Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, October 13, 1910, Image 4

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Admitted to the second class of mail matter.
THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1910.
Itemize!-,one year in advance.....................................
With Weekly Oregonian or Semi-weekly Journal......
With Oregon Woodman..............................................
S * a nee>i ¿ Í
»1 50
.. 1 75
.. 2 00
Office :
No. 420% Main St.
Pa tron ite One Another for the Upbuilding of Town and County.
Six drunks is McM innville’s record for last week. W e
opine that was hard to equal in the days when they had
four saloons running full blast.
Talk about Bryan’s facility for running around the
country and shooting off his mouth. Roosevelt could
g iv e him a city block and distance him in a mile.
The Oregonian served the Item izera very dirty trick
Saturday when it credited that assembly editorial to our
pen. The assembly cannot expect to win out in Polk
county by adopting such methods as that.
To our notion the state republican committee played
bad politics, as Timothy Geer would say, when it re­
fused to adopt that report favoring the abolition o f the
assembly. They could have adopted it. even if it did
go against their policies, the same as Bowerman came
around to favoring the primary law, after having made
and created the assembly idea o f nullifying its provisos.
The assembly candidates are now all doing their best
to hedge on Statement No. 1, and are trying their best
to make the voters believe that they were for it all
along. Such thin work will hardly go down with the
intelligent voter, who has already made up his mind as
to what candidates are sincerely in favor o f that method
o f electing a United States senator and the other laws
that give the people a chance to rule.
Such men as Hofer, Dimick, McGinn, Laferty, et al,
who claim to be supporting a great principle, and after
they have secured or been defeated for what they de­
sire, continue to boost into office the men whom they
know are against said principle, are no more to be trust­
ed, nor as much, as the men who have fought it from
the start. It conclusively proves that all they wanted
was an office, and that they did not have the people’s
interests at heart in any way.______
Push things! See how much you can crowd into a
day -without crowding yourself. Be cool, but make it
warm for your neighbors. Attack the difficult proposi­
tions. Get a reputation for doing the necessary work
which other people are prone to avoid. A s Emerson
has said: “ Do the things you are afraid to do.” Push
things. Execution is better than a bundle o f poor ex­
cuses. Franklin said that the man who could make an
excuse could hardly make anything else worthy o f a
man. So push things! Work, as a rule, will not worry
you, i f you work at your work and worry it through.
Friend Elliott came back at us last week, but still
with the same old cry regarding the evils o f the saloon.
This we frankly admitted on the start, our contention
being that prohibition does not prohibit in any shape or
from the misuse o f liquor drinking. Up to date we are
patiently waiting for our prohibition brethren to show
us what good the local option law has been to Polk
county, either individually or as a whole. W e have asked
to be shown that it has not been easier o f access to the
young man and minor than ever before. W e have asked
for one instance o f a drunkard reformed. Surely after
these two years o f dryness something has been done in
that direction, and the good result should be blazoned
forth to the people o f the county, that they may know
that their votes at the last election were not wholly in
vain. Do not be bashful, gentlemen, but speak up.
The apple crop o f Oregon for 1910 is estimated to be
1600 carloads or approximately 1,000,000 boxes. The
value o f the crop is $2,000.000 Oregon has 93 per cent
o f a full crop. Oregon orchards yielded prunes this
year estimated at 15,000,000 pounds. Quantity and
quality are superior to the 1909 crop. Prunes will bring
the state about $1,250,000 this season. The peach crop
has been the largest in the history o f the state. Grapes
o f the Rogue River Valley, the W illam ette Valley, The
Dalles and Eastern Oregon are excellent in quality and
appearance, while the yield is large. The largest fruit
and vegetable evaporator in the United States is located
at Dayton, Yamhill County. The W illam ette Valley
produced 100,000 bales o f first grade hops this season,
as compared with a yield o f 82,000 bales last season.
Oregon's cranberry harvest has been heavy. Four hun­
dred bushels an acre, with a clear profit o f $2 a bushel,
is not an unusual yield for Western Oregon marshes.
An industrial bureau has been established by the Port­
land Commercial Club, with R. W. Raymond at its head.
The new adjunct to the Club work will aid in the estab­
lishment o f factories in the state at large and at Port­
land. During the past five years, statistics show that
Oregon has increased 50 per cent in manufacturing. It
is expected that 20,000 wool-growers will visit Portland
during January next, when the National Association o f
Wool Growers will hold its annual convention in that
city. Oregon’s public lands comprise 18,225,694 acres.
Eastern Oregon has 500,000 acres o f school lands. Be­
cause o f attractive colonist rates in effect this Fall, the
immigration to Oregon has been greater than ever be­
fore in a like period. The total value o f agricultural
product* o f the state for the current season is given at
$115,000,000. Oregon harvested 17,000,000 bushels o f
wheat this season, 11,000,000 bushels o f oats, 6,000,000
bushel* o f potatoes, 2,000,000 pounds o f wool and 100,-
000 bales o f hops. Portland building statistics show a
decided increase. September 1910, 606 permits, value
$1,391,260; September, 1909, 509 permits, value $1,288,-
300. Oregon banks have increased in number since
1909 from 204 to 232. Total deposits for September this
year were $142,670,514, an increase over 1909 o f $20,-
698,666. The surplus this year is $4,798,663. Portland
banks show an increase o f $9,712,506 over the same
period o f last year. Lane County has 38 lumber mills
with an annual cut o f 200,000,000 feet. An energetic
campaign will be carried on throughout the Northwest
fo r more hog raisers. Following a conference at Spo-
hane during the past week, it was jdecided to ge t the
railroads, agricultural colleges and newspapers to work
in co-operation to arouse interest among the farmers.
An information bureau on the hog question will be main­
tained by the Portland Union Stockyards company and
a systematic effort made to turn the attention o f the
farm population toward this profitable industry.
R E V .J . W. W E B E R , O F IN D E P E N D E N C E .
W e have never had the pleasure o f meeting the gen­
tleman named above, and did not know before that
there was a man by such a name residing in our fa ir
county, until we noticed a letter o f his in a recent is­
sue o f (he Oregonian, in which he endeavors to prove
that we were not exactly truthful in a recent article in
which we stated the effect o f prohibition in Polk county
fo r the last two years. W ith all due respect to the
cloth, and to the gentleman himself, we must again say
that what assertions we made are to be substantiated,
by facts, while in all probability the minister’ s know­
ledge comes from hearsay, as is too often the case in
the argument given forth by prohibitionists.
The gentleman goes to the records and finds that
there were not as many government licenses issued for
Polk county as there were when the county was wet.
Well, w e would hardly expect there to be, but that does
not prove us wrong when w e asserted that there was
more liquor consumed in Polk now that under the old
regime. One has only to keep his eyes open and notice
the shipment into the county, by barrel, by box, by
suit case, by hip pocket, and in numerous other ways
to know that our contention is correct, and has nothing
to do with the issuing o f licenses to sell by
the United States government. A s far as this conten­
tion is concerned, we have only to cite the statement o f
a brother worker for the gospel in this same town o f
Independence, who in the same week stated publicly
that Independence was in a worse condition right now
as fa r as traffic in liquor was concerned and the demor­
alization o f the young man than it ever was under the w et
way o f doing.
This minister likens us to an anarchist, because a fter
seeing drunkedness going on and the law violated, w e
do not step in, and assist in g iv in g evidence for the
conviction o f guilty parties. As a general thing a
newspaper man has enough to do o f sticking his nose
into other peoples’ business in his daily quest for some­
thing to entertain his readers, without making a pri­
vate detective V)f himself and recklessly squandering
his hardly earned few hours o f sleep in the running
down o f men who are having a good time on booze. I f
a man wants to have a good time o f an evening by the
imbibing o f a limited amount o f liquor, w e consider
that his privilege and none o f our business. I f he car­
ries such to an extreme, we have officers o f the law
whose duty it is to look out fo r him. And right here
w e want to say a word about this same officer o f the
law that the gentleman from Independence takes to
task for what he alleges is a gross violation or non-per­
formance o f his duty. Take fo r instance the sheriff o f
the county, a man who with one assistant is supposed
to collect the taxes (which is really fo r most months in
the year a pretty good job for about three men) take
care o f all the civil and criminal business that comes in
the justice, county and circuit courts, and which means
riding over the county day after day and night after
night to keep up with it. Y e t he is expected by some to
stop the ordinary work o f his office, which generally
keeps him busy from 12 to 14 hours a day, and go to
snooping around, no matter what other important work
is on hand, to catch and gather up evidence to convict
some person whom it is believed has been violating the
local option law. Only last week the sheriff told a par­
ty who came to him with a tale o f alleged violation that
he was perfectly w illing to make the arrest i f the evi­
dence was forthcoming, but that it would have to be
secured before he could act in the matter. A ll o f which
was perfectly right and proper, as Polk county has al­
ready had to expend many hundred dollars since the lo­
cal option law was put in effect on cases where the evi­
dence was insufficient N ever yet has any officer o f the
law refused to serve a warrant, nor will they do so, but
most o f them have other duties o f government to per­
form there are more laws than one to be looked after.
That both Dallas and Independence have prospered
during the last two years, we are free to admit. They
could not help it with the influx o f new people that have
constantly been coming in, and the continued new dis­
coveries o f what our county is worth and ways to utilize
such worth, and it is also true that thousands o f dollars
more would be in the county today, had it not been sent
away to other counties to purchase liquor with.
Yes, I claim to be as good a prohibitionist as you or
any others who labor under that appellation, but I believe
in striking at the root o f an evil and not tearing a little
o ff o f the top o f the stem, while the plant keeps on
sturdily growing. Your attempt to make Oregon dry
in 1910 will result in a most disastrous failure, be time,
money and labor expended to no good end, and the
liquor traffic will still go on in the state and union as
heretofore, the only difference being that the temper­
ance movement will have received a setback hard to re­
cover from. Bent in the right direction, the misapplied
energies o f the many people who advocate either tem-
ance or prohibition, might be o f wonderful avail and
work to the good o f the nation and the people who re­
side therein.
issuance of such license, pay to the | «hall not be found guilty of a violation
C’lty Treasurer the fee or charge col- j of this section of this ordinance,
lected therefor, and shall make due i
Habitual Drunkards Barred.
report thereof to the City Council in
Section 9. It shall be unlawful for
*(■<«■*****« a m « . ■ a a . . .
his regular reports; whenever an ap- any keeper of any bar-rom or liquor
NUMBER OF SALOONS LIMITED AND GAMBLING PROHIBITED. ! plication for such license shall be de- saloon to give or sell any intoxicating
nied (Except in cases where the same liquor of any kind or nature whatro-
I is denied to an assignee or other per- ever, to an habitual drunkard, or to
No Blind* or Screen* Allowed and Bu*ine** I* limited to One Room.
Z T w .t h ' any person who Is intoxicated.
No Women in Saloons.
in five days thereafter, return to the
Section 10. It shall be unlawful for
Following Is the complete text of j liquors, and that it is proper to grant applicant, upon demand, the amount any keeper of any bar-room or liquor
the ordinance proposed to be passed the license applied for, and the Coun advanced for the license fee, as also saloon to allow or permit any minor
any bond given to secure such license.
by the city councils of Dallas, Inde- cil is further satisfied that the person In case the application of an assignee to remain in or about any such bar­
pendence and Falls City in the event who is to conduct such business has a or other person lawfully acquiring a room or liquor saloon, subject, how­
that Polk County votes wet in Novem­ good moral character, the Council may license of the original applicant or of ever. to the same proviso regarding
due diligence as is contained in sec­
in its discretion order the issuance of
ber. The officers of these cities say license to the applicant in accordance an assignee of the original applicant is tion eight of this ordinance; and it
that if the county decides to return to with the ordinances of said City, and denied, the Auditor and Police Judge shall also be unlawful for any keeper
the wet column, the people have a upon the proviso that the building in shall, within five days, upon demand, of any bar-room or liquor saloon to
right to know what regulation and re­ which said business is to be carried on return to such assignee or other per­ permit or allow any woman to remain
strictions will be placed upon the sa­ complies strictly with the requirements son lawfully acquiring such license in, loiter about, or solicit drinks In any
any bond given to secure such license such bar-room or liquor saloon.
loons by the authorities of the incor- of tills ordinance referring thereto, by such assignee or other person.
and hereinafter set forth; otherwise,
All Gambling Prohibited.
■ orated towns.
Building Regulations.
Section 11. It shall be unlawful for
This ordinance was drawn in ac- the application shall be denied.
of any bar-room or liquor
Nuinhor o f Saloons Limited.
ordance with sugestlons offered by the
In issuing such licenses, or order­ any person, firm, company, or corpora­ saloon to allow or permit any card
National Model License League and is
pluying, pool or billiard playing, die -
ing them to be issued, the said. City
said to be an exact copy of the ordi­ Council shall permit but one license to ing or offering for sale any vinous, shaking, j ) r any gambling of any kind
nance in force in Philadelphia, where be issued for every one thousand in­ spirituous, malt, or other intoxicating or nature whatsoever in or about any
saloons are more strictly regulated habitants or fraction thereof, residing liquors within the corporate limits of such bar-room or liquor saloon.
Must Display License.
than in any other city in the United within the corporate limits of said Dallas, Oregon, in a building or room
that does not comply with the follow­
Section 42. Each and every person,
States, and where drunkenness and city.
firm, company, or corporation having
Must I*ay In Advance.
lawlessness have been reduced to the
Blinds or Screens Forbidden.
a license under the provisions of th s
No order for the issuance of li­
minimum. The ordinance reads:
1. All buildings or rooms in which ordinance shall exhibit the same at all
cense shall be made without a written
Ordinance No. . . .
times while the same is in force In his
application therefor as herein pro­
An ordinance
providing for li­ vided, nor until the license fee is paid provided with an open front; the lower or their place of business; and further,
censing and regulating bar-rooms and and the bond of the applicant is ap­ side of all windows to any such build­ shall, at all times, keep posted in a
liquor saloons within the corporate proved by the Mayor of said City. The ing or room facing upon any street in conspicuous place in his or their
limits of Dallas, Oregon.
execution of such bond by a surety- said city shall not be higher than five place of business, so that the same
The City of Dallas Does Ordain as company authorized to do business in feet from the sidewalk, and said win- | may be easily read, a copy of all the
the State of Oregon, as surety, shall be dows shall not be covered with any | principal features of this ordinance
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for deemed a sufficient bond, without blinds or with anything whatsoever relative to the regulation of such
any person, firm, company, or corpor­ other surety or sureties; provided, that that will or would obstruct a view into places of business.
ation to sell or offer for sale any vi­ all bonds shall be subject to the ap­ such room or building from the said
Penalty for Violation.
nous, spirituous, malt, or other intox­ proval of the Mayor. The Auditor and sidewalk, the object of this being that
Section 13. I f any person, firm,
icating liquors within the corporate Police Judge shall issue such license persons passing along the sidewalk company or corporation taking out a
limits of Dallas, Oregon, without hav­ only upon the order of the City Coun­ upon the street may readily see Into license under and by virtue of the pro­
ing first obtained a license therefor, cil of said city-, as hereinbefore provid­ the interior of any such room or build­ visions of this ordinance shall violate
as in this Ordinance provided.
any of the provisions hereof, in case
ed, and only after having been noti­ ing at all times.
Section 2. Every person, firm, com­ fied by the committee of the City-
the offender be a person, firm, or com­
Must Occupy Only One Room.
pany, or corporation applying for such Council hereinafter mentioned and
2. Such business shall be conducted pany, and in case the offender be a
license shall, before the same is grant­ provided for by this ordinance that in a single room, and such room shall corporation, then the clerk, manager,
ed, pay to the Auditor and P >lioo the building in which such business is be without any partitions of any kind or person conducting or having charge
Judge of the City of Dallas, Oregon. to be carried on complies with the re­ or nature whatsoever, and shall be so of any bar-room of liquor saloon, he i r
the sum of $............. per annum m il quirements of this ordinance as here­ constructed and arranged that a per­ they shall be deemed guilty of a mis­
no such license shall be issued or grant­ inafter set forth.
son passing along the sidewalk upon demeanor, and, upon conviction there­
ed for a less period than one year.
Second Conviction Forfeits License. the street can readily see the whole of of in the Police Court of the City of
Certificate of Character Required.
A second conviction of any misde­ the interior of any such room in which Dallas, shall be fined not less than
fifty dollars nor more than one hun­
Section 3. No such license shall be meanor constituting a violation of any such business is being carried on.
dred dollars, or be imprisoned in the
Sales Prohibited In Store Room.
issued or granted, except by order of •ondition of such bond herein men­
Jail not to exceed forty days. Tri
the city council of said city of Dallas, tioned shall forfeit such bond to the
evidenced by a motion for that pur­ *aid City of Dallas, absolutely, as stip­ rooms attached to any such build­ addition to the penalty herein before
pose duly made and carried and enter­ ulated damages, and said city shall be ing or room in which such business is provided for in this section, if any
'd in the journal of the proceedings of entitled ro recover the amount of the being carried on. except a single room owner or keeper of any bar-room or
'aid city council. Any person, firm, oenal sum of such bond so forfeited to be used entirely and exclusively for liquor saloon shall violate any of the
oinpany, or corporation desiring to without any proof whatever of actual the purpose of storing any goods or terms or provisions of this ordinance
obtain such license shall first file with damages. A second conviction of any articles used in such business, or nec­ after having taken out a license to
the Auditor and Police Judge of said misdemeanor constituting a violation essary for the purpose of carrying on conduct such business in said city of
city a written application therefor, of the terms of this ordinance and of such business; and in no case, shall Dallas, he shall, upon a first convic­
which application shall be addressed m y condition of said bond shall work any person other than the person con­ tion thereof in the Police Court of the
to said city council, and shall be filed ■\ forfeiture of the license, and there­ ducting such business be permitted to City of Dallas, be suspended and pro­
with the Auditor and Police Judge of after no license shall ever be issued to enter such room unless it be for the hibited from carrying on his said
sole purpose of carrying goods or arti­ business under said license for a period
3aid city at least five days before the ;uch person, firm, company, or cor-
meeting of the said city council at ooration within the corporate limits cles into the same for storage pur­ of thirty days from the date of said
which the same is acted upon. With of the City of Dallas. The forfeiture poses, or for the purpose of removing conviction, and it shall be the duty of
such application there shall also b< of said license as herein provided for the same therefrom; and, in no case, the Auditor and Police Court to enter
filed a certificate as to the good moral *hall be separate from and in addition shall there be any sale or gift of any such order at the same time said con­
character of the person who is to con­ fo the forfeiture of said bond as here- liquor to any person in any other place viction is had, and fine or imprison­
than in the main room where such ment is ordered; and the said Auditor
duct such business in said city if such :n above provided.
business is carried on.
and Police Judge shall forthwith Issue
license is Issued, which certificate shall
License Is Transferable.
such order, and the Marshal of said
Outhouse Regulations.
be signed by at least five reputable
A license issued under and by vir­
4. Such room or building shall not city shall forthwith serve such order
citizens of Polk County.
tue of the provisions of this ordi­
upon the said person so convicted by
nance shall be assignable and trans­ be provided with any out-houses what­ delivering a copy thereof to the said
Name o f Applicant.
ever, except those that are or may be
Such application shall set forth the ferable, and shall be owned and held necessary for toilet purposes, or for person so convicted.
name of the person, firm, company, or by- the owner thereof as other property the purpose of storing wood; and, in no
Forfeiture of License.
•orporation desiring such license; the or rights are held by him, and in case case, shall there be any sale or gift of
For a second conviction for a vio­
time when the applicant proposes to of his death, it shall go to his personal any intoxicating liquor in such out­ lation of any of the terms or provis­
engage in the business of selling or o f­ -epresentatives in the same manner as house.
ions of this ordinance in the Police
fering for sale vinous, spirituous, malt, other personal property. However, the
Court of the City of Dallas, Oregon,
Council Must inspect Building.
or other intoxicating liquors in said assignee of any such license, or any
the punishment by fine and
Before any license is issued to any
cfty; the period of time for which li­ Jther person into whose hands such
imprisonment provided for in this
cense is desired; the location of thr 'Icense may lawfully come, shall give applicant therefor, as in this ordi­ section, It shall be the duty of the
building in which It is proposed tr \ bond in like form and manner, and nance provided, the city council of said Auditor and Police Judge to declare
conduct said business; the fact wheth­ ubiect to the same conditions and re­ City of Dallas shall appoint a com­ forfeited the license held by such per­
er or not the person who is to con­ strictions as is herein provided for in mittee of three members of the Coun­ son so convicted, and to further de­
duct said business in this city has ever •egard to the original applicant, before cil to thoroughly inspect the room or clare forfeited the bond of the owner
been convicted of a felony in the State engaging under and by virtue of said building in which such business is pro­ or keeper of any such bar-room or
of Oregon, or in any other state of the 'Icense in the business of selling or o f­ posed to be carried on by the appli­ liquor saloon, given to secure said li­
United States; the fact whether or not fering for sale any vinous, spirituous, cant, and to ascertain whether or not cense, as is provided for in section
building or room in which
the person, firm, company, or corpora­ malt, or other intoxicating liquors; the
three of this ordinance, and to make
tion desiring such license has ever for­ and further, no such assignee or other such business is proposed to be car­ report thereof to the City Council at
comes up to the requirements
feited a license of a similar nature by
the next regular meeting thereof. The
reason of any breach of any city reg­ ful manner, shall be permitted to en­ of this ordinance; if it does, such com­ conviction of any servant, or other
ulation or State Law; and, if the ap­ rage in such business as is authorized mittee shall so report to the Auditor person in the employment of the li­
plicant be a firm or company, the bv such license, unless he makes ap­ and Police Judge of said city, and then, censee in the management or running
names and addresses of all the mem­ plication to the City Council of said and thereupon the Auditor and Police of any such bar-room or liquor sa­
bers or partners composing the same; 'lty for that purpose in like manner Judge shall have the power to issue loon, shall have the same effect as to
and, If a corporation, the name of the and form as application is herein re- such license, provided all other steps the suspension of the business of the
President and Secretary, the location mired to be made by the original ap­ have been taken as in this ordinance lioensee for a period of thirty days,
of the principal office of the corpora­ plicant, and such application shall also provided to entitle the applicant to or the forfeiture of the license and
e accompanied by a certificate as to such license. I f such room or build­
tion. the name of the state under
bond as herein provided for, ns though
which it is chartered, and the name of ’ he good moral character of the per­ ing does not come up to the require­ the conviction were of the licensee
the person who is to manage the busi­ son making such application or the ments of this ordinance, said commit­ himself.
ness for which license is desired. If person who is to conduct such business tee shall so notify the applicant and
Minors Subject to Punishment.
the applicant be a person, the appli­ inder such license in said city, which point out to him the changes neces­
Section 14. It shall be unlawful for
cation shall be verified by his oath: certificate shall he signed by at least sary to be made before any such li­
minor or other person under the
if a firm or company, by the oath of a
partner or member of such firm or State of Oregon; and further, the said notify the Auditor and Police Judge of age of legal majority to enter, re­
company; if a corporation, by the oath "Jty Council shall have the power to said city of the action it has taken; main in. or loiter about any bar-room
of an officer or duly authorized agent accept or reject said application of when the room or building has been or liquor saloon, or to apply therein
*aid assignee or other person acquir­ changed by said applicant so that the for intoxicating liquor o f any kind
ing such license to do business under same comes up to the requirements whatsoever. Any person violating any
Must Furnish Bond.
said license, ns it had by the terms and of the ordinance, the applicant shall of the provisions of this section of this
At or before the meeting of the city provisions of this ordinance in refer­ so notify said committee, and said ordinance, shall, upon conviction
council next following the filing ot ence to the application of the original committee shall again inspect the thereof In the Police Court of the City
such application, the applicant shall applicant; provided, however, that if same, and if the same does comply of Dallas, be deemed guilty of a mis­
pay to the Auditor and Police Judge
such assignee or other person acquir- with the requirements of this ordi­ demeanor, and shall be punished by a
the fee or charge for the license de­ !ng such license lawfully, shall be a fit nance. it shall so report to the Aud­ fine of not less than twenty-five dol­
sired, as fixed by the provisions of sec­ and proper person to conduct such itor and Police Judge without delay, lars not more than one hundred dol­
tion two of this Ordinance, and shall business in said city, the City Council whereupon, the Auditor and Police lars. or by imprisonment in the City
also, at the same time, file with said
must grant him such permit to conduct Judge shall forthwith issue such li­ Jail not to exceed forty days.
Auditor and Police Judge a good and said business under said license.
cense, provided, of course, that all
No Women Loiterers.
sufficient bond to the City of Dallas
other steps have been taken to entitle
Moral Character o f Licensee.
Section 15. It shall be unlawful fo1
in the sum of $.......... with two or
the applicant to such license.
to remain in, loiter about
more sureties, to be approved by the
Must Close at Midnight.
or solicit drinks in any bar-room 01
Mayor of said City of Dallas, condi­ son who had or has ever been con­
liquor saloon. Any person violating
tioned that such applicant will keep victed o f a felony in the State of Ore­
and maintain such bar-room or liquor gon, or in any State of the United nous, spirituous, malt, or other intox­ any of the provisions of this section ol
this ordinance, shall, upon conviction
saloon In an orderly manner, and in
all respects as is required by the ordi­ cense be Issued to any person who has every day between the hours of twelve thereof in the Police Court of the City
nances of the City of Dallas and the ever forfeited a license of a similar o’clock midnight and six o’clock in the of Dallas, be deemed guilty of a mis­
laws of the State of Oregon, and in kind In any other city of the United morning; and further, all such places demeanor, and shall be punished by a
strict compliance with the terms States of America because of a viola­ shall be and remain closed from twelve fine of not less than ten dollars nor
The following form of af- tion of any of the laws of the State in o’clock midnight on Saturday night more than fifty dollars, or by impris­
Mdavltt sjinll be appended to each of which such city was located, or be­ until Monday morning at six o’clock. onment in the City Jail not to exceed
such bonds (except where the surety- cause of a violation of any of the ordi- j During said hours particularly men­ fifteen days.
tioned in this section, no one shall be
No Sale to Habitual Drunkards.
in such bond is a surety company.) nances of the city.
permitted to enter any such place, nor
Renewal of License.
Section 16. It shall be unlawful for
and the same shall be subscribed and
When a license has been duly and
any person whatsoever to sell, offer
sworn to by the sureties therein named
before an officer authorized by the laws legally and regularly issued under and pose whatever, except in case of fire for sale, or give to an habitual drunk­
of the State of Oregon to administer by virtue of the terms of this ordi­ or other such cause. In all such places, ard, Intoxicated person, or minor any
oaths and shall be filed with and made nance. the same shall be subject to between the hours of eight o’clock In vinous, spirkuous. malt, or other In­
renewal at the end of the term there- i the evening and six o’clock in the toxicating liquor, with intent to evade
a part of such bond:
n named, by the giving of a new bond morning of each day, there shall be the provisions of this ordinance. Proof
*tate of Oregon.
as herein provided for in reference to kept burning at all times at least one of the sale, or offering for sale, or giv­
County of Polk. ss.
the first bond of the applicant, and by light.
ing of any intoxicating liquor to an
I .................. and I ................... being
habitual drunkard. Intoxicated per-
first duly and severally sworn, upon a written application therefor, made
Proprietor Must Report Disorder.
Section 7. It shall be unlawful for j son* or a Tnlnor In the vicinity of any
oath do say: That I am a resident and as herein provided for In regard to the
any keeper of any bar-room or liquor h®r-rcom or liquor saloon, or In any
freeholder in the City of Dallas, in said
county and state; that I am worth ment of the license fee ns herein pro­ saloon within the corporate limits of umwual or out-of-the-way place shall
deemed prima facie evidence of an
the sum of $...........over and above all vided for; and. It shall be the duty of Dallas, Oregon, to permit any breach
my just debts and liabilities, and ex­ the City Council of said city to grant of the peace, or disturbance of public i ,ntent to ©vade the provisions of thi»
clusive of property exempt from exe- such renewal of such license upon the order or decorum by noisy, indecent, I ordlnanee. Any person violating any o|
'Utlon; that I am not a dealer in vi­ filing of such bond and application, or disorderly conduct on the premises. th© provisions of this section of thli
prevent the °»‘dlnance, shall, upon
nous. spirituous, malt, or other intox­ and the payment of such license fee. when It Is in his _ power to ____________
icating liquors, and thal I am not a provided, the person holding such II- same. It shall be the duty of the owner | thereof In the Police Court of the Citj
surety upon any other bond of a char­ cense has, at all times, complied with or keeper of any such bar-room or : of Da,,a*'
deemed guilty of a mls-
the terms and conditions of this ordi­ llquor saloon to report to the Auditor ^©meanor. and shall be punished hy a
acter similar to this.
nance. and has conducted his business and Police Judge of the City of Dallas flne of not ,©** than twenty-five dol-
in an honest, legitimate, and orderly every breach of the peace or disturb- ^
nor morp than one hnndred dol-
Subscribed and sworn to before me I manner. A conviction of any thing ance of public order or decorum In ,ar- or
imprisonment In the City
made an offense by the provisions of such bar-room or liquor saloon, and ' JaiI no* to exceed forty days.
t h ia ............. day o f .......................
this ordinance shall be deemed suffi­ m ake com plaint thereof against the
No Sale Without Lb ense.
cient grounds for refusing to permit or person or persons so com m itting a
(T itle of Office.)
Section 17. I f any person, firm,
company, or corporation shall engage
Council J udge o f Qualifications.
At the mcctlnx of the City Council •‘yrT- no»h " * «•""‘ » '" « ‘d
«»>'• “ "H - public order or decorum within twen­ In the business of selling, or offering
___ vinous,
_______ spirituous,
| next followtnir the min* of auoh a p p ll-
, h * n h<> * * * * * * ° « " * '» " ,h * « **"■ ty -fo u r hours a fte r the same Is so | for sale any
I cation, the Auditor and Police Judge Hght o f the people is hereby abridged I done or committed, unless com plaint I or other Intoxicating llquors'w^rhln the
shall present to said Council such ap­ or In fringed upon to prohibit the is- shall have sooner been m ade by some corporate limits of the city of Dallas
--------- - without
g---- — *■
first obtained
plication (together with the certificate suance o f an y licenses by a m ajority other person.
jf0 s a le to Minors.
a license therefor as In this ordinance
1 as to the moral character of the per­ vote thereon, the object o f this provfs-
being to protect the h older of such
. „ w
_ . -
case the o f­
son to conduct such business under ■ Ion
license <n h i« rfffht« -r* in n * <*• h * a « «
Section 8. It shall be u n law fu l for
fender be a person,
| m id Hccnacl
v f |f f M ' ^ o ^ r ^ d ' b L i T 0 . 7 n T o " I »n
_ firm, or company.
Iccnac 1 and bond. If the bond ; I d luot,
i ^ t T h i l m ^
, n > y k* * P * r of
o f any bar-ro
ba r-ro om or liquor 1 l. r " abr
a . been
born died,
fllrd. and
and ahall
.h a ll rrport
report whrth-
w hoth-
,-r the llrenae fee haa been paid to
1 him ; and thereupon. If aueh llrenae
, fee h a . been paid, and the M ayor a p -
prove auch bond, and the City Council
la mtlaOed that the applicant la a auit-
i able person or party to sell v tn o u *
|spirituous, m a lt or other Intoxicating
| nan« L
by i m * .k ! e " * h « * I « l o o n * to
lvr or
or «11 " anv
™ thl* r I ^ Jm to
° * a ,v*
nv '»to
x k -a t ln «
,B ', I *'**•
to _ " * • * • * ■ 1 Honor to any peraon under the a te of
•mnjlnuatlon In hualnoaa dependent I ,
, nuOorHy provided however If
upo" * *
. n v .u^h
k «p e r
c .n
m tJ .fletJ rllv
j " " * *
P*'° pl>'
¡p ro te that he exerclaed due dlllcen re
A m » o r Shall l oltert.
try ln t to aacertaln whether or not
Section 4. T h e A u ditor and Police
person so sold to w as a person
J»«*«© shall, w ithin five days after t h e j ttn<)«.r
t | (. 0f
n iajarlty he*
.iT ,k
" * * * oorpor-
’ ,h ' n ,h* c," k m anaaor. or p «r -
’ ° n ron<,uc*ln« or havlnx c h a r t - of
" n>
»*> «" be deemed
° f * m isdemeanor, and upon
r " nv,c" f>n «h ereof in the Police Court
° f th* ° ,ty ° f 1>a,,aa' ■N®11 *>© An©d In
Crmtihaod n p a ^ ^ -------------- -
ou -
O. n