Start Early ! T,i£ pou county itemize *«. ^ A iiiiliu 'ii lo ilio avi >Mivi * •'*** 4,1 ThiUlAŸ, l V i A Ï ^¿VAVAYAYAY à TAVATJ AVAVAYAYAYAYJTf 0 P iu ä U ui . E 0 ¿i, l*Uò. 0 V. P. FISKE. i Ite ituer, une vear in advance ..................... S U B S C R IP T IO N ( W ith vVeekly Oregoniun or Some weekly J ournal. ( W ith Oregon Woodman ................................. The Greatest Frofits are in E-irly Spring B ’niters Hatched by P e ia ’uma Incubators and Brooders "T h e aelf-r -e la tin ' kind That hatch while you sleep' ----- P U L I. L IN E A T — ITE SUITS CVCLfRV P A L L A 8. PHONES’ 257 1 O lile I1KI.I. t Residence. Mil 11 .V) .. 2 ( » I I .. 1 75 ¡ 11 Office, M U T U A L } Residence, 1401 SHE W O N ’T % § % BUY until she has satisfied herself that thi* article is without a Patronize One Another for the I'p h u ild in a o f Town and County (law T h a t ’s the kind o f a jcustomei we lik e— one who those who cntilil not be iuitiattal Satur­ A GREAT SUCCESS. day nifjht will be ready at a special will hunt for the weak points meeting next Wednesday niptit in order She won't find any, however, that tlte campaign may clou* by .Tune Falls City Woodmen Picnic Exceed* 1st. The officers and team of Dallas in our camp put on the work in a very cred it­ QUEENSW ARE Expectations. able manner, despite tlte smallness of the hall, which hampered the move­ or in any o f the crockery on Last Saturday morning opened upon ments to a great extent. .It was expect­ our shelves. W e went on a las bright and heautifal a day uh one ed to hold this initiation out of door*, tour of inspection before she could wish to see. As if in answer to but so many other attractions being on hand it was not de nted a Iviaahle. came and put everything •m emergency call, Uncle Sol, who had Taken as a whole the Falls C ity pic j refused to show his face for the previous ¡do and Woodman campaign was up to right, inclu d ing the prices. • two weeks on lva t fitful intervals, brush- expectation, and redacts credit on all ed aside the cobweb* of the emprvean who participated. Each committeeman , , . , , . i i: worked hard to make it a success, there ! and beamed forth in warm, tender radi- were no laggards nor knockers, and all utice, like a loving father upon an en- <*an congratulate themselves upon its deavor of hi* children to engage in a outcome, Ml'SCOTT A MTAHK, PRUPBICTOK8 kindly deed. The people of old Polk A ll kind* of hauling at reasonable SALMON AGAIN SCARCE. to »k hia heniflcience as aapecial in vita­ rates. Phone orders promptly at­ tion to come out and make merry at the — tended to. Headquarter* at W eb­ ster’* confectionery. rttst picnic of the season, and ere 0 Ten days of salmon Ashing in t i e Phones: Bell 2114, 1 254 o’clock had arrived, the streets of our ! Columbia river show the salmon supply Ba>n Phone Mutual 24-’ sdster city up by the falls were literally on tpe Wttne. This is the season of besprinkled with joyous maidens gaily the finest salmon of the river— the best bedecked in summer attire, merry j jn the world. Soon these fish will bean youths, middle aged and older ones of extinct breed. They are the fish that “ Lest We Fox y et.” both sexes, and children gd ore, ready made the Columbia river famous. The and w illin g to assist to the best of their few remaining specimens should I k * pro- Com e in and try a dish. possibilities in making the Woodman , closed season. The 0 |>en A ll we ask is a com pari­ picnic, given by the Falls C ity camp, j sea8on should he put off from April 15th son and we will have you | one long to be remembered in the an­ to May 15th. A fter that there should as a regular customer. nals of the craft. he the closed Sunday and rigid regula- I The transportation facilities, arranged tion of all kinds of gear— gillnets, traps, Our parlors are cool, fo r by Louis Gerlinger, Jr., were most seines and wheels. excellent, anti tlie numerous trains pleasant and in vitin g. Master Fish Warden Van Dusen quits throughout the day wore well filled his office May 1st leaving the industry Railroad street, llallas. with pleasure seeking residents of Dal­ in a blad plight. It is too much to say Caterers for halls, p ic­ las anti vicinity. Luxurious coaches that he is wholly to blame for this con­ nics, private parties, etc. had been borrowed for the occasion, and dition of affairs. But the fish faction D elivery free of charge. tl,,.re was not the usual lark of seating with which ho has ix-en allied is as much capacity, as is the rule on like excur-l 1° blame as any other, and none is more grasping and none has defeated us much E v ery th in g in confection-1 I sums. Dallas turned out en masse, the the [ rcme us. W e are never too busy to talk business. I Willamette Valley Co. § 5 ^ W. H. ROY & CO Send lor catalog. I f lf a n c ih m l : ü h .' iaüî is only txfM sivf 10 PtOPlt WHO Akt WÁSlüUt Art!) UüttitSS. TO YOU, WHO AKT NAIdRAUY URLI Ul, IT DOTS NOT COMt HIGH. E. W. KEARNES, Manager Dallas, Oregon Oflice on M ill street, just north of tlie court house Phones: I \ 5 use of flour, but- makes the biscuit, try more appetiz- i and wholesome. % ^ Bell, 421, Mutual, 1297. ¡ITA TiTA TiTiTim T tatatata fata * We Make 1 fPowdcr ITELY PURE i only baking defrom Royal im of Tartar. o Substitute .1 h im . m la tu r*. .. I d at w k H p . r rttf.r d ln » th * In .Ith * a lt .r * t . aaa u m m . Our Own ISE CREAM |0 N U M E N T C. L. HAWKflftlS TRUCK AND DRAY CO. HUBBARD & 3 ROW N Phone and stand at Cherring- ton’s drugstore. it ELECTRIC LIGHTS NEW Ft’ K N IT l’ RE ELEG ANT ROOMS BATHS IN CONNECTION H . FUG IT T , Proprietor A Strictly Modern Hotel first-class Bar in Connection I majority going on the 9 o ’clock train, ian Ap ril 27, 1508. ery and tropical fruits The* F. S. Bureau of Fisheries has fora I although the others were well patron­ long tim e been endeavoring to secure --------------------- -------------------------- 1 ized. just such remedial legislation as is being I The parade of uniformed Woodmen objected to by the lower river interests. I took place at 10 o ’clock, as per schedule, A short time ago Secretary Strauss, of led bv the Dallas hand. Falls i ’ity I the U. 8. Department of Commerce and $ re,r. i Labor, set forth a list of things neces- camp members were garbed in the N orth Main Street % sary to save the industry, in itiative S ry * , ular Woodman style and made a unique bill - No. 318 X v e s - was framed to I and striking appearance. Dallas camp carry out their ideas. W e commend it £ DALLAS . m28 | S wore their official robes, which were to your favorable consideration. * 7. * i pretty and of nice appearance. Mr. T. Annual Picnic. ! B. Masters acted as marshal of tlie day. Phones : | A prize had been offered of $25 by the T o e residents of Oak Grove, Polk Mutual 327 Falls City camp to the camp turning county, will hold their annual picnic Hell 1111 on June 13. They will arrange to have out 12 men uniformed in the mo-t some of the best talent of the W illam ­ ¡ striking way emblematic of Woodcraft, ette university to assist them with the the home camp not to compete. Judge program in the forenoon and, after a I A L L A S , OREGON ; L F. Coad, Chester Gardner and basket dinner in the grove, all kinds of Johnson Bros. Í G lo v e r’ s M eat M a rk e t j Armnnd Guthrie acted as judges fori games and sports will he indulged in during the afternoon and evening. If I this award and gav.? the prize to Dallas, FALLS C IT Y , OREGON you have ever been to one of Oak as there was no other contestant. Grove’s picnics you are not liable to pass On arrival at the grounds, a nice pro- this one up. Substantial prizes to all gurni was rendered comprising a num­ events. «-ï-*-* *: •1 ber of nice songs, music by the hand + aritl an address by Hon C. L. Hawley. Final Settlement. t Some confusion was caused by a base­ less rumor that an excursion of W ood­ men were coming up from Portland on V O T IC I’. Is hereby «ivo n that the uiMiernigned the 12 o ’clock train and a consequent •5 ns executrix o f the estate o f K P. Gwlnn, deceased, has tiled her final account In the division of the crowd t»> go down to the county court o f the state of Oregon, for the e o u n ty o i Polk, and that Saturday. June 'JO, depot and welcome them 111 licit an address was dedivered ; HI the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon will pay for wheat 4* , After X Is the price ,, ,1 W . v ilia n u ,. |. , ofsaid d. y nt tl c court room o f the said conn- by Hon. J. J. \\ nitney. of A l l any, \\ n >| lv < (>urt. in Dallas, Oregon, has been appoint-) •j« at our m ill. had been billed to speak at Dallas that i oil by said court m the tim e and place for th aid filial account, ami | afternoon, hut as hut few were in town.; hearing o f objection * the settlement thereof. concluded to go on and see the whole * Dated and published first time Mav 21.1908. i ❖ sin at at Fulls ('¡tv . IDA M. P L L R E Y . V Kx'jeu.rix of the last w ill and tes- | I The next thing on the program was a tament o f E. P. Guinn, de S W E E N E Y BROS., I number ol race-, which resulted as fol- ceased. H. (loodewnn both theAOnnd 100 J. IT. Flower, attorney. Proprietors. % |lows: vanl race, with E. Uniter. a close second **■ -$* + + + + + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - ! '+ in troth. The fat mail’s race was won | by Billy McAdams. In the g irl's race, Summons. Francis Brown captured the lir-t prize, i and T.ucy Itouuce the second. Tw o hall Lucy F. Jellison, plaintiff -allies were played, the lirsl between ) WtBFOOT ) the Dallas junior* and tlio-e of Falls Charles J. Jellison, defendant t ’itv, Dallas winning by a score of (I to T o Charles J. Jellison, the above named d e­ ROOFING 1 7. Monmouth and Fulls City also play­ fendant : I N the name o f the state of Oregon, you are ed with a win for the former. Horse l hereby required to appear ami answer the TUF. BEST R O O FIN G racing was the next feaiure. In the com plaint filed against you in the above en- } ON T H E M A R K E T first race O. W . H ew itt came out titled suit on or before the 28th flay of May, j 190«. That being the last day for your appear- j ahead and Ah West second. The next a w e or answer, fixed by an order of the court Made by the Northwest Roofing race wus won l>y Dale Bell, O. W. for tlie publication o f this summons. Am! if | company, Portland. Does not buc­ you fall so to appear ami ans'.v.-r the same, for H ew itt getting second money. kle, Guaranteed for 10 years. want thereof, plain tiff w ill apply to the eour^ \ During the day and evening the for a decree against for | "the re lief pr.iyea ¡¡gr"- you §| the rflKj music and hum of one of Arnold’ s steam for in her complaint, t o w it : That the bonds o f m atrim ony now existing between plain tiff a Agent for ^olk County. • swing, could be continually heard, and and yourself I k * dissolved, and that she have was well patronised by the large crowd the custody of the m inor children, the issue of rm~ *«• always around that tent. A snake said m arriage tow it: Harbind C., Espy G. charmer helped to divert small change and Maud I), fellison. and for her cos's snd disbursements therein. from its resting in the pockets of -- place • rc ■ This summons Is published in the I* dk Highest market price paid for fat stock. ! W heat 85 Cents l i AP k mis o f meats. Pu re lard. Fish "id pou ltry Fridays and Saturdays. Have Homer Dale the billposter Post Your Bills Dallas flouririg Mills X and distribute your adveitising cards. C L. C. KO SER The BEST M EATS t i « DALLAS CITY BANK W e C a te r to th e Local T ra d e and have every­ thing to satisfy your wants SALT CREEK LUMBER CO. skating rink scrilH*»1 and sworn to me this 2'» h day nl Judg e V IV Flske, 11. C. w«*ymmir Mav nr.* < ------) L. D. HRttWJC, ml H. R. H ill aw ards! the pr /.e for the - sk \ i. • N otary Pubile for Oregon I k M decorated window emblematic of * ) Woodcraft to the drug stor«* «if Roy Mc- M nrphy. In the evening a grand Womlmcn dance t«K*k the attention of a large nnm- l»er oT both visitor* am! town*p^»ple. The large hall ' ie Well tided and Hie * t 0T «:K 1» hereby riven that the under r* ir ned ]50 ntimher* sold w ill help to h w II the ■' ha* t»<*en duly appoint^ gnardian •»f the fieroon Woodmen ........... lun.l eon.ider- • »r th«* a my. «-ounty court * o f the atatc of ff.r P'i!k Another event which attra« te*l con- county. A ll person* havjng »•lalm-’. *gain*t to present th«* .WWr.We »tteiitlon <1"rin* the e v e n » « aid estât«* , are hereby notifie»! ith the proper was the initiation of a number of camli- TOti«k«r* theref»r. to me at tn\ re-i 1 ilatss into th " Falls C ity WorxIliMIfl P .Ik #•*> m i r\ r'-g'-n fn«*ar Dalia*) wittiin *ix fr«*m the date o f thi* noth***. m m p. Thi* w »« thn rnltnination of » month* Dat' d thi* 27th day o f Ma IW* 6 v* months uimpniitn st*rt«sl in Jann- D. S TE PP Y Guardian o f the p«-r««»n and «aitate *rv *n>l th* rwiult was • nst ifxin In of Henry B M effj, a pemoa m«*rnts*rship of *b<»at Hit. T h « major incapable of condti«:tlng portion of these h«een intro- hia own affaira. U D Brown, attorney. (lo c e i into their several and l BARNHART & GRANT Notice to Creditors. Valley? ' That $1 spent in your hom e town is w o rth m ore to you than sent out? T h ree of the many reasons why should de­ mand the Dallas prodnet when buying bakestuffs. STAR BAKkRY, D. T . B R O W N E , P r o p Sole Agents for Dallas. JUST ARRIVED Morris, the lemling ieweler, lias just recai eil a heimtifiil line of gnlil licinleil umbrella* amlvcane* from $2.60¡to $l"i each, nil guarantee»!, also a new one of late cut* in Libby cut glass. O P T I C IA N C. H. MORRIS, , and up-to-date. When it comes to GROCERIES U üQülDWbJrî | f ‘ - • ’ •* NC LE 8am setStli**Standard M m i o t —----- foranIVm at in Inche*. The “ HIG H S T A N D A R D ’ * P A IN T can ha* fin c h e s inside. Every time you b iy a “ H IG H S T A N D A R D ” rat­ ion can, you get a gallon o f Paint. Every time you buy a 2! ■ .nches-i: de < m, you L'*t tkort tne,tiurr even though it i* filled to the brim. „ _ . ... . t m y i.ixo ran ol 111.It S T A N D A R D ” 1» I M l. S.OcrCTnnKn» S ciih M not capacity only. So when you Or* offered point a tnfia “ cliaapcr” than Low« Brother*, M U t M quantity is there. .. . , ___ ____ _ . __ Hut paint , unlit, I, the real COMUintlos, alter all. That la -h er. th. real eronemy c o m « t o - tatufaction and service. » fl n • . Lowe Brothers “High Standard Liquid Paint Gives Best Results )rice ........ .....................7c it ................ 11c 4 4 14c 44 18c 4 4 22c 44 24c 4 4 33c 44 38c 4 4 44c • price.... ................ 33c «I .................. 46c 44 ....... 53c • 4 62c 44 ............... 78c 44 97c 44 ........ $1.28 ES 44 44 44 44 44 The Lowe Brothers Company. 450-456 Third St. Dayion, O. I ’a ln tm a k . rs V itru lsh ra a k er« H ew York__________ < h lr»ig o S SOX r price M in aprrartimr an* cnvarln», wnrkln» and v«arln *-a diSrrmca of jo to Jo par cant. ( which quickly proves it» cotUinttt. . . . . "H IG H S T A N D A R D ” P A IN T is made of fbe matcrtals which » tMrd-of-a- century of pra< tical and scientific palnt-mAiag has proven to be best; mixed and mull' d, ground and reground, by powerlul maclitnery to an indesc ribable fine- Z u « d A p i r t « « s . n o ' -.fui.anAHqnkto " H IC H S TA N D A R D * P A IN T la sealed in air-tight cans-whi» h keep it always fresh and good—and marked with "T h eL U tU IUH4 J l a g " - Your PtreUiturn. There is a Lowe Brothers Paint for every use and a Lowe Brothers ocajer n •early every town. Write us for nearest dealer's name and our practical book- let, "Paint and Painting.” Mailed /res. * : of manufacture SHIRTS __ K a n s w a t j« g _ HALL & HAYES House-Furnishers AT CHAPMAN’S OLD STAND FISKf The Best Printer JEW ELER O R E G O N DALLAS ■■■ .......... i u m k The work on the new bridge is pro­ gressing very favorably. The cut that is being made hack of Jones’ feed stable j ¡s nearly completed; a very substantial bridge is being put up over the slough, i As soon as tlie new mad is finished the | work of pulling down the old bridge will commence. Although welcoming tin* new steel bridge and grade, quite a number will ieel a twinge of regret ! when they pull down the old bridge, it Inis h P sk I for a long time against the floods and high water anti made a con- i ma ting link for the citizens of Indepen­ dence. Soon it will I k ? a memory ami the t-itixens will point with pride to our new steel bridge snd graded road. V O & C O O O O O O fl How Mach Paini to the Can?— Next to Postoffice That It it! ad is lik e ly to absorb diseast* jiBniis when shipped in a ba"- g a fn ear aloiiji with otb- er c'unman baggage? Tliat tlie Star Bakery puts out some o f the be*t bake- stuff» to be obtained a n y ­ where in the W illa m e tt e Bilyeu Si Sparks SIMONTON & SCOTT A T Do You Know There has not been a time in a good many years, says an Independence grower when hops were as backward as they are nt this time. The majority of the g owers have laid off their trainers because the hops are not high enough to train. It is due to the exceptionally cold weather, which has prevailed dur­ ing the entire season. There wa* not a single trainer in manv of the hop yards during the past week. N O N E OF T H E M A R E IN I T W I T H T h e Court St. Crocer* OF A LL K IN D S it * o w n e r s in t o III* o w n c o ffe r s , a m i th e r e I County Itemtzer by order »if the Hon. Ed. F w o r e n ig g e r h a h v sh ow n k n ife t h r o w in g . ‘ " « ‘I judge of the county court o f the county , i * . I , , i ..n ♦ « .¡ ..„ j . i o f Polls and state o f Oregon, which said o rd er! Dallas, Oregon. r e fr e s h m e n t sta in Is a m i a ll t h in g s m .- \ WHS rt{ chambers i.i the H tv o f Dal . in ! President R .C . C R A V E N e s s a r y to a p p e a s e t h e h u n g r y a n d i polk county, Oregon, on the 15th day o f A pril, Cashier t h ir s t v a n il g i v e a d a y o f p le a s u r e . The | >**• W . G. V ASS A L L *. i ♦ t- A ‘„\ ,,n ¡in ttixin r. I mu i ii iisu The first publication o f this summons was DIRECTORS : t w o h o te ls d id an lm m e n .e bu sin t s s , . mRfi e i ,n the lfith day o f April, usik . and th e ! N\ L . Butler, R. C. C r v e n , D. L. K eyt a n d t h e r e w e r e s e v e r a l rest an ra n ts a n d i « - 1 publication thereof on the 28 th day o f ; i lu n c h i n tin ters . M a n v p ic n ic p a rtie s May. 190 m and yon are requ ir-d to appear and M. M. Kills, W . G. Vassall. • i , . . i ...... _/ *i... . <..r answer said com plaint on or before the said This batik is please«! to plane at the a v a ile d t h e m s e h e s o f t h e c h a n c e fo r a »ath dav of Mav W d a y ’ s o n t in g a m t t o o k t h e ir lu n c h e o n in N. L. B i’ T L K . flisjMiHal «if its cnstpnuTH the facilities s o m e o f t h e b e a u t ifu l p la c e * to b e f tnd Attorney for plaintiff, gained during many year* of continuous iv e r . Tin* The 1 along the w s h h i in n ' r river. Itrgc ■ervic* and gm w th. Dallas Does More Freight Busi­ ness Than Any Other Town in Oregon Out­ side of Port­ land lowing officer* wore clecteil for the en­ suing term! O. N., Ella Irvine; a