Sheriff G rant is visiting Perrydale There is no question hut w hat the show- | Good pictures—Star th eatre. M. Hay ter. dentist, Wilson building ing made by the well already dug here Born, Juno 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. La­ this afternoon on official business. W anted, a couple of boys to put in a * *1° tlierm om eter here yesterday an enticing one to capitalists who are fayette Kawey, a sou. lot of wood. reached 82 degrees, • while in P o rtla n d 1- . , . .. a it got t o 87 informed as to the findings, and it is a To T. .1. Colson a n d II. G. C am p b ell: Mrs. C. II Morris and Mrs. Sheppard T. J. G ardner, of West Salem, was in m a k e s b a b y n e r v o u s a n d f r e t f u l, I NOTICK is h ereby given, th a t u n le ss th e certainty th an with the m atter put up are doing Falls City today. town Saturday. o u n t d u e o n th e ass sm en t fo r sid ew alk ceased, an d has qualified. All persons having | a n d » to p s g a in in w e ig h t . Do not forget to look a t our land and to men interested in such work in the am state te will present the sam same e im p ro v em e n t in fro n t of a n d a b u ttin g upon claim * a g a in s t said esta The popular dram a. Ten Nights in a H enry Saverv is recovering from an business bargains CVCI V issue, there is las, Oregon, duly th o se c e rta in Iota describ ed as Lots No. l a n d to me a t my residence in D allas, east there would not be the least trouble 2 in block No. 21. E llis ’ A d d itio n to D allas, [verified os by law required, _____ w ith Bar-room, a t the V audette Friday and always something new. ith in six months attack of measles. O regon, as m ad e by o rd in a n c e No. 118 of th e from th e d a te h ereo f Dated at Dallas, Oregon j Saturday. in acquiring the necessary funds to fi­ city La undry man A. E. Thompson went i of Dalian. O regon, a n d assessed by resolu- 17th d a y of J u n e 1909 Hops are quoted a t the same price as M. M. ELLiS, Ab. B urnett left Tuesday for Seattle, last week, at from 15 to 16 cents and nance a thorough trial of the resources tlo n No. 132 of said city an d d u ly en te re d n to Newport Monday, accompanied by | i t t h e b e s t f o o d - m e d ic in e f o r t e e t h ­ A d m in istrato r of estate of th e d o ck e t of C ity L iens of said city on th e 2 0 th of the ground. where he w ill visit with his brother, Mrs. Thompson. M ART HA J B RO W N, decease«!. eggs in Seattle are selling a t 35 cents. d ay of A pril, 1909, to g e th e r w ith all coats a n d in g b a b ie s . It str e n g th e n s th e j L. D. BROWN, i Ben., and take in the fair. a n d ac cru in g cost* a n d In te re st from th e d a te n e r v e s , s u p p lie s lim e f o r t h e t e e t h , I Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ellis have gone Janitor Woods has now stored in the A tto rn e y for esta te. o f th e e n try of th e sa id assessm ent, s h a ll be fu l­ I Simon P. Bitner, a form er stu d e n t of court house some 80 cords of wood with to Newport to occupy their home there k e e p s t h e b a b y g r o w in g . ly paid w ith in 15 d ay s from th e d a te of th is no­ SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. tice, th e city co u n cil of th e c ity of D allas, Ore ! Dallas college, was m arried to a P o rt­ which to run the furnaces during the during the hot weather. (ton, w ill d ec lare th e sam e d e lin q u e n t, a n d w ill Get a small bottle now. All Druggists I l a n d young lady in th a t city last week. coming year. o rd e r a w a rra n t to issue for th e collection Su minons. Mrs. Mary Hayes and Mrs. Peter | th ereo f. The a m o u n t of th e assessm ent is T H E S T A N D A R D O F T ►iÇrW Q R U*> Berg are Newport anti Wald port visitors Rev. A. \V. Teats, accompanied by New fire hose is shortly to be installed The Little Tots are Entertained by $31,44. In th e c irc u it co u rt of th e s ta te of O regon during the next two weeks. D one by o rd er of th e city co u n cil of th e city for th e co u n ty of Polk. bis wife and Miss H attie, will leave in in the court house, and Craven Bros, o f D allas O regon, m a d e a n d e n te re d on th e Teachers at the City Park. D ep artm en t No. 2. the m orning for M cPbillip’s ranch, near were over this afternoon getting the 0 . E. Leet, formerly of this section, 5 th d ay of Ju ly , 1909. M arg aret Cane, plaintiff. » Mis« Bessie Hayes is u ii from P o rt­ Woods, for a few weeks’ outing. am ount needed. W itness my h a n d a n d th e seal of th e said vs, v but now a resident of the metropolis, land visiting relatives mm friends here. c ity th is 15th d ay of J .1?. 19W. M inneapolis, M inn.—“ I was a ffreat was visiting here Saturday. E dw ard Cane, d e f e n d a n t) Yesterday was a red letter day for the The Item izer w ants correspondents at The Law of Discipleship and A G reat [S e a l .1 CHA8. GREGORY, sufferer from fem ale troubles which To Edward Cane, th e above named defend Mrs. M artin, of Salem, is here on a Rickreall and McCoy especially, and at Magnet, will be the respective them es at chiidren of th e Presbyterian Sunday A u d ito r a n d P olice J u d g e of th e a n t: Sweeney Bros, are cleaning up the visit with her brother, Mr. T. J , C her­ all caused a w eakness city of D allas, O regon. school, their teachers having prepared o th er place« not now represented. the C hri-tian chapel next Sunday. Bi­ | N th e nam e of th e s ta te of O regon, you are a n d broken down race through our yard, preparatory to rington. W rite this office for term s amt supplies. ble school at 10 a. in. Everybody wel­ a trea t for tfieni in the shape of a pic­ 1 h ereby re q u ired to ap p e ar a n a answ er he c o n d i t i o n of the th e putting in of a new flume. com p lain t flle«l ag a in st you in th e above e n ti­ nic at the city park, th a t beautiful spot come. V. II. Massey notifies us to change Mr. Brigham Young, who has for 41 system . I read so tled s u it on or before th e 27th d ay of August. lying between the forks of the creek in Notice of Final Settlem ent. Charley Metzger, of Pennsylvania, 1909, th a t being th e la st day for your ap p e a r­ Galveston has been swept by another the western suburbs of the city. The m uch of w hat L ydia ha« been visiting his brother, the prom ­ th e addres of his Item izer from McCoy years lived on a ranch in the Lewisville ance an d a n s w e r; fixed by a n ord er of the to Cornelius. E. P in k h a m 's V eg­ inent professor of Dallas college. vicinity, made one of his periodical vis­ flood, equalling in intensity the one of a large crowd of teachers and students OTICE is h ereb y g iv e n th a t th e u n d e rs ig n ­ Hon Ed. F .C oad,judge of th e co u n ty co u rt of th e N etable C o m p o u n d ed as ex e cu to r of th e e s ta te of O liver R. S tate of O regon for th e county of Polk m ade at J. I. Ueasoner notifies us to change its to the county seat yesterday and to­ few years ago, and the breakw ater erec­ went down to the ground shortly after h a n hers in Polk county, Oreg«»n on th e 14th John C astle’s big water tank fell from his paper from Dallas to W aldport, over day. bad done fo r o ther ted then is the only thing th a t kept the lunch, and from then on until late tw i­ P ickens, deceased, h as tiled his final ac c o u n t c day of J u ly . 1909, for th«? p u b licatio n of th is th e c o u n ty c«>urt of th e s ta te of O regon for suffering women I its support the other day, and he will on th e coast. city from great devastation, if not com ­ light the grounds resounded with child­ in Polk co u n ty an d th a t S a tu rd a y , th e 14th d ay sum m ons. A nd if you fail so to ap p ear and Sim onton & Scott carry a full line of fe lt sure it would now have to have anotiier one made. plete annihilation. am ver for w a n t thereof, th e p la in tiff w ill ap ­ of A ugust, A. D. 1909, a t tlie h o u r of 10 o 'clock ish laughter, as they partook of the dif­ The first load of logs for the Spaulding ! uptodate groceries of every description, help me. and I m ust th e forenoon of sa id d ay. at th e c o u rt room ply to ii.e above nam ed co u rt for th e relief Mrs. Virginia Sm ith and Mrs. Delash- mill at In d ependence went over vester- If you w ant fresh goods, and the best to Hon. Seth Riggs is up from Portland ferent pleasures provided for them . in of th e said co u n ty c o u rt in th e city of D allas, praved for in h er com plaint, to w tt: For th e say it did help me Sports and games of all kinds were the O regon, h as been a p p o in te d by sai«l c o u rt as d isso lu tio n of th e m a rria g e c o n tra c t now ex ­ m utt accompanied Mr. and Mrs. M. M. he found in the m arket of all brands, do today visiting with his m any friends day morning! w onderfully. My e an d place for h e a rin g of o b je ctio n s to th e isting betw een you a n d th e p lain tiff, and for . _ . not forget to call on them . here, and attending to a num ber of order of the afternoon, and m any swings tim _ pains all left me, I Ellis to th eir country home at New port e s e ttle m e n t th ereof. costs a n d d isb u rsem e n ts in th is suit. were provided to assist in keeping the said final acco u n t a n d th HARRY Lot Shreve and Leonard Livermore Tuesday. business m atters preparatory to a trip This sum m ons is pu b lish ed for six consecu­ PICKENS jrew stronger, and w ithin three m onths are hack from th e ir several weeks’ trip The connecting railroad link w ithS a- th at himself, sister and niece contem ­ children in motion. Refreshm ents were tive w eeks in th e Polk C ounty Item izer, a E x e cu to r of ttie e s ta te of O liver was a perfectly well w om an. Mrs. M. E. Kelly and daughter, Be­ a'ong the coast. n ew spaper of g en e ra l circu latio n , Issued and j lem is progressing in a very favorable plate for the sum m er through Yellow­ served a t a proper hour, and the chil­ R. Pic kens, deceased. pu b lish ed in th e city of D allas, ^olk county, ‘ I w an t th is le tte r m ade public to atrice, and Mrs. F. J. Milburne, sisters ; m anner, and it will not be long before a L. D. Brown, a tto rn e y for esta te dren allowed to fill their tum m ies with Oregon, p u rs u a n t to said o rd er of p u b licatio n Muir «!t McDonald have several team s j continuous line of rails stretch unbroken stone Park, Seattle and other points of the good things their guardians for the show th e benefit w om en m ay derive i of Mrs. Janies Klliott, of Canada, are ar by th e H o n o rab le Ed. F. Coad aforesaid. interest. iro m Lydia E. PinkhaiiT s V egetable here for a m o n t h ’s visit. busy hauling tan bark from the depot between the Orchard City and the Cher- The d a te of th e first p u b lic a tio n hereof, th e day had provided. Some of the m ar­ 15th d a y of J u ly , 1909. th e d a te of th e last pub­ to their tannery. rv City. Com pound.”— M rs. J o h n (1. M o l d a v , c. . ...... As a peace m aker the famous W hite ried ladies of the party took advantage Notice of Dissolution of Partner­ licatio n h ereo f is th e 26th day of A ugust, 1909. 2115 orth, ---------- M inneapolis Sim onton & liave been eahibitim ng . . . .Second St., . N --------- a polis, House dinner yesterday proved an a b ­ of the occasion to go in bathing, hut it N. L. BUTLER, Mr. and Mrs. Race, of Clatskanie,! some awful nice K entish cherries this Company II will leave for their sum ­ Minn. ship. solute failure as far as revision of the was requested of us th a t we say noth- A ttorney for plaintiff. Ore., were in town yesterday looking for week that were raised by W. E. Good ell mer outing Saturday m orning, going by T housands o f unsolicited and genu­ tariff is concerned. When this m atter of this, which we are not. Such pleas­ a confectionery location. wav of Portland to the Clackam as range. is entirely elim inated from }>olitics and ine testim o n ia ls like th e above prove on his place near Rickreall. OTICE is h ereb y g iven th a t th e p a rtn e rs h ip ures as the one afforded the little ones the efficiency of L ydia E. P in k h a m ’s A Dallas lady suggests the nam e Lum ­ All of the m em bers are going th a t can the consequent trailing contingencies, should be of more frequent occurrence. N h ereto fo re ex istin g betw een J . E. F arm e r Adm inistrator’ s Notice of Sale Ned Gerlinger is now traveling for a possibly get away, and they are now there may be som ething doing. a n d L. A. C h ip m an u n d e r th e firm nam e and V egetable Com pound, w hich is mude novelty company, and was in town Mon­ ber City for the one to use as a title in They are helpful in a physical way, be- stylo of F arm er A C h ip m an is th is d a y dissolved eagerly anticipating the cam p life be exclusively from roots and herbs. day greeting his many old friends, Mis, conjunction w ith Dallas. ____ sides the enjoym ent afforded for ail par- by m u tu a l co n sen t. All deb ts d u e sa h l p a r t­ The following members of the State fore them . W omen who suffer from those dis­ Gerlinger accompanying him. N TH E COUNTY COURT OF TH E 8 T \T E OF h ip a re p ay a b le to A tto rn e y L. D. Brown Clarence Shultz is acquiring muscle Text Hook Commission were (¿day I ‘‘*9 concerned. We hope there will be n at e rs Oregon, for th e county of P olk, in th e m a t­ li is law office, w ho w ill also a« lju stall claim s tressing ills p eculiar to th e ir sex should Dr. Starbuck was called to Mill Creek and taking a vacation on his farm in the ter of th e esta te ol M. Z. P ercival, deceased reappointed by ( iovernor Benson for a : < > ' *“ ch gatherings during the sum- a g a in s t sa id p a rtn e rs h ip . The h o te l business, not lose sight of these fa cts or d o u b t I W hen you w ant prescriptions filled yesterday to consult with Dr. Tyler- period of four years: P. L. Cam pbell, m er season. Notice is h ereby given th a t in pursuance co n d u c ted by sa id p a rtn e rs h ip , w ill h e re a fte r Mill Creek hills—cutting cordwood. by a com petent druggist, one who is th e a b ility of L ydia E. l*inkham ’s of an o rd e r of th e county co u rt of th e sta te of sm ith, of Sheridan, regarding the con­ of Lane county, I I . W. Scott, ^f Mult no- | be co n d u cted by L. A. C hipm an. V egetable Com pound to re sto re their careful anti knows w hat he is about, go D ated a t D allas, O regon, th is 19th d ay of Oregon, for th e co u n ty of P olk, m ade an d en ­ Get your job work done a t the Item i­ dition of young Fletcher, who was so tered of record on th e 29th day of Ju n e, A. D., to Conrad S tafrin ’s drug store. J u n e . 1909. J . E. FARM ER, health. zer office—by the best printer, in the badly hu rt in a runaway several weeks m ah county; C. A. Johns, of Baker NEW 1909, in th e m a tte r of th e esta te of said deceased, TRAVELING LIBRARY L. A. CHIPM AN county; W illiam M. Colvig, of Jackson a u th o riz in g an d d ire ctin g him to sell th e h ere­ best manner, and at the best prices, to I f y o u w a n t s p e c ia l a d v ic e w r i t e ago. The patient is im proving slowly Our police court had a case of assault in a fte r des«‘ribe«l real property, belonging to county; M. A. Miller, of Linn county.! BOOKS JUST RECEIVED. t o M rs . P i n k l i n m , a t L y n n , M a s s . before it Saturday, the defendant plead­ you. hut certainly. said e s ta te a t p riv a te sale, th e undersigned S lie w ill t r e a t.v o n r l e t t e r e.s s t r i c t l y ing guilty and being assessed the usual A quiet wedding occured a t the home th e a d m in is tra to r, w ill from a n d after th e 29th Clif. Johnson will leave with Com pany Mrs. J. M. Tabor,of S heridan suggests Notice of Fina! Settlement day ot J u ly , 1909, proceed to sell at priv a te c o n f i d e n t i a l . F o r ‘J O y e a r s t lie fine as laid down in such cases. II Saturday m orning in the capacity of as names for the county seat of Polk: of Pastor Sias at high noon W ednesday, I O xeohain—The Long Road. sale, to th e h ig h e st bidder, for h a lf cash, term s h a s b e e n i i e l a h i c s id e w o m e n In when Mr. Charles Buhm an and Miss on th e b a la n c e ; and subject to confirm ation Page—Tommy T rot’s Visit to Santa Joseph Aufdermauer, a Polk county chief cook, he being the only civilian to The E xport City ; The City of Industry ; G ertrude Sias were united. The con­ t h i s w a y , 1.« ■ in c h a r g e , l t o u ’t is h ereb y given ; th a t by o rd e r of th e by *aid co u n ty court, th e follow ing described Claus. The Polk County H uh; The Citv of N OTICE m an, purchased his farm on Kilchis go along. H o n o rab le C o u nty C ourt of th e S ta te of O r­ real e s ta te to-w it. B eginning one c h a in an d h e s ita te — w rite r t once. tracting parties were both from Forest Park m an—LaSalle and the Discovery egon, for th e C o u n ty of Polk, m ade in th e m a t­ 62 lin k s s o u th of th e n o rth e a st co rn er of river two years ago for $6,700. He sold Mrs. M attie Cham bers, of Eugene, is Many Resources; The Carniyal City. Grove which will he their future home. te r of th e a d m in is tra tio n of th e e s ta te of R ic h ­ a four acre tr a c t of land p u rch ased of A. J. it this week to Fred Weber for $9,800. visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. M artin, A num ber of these names have already The bride is a sister of Pastor Sias. H er of the G reat West. ard Eues deceased« n d J . P. B eeler by Luxe M ulkey on th e Potter—Tale ol Tom K itten. F o r h e a d a c h e D r. M ile s’ A n ti- P a in P ills. —Tillamook Headlight. T he 2nd d ay of A ugust. 1909, a t one o ’clock in 30th d a y of A pril, 1879, a d jo in in g th e tow n of and expects then to go on and take in been suggested. m other and sister who accompanied P ra tt—Chicken Little. th e aftern o o n of said d ay, w as fixed as th e M onm outh in t 8 * ,r5 west of W illam ette Mer - B u rritt E lliott :s up from Portland. It*. P. Brackett, who was so m yster- her will visit in Dallas a few days. The Dallas hospital had a new patient the Seattle fair. tim e for h e a rin g th e p e titio n for final s e ttle ­ lia n in Polk c o u n ty and s ta te of Oregon, Roberts—The Red Feather. m en t a n d final ao c o u n t of th e a d m in is tra tio n hence S outh 4 ch a in s am i 88 lin k s, th e n ce E. N. Hail made a trip to Buena Vis- »ously shot in Portland about a w e e k Dr. Donohoe, dentist, Uglow building. Saturday in the person of (ins Dorn- Conlee & Son have taken charge of ! Roulet—Our L ittle A ustralian Cousin. of said estate. All p ersons a re notified t notice our subscription secure suitable quarters will open a Summons. property of th e state located a t the sev­ gentlemen get a taste of it after each ners. We th is week printed a big lot of e n ­ NEW TO-DAY offer at the head of the editorial column. paint shop, lie being particularly a car­ velopes for the Ewing Bros., owners of eral defunct norm al institutions was ta ­ day’s labor in the city is fiuishe 1. Sev­ W hite—In Our Town. The sm artest line of m en’s hats ever riage painter and sign writer. ken up. Typew riters, organs, pianos eral other families are expecting to go In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, the Illini orchards, they adopting for i k Wiggin—Tales of Laughter. A d v ertisin g u n d e r th is h ead J c e n t a w ord for the county of Pollr. shown in Dallas.—Dallas M ercantile Co. Dyspepsia is our national ailm ent. 1 the title of the town—Dal las,The Or- nd such apparatus is being sold and up there in the near future. W ester—Seven Ages of W ashington. ea ch in sertio n Department No. 2. the funds turned into the state treasuiy. Burdock Blood Bitters is our national chard City. WV88—Swiss Family Robinson. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. F a r­ _Chas. Jacobson and wife visited with cure for it. It strengthens stomach Daniel J . Frv, plaintiff 'l Lord—Best short stories of the nine­ It is all off about the incandescent rington in Dallas last Tuesday evening, her sister, Mrs. A. B. Muir, over Sun­ m em branes, promotes flow of dijestive Miss Eva W ash is to again teach at v*. J- OR SALE—Good 6-octave K im b a ll o rg a n . In ­ street lights. Messrs. Riley Craven and a reception was tendered their guests, teenth century. day, F Oregon City, where she taught last year. John Robson, James Rob- | q u ire of J. M. Lydic, o p p o site s k a tin g r in k juices, purifies the blood, builds you up. MacDonald—Man m is of I^ossie, Newt Guy interviewed a num ber of our the Misses W hitney and Miss McCauley on Jefferson S treet. A5 son, Daniel Robson and For several weeks she has been visiting Milo Strain and wife, of Falls City, Morgan—How to dress a doll. H ugh and Roy Black came in from in Seattle, and they are now on an ex­ m erchants yesterday m orning with a all of Minnesota, who are out here on a Mrs. D. Robson, his wife, have a new daughter, born last S atur­ th eir Y am hill hom esteads Monday and Adventures of Uncle Sam ’s sailors. subscription paper calling for $1 each to visit with their old friends above m en­ Mary Jane Pike, K dward cursion to Alaska. day. COR SALE—a fresh Jersey cow by Sam S m ith, Robson, Frances Ann Pike Altsheler—The Forest Runners. keep them going, hut after soliciting for tioned. The father of the Misses W h it­ went down to Portland Tuesday to » R ick reall. Also a lo t of g oats. tf -Hancock, Henry Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Craven are hav­ Bacon—Pictures Every Child should a couple of hours, they found out th a t ney has been head keeper a t the reform ­ Grover McDonald was taken sick in prove up. They will he down all week, William Hancock, Charles San Francisco and had to defer his trip having to act as witnesses for other ing built for their ow n use a t A lham ­ the m erchants did not care enough for atory at St. Cloud in th a t state for the know. Hancock, Jessie Susannah Bailey—Handbook of Birds of the claim ants. W alter Crider and Miss bra, California, a line 9-room bungalow. them to put up the necessary amount, last 20 years. A goodly num ber of OR S A L E -a good w ork horse, a b o u t 9 years Pike-Beesley, Mrs. Jessie east. F of ag e an d w e ig h in g 1500 pounds. $125 w ill Beesley, Charles J. Bees- young people were present and the eve­ W estern U. 8. Nola Coad came hack with them , hav­ All of them are large rooms and it will and gaye up the iob. ta k e h im C. L. F ish e r, B allaton. tf Barnes—David G. Farragut. Jesse Ellis is visiting Dallas friends, ing enjoyed a fine 10-days outing, he one of the nicest residences there. ley, Jessie M. Beesley, C. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kim ball and fam ­ ning spent very pleasantly in the play­ Ile is now a resident of the state of j H ugh surprised his visitors the other Barnes—Drake and his Yeomen. \(. Beesley and Thomas B. W hile doing some lifting in his jewel­ ily, of W oodstock. Ohio, are guests of ing of games of various kinds and the W ashington. Bates—From G retna Green to L and’s day by going to a neighboring claim ry store Tuesday A. II. H arris h it his his brother, S. P. K im ball, a t th eir discussion of a recherche line of refresh­ VC ANTED— In te llig e n t m an or w om an to ta k e Beesley. defendants. End. To John Robson, James Robson, Daniel »» te rrito ry , am i a p p o in t ca n v assers t«> sell Prof. W, I. Ford and Mrs. John Ford and bringing back a large hunch of i.aok against a corner of a counter, in- home in Polk county, and expect to re- ments, and in welcoming the young la ­ o u r w ate r filters. E x c lu siv e te rrito ry , and Robson and Mrs. D. Robson, his wife, Bindlose—By right of purchase. ^ have been visiting their relatives at snow with him. juring an old sprain received last win- I IIiain for a few weeks. This is their dies from Minnesota to our city nice p ro fitab le w ork for th e rig h t p a rty .—Sene- Mary Jane Pike, Edward Robson, Fran­ Boutet de Monvel—Joan of Arc. where it is hoped they will con­ T ilte r Co., Seneca, M« j . Hood River. ces Ann Pike-Hancock, Henry Hancock, There is moie catarrh in this section ter, and nearly putting him out as far first visit west, and they a re very favor­ clude to soon become perm anent resi­ B urnham —Dearly Bought. as locomotion is concerned. William Hancock, Charles Hancock, Jes­ ably impressed with the country. On of the country th an all diseases put to­ Buxton—Stories of Early England. The Rempel, Quiring, Friesen and dents. sie Susannah Pike-Beesley, Mrs. Jessie Deland—Old Chester Tales. 11/ANTED to r e n t—a good farm of n o t less Mrs. W. E. C lark, of Rickreall, visit­ their tour of western states they have R einier families are taking an outing gether, and until the last few years was Beesley, Charles f your husband's cast- m a n n e r provided by law as prayed for in the this booklet and a free trial treatm ent Attorney Tooze, acting as referee,during delayed the dep artu re of President Mc­ off trouser«? Those nro som ewhat p etitio n of th e said g u a rd ia n filed herein on th e 28th day of June. 1909. said real esta te be­ of Dr. Shoop’s rheum atic remedy for the last week. The first one occurred pnssoo." This, w ith a swoop of a tnt- ing described as follow», to -w it: some disheartened sufferer in your vi­ on July 19th and was the U nited States Daniel and the boring expert for Los [ torod hat, brought results In the shape B eginning 6 50c h a in s so u th of the southeast Angeles until th e new proposition is set- i V eterinary Surgeon cinity. Make a grateful and apprecia- vs. George It. Loub. The record was co rn e r of secDon th re e O ) in tow nship '; south, tive friend of some one who is discour-• completed and sent in to the receiver tied. Mr. (.’has. Metzger, who h now I of a pair of hubby's oldest, which Office amt residence No. til2 Main street of r a n g e 5 west of th e W illam ette m eridian, in Polk co u n ty . Oregon, th en ce ru n n in g south aged because of the failures of others to j and register of th e land office for final here visiting his brother, is a practical | were Just about tw o degrees I »otter Mutual l’tione 1177. Prom pt 35.11 ch a in s, th en ce ea st 28.50 chains, thence ] |, K im I Help f . .1» im a I to n m a lru t this l iia ta a t I hearing on August 2nd. The next day than those the tram p was wearing. help him. me make test n o rth 35.11 ch ain s, th en ce west 28.50 to service day or night. and I’ll certainly help your suffering Attorney Tooze heard the testim ony in oil man of considerable ex|»erience, ami | A fter a critical survey of his acqulsl th e place of b eginning, e o n ta ln ln tn f 100 acres - - OREGON m ore or lew. . . , . friend.—Belt & Cherrington. the contest case against Daniel B. H or­ j he is of the opinion th a t he can so far tlon, Instead of the polite words of DALLAS W itness th e H on. Ed F. Toad Judge of th e ami final hearing will come up Aug­ i interest eastern capital in the m atter as thanks the good woman w as waiting co u n tv co u rt of th e state of O regon, for tn e A paper is being circulated for the build­ ton co u n tv of Polk w ith th e seal of said © ust 6th. On the 20th H arry W. Hill ' to stop the necessity for any fu rth er for, the tram p volunteered, w ith a ing of a new road from the O ld Fellows’ fixed th is ¿Hth day of J u n e A. D„ 128». was the contestant vs. Leon E. Tichen- A ttest 1 . M. BM TTU, deep, long draw n sigh of regret. “ Mad­ cem etery to the old cem etery. It is pro­ or, soliciting of subscriptions—men who final hearing will be made on C ounty C lerk of Polk C ounty. Oregon. posed to m ake two entrance ways to the the and ! will w ant to take hold of ane last Mrs. L. P. Sm ith ; conductor, Miss Mina “ Absolutely w ithout security. Hut 1 winter, and it is nrgent th a t it be fixed H ughes: warden, Miss Belle E llio tt; in­ i up in some way. The plan proposed side guard, Mrs. Addie W agner; outside i will tend to beautify both cem eteries, guard, J . L. C astle; right and left sup- a really beautiful and a portion of th e money raised is to porter* for noble ¿ram i, | Mi** J | | ■ May Hhel- ! be utilized for the purpose of cleaning ton ami Mr*. Mabel G u ay y ; ; right and at left *npj»orter* for vice g ra n d ‘ , Mil i up th< O llto i plots. Howe ami Eflfa Brown. U L WANTS HER LETTER PUBLISHED TEETHING n For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills w La ! SUMMER GOODS OXFORDS......... LADIES’ WAISTS LAD IES’ SUITS MEN AND BOYS’ SUITS Dr. B. E. Nevel Did You Ever Know Dallas Mercantile Co. ir If You Want To See T ? r a T I--- ® •an and action, tid will •ounty. Moti- ami it tu pioto • noar- o§, or ve*ter- near », and town in ley’* ing a •niing .t will lie ia a few » Mc- phvs- Mr*. from