On all Our Ladies and Childrens’ Cloaks. All This Season’s Styles. Little fellows styles Russian Sailor and Junior Models On T h u rsd a y D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 1 9 0 8 , at 4 o ’clock P. M . $ 4.00 to $7.50 T h e follow in g list o f P re m iu m s to b e G iven A w a y S P E C IA L S A L E O N CLOTHIIMC Men and youths suits will be sold a t a big cut in price. If you need clothing, it will pay you to see what we are offering. Special Lot Ladies’ 26-in. Umbrellas - 90c YOURS FOR BUSINESS 3. 4. 5. «. 7. 8. 0. 10 , B u ggy................................................................ I 85.00 International Correspondence School Schol­ arship (value according to course selected) f r o m .....................................................»77.50 to 1X5.00 Indies’ Suit or C oat........................................... 30.00 Mens’ Suitor C oat............................................. 25.00 F u r........................................................................ 20.00 H e a te r ................................................................. 12.50 10.00 Dress Pattern........... 9.00 Pair Wool Blankets. 8.60 T r u n k ......... ............. 7.60 Handsome D o ll........ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. Little fellows high buttoned Russian Overcoats Suit Case ........................................................ » Shoes.................................................................. Silk Waist v .......................... l.ace Waist......................................... Hand 8atchel........... ....................... Childs Coat....................................... Shoes .................................................. Kingsbury H a t................................. Fine Knit Shawl.............................. One Dozen N apkin s........................ $ 4 .0 0 to $ 8 .0 0 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.60 3.50 3.60 3 50 3.00 2.50 2.50 T otal $ 3 2 0 . 0 0 For Further Particulars Call a n d See Us. THA N K S G IV IN G SP E C IA L mmmmmmmmmmm y • — ■ i' ■ . F r o m n o w un til a fte r T h a n k sg iv in g w e o f f e r th e fo llo w in g red u ction s: $15 Ladies’ Tailor made Suits........................................... $12:85 10 Per C e n t Discount on all Ladies’ Tailor made suits from $16.50 up. 24 Ladies' and Misses Coats—a late shipment—regular $12.50 and $13.50 values Sale P ric e $ 9 . 7 5 36 of the latest style Ladies’ and Misses Box Coats worth $9 and $10 Special $ 7 . 9 0 D. M. NAYBERCER BUILDERS, ATTENTION! In connection with our lumber and shingle trade, we are now handling lime, plaster, cement, brick and sand. Lowest possible prices on all building material THE CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY A GLOWING TRIBUTE. To Bryan’s Worth as a Man From Henry Waterson. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 5.—Reviewing the presidential election, Colonel Henry Waterson in the Courier-Journal today sail): “ The result of Tuesday’s election shows conclusively that a great major­ ity of the people of the controlling sec­ tion of the union are well content with things as they a re; that it is better to endure the conceded shortcomings of the party in power than embark upon an unknown sea of continuous agitation ; that Bryan meant this, while Taft meant rest; in short a dollar, though tain ted, in hand, is worth a bush full of patriotic all“ tractions. “ The idiosyncrasy of the tin e is com ­ merce. As, in the last century, it was iihertv reaching out after institutional THOS. CALE, OF ALASKA, MEMBER OF U. S. CONGRESS. W ell Known on the P acific Slope. IIis W ashington Address is tj/2 Qth St., JV. IV., W ashington, D . C. , freedom—and measurably attaining it it is now materialism reaching out af­ ter markets. The average voter of bet­ ter education and intelligence takes no thought of the hereafter ami is even more indifferent to the heretofore. He incompletely engrossed by the present. That which Bacon calls *tha wisdom of our ancestors’ makes a little appeal to his reverence or reason as that which Burns calls ‘ light from heaven’ makes to his imagination. He would not ex­ change the current crop reports with a rising price list for all the hooks that were written on political economy. He either carries the fool of vicanagc with him or else raises rough dust to blind bis eyes and disarm suffrage. “ The result is that we oversized the spiritual and undersized the material in the hearts and minds of the people. They were deaf alike to precedents, to reason and to eloquence; for nothing could surpass as nothing has ever equal­ ed the personal canvass of Mr. Bryan , its wonderful luciditv and power of statement; its splendid intellectual and physical endurance; its unanswerable argument. Nor did Ignatius or Loyola sweep through a world of incarnate evil bearing the cross of Jesus to triumph with greater force of inspiration and truth than did the heroic son of Nebras­ ka traverse aland gaping with curiosity, but too busy over its work and play to consider any danger to the immortal sou 1 of its constitutional fabric. “ There is something yet better than being president of the United States and that is the real sense of duty done. Tilden will live in history when Haves is forgotten or execrated. History will say of Bryan that in three great popu­ lar movements, clouded sometimes by errors of judgment and obstructed al­ ways by corruption—as we know by in­ surmountable corruption—he led sublim­ e ly ; that he set before bis countrymen the standards alike of God and truth; and that he went down beaten with clean hands and high repute, carrying with him the homage of patriotic men.” Great Singer Coming. C O N G R E S S M A N TH O S . CALE. Flon. Thos. Cate, w h o was elected to ngress from A laska, is w ell kn ow n on o Paclfle alope, w here ho has resided, is W ash in gton address is 1312 9th St., W ., W a sh in g to n , D. C. Otto F. L. Ilerse, than whom few ten­ or singers have more admirers all over the continent, is to render a grand vocal concert in Woodman hall tonight. The information is the main topic of conver­ sation among our people. Mr. Herse has been before the public for many years and during this time he has re­ ceived so many ecomitims that what can be said is but reiteration. He has one of the most charming personalities ever bestowed upon a man appearing before the public, ami a voice which must be a joy to the posessor, and is certainly un­ alloyed delight to the hearer. Rich, splendid range, it is assisted by the sixth sense, which enables the singer to con­ vey the thought of the composer. With all his voice and the artistic method of using it, there is temperament, without which the singer never completely reaches his audience. It is certain that Mr. Herse is a great artist. Thousands have heard him and his fame is becom­ ing pronounced. His program consists of songs that appeal to every sense of individual liking, English, German, Hootch and Irish songs. He deserves a large attendance and we believe our peo­ ple will patronize him liberally. Washington, D. C. 18474 907. .runs Drug Co., Columbus. Ohio. Sixty years ago Allcock’ s Plasters were Gentlemen: I can cheerfully recom­ end Peruna as a very efficient rem- first introduced to the public. They are today the world’s standard plasters. ly for coughs and colds. This invention has l»een one of the Thomas Cate. H on . C. B lem p, Congressm an from greatest inventions imaginable and af­ irglula. w rites: “ I liaveu sedyon v val- fords the cheapest quickest and best means of healing and relief for certain ihie rem edy, Peruna, w lih t^neflcial ailments that has ever been discovered. suits, and can un hesitatingly reeom - Allcock’ s are the original and genuine end your rem ed y as an invigoratin g porous plasters and are sold by druggists inic and an e ffe ctiv e and perm anent in every part of the civilized world. ---------- — ^ — —- irs for catarrh.” Fiake, the beet printer. Man-A-lin th« Ideal Laxative. FORMER PARTNER AND SUCCESSOR TO ADJOURNED SESSION Of City Fathers Held Last Thurs­ day Evening. T otal............................................. $823.46 The auditor was instructed to figure up the cost of the Washington street improvement, as far as completed, and report the same for collection. CROWDS GREET CAR. The city council met in adjourned session last Thursday evening with all officers present except Couhciimen Goad and Shaw. J. E. Siblev appeared before the council in behalf of Allie Teal to state that a Bidewalk recently laid on Wash !Ut |‘i U Ti e matLr iot line about four feet. The matter was referred to the street committee for investigation. Report of city engineer and auditor as to the cost of four street intersections, alleyways and curb around city proper­ ty amounted to $911.50. A warrant drawing six per cent was ordered drawn to meet this cost. Claim s: Wm Faull, axe handle.................$ 0.25 W L Soehren, tile. ......................... 2,05 V P Fiske, printing ..................... 0.44 E C Kirkpatrick, crosswalk......... .SO.00 L I) Brown, salary......................... 45.80 T A Odom, salary........................... 03.78 W J White, labor........................... 3.00 Will Val Co, lights......................... 139.00 Muscott & Starr, hauling............. 0.75 A Bowman, w ood .......................... 12.25 593.50 F J Morrison, hauling rock. . . . 1.75 Adams & Brobst, o il................. 14.45 Wm Faull, mdse......................... 38.50 Frank Brobst, running ro lle r.. 20.50 I W Macomber,cutting w oo d .. 24.00 John Martin, cordw ood........... 18.00 W W Dawson, labor................. 27.60 Henry Campbell, labor............. 27.00 J H Harris, labor....................... 10.00 W G Campbell, labor............... 00.50 C J Smith, engineer................... 78.00 I O’ Brien, labor ....................... J Frink, lalior................................ 47.25 J Guy, labor.................................... 53.45 C S Kinner, labor........................ 25.87 A Wilson, labor............................ 25.87 E G arbutt,labor............................ 39.87 W W Kindier, labor....................... 3.37 Peter Dyck, labor....................... 13,72 S Crockill, lal>or............................ 21.37 C Seifarth, labor............................. 24.75 W Wilson, labor............................ 40.50 W Tillot8on. labor ....................... 17.10 M Kerns, labor ............................ 17.10 E Zoyleman, labor......................... 15.35 Emil Zolsdarf. labor..................... 30.37 Joe Rank, labor............................ 10.12 S Kimber, labor............................. 3.37 E Glover, labor............................... 2.25 A Carton, labor.............................. 19.12 Dave Coovert.................................. 18.00 J Remmington, labor......... . . . 14.^2 Dave Reddekopp, labor....... ......... 6.75 13 50 J K Ward, labor................... MCMINNVILLE OREGON. R. Jacobson & Co. S. P. Demonstrator Draws Many Willing Students. ANOTHER WAY For Republican Bosses te Defeat the Choice of the People. Initial steps to defeat the election of Govenor Chamberlain as United States senator by the legislature next winter have been taken by the Sell wood Re­ publican Club. This organization has appointed a committee that is instructed to circulate petitions among the voters relieving the republican legislators-elect of Multnomah county, who subscribed fo Statement No. 1, from discharging ] their obligation. Before many weeks | elapse similar petitions w ill probably be circulated in various other counties of the state from which republican mem­ bers of the legislature were elected as statement men.—Oregonian. Boys of all ages can get better satisfaction buy Southern Pacific Domol.etration I ‘ rain in charge ot a corpe of scientific educators onB,arm gubjert from the statt agricultural college, made a triumphant tour of Polk county last Friday. At each of the three stops scheduled large crowds anxiously awiiited the train of several cars full of information for the soil teller and in charge of courteous and practicrl demonstrators. At each place the school children were given a Dr. Donoboe, dentist, Uglow building. half holiday and they turned out en masse to help in the sightseeing. A constant stre-» m of people passed through the cars looking at the fine exhibits of different produc's, and learning how this fine showing was arrived at. * The car devoted to agriculture con­ tained a fine display arranged by the agricultural college and information I was furnished by I'rrf. II. I). Schudder. A feature of the horticultural display ; was an exhibit of frames containing! samples showing the result of infection by alL insect pests known to this sec-1 tion. Beneath them were bins of apples j showing the improvement in the fruit | after each year’ s spraying. The spe< !- mens ranged from the small, wormy | fruit of the first year to the final per­ fect specimen. A demonstration of im­ proved methods of packing fruit was made at the side of the tram and was ! the center of an interested crowd of spectators. A center of interest was the stock car, | in which were three cows of the | experimental station at Corvallis. H are offering the finest Rug qualities to be a demonstration of milking machines] was given. Power to operate the ma­ found in the largest furniture stores of Port- chine was ftu nished by a gasoline engine, hut machines were shown which may bo j operated hv ft power. | land, and are quoting prices on them th a t we know will surprise everybody who is interested in buying a Dr. W ithycom b said in part of the purpose of the train : “ We want little £ RUG, because they are so low compared with the prices on the same grades quoted by others. farms and many of them. We want a family on each of the farms, each farm­ Our RUG sales, it is hardly necessary to say are really enormous, and th at enables us to sell them at an er working according to the methods * exceedingly close margin of profit. Brussell Rug 9x12 ft. in Brown or Green Ground Price $10.90 which will give him the greatest returns from the soil owned by him. This will | — - - -- -----------— ........... ................ - mean population, plenty and content­ ment. This will mean the making of Oregon, of the Willamette valley.” In the Willamette valley, there are approx- j imatelv 5000,000 acres of tillable land,” 1 lie said. “ Only a dent h is been made rp *i