OUR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. All the County News Graphically Writ­ ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. N U R S IN G M O T H E R S Little Myrtle Chase, who was taken to Salem and operated on for appendi- ■ ciiis, is getting along very well. show Chase & Davis real estate concern, j made the sale of the Cornwall place to fects a Seattle man, consideration $1600. the beneficial e f­ of Mr. Gilfrev and his sister were visit­ ing their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I H. C. Fox, last week. Mr. T. Acuff came down from Kola Effie Hickerson gave a social party to Thursday to see Mr. Haviland, who is her many friends Friday evening at her yery ill home. All enjoyed themselves greatly. Mr. Geo. McLean took his youngest A delicious lunch was served. son, Claire, to the hospital Sunday to be The beautiful snow commenced to fall operated on for rupture. Monday and Tuesday morn in*, the earth The school house is moved on the was covered with a white mantle nnd back lots facing Fourth street and school the small boy had a fine time. Some w indows were broken but all enjoy«d began Monday again. the beautiful snow. Mr. and Mrs. Gileapie, of Falls City, came down Sunday to attend the funer­ w e s t Y u m m it . al of the late Mrs. Ross Haviland. WEST SALEM. J. Lindsey sold his interest here to Frank Murdock and bought a dry goods store at Oak Grove, near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, of Wash- ! ington, and Mrs. June Hedgepeth, vis­ in a v e r y short tim e. It ited Mrs. Sophia Hastings the past week. not o n ly builds her up, Mr. and Mrs. Max Haley, of Port The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which ha« been Leslie Dencer killed three wild geese land, visited their son, Arthur, here, but enriches the m oth er’s ♦ in for has borne the signature o f F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R A U use U O U 1U 1 over l 30 / V J year«, ’ Geo. Crossen is still in the hospital returning home Monday. Mr. Haley Friday. Ì . and and ha« been made under bis per­ He was operated on the dav before is in very poor health. Mrs. Alice Post was a business caller m ilk and p ro p erly nour­ Thanksgiving EMBALMER Miss Harris is having a bad time with foi plural pneumonia. sonal supervision since its infancy. here Friday. O F F IC E : Chapel am! Parlors, N. Main »t. Tne high winds from the south Sun- . poison oak. A llow no one to deceive you lu this. District Superintendent Moore and day night again brought the gentle rain ishes the child. D A L L A 3 . OKEOON: Chester Broady visited at Mr. Stan­ Miss Ada Dunn is visiting old friends and a few snowflakes, the first this win- Rev. R I I . Stone were around last Fri­ dard’s Sunday. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Boll Phone 108. - Mutual Phone 1308. in Marion county. looking for lots to build a new M ter for the Willamette Valley. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health o f Calls Prom ptly A nsw ered Day or Night. N e a r ly all m oth ers w h o day Charlie Bergrenn, of Blodgett, was E. church and parsonage. Mr. and Mrs Karl Beckett visited the Infant« aud Children—Experience against Experiment. The six Riddell Bros, attended the I visiting at the IJoef home Sunday. Sunday school Sunday. They had the sprinkler out sprinkling fine stork show in Portland and as us­ nurse th eir children should Mr. VV. A. Ribolt was visiting at 0. the streets in Salem last Saturday. Now M. Roberts, our new teacher, took ual claimed a number of prizes on goats they are covered with the beautiful McDowell’s and \V. F. Hoefs’ Sunday. and sheep. charge of the school Monday. take this splendid food- snow. Norma McCaleb and Hazel Rroadv Installation of officers of Agate Re- Miss Beatrice Crawford visited < Mr. Chas. Moore came up from near spent Tuesday night with their cousin, bekah lodge Thursday evening the fol­ tonic, n ot o n ly to keep Castorla 1« a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ Sunday with relatives here. West Wood burn last w eek and took Ada McDowell. lowing officers were installed? Mrs. Beginning Dec. 1st the Itemizer be­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t The weather was so mild and spring Emily Newman, noble grand; Mrs. home his sister, Mrs. Jay Brown, who There is no sickness in this part of gun a four months correspondents' con­ like last week that it seemed we ought up th eir o w n strength but is ill with rheumatism. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Della Force, vice grand; Mrs Alta Rod­ the country, everybody feels line. Grass test on the aame lines as heretofore, ex­ to look for spring beauties, substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms gers, recording sc ret ary; Mrs. Laura is good yet and stock doing fine. Mr, Ross Henry Haviland passed to p ro p erly nourish their cept the prizes will he in cash, instead and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Robert Kakin, Jr., of Salem, was on Price, financial secretary. peaceably away Saturday morning at Misses Norma McCaleb and Hazel of other articles, that method seeming Tuesday appointed secretary of the Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation 4:15 o’clock, January 7th at his home Broady were guests of Mrs. Hurringtoi children. to suit best all concerned. The most board of water control. Mr. Kakin here. Mr. Haviland has been in poor on Little Elk Saturday and Sunday. and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the taught the voting people’s class in our health for some time hut was able to be regular and most newsy correspondent l ’OB SALK BY A L L DBUGOIBTtt Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nutural sleep. The two Gidding Bros., \V. A. Jones, Sunday school last summer. around until two weeks ago when he during that time will receive $10, the The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. O. K. Dennis is setting out five or six took pneumonia which w*s the ¡mine Mr. Swalia, Charley Roscoe, Charley second $.Y the third $2.50 and the next Bend 10c., name o f paper and this ad. for our acres of his place to fruit trees. diatecanse of his demise. Mr. Havi­ McDowell aud Will Hoefs all worked on tlie new road again last Saturday. beautiful Baring« Bank aud C h ild'« Bketch-Book. t wo ti each. The contest will close land moved here last April from Kola G. D. Robinson visited with relatives Each bunk contain« a Good Luck Penny. He has only lived in Oregon seven years, We.expect the county surveyor next March 30st and be immediately follow ­ in Independence a few days last week. S C O T T & B O W N E , 4 0 9 P ea rl S t . New York was in Salem Satur- Wayne Henry coming from New York state. He made Saturday and then we want to make a ed by another of four months duration «lav. Ben Thompson is setting out fruit many friends here and in Kola the short county road of it. commencing on that date. trees on several acres of his new place. time he was among us and he was Mrs. Lynn Purvine was in Salem Sat­ PERRYDALE. subscriber of the Itemizer. His funeral urday. Clias. Bird has been unable to work was held here Monday from his late for a few days, having cut his hand on residence. Rev. R H. Stone, of the M. G. II. Crawford was a Dallas visitor II. J. Elliott was a Portland visitor E. church here, conducted the services Wednesday. Wednesday. at the home and (hid Fellows at the • . Johnnie Dennia, of Dallas, spent the Mfss Celia Gilbert, of Shaw, Allie Teal had some fíne goat stock on Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lynn were visitors grave. The floral offerings were beau­ yianeu holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. old friends in Zena last week. display at the Portland fair. tiful, one lovely w reath and a large in Portland the first of the week. O. E. Dennis. Eugene Sliadle, of Portland, was u. The auxiliary met at the home of spray of carnations from West Salem George Solomon was found guilty of T. D. Hollowed and wife returned Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bird spent Sun­ friends, a bunch of carnations from Falls larceny by a jury at Salem Saturday on from a two weeks v51.80 acres, t 0 The little daughter of Mrs. M. Corne­ Several new buildings are under con-' » W. D. Mixter, of Albany, was in Sat­ Mrs. J R. Hubbard, of Dallas, is vis­ Mr. Holman and family moved to 8, r 5 w ..................................... 12000 lius was taken to Salem this • week to Amity last week, he having soil his in­ tract for spring, and as soon as condi­ urday aud Sunday in company with iting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Shreve. F J Coad, trustee, to I N Woods, Grass and grain are looking fine. have adenoid growths removed. tions will allow building will commence. prospective buyer for his land. —Stuyton Times. terest in the blacksmith business here lots in Klose lllihee ............... 1 The outlook now is that Falls City will ! A large snag uprooted a short dis­ Mrs. Ralph Savery is sewing for Mrs. Miss Zora Powell, who has been visit­ to E. Elies, the owner of the building C. N. McArthur, who by virtue of his F R Barnes et ux to Tlios Small, Is flu archway to i storehouse of re­ experience the biggest building season tance from the post office leaving an ug- ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. Groom is now working in the shop. Jas. Hill. land in Monmouth ................ 10 liable information; full details of the office as secretary to Governor F. W. since the tow n started. ( ly hole in the road that needs the su- Powell, left Monday for Spokane. t°t0 census and of the most Important Earl Gee spent Sunday with the Fos­ Benson ami to Acting Governor Jay Cranston K Higtting et ux to A As there has been quite an increase I pervisor badly. M. Patrick, \ % acres, t 7 s, i 4 Bowerman, is secretary of seven boards and exciting Congressional Electloa In A. B. Moreland aud son, Howard, in the number of pupils in our school ter boys. w .............................................. go : fifty years; 10,000 facts and figures of as many different state institutions, Archie Johnson, and a Mr. Suave and went to Portland this week to purchase this year, the school board have em­ Geo, Woods and family sj>eiit Sunday Saturday resigned seven times as secre­ Oregon Railroad and Navigation about poliflcs, labor, religion, sports, j a boy drove through here the other day ¡i large stock of groceries for the new ployed Miss Elsie Keyt to teach four in Perrvdale. Co toOregon, Washington Rail­ tary of these boards.—Statesman. grades. They have fitted up a store farm statistics, finance, trade, com­ I with a boat on their wagon. They store. road and Navigation Co, rail­ Mis. Chas. Shenefield visited friends were going as far as the Aik man place. building for that purpose a« our school | Mrs. K. F, Craven visited in Ballston merce, Insurance, money and banking; Mrs. W. J. Farley, of Dallas, Oregon, Mr. McCaleb, ,of Eastern Oregon, is roads in Oregon, Washington In Albany last week. Thursday. Information about our own and all ! trapping, ami going down the Silotz riv­ visiting at the home of his brother, J building contains only two rooms. is said to be the only woman goat rais­ and Idaho................................. 550. 0 foreign countries, the armies and J, S. Bohannon transacted business er in the canoe. F. J. Bisse'.l ami family spent Sunday er in the United State*, so far as known. M C Munson et ux to I H Wiles, M. McCaleb, this week. He is looking navies of the world, Panama Canal, in Portland Saturday. »She lias a fine exhibit at the sheep show. at the Beck home. lots in Falls City .................... 250 aerial navigation, growth of the United Potatoes, volunteer, 6 inches high, for a good home here. Title and Trust Co to Balm Mann Miss Geneva Wilcox is the guest of pear tree and peas in bloom, chrysan­ J. D. Gordon and George Kelty went Mr. Bartholomew has a nephew from States, universities and colleges; postal Ira C. Powell, representative of Polk Hodgson, 20.22 acres Eagle friends in Portland. themums, fuchias ami murrigold* county, left for Portland Monday, where to Salem Wednesday to interview Mar­ Portland visiting him. Information, naturalization laws and Lyle Jones is getting much better. Crest Orchard.......................... 1011 ! ion countv people regarding the pros­ qualifications for voting; Constitution Ross H. Nelson was transacting busi­ blooming in the front yard at Rocca. lie will remain for a week aud go from Mr. James Gee, who has been quite pective bridge across the Willamette at Pearl Nuncmaker ami hd to B How is that for an ideal winter in the there to Salem to be present at the Leo Roberts carried the mail Satur­ of United States, population of largest ness in Corvallis last week. sick, is recovering. day. Wilson; lots in Independence mountains. Can anyone in the countv legislature. New berg.—New berg G ra ph ic. cities of the earth, of too largest cities and 4.02 acres in Marion coun­ Miss Margaret Pomeroy went to Port­ beat it. Miss Ida Duigtiun has been visiting Hugh Fletcher is working at the mill Rev. G. W. Pettit has been appointed ty ............................................ 10 In United States, of all United States The Dallas and Monmouth high land Monday for a short visit. and sew ing for Mrs. Foster. now. cities of 5,ooo or more; in fact the to the pastoiate of the First Seventh- W O Meador et ux to D D Coats, school basket bull teams played a game Mrs. Chas. Dunsmore is spending the Felix Comcgys lost one of his full Day Adventist church, at East Eleventh land in Monmouth.................. 25 191 1 World Almanac will tell you some­ in the Normal gymnasium Saturday Mr. Ray, at the mill, has been quite week with friends in Portland. thing about everything and everything and East Everett streets. He succeeds blooded Clysdale colts lately. Buena Vi*ta Hop Co to Wm G evening, the score being 8 to 7 in the sick with tonsilitis. the Rev. W. F. Martin, who is the re­ Shafer, 4 acres, t 9 s, r 3 w. ... 600 about a great many things Price 25c. Miss Minnie Chandlers, of Eugene, M. H. Y’an Gross, of Portland, was Paul lla.laen, our school teacher, went home team’s favor. Allan Fletcher returned Wednesday to ligious secretary of the Western Oregon E W Strohg et ux to James II at bookstores (west of Buffalo and visited relatives here last week. visiting at 8avery’s last week. to Full« City Saturday. school at Corvallis. conference, and who goes to Salem dur­ Pittsburg 3oc.), by mall J5c. Address Morrison, lot in Strong Fruit Miss Irene Ticer has returned from a ing the session of the legislature.—Ore­ C. D. Nairn has just completed a nice A. J. Kicharduon, of thia place, was Tract No. 1 .............................. 10 The New York World. New York. J« h * Brown was visiting A, W. Fletch­ gonian. yisit with relatives in Oregon City, residence on his Glendale farm. transacting business in Albany last James Connery to W T Stoltz et er one day last week. al, 296 25 acres, t 7 s, i 5 w .. 10 Mrs. Emma Lee, of Seattle, is the week, Ralph Conner has gone to Pottlaml to Mrs E. C. Alford and children re­ Jake and Cornelius Buhler have been Harry Southmayde, of Sheridan, is guest of friends in this city this week. turned to Dallas after a week spent w ith John Hanson to Elnora A Sicka- cutting wood on Savery's place. C. 1’ . Wells has improved his farm work in a livery stable. walking the flume now. foose, lots in Monmouth.......... 2500 relatives here.— Dumlee correspondent out the fence row west of Miss Iva Cooper, a nurse in the Good j by l ) y cleaning c‘le Will Mayfield has rented the D. C. R. A. Campbell, of Sheridan, was a in New berg Graphic. W C Slattery et ux to Harrison B Willie Fletcher has been working for lace. Saling hop yard, that C. L. Fisher has Jeff Davis for a few days. Samaritan hospital in Portland, is home 1 ,,H I’1 business visitor in this neighborhood Riley and Wm C Niblack, lots Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Davidson, of last week. for a months vacation. Mr. Martin Conger, w ife ami daugh- been running. 24, 126 acres, Polk, Yamhill, Mr. Maggina made a business trip to Dallas, came over Thursday for a short Tillamook and Lincoln counties Kred McHenry hag return.-.! to liig 1 ‘.*r , lH‘nt l,l,t •“ the home of Erl A large crowd attended the party at Dallas lust Saturday. Emil Thiesies has been having some visit with Mrs. Davidson’s parents. Mr. home in Corvallis after sev era! mouth« ,Urmon carpenter work done on his teeth in Dal­ and Mrs. C. C. Lockhart.--Willamina John Vernon et nx to John Young Woodman hall Friday night, and a very , 12 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w .................. 1000 stay in this city. Lvnn Jones was down from the moun­ las lately. General Organizer Tichenor, of Port­ enjoyable time was had. Times. S K Riggs and hd to J W Myer, tains Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J- 8. Bohannon ami daughter. land, spoke to the Woodmen here Sat­ Mrs. Florence Wester, of Jefferson, Thomas Rand and family, of near 3 acre*, t 7 s, r 5 vv.................. 120 Rev and Mrs. Victor Ballantyne, of Miss Bertha, left Tuesday for California urday evening.) has been here on a visit to her sister, j George Whipple and Jimmy Payne, of Ballston, si»ent Sunday at the home of Sotlaville, Linn Co., visited Mr. Ballan- F W Waters et ux to W H Gra- for a two months visit. Mr and Mrs. Walton, of Albany, at­ Mrs. F. W. Royal, who has been quite l Sheridan, were on the creek Sunday. James Hill. benhorst.lot in West Salem ... 10 tyne’s. sister. Mrs. Lou Hadley, over uck, but is now improving. VV F Simon et ux to W N Simon L. F. Davidson returned to Port la ml tended the funeral Monday of her lath­ Mr. and Mrs. Barber and family vis- Miss Meda Thiesies has returned to Sunday. Mrs. Ballantyne was former­ er, who died in Dallas December 31st. et al, 51.23 acres, t 7 s, r 4 w ... 1 Sunday, after a months visit with his There is quite a telephone row on j * iteil with Frank Brown and family Sun- school in Salem, after spending the hol­ ly Miss Edna Hall, teacher of the 9th and the 10th grades of the high school Ellen Mahoney and hd to H G mother, Mrs. F. W. Smith. Dr. Butler, of Independence, was now on account of the raise of rat »a by |day. idays here. Campbell, land in t 8 s. r 5 w 10 last year. She made many friends while called to see Charley Fiske’r baby, wno the Sheridan Switchboard company. A Thi> World long since established a Mr. and Mrs. Henry IH»lam*y are stay­ Miss Claire Summers, who has been in our midst aud many hearty congrat Margaret J Bryant to Saran E meeting of phone holders was held at has been quite sick. Fisk, 160 acres, t 10 s, r 7 vv ... 100 record for impartiality, and anybody Bullstoii Saturday afternoon to consid ing with Russell Jones and family for a boarding in Ballston and attending illations were given the happy couple can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Gobat, of Albany, er putting in a switchboard heie, quite few days. -chool, is home keeping house while who have only been married a short Sarah E Fisk to Margaret J Bry­ came down Friday and spent a few days 10Q which comes every other «lay in the ant, 160 acres, t 10 s, r 7 w ...... her aunt is in Washington. time.— Dayton correspomlent in Mc­ crowd attending. Committees were Sherd Brulev ami Minor Rainey have week except Sunday. It will he of par­ with Ed Harman and family. appointed to confer with phone holders been doing tome carpenter work for Mr Mr*. Barton Riggs has gone to Waits­ Minnville Reporter. ticular vulne to you now. The Thri«*e-a mu see how many would* come to a Rainey. Miss Killa Bolter returned to her burg. Wash., to attend the funeral of Week World also abounds in other home in Salem Monday, after visitn.g lK»ard at this place. Another meeting Constipation i« the cause of many ail­ her sister-in-law. Mr*. R. P. Riggs re­ The family reunion at the W. C. Hem­ strong features, serial *t«*ries, hninor( \\ illie Muller was sent down from the ill be held Saturday, January 21st to w ith her sister, Mrs Clevc Prather, for turned to Portland w ith her after a ments and disorders that make life mis­ bree home on Christmas dny was al­ markets, cartt»ons; in fact everything logging camp to help work at the mill take further action in the matter. several days. erable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach most complete, the youngest daughter, that is to he found in a first class daily. short visit at the farm. for a while. The Thrice a-Week Worltl.« re^u’ar «u»iHcriptfi>n ami Liver Tablets, keep your bowels John ami Fred f«oy, two prosperous Geo. Clanfield is in Portland with his regular ami you will avoid these diseas­ visiting in the east, being the only one price is oi>ly $1.00« vear, and this pays or ISS pap jrs Mr ami Mrs. Ray and son, who have absent. Beside W. L. Hembree and farmers of this place, are attending the sister, Mrs. Bessie Redtlecopp, who was es. For sale by all goo«l dealers. We offer this uncqualed newspaper and the Item- » h i U hm » spending the holidays in Portland, family, who live here, there were gath­ iser together one year for 91 7 Y;ents. winter short course at the O. A. C. operate«! on there last week. Her many — — _ • returned home Wednesday. ered around the parental board on that They spent Saturday ami Sunday with The regular subecription price of the two paper« friend* will be glad to hear that she V day Mr. and Mrs. George Houseman, of is « 2 . 60 . their families here. Bert Brook* ha? erysipelas in his face. Leo Roberts and Miss Patrick, of stood the operation well ami is on the Portland ; Clark Hembree and wife, of The pupils of the public school st Monmouth; Joe ltector and wife, of Ten prominent men of this city char­ Levi Burbank went to Monmouth this Salt Creek, spent Saturday evening with roaJ to recovery. j Mr. and Mrs. Herman lombard. Monmouth, Imre organized a public • tered the Independence motor last Wed­ *eek. Brownsville, and W. K. Stevens; wife school bank. They will deposit what­ and daughter, of San Jose, Cal. The nesday from Dallas to meet with the Harry Oviatt, who is working at the We had quite a 1| RICKREALL. nnd storm here last ever amount of money they wish, and latter will remain for a couple of weeks’ county court for the betterment of the Sunday. ! South Branch logging camp, spent the the cashier will issue certificates for it visit with relatives and friends.—Mc­ roads in this district. latter part of the week with hie rela­ as in a real hank. The faculty submit­ Minnville Reporter. F.srsel Stow visited at Harry loicey’s tives in Sheridan. L. C. Kt>*er returne«l from Portlaml The Oild Fellows’ installation was ted the plan for the bauk to the pupils, --------- ♦ • * --------- held here Wednesday evening. Jau.ts last week. Roy Johnston was quite badly hurt at Saturday. and after its acceptance It was soon A healthy man is a king in his own Prather, of Corvallis, was installing of­ Dick Taylor atten led the literary Sat- the logging camp last week bv falling Robt. Ankeny was in Salem last week carried out. The purpose is to give the right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy ficer. A nice lunch was served, which ur lay night. and hurting his head. The doctor fears on business. tupilsreal business practice that will slave. Burdock Blood Bitter* build’s was enjoyed hv all. that bltHxi poison has set in. Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, be useful to them in after life. Tnere is a new porch built on our up soun«l health— keeps you well. Mr. an«I Mrs Peter Ctiok went to In­ nne year ........................... $1.50 school house. Robert Blodgett, who has been work­ dependence Satunlay. Itemizer, one year 1.50 Frank Rowley visited at Jesse Yost’s ing st the Cedar creek camp, got his Win Hill went to Portland last week, leg broken Friday. He v a « taken to last Sunday. j returning Monday. Total $ 3 .0 0 Portland the next dav to have it ampu­ At 7 :30 o’clock Tuesday evening at 1 Mr*. J. P. IVW itt returned from Fall* Mr anti Mrs. Hugh Farmer were in the home of the bride, in this city, R«*v. Mrs. Ruth Nevel and baby vìsite«! at tate«!. City Thumday, Portland last week, returning Saturday. ! Git tons, of the Methodist church, nnite«l Lacey’s last week. W. II. Port wood, of Airlie, has bought II. M. Wilson ami Porter Cadle were (in marriage J. A. Rob Arnold, of Black Rock, was here in Portland lait week returning Sunday Amanda Kerguaon Only the Immedi- the W. F. Daniel's store. the first of the week. Th Weekly in lortlandlaft week, returning..uoday. relative» of the contracting tM»rtie» m Mr*. Mary Campbell returned from Blanch ami Florence l^acey visited the Mr* Geo. Sehneller. of Portland, is w e re pre-ent to witne«a the ceremony, for the practice of dentistry, but Publish«** the latent amt most complete Ethel Jone'« little hubv ia quite «ick. a trip to Portland Saturday. Montgomery school last Thurn«!*y. telegraphic new » o f the w orld ; wives rell vititing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. j Mr. Rutile is one of the eubetantial has a good proposition for an able maritet reports, as it i« published at ! business men of thia county, for manv i SL _ Mr. Kyholt made «t r ip to I ! arria Burch. Chester Lindsay has entered hifch Mr?. Frank Sheythe and brother, Tueadav. Portland, where the m aiket news can be S T Knrrh hm secured a widow la,Iv * revêtent of Amity, but now liv- . *** tBfT a t b e W ill and is corrected to date for each issue It : school here for the present term. Frank Ritner, went to Dallas last week. »Iso has a paxe o f specisl m atter for the Newlvrg » ‘•brûle i. a Mater in v e s tig a te b e fo r e d e c t d i n g . - E u We are having pretty coM weather fro m P o rU n d t o ^ t w ' t h G.c.rtmule farm a..d home, an en tertainin g story page Howaid Drew, of the l T of O, visited of Frank rergu*nn, ami has b«en a resi­ Mrs Mollie I,ac v burned her hand nowadays. work. and a pane or more o f comic each week, here and Portland during the holiday quite badly last week while remlering lient of Amity most of her life. They and it goes to the subscriber twice every anion, A cousin of Mr». R. E Rucan nnd her wtll make their home at Newberg for lard Charley BurgrtH»» is visiting at the week—MM times a year. Harria home. j hufliaiid from l-akcview were visiting the present, but later ex[>ect to return Robert Chase ami w ife, of Dsllas, vis­ Mrs. Calkins, who has lieen putting them over Sunday to Amity, where thev will make their f ^ ^ 3 I A ited his parents Sunday. Hi* mother in l«»gs on Fred Johnson's place, has a Mr*. Mulkey went |o Corvallia * ml ; F. A. Koaer returned home Tuesday ! permanent home.—A m il* Standard. it quite siek. sick horse. Philomath on buaineae Tueadav S ire « *11 the local n • w «*m l happingg and [from Portland with hia slicc(>, bringing shotii^l \>r in every home in this vicin ity. For Infanta And Children. Mrs. Roe and children, from Portland, I Our teacher. M i»« Edith Montgomery, Motelle Pettit went to «ee Mr Grant several priaea home and making »eversi The t«*° P«P*rs make a splendid com bi­ I Read in January Sunaet Magatine— nation and you save $1 2* by sending yom visited her sister, Mr*. Parker, here the returned Satunlay and began teaching Dunning Sunday on hn.ine*«. | good tale». subscription to the Item izer. j Isis Angele» Homeland, superbly illus- first of the month. | again Monday. We can also giv e our >»ub$t riber* a good Morton ...... and M i»« Je«»ie I.ucaa , tr«ted in four color« ; The Spell bv C. . Mr. . . . and Mr*. . John Tomb are visiting . Jatnea . . „c - ........... Bold aen rwtwre. Send for free booklet to clubbing offer for the l»mily and Sumla? or Miaa Grace M idteliouee, a teacher of Will Buah ia breaking up end and pot with her mother, Mr». I,tickenbill. attended the basket social at Uak Grove I N\ « A. M. Williamson. A Thrilling Cal- P a u m Drug A Chem. C or*.. Boatou. V 8 . A. Sunday Journal. In connection w ith ' the Portland, viaited friend» here recently, j hi« little pony lo work. She if a dandy Item izer. Jes» Henderson and Robert Wiechu- Satunlay night and report a very enjoy-j ifornia Romance, now ou aale at all including the Campbella. little work flora« tor one of her sice. fot were visuingon Shot Pouch Sunday. ti“ **- * new« aland«, 15 cent*. I R. L. CHAPMAN I : Scott’s Emulsion MICHIGAN CITY. W h a t is C A S T O R IA Correspondents’ Contest. OAKDALE. ZENA-SPR1NG VALLEY. G E N U IN E CHECK THIEFTs GUILTY. FALLS CITY. C A S T O R IA Bears the Signature of ALW AYS George Solomon Found Guilty at Saiem of Larceny. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. GILLIAM. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Officers Installed MONMOUTH NO. 2. R0CCA. OUT OF THE COUNTY. Residents Away or News of Those Formerly Here. SALT CREEK. T h e 1911 W o rld A lm an ac INDEPENDENCE. BUELL. BUENA VISTA. BALLSTON. THE THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION ‘OF THE NEW YORK WORLD. 111 Practically a Daily al the Price of A Weekly. No Other Newspaper in the World Gives so Much at so low a Price. Hembree Family Party. PEEDEE Running a School Bank. A Great Clubbing Offer MONMOUTH NO. 1. CUTICURA SOAP And C uticura O intm ent. N o other em ollients do so m uch to dispel pimples, b la c k h e a d s , r e d n e s s , ro ghness and other annoy­ ing conditions of the com ­ plexion, hands and hair. Miss Ferguson a Bride. ANTIOCH it hu. i \i May Cotne to Dallas. Dr. R. T. Burnett arrived here from Medford last evening on a Both Papers One Year $1.75 short visit at the home of his l,r°ther. He Oregon Journal may decide Horace to locate Burnett. Eugene Dallas which gene Guard. C A S T O R IA nil Kind You Have Always Bought T H E IT E M IZ E R L