse­
Peter Greenwood went to Salem Mon-
ments of this sail! auction, and for the
Mias Ret tie Wilson is having some acruing costs upon this writ,
P. A Kinseth ami Haven Smith went
Now, be it know n, that by virtue of a
dental work done.
to Salem Monday.
certain writ of attachment issued out of
Frank Chapin and family are living
L*<* ii Eider is running tha gwfdine
! the circuit court of the state of Oregon
in John Brown’ s house.
car for Manager Hinshaw.
| for Yamhill county in that action
Mrs Hill ami babies are visiting at wherein said Mary D. Simonson was
The II 11. ( ’. met at the Methodist
0 ns't«kcô f ire
! plaintiff and M. A. Thurston wag de-
church Monday evening. A very fine Mrs. Swanson’s.
Will Hayes went to Airlie the first of | tendant, I did on June 20th, 1911, du­
time was had.
ly levy upon and attach the follow­ *
A good number of voting men atteml- the week.
The Green Line Telephone company ing real property, and have since said
« d the shooting match at Green wood.
$15.00 Suits now . . $11.50
$ 7.50 Coats n o w _$ 5.85
date continually and now have the
Mr. ami Mrs. Smith, of Boston, pass­ ha«l a meeting Saturday evening.
one o f a kind, to be
same in my possession under and by €
16.50 Suits n o w ___ 12.90
Ralph Digby and Cleve Hinshaw are virtue <»f the said attachment, ami that
10.00 Coats n o w _ 7.90
ed thruigh heie Monday on their way
closed out for nearly
hauling wood for Mr. Bird.
to Newberg.
18.50 Suits n o w ____ 14.80
by virtue of the said Writ of Execution
12.50 Coats now
. . . 9.85
one-half price.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafollett returned from
Everett Wilson is hauling lumber out and Order of Sale of Attached Property, fl
20.00 Suits n o w ____15.90
Porllaml Monday.
to the old Ham-on place to build a I will, on Saturday, the second day of
15.00 Coats now
25.00 Suits n ow ______ 18.75
December, 1911, at the hour of 1:0t> €
Manager Hinshaw was at Portland house.
30.00 Suits n ow ______ 23.85
Goods Fitted and Altered
The Presbyterian |>eopte had a big
35.00 Suits n ow ______ 27.90
I Polk county court house at Dallas, Ore-
Miss Miller, *f Greenwood, visited supi»er Friday night.
free o f charge by expert
25.00 Coats n o w _ 19.88
| ¿bn. sell at public auction, for cash in
40.00 Suits now
her aunt, Mrs. Mark Ellis, Sunday,
Mr. Berg hurt hi* foot at the mill, so j hand to the highest bidder, all the
men and women tailors.
50.00 Suits now.
Mr. Burton, a hanker of Salem, was he cannot work lor a few «lavs.
right, title an«l interest which the said
in Dallas Sunday.
Koliert Reed has been taking the M. A Thurston on June 20th, 1911, or <5
Harold Hinshaw returner! to New­ school census.
1 at any time thereafter had or now has
Let us Dress you up for Thanksgiving in one o f our
berg, w here he is attending sclxxd, Mon­
Glenn Mitchell helped Mr. Bird in an to the following described real
| property, to w it: Beginning at the
butcher Mon lay.
' southwest corner of the Donation Land
Aaron Kdiger sprained his arm very (Malm of N. Conner, Notification No. *
H a r r ie t D a v ie .
ba«l the other day.
Mr. Paul, of Buell, was iu Dallas Wed­
1 4utitf. Claim No. 59, in Township K
priced from $20 to $30. W e have other well known makes o f guaranteed
Mis* Ruth Beaver’s sister-in-law south, range fl west of the H illamette ! ^
visited her while »he was teaching.
! Meridian in Polk county, Oregon;
John Dennis lias gone to Portland for
Clothing, Suits and Overcoats. Prices from $7.50 to. $20.00.
Miss Addie Roydston went to Inde­ thence north 8 22 chains; thence west
a few days visit.
lrt chains; thence north 20 cliains;
pendence Saturday.
Mr*. Clarence Seller* has been visit­
Will Mithileton has built a fine new thence east 40 chains; thence south
ing hei brother, Charlie Hubbard, at
__________________________________________________ —---------------- ------------------------------
28.22 chains; thence west 24 chains to *
Fail* City.
the place of beginning, containing 100
Jim Midd!et«>n is putting up a small acres more or le », for the purpose of
Clvde Ruhhiu* ha* bought- Robert
Satisfaction Guaranteed. I f you are Satisfied Tell Your Friends; if NOT, Tell Us
Cha*‘s property on Fairview avenue.
satisfying the said judgment, costs ami
W ill Middleton put in the wire for his acruing costs upon this said writ,
Mrs, Lizzie Friesen returned home
Successor and Form er Partner
i Dated at Dallas, Oregon, October, 18,
Friday fiom Portland, where she has phone Sunday.
to R.
It. Jacobson & Company
been visiting her sister.
Art Wiudoyer iu working for Jiiu
Mr*, Martini **f Corvallis, visited her M kid le t««.
. _
. Ä 1UJ„ M «K A R T ,
Fine China Given Away with Purchases ^
sheriff ot Polk County, Oregon.
Store w ill be Closed Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 30 .
parents. Mr. and Mr*. Ludwig last week.
George Brunit wras so sn k he couldn’t B A K L IK S .
Mis Mary G. iVnnis visited her sis- work iu the tannery Monday.
^ Attorney for Plaintiff.
( v y v v v v V V WVWVVVWV¥V¥VV v v VVVVVVtt VVVV¥V V v v w ¥ V V ’jr>
The Largest Industry
Dallas Lumber and
Logging Company
Comfort Underwear
W e were fortunate to secure a good lot o f Blankets at
a Big Reduction, mostly all wool, wool mixed and cot-
ton fleeced. The goods are now on display. The low
prices should make them move quickly.
Call at once
and see for yourself what a fine pair o f Blankets can
be bought fo r a small sum o f money.
ladies’ and Misses’ Coats and Suits
« Sacrifice Sale
About 100 Coats1» 1 Suits
Fine Hart Schaffner & Marx Hand Tailored Suits or Overcoats
Plenty of Boy’s SCHOOL and DRESS Suits at all Prices
i --------------
~ ----
Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml MIMI Ml Mt Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml
Admitted to the second class of mail matter.
S u ffe r e d Ten Y ears—R e lie v e d in Tkrtt
M on ths Thanks to JPE-R U-NA.
'W V V Ml V V V W V W V
McMinnville »