T H E POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. A dm itted to th e second «-la«* of m a ll m a tte r. THURSDAY, JAN. ?8, 1909. V . P . F IS K E . ( Item lxer.one year in ailvanee .......... .................. • • 8 CBSdStPTlO N J Wit*» Weekly Oregonian or Semi-weekly Journal W ith Orsgon W oodman ’PHONES: BELLI ??Z Residence, 113 I | i .r>o . 2 oo . 1 75 11 MUTUAL Í ( Resilience, 1401 Patronize One Another for the Uobuildino o f Town a nd C ounty. PORTLAND HOTEL ARRIVALS Thu ra d a r : Geo. 1!. Cleave«*, Lincoln. Mrs. Cleave«, Lincoln. •I. S. Cooper, Inde|M*ndence. E. E. Blalock, Airlie. F rid a y : M issG . Hill Independence. A. L. W alker, Butleu. Wm. Fiske, Butler. Mr*. Fiske, Butler. S a tu rd a y : O. K. William*, I »alia«. Mr*. W illiam s, Italian. O. B. Robinson, Independence. F. 8. Ramsey, Dallas. Francis Mclrney, Dallas. Mrs. W. C. Cooper, Independence. E. W. Kearns, Dallas. Wm. Fault, Dallas. Mrs. Fault, Dallas. M onday: Opal McDevitt, Dallas. Mrs. E. Jeffries, McCoy. II. 8. W ilson, Dallas. Mrs. W ilson, Dallas. Mrs. J. C. Morrison, Independence. T uesday: J. N. Douty, Lincoln. Mrs. Douty. Lincoln. S. W alker, Independence. J. H illiard, Independence. J. 8. Cooper, Independence. J S. Bobanon,Independence. J. F. Powell, M onmouth. W ednesday: H . G erlich, FalU O ity. F. II. Pepper, Dallas. J. 8. Bobanon, Independence. Mrs. Bobanon, Independence. A. G. Jones, Independence. ■ — — - ♦ ' Autcmobiling. WANTS HER UNDERTHEB,GCL0CK- I ETTED What Our County Officials Have Done L X 1 1 CIV Since Our Last Issue. PUBLISHED REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J W Crooks et ux to C L Fitchard, 0.76 acres, t 3 a, r 4 w ............. 4 S Bohannon et nx to Eliza A Ewing, lot« in Independence Fruit F a r i n a ................................. »150 Peter Neufeldt et ux to J P Neu- fem ale tro u b le , which I feldt, Si acre in Dallas .............. 110 »offerer caused a w eakness j H D Parker et ux to Lydia M a n d broken down Wilson, land in D allas............... 900 c o n d i t i o n of the I) K McMillan to George M Ben­ system . 1 read so nett, 70 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w .......... 800 m uch of w h at L ydia j George M B ennett e t ux to W H E. U inkham 's Veg­ ! Mack, 70 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w ........ 1000 etable C o m p o u n d i W O Metcalf et ux to John R had done fo r o th er ! Johnson, lots in Falls C itv . .. . 100 suffering w om en I ! John Prickett et ux to Michael fe lt sure i t would McCann, 20 acres, t 0 s, r 4 w, help me, and I m ust lots in McCoy............................. 1800 say it did help me F S Strong to Stella Brown, land w onderfully. My in P errydale................................. 1300 _____________ pains all left me, I W VV Chappel e t ux to J II Bag- grew stronger, a n d w ithin th ree m onths ley. HO acres, t 8 s, r 8 w .......... 10 I was a p erfectly well w om an. C harlotte E Wells to Isabel Brown " I w an t th is le tte r m ade public to land in D allas............................... 500 show the benefit wom en m ay derive C C Sm ith to C A Brown and C from L ydia E. P in k h a m ’s V egetable () Foster, «50 acres, t G s, r 6 w 500 Com pound.” — Mrs. J o h n G. M oldam , E lla Irvine to D W Cummings, 2115 Second St., N o rth , M inneapolis, half lot in In d e p ......................... 800 Minn. C H W ay m ireetal to Stella Brown T housands of unsolicited and genu­ land in P e rry d ale ....................... 2 ine testim o n ials like the above prove Barker Pickens to Lulu Pickens R u b b le , b u b b l« . b u b b le, th e efficiency of L ydia E. I’in k h am ’s I 37 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w ..................... 10 t.’p a n d d o w n tlie h ill. V egetable Com pound, whicli is m ade J T Cham berlain to Sidney Trask T h r o u g h th e s u n s h in e v a lle y s exclusively from ro o ts a n d herbs. W h e re th e w o o d s w e re still. 185 land in Fall« C ity ........... ............. W omen who suffer from those dis­ Sidney Trask et ux to W B Mc- B u b b le , b u b b le , b u b b le, tressing ills p eculiar to th e ir sex should Kown, lots in Falls C ity ............. 1 D o w n a le a fy la n e n o t lose sig h t of these fa c ts or doubt Mary O Morrow to S F C & W W h ile th e b ir d s w e re sin g in g the ab ility of L ydia E. I’in k h am ’s 450 Ry Co., acres, t 7 s r 4 w . . . S u m m e r tim e 's r e f r a in . V egetable Com pound to re sto re th eir I H enrietta W ard to Frank W ard health. B u b b le , b u b b le , bu b b le. 1 I 25 acres Dallas fruit farms . . . E v e r y w h e r e wo d u r s t. I f y o u w a n t s p e c ia l a d v ic e w r i t e C P and J I* Irvine to Julius Pin- W e 'd n a v e g o n e lo g lo ry t o M rs. P i n k l i a m , a t L y n n , M a s s . i cus. 130 acres, 1 9 s, r 3 and 4 w H a d o u r b u b b le b u r s t! S h e w ill t r e a t y o u r l e t t e r a s s t r i e t l y Clarence M Shultz et ux to W W —B ir m in g h a m A g e -H e ra ld . c o n f id e n ti a l. F o r 2 0 y e a r s slie Mitchell, trustee, 40 ac.es, t 9 s, h a s b e e n h e l p i n g s ic k w o m e n in r 8 a-................................................ His Chance. t il l s w a y , f r e e o f c h a r g e . D o n ’t Tie w es n humorist who lacked op­ h e s i t a t e — w r i t e u t o n c e . Probate Court. portunity. When it came to him he E state of Asburv Shultz, deceased— was wide aw ake nnd prepared. ordered th a t an allowance of $40 per It came to him recently at the hoard­ month be made to the widow ; ordered ing house table. th a t adm inistrator be authorized to sell “The salad doesn’t suit me. Mrs. FID and one cow and set of carpenter tools be­ kiuton,” he said to the landlady. longing to estate. By DUNCAN M. SMITH “ And why not. Mr. Knockleigh?” E state of Andrew Monroe Miller, de­ “There Is too much in It. Mrs. IMIkln- ceased—U. 8. G rant appointed adm in­ ton. I belong to the I.ettm e Alone istrator. COVERS A MULTITUDE OF SINS club.” And he finished his dinner with a Marriage Licenses. A lth o u g h h e Is a v illa in b o ld renewed relish.—Cleveland Plain Deal­ Jos. J. T rent and Carrie Crook. A n d w o a r o w ell a w a r e er. T h a t h e Is n a u g h t y a s c a n bo Channcey B. Teats and Lydia A. A n d s e ld o m o n th e s q u a r e , Campbell. For Benefit of Women who | J Suffer from Female Ills "M eat m ay cause crim e, says a W'e guess th a t we could he w itty on the tariff too, if it had p u t us in a po­ w riter for a vegetarian perodical. It does. As w itness the robbery of the sition to sow free libraries. people by th e Meat T ru st. The Ways and Means C om m ittee is A lthough th e o th er n a tio n s h a d n ’t ne-.v trying to fram e a tariff bill. The seen a n y th in g like a go v ern m en t in W ays anil Means C om m ittee th in k s all its tariff bills are w orthy of fram ing V enezuela for a long tim e, th ey were quick to recognize one w hen th ey did and hanging on the walls as well. sec it- l’resideut Roosevelt expects to gain S ta te and county officials have been some distinction by gettin g a white considerably worked up d u rin g the rhinoceros in Africa. On the other hand, just th in k how distinguished a week over a decision of th e suprem e white rhino would feel if he got a c o u rt in the Y am h ill co u n ty case, in which th e c o u rt decided th e ta x levy president. of 1907 as u n c o n stitu tio n a l. On a Mr. H a rrim a n ’s stom ach got all o u t special message from G overnor C h am ­ of sorts with him and stocks w ent oft berlain, th e legislature took th e m a t­ sharply on the report of h is illness. ter in h an d and th e m a tte r is now1 A m an who has to digest a new ra il­ regulated so far as th e ab ility to col­ road or two every q u a rte r c a n ’t he too lect taxes is concerned. careful w hat he introduces in to his A six week course in h o rtic u ltu re system. is now under way a t th e A gricultural The gold productfon of Oregon for College, Corvallis, Oregon, and there th e p a s ty e a r is estim ated a t 91,850, is a large a tte n d an c e from different 000, nearly all of which was m inted p arts of th e state, th e a tte n d a n c e be­ and put into circulation in the stnte. ing more th a n double th a t o flast year. The silver o u tp u t for th e sam e year is Some of th e m ost in te restin g work in set a t |!H),000. The copper production the course is y et to come. Many fru it was about 9125,000, T he production growers arc unable to a tte n d the of coal in 1908 is estim ated a t 9300,000. course for th e e n tire six w eeks,but are Several prom ising finds of quicksilver able to com e for a few days or several have been made, but so far the produc­ weeks. T he cour*e is open to them tion has been sm all, owing to the re ­ a t any tim e . T here will be two weeks moteness of the locations from tra n s­ m ore of apple p ack in g a n d work in budding and grafting. In addition to portation and fuel. N o t C o n v c r t a b le . W e ta k e to h im In s p ite o f t h a t this, special lectures are given on the A n d c h a t w ith h im a w h ile . “ All Is lost but honor,” said the man “ I simply had to q u it telling my various phases of fru it growing, truck T h e fello w , b e h e g o o d o r b ad , who had been overwhelmed and gone friends where I was going," said a gardening and landscape gardening. W h o m e e ts u s w ith a s m ile . down in a business reversal. man from Kansas C ity recently, "for T h o u g h r u m o r h a t h h im p la c e d a s o n e “ Probably.” snUl the sarcastic one W h o e a r n s h is d a i ly f a r e when I spoke of the Pacific N o rth ­ From th e m om ent a can d id ate e n ­ who was standing within hearing dis- B y d e a ls t h a t h a v e a s h a d y tin g e west everybody was so interested and ters th e Tem ple of Freem asonry u n til taticc, “th a t was saved because the A n d t r i c k s n o t o n th e s q u a r e , I n s p ite o f t h a t y o u c a n 't b u t like wanted so m uch inform ation th a t I his d e p artu re from th e building at '.fc a V * c o v V ln 't use It.” T h is r a r e a n d s m ilin g g e n t A s lo n g a s y o u e s c a p e u n s c a th e d wouldn’t have had any tim e left for th e conclusion of th e last degree, A n d d o n o t lo se a c e n t. my own business had I un d ertak en to w hich can never 1* conferred upon T h e r e ’s s o m e th in g In th e a tm o s p h e r e get it for them . You have no idea him , he will see n o th in g , he will be A ro u n d th e m a n w h o s m ile s bow m any people are looking in this ta u g h t n o th in g save th a t w hich finds T h a t m a k e 3 y o u v e r y f r ie n d ly feel R e g a r d le s s o f b is w iles. direction,” Various com m ercial hod. its root between th e covers of th e Bi­ T h a t m a k e s y o u se e h im o n th e s tr e e t A b lo c k o r tw o a w a y ies of Oregon and W ashington are ble, those fundam ental, m oral and re­ A n d e a g e r ly g o u p to him planning to get o u t leaflets to he used ligious tru th s which are accepted by T o p a s s th e tim e o f d ay . as a letter enclosure, em phasising the devout m en of all similes of religious T h e m o ra l Is to c u ltiv a te A e n tile t h a t fits y o u r faco wonderfully low colonist rates from opinion will there be expounded and A n d h a v e it w h e n y o u g o a b o u t th e Hast, T hey are aw aiting a n ­ im pressed upon the nov itiates and up­ A d ju s te d a n d In placo. T h e m a n w h o h a s a p le a s a n t look nouncem ent of A tlantic coast and on the breth ren by words of in stru c ­ O n t h a t q u ite o fte n win.-?. o th er points not y et decided hy the tion oftim es beautifully illu strated T h e g s .iia l sm ile th a t c o v e re th A m u ltitu d e o f s in s passenger association of th e tran s-co n ­ by sym bols and a ttra c tiv e ly viewed in tin e n ta l roads. T he 925 fare from allegory. Indeed, no m an w orthy of Missouri river points, 930.50 from St. adm ission in to our frate rn ity can en Louis, and 933 from Chicago is the ter th e door of any M asonic lodge room and pass th ro u g h our solem n lowest named for three years. and im pre give cerem onies w ithout W h a t isknow n as th e Johnson It ad becom ing a b e tte r citizen, m ore do- H A S GOT T H IS MONTH bill Imslieen sent us for editorial sane- | voted to I s fam ily, m ore considerate j T w o screaming stories by Ellis tion. According to the bill three to bis neighbors and far more inclined j Parker Butler and Lindsay Denison, eights of the expense of any projected to follow th e c o m m a n d m e n ts of the each racing to see which will bump road is to be paid hy th e sta te , three Suprem e A rch itect of th e 1 niverse. I your funny bone hardest. eights by the county in which said Indelible is th e sta m p th a t is th ere One tragedy that will grip your road is built, and two eights by the set upon th e h e art. Not easily are j heart. owners of the property w ithin the th e lessons th ere ta u g h t throw n aside, And articles by Russell, Paine and road district affected. T he am ount nor th e o bligations th ere assum ed for­ Dickson that cut deep into things. to be expended by th e sta te on road g o tte n . T h e work th ere w rought is in one year is lim ited to } of I mill not only for tim e, but also for e te rn ity , LOOK OUT r o i EVERYBODY'S TH IS on the assessed value of the p ro ferty —C, J. W illett, l ’asadena. MONTH. TH E CAT IS BACK of the state. A special Highw ay com ­ mission is called for by th e act. The The Very Best Stationery. (Concluded from eighth page) is the cheapest as well as th e most sa t­ jokers in the bill seem to us to be isfactory to use. If you do n et know th a t it will inflict a needless burden G. 0 . G raham , agent for the Oregon tliia you can find it out by on the ta x payer by th is increased Nursery Co., of Salem, was through the Getting Your Stationery Here. road tax and th a t the com m ision, be­ vicinity the first of the week. No m atter w hether you use little or Miss Belslie, who has been suffering ing a c o u rt of la st resort, can im prove from an attnek of chronic pneum onia, is much you'll find your correspondence only such roads as they see lit, prob­ reported some better a t present writing. and accounting casiet to handle if we supply the stationery. W esolicit a trial ably a highway to the m etropolis J . I). W inn has moved into the house order and confidently expect it will re­ through the state. owned hy J. K. N eil and Mr. Donald­ sult in your becoming n regular custo­ son has liought and moved into Mr. mer hereafter. W hen stimmei baa passed in these northern states,the sun The controversy between the pn -i- W inn's house. is only mild under the bright dent and Senator Tillman re v iv e tin W . H . R O Y «&. C O . blue skies of Southern Cali- FIR GROVE. fact that Senator M itchell, of Oregon, fornia. This is one of n atu re’s h a p p y provisions—eternal went to his grave branded as a law­ 8am O’Brien liought a new horse re- 1 # * * . # * # # * # * * * • sum m er for those who can­ breaker, as one who, holding the oilier cently. not endure a more severe Will Brunson w ent to Falls City ! of senator, »blight to profit through climate. Thursday. California has been called means which the laws c o n d em n . A ml the “ Mecca of the winter Sam Morrison visited a t Monmouth % this makes necessary the repeating of to u rist.” Its hotels and stop­ last w eek. ping places are as varied as the statement th a t Senator M tolled j Mrs. Will Bronson visited her parents 5 those of all well regulated did nothing th a t senators did not ei. last Sunday. cities. Visitors can always gage in as a right, from the fuunila find suitable accommodations Gns PngencofT sold several head of % congenial companions, and tion oi the governm ent n p to 30 yeais 1 cattle recently, varied, pleasing recreations. ago, when the law p u t a c o n s tru e tio n H Air. Shaffer went to Kings Valley for i feed Thursday. upon a custom which had been m ,i- That w hat Sam Morrison visited Marion Frantz j w versal for a hundred years. It nuk< - it necessary also to reiterate that Tueedav night. W e have. Mrs. Cameron visited at Marion W a- j Will bo fla d to supply some whatever technical wrongs mu,, la tors last Sunday. very attractive literatu re de- ; laid upon the history and m em ory of scribing in detail the many de- Mrs. Robert H astings visited her par- J f Senator Mitchell, he was always poor ents Friday night. » i light* of w inter in California. t ! Very low round trip excursion in purse, and moreover he was sensi­ Miss Eva W otner visited her sister. tickets are on sale to California. f tively honest, and th e th o u g h t of e r r Mrs. T-oy T urner, last week. The rate from DALLAS to wronging either his fellow man < r tin- Los Angeles and return ia Lam bert Shepard is at home from j 1 best confectionery and governm ent that he loved ns he did Falls City, where he has lieen working, j 9 5 8 .0 0 his own life, never once entered his Ham O'Brien and Bev Freer went to I cigar stores in the land. Kings Valley to do some trailing Tiles- j snind for a moment. He had no L indt *lx m onths, allowing Our goods are the best, 1 day. sttfp-overs in either direction. thought'th&t was not high and true Sim ilar excursion* Tati's are ! Mr. F. Pagenkoff had some men out . and our prices are right. He was a patrio t in every heart thr< In effect to »11 California point*. fixing up some bridges since the high and an honest man in ever filler of water. Come and see us. P or fu ll In fo rm a tio n . M eeptn* c a r rencrva- his being. He was hounded to his Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yost visited Pinej tio n a am ! tick eta. c a ll on. te le f ra p h or w rite grave by a vindictive partisan press Rnrhank Friday, and over Sat unlay with friends at Kings Vnlley. ®n * Idg*»! technicality, and it is a h y ­ I. N. WOODS, Agrent. DALLAS G randpa Shepard, formerly of this e n a ’s work, come it from whst source —— oa----- place, died in Salem recently. He was H may, to violate th a t grave and hold taken there last fall for treatm ent. W M . M c M U R R A Y , Cen. its voice teas tenant u p to unmerited North Main Street Mrs. .las. Brown hss a Christm as rac- Pass. A ge n t reproach, for no poaaible purpoae ex tns th at has 54 blossoms on it and a tall DALLAS eept to give human ghoula som ething species th a t stands eight feet high. P O R TL A N D . - ORECON 9o talk alwok—Goodwin's Weekly. Fisk* Tbs Best Printer. 1’ Humor Philocophy 'ergbodgs ~~ ì grazi ne kj Now is the time to visit C a lif o r n ia r A Model Confectionery is Johnson Bros. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. D. P. A. MEETING. An Interesting Session at House Last Night. Court At S o’clock last, evening President U 8. Lou^hary called to order a spe cial m eeting of th e Dallas Protective association, called for the purpose of listening to a proposition from Mr. J . R. Cfaven for the betterm ent of our sys­ tem of doing business. The business interests of the town was largely rep | resented a t this meeting, and it devel­ o p e d into a most interesting one. Mr. Craven being called upon, gave the au­ dience a plan th a t seemed to meet the favor of all, he showing by practical examples just how the proi>osition had worked out in Pendleton and U m atilla county, where he was formerly in te r­ ested in business. His plan consists in giving every man in the county com mercial rating, just as every business man is now rated by the big agencies, such as Bradstreet’s, D unn’s, etc. Pocket books will be printed, contain­ ing the name and address of every citi­ zen of the county, with blank leaves for the insertion of new names as they may develope. If a man has property un- I tram elled, and is prom pt in meeting \ bis obligations, be will be given the | first ra tin g ; if be has property and is slow pay, another rate will be given him, if no pro|»erty and still good pay. a certain ra te ; if no property and poor pay, a certain rate, etc., so th a t every m erchant can see at once by consulting his book just bow each m an stands in the eyes of the business comm unity The acceptance of the pro|>osition will do away with the black list and the fine of member« of th e association for tru st­ ing people on it, vet it will be in as act­ ual operation as before, for th e reason that if a man is rated say I). no m er­ chant is going to take the chance of giving him credit and getting left. The new proposition was discussed in all its bearings, and a com m ittee, consisting of G. N. C herrington, W. L. 8oehren and J. R. Craven, appointed to look further into the advisability and coet of estab­ lishing the same, and to report a t the next regular m eeting oil th e second Monday in February. W. L. Soehren brought up th e m atter of getting better freight rates for our citizens and the having of better depot facilities, etc. After discussion, this m atter was referred to W. L. Soehren, V. P. Kiske and U. 8. Lotighary to confer w ith the Southern Pacific officials and see if som ething cannot be agreed upon in the m atter. The telephone m atter was brought up and thoroughly discussed. This was the result of a rum or th a t there is a possibility of another sw itchboard be- I ing installed here. It was th e sense of the m eeting th at there were about one ! too m any sw itchboards here now, and th a t one of the two should be done away w ith. G. N. Cherrington was ap­ pointed a com m ittee of one to confer with the representatives of the different rural routes who hold a m eeting here Saturday ami see if some arrangem ents cannot be agreed upon to lessen rather th an increase the num ber of lines now in operation. The m atter of night watch wap brought up, it appearing th a t the pres­ ent system of handling th e m atter is not entirely satisfactory to all concern­ ed. The result of the conference on this subject was th a t N. L. Guy and V. P. Fiske were appointed a com m ittee to get up a petition and have it signed by our business men, designating the am ount they will pay to the city coun­ cil, not the night watch, for this service. The council will then appoint whom thev see fit the m erchants having no sav in the m atter. The am ount due for th is service will be collected by the sec­ retary of the Protective association when he collects the regular m onthly dues, and the same turned over to the council, they m ailing np whatever dis- orepency there may 1» toward a fair salary for such a purpose. Bli ssf ul Ig n o r a n c e . II« d id n 't k n o w 'tw s * load ed A nd n ev er d kl And out. I t d id n 't re a lly M em s th in g T o b other him ab out. F o r w h en th ey m ad e d isco v er y H e w a s w a y p a st reco v ery And a n th e g o ld en sh o r n TRAMPS’ THANKSGIVING. {How N ew Y o r k ’s H o b o e s G et H o lid a y D in n e r s . Thsir A g reat deal depends on the kind of man who wishes to take part In the feasting, wrote the late Joslah Flint In Good Housekeeping. A pan han­ dler from the Bowery will have u h arder tim e finding his T hanksgiving dinner *han will a well dressed hobo from tue west. In general, the pan­ handler has to rem aiu content with the sam e sim ple fare on holidays that he is accustom ed to the y ear through. T he well dressed and skilled beggur, on the other hand, expects and looks for delicacies on fete days. lie may have to look a long while before he finds all th a t he thin k s he is entitled to, but the genuine seeker perseveres until he believes th a t be has cele­ brated the day as a man of his parts should. The favorite procedure for a great many roadsters is first to beg for money w ith which to buy the m ate­ rials for a feast and then to cook the meal them selves a t some improvised camp or “hangout.” This Is the g reat delight of a num ber of w estern tram ps. Some days before the holiday Is due they begin to save up th eir spare pen­ nies for the coming “gorge,” or “scoff,” ns It Is also called. Perhaps there is a party of them together, and they combine th eir forces and funds. Many of them can cook fairly well, and all lend some assistance in pre­ paring the meal. Ouc atten d s to c ar­ rying the w ater, another arra n g e s the different purchases so th a t they can be handily reached, while others as­ sist In making the fire and a ttending to the actual cooking. The men who are not chefs sit arouiul the fire, sm ack their Ups and sw ap stories about the places they were In the year before. Perhaps some man will be reminded of having been In jail the year before. Ho tells about the poor “feed” th a t he received and how he scolded against fate and the law for having sh u t him up on such nn occasion. A nother man will rem em ber how he was in the far west where there was no meal at nil. Still another will recall how he thought of reform ing and had practically made up his mind to go to work when some housewife tem pted him with a fine T hanksgiving “set dow n,” and his good resolutions went to pieces. SCHOOL OFFICERS. PARENTS AND TEACHERS’ METT1NGS. T W. Brunk and H. C. Seymour, president uml secreta-y of the School Officers’ association have arrange«! the following HectioiiH, chosen the c h air­ men, and selected the dates for the meeting* to In? held iu the different sections a* follow h : Rickreall section—Kick i cull, Etna. I Oak Grove, Greenwood, Oak Point, Mc­ Coy and Bethel—meeting to be held j February Gth, at Oak (¡rove—I. A. Al- i ien, chairm an. ! Zena «ection—Zena, Spring Valley, Lone Star, Lincoln—m eeting at Spring Valley, F ebruary 20th—J . C. Zinser, chairm an. Salt Creek section—Salt Creek, Upper Salt Creek, Concord, Perrydale, E n ter­ prise, Red Prario, Scroggins, Ballston— m eeting a t Ballston, February 27—O. ! E. Focnt, chairm an. Airlie section—Airlie, Valley View, W ard, Lewisville, Montgomery, Pee«lee, C herry Grove, F ir Grove, McTimmons I Valley—meeting a t Airlie, March Gth —E. C. Staats. chairm an. Buell section—Buell, Gooseneck, But- j ler, H arm ony, Pleasant View, Rogue I River Valley, W illam ina—m eeting at B u l l, Murrii 13th— W'in. HidgtW M , | chairm an. W est Salem section—West Salem, Kola, M ountain View, Popcorn, Brush College—m eeting at M ountain View, March 20th—J. F. Schafer, chairm an. Buena V ista section—Buena Vista, Suver, H ighland, Parker, Indepen­ dence—m eeting a t Parker, March 27th —P. T. Peterson, chairm an. Bridgeport section—Bridgeport, Oak H urst, Falls City, G uthrie, Teals, Oak­ dale, Rock Creek—m eeting a t Falls City, April 3rd—C. C. G ardner, chair­ m an. North Dallas section—N orth Dallas, Pioneer, Dallas, Polk Station. Sm ith- field, L iberty—meeting a t N orth Dallas, April 10th—W. II. Brown, chairm an. M onm outh section—M onmouth, E l­ kins, Antioch, Sunnyslope, Mistletoe, Cockrane, Fairview—m eeting a t Mon­ m outh, April 17th—A. J . Shipley, chair­ m an. The m eetings are held for the purpose of advancing the interests of the schools of the county and it is hoped th a t all who are interested in the education of th e children will try s o d a tte n d tin- m eeting held in th eir section and as m any more as possible. Any questions th a t anyone mav want to have discuss­ ed, or any suggestions anyone may wish to m ake about any of the ineet- nizs, wHl be gladly and thankfully re­ ceived by the president and secretary. Let everyone do his of her best to m ake these m eetings, m eetings of profit to th e schools of the countv. SENTIMENT AGAINST.; People at Adjourned Council Meet­ ing Turn Down Proposition. At the ailjonnied mooting of th« vitv council Monday evening to hear the in ihod of proeeeilure neceanury under the new law to bond th e city for im ­ provements, the m iih ' was explained by the city attorney, fully and Huceintly, so th at we are now aware juxt w hat ac­ tion ia neceaaary in a caae of the kind. The m atter niUHt be referred to a vote of the people ut a general election, and it take» about 90 dava to go through the operation. The mayor then called upon the crowd present for an expreae- ion as to w hether thev thought it a d ­ visable to bond th e city for $40,000 to buy Mr. Gates out of th e w ater plan t. Judge N. L. Butler opened the argu­ m ent with an eloquent plea for m untci- ple ownership even a t the price nam ed and gave figures to show th a t it would prove a paying investm ent. Judge Sib­ ley followed with a plain statem en t of uncontrovertable facts and more figures upholding Ilia and Mr. B utler’s side oi the question. I)r. McCallon, E. C. Kirkpatrick, Frank Kerslake, Abel Uglow and others took the opposite side of th e question, and a vote being taken resulted very m aterially in th eir favor. This action turns down the w ater plant proposition as far as is now- known, although a petition signed by 15 per cent of the voters may yet be p re ­ sented to the council a t its next m eet­ ing, as there are many earnest a d ­ vocates of the course. The Item izer would suggest th a t there is one tiling th a t lias been entirely lost sight of in ail the argum ent, auii th at is th a t ns long as we have private ownership we may never expert to have lower w ater rates. W ith m unicipal ownership the lowering of rates would be more th an a probability, as the greater patronage soon to be" derived from the introduc­ tion of new sewers would still hold the city's income at about what it is now. It may be th a t the citizens of Dallas^ are turning down a goisl thing and one th a t they cannot avail them selves of until the franchise runs out. It is n m atter th a t a little more thought should be put to th an has been a t present. BANK ROBBED. Cracksman are Scared Away Ju st at Right Time. The death of J. W right a t A m itv on Wednesday m orning prevented the loot­ ing of the bank a t Amity and the loss of several thousand dollars to th a t in ­ stitution. Archie Massey going after the undertaker prevented the consum ­ mation of their plans. The yeggmen had already opened the outer door and posessed them selves of $325 worth of stam ps and several hundred dollars worth of jewelry, and were about to take a shot at the inner vault, which had by th a t tim e been rendered com paratively easy, when Mr. Massey hove in Bight with a lantern. He was ordered to halt or to be shot, but took to his heels, and', it was not long before he had the whole? town out looking for the robbers, w ho in the m eantim e m ade a com plete get­ away by appropriating the handcar of. the section boss and clipping o u to f town a t a lively rate. The handcar was found a t Derry yesterday and it ia su p ­ posed the robbers made for Salem. The M ethodist conference-continues to denounce Speaker t'anuoti because he refuses to let proposed law s have n hearing. It Is all right as fa r as it goes to vote against Cannon for his dictation ns to w hat legislation shall or shall not be considered, and it is es­ sential also to vote out the Republican party th a t m akes Cannon's boss-ship possible. D efeat of Cannon Is good, CARVING THE TURKEY. but w ould not rem edy the situation unless the Republicans arc turned o u t Som e S u g g e s tio n s F o r th e M an W ho If R epublicans win, and Cannon Is de­ • W i e l d s t h e Knife . feated, the sam e iron rules will be car­ A few suggestions on curving prob- ried out by n Sherm an or a Dalzell or Obly will not be am iss unil may save snme other Republican pupil of Cau- the fresh T hanksgiving table linen nou's from desecration by splashes of gravy. F irst, Uieu, let the carver plunge the fork frm ly Into the breast of tlie turkey. H e m ust have a sure hold of the breastbone if be would operate successfully. It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the Let him then cut off the wlug near­ bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the est him, which Is defne by passing the knife underneath the socket and is laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested easily accomplished If the bird be material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be young and tender. removed from the body at least once each day, or there Remove the leg on the sam e side In the sam e manner, pressing tlic bone will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an outw ard while m aking the cut. Sep­ immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask a ra te the first and second Joints of the your doctor about Ayer’s Pills. He knows why they leg and next remove the sido bono by running the knife along the backbone ^ ir e c tl> ^ m ^ h e J^ v e r ^ r r u s M iim ^ ^ ^ ^ e ^ ^ ^ w ^ 2 ^ : gad close to It. It is attached only by a filament of skin and fa t; hence this task is not difficult. @ ® —- ®— @ Legs and wings being removed, the isl-— @ & slicing of the breast Is a simple m at­ ter, and this opens the cavity, from which filltug may be removed w ith a spoon. The removal of the leg usunl- ly m akes another opening, to be u til­ 1 è ized In th e sam e manner. Be sure you have a well sharpened knife. If you cannot succeed In dism em ber­ ing It gracefully, don't be too sure th at the toughness of the turkey is to blame. A good a fte r dinner speaker Is more frequently met w ith th an a good carver.—I’hlladelpnla Ledger. Im p o s s ib le to b e W e ll act I 200 CASH PRIZES f Will be given to our représenta- J * tives before April 1st., in addition T to very liberal Cash commissions, i All Gloom. -You should alw ays look bright side of things.” "But 1 have an aching corn. tell me which is the bright th a tr “Ju s t think bow much worse be." “ I don 't dare. If 1 Imagined be worse. I would be tem pted Into the lake.” We want a Special Representative" in your territory at once. Pleasant and profitable work for whole or part time. on the Please side of This is an exceptional and legiti- * mate business offer. Write to- * day for full particulars to it m ight It m ight to jum p $ T h a t W ould B reak Them. "Ia oriental countries a man lias as m any wives as he can supporl.” “ As many as th at?” "Yes. Don't you think ws ought to send m issionaries to them ?” "W hy not try m illiners?". * STANDARD FASHION CO. ’ 12-16 Vandam St. - @- ® — The man who saves when he has little is called stingy. He th a t saTes when he has much is raid to be Ju- kiclcua.—Chicago L ecer I H erald. New York * — « « « • • * « * * * « * * * ♦ * « * £ ❖ * Reduction in P rices on all S H O E S E xcept^ - 9 = ❖ ❖ Walk Over, St. C ecilia t and Bergm ann. ♦ f WEATHER F0RCAST. ® i ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ DALLAS P H O N E I2SI SHOE STORE M R S. J . C. C A Y N O R D A L L A S , ORECON 9 f i « ♦ ♦ i s : : : !