THEPO MAJOR OZONE PLEASE LEAVE IT DOWN r u m m e l l SUBSCRIPTION r M V DEAR JA C ^ O K -V o u I tei Wit Wit should not SLE E P UMD e K T o o MAM"/ c o v e n s - P R E * H A l « F O U L 'S here w in d o w ViSlT THE SURFACE OF THE &Y AS W *L L A S „ ..THE U1N9S - '/Oli LL NEVE ft PHO N ES \ im p r o v e B u n d le d w it h ^ THE WIND IS RACING OUTSIDE I r"\ N C U ' ou lie CO LD youR iT i lN ik M "you WILL NEVEK _ RECOVE« v ìi T hou T V FRESH A id - J up lo u . b r o w h ; )H H'QK FEVEfl-A COOV BOOM WITH f L p NTV OF FRESH A 'K >% TR E fiEMEl H E R E NÔWT c lo se d WELL*. A H 5 T FiRE i NTTH* f?OOM V f 6 « FEVE f ^ ^ - P a tron i te One III addition to the babies, Tatt lias had a him. s a il They say strikes are a ity, But we could do w at this period. Great is publicity. It can elect a president f( of what it used to coat. The restaurante are t revisione, likewise, with, ing bread and butter fr The ministers who \ often Ret texts from should know that ofte furnishes the text of the W One chancellor may the emperor of Germat it takes baby jumpers, ri ing bottles to quiet the < na. l U AND NOT A eREATR oF FRESH AlH i e n t e r in g ROOM- t h e _ __________ ' OHÎ LOOK AT THE MAT o K BUNDLED UP llN 0LÀNKETS7 H i * AM! lU rR A S E The record being mat ket hall team is certi proud of, not only thei but the state at large name of The Oregons, t tising the entire sectlo boys Imve played sever won all of them by gooi fact six of them were i played with what were i crack teams too. Our ing news this week is i altitude of the Montana affected them. It was s might prove a serious ha outlook now is that our la ly heat the record of the on their trip last year, 1 number of games played t tile end of next week the; plied with our new hook las will begin fo assum place on the map. Mere' they keep up their lick. HUM M ELU Our city council lias fi levy at 10 mills for the Last year when it was mills the Itemizer took that it was not sufficient provements contemplated, have the same objection the 10-mill one. Results that our forecast of last y rect. The city officials hampered in their improv all year by lack of suffi and much that was contcn ply had to bo left undone, he desire of the Itemizer vocate a high tax, tieing i airous of paying such on o than any one else, hut ns tain improvements have ed, necessary to the grow city, we would not hold til ^his juncture. If it couli mtr-.ygy to build the inters would Tgs ^possible to finisl SO more blocks of maenda next year. Under a 10 mi! will be impossible, ami just her will have to lie fixed ti money sufficient to pay- street intersection will cos in the neighborhood of $21 one can see that the fixing o would take a hunch of mom are notes against the city m next year, totaling a co amount, that must be taken are promises to pay and nun After this is done and the ru penses of the city paid, wb small item in themselves, th going to lie much, if any, ir for further improvement of or We would have liked to so< made at the lim it of 10 mill special water tax of 1 7-10 ai brary tax of } mill added N o library tax was levied I but |200 was given to ai The putting of the tax as we would have given otir harass« fleers a little leeway in fman ters and obviated to a great e troubles of the past year. y :*ny ¿iris ffrtherea at 1 llA- W k J W v -- _ ---- amile besets a frown The sm iler is ever rouTkil <3 P ....... inkie Prim Order! 0 ,order! crie~ ....... ‘This meeting is not called in Pun! Which is the better 3 a Smile or Frown A Smile!/} answered all,then, a.» one fg l 5 r* fm a i w c ; Jas. Klliott, of Bellvue, it Chester Gardner and family i port. Chas. Ward, and family, o are here to spend Christ nias • lives Onr basket hall team is »till antly proceeding on its east« Since our last issue they hav games at Spokane and Anacor ning by good margins. Their I was played Monday night at A a here the altitude did not effc Tuesday and Wednesday they to seeing the National I'ark on lowstone, and tonight will play­ ings, Mont. Friday night they so play there, Saturday g ing t dan, Wyoming, and then hack ings for a third game O n r we> tar failed to arrive before going ‘Unanimous vote1/' saJd Rnkie H-lm. ‘We -will now proceed to proceed 1 Fhe meeting’s adjourned, so &l\ may The sentiment in the good deed!*' Every time that a. strAnjge g irl got A nod, A kind word.and a. smile.* “Why?,’ she would Ask.The Club Hember'd “ASmile beat» a. Frown , full aLmilel,J Pinkie Prlm’3 Smiting Club still exist». It»» getting" ruew members eaxh d a y . Present &ppea.r*nce& Indicate Th^t tke Smiling Club»» here to stay.