TÀ'ENi'Y-FìVii YEAkS AGO. TRAGIC DEATH. + + + + *+ **+ + + *******+ *+ + *+ *+ X % ta rt ta n y ! r , , ~ , . , ! An Artist’s Search. + Crushed by a Log Last Catalogue or Latreole For 1883 . Academy J J Black Rock. » v > v •** *1* 4*+♦> 4* 4* *!* 4*4- *!* *>4* Street Improvement Notice. Friday at To .Fames Howe, K. K. Tuttle, R. L. Chapman. W . K. Burns, Dun I*. KtmifTer. Hyaline H ay­ ter, J. M. Sears, J. H. Uiehter, K f . K irk p a t­ rick. S. M. Ray. K. J. Boyd, T. J. Cherrington, D. C. Crider. I V. Lynch. K. K. W illiam «, B II. Mt-Callon. M. Klinger, W. C, Brown. C. Rin­ ser, Trustee# M. I\ Church, Polk Conntv, Oregon, Chan. Saltlcky. Prank Kerslake, \V. J White. J. K. smith. W. K. Smith. T. B H ill. J. W. Crider, J. M. Campbell. A. E. Cam p­ bell. Abel 1'glow, M. C. W ilson. J. B. Thom p­ son, o . E. W illiams, M. E. W illiam s. N. J. Frink. Heirs at Law of Hester A. Ellis, d e­ ceased, W illiam Tatom, B. H. Grant, Ola E. Lane, N. M. Grant, J. L. Collins, P. A. Fin- seth. E. G. Emmons, W. H. McDaniel, E. W. Fuller, Alnieda S. Fuller M. Hayter, J. E. Sib­ ley. H. C. Folk in, and to all other persona ow n in g real property situated w ithin the hereinafter described lim its in the city o f Dullas, Polk county, Oregon. VOT1CK is hereby give:;, that the city council o of the city o f Dallas, Oregon, contemplates the passage o f an ordinance requiring the im ­ provement of those certain parts o f streets de­ scribed AS follows, to w it! All that part of Main street lyin g between Academy and M ill streets; a ll that part o f Main street ly in g be­ tween Court and W ashington streets; a il that part of M ill street lyin g between Jefferson and church streets, all that part of Court street ly ­ ing between 11 hurch str» • - that part o f Washington street lyin g between the •-■asi nue o f Main sireui and ttte east lin e of Church street, all in the city o f Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, excepting only those parts thereof already provided w ith such curbs as are required by the ordinances of said city. That said improvement w ill consist in gen- •ral in the placing o f cement and wooden nrbs on the parts o f streets hereinbefore de­ scribed, and will bo mini«1 at the time and in the manner to be hereafter proscribed by such ordinance. Cement curbs w ill bo required in all places where cement sidewalks are now required by ordinance; in all other places In the above limits wooden curbs shall be con­ structed. The cost o f said im provem ent w ill be assess­ ed to the real property fronting and abutting on said parts o f streets. That tnc city council of said city w ill sit in ) lie-council chamber in said city on the 1th lay o f May. 1908, at 7:30 o'clock in the even ­ ing and at said time w ill hear and determ ine bjeetions and remonstranees thereto, if any there he, and That ail owners and oth er persons in in ter­ est may attend Ht said tim e and place ami show cause, if any they have, w hy such im ­ provement should not be made. Done by order o f the city council o f the city o f Dallas] made on the -’0th day o f A pril, 1908. Witness my hand and the official seal o f the mid city o f Dallas, this '23d day o f A pril, 1908. D eal ] I., i). BROWN. A uditor and P o lire Judge o f the City o f Dallas, Oregon. ^TATATATATAFATAFATl ATAYAVATATATJT# wu [Original.] Mark Hammond, American artist In Mr. Lee Smith brought us up the oth- Paris, was lounging one morning after Last Friday afternoon at the car-load­ •r day a catalogue of the Laereole aca- breakfast in his studio before begin­ ing place of the \N illamette Valley Lum­ len.y issued for the year 18H3-4. S. A. ning his day’s work. He had receive! ber company, near Black Rock, Mr. A. | Handle was principal and taught the a newspaper from bon e and. as was W. Williams, subforemati, was caught ! languages, etc ; K. F. Robinson bandied usual with him on the receipt of home under a falling log ami so severely I mathematic,s; Marv E. Palmehn was papers, he road every word, including crushed about the chest as for death to instructor in English; and Pauline advertisements. Suddenly lie started. ensue next morning. The sad accident Ills eye had lighted on the followin ' | .Maddox was instructor in music. The occured about 2:33 Friday afternoon, ad vert I f erne Lit: Mr. Williams being engaged in loading I board of trustees was composed of W ar- If Marc-lline Blanche Cutter will com­ lien Truitt, J . I). Lee. Robert Clow, T. municate wi.n Grifiln. i: stings & Ham, logs onto tl»e cars foi transportation to .1. Lovelady, (ieorge Tillotson, Join Temple court. New York city, she will the mills here. While so engaged, one Waymire, Win. Ilo\e, Preston Holman. hear something to her advantage. of the logs rolled on over the car, and it Now, there was an especial reason was while trying to put it back that the .1 M. Campbell. The students that se- Hatched by why Mr. Hammond should be m orel sion, among whom will lie found many accident took place. A railroad tie had by this advertisement. Some months of our present residents, were: before he had needed a table for hi been placed under one end to hold it up. Chester Ellis, Dallas; Carey L. Howe studio and had purchased one of an and while under the log jacking up th»* Chine L. Miller, Lottie Palmehn. Mar\ artistic pa ru lu u secondhand fur­ other end, the tie or log slipped, the lat­ i Palmehn, Otis Smith, Arthur Veazie. niture shop. There was if drawer In ter being peeled of hark to some extent, i Willard Wright, Henrv Campbell, Ed It, but no key. For awhile the pur­ and caught Mr, Williams diagonally ‘ ‘The «elf-raz-lating kind ,, I ward Crystal, Kobt. iilakeney, Molli< That hatch while you sleep I Coad, Maggie Howe, Marv Hagood, Lu chaser was content to let the drawer across the body, crushing him like an cretia Miller, Eva Shultz. Clarence remain closed: but. finally Deeding It. eggshell. No one saw the accident, but ---- FU LL L IN E A T — he fitted u ;s,v and opened It. It con­ it ie supposed that this is the w ay it oc­ Ve.izie, Hugh Boyd, N. S. Butler, Oliv tained a fe\. old papei*s so eaten b,.* Butler, Charley Campbell, Ret-ta Camj bell, Edgar Collins, Carrie (Vnkey, Let mice that he could make nothing of cured. It was some minutes before the Crider, May Crow, Iva Ford, Pearl Gar them. There was an envelope—no loi­ crewr knew’ what had taken place. The wood, Che-ter Gardner, Cary Hayter ter in It—partly destroyed. An address foreman, Mr. Ben Masters, wi o was Eva Holman, Frank and Mollie Hoi D A LLV S . was on it, or the remains of one, as some two miles further up in the imam- man. Nellie Howe, Nina and Chaimei tains, was hastily summoned. He ran Horn! for catalog. Kirkpatriek, Belle McCain, Maggie and. follows: M a rc e illn e B. all the way dow n, and taking the engine N“ Wton McDaniel, Mary McKee, Atlan­ 43 R u e du C ta and Cynthia Parker, Grant Robinson, and car soon got the injured man to Par Viola Ruble, Win, S breve, W rijlr Hammond threw the contents of the Falls City, where Dr. Becker’s services Smith, Eva Teal, Ambrose and Cliff« »r Ball. ii. 1). Bri nk, George Conkev, Bell*. drawer Into a wastebasket, but the were enlisted and the run continued on a me evening, needing a bookmark, he to Dallas where better facilities for at­ Cooper, Minnie Dinich Harry Deacon, MTSCOTT A 8TARK, PROPRIETORS Flora Ford, Addic Holman, Nora II ul - took out the envelope for the purpose tention were at hand. Dr. Starbuck All kinds of hauling at reasonable bard, Minnie Mayers, Willie Miller, and used It till ho had finished the was called, and arrived at the Dallas rates. Phone orders promptly at­ Mamie Richmond, Anna Riggs, Carrie book, leaving the envelope in the last tended to. Headquarters at W eb­ Stone, Delia Blakenev, Charley, John place marked. The name Marcelline hotel, and everything was done to save ster’s confectionery. the injured man, but medical skill prov­ Nellie and Nettie Holman, Willie. Howe, Phones: Bell 264, Mntu 1 ‘254 Lorene and Lyman Lee, Maggie Mc­ is an unusual one. and Hammond had ed of no avail, and he succumbed Satur­ Ba n Phone Mutual 24 Donald, George and Harry Randle, had it before him for a matter of ten day morning. The remains were taken I W'illie Rowell, Eva Smith, John I’ glow, days. He dropped the papeV he had ! Eilith and Julia Veazie. Pansy Wright, been reading and reached for the book. to Chapman’s undertaking parlors, and j Eva Shultz, Willurd W; 'lit, Lon Teal, There was the envelope with the In­ embalmed. Sunday morning they were Summons. William Shreve, Reuben and Grant complete name and address. What shipped to East Portland,w hen; his wife In the name o f the «la te o f Oregon, for Polk Robinson, Edward Crystal, Oliver was left of the address was plain ex­ Department No. 2 “ Lest \Vt> Vosyet." Dennis, Chester Ellis, Acldie Holman. cept the first, a sole remaining letter and children live, an escort from the county. Mrs. A nnie Pike, Mrs. «« Dallas Woodmen camp attending to the May Tatom , Mrs. Mary I The typographical get up of the giving the name of the street, it is necessary arrangements. Mr. Masters Edgar, Mrs. Rose Bell, Mrs. Jessie G illiam , Ed­ j pamphlet is especially unique to a prin- printed her».» as a C, but there was that went to Portland Saturday afternoon to ward Pike, Mrs. A lice ter of today, although at that time it on its lower end to suggest that It Pike, make the preliminary arrangements for Crabtree, Aaron Plaintiffs, f was probably recognized as a triumph nilg!it be something else, vh . Hammond was interested. Neverthe­ the funeral and Hon. W. L. Tooze went W illiam Hancocks, Henry , of the art, having been print» d by E. less it was the hour when, fresh after down Sunday as an escort for the body, Hancocks, Charles Han- j M. Wait, at Salem, when such old Mrs. Jessie Bees- | a night’s sleep, he did his best work, j representing Falls City Woodmen camp. cocks, lev, Charles J. Beesley, stagers as Tas. E. Godfrey and J. H. and he took up his palette and brushes. The body was met at the train Sunday .1. ssii M Beesley. C. M. Beesley and Thomas B. | Lawton were holding down jobs there. In ten minutes he threw them down, morning by an escort of Woodman com Beesley, The text, is, of course, in Roman, but took Ills hat and went out to find a Defendants. J posed of Capt. Brown’s uniform crack Railroad street, I »alias. the advertisments run to illuminated city directory. There were dozens of W illiam Hancocks, Henry Hancocks »lrill team and the interment took place To Charles Hancocks, Mrs. Jessie Beesley, letters, manv years ago sent to the “ hell in Paris whose names begin with <\ Charles J. Beesley, Jessie M. Beesley, C. in Riverview cemetery. Mr. Williams M. Beesley and Thomas B. Beesley. the above box.” by uptodate typographical artists and dozens that began with every oth leaves a wife and two children, a boy named »lefendants. Fancy ornaments are much in evidence. er letter that might begin with C and T ill; NAME OF TH ESTATF. OF O REG O N : and a girl, to whom the blow came with I l N You and each o f you are hereby required The hack pages are filled with advertis- a tail to It—a Q or a G, for In­ stance. Hammond muttered some a suddenness that nearly completely to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit, iu the ments of Dallas firms, among whom we thing about the fool killer taking him prostrated them. Neighbor Williams above named court, on or before six weeks HUBBARD & B R O W N find: George E. Good, druggist; Fer­ and went back to bis work. This time from tin* f the south h alf of the donation ELEG A N T ROOMS cured a position in an American bank­ lie went to London full of his idea, not be appointed for the person ami estate of BATH S IN CO NNECTION land claim o f W illiam Robinson and wife, but uo one would listen to him. lu ing house In Paris, died and left his said Henry B. Steffy. as a person incapable of claim No. 55, Notification No. 1919, in township and daughter penniless. Mrs. conducting his own affairs. ft south, range 5 west, o f the W illam ette m eri­ Birmingham the chief man in a far widow ^ , . W itness: Ed. F. Coad. Judge of the County dian. in Polk county, state o f Oregon, and run Cutter was at a lo ss to k n o w way su e Court o f the State o f Oregon, fur Polk county, ing thence north S5 degrees west 4.69 chains; tory refused to make a bolt gun. was Inquired for. It could not tie for with the t ..urt » fllx .d hi D.IU- thence south 80 degrees west 2.72 chains; In despair Mr. Maxim packed up hlw , , 1 _ . , ___ , r I Oregon, this 11th day ot prll, A. D Its»8. thence west 12.95 e.hains; thence south »18 links; inheritance, for she knew of no | _ _ e . m s m it h , I trunks ani wont to Paris. In two th e m e south 2 degrees ami 15 minutes west County Clerk seal 90 chains; thence south 17.80 chains to the ! weeks the work was done. Tills gun relative who bad means to bequeath By A. F. Toner. Deputy 42. I I . FUGITT, Proprietor south lin e o f the north h alf o f the D. i . C. <»t her. The advertisement e- :an:itkv? | I Mr. Maxim exhibited in London In John East and w ife; thence east 9.24 chains to from America Indicated that she was the southeast corner of the north 1 o f said east j ISSÒ. He fpoke of It then ns the gun c la im ; thence north in links ; thence east 12.80 Summons. ! of the future. It is now the gun of the sought for b y the Seymours rather j < I-¡tins; them e north 61.31 » bains to the place A SlricHy Modern Hotel | ---- o f begming, and containing 131.17 acres more j present L is n wonderful gun ani a thun the Putters. or less, subject to confirm ation by said county Hammond Ic the two to send their u,«,, jr. Jolllron. plaintiff First-class Bar in Connection deadly on»». By adjusting the indici- court o f Polk county Oregon. Healed bids may b» i*, the under ig ned executor at anyj \ tor it will fire bullets at any rate from address to New York and settled d< Charles J. JelllHon, defendant prior to date o f sale, again to his work. A month fut çd. . T„ (.har„ , „ , ov,. „„ time ounty, O regon, this one per minute to G»X). Dated at Datiati, Pol!- FALLS C IT Y . OREGON when there was a mp on his studio 18th day o f April. 190s. This terr .»•. r the 1 the firing «» the tirsi she: After that Executor o f the- «ratal»* of O liver K Pickens, plaint filed against you in the above en- ! rj,.,-, It works \' f and will keep going a* their a itero» I dross lio recognized the ! com titled Miiit on <«r before tnc 28th day o f May L. D BROWN, Cutters. Then flier gave him the se­ 1908. Th at being 1 1:■ last day for your ap|»< ar Attorn» y for estate * ♦ * * + + + + + + + + + »-+-S-+•!••>+++•!■+++ long as carl idges can be fed Into the quel to his eearch. Kdgnr Cui:.*:' ii d ance or nniw cr, fixed bv an ord er’« f the court machine. V. .en one l»elt of 333 is » 4 Ami n brother Unirli, who h id wnrfce ! Ills l..r it..-,.iil.ll. »ii..i: ......... ... •'«* If 4 haunted, a ll that is necessary .' ‘ is i,. to . m . i vou fail so to h |. j . . r and i !•' t r the same, for 4 I w a y fr o m L n g 'n n d t * -rid o T W e V, H, „ ,, , ft pi „ ¡ „ t i f f « u i »p p iy to the •<• 'ourt hook ou another. 4 . , , , . Notice to Contractors. ♦ T t . against yon rayd h » m-nui.A. tmi m in o il «te n c h n Donno- ! for a deer*.., vmi for the re lief p prn When the !tritl*b «oven.in.nt «uve ><* proxpr. teil, mlnrf. .truck n honi.u for in »l»‘« 4 her com plaint, t o w it : TliHt tiiq Imnde o f m atrim ony mm existing between plain tiff or.... for the -he; M..1 “ ^ and youraelf b» «H^J'oIvcd. and that sin- have itOTFCR Is h«*reT»y gfven that »(*al«*d bids f»»r that It should not weigh more than a for hi* brother, tint could pain no tra tin- »Mislixly o f tin- minor children, the issue of »A th*- construction of three bridges, one 190 of him except that lie had in .r led said marriage tow it: Harland »'.. Es|»y G. foot spa ii with Ml! feet approaches, one (MI-foot hundred poun.ls and should l>e capable! nd span with .'W feet approaches, and one 15 f»>ot Marcelline Seymour. Dying chi’ Hess and Maud 1*. lelllaon. and fo r her co span with W feet appr»»aches, these bridges to | therein I-i the prie»* we w ill pay for wheat T of firing a thousand rounds In four flrg h ( ’utter left his property *•> ids dlabumemetitx Thla summons, i? published in th** Polk m- steel structures; bids w ill nls«» !»«• re»,«,lv»>«l j minutes. Mr. Maxim produced a gun at our mill. 4’ ('«»untv Item izer by o: r of ic- 11 • • - ! ■ ■ l‘ fur making f<»ui fills aggri rating a bon I i u brother and Ids brother’s wife* and V which weighed thirty-five pound* ant, <1. )udg<* o f thè eounty court o f the '•ounty ; teen thousand cubie y a n 's o f dirt. Bi»Is w lll | children, if any. on condition t!i they »»f P«»lk ami stat<- o f Or* gol», tvhieh sald or b r ì»e rcecived l»y the »•<»»!!.t\ eb-rk «*f P«»lk » »»unty j fired 2.000 rounds In three minutes. was ntnde nf cham!»ers iu th«* <*ity <»f Dallas, in ni» f<* May 2. 1 *.** ih . at lo o'elock A. M. Certific«l , were found within n year after h i; own 4- P<»lk eounty. Or» goti, un thè 15th «lay o f Aj rii cheek for 5 per cent o f t»id w lll !»«• r»*qiilr«’t the on periy was t»» pi 1908. ' 1 wlth i a« h bld. and ea< h party obtafnln g » «»n ! The first publiention «»f tltis suminons was tra»*t shall exeeuted ati approve»! F m » ii < 1 for per ; to his cousin, a resident » f tlie ph’ c-e In madeon the lftth «lay <»f A prii, 1908. and th»* form arne »»f contraet. Bids t<* tn- opened *>>' ! S W E E N E Y BROS., England where the family had 1o l«!-t pulilicHtion th«*re»»f on the 2Hth «lay o f thè eounty court un ditte ami at tini»* a bove ! inni y«m «r< r«'«|uir»*»l t»» apja-ar ami nientioii»’«*!. r**«ervlng the right to r»-J«*i’t any \ livea. T ne / n r tr»Mi.u u t re e j)i e « May. Proprietors. Î It Is easy In Self this Reliance. or l»ef«»re the said «»ra il bids, plait“ ami specifications m a yb e ... . , , , answer said compia 1 f world to live after within six w eek* nftei th»* ', ***'* on ¡a*t», day of May. its».- ««•♦•n at the otti« » «»f tlie county «-lerk on or be +++H -+ * • + 4 ^ - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + the world’s opinion. It is easy In soli­ which Hammond began i* «car» b. N. L. B 1 TLE fore A pril 27, 190*. y E. M. SMITH Attorney for plaintiff. tude to live after our own, but the Mr*. Cutter l*cgg»*d Hammond to County clerk. prreat man is !:e who in the midst of name some v/ay by which the iu I t M t h e crowds keeps with perfect sweet­ recompense him for ills trouble and re­ N otice to (r e d itors. ness the independence of solitude.— wind tiim for saving her and ln*r l inai Settlement. Emerson. daughter a splendid Inheritance. Ilnm- E 18 HER KB V ' I VP N THAT THE » \ mond. though but a poor artist strng V * t »TH dcr«ign*-«l ba- • «1 il> > 1 |»«»itit' <1 •»•«•n V O T I - I I- IIK R K IlV O IV » N T IIA T T I O Kl Ra sd y For Business. gling to paint idctur»** worthy to I k * I t«»r o f Hu* « -tat« «»f OH- • r R Pb kln*. der«*«se»l. .> lini ......... - M», lui. ; »- by tin* County Conrf >>1 tl 8tat»* <»f Oregon, for istram r «>f thè «••‘tate »»f " T. Haley. »le- A tragedian placing Richard III. In hung In the Salon, declltiisl t»* accept T H E BEST ROOFING P«»lk «-nunty. attd fia“ <)»iallfl«-rl. A ll |a-r,“ »ii«» »•«•«-■d h i* in-et, Hl.-.l in the ««»urity eourt of a small town was waited on after the any compensation. Tie. however, do h aving «■•latriia ngainat th»- «si«l «•s ‘tat«> ar* here­ ON TH E M ARKET fo lk eoli ut v . -tat«- o f Oregon, and that th«* Hat «tmw bv an honest farmer, who said 'îdcd to return to America with the by notified t<» p r w n t th« -«m«*. «July verified urdav. Mav 1. Wfi*. at thè hotir o f 10o'el»K*k t«*geth« r With tn«’ l*r«»ta-r »mi- u tt» »» Ma»le bv the Northw»-t Roifing a m.. ha«* l»e«*n du lv app«»inte«i »»> w y s «;«»mi that “ if the gen’l'm who wanted a Cutlers and on arrival there was |>er- tbl his residence in sal»l f«»r thè hearing ofohJeefbMM to aneli final ar * ' 11 »A uoderrigm-ri. company, Portlan»!. Do»** not buc­ horre was still of the same mind he ffunded to SO W ith them to Ctvlnrado f*0VÌ,t* w**hit» six month« fr»»m the «late of Ihia rotini and the «ettlement there«*!, at whirl» kle. Guaranteed for 10 years. so ffre. tim«* any person inter»*ated in auch enfat«* may would like to »lo business with him.” Dated and first published. March 25. BW*. nnrt h t^ira c -otlve In iw iirlu s tlielr In h ]>i»«*Hr ano file »»bjeetions thereto In w ritin g The Greatest Profits are in Early Spring Broilers Petaluma Incubators and Brooders lEf SMITH’S CYCIEIY City Express & Transfer to. I P § flfCTRICITY fOR IIGHTING IS ONLY «PENSIVI 10 PfOPtf WHO ARE WASfEfUl AND CARtlESS. Ï 0 YOU, WHO ARE NATURALLY CAREFUL, IT DOES NOE COME HIGH. It ¡8 economical becausejit can be quickly turned off when not needed. With gas or kerosene there is the temptation to let light burn, when not needed, to save bother of lighting and adjusting. In some homes the electric light bill amounts to only about $2 per month. You can probably get some kind <»f artificial light for less money than electric light, but does it save you anything when it limits opportunities for work ami recreation, ruins your eyesight, smokes your walls, mars decorations and increases household work. You can probably save a dollar tomorrow by going without your meals, but it wouldn’ t he economy. It is not so much what you save, but how you save, that counts. We are always ready to ex­ plain the “ ins and outs” of the lighting proposition to you. Call on ua or phone to us. We are never too busy to talk business. i j* I £ I I Willamette Valley Co. E. W. KEARNES, Manager Office on Mill street, just north of the court house Phones: Dallas, Oregon Bell, 421, Mutual, 1297. ! I i g *irá W iT iT A T iT A T á T W A T iT irá W t« /our pace and are lor ex- •om* Y by eriff 4 by nn- tfer- lor- lere 9 N U M E NT è rdarble- -Granitel of C. L. HAW KINS TRUCK AND DRAY CO. be Phone and stand at Cherring- ton’s drugstore. Do You Know N Bowman Bros. dll Bityeti Sole JUST ARRIVED Morris, the leading jeweler, Inis just recei ed a beautiful line of gobi headed umbrellas andveanes from |2.50jto $1.'» each, all guaranteed, also a new one of late cuts in Libby cut glass. OPTICIAN t i i Dallas Flouring Müls WEBF00T ROOFING ll i I L. C. K O S E * Agent far '»«»lk Count V ------------------------- in.. H e fltiall.v M M | > No h#*ter m «»t»rs than poverty and vl.lerable reward In »he r«n o n of Mabel - Cotter, whom he marr». .l want.-Dot« h Proverb. GUACE A P A HOWX. H A R R Y PICKENS, Executor of the estate o f O liver K Pi«*kens, d*c<-aoed • L. I». Brown, attorney for Ketat«. t and contest the same. ta M .ttl.M te » - AdDrinlstrat»»r. Q H. MORRIS, f f w D ALLAS The Tavern I Wheat 85 Cents Agents for Dallas. :x > co o o o o o o < 23rd Day ol May, 1908, t Sparks - - How Much Paint to the Can?—á u ■ m n a u i m u a OREGON '«.0., Ö LIQUID liquid PAU*” 1‘AUfí [ h S e d w i * N C LF. Sam sets the Standard Mc? sure for a pn lion at aji biches. The “ HIGH S TAND AR D *r P A IN T can h a s^jim hca tr.side. Every time you buy a “ HIG H S TA N I»A F D ,,gal- eoa, you gtt a gallon qfp aint. rerytim you buy a a/S-inches-insids c?n, y»»u get th ort tue.u*. a —even m wi g c