m COUNCIL MEETING. NOT WHAT WE THOUGHT. The Levy Made 10 Mill*- Two Sa- Census Department at Washiugton Say Dallas has Population of 2124. loon Licenses Granted. Last Saturday afternoon and evening the Itom izer’e bulletin board was the scene of an excited and disgrunted lot of citizens, the reason being the pasting thereon of a telegram received by M ay­ or Eakin from the census department at Washington stating that the popula­ tion of Dallas was only 2124. The thought was freely expressed by every­ one that there must be a mistake, but at our suggestion the mayor had tiie wire verified, and found out that we bad the goods, be it ever so unwelcome a Christmas package that had been handed us. There was hardly a citizen but what expressed himself as certain that we must have at least a population of 25.J0 within our town limits. The Item izer then concluded to see what the enumerators hud to say about it, and C. L. Hubbard informed us that East Dallas iiad a population of 1208. John­ ny Ashhauuh, who took South Dallas, was a wav but Mr. Hubbard said he thought bis figures for that ward was 850. On calling up» 1). G. Itempel he told us that North Dallas yielded 227 sou Is, making the census as sent in by the enumerators a total of 2285. For some reason unknown, the department saw til to cut this down 111, to make w hat they seem to consider the right number. There is much dissatisfaction witli the amount as given out, and there is talk of the city council hiring enumerators and finding out for them selves just w hat our p»opiilation really is, but we are not yet certain w hat will be »lone in the matter. The mayor thinks it would only cost the city about a dozen dollars to do this, that it could bo done by four enumerators in one day and that it would be money well spent, giving satisfaction, to all and a decision which all would be w illing to abide by. As it is now, Dallas is, according to her ordinance, entitled to only two saloons, but as both the men who have been granted licenses have signified their w ii’ - ingneps to pay a $1200 a year license the Judge Galloway, who has served for c ity ’s revenue from this source will not six years on the district bench here, be impaired. and who was recently elected for anoth er term, is to retain Department No. 2, instead of taking up No. I, to which his term of service would entitle him. Ills A pretty wedding occurred on Christ­ work in the equity department ha« been extrem ely satisfactory and mutual mas morning when Mr. and Mrs. J \V. consent between him and Judge Kelly, Mitchell, of North Dallas, gave in mar­ lie w ill retain that while the lust named riage their daughter, Miss Velma, to gentleman will take Department No. 1 Mr. Cecil Getchell, the ceremony ta k ­ Just now the judge is strongly contem­ ing place at 10:30, Rev. 11. L. Pratt, of plating tuofing from tins city to the the Evangelical church, bein ' the offi­ state capital and very likely inside of ciating clergyman. The handsome bride six months be will do no . At present was very becomingly attired in brown, be lias more to do at Salem than any and the pair made a very facinaling pic­ other place, and by moving there lie ture, surrounded by decorations appro­ would lie at home much more of the priate to the occasion. Only the rela­ time. Besides it would be much easier tives ami contracting parties were pres­ to reach Albany, just as handy to Dallas, ent. A bounteous wedding breakfast and the proposition of getting from Sa­ was serve«! at noon. The bride has lived lem here the same as getting from Mc­ alhher life in Dallas and is well known Minnville to Salem. The only place for her winning ways, ami has a host of that would be more easily reached from friends. W hile the groom lias only here would be Tillamook, and it is not made bis home here a few months has bandy from either. The Judge will no proved himself an industrious honorable doubt relHHi his farming interests in young man, and tiie happy couple have this vicinity, ami alw ais feel that Yam- been kept busy receiving congratulations from their many friends. They left bill is home. — McMinnville Reporter. Wednesday for the home of the groom ’s parents at Tillamook. The city council met in adjourned session last Thursday evening for the especial purpose of fixing the tax levy for the coming year, but considerable| other business was taken up ami dis­ posed of also. A n opinion was rendered by the city uttorney in two d ifferent matters. One was that the city could not assess the S. P. railroad for any more than they were actually improved or just their right of way. The other that the water com­ pany must come to the street grad»* at theirown expense, no matter how many times the same be changed. The applications of Charley Bilyeu an ! Johnny Shultz for saloon licenses were accepted, also their bonds, and the other applications laid on the table un­ til such time as it is fully determined as to the population o f the city. Ayres, Coad and Hall were ap}>ointed a special coniinitte to see that the sa 1 •ons are fixed up in accordance with the requirement of the new ordinance. The tax resolution was th »n read and passed, il fixing the amount at 10 mills, divided as follo w s: 7.01 mills general fund. 1.02 water fund. 5-10 library fund. 1.02 sewer outlet ami other bond in­ terest and to pay off bond No. 1 Tuesday at 2 o ’clock was set for the council as a whole to meet ami see what measures could be taken for an outlet for the surplus water now coming down Washington street. It was decided that the city should th h y e ir improve certain streets, either by macadam or hard surface pavement, as follows: On M ill from Jefferson to the east end of the Gooch prope ty ; on l!a y ter between Court and Washington; on Court between Levons and I£ ivter, making five blocks in all. Galloway Take Department 2. Getchel-Mitchell Thinks Conditions Govern. The Dallas Itemizer expresses a doubt as to three saloons in Dallas prov­ ing a paying investment to the owners. It reasons that habit is the controlling influence of man, and that two years under a dry condition has formed the habit of many moderate drinkers to forgo their usual daily al­ lowance and that this habit of absti­ nence will remain with them. That log­ ic will hardly stand the test of exper ience. A man who is temperate on ly through force of conditions will usually indulge in his “ privilege” to a much greater extent when those conditions are removed. A sheep» herder in the mountains or a cow-boy on the plains may, and sometimes do, abstain fiom liquor for a year when removed from its influence, but it is simp>ly a forced “ hab­ it” and liecomes a way of the past when lie abandons isolation for a sojourn in the d ty . Sheridan H ud The Angora Goat Show. Nearly every feature of the Angora goat industry will be discussed at the first annual meeting of the Northwest ern An goreG oat association, w hich will open its session In the Imperial Hotel in Portland Januaryttth. The industry has taken unusual strides in the past few vears. It is said that on the Paci­ fic slope there are today 150,000 Ango­ ra goats and 10,000 breeders Of the breeder« 8,000 are in Oregon. The o ffi­ cers of the association are: President, 0 . W. McBce, Dallas; vice president, K. L. Naylor, Forest G rove, eecretarv- treasurer, Alva L. McDonald, Portland; executive commit toe, VV. A. Myers, Dal­ las ; J Honks, P.lleushurg, Wash. ; K. H Gwinn, Oakland, Or The program provides for an invocation hv Dr Ben­ iamin Young, o f Portland, to lie follow - by an address by the president. U. \V. Me Bee, of Dallas. Papers will be.read on the following subjects by Polk county people: “ My Experience W ith Mo- hairs,” W in. Riddell, Monmouth, O r; "T h e National Mohair Association,” U. 8. Grant, Dallas, Ore. A sprained a n tic n il! neually dltalda the injured person for three or four weeks, This is due to lack of proper treatment. When ('ham lierlaiti s lin i­ ment is apqd'ud a cure may he effected in th r e e o r four days. This liniment is one o f the best and most remarkable preparations in use Sold bv all dealers Robbing at Falls City. Obituary. Horace Eoff w as born August 1, 1810- in the state of New York, ami died Des »•ember 20, 1910, at the home of bis • laughter, Mrs. John Webster, in thifi city. He moved to Michigan when Is and was married at the age of 22 to Mis, Joann Cheeney. To them were born three children, two o f whom are still living, John Eoff. of Lap *er Citv, Mich , and Mrs. John Webster, of Dallas. He lost his w ife in 1850 and was married again in 1852 to Miss .Martha Pitts. To them were horn three children, all sur­ viving him, Mrs. Emma Wilks, of Man- celona, Mich., Geo Eoff, of Detroit, Mich., Mr. Wm. Eoff, of Rickreal!, Or. He lost his second wife 13 years ago ami the year following he came to Oregon, where he reside«! until tire time of his death. The H. H. C. A delight fid evening was spent at the Methodist church Monday evening by the members of this society ami invite»! friends. This being the social feature of the church monthly is highly enjoyed by the congregation. The program ren­ dered that evening was unigtie and e x ­ tremely interesting and consisted «>f the following: Solo by Miss Ruth McColm, duet, A. L. Longnecker and Anna Mae Longnecker; violin solo, Jack Eakin; reading, Mrs. Castle ; quartet, Messrs. ixMigneckor, Alfred, Wastel, ami Z eller; reading by Mrs. Hopkln«. Collection of dues. A fter which lig’.rt refreshments were servetl and a pleasant hour s|M*nt in a social way. To Divide Districts. A com mittee o f five of the representa­ tive residents of road district No. 5, across the river, will soon make appli­ cation to the Polk county court for d i­ vision «»f the road district. 'This will be done in response to the unanimous sentiment «»f the voters as expressed at a meeting Saturday I st jit Mountain View school bouse. The meeting was called to discuss the best means «>f im ­ proving roads and to vote a special tax for the purpose, but it was decided to take no vote at present on the matter of a tax, but to at first ask the county court to divide the district which was deemed to l»e too large to In* serve«! by one supervisor. Thomas W . Brunk presided at the meeting, which voted unanimously that he apjatint a com m it­ tee of five to intercede with the county court as above stated. C. A. Park, L. D. Gibson, H B. Brophy, A. R. South- wick ami G W. Chapman were ma»le the committee.— Statesman. DON’T EXPERIMENT. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS You Will Make no Mistake if You Follow This Advice. J M W alter etu x to M ary M W at­ son, 78.84 acres, t 7 s, s 5 w ,. . $ 3500 W M W o lverton et ux to Benton Bowers, 135.36 acres, t 9 i, r 5 5415 Never neglect your kidneys. S C L .Moore et ux to F Y Mulkey If yon have pain in the back, urinary lots in Monmouth, .................. 1500 disorders, dizziness and nervousness, Letitia E Purvine and hd to Mary it's time to act and no lim e to exp eri­ E Stansberry lot in- In«le|»en- dence, ................... .......... . . . 1 ment. These are sll symptoms of kid­ ney trouble, and you should seek a rem­ Wm Dawes to Florence A Duns- more, 38.81 acres, t 9 s, r 4 w, 1 edy which is know n to cure the kidneys. Doan’s Kidney Pills is the remedy to J A ami Kate Lawrenson to L O Kamsdell, lot in Dallas $ 200 use. No need to ex|>eriiiient. It has cured many stubborn cases in this vici­ Henry Clanfield et ux to C W and nity. L C Peters, 243.54 acres, t 8 s, r Can Dallas residents demand further 17200 4 a nd 5 w proof than that contained in the follow ­ W L Gilson et ux to 8 E Robin­ ing testimonial? son, lot in Falls C it y .................. Mrs. J. B. Collins, Six h and D. Sts., E W Strong et ux to James Mor­ Inde|»eiidence, Ore., says: ‘ From ex rison, lot in Strong’ s fruit farm perience with Doan's Kidney Pills 1 No 1 ........................................ can recommend them as an excellent Arvilla M Davis ami hd to James remedy for kidney trouble. I suffered Morrison, iot in Strong's fruit 10 from a complication of diseases for a farm No. 1 ................................ | long tim e anti although I tried many H G Campl>ell et ux to James preparations, I was not helped. 1 final­ Morrison, lot in Strong’s fruit ly heard about I loan’s K idney Pills anti farm No 1...................................... 1 Ix-gan using them. In a snort time I James Morrison to Alice Morrison felt better ami the improvement contin­ lots in Strong’ s fruit farm No 1 ued until today 1 am in good health.” G L McPherson et al to Alex For sale by all dealers. Price 50 McPherson, % int in 160 acres, For $21,00 l4 cash, we have f«»r sale a| A fine suburban borne in the e«lge of Buffalo, 1 10-acre tract that is hard to beat. It is the city of Dallas, and 13 acres of fine 10 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co., t 7 s, r 7 w ................................. New York, sole agents for the United within a mile and a half of town, in one land, 2 acres of fruit o f all kinds, a good M elvin Conkin et ux to C F Vick, of the most desirable directions, and five room house and good little barn, 105 States. lots in Falls C ity ..................... Remember the name— Doan’s— and w ill probably be on the new electric several other good out buildings, 3 wells, Annie O Aurlam i to Catherine Ed­ 1250 tuke no other. road. *lt has some improvements, is 1 Jersey cow, 40 chickens, all house- gar, lots in Falls C i t y .............. Joseph Radek et nx to J L Mur­ _ ______ ; nearly all cleared, and is fenced on one hold furniture. Price $5000. $3000 dock, laud in M onm outh.......... 1150 •, i . T ., . .. side. Is close to church and school, cash, time on balance at 6 per cent in- Rend in January Sunset M a g a z in e - W e a!h0 hav* tw o other tracts in the terest. C E Higgins et ux to J O Rountree 1 acres, t 7 s , r 4 w .............. 1 v id ,,i,y - » »ere ,. >.r « w n, * » Leander Conner et ux to H J E l­ N. r irrigation, two I for *4000. One lias seven rooms an l barns, other outbuildings, young orch-1 [ 9 modern in every respect, and the aid of 14 acres, best variety of w inter other has six rooms. The larger can be apples, a fine living spring of water; purchased alone for $2500. price $12,000; land adjoining held at 26 acres, all in cultivation, no im prov- $1000 per acre. ments, fine fruit bind, level, lays well, 172 acres close to school and tailroad j righ t a t railroad station, $100 an acre. station. 70 acres in cultivation. 12 _ 171 acres, 75 acres cleared, balance acres in prunes and other fruit, ta ir . paature and fine oak timber. Five acres good shape. Seven acres of 10-year o ld . 7;j acre8, 55 ¡ „ cultivation, 12 in hops, buildings with a new barn, stock a n d ,0f ^ |ie le a v er land, Running water prunes, and some nice apples. Close tol %e\\ trellised, in a state o f good c u lti-! machinery. Price $75 an acre, half and two springs. Fine soil, good fen­ town and school with city water. The vation. The rest of the place is in fcash w ill handle it.— Item izer Realty ces, 6-room house, barn and other im­ price is $4500. j «rain . This is all good land, part of it j Concern. Estate of J. M. Mitchell, deceased— READY TO M A IL ! provements. If sold in 60 davs, H of will admitted t« probate; John S. Bohan­ 75 acres, 45 cleared, slashed 15, and I 300 acres within 2 1-2 miles of Dallas, crop g«»es with place at $8,750. $4000 Th® leading Seed Catalog of U 10 West— I non appointed administrator do bonis 20 in pasture, with 12 acres of oak tim- ¡>11 Jdings. Good orchard. I r ic e $5000, acre8 cultivation, 20 acres slashed, down, balance in two years. Lilly’« Catalog. Your 1911 crop depends V non with the will annexed; oond fixed on GOOD aeed—- »end f j r this Catalog! 284 acres, 220 o f which is cleared, an«l her; 45 acres are under cultivation, and ^ ®Jl . I « " ™ ; J '\ l* ! balance in tim ber and pasture, 4 acres at $800. acres oak good 200 under cultivation; , 40 ____ and get the best. Write now to ihg [| I B C i e s l i r e n e t iu m n iier*. i iic ic » , ... , . , . , • _ , * i " ' 11 «»»•'««»» nuu ot ___ ____ three wells on the place, the roil is ‘O e elity -«’ .d hattfjy to schoil and ! fruit land, price $42.50 per acre. H alf imibs ; 1 acre apples and pears; well ami Estate of Mary Nelson, deceased—in ­ CH AS. H. L IL L Y C O „ Seattle, Wn.| m il it it is i« wire u ire fenced. fe„re,l church.— Ile m u e r Realty Concern. I cash, tim e on balance. running water. Hand slightly rolling ventory and appraisement filed and ap­ a red loam, and 162K acres in Lincoln county, all open proved. There is a house of eight rooms, and 30 cash will buy my improvements fne^t^ a n d ^ lt“ ^ 's c h 'o o l and S i m i l e s pasture land. It is right on the coast , good barns and other improvements. Estate of Henry Flickinger, decease»! 1 on 190 acres of O. C. railroad land 1)^ * j ---- Only one mile to town, school and on a good river,for only $2000, half cash. | jiiles from Falls City. Improvements of good town. Tbis is a bargain at only final account approved. Fine stock and as cheap as you could $60 an acre. church. Price $8000, half cash. consist of a good 4-rooin house with Estate of Allen VV. Stansberry, de- ask with a good road to it.— Item izer 131— Tltie is a splendid dairy and fruit chamber, about 2 acres in cultivation, ceased— bond filed and approved; Bur­ We have just liate«l 100 acres about 4 R ealty Concern. alxiut 20 fruit trees, some berries, chick­ ranch, well drained, anti the 6oil is e x ­ ris Estes, John Ingram ami Cyrus Pur­ miles from a g«»od town for $40(0. There 106 acre, 48 in hops, 12 in cultivation en house and good picket fence and tra fine. There are 110 acres under cul­ vine appointed appraisers. are 25 acres cleared, 10 slashed and 25 for ;»otatoev, corn or such like, and 1 % j other improvements. Reason for sell- tivation, the rest pasture with 15 acres under cultivation. Sixty acres of good Estate of W illiam Grant. dccease«l— acres is grublied, th . ebal- i ing other business to look after. Also of oak gr lb wood for fire wtxxl. There . paid . for to , bo . -i , timlier. No waste lain!. Good soil, final discharge entered. ?w bouse, all fenced, and a fine buy for a n ceof the piece being m ash and ma* |,HVe 40 acres joining same with about is a house of seven rooms, barn, chick­ Guardianship of Eugene S. Chandler, s , * ^ , rluTi.1' „bo! t:< \m 15 acres open land, 5 acres in good cul­ en house and several small buildings the money. , , . , a minor—guardian to be discbarg«fd up- ( oon * o- i t s t/v* • land, end the lion vard turned out 40, tivation, will sell along with other for Fam ily orchard and good water at 10 320 acres, 35 acre« cleared and 109 it. 000 pounds o f Unit class Imps this last on paying $10.40 to ward. feet. W ell fenced with Page wire fence. $1200. Good little barn. pasture, balance tim ber, two houses. There are tw o g.sxl plastered hop 2 % niiles to railroad station, on mail 5 acres in city limits, 4 acres set to and other improvements,..Hue springs, llo w ilh btt|rrH and all things need- route and right to telephone. Ill health T iie peculiar properties of Chamber- j soil fine. $1< an acre, half cash. | ed for their operation, ami situated far fruit trees two years ago. New 4-room cause for owner selling. Only $70 an Iain's Cough Remedy have been thor­ house, besides bathroom and porches, acre. 70 acres, 45 cleared, 25 pasture, 25 in ! enough apart so that both could not oughly tested during e|»idei)ii«*s of infill timber, 38 acres in prunes and pears catch from the same lire. It ¡s o n a Very .leairable location. Price, »3000; 222 acres of fine farming land for sale. ensn, and when it was taken in tim e we from 1 year to 10. Eighty acres can be good county road, and oolv one half half cash, balance time at (. per cent, Has a good spring, a small orchard, 26 acres S tu dio: Room 2, W ilson buihi iig, . have not heard of a single case of pneu­ mile from the depot in a good Imp ilia-1 120 acres, 3 miles of town, 30 acres nn- of good clover, good fencing and sufficient irrigated and the creek runs all the year ___________________ i Dallas, Oregoni monia. Sold by all dealers. round. The land is rolling and tiie soil trict. This ia a first class huv at »250 der cultivation, rest in pasture and some wood for farm use. W ill sell altogether or divide up to suit. A most'desirable location, Mr. and Mrs. V'. E Fink ami child­ rer any pur- A desirable home— New 5-room cottage and few acres along the north end, where the 27 acres within one and a half miles beautifnl 1 plead guilty and w as fined $25 and costs ha Croole river runs and bounds the bath, toilet, lavatory, and electric lights. Fine j nose. F ifty acres are cleared and rea«ly of tow n, of the very best land, with inside finish. Roof painted green. Attached same; affords a cool place for stock where which lie paid.— New port Reporter. I for pasture, 18 acres are under cultiva- there are no flies to bother. This is an ideal to sewer. $1290 the price, $300 down, term! j tl.on, and there is no waste land There good improvements and fine orchard. place and has an 8 or 9 room house, with on balance. Fine location. All improvements Mrs. Hugh Boyd and little «laughter Price $4000. | are some 10 acres of <»ak and fir timber plenty of shade, a large barn and all the paid for. 612 M a in S thkkt I arrived this week from Seattle for a About 100 apple trees, four years <>Id,j 84^ acres, 45 acres in hops, rest in necessary outbuildings that go with an up-to- 315^ avres. Anew 8-room house and ! short visit with her h i . dher, Mrs. Alice date farm of this kind. There are about 3 Phone 29 D A L L A S , OREGON are on the place and in good condition. ! good pasture land, with creek running acres of family orchard, including prunes, a nice little barn, 50 young fruit trees, Dempsey, and other relatives. There is running water and a | through it. Good improvements and apples, penrs and cherries, also has about a 4 different kinds of berries, only 3 acres iozen acres could-be irrigated. There bop bouse, and yard trellised in fine) dozen English walnut trees that are loaded in «‘ivilation, but some more could be is a go«»«! seven room bouse on the place shape. Price $6825, half down and with nuts at the present time. This farm lies easily cleared. A g«xxl stream of water as level as ¿ould be and has good drainage. it is 1 cate«i X mile from school ami 4 l.> terms on the balance. This place is easily worth $125 an acre, situ­ in pasture an«i well at the house, place miles from town. ated as it is in a country where the blizzards 360 acres, 35 in cultivation, 25 acres of are unknown and delightful summers. I f lays well attd some of the best fruit For $.*,.500 $1800 cash, we will sell timber, 300 acres of other land not you are looking for something nice this place land tn Oregon. 3)4 miles to Dallas. F u r n is h e d b y P ic t o r ia l R e v ie w $125 per acre. T rma Price $2000, 1*2 cash, 9 years tim e oil you 60 a«*res 4 miles from town ami one fenced, two streams o f running water will suit you. balance at 7 per cent interest. T h ; Pictorial R e v ie w Bldg. from school. 2.5 acres are cleared, 15 un­ the year around, seven room house, not half cash, balance time to suit. One acre in city limits with goad house Two vacant lots on Main street, opposite der cultivation, 10 more slashed, and very g«>«>«i, tw o large barns. W ill sell W e s t 3 9 th S t r e e t , N e w Y o r k C it y and good henhouse and yard for same. Only tiie balance is in <»ak and fir. The land this at $20 an acre, one-third cash and Rchool house, 50x100. $1000 for this. A snap— New 3-room cottage, bath, electric This season's styles call fo r combinations o f is rolling, good soil, fence«! with board, balance in live years time at 6 per cent lights, hot and cold water, close in, sewer Two acres of land in Dallas. Has nice 7- materials, a veiling o f chiffon, marquisette or voile has a five room house ami other im ­ interest. paid for. If you see this property you will ronm house, with private water plant, and over satin or figured silk, satin with dull finished buy it. Terms, $1090, $250 down, any kind well furnished throughout. Splendid barn. provements, and some of it can be irri­ 105 acres for $1000. 30 acres cleaned, of terms on the balance. Good bottom land and lots of all kinds of materials such as broadcloth and serge, or a combina­ gated by the creek running through it. 20 acres slashed, rest timber. Good fruit tion o f velvet with other materials. These combina­ We have 20 acres'of growing orchard on fruit. Several large Royal Ann cherry trees You «»annot get a better bargain. that last year bore 1000 p«>unds to the tree. land. 3 miles of Dallas. Hnmll house, the Veazie place right in town, that can be tions are very attractive when the right shades are W e have 14 acres just on tiie city line and other buildings. bought now for $200 an acre. There are no Only 5 blocks from the court house. Would used, but arc most atrocious when the «*olors do not make an ideal garden spot. We want $2600 improvements on the place, hut it is nicely and that our client has agreed to part with $2000 of it down. harmonise. , i Here is a dairy ranch for you that is enclosed by a g«»od str«*ng Page fence. The for $5000. There is no finer buililing varieties of fruit planted are apples, pears 15 acres within two miles of town, unim­ For a young girl In her teens there Is no style of sjKit around here, and the city has al hard to b ea t- It consists of 389 acres, and cherries. They have been out nearly two proved, but the finest of orchard land. Now dress so suitable fo r evening wear us one which is | most <*ncroacheil upon it. Ten acres of 125 being in cultivation, 100 heavy tiin- years, and have a good stand. There is not in oats, with a few young tiees set out this simple In design and trimming. P IC T O R IA L R E V IE W ! this tract is already planted to the best l»er and the balance pasture. There a nicer location in this vicinity for a home, spring. We can get you this snap for $125 P A T T E R N No. 3770 is Just the model for the young I of ki»eping apples. It is a bargain for a are 40 cows an«i calves, 4 bogs, 60 goats, and one that in a few years will be bringing an acre. Just the place for a desirable home. in the purchaser n neat revenue, sufficient for acres for only $2500. This place has g lil who is going to dances and parties, whether at home or for subdivision purposes. W ho g«x>il buildings and lots of them, fine the wants of most anyone. It will not long a 100 good house and barn, and running water home or nt college. The raised waistline Is a feature ■ will snap it up while the price ia low? noil, a complete outfit of farm and dairy go begging for a buyer, ns such chances for that can he utilized to irrigate the lower parts i machinery, nix! the cream check each I a remunerative investment do not occur every if so desired. It would make a fine garden , of the season and Is especially appr«>prtate for rather $5000, only $2000 o f it cash, will buy month amounts to $100. The owner’s day. truck ranch The terms are most especially I «lressy frt>cks. W hile shown here with the round 6«)0 acres near Antelope. Will «*«11 at $10 liberal, only $1000 being required down and n«'< k and short sleeves the model could be finished 180 acres of land within one mile of reason for selling ia that he wants to the balance in one, two or three years. There an acre or trade for valley farm. I school ami church, on free delivery ‘get out o f the «iairy business. T h e land equally prettily with a high neck and full length 205 acres, 80 acres in cultivation, balance is lots of timber on the place. sleeves. In this development It would be corr«K-t for 1 route, ami font miles from town. 41 is situated 2Vj miles from the Peed«*e in pasture and timber land. There irf a good 321 acres, 80 acres In cultivation. House | acres arc cleared and the balance is dwelling house, barns and other outbuildings. and barn; fruit orchard; on county road; 3 store, and within one mile of the rail - afternoon functions or other dressy occasions If made About 50 acres are sown to grain, and the to Monmouth and 6 miles to Dallas. in suitable material. Soft silks, henrletta and similar ; oak grubs. There Is a fine spring anil roatl surveyed from A irlie to the coast. balance to grass. It is located on the public miles Price. $35 an acre. 5 o r 6 acres can he irrigated. Some A phone goes with the place. This is fabrics are desirable for such w ear The construction road, within 4 miles of Falls City and 2 Vk No. 174— 76 acres, 2 Vi niiles from Dallas, j stock w ill go w ith the place. the best piece of land in the county for miles of Airlie. The price is $35 an acre. o f Ihla mtxlel Is very simple. The body and sleeve- new 7-room house and good barn, 20 acres Here’ s a snap— only $4200 will buy two under cultivation, "5 acres of orchard, mostly caps are In one anil the straight gathered skirt is 182 acres, all in cultivation except n dairying or stt>ck raising. The price is applet and pears, hut a large variety of mixed fine residences right close in town. One is a $15000 and one-third can be paid in cash attached to the waist. Rhlrrlngs conceal the Joining few trei»s around the house. About 100 large 9-room house and the other a 5-room fruits for family use, plenty of. fine water, and give the dress the effect o f being made in one acres in cultivation. House of eight anti the balance to suit buyer. cottage. Modern improvements. On three some oak timber and 200,000 feet of fir tim­ piece. 8lse 16 requires 8H yards o f it-lnch material. .„I. i ,ot* with fruit, berries, ornamental trees and ber, and a down-hill pull to Dallas. We had rooms, large barn, granary an«l hen Here we have 20 acres 9'')CK j f)owerg Sou geparate if desired. samples of fruit from this place that were A l. houi e. S ixty acres of l»ottom land, ami and a buggy, all for $1650. There are We have an acre of land in Falls City, with To see this place in the fall when the fruit all tiie place is black loam s«»il. There also a four-room house ami a roomy a good house and barn on it, in a good loca­ is on the trees is to buy it. Price $3500. is a fam ily orchard, ami 60 voung clier little barn. 8 acres of the land is in tion, with a family orchard and lots of small Can give terms. I ry trees, It is within % mile of station, cultivation ami 12 acres in timlter and fruit and berries, which will be sold for $1300 We have a 5-room house in Dallas for sale | \Ve can sell this for a short tim e only at pasture. W ithin 3 miles of Dallas, the cash or can be exchanged for a larger tract at only $800. This is a bargain, and we do that will make a home for a small family. not expect to keep it on the market very long. There Is something about the sailor costume which $75 an acre. county seat, 80 ro«l8 to school. Terms, . ^ r i * " “ i?:rVhrs 3 c ta«r \ SEED C A T A L O G I Probate. PIAN0 AND ORGAN. Dr. David D Young DR. B. E. N E V E L Veterinary Surgeon A ttra c tiv e Dresses F or A l l Occasions 222-224-226 ---VT .....1 , ”7................---------- I seems especially appropriate f«>r school wear. W hile P IC T O R IA L R E V IE W P A T T E R N No. 375* Is not ex- Ictly a sailor dress it has this g«»:»ernl effect. The collar offers an opportunity fo r th? use of contrasting material and the sleeve caps may be faced with bands o f the snme. Th«‘se sleeve-caps are made In one with the si«le-fr«>nt and back. A lining having two seam sleeves In full or thre«« quarter length Is provided, this being use«l for the f«>undatlon o f the yoke an«l under sleeves facings. The attached six-gored skirt Is made with a panel front an«l back, a style which w ill be seen a great «leal this season. 8erge, henrletta, broad­ cloth and cashmere are a few o f the materials which would muke up prettily In this model. t yards o f 54-Inch material. Site 16 requires Jackrabbit* a Pelt. Daniel’«. I, We have British Columbia and Oregon Timber Lands We have California Orchard Lands We have Canada Wheat Lands We have trades all over the United States Besides this list of Home Lands 10 A lone burglar entered the denart- meht st«»re of N. Helig here betvvt kn I and 2 o ’clock Thursday morning, and, after breaking open the till and helping himself to $3 in cash, small change left iu the drawer over night, hv stole ah >ut $75 or $80 worth of merchandise, prin­ cipally knives, j* welry and other goods ! T iie farmers in the country surround- ! easily secreted and escaped. The fellow \ ing Monmouth have lieen trying in e v ­ gained entrance through a rear window j ery possible wav to firnl some method and tl»e traces left in the st«K*r indicate by which they can keep the jack rabbits that but one man committed the crime. from ruining tiie many acres of young There is as yet no clue to tiie handit, orchards. The rabbit* come in tainds, but the officers art* searching and it is and although munv hunters have been thought tiie fellow egnnot g«*t away w ith sent out to kill them, more of them con -1 tinue to come in. The way in which his l«x»t without ieaying some traces. thev injure tiie Voting trees i* not well understood. From the hills west of this citv the rabbits can he seen f«»eding in the large walnut orchards, as cattle lhdlas. Oregon, Dec., 1-10 can he seen grazing in a field. There T iie undersigned painters ami pa|«*r lms been a big increase in the number ! bangers o f Dallas hereby give notice t«> o f these rabbits «luring tiie past year, the public that after January 1st the ami how they can ever !>e kilUsi off is price of paper hanging will i»e 30 cents perplexing the farmera and fruitgrowers. per double roll on alt ordinary puju'r; I 50 cents will be charge«! on common in-1 grain and 00 on oat meala. The price o f ! j. M suffering IB B M ---- If , you __ are from biliousness. putting on cloth will lie 5 l ( per vsrd and ' consti|»atioii, intligestinn, chronio hea«l- up according to conditions. Higned-— I ache, invest one «rent In a postal cani, W. P. Holman, H, P. Hhriv«»r. J VV. sand to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Richardson, M. M, Dungan, A. J Mar- j Moines, Iowa, with your name an«l a«l lin . «iress plainly on tiie nack, an«i they will 1 T — ----- I forward you a free sample «*f Chamlwr- Bchool anpplies o f all kinds at L . D. 1 Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Hold Paper Hanger*’ Notice. ITEMIZER R E A LTY CONCERN Nq. 243— 5 acres, 1 mile from Dallas Col lege, sidewalk to town, 10-room house and a good barn, two wells and pumps at the barn 676 acres. 9 cleareti, 100 acres of pas­ and one at house; 2*4 acres of orchard that ture, balance in saw timber ami wood, pays from $80 to $150 without attention, besides all the fruit that owners can use. small orchard, fine water supply and The orchard consists of prunes, pears, apples, power, b igo u t range; three miles from plums and cherries; balance garden and g«xnl town, an«l two from school. $30 meadow. A beautiful home, giving the quiet an acre, $5000 «low n and the balance at easy life of a farm and the advantages of a city. Price $35«»0, terms $1500 cash, bal 6 per cent. a nee time to suit. 307 acres, 140 cleareti, 40 slashed, 140 No. 231— 10 acres right In town, 6 room in pasture, 130 in cultivation, 100 in house ano*l barn ; tRto fruit trees. l*erri«*a, Here is a place which, with proper atten­ timlier, fair buildings anti water supply, etc. tion. a family can live and farm independent four miles from town ami one from of outside employment or resources. An ideal school. $60 an acre, one half cash, first place for aome man of moderate means that wishes to take life easy for the balance of mortgage for balance. his days Price <2700. 106 acres, all cleared ami under culti­ For only $30«>O— A 9 room hard finished vation, all fenced and fine soil, 1 1-2 house in Dallas, only one block from business ne* r ^ f®|l piece in j ,,,ilon to town and school. $90 an acre, section. This place will only be on the Ellis at.ihtion; has several fruit trees i down anil balance on good terms, market for a few weeks. No. 51— 278 acres, 125 cultivation, 80 anil two large walnut shade trees. Good of oak timber, balance slashed off. place building location. Price $175. | 147 acres, 80 in cultivation and the acres all fenced, the house is an old one, hut the 47 acres fine garden land and In culti | balance in oak an«l fir timber. Two barn and out buildings are good. $50 per acre, one half cash, the balance at 7 per cent. vation, 2 12 miles from Dallas, on rail- f ? 0!1 h®” ! € Iw,rn' ,weI 10 acres tract near Dallas, 9 seres in fruit road. Price $80 ;*»r acre. Terms to s u it Only half mile to school — » , , ,» | __. , . I and church. i\ e w ant $oo an acre for nearly all Italian prunes, 2 year old trees, .T " ° b U - i - t h .n 'l nnr Mark « n t | t)u„ jt is .a „ .. «... * acre« filler of raapborri**s. Lay« well. No o i th e d e p o t wo h a ve a house-am i lot (o r I j impruv.ra.nl«. Price * 1800 , half c»«h, bal 1« fo r »1200 I t has seven room s and I 'V e have 2 and a q u a rter acres w ith in • » « • ' « »■ »- » 1 ue 1 1, the citv lim its th at we w ill sell this w eek | Hi>u«e and two Iota tn DalUa, rloaa in. 35 acres, 6 acres in cultivation, 3 more cleared, balance covered with fine oak ami fir timlier. T iie finest of land. I Spring on place. A ll fenced. Pri«*e, $1400, $1000 cash. 3,*^ miles to county 1 seat, to school. H alf of it lays ni«*e | and can nearly all be ploweil. 230 acres, 4 miles from town. Has i gisnl house ami 4 barns on the place,- ! reveral goo«l springs, spleniliil water. ! 80 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in tim ­ ber ami the balance in open pasture, fine grazing land, the land is gently rolling and soil is splendid. Price $7500. $4500 down, balance 6 year’s tim e at 6 per cent, I Totin * girls should get aw ay from tailored effects fo r dressy occasions. Suits and plain dretwes have their place in the wanlrobe. but a little more elaborate frock is essential Tor certain affalra. P IC T O R IA L R E V IE W P A T T E R N No. 3769. while pretty and simple. Is still a change from the plain, conventional type o f dresa suitable for every-day wear. The aleeves are com­ bine*! with the under body and the outside portion of the waist Is cut In an exceptionally effective outlines One of the features o f this dress is the slightly raised waistline. The four piece skirt Is cl«>»eri at the left o f the t'entre ba k. Serge, broadcloth, silk, cashmere, henrletta and similar fabrics would be effective made up in this design. When one o f the cloths Is selected the upper portl«>n o f the waist might be made of satin. Rise 16 requires 3S yards o f 36 Inch material for the outside and 1^ yard o f the same width fog the underbody. Any one o f these patterns may be had In sises 14, 16 and II years. These Include rutting and construe* tloa guides sad are 16 cents each. cnance» iur 1-2cash, time on balance. ; an,J •Pr*nlJ>. 18 acres bearing prunes, ln 1V4 miles of town ;$3t)00 Seventy acres of unimproved land in the Mt. Pisgah region within two miles o f town we are authorised to let go of for $80 an acre. It is all good orchard bind aud cannot be heat for a home close to town. AM under good solid fence Better pick up this bar­ gain while you can get it. Confectionery in Dallas for sale at invoice price. Ill health the cause for selling. Ap­ ply to us. 80 acres 6 miles from Dallas; 3 acres cleared, balance in timber. Good timber, and land lays well with creek through it. Right at school house. $2,000, half cash. * 10 acres, all in cultivation. 1 room house. Family orchard, and all the best of land. On the public road. Price, $2500. 17 acres, 15 acres under cultivation. Good 8 room house and t * o good barna and other outbuildings. Fruit orchard, and 8 acrea of first class garden land. Only one mile from town, and tha price is $3500. 240 acres, 100 in cultivation, h u r living springs on place with water all the year. No buildings. An ideal dairy ranch and the best of orchard land. Several thousand cords of good oak grub wood on place and only *4 mile from railroad station. Want to sell out entire farm machinery, stock, etc. Will take $32 an acre or $8500 for everything. No. 196— 435 acres, one half mile from *7*00— s o , * « feat and modern t room , |»r »*25. There are no im p r o v e m e n t! j ¿ ,7 5 iia M wm 7Vn7oiibTlVdiB 7a P r iin 'i'ljV o 1 Falls City. Chance for a large stock range. Sonar in Willnmatla Haights; *JOOO caab and bnt JilSt th in k o f It. Only as much ail t |,,|f Will trnda atock. place has been logged over but there iu balnnca in monthly pnymanla nt 6 par cant. j ai re a. you h ave been paying for a lot, | Wa hara aararnl boaineaa chancaa in Polk This still plenty of good wood left; ¡umber flume *f.i00— SOaS« feat and « room hooaa tn „n il tlie location is first class in SVerV re- I conuly for talc, anion* which might be man running through the place that would carry ' ‘ ““ — cash ‘ and * * balance '*----- | ' 1*°*+* • barber shop, a furniture store, a I the v ood to Falls City where there is a good Willamette “ Heights. $15«»».» s p e lt. flouring mill, a* livery stable etc. — in monthly payments at 6 per cent. market for it. We can give very liberal tenra We * k hare 120 acres rive miles from Dallas on this place or would sell it in 40, 80 or 160 97 seres 3*$ mile* from Pallas. .30 a $7500— Full lot and 8 room house In W il­ lamette Heights. This is a very good buy • acres cleare«t. balancein fir ami oak lim ­ of the best land in the valley that we can sell acre tracts. Ste us about this. Price $40 j for $100 an acre. There are no improve­ per acre. and can be handled cheap. iter. 1000 2 tearoki Italian prune trees. ments. hut it is all in c.il’ iratinn and 269 acre«, 300 cleared an«! tin«ler cu i- We have some especially fine offerings In MO IVmona currants Fair house and ' and me third of the crop goes in at this lar^e tracts of British Columbia lands. All barn, plenty oi water, two go**! springs, fi**«. Tkts O*, « f th. fin..I ft m it in tiv .lio o , 6S in puttnre, rnnninu water easily accessible to navigation and within * and spring«, »oil fine, «und ho.1ae.and reach of Vancouver. l*ong leases and at fair .5600 conli of woo»! an«l a g»wwl n*a«1 to Business let haul to t«»wn. U m l lies well for hill Dallas ou Mala square. uther improvements, two miles from prices. Tracings can he seen at this office. school an•">. i | iHilutKV b u U m r fine timber. tim b er. There is 6 creek Kone® s sawmill, and is a part of the old »»iu « ' lk ' « *»«