NVe hear that Miller A Alcorn have sold their store ut Airlie. Mr. Nelson, the butcher, was through of Hour to the Hallston store for II. J. Elliott Friday. hero Friday buying beef cattle. OUR ASSOCIATE EDITORS. The farmers are all busy getting their M rs. Royer and son left last week for fall work done before the rain sets in. an extended visit with relatives in Illi­ nois and Pennsylvania. Ilermon Wonder is hauling lumber to finish his house, which is near coin- Ewen Jennings has returned home pletirn. from a month’ s visit with relatives in Missouri and Tennesssee. There was a big crowd gathered at D. L, Keyt, F. B. Conner and James the home of John Fishback Sunday Matthis attended the Odd Fellows lodge After Other Treatment Failed— evening and all had a good time. in Amity Saturday evening. A physician was called Monday Eczema in Raw Spot on Baby Miss Anna Kurtz, w ho is teaching a + + + + + + »-f| Mrs. C. Boroughs, of near Buena Vis- morning to the home of Prof. Shiplev, Boy’s Face Lasted for Months— A ta, and daughter, Margaret, were doing to see his daughter, Mrs. Orplia Griffith, school near Cooper Hollow, spent Sat­ urday and Sunday with her parents. who is reported to he very sick. business in town the last of the week. Cried with Pain when Washed. R. L. c h a p m a n .... • Miss Perth a Foster, of Dallas, came W. I'.. Strong and family took a drive FU N ER AL DIRECTOR FALLS CITY. down on the aftornoon train Saturday in their motor car around bv Dallas and to spend u few weeks with Mrs. Brach* Sunday afternoon. They have a splen­ EMBALMER er, of McCoy. did machine. O rF lC E : Ch»|»l*noint8 in Southern Ore­ Bell Phone 103. - Mutual P h on o 1 wo. ing preparations to move to Dayton, bv Mr. ami Mrs. T. A. ltlggs, Is a very gon. “ Our baby boy broke out with Wash., in a few days. Mr. Strong has eczema Calls Prom ptly A naw ered Day or Night pleasant place to while an hour away on his face when one month Aiian Meyer has added to hid dray been afflicted with rheumatism for some after the days work is done. old. One place on the side of his face business that of delivery for the stores time and is in hopes the change to a the size of a nickel was raw like beef­ The normal campus presented a mer­ in town. dryer climate will prove beneficial to steak for three months, and he would ry scene last Friday night when the cry out when I bathed the parts that the health of himself and family. The city council at its adjourned ses­ fool hall rally was on, being lighted by were sore and broken out. I gave him MONMOUTH. bonfires, afterwhicli was a game in the sion Monday night elected Herb March three months’ treatment from a good as councilman to fill the vacancy caused K IN G SV ALLEY. doctor, but at the end of that time the gymnasium enjoyed by all, conducted by the removal of Mr. Wheeler. child wa* no better. Then my doctor Monmouth is a very busy town these by reliable chaperones. recommended Cuticura. After using Arthur Trask had the misfoitune to Miss Edith Wolverton, in company John Miller is expected home from a cake of Cuticura Heap, a third of a days. with her father, O. A. Wolverton, went dislocate the ankle hones of his right box of Cuticura Ointment, and half a Mrs. F. V. Daniels visited friends in out to l.uckiamute last Sunday to the 1 ankle Friday evening. The accident is Alsea. bottle of Cuticura Resolvent he was well Allo Allen has been working for A. Dallas. and his face was as smooth as any home of I. M. Simpson to take part in a painful one and will confine him to baby’s. He is now two years and a Miller. P. B. Arant, who is teaching at G .cm - the celebration of her great grandmoth- j ! his home for some time. half old and no eczoma has reappeared. cr's birthday, she lieing 1*3 years of uge | Falls City people feel like congratu­ wooii, Sundayei with his folks here. John C. Cham tiers returned from I am still using the Cuticura Soap; I the 8th of November. lating Ralph Williams for his splendid Portland. think it is tho finest toilet soap I ever Dr. H. A. Beauchamp, and bride, of used. I keep my little girl’s hair and campaign work in the state this year. Stayton, visited at J. H. Hawleys the J. P. Logan returned from Portland face cleansed with it too. I am so i How many realize that the national SUNNYSLOPE. first ot the week. last Sat unlay. thankful for what Cuticura has done committeeman for Oregon is a young for us. Mrs. M. L. Harris, R. F. D. 1. Guy Rainsdell lias been plowing for Alton, Kan., 1 man native and resident of Polk county. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thiele, former res- May 14 and June 12, ’07. John Walker has finished his plowing Mrs. McConnell. (lents of this place, are down from .Doctor Os mar K. Wolfe was in town for this fall. Washington visiting friends. Hattie Groyham visited at Joe Grey- i between trains one day last week. He ! was a former resident here and has ham’s Thursday. j many friends among Falls City people. John McCallum was up to Spaulding The doctor is on his way to Seattle, logging camp last week. I where he will open an office for prac­ Antiseptic Cleansing: Is Best John Greyham is hauling freight from tice. Accomplished by Cuticura. Airlie for Jake Chambers. | The morning after election Uncle Jim Women, especially mothere. find Cuti- Mrs. Flora Chenoworth has gone to was inviting his host of cura Soap, Ointment, and Pills the pur­ C A N N O T B E R U B B E D A W A Y | Chamberlain est, sweetest, and most friends to help him eat some taffy. He Yaquina to visit her mother. effective remedies, for said nothing like getting used to the It is reported that one of Morris preserving, purifying, It 1» perfectly natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles, 1 taste. It happened to be some our pre- Allen’« little girls is quite sick. and beautifying the nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and tw itch ing with the pains of ! cinct committeemen Josh Talbott made skin, scalp, nair, and Rheumatism the sufferer is apt to turn to the linim ent bottle, or some other i and was found to he real good. Mrs. Lillie Simpson, of Airlie, is hands, for tho treat­ visiting her mother, Mrs. Dunn. external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing ment of inflammatory Larkin Price, the aged father of Mrs. and ulcerative condi­ counter-irritation on the flesh. Such treatment w ill quiet the pain tem po­ McTimmonds, is visiting his daughter Kev. Burns has been to Lewisville tions, as well as for re­ rarily, but cun have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it for a few days. He lias not seen Falls helping his brother build a ham. storing to h e a lt h , does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more City since about 30 years ago and its strength, and beauty Grandma Maxfield has gone to visit pale, weak, nervous, than skin deep— it is rooted and grounded in the blood and can on ly be growth is a revelation to him. Mr. her daughter, Mrs. Addie Greyham, prematurely faded, run-down women. reached by constitutional treatment— IT C A N N O T BE RUBBED A W A Y . Price has been a resident for many Guaranteed absolutely pure under the years of Eastern Oregon. Mrs. A. C. Miller and Mrs. J. L. Rheumatism is due to an excess o f uric acid in the blood, brought about by United States Food and Drugs Act. Rodgers visited Mrs Phillips at Mont­ the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues Complete External and Internal Treatment for The citv council are in a receptive Every Humor o f Infanta, Children, and Adulta con­ of bodily waste, the Bowels and K idneys, have failed to carry off. This mood for propositions on the water gomery Wednesday. sists of Cuticura Soap (26c.) to Cleanse the Skin. Cuticura Ointment (50c.) to Heal the Skin, and refuse matter, com ing in contact witli the different acids o f tile body, form s | question. Two of the council favor giv- Mrs. Townsend sold T. P. Bevens Cuticura R csoh’ent (50c.),(or In the form o f Chocolate Coated Pills. 25c. per vial of 60) to Purify the Blood. uric acid which is absorbed into the blood and distributed to all parts o f the ing a franchise ami the balance favor several head of rattle last week. Dick Bold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. body, and Rheumatism gets possession of the system. The aches and pains j city ownership. It is hoped something Rodgers also sold some. Corn., Sole Props., Boston, Mass. oa-Maiied Free, Cuticura B ook on Skin Diseases. are only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time definite will lx) done to the enil that There was a debating society organiz­ by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or j water may he available before the next ed at the school house Saturday night. The (piestion for the first debate next Lacey. dampness, or after an attack o f indigestion or other irregularity. Rheum a- ! ' 'T 8eason’ * tism can never be permanently cured while ‘.he circulation remains saturated The beautiful weather of the last few Friday night is Resolved That Greatness Jasper Willet was in Kings Valley with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease w ill shift [ days has resulted in the good old picnic is More Easily \\ on by Money Than Works. Friday. from muscle to muscle or join t to joint, settling on the nerves, causing j [ever starting, up, All the County News Graphically Writ­ ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. USE OF CUTIOl ECZEMA WAS CURED AND HAS NEVER REAPPEARED SANATIVE RHEUMATISM inflammation and »w elling a n “ i f* j!? ” is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes deformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. th orou ghly cleanses the blood and renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and exp ellin g all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the b lood so that instead of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit- in g acrid and corrosive matter in Jhe mus­ cles, nerves, joints and hones, the b od y is fed and nourished b y rich, health-sustaining blood which completely' and permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is com posed PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic properties— ju st what is needed in every case of Rheu­ matism. It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and harks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism d o not waste valuable time trying to rub a blood disease away', hut begin the use o f S. S. S. and write us about your case and our physicians w ill give you any inform ation or advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheum atism , s. s. s< THE S W IF T S P E C IF IC C O .. A T L A N T A , CJU 'Á tm m Í» : the ISikiam ute with their lunch bas­ kets and enjoyed themselves. Where else hut in Falls City and I’ olk county can this he done at this time of year. I PERRYDALE. T Etery Tharp is quite sick with ty­ phoid fever. Dr. Gilstrap is attending. Mr. Poreas, of Willamina, was a Sun­ day visitor at the home of J. N. Hulett. j Mr. John Foster made a trip to New­ C. J. Hussey has been on the sick port last week. list the last week, hut is considerably ; Mrs. Alfred Jones and sister w ere Dal­ improved. ! las visitors Friday. Z. T. Hartman has rented the Trull- Mrs. Jennings and daughters were inger place and is stocking it with sheep and cattle. McMinnville callers Saturday. ,T. C. Cockerham has traded a part of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings visited at the home of Mr. Hodge in Dallas Sunday. his farm to S. Davis for real estate in Crook county. j J. W. Caldwell has rented and is plow- Mrs. H. M. Kershaw, of Willamina, i ing and sowing forty acres of the Keetz spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and farm. Mrs. C. J. Hussey. Preston Lung delivered a wagon load Ira Yocum had a plumber at work last week putting in hot and cold water pipes in every room in the house. j Harvy Wooden, who spent the sum­ mer with relatives here, leaves this week for his home in Southern Oregon. Cyotes are quite plentiful in this community and many of the farmers have lost great numbers of sheep and goats by them. CARVING SETS Ttie Butler store will move this week into its new quarters and will be readv to accomodate the public with a large stock of general merchandise. and The men and teams emloyed by the Western Clay company in getting out clay have discontinued work on account of the rainy weather and tho had con­ dition of the roads. ROASTERS 3 MMM& k x is t & • i X ii « rocca T II. Hossfall and R. H. Plank came np from Siletz on election day. X * ><• X « > The time will soon be here when you will need that new Carving Set or a new Roaster. You will find samples of both Carvers and Roasters in our win­ dows. Look them over. Something specially priced in our furniture win­ dows. Changed daily. Our school started on the 2nd with nine children enrolled fn d Miss Hamar as teacher. L. C. Miles, of California, spent a few days at J. L. Morrison’s. He talks of locating here. A new shipment o f wall paper just in We have a complete slock in both Furniture, Hard­ ware and Plumbing goods, and can guarantee that our prices will be as low as the lowest. A new lot o f Perfection Oil Heaters to arrive this week. Guy Bros. & Dalton Hardware and Furniture CAST0RIA Mrs. A. 0 . Miller, of Kings Valley, went to Airlie after grapes« We hear that Fred Bryant will soon be among old friends again. # Mrs. Neal visited her brother, Sam Hanna and family Tuesday. T or Infants and Children. 13 ¿0! The Kind You Have Always Bought James Grant and wife spent Sunday at the home of John Ritner’s. Jacob Chambers took a load ot eggs ami butter to Airlie Monday. Since the morning motor conies to Airlie our mail is not 90 late. If any one has any millinery work to do call on Mrs. Rittio Kerber. Miss Jessie Bevens is visiting grandmother at Independence. her Paul Ronco and »laughters were in Kings Valley trading this week. Rex and Alse Womer have hauling wire fencing from Airlie. been Rex Womer and family visited at the home of his parents last Sunday. A. W. Yost bought a valuable mare and colt for $180 at the Wing sale. Frank Ritner and wife have bought them a home at Monjtesano, Wash. There was a school entertainment in Ward district last Saturday evening. Abe West and family have been visit­ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gross. ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT AVege table PrepaiationíorAs sim ila 1 ing the Food and Regula I ing Ute Stomadis aiulOowels ui Bears I n f a n t s /C Signature h il d r en Promotes DigeslionJChrr ifii) ness and RestUonlalns neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. ItimSuJ* QonMSmr. Waürjnmi Fkmr. Aperteci Remedy forCowflffr Mon, Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoea Worms .Coitvulskmsievensh Miss Dolly Bozle received w’ord that her brother at Oregon City is very ill. Fa. Simile Signature of Mr. and Mrs, Nichols, of Monmouth» are visiting her brothers, Jim and Dirle Taylor. I\ J. Simpson has bought bushels of a»>ples of L. Ritner logging camp. In JLx Suma + RxàetUSâh- JhHuSted* ness andLoss OF SLEEP. We hear that Chas. Craton is well pleased with his new home at Hood River. of Jhapt o f Ohl CH äM LU m sai ftuupkin S ttd" Dell Marks and family have returned home from a visit with kerber Bros. Graid Grant has returned home from visiting his grandmother at Kings Val­ ley. the N o t N a r c o t ic . NEW YORK. A t b m on th s o ld j 5 D o s e s -3 5 C F N T S (Guaranteed, under the Fooda Exact Copy o f Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMS OSNTAUN IOMMNV, NEW YORK CITY. several for his Mr Phillips has been up from Airlie making extensive improvements on with his gasoline engine sawing wood Railroad street. for P. O, Burbank. Mr. Everett Hiltibrand, of Luckia- W e wonder what is the matter with mute, visited here with his brother, Johnnie, last week. our young people as there has been no socials this winter. Air. and Airs. John AIills, of Salem* Grandpa Siefert died at tho home of attended the Rebekahs’ anniversary his son’s at Sodaville and was brought last Tuesday night. to the Kings Valley cemetery for burial. Air. and Mrs. George Dickinson and Mrs. Joseph E»I wards received word children, of Parker, visited ther parents that her grandaughter, Miss Pauline in Independence Sunday. Burch, of Albany, was ill with appen­ Miss Opal McDevitt returned to her dicitis. home in Dallas after a visit with her II. A. Grant went over to Salem W ed­ sister, Mrs. George Conkey. nesday. INDEPENDENCE. Mrs. Robert AleNid^r. has returned Rob Arnold was in Airlie Friday on to her home in Salem after a visit with business. her neice, Mrs. C. W . Butler. Ilom er Link, of Airlie, was in town L. Ritner was in Dallas Friday on Friday. Hank Alattieon. Dee Davidson and bnsiness. Roy D’ Armond spent Sunday in Perle Hedges returned Monday from a Mrs. Chae. Kerber visited her parents hunting trip on the McKenzie. Portland. this week. Air. and Mrs. J. Dickinson, departed Mr. Brooker, of Portland, was in town I«. Ritner and R. B. Arnold have sold last week for a visit with their daugh­ Wednesday. their hops. ter, Mrs. Ney, in Washington. B. F. Jones was a passenger to Port­ F. S hey the made a business trip to Mrs. O. D. Butler entertained Air. land Sunday. Monmouth. Alurney, Dr. Duganne and Ross Nelson Mrs. Nora Mattison was a Salem vis- at a supper last Friday evening. Mr. McColum, of Nevada, is very ill tor last week. with cancer. The Independence and O S. N. foot­ Miss Bertha Tharp visited friends in ball teams played a scoreless game in Mrs. F. Ray was a Kings Valley visit­ Monmouth Saturday afternoon. Dallas Sunday. or Tuesday. Air. William Percival and Air. Mr. Murney was a passenger to Port­ Mrs. James (»rant visited Rittie Ker­ William Bice gave a banquet to about land Monday. ber Tuesday. 30 of their friends Saturday night. Mrs. W. E. Russell has returned from Mrs. F. Merrills was in Kings Valley Airs. Rowena Sperling left Sunday for a visit in Drain. last Tuesday. Portland, where sire will attend the Ralph Dorcas transacted business Benkhe, Walker business college. Mrs. Strout, of Summitt, is visiting here Saturday. Mrs. Nevills. Miss Cecile W ilcox, after a visit with J. S. Cooper has returned from a her parents here, iias returned to Eu­ Ilarrv Bachelor spent Sunday with trip to Portland. George Yost. gene. where she is attending the U. ofO . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irvine were in Chas. Carlson, who has been visiting Tkere w ill be a shooting match at Ir­ Salem last week. his sister, Airs. E. Townsepd, returned vin’s the 21st. Eph. Young made a business trip to to hii home in Bismark, N. I)., last R. B. Arnold bought a cow of C. Bev­ Monday. Salem last week. ens last week. Airs. W m . Dawes, who has been in Mrs. Eph. Young is quite ill at her R. B. Arnold was in Dallas on busi­ the Salem hospital, returned to her home in this city. ness Saturday. home in this citv Saturday much im­ Mr. John Hiltibraml is quite ill at his proved in health. AUio Edwards was a Kings Valley home in this city. visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Dornsife and Air. Mr. Al. Richardson, of Buena Vista, and Mrs. Dee Taylor spent Saturday Anna Arnold visited Grandma Max- was here last week. and Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Clarence field last Friday. Air. Will Scott and son spent Satur­ Fream. in Falls City. We hear that Ed Wiles has rented a day in Independence. The Tennessee Jubilee Singers were farm near Stiver. greeted witli a crowded bouse in Inde­ J. S. Bohanan transacted business in Troy Turner and family have been pendence Saturday night, the proceeds Monmouth Saturday. visiting relatives. *eing applied toward buying a flag for Miss Cordia Gooch spent Sunday with the public school. A family from Forest Grove has rent­ her parents in Dallas. ed the Busv farm. The Demonstration train stopped in Mr. Henkle. of Portland, is visiting Independence Saturday afternoon, about Mrs. Mary Vale spent Sunday with Eph. Young in this city. 500 persons attending to see what the Mrs. Mollie Lacey. Charley Bilyeu and John Schultz, of O. A. C is doing in the way of develop­ Mrs. Ritner Simpson has been visit­ ing new ideas in agriculture, dairying Dallas, were over Friday. ing Airlie relatives. and horticulture. Mrs. O. J. Bagley, of Sliver, spe.it Mart Shick is going to work for R. B. Monday in Independence. Arnold this winter. EOLA. " R. McDonald went to Portland R. E. Hastings and family 8|>ent Sun­ this week to witness for II. J. Barker day at J. Harmon’s. who will make final proof on his home­ Mr. McConley has been looking at stead on the 6th. the F. Price timber. W . Chamberlain and two sons arrived J. Kinsey mqde a business trip to herefrom California on the 2nd. He says this country looks good to him and Kings Valley Friday. that he never saw so much green and Bert Freatn went to Kings Valley on water, water everywhere. He has sent business Wednesday. for his wife with the intention of locat­ ing here. James Grant bought a small ban.! of turkeys of C. Bevens. Misses Hazel and Mabel Lanreuce visited in this city Saturday. Air. J. C. Byers and family have mov ed to their residence in town. Airs. John Schaffer has a new carpet loonl that cost her $125. John Palmer went to Alonmouth last Saturday. ( ’ lair Alarks is helping Cris Marks with his plowing. Guy Hewitt an»l Oliver Smith attend­ ed the King sale at Lewisville last Sat­ urday. Air. Dietz, from Arkansas, who is out visiting his sister, Airs. A. J. Harmon, of Buena Vista, came ov< r to visit a few »lays with his nephew, W. II. Harmon. Air. Dietz is very much please»! with this country and is thinking of dispos­ ing of his interests in Arkansas and coming west to locate. McCOY. A. V. Ellis went to Dallas Tuesday. Joe Boyce was a passenger to Corval­ lis Tuesday. Spence Edwards, of Amity, was in town Alonday. A. C. Ward made Corvallis a visit the first of the week. Virgil H. Massey made Dallas a call the last »>f the week. L. Macken went to Corvallis 8undav to enter the O. A. C. J. D. Keltv and wife were passengers to Lafayette Satuniay. Mrs. Devoe, of Salem, visited her father, V. Alacken, Monday. Louis Macken, of Tacoma, visited with his brother, V. Atachen, this week. Air. Hatt, of Salem, wfls in town in the interest of the voting contest given by the Oregon Statesman. SUNNYSLOPE. Herman Wander’s new house is near­ ing completion. Robert Fishback is visiting relatives in Yamhill county. O. AI. Lehman is preparing to build a new fence on his premises here. Born, Alonday, November 9th, to Mr. and Airs. Allie Griffith, a seven pound girl. Pern Lewis and Blanche AfcKenney, of Lewisville, spent Sunday at the Fish­ back home. Roy Johnson, who is working for W il­ liam Mack, of Guthrie, was seen in this neig hborh( o»l last week. Jay Clarke, who is helping Jay Pow­ ell near AlonnVmth with It is fall work, wras home on a visit Sunday. NORTH DALLAS. W. II. Conlee is visiting relatives in There is a cougar or his spirit prowl­ Will Mattison and Ro«»s Nelson visit­ ing around in the woods near the Hogg Portland. ed with Dallas friends Sunday. Robert Reed made a business trip to place. Airs. Lottie Dorris has returned from Air. Belle, who resides on the AIcNarv Whiteson recently. several dayffspent in Portland. place, is recovering from a severe attack They are still looking for vacant hous­ es in this end of town. Frank Whiteaker and Hector of lagrippe. Gingrass were in Salem Monday. Etta and Rosa Schute made a very Mr. Tillotson, of Mill Creek, moved short stay in Portland as they fournl into the West house last week. Air. Wm. Dawes and little daughter, Mrs. R. A. Hastings was in Airlie RICKREALL. they could do much better here. Mildred, were in Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown spent Sun­ trading last Tuesday. Mrs. Nancy Clark, of Salem, a sister day with cousins at Oak Grove. Aliss Nina McCreadie, of Suver, visit­ JR\ Ben Dunn was over from Salem Sun* Mart Shick made a business trip to to II. II. Hayden, was visiting with her ed in this city the first of the week. Miss Lelo Conlee has returned from a Joe Brown’s Monday. da brother last week. She is 83 years old, two weeks visit with her sister in Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner have Mrs. Lizzie Dyer has returned home lh»!o«is Fritz, of Salem, visited friends Mrs. Brooby returned home the 4th land. moved into the Jack Wilson house. from Eastern Oregon. yAy j here Sunday. from a very pleasant visit in Southern Mrs. Allie Grant and Mrs. Ed. Shaw Robert Duganne visited over Sunday Oregon. She was gone over two months. Chas. Kerber made a trip to Kings i *Ir- » “A M « . J. W. Allen visited at spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. IL with his brother. Dr. R. E. Duganne. Valley after mill feed. Oliver \\ ait’s Sunday. Airs. Aland Lewis and baby spent last M. Brown. Air. and Mrs. Duff, of Portland, have week with the Acuff’s, returning to Sa­ Grandma Maxfield’ s sister died at In ­ Dan Me Peek returned Monday from a Mrs. Clarence Brown and sister, Miss moved to Independence to make their lem Satnnlay. She is in very poor dependence last week. few days visit in Salem. Millie Morgan, spent Tuesday in Salem home. health. on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiles visited her sis­ J,ern Fox gave a bronco busting Mr. and Mrs. John Hiram Cooper, of Albs Bessie Foster was visiting at R. ter, Mrs. Willie Bush. hibition here Sunday forenoon. Mrs; John Brown, had a relapse of Alarshfield, have been here visiting Brnnk’ s la«* week. She is very much F Ritner bega ;an working for L. E d- relatives. plea«o»l with her graile in the Salem her recent illness and was very sick the lion . C. N. McArthur, was up from first of the week. At present she is a ¡¿«■ds last Wean nesday. I orland for a short visit last week. Asa Tavlor left last week for Central- school. little better. John Ritner has been hauling rocks ia, Wash., to visit his sister. Airs. Air. Taylor was in Eola the 3rd over­ Mr. and Airs. J. p. Doughty, of Mon­ Mrs. Henry Brown received the sad for his new fruit house. Kitchen. seeing the storing of t»*nts an»l some mouth were Rickreall visitors Sunday. other stuff belonging to the R. R. Con­ news that her mother in Missouri is If anyone lias a wild cow they wish to Miss Gladys Irvine and Miss Bertha M W . Rowell made a business trip to not expected to live. She left for that Alattison were capital city visitors struction Co. Independence and Monmouth Monday. break, call on F. Ritner. place Wednesday morning. Thursday. Air. Holman is giving five men steady Alex Lewis purchased several band of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Chapman, of Mr. Parker, of Perrvdale drove work. He will have considerable work cattle of Frank Sheythe. George Dorcas, a hop man from Sa­ balem, visited at W. W. Rowell’s Sun- throngh onr part of town Friday. We done on his place this winter. He has lem, was in Independence the last of dav. J. P. Logan, of Kings Valley, has been been fixing up two of his houses, mak­ 1 understand from people who have seen the week. ing them more comfortable for the folks I the n that it is a treat to see Mr. Park­ Jack Goodell witnessed the Salem- to Portland on business. er’ s fine apples. Paul Belt departed last Sunday for to live in this winter. r.ugene football game in Salem Satur­ A. Price comes to the Peedee store Portland, where he expects to spend day. every morning for cream. Airs. Hayden has returned from Ore­ Uncle Johnny Wiseman is in receipt the winter. gon Citv, bringing her daughter, I^ona of an invitation to attend a Masonic . Air. I. Compton and family and Mr. Thacker with her. Le»ma is bedfa-t banquet at Chicago on November 10th. I PEEDEE. t F a ami Mr*. C. E. French have moved to and had to bo brought on a cot in the While not as large a crowd as usual • Slab Creek. baggage car. Air. Thacker came with greeted the Alcazar Stock Company in j Linger longer over it; let Miss Marie! Cooper 1, on the ,irk list. Mrs. Cor.win Townsend has returned them and stayed a few days, returning their presentation at the Woodman hall ! " e hear that Frank Trice la married. her home in Seattle after a visit with to his work Sunday. Dr. Reynold was last Monday evening, yet that did not | it be steaming hot from to in Eola the 4th to see Mrs. Thacker. relatives here. detract from the merit of the play or I L. Ritner was an Airlie visitor Friday. the skill with which it was put on. the earthen pot; and the Air. John Belt, of Sheridan, came up Mr*. Will Bn»h «a* in Airlie Tuesday. LUCKIAMUTE STATION. Counter attractions worked against a last Tueaday for a few days visit with fnil house. Another thing, our people loveliest woman pour iL ie family here. Mis» Mary Roneo is working in Dal- , have not as yet to any great extent W. H. Hnrrison i. plowing for George formed the theatre habit, but they soon Mr. Sherman Haves and wife left for Yoar r * w f rvtarns four m o n o (f ye« don*» Hke Schiillot • Beet, we par him. Portland Sunday, where they will visit Jone*. E. Pagenmff was at Kings Y’ allev Fri' will do so after getting imbued with the ay. for a few »lays. John Walker went to Buena Vista fact of this company’ s reliabilness and complete mastery of their art. The Southern Pacific company are Tuesday. Miss Viola Wilson is working for Mrs. I We have received a new lot of Picture Frame moulding, and are ready to make your picture frames m in a satisfactory manner. t-íc -ic ic -ic -íc -íc -íc -iu ; u t le T Mrs. Winnie Irvin has been visiting her brother, Rex Womer. Mr. McTimmonds ha9 been in the neighborhood on business. I 1 i . _ . .....