| The governor sent for him aim gam gravely, “ It appears from this petition that you have been In the penitentiary ml eight years." "1 have," was the reply,. , fir DUNCAN M. SMITH “ And during that time you have per­ formed faithfully every duty that lias come in your way to the best of jou r PERT PARAGRAPHS. ability?" “ 1 have." answered the agent, his WUcu a mail has a liauU account bis courage swiftly rising. w ife often comrlbulea by adding an “ Then, sir." sai l the governor, with I. to it. the air of one conferring a priceless fuvor. "1 pardon you out." Often vvbut is gospel to one genera­ tion is superstition to u later. Put Out of Commission. Aberuethy was supposed to influence There are many people who can't distinguish between loyalty anil ob­ people by a brusquenc-sx amounting to absolute rudeness. It is related that stinacy. one day a very voluble Indy took her duughtor, who was ill, to see him. “ Which of you two wants to consult me?” suid Abernetby. "My daughter,” replied the elder w o­ man. Aberuethy then put a que^ion to the girl. Before she had u chance to reply I her mother began a long story. Aber­ uethy told her to be quiet and repeat­ ed his question to the girl. A second time the woman begun a story, and a | second time he told her to be quiet Then she Interrupted him a third time. “ Put your tongue out,” be suid to the It Is better to have tried uud won | mother. than never to have tried at all. | “ But there’s nothing the matter with I me,” she exclaimed. You need much patience and per­ | “ Never mind, put your tongue o u t” severance when you cajole a wise man | he commanded. and some wisdom when you cajole a Thoroughly overawed, the woman fool. I obeyed. “ Now. keep it out,” * a ld Aberuethy, Alimony may be defined as first paid uud he proceeded to examine the girl.— to the injured. | Graud Magazine. Humor Philosophy Buying experience is very much like puying doctor’s bills. Always try to do your best, but not your friends. It is often hard to be honest, but not necessarily honest to be hard. It Isn’t a bad thing to know what not to do—unless you do it. There fs something wrong with a woman who doesn’t mind a tllrtatious husband—unless he belongs to another woman. Useful Curios. I ’ m m aking a collection O f raro and curious coins. T o got a good ly number I ’ vo girded up m y loins. F or heavy foreign pieces I do not care a slam. I m ake a specialty o f those Turned out by U ncle Sam. &i , N o coins from foreign countries A re wiiat I have in mind, T hou gh curiously minted And striking o f their kind; N o brassy Chinese money, Square holed and on a string; N o A siatic pieces That sw arthy travelers bring. a j J One of Hook’s Practical Jokes. Theodore Ilook forged 4.000 letters to 4,000 tradesmen and others request­ ing them to call on a certain day and hour at the house of a wealthy widow, Mrs. Tottenham, in Berners street, London, against whom he had con­ ceived a grudge. These people began to arrive soon after daybreak. The rush continued until nearly midnight. They came by fifties and hundreds. There were 100 chimney sweeps, 100 bakers, fifty doctors, fifty dentists, fifty accouchers. There were priests to ad­ minister extreme unction and Metho­ dist ministers to ofTer last prayers. There were fifty confectioner* with wedding cakes, fifty undertakers with coffins, fifty fishmongers with baskets of cod and lobsters. They pushed, quarreled and fought, and the police were called out to prevent a riot. Fi­ nally among the hoaxed ones came the governor of the Bank of England, tho royal Duke of Gloucester and the lord mayor of London, each lured thither by some cunning pretext. A police in­ vestigation followed, but the perpetra­ tor was not detected. SIRES AND SONS. Secretary Root Is the only cabinet member wbo wears a silk hat down to work every day. Senator Milton, the new senator from Florida, has a heavy black uius- | tuche uud long black linlr. He looks like a Spaniard, which he isn't. Zona a Cruue, who gave $10,000 to help ulong Peary’s arctic expedition, is one o f the Dalton (Mass.) paperuiak- era and a brother of United States , Senator Crane. James M. King, aged eighty-two. Is | one of the oldest residents of YVorces- , ter. Mass., and lias lived in the same I house on Cambridge street for more than seventy years. Young Willie K. Vanderbilt 3d has so many toys, it is said, that be has to have them insured for $gr>.0C0. Many of his toys have been especially made for him. They are richly engraved and finished In gold and silver and in­ sured against all ills save death. Dr. Thomas Lambert Hinton has just celebrated ids hundredth birth­ day at St. Leonards, England. Witli the exception o f Sir Henry Pitman. Mr. Ilinton is the oldest member of the Royal College of Surgeons. He served iu India from 1829 to 1846. The death o f General Stephen D. Lee leaves only two surviving lieuten­ ant generals o f tho Confederate army. They are General A. P. Stewart, rank- lag lieutenant geueral of the Confed­ eracy. o f Biloxi, Miss., and General Si­ mon Bolivar Buckner o f Kentucky. Prince Augustine do lturbide. grand­ son of the great liberator o f Mexico, heir to a throne, mau o f the world, oducuted. widely traveled and a mem­ ber of the jeunesse doree o f many Eu­ ropean capitals, has forsaken the ways o f the fashionable world and joined the third order of St. Francis, in Washington fashionable society Prime lturbide was widely known for many years. A recent Increase nas brought the :mlary o f Rev. Dr. James Henderson or tiie Dominion Methodist church at Ottawa up to $3,500, making him the highest paid Methodist preacher in Canada. Betliesda Congregational church, in Chicago, founded by Dwight L. Moody when he bought up a defunct church, paying $10,000 cash and giving a mort­ gage for $12,000, has just canceled the mortgage. Rev. C. W. Merriam o f the Second Congregational church. Greenfield. Mass., is one who thoroughly enjoys his automobile. He has made it a practice o f taking members o f his con­ gregation out for a ride and has al­ ready taken more than a hundred on short tours. An unusual record is tliat o f the Rev. Felix N. Boff of the Roman Catholic diocese o f Cleveland. Recently, upon the deatli o f Bishop Horstmann, Fa­ ther Bolf became for the sixth time administrator of the diocese. He is seventy-seven years old. Each time that he has taken on his shoulders the affairs of the ecclesiastical jurisdic­ tion it lias been because o f the death o f the bishop. sf N S E U Catarrh Cannot be Cored. m es J. en of a nd Civil ; the nany. I had rill in mina as a ras a la of y le of iliari- Sunset Magazine offers the readers of this paper the best opportunity / of the year R E V IE W O F R E V IE W S . S U N S E T M A G A Z IN E . . W O M A N 'S H O M E C O M P A N IO N Anu r p r r r ■■ *3.001 ALL FO R 1.80> $ 3.00 1 .2 5 with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-pags book illustrated in four colors with 125 Western views. S U N S E T M A G A Z I N E SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA COI1J0 WITH HALF AN EYE. anybody can see there is something dis­ tinctive about our CHINA W ARE. It’s far above the common kind both in quality and design. There is a tone to it which makes it suitable for any home and for any occasion. But for all its excellence the prices are surprisingly j low. A fact that will not lessen its at­ tractiveness in your eyes, we hope. JA C O B SO N ’S TR A N SFE R DA LLA S, OREGON Phone and stand at Belt & Cherrington’s All kinds of hauling done well and promptly. cial attention given to commercial men. Spe­ W .H . ROY A CO E. J A C O B S O N , Bell phone 301 W e C a te r to the L o ca l T ra d e Proprietor. Mutual 253 x>ooooooooe introduced in the common Probably. schools o f Berlin In the lowest classes “ She wants a divorce.” Greatness. and up to the point where the girls “ What for?” There is a kind o f elevation which begin to get Instruction in domestic “ So that she can qualify for an­ does not depend on fortune. It is a | science. other.” certain air which distinguishes us nnd seems to destine us for great things. A Plat That Failed. An Unsought Pardon. It Is a price which we Imperceptibly A story of n plot to kidnap Queen | Among the storie.t o f that former set on ourselves. By this quality we governor o f Texas familiarly known usurp the deference of other men. and Victoria aud turn England into a re- j ns Sam Houston D more than one It puts us. in general, more above them public Is told in Peter Latoucbe’s book. | amusing tale. than hlrth. dignity or even merit Itself. "Anarchy: Its Methods aud Expo- i nents." This coup d'etat was planned There was a financial agent o f the —La Rochefoucauld. to take place In 1888. the year of the penitentiary who had warmly opposed great dock strike in London, but was the election o f Governor Houston, but A Big Jump. was particularly anxious to retain his There Is one recorded performance In frustrated by the success of the strik­ own pleasantly lucrative position, tCon­ ancient Oreece which. If it is to he ers nnd the unexpected sympathy and sequently the new governor was soon credited, probably uo one living could help shown them by the moneyed In receipt o f a petiiion In which the approach—that amazing jump of i'Uayl- classes. This did much to conciliate man’s years o f faithful service and lus, who. with the aid of weights nnd the masses, on whose help the revo- j 1 special qualifications for the place were a springtioard. is said to have cleared lutionlsts relied. aet forth In slowing terms by himself. flftv-five feet I do not care for coppers D u g up from ancient Horne. I want the m odest pennies T h ey turn out nearer home. The coins o f ancient Britain T o me do not appeal. N or even Spartan m oney Cut out from low grade sfeel. U - - JEW ELER O R EG O N When it comes to N O N E CF T H E M A RE IN IT W I T H S1M0NT0N & SCOTT -“ TH E T h e C o u rt St. C ro ce rs SC H O O L OF Q U A L IT Y T en th and M orrison, Portland, O regon Dallas Does More Freight Busi­ ness Than Any Other Town in Oregon Out­ ii M side of Port­ land work. It will win out in the end.” Said au Educator: “ The quality o f instruc­ tion given in your school makes it the standard o f its kind in the Northwest. ” CO pen all the year. R eferen ces: Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. A n y bank, any newspaper, any business man in Portland. IS Y O U R H O M E H A P P Y If not, there is a reason for it. Many times the ch il­ dren would rather stay home in tiie evening if they only had something to do. Give them an oppor­ tunity to gain some accomplishment so they will lie aide to lie leaders in their social circles. If you would buy a piano 011 our easy payment plan, you would be giving them the best chance of their lives. W e sell many of the worlds best makes and grades including, Mason A Ham lin, Hardman, W igm an, LUMBER CO. MISS M. 0UVE SMITH Call and see us at the Adams it Brobst Furniture Co's store. WILEY B. ALLEN PIANO COMPANY PIANO AND ORGAN. D. SWIFT & CO. 1501 Seventh S t., I 1 I I j I I I I Washington, 0 . C.J A T DA LLAS M E A T CO rV rttiS k fiiB & wear a Specialty Î SHOE STORE . J. C. C A Y N O R D A L L A S , ORECON Dallas, Oregon. R .C . CRAVE N - - W .G . VASSALL - - B ic y c le R e p a ir in g D IR E C T O R S : With our 10 years exper­ ience in repairing bicy­ cles with the most up- to-date tools and meth­ ods we are better pre­ dared to do your wheel work than any one else, and guarantee satisfac­ tion and right prices. Full Line of Bike Supplies This is the place to get your BABY CARRIAGE TIRES i [0LMES h ■ I L t jfa K W lB BUSINESS COLLEGE W A S H I N G T O N A N D T E N T H IT O PO RTLAN D. ORCOON THE OREGON FIRE RELIEF McMinnville, Oregon. CHAS. GREGORY, Agent DALLAS, OKEtiON B. F. JONES Attorney-at-Law INDEPENDENCE, OR. Probate work a specialty. N e x t to P o s to ffic e Citation. In the county court of the state of Oregon fo r the county of Polk. In the matter of the es­ tate of Elizabeth Stoddard, deceased; To all and any unknown heirs of Elizabeth Stod­ dard, deceased: TN.THE NAME OF TIIE STATE OF OREGON; L You are hereby cited and required to ap­ pear in the county court of the state of Ore­ gon for the county of Polk at the court room thereof at Dallas, in the county of Polk, on ¡tiie 23th day of November, 1908, at 10 o ’clock In the forenoon of said day then and there to show cause if any there be why the petition o f the administrator praying an order directing h.ut to sell the real estate of said deceased described as follows, towit: , That tract or pared of land in township H south, of range*) west, Willamette Meridian in Polk county. Oregon,hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the section line between section«» and 16, in said town­ ship ami range, which is 35 chains east of the corner to sections 8, 9, 16 and 17; thence north 20 chains; thence east 25 chains; thence south 20 chains to the line between sections 9 and 16; thence west on said lines 25 chains to place of beginning, containing 50 acre« more or less, nt. should not be granted; and that sale thereof may be made at private sale, W itness the Hon. Kd, F. Coad, county judge t Hour} of the countv of Polk, state of Oregon, with latter of the seal of said court affixed this 29th day of eceaaed. October, 1908. udge of K. M. SMITH, lid mnt- County clerk of Polk Connty, •ccinher [SEAL] Oregon. he lime e allow­ in' •utrlx. Marble— -Granitei C. L. HAW KINS Railroad street, llallas. Have Homer Dale N id, liras, 0 95. for Heel Ion llamette it ion tu a to the Smith, the A me direrted upon a Judgment pt those nnd decree dulv rendered by said court, on the 86. 21st day ol March. 1907. which Judgment was i date of enrolled ami docketed In the office of the clerk of said court, on the 25th day of March, 1907, n, Nov. in a certain suit then pending in said court, wherein D L. Keyt, as executor «1 the estate of K. < Keyt. decease !, plaintiff, reeovered VN, iMirer. judgment an*! decree, against G. W . Shriver and Harriett K. Shriver, defendants, aud by which execution and order of sale I am com­ manded l*. sell the real property In said execu­ tion as hereinafter described. to satisfy plain­ tiffs Judgment herein to-wit: The sum of *250 with interest thereon from the date here­ of at the rate of 6 per cent per annum until tortor. paid, and the further sum of »40 as attorneys rogón. fee» together with cost» sm! disbumnents of k iw». suit taxed and allowed at »15, and accru­ /ynd C. •aid ing costs ami i xponses upon said execution, i B is t e r . "L ett IFe Forget." Presiden . Cashier N. L. Butler, K. C. Craven, D. L. Keyt M. M. Ellis, W. G. Vassall. This bank is pleased to place at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during many years of continuous service and growth. Dale, of eft, Ore- ai I). W. 9KR, ONUMENT, DALLAS CITY BANK AALS LEE SMITH’S CYCLERY k lest th in f on the «abject *ver written. Uluitratini nil Anira*l«. AU -— a _ «no* coy«. Trap«, Ontno Lewi. How nnd where to trap, a-------------- and to become i. 91 U. Hide» Un nod into ---------cut*— lar Encyclopedia. Prie«, $2. To ,etio Balt »nd Decoy attract» »nltr Is i tuxbeet pricee. ¿ a d e r t e * B n (Everythin*?.upto-date ) 8 O F A L L K IN D S ¡a s « »’ & T R A P P E R S ’ GUIDE »iiEiiS» Now located in the Kerslake Building ■L jJ R WRITE FOR CATALOG f Tht School that Plao44 Ton in a Good Potition I p r o m p tly o b ta in e d in a ll con n trtes, o r NO r t f . I TR A D E -M A R K S, C aveats an il C op yrigh t a regis- I tered. Send .Sketch, M o d e l o r P h o t o , f o r freo ¡ r e p o r t o n p a te n ta b ility. ALL B U SIN ESS I ST R IC T L Y CONFIDENTIAL, i ntent prut lic e | ex el not rely . M irposaing reference*. | W id e a w a k e in v en tor* s h o u ld h a ve o n r hand- I b o o k on H ow t o o b ta in and S ell patent*. W h a t in- I ven t tons w ill p a y .I lo w » o ge t a p a rtn er.a n doth cr I valuable in fo rm a tio n . Hont free t o a n y address. tSlHIDES Caldwel Bros. M M The BEST MEATS How long have they been sold? Nearly sixty hem? Ask your own doctor and find out. POOL AND BILLIARD|HALL I Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired IS h e SayS. Studio : Room 2, Wilson building, Dallas, Oregon. ¡J OLDEST PIANO HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST O. F. QHORMLEY, Salesm an not stimulate. It does not make then as bad as ever the next. It io reaction after you stop using it. |j icohol in it. You have the steady, jm a strong tonic and alterative, isk your doctor about this. He INSTRUCTOR ON Price and Tuple, etc., at prices ranging from $137 up to $750. W e will sell your old organ or piano for you. Stim ulate SALT CREEK A . P. A rm stron g, LL.B., Principal C .'V e occupy two floors 65 by 100 feet, have a $ 20,000 equipment, employ a large faculty, give individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet. Our school admittedly leads all others in quality of instruction. It pays to attend such an institution. C.$nl(l a Business Man: “ Keep hammering away everlastingly on thorough with fttion. id re- nian. With local applications, aa they can­ not reach the seat of the disease. Ca­ tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medium*-. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is comprised of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimo­ nials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druj, gists, price 75 cents. Take, Hairs Family Pills for constipation. the es* required by law rat ri X at na. Polk fPArcy, . Marion months IKK. Ute of roamed will on Saturday, December 19, 1908, at the hour o i l o'clock, P- ni. ol M M a » * « the » c l .l<«T 111 III.- court horny In n » lix , Polk , ounlv O r io n , »ell at public auction to the hiahe-r l.t.l ii r i t ,-.i»h In hand on day all the rlkh, iiile. Iutcret »"d caute a llli'h -aid ilef'MiilAi •«. ) t h rec (3) 'four (A) five (5) (?) ( 7 ) and * Ight (») in block one ( l)ln the M. L. Kvan’s Addition to the town of rerrydato, in I Polk county, slate o f Oregon; also beginning 1.’ .59 bains east of tb« southeast i j j r " f donation land claim No. 46. Not. No. 1818 of T. I. Kins, y. tn township 6 south, rauxe J w e jt of the WMHarnett» meridian. In M k M i J T . Oregon , thence north 61 d e g W •O nrinuUj west, along the R K right of way WJJ chain» to the center of tho county road ; 2 * degrees 29 minutes west along the center oi «ai l county road 4.12chains: thence »ooth^deg. east to the place of beginning, save *nd except one a« re Included In the description hereto­ fore sold to H. B. Tingle, containing * .» *cr»» of land more nr less. ,^ «m ntlon Haiti sab- being made subject to redemption In t h e m a n n e r provided by l*w. Dated at Dallas, Oregon, this 16th day of No­ vember. 1908. . _____ >mi