Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, February 25, 1909, Image 1

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Those of our rival poet cranks,
Dec,15—Oregons 84; Win lock
But all the same declines with thanks? Dec.lft—Oregons 84 ; Seattle
The E ditor
Dec.17—Oregons 42 ; Hosslyn
The Editor.
Who has to he both kind and wise?
And nev—well hardly ever lies,
And when he does, excites surprise?
The Editor.
Who alw ays does good deeds by
Nor tries to dazzle w ith his wealth
Of brain and scissors, paste and health?
The E ditor.
Who owns a h eart as well as cheek.
Posessed of spirit proud, yet meek,
And lives on fifty cents a week?
The E ditor.
Who knows all things political.
W ho’s w itty, sharp satirical,
But never egotistical?
The E ditor.
Who knows how m uch he ought to
B ut never knows w hat is not so,
Nor shows how much he doesn’t know?
The E ditor.
An elegant line of new Wool Dress Goods,
White Goods, Percales, Ginghams, Calicoes,
Embroideries, Laces and Belts.
Hosery—Plain and Fancy. “ Try a pair
Black Cat Hose.”
A swell line of Mens H ats for spring 1909.
All the new shapes. If you want a good H at
try a Kingsbury, none b etter made for the
price, $3.00.
We are showing a nice up-to-date line of
Boys Knee Pant Suits. We invite your in­
New Oxfords ju st arrived. Take a look at
them. They are certainly swell.
Yours for business,
in fivem I nutes .
Misery Will End.
In connection with our lumber and shingle trade, we
are now handling lime, plaster, cement, brick and
sand. Lowest possible prices on all building material
S p ra y y o u r T rees w ith
Dependable Brand LIME and SULPHUR Solution . .
Manufactured by GIDEON STO LZ CO., Salem, Oregon
| For Sale F. O. B. Dallas or Salem by
T ake y o u r so u r sto m ach —o r m ayb e
you call it in d ig estio n , d y sp ep sia, g a s­
tr itis o r c a ta r r h of stom ach ; it d o e s n ’t
m a tte r —ta k e y o u r sto m ach right w ith
you to y o u r p h a rm a c ist an d ask him to
open a 5 0 -cen tease of P a p e ’s D iapepsin
and le t you e a t one 22 g rain tria n g u le
an d see if w ith in five m in u te s th e re is
left a n y tra c e of y o u r stom ach m isery.
T he co rre ct n a m e for v o u r tro u b le is
food fe rm e n ta tio n —food so u rin g ; th e d i­
gestive o rg an s becom e w eak, th e re is a
lack of g a s tric ju ic e ; y o u r food is only
h alf d ig este d , a n d you becom e affected
w ith loss of a p p e tite , p ressu re an d fu ll­
ness a fte r eatin g , vom iting, n au sea
h e a r tb u rn , g rip in g in bow els, ten d ern ess
in th e p it of sto m ac h , bad ta s te in
m o u th , c o n stip a tio n , nain in lim b s
sleeplessness, b elching of gas, billious-
ne8H, sick h ead ac h e, nerv o u sn ess, d iz ­
ziness a n d m any o th e r sim ila r sy m p ­
tom s. If your a p p e tite is fickle, an d
n o ih in g te m p ts you. o r you belch gas or
if you feel bloated a f te r e a tin g o r you r
food lies like a lu m p of lead on yo u r
sto m ac h , you can m ake u p your m in d
th a t a t th e bottom of th is th e re is b u t
one cause—fe rm e n ta tio n of undigested
food. P rove to yourself, a fte r yo u r
n ex t m eal, th a t y o u r sto m ach is as good
as a n y ; t lint th e re is n o th in g really
w rong. S top th is fe rm e n ta tio n an d b e­
gin e a tin g w hat you w a n t w ith o u t fear
of discom fort o r m isery . A lm ost in ­
s ta n t relief is w aitin g for you. I t is
m erely a m a tte r of how soon you ta k e
a little D iap ?p sin .
© —© —© —
For Pruning, Budding
and Grafting,
as well as p la n tin g , we h ave all th e n e ­
cessary tools th a t is needed. No m a t­
te r w h e th e r y o u r gard en occupies th e
back y ard or m a n y acres we can su p p ly
you w ith e v e ry th in g in th is lin e in
K nives, S h ears an d Saws. A full lin e of
(. re h ard Plows an d C u ltiv a to rs. P rices
a re rig h t.
"Lett We Forget."
v w v vv%* \ w w w i m v v v v w n w »
» Don’t Forget T hat
Railroad street, llallas.
pay the highest price for S E C ­
they pav CASH. If you have
anything to sell give us a call.
If you wish to buy First Class
Goods at Half Price, we have
them as good as new. Come in
and see for yourself. And don’t
£ forget, BARTLETT will cry th a t
J sale for you and do it in style.
f We are located in the old
Postoffice Building
Jam estow n
Bed Wing
Fondu lac
Germ ans
Linesville, 111.
Notre Dame
Feb. 9—Oregons 40;
Feb. 10—< iregons 50;
Feb. 11—Oregons 32;
Feb. 12—Oregons 33;
Fe b. 13—<) rego ns 13;
Feb.16—Oregons 40;
Feb. 17—Oregons 31;
Feb. 10—Oregons 35,
Feb.50—Oregons 24;
Feb.22—Oregons 25;
Feb.23—Oregons 35;
Red Oak
K ansas City
State U.
Jam estow n
i half was a lively skirm m age among the
' pillars in which the red m en’s natural
I instinct for dodging among trees came
in not amiss and they led 7 to 5.
Their lineup was clqmged for the
(second half more weight being added.
Their basket tossing now seemed to be
accompanied by great luck, while their
opponents seemed to be having an off
night. The playing this half was a
fierce one for roughness, tactics l>eing
used which would be neither profitable
nor safe for a traveling team . The
score: Field goals, C ratzer 1, Gillen-
water 3, Means 1, JIaird 4, Sm ith 1,
' Fenton 1 Reed 3, E. Shaw 1, Morton 1;
| Fouls, Reed 1 in 8, Means 1 in 3.
Stillw ater
Oregons 40; Lincoln 12.
The Lincoln Y. M. C. A. was m et on
Tuesday night, the night preceeding
being vacant. Although this team had
' beaten the state university and al­
though the tourists seemed in some re­
spects to be still off color, they bad
very little difficulty in disposing of the
locals. The visitors excelled in passing
9 . cient num ber oi these alone to win the
11 . game. Field goals: W augh 3, Ilelt-
10 . ner 1, Fenton 8, Reed 5, E. Shaw 3,
27. Morton 1, Reed 6, Y. M. C. A. 4.
Oregons 31; Peru 11.
12 .
A clean and very fast game from sta rt
11 .
81. to finish. Tfie Norm alites opened with
26. a rush, but soon found the pace a hard
one. T heir big center cut off a good
m any high ones and helped his team
considerably, but did not figure in the
806 score. Time and tim e and again a
misdirected shot a t the basket went out
Since we w ent to press the last tim e of bounds and to the other side, which
our victorious basket ball team has would result in another rqce across the |
played four games, they getting skinned court in which the superior team work
by Provo, U tah, last Saturday in a of the Oregons was noticeable. Fenton
game in which they were ahead on the again figured prom inently in field goals,
first half and a tie a t the end of th e sec­ while the whole team played in better
ond half, it requiring continued playing, form than on the night before. The
when our boys m ade one and th e Pro- Peru team and spectators were highly
vos three. Games ahead wired u i last pleased, pronouncing the game the fast­
night are as follows:
est ever played on the court. Field
Tuesday, March 2, Santa Cruz, Cal. goals: Schott 1, Beck 2, Fenton 8,
W ednesday, March 3, W atsonville.
Teat8 2, E. Shaw 3, Morton 1, C. Shaw
Thursday, March 4, Han Jose,.
1 ; Fouls, Fenton 1 in 3, Schott 4 in 5.
Saturday, March 6, San Francisco.
Points awarded to Peru 1.
A phone message from W alter Critch-
Oregons 36; Greeley 30.
low a t Corvallis this m orning to Mr. Joe
Craven announces th a t the Oregons
This was a game which resulted in a
will have no game with Corvallis, they pretty even score, but in some respects
wanting the referee and the rest of the was a one sided game. The Oregons
earth . Senator Loughary is in receipt took the lead in a pretty easy pace and
of a proposition from M ultncm ah ask- finished the half still leading 16 to 12.
fo ra series of games with the Oregons, At the beginning of the final period of
two here and one in Portland, This plav the pace seemed to be slackened
Mr. Critchlow will attend to, lie arriv­ and Greeley evened up and m ade sever­
ing in Dallas this afternoon.
al more points for good measure.
The Oregons won a game last night at About th e middle of the chapter the
Logan, U tah, in one of the hardest visitors apparently awoke to the fact
fought games of th eir trip. The first th a t they were 6 or 8 points behind and
half stood 12 to 9 in favor of th e Ore­ started in to score again, soon passing
gons. Logan went to the lead in the the Pioneers under 30 and finishing six
second half hut could not hold it, and poins ahead. Score from th e field:
the Oregons won by three points. The SlcCreery 1, H am inett 3, Woodbury 1,
final score was 25 to 22. Fenton made Brush 4, McAfee 3, Fenton 1, Teats 4,
two field baskets. Savery 2, Sliaw 1. E. Shaw 4, Morton 3, C. Shaw 2; Fouls,
Fenton got 15 out of 22 tools.
Fenton 7 in 9, Greeley 6 in 10 points
Salt Lake, U tah, Feb. 24.—T he Ore­ awarded to Oregon I.
gon basketball team of Dallas, Oregon,
defeated the university of U tah today bv
Denver, Colo., February 20, 1909.
a score of 35 to 24. Objections to the Capt. V. P. Fiske,
selection of M anager Teats, of the Ore­
Dallas, Oregon.
gons, as referee, may interfere with the
Dear friend: As wo will still be a
game scheduled for Saturday night be­ little to far away for Monday’s game to
tween the Oregons and the Salt Lake reach you bv letter, I will send in the
Y. M. C. A. team , which holds the last four anyway.
western cham pionship.
N ext week, I believe, will all be used
up in Utah, Monday at Provo and Sat­
at Salt Lake City, but interm edi­
ate dates I do not have right here, so
shall not a tte m p t to fill it off hand. It
Mix This Simple, Helpful Recipe will likely be a pretty hard week.
at Home and Try it Anyway.
New Arrivals in Our
Dry Goods Department
Choice Dress Goods in all the late shades and pat­
terns from 50 cents to $2 a yard.
New cotton fabrics, such as Ginghams, Prints,
Galatia cloth, Percales, Cheviots, linen suiting, etc.
W a ia tin o * m n to v ia lss in w b i f p a n d F a n e v n a t t o r n a
New arrivals in Embroideries, Flouncing, Laces,
Trimmings, Veilings, Buttons, etc.
New arrivals in ladies’ shirt waists in the swell
lingerie and tailored styles.
New arrivals: The Sorosis petticoats are here—
“known to be the best.”
You can find exactly what you wunt at this store.
The BEE HIVE Store
“A Reliable Place to Trade”
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Ramsey were te n ­
dered a farewell reception Thuraday
night at the homo of Mayor and Mrs. A.
B. M uir, where th eir m any friend«
gathered to wish them good luck at
their new Los Angeles home.
T here will be the annual m eeting of
the Pioneer telephone company at the
schoolhouse at II p. m. on Monday,
March 1st, for the election of officers
and such other business a» may come
before the m eeting.—John M artin, pres-
' ident
T h u rsd a y :
J. II. Casey, Dallas.
F rid a y :
J. V. Casey, Dallas.
Quickly Removed.
I). A. Hodge, Independence.
Mrs. Hodge, Independence.
L. W. Brown, Airlie.
W hile th e lte m iz e r was an earnest ad­
Mrs. L. E. Eaton, Independence.
vocate of paving last spring and did all
it could to get our Main streets so im ­
S a tu rd a y :
proved, ra th e r th an as was finally de­
W. J . K earth, Dallas.
cided upon, yet it can but com plim ent
Mrs. K earth, Dallas.
the city council upon the en tire success
Miss F. G. Gibbs, Independence.
of their m ethod. The m atter was then
G. W. Briggs, Independence.
left to the property owners, and they
Mrs. E. Metzger, Dallas.
decided by a large m ajority to macadam
Nora Robertson, Dallas.
instead of pave. The council looked
Ralph Adams, Dallas.
the m atter up thoroughly, even sending
J. \V. Benson, Airlie.
a com m ittee to Eugene to investigate,
Mrs. L ottie Dorris, Independence.
and th eir report hail considerable to do
S unday:
in making the trend of public opinion in
J. B. Thompson, Dallas.
favor of macadam . They found the
May Shelton, Dallas.
cost, would be a t least double, and this
A nna Finseth, Dallas.
our people did not care to stand. The
M onday:
macadam was laid on nine blocks and
Get from any prescription p h arm a­
Mrs. M. W. Wallace, Independence.
today stands as an everlasting m onu­
Grace W allace. Independence.
m ent to the wisdom of our city a u th o r­ cist the follow ing: Fluid E x tract D an­
O. Launer, Dallas.
ities. On these streets we have had
Mrs. B. Toner, Dallas.
good firm roadways ever since. I t is gon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sar­ The Mistake is Made by Many
W. T. Foeglc, Monmouth.
true th a t some mud has accum ulated, saparilla, three ounces.
Dallas Citizens.
Shake well in a bottle and take in a
A. J. Barham , Dallas.
yet th a t would also he the case with
paved streets, w here there is d irt to In-
T uesday:
tracked on. Even a cem ent walk will
A. L. W alker, Butler.
Don’t m istake the cause of backache.
The above is considered as the most
take on mud if not cleaned. Look at
To be cured you m ust know the cause.
the one on the corner of Main and Oak. certain prescription ever w ritten to re ­
It is wrong to imagine relief is cure.
Probate Court.
We have noticed in the Eugene paper« lieve backache, kidney trouble, weak
Backache is kidney ache.
considerable lately about this same dif­ bladder and all forms of urin ary diffi­
E state oi Lydia Ball, a m inor—March
You m ust cure th e kidneys.
ficulty, even on her far famed paved culties. This m ixture acts prom ptly
A resident of this vicinity shows you ft, 190H appointed for nearing rejKirt of
thoroughfares. Paved or m acadam ed the on the elim inative tissues of th e kid­ how.
«ale of real estate and all objections
mud will accum ulate to some e x ten t u n ­ neys, enabling them to filter ami strain
Mrs. Lydia Pearson, I) and Spring thereof.
less cleaned off every few days. The cause
Sts., McMinnville, Oregons, says: “ I
G uardianship of Ray and Orville
of these rem arks is the excellent job of from the biood which causes rheum a­ cannot do otherw ise th an recommend Sevier, minor»—inventory filed and
scraping off the mud from our macadam tism . Some persons who suffer with a remedy th a t has proven of such bene­ approved.
the o th er day by order of the citv coun­ the afflictions may not feel inclined to fit to me as Doan’s Kidney Pills. For
E state of Verna Schindler, decease«!
cil and under the supervision of Chief place much confidence in this sim ple a long tim e f suffered from kidney com­
Odom. A long scraper was used with m ixture, yet those who have tried it say plaint. There was a severe pain in inv —final account set for hearing Sntur-
iron shoe attached and drawn by four the results are sim ply surprising, the re­ hack caused by disordered kidneys and «lav, March 27, a t 10 o ’chtck a. m.
E state of Elizabeth Stoddard, decea»-
horses. The mud was easily scraped in- lief lieing effected w ithout the slightest I was also subject to headaches and felt
i to w in rows and the entire blocks cleaned injury to the stomach or other organs. tired and languid all the tim e. I saw ed—report of sale of real property,
in less th an a day. Next day a couple
Doan’s Kidney Pills advertised to cure h eard ; sale confirm ed; adm inistrator
of wagons took it away easily and quick- , tainly comes highly recom mended, It such com plaints and procured a box. directed to execute and deliver deed to !
I ly.. In fact th e jbb was nothing like it j is the prescription of an em inent a u th o r­ I steadily improved until entirely free purchaser.
! used to be in the old days when it took ity, whose entire reputation, it is said, from the disease. Doan’s Kidney Pills
E state of Elizabeth B utler, deceased
! m any wagons and a gang of men to get I was established by it. A druggist here certainly lived up to the claims made — l*»tition to convey by qu it claim deed
j the m ud from our two m ain blocks.
for them in my case.”
certain real estate, granted.
Nearly as much mud would have accu- i supplv the ingredients or mix th e pre-
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
E state of Fred C. Raym ond, deceased
| undated on a paved street. The least i scription for our readers, also recom- cents. Foster-M illbuni Co., Buffalo, —sale of real estate confirmed.
| untraveled block has been fairly sus­ i mends It as harmless.
N. Y., sole agents for th e United States.
E state of William Liverm ore, deceas-
ceptible of foot passage all w inter. The
Rem em ber the name— Doan’s—and
H I V A L R O U S , high-m inded, Im pulsive, generous, courteous, courageous,
ed—report of sale of real property set
i block in front of our shop has been the
Birthday Party.
take no other.
loyal, a believer in good fellow ship, a lover of home, m agnanim ous to enw
worst, hut it was never plowed up as
L ittle H arold Lawrenson celebrated
mil1«, true to friends, is a reputation that, anv m an m ay well envy.
o’clock a. m.
; th e o ther blocks, it being considered by | bis fifth b irthday Tuesday with a party
No m an better exem plifies this description th an O oLW illlam Camp, who*«
E state of Clyde H. Keep, deceased—
the prop€rty owners th a t no sub grade | for his little friends. He entertained
final account set for hearing March 29. testim onial Is given below. Hi« nnlqno figure anil ehikm ing personality is w ell
was needed. This has much to do with ¡them with games from 3 to 5, then
know n in the streets of th e capital city of Ilio United S tates. His word Is aa good
a t 9 o’clock a. m.
¡the depressions fou ml therein, but which ¡dainty refreshm ents were served, which
---------------------------------------------------- —
will be easily eradicated next spring. were very much enjoyed by all. The Work to Then Commence on Rail­
as his bond. Hi* frankness snd truthfulness no one ha« evor questioned th a t
A continued scraping of our streets flur­ little folks departed wishing Harold
Marriage Licenses.
knew him .
ing rainy w eather will hereafter help to I m any happy returns of the «lay and
Read w hat ho say* «in co m in g Peruna.
(¿armer II. E dw anls and Gladys H ar­
keep our macadam in much le tte r ! th a t his birthday would cqme often.
shape, and the Item izer would recom ­ Those present w ere: Ray Sm ith. Kffie
The Salem Statesm an is authority for ris.Mitchel M. B utler and Stella E bbe.
/ write to say that I have used Peruna and find It a very
m end, in view of the sm all cost, th a t I VanMose, Leveta Holm an, Hazel Cul­ the statem ent th a t work on the Ger-
♦ • ♦ --------
valuable remedy for coughs o r colds a n d rebuilding of a worn
they be scraped often, ami next year the ver,“-* Evelyn Reeves, Grace M inters, | linger railroad between Dallas anil 8a-
mud nuisance will be entirely done away . Ruth McColm, Thelm a Reynolds, Irene I lem will recommence between the first
and tired system, dissipating and eradicating that old tired feel­
w ith. W ith our 16 additional blocks Reynolds, R uth Dawson, Harold anil j and 10th of March. T h e contract for cantile Co.
in g ." — Col. William Camp, 1740 L St., N. W .. Washington, D. C.
next year we will then have main th o r­ | Lucile Lawrenson.
! the com pletion of the line has been let
oughfares to be proud of and can let the
----- ---------------
R. CHAS. BROWN* RogoravRJo, | vona, could sleep but little a t n ig h t, bul
m atter of paving cease to l>e agitated,
Mi«« Neva C ham bers baa been up
Only seven more »lavs and we will 1 ding Complete«! by the 15th of July. He
the street work problem having «atis- have a new president of th e U. H.
j thin k s this will insure the road lieing in i from Portlam l visiting relative«.
T enn., w rite«: “I feel i t my duly j Peruna eured th a t tired, all-gone feel­
faetorily adjusted itself, prolrably le tte r
! actual operation by Sei>teml>er 1st. He
M. D. E. Special Roa«t coffee like to w rite you a few word« in pral*o iA ( ing, and m ade me feel like a new m an,
In a private letter from W alter C ritch ­ 1 did the work th a t was done on the grade
an<l cheaper th an in anv other way it
yoor Peruna. I havo tried m any differ- ( so I h e a rtily recom m end it to all who
low the other day he informs us th a t I for this road last year. But he then von get from the wagon th a t coal« von i 4nt remedies, h u t have found th a t Pe­ are w eak and ru n down. I t w ill g ird
coaid have been done.
- --------- m i aw"
the Oregon» will play in ’Frisco in a few f was working for the company, not for 25 ami :n cent« we «ell for 20 cent«.
na ia the greatest tonic on earth , and a j new life and energy.
Take De W itt’s Kidney and Bladder days for the cham pionship of California. i himself as a contractor. He owns his | Five poumls for M cent«.
“ T cannot speak too h ig h ly of Peruna,
Well« Fargo Express will «oon bring j perfoct
Pills. They are for weak tmek, l»ack- There will be a series of games, and it is own outfit of plows, graders, etc., and
recom m end It.*
I*A frten« advised me to take Peruna : and w ill not forget
ache. rheum atic pain« and all kidney not known yet who they will he up I his own teams. He will put 50 or 60 direct from New York City the newest
and bladder troubles. Soothing and a n ­ against finally, but probably the Uni- men on the Dallas road, snd about 30 thing and the beat line of ladies’ suits, for Indigestion, and it rured mo in a | P e ru n a ia m anufactured by thg
tiseptic. Regular size 80 cents. Hold n esHy of Canfc furnia or th e Stockton Y, team s. The work will be commenced skirts and spring jackets. W ait and ' eaort lim e. I was very weak snd i«er P eru n a Drug Mfg. Co^CoJumboa, O h lg
see them a t Dallas M ercantile store.
i M. C. A V
by Conrad Stafrin.
a t Kola, where it was left off last fall.
RAY & CO., Dallas, Oregon, or at
Thin Layer of Mud Easily and
DALLAS SODA W ORKS, Dallas, Oregon ^
® — © — ® — ® — ® — © — ■©— © —
Dee.25—Oregons 50;
Dec.28—Oregons 39;
Dec.29—Oregons 00;
Dec.31— Oregons 36;
Ja n . 1—Oregons 29,
Jan . 2—Oregons 83;
Ja n . 3—Oregons 14:
Ja n . 4—No game.
Ja n . 5—Oregons 36;
J a n . 6—Oregons 27 ;
Tan. 7—Oregons 3: ;
Ja n . 8—Oregons 31;
Jan . 9—Oregons 39;
J a n .11—Oregons 27;
Ja n . 12—Oregons 14;
Ja n . 13—Oregons 19;
J a n .14—Oregons 19;
J a n .18—Oregons 2;
J a n .20—Oregons 20;
J a » .23—Oregons 26;
J a n .27—Oregons 48 ;
Ja n . 28—O rego n s 77;
J a n .29—Oregons 22;
J a n .30—Oregons 22;
Feh. 1—Oregons 31;
Feh. 2—Oregons 25;
Feb. 3—Oregons 20;
Feh. 4—< )regons 28;
I, D. C.,
I find P e-ru -n a
very v alu ab le for
reb u ild in g o f a
w orn and tired
sy s te m .
Dallas Flouring Mills
S weeney B ros . P rops .
Send After Groceries
here with th e same confidence as if you
cam e in person to select them . We will
give your m essenger just what you order.
If you require a certain article we do
not take advantage of the opportunity to
■end som ething else on which th ere mav
be more profit.
We Are Reliable Grocers
and prove th e fact by supplying th e best
to the sm allest m essenger as faithfully
as we do w hen custom ers come th em ­
selves. 8o send confidently. We will
fill the order as you w ant it.
...a t the ..
Corner Crocerv
Oregon’s Best
The famous flour put
out by our Mills is what
its name implies. All
you have to do is to
test it to prove this as­
Kept by all Grocers