Pure Blood i D O Y O U GET UP NATIVE ESKIMO CLOTHES. WITH A LAME BACK ? L ig h t In W e ig h t, Soft In T e x tu r« and A b so lu te ly Co ld Proof. PORTLAND HOTEL ARRIVALS Thursday: \V. N. Root*, Monmouth. Ja s . Roebick, Monmouth, M. C. Gatiard, Dallas. Friday : K C. EM ridge, Ind. Mrs. 11. Miller, Dallas. F . E. Kersey, Dallas, i ( '. C Coad, Dallas. L. S. Aldrich, Dallas. 1*. Shaw, Dallas. E. Stray, r, Dallas, i C. L. Shaw, Dallas. I T. 8avery, Dallas. ! C. B. Fenton, Dallas. V. O. La liner, Dallas. G. L. Baliantyne, Dallas. G. \V. Ticknor, Dolías. L. M. Robinson, Dallas. H. Clanfleld Dallas. S. A. Bull, Ballstou. Saturday: D. A. Madison, Dallas. W. M Mi Hardy Dallas. M. 1*. Lewis. Ft I Is < )ity. K. Erickson, Dallas. E. Bowman, Dallas. Su nd ay: \V. L. Lincoln, Dallas. Miss A. Reddikopp. Dallas. E B y e r le y e tu x , Dallas. R. F. Ground, Monmouth. H. Ground, Monmouth. F. . W. Fuller. Dallas. B. W. Vick, Falls City, j Monday. J . M. Murray, Ind. \V. F. Booke, Falls City. P. A. Sm ith et nx, Dallas. T uesday: \V. T. Brown, Airlie. Mrs. Cam pbell, Balls ton. UNDER THE BIG CLOCK. What Our County Officials Have Done Since Our Last Issue. When winter set in and Faklmos tx Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. gan to visit She ship. It noon heram»* I Almost everybody who reads the news- apparent thm they were much bettM papets is sure to know of the wonderful *iotbeil to meet the cold than were the cures made by Dr. white explorers, though the latter had Kilmer’s Swamp- Root, everything that money could cum man I tno great kidney, liver in the wa.\ of •an approved arctic out and bladder remedy. tit.” The Finnish boots, or ••Finuskor.’ . c It is the great medi- K-lward Kaw and Margaret H irimd. rH» cal triumph of the nine- used by Nansen and other arctic e x ­ Ja s I>. Hubbard and Roth Guy. % tcenth century di.v plorers. were excelled both In light .1 \V Biooks et ux to K M Young, Frank Moser and M iry K. G uthrie. II i covered after years of uess mid warmth by the native boots land in Independence ♦ Robt. P. Jackson and Bessie I. Ell iso i. (uyij scientific research by A single fur coat of deerskin made In .1 L Hanna et ux to C K Spauld­ Joseph H. Davidson and M attie V. Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ ing Lumber Company, 320 acres, Norway weighed as much as an entire 8 a r * * t a b » —For those who prefer medicine in tab- nent kidney and blad­ G arrett. 1 9 a, r 7 w ............ 1 Eskim o suit of outer and inner gar Mrs. C. K. Tyler, Burlington, Vt., — «» • -------— der specialist, and is z 8/!Vs. " T h e •aos.J a Ian:« lam i, «o mciits, with boots and mittens iuclud S ited tab lets called Sursatcba, as will us \-a:LrL ia the usual Sarah Heiulick et al to J L Han­ | wonderfully successful in promptly curing 1 i. . S a t u r n i . .» «___ ___♦»,„ a ,n ••».«<> t h to do at d so little health to do it na, 320 acres, t 0 s, r 7 w . . .3000 liq u id forn L a v . lilo n tK u l.y o r n tlie w ith, cauRi'd almost u complete break ! larfie back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- ed, and was stiff as wet sailcloth, c u ra llT e u ro p o rtlr* a« th e liquid fo rm , b o -id . « w ou - do -, n : Mood poor and thin : no strength, C Henry Hornuag et al to \V 11 U. S. to Theodore Morse. ! ble , and Bright’s Disease, which is the worst while the native garment« were soft sleep. Hood's Sarsaparilla gave n c t o f d o ,.,. con v . r.leuoo. M on om y,—no Iona by avai>- ]it Houck et al, 100 acres, t 0 s, r 0 a;oi d i’ », nctur.d s', -p. r ;r f e e t health, i form of kidney trouble. • ration b re tk a ijo . < r lo a k a if . D rtiu iriaU o r p rom p tly as a kid glove. A well made Eskimo .......................................... 2000 stri neth to do all m * work Richard R. B ettis, of Falls City, has Dr. Kilmer’s Sw am p -R o ot is not rec- by m ail. ('■ 1. llu o d C o.. L ow ell. M a » . su it—socks and boots, underwear. * A O Duhree et ux to Joh n McBee, ln*d his pension increased lo $15 a I ominended for everything but if you have kid­ 44 acres, t 8 «, r Ii w .................... 1 trousers and coat with hood—weighs month. ney, hver or bladder trouble it will be found R M Sm ith et ux to M L Jones, ton or eleven pounds, about as much ] (list the remedy you need. It has been tested 137 acres, t 9 s, r fl w . . . 2059 as your spring suit, and In It you in so many ways, in hospital work, In private M M I.Ibs to W alter Dawson, practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ could sit comfort«lily on a block of TEA la n d in I » a lia s ^ 660 snow, with your back to the wind How many American women in chase relief and has proved so successful in Joseph Kucher et al to Edward fishing through a hole in the Ice. with lonely homes to-day long for this every case that a special arrangement has A d m it t e d to th e second c la ss of inuil m a tte r. N e w Y o r k is too far K utchcr, land in I 6 « . rfl w . . . 1 a temperature of 50 degrees F.. as the blessing to come into their lives, and been made by which all readers of th. > paper Hattie B all et al to Monroe Mulk- who have not already tried it, may have a from Ja p a n ; S an F ra n ­ writer has repeatedly done, feeling to tie able to utter these word«, but sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book ey et tix, lots in Monmouth . 1800 Jo h n Cornforth et ux to E lla K cold nowhere but on the face, the because of some organic derange­ telling more about Swamp-Root and how to cisco is nearer. St Pierre,lot in W est Side Fruit only part of the laxly that must be ment this happiness is denied them. find out if you have kidney or biadder trouble. F a r m s ............................................... 500 left uncovered We found a deerskin Every woman interested in this When writing mention reading this generous Y o ir grocer return! your money if you don't Canfield Marsh et ux to Wesley shirt with the hair turned in warmer, subject should know that prepara­ offer in this paper and _ f like Schilling's b e st: we pay bun V . P . F IS K E . W Paine et ux, 4L0 acres in t fl * lighter and more comfortable than a tion for healthy maternity is send tour address to s, r fl w ..................................... 10000 woolen, and a cap unnecessary when accomplished by the use of Dr. Kwmer &, Co.,Bing- R R Dunnahue et ux to W L hainton, N. Y. The ............... ................................ $1 50 the hooded coat Is worn. There was ( Item iier, ............... one year in advance Frink et ux, lots in Fall«» C it y .. 500 regular f ifty c e n t an d Home of Swamp-Root, SU BSC RIPTIO N With Weekly 'Oregonian or Semi- weekly Journal ....... 2 no not an Item of the arctic clothing that s 1 ' wit.................... John Nichols to Lola Nichols, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. f (IT irk riaA ..n n VVn. wlittn n ....... 1 7-ri With Oregon Woodman 1 land in M onm outh....................... was not advantageously replaced by Do not m ake any m istake, but re­ garments bought from the Eskimos. Mrs. Maggi Gilmer, of West member the nam e, Sw am p-Root, Dr No oue wore garm ents of European Union, S. U.,writes to 31 rs. Pinkham: K ilm er’s Sw am p-Root, and the address make If be was able to get his hands “ I was g reatly run-down in health ingham pton, N. Y . on every bottle. id.MiiM, U 3 M l T I AL 1401 E state of Robert Wilson, deeeased; on the Eskimo equivalent.—V. Stefans- from a weakness peculiar to my sex, The following letter has been received estate admitted to probate, will record­ when Lydia E. Pinkham* 8 Vegetable non In Harper*« Magazine. by the chairman of the democratic state ed, and Lillie Ja n e Wilson appointed Compound was recommended to me. It comm itteem en, lion. G. W. Myer, and execu trix, A. Walker, W. H. W alker P atronize One A n other fo r the U pbu ildin o o f Tnu n a n d County not only restored n e to perfect health, and N. Ferguson appointed appraisers. is self explanatory: hut to my delight I am a m other.” N^T MERELY IDLING. E state of Albert W. Fowler, deceased; Portland. Oregon, April 3rd, 1008. M rs. Josephine I lall, of Bards town, Nancy C. Fowler appointed administra- j The Hi Plum m er agreem ent is bob­ proposed im provem ent of which we George W. Myer, Esq., trix W. H. Gaynor, W. V. Fuller and ; D illas, Oregon. bing up in G eer’s political pathway are not thoroughly convinced of its W h ere in the W rite r Resem bled t h e Ky., w rites: “ I was a v ery great sufferer from M an on the Buoy. Dear S ir : Governor Chamberlain J . II. Hollister appointed appraisers. for the Congressional nom ination in practical application. T h e Item izer has expressed a willingness to make the E state of »Stanley Brown, deceased ; “T in t w iter,” said u publisher, re­ female trouble«, and my physician failed is not now advocating a single tax. ferring to un author who seemed to be to help me. L yd ia E. Pink ham’s Vege­ race for United States Senator on the bond flled and approved. the second d istrict. table Compound not only restored me Dem rcratic ticket, if nominated at the n eith er is it unqualifiedly opposed to idling away his time, "is iu reality try* E state of Joseph L. McTimmonds, de­ to perfect health, but I am now a proud primary election to be held on the 17th ceased ; W. H. Harrison, A. W. Webber T h a t the m inority in Congress will it. We are not so arrogant as to ing hard to work, to get his Ideas flow­ mother.” dav of April. and Theodore Moore appointed apprais­ There ih no doubt hut if nominated he ers of the estate in Lincoln county. be able by filib u sterin g ta ctics to per pretend to know how i* would work ing. but iu* Is stuck. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. B A S K E T B A L L T E A M W IL1 M A K E “ He said to me himself that he re­ stands an excellent chance to win. His For thirty years Lydia K. Pink- suade the republicans to pass laws out— n eith er does anyone el e, no E states of Mary Riley and Peter name will not he printed on the ballot, sembled a man who made a bet one T R A V E L IN G T O U R . remedying the evils shown by P resi­ m atter how m uch they pretend to. summer day at the shore that he ham’s V getaMe Commnnd, made and it will be necessary to write it on Wheeler, deceased; final account filed and approved. from roots and tie the, Los been ¡lie the primary ballot under the following dent Roosevelt is hoped bv all honest W e will print argum ent on both would swim out a mile and a half to a standard remedy for female ills, Kstate of Evaliue II. Steffy,deceased ; 1 rinted designation: F in a n cia l A ssista n ce F re e ly O ffe r­ certain buoy. The bet was accepted, and men. It seems a peculiar way to se­ sides and P o lk ’s voter- can choose petition i f Samuel D. Steffy for probate and has positively cured thousands of “ For U nited S ta te s S e n a to r in C ongress” (lie mail stripped and plunged in. His women who have been troubled with (H ere w rite h is nam e as fo llo w sq of the will filed, witnesses being resi­ cure needed legislation, but in th is in which they th in k best. Hut go slow ed to T h e m . X Geo. E. C h a m b e rla in of M ultnom ah C o u n ty . dents in Missouri, ordered th a t will be friend retired to the hotel to watch Ids displacements, inflammation, ulcera­ stance seems the only one. I t is a l­ in deciding. progress from the window I write to ask you to have the Demo­ recorded and a notary in Missouri he tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Our basket ball team hy their supe­ cratic electors write his name an their commissioned to take deposition of the so rather peculiar to see dem ocrats "From the window with a fleldglass I ri idic pains, hackaelie, that liear- tin* friend saw the swimmer reac h the ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges­ rior playing have fully earned a trip ballots as directed, placing an“ X ” in witnesses in that state, and th at the lined up in solid front with a republi­ buoy in due course, draw himself up tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. east to engage with other crack teams, front thereof, as it is important to have will he annexed to commission. can president. The donothing plan j as many vote for him as desire his nom­ out of the water and sit down com­ Why don’t you try it ? and our people have decided that ination. of his own par»y leaders m ake such a fortably. with his legs dangling over Yours very sincerely, M r s. IM iik tin m in v it e s a l l s l e k they shall have it. The Itemizer has long FINE PRINTS. move imperative. Dem ocrats are So far so good. Evidently he was rest­ women to w r it e her f o r advice, advocated such a move and as we go to IN D EPEN DENCH, OK. A l.k X S\V Ki'.T, ing. well pleased with his feat. there to do business. Chairman State Central Committee. Probate work a specialty. S t ic lia s g u id e d t h o u s a n d s to press today Home $1800 has been sub­ t a r o W ith W h ic h T h e y A re T re a te d “Some minutes passed, and tile swim ­ h e a l t h . A d d r e s s , L y n n . M a s s . by A m a te u r j a :iJ C o lle c to rs. scribed to guarantee the expenses. We mer had not moved. The watcher re­ TESTING HIS TONGUE. Most of the country papers in O re­ How careful collectors and am ateurs give the agreement and the amount turned to his book. But every now N EW T O -D A Y of flue engravings arc of their treas­ gon are against the proposed single subscribed hy different persons; and then he looked up. and still the T h e U n h afip v E x p e rie n ce of a Y o u n g Dallas, Oregon. ure.; is illustrated by a written agree­ swimmer sat in the same position on Whereas, the Dallas basket hall team tax am endm ent. T hey probably take M a rrie d W o m an. R .C . C R A V EN - President proposes to travel through the western the buoy. A d vertisin g u n d er th is head 4 their cue from the editor of th e Ore A .voting married woman in Brooklyn ment that a local Uriu of dealers iu and middle states of the union during W. G. V A SSA LL - - Cashier “ An hour, two hours went by. Still each in sertio n such things had to sign recently when gonian, who has labored through a the fall and winter of 1008 and 1000 and auspeoted Mint her husband was In­ DIRECTORS: the swimmer remained. A white, slim dulging in ine. She determined, how­ they wanted to borrow several particu­ N. L. Butler, R. C. Craven, D. L. Keyt play a series of games of bask etb all: number of le gtliy editorials in an figure seen against the oncoming dark, I w ill sell at larly* rare on .raving.; for an exhibition Therefore, we, the subscribers hereto, ever. to s n o t h i n g til! she had con O N S a tu rd a a u y c , tio A n pril mi IHth, M. M. E llis, W. G. Vassall. my farm (it B u e ll, O re ­ endeavor to prove th a t such a law Stand-Still he sat on iIn* buoy’s edge. Ills feet gon. pu my b lie personal do firmed her - usplcious lu conversation tluy were to have In their galleries. prop erty. c o n s istin g o f Mtoek. hereby agree to guarantee, and This hank is pleased to place at the dangled In I he sea. He seemed to be fa rm in g im p le m e n ts and hou sehold g o o d s.— guarantee, the expenses of said basket­ would not he for the best interests of with her bosom friend she said shr The owner of the prints insisted that disposal of its customers the facilities J a c o b S m ith . musing. ball team on such tour, th at is to say : would rive anything to discover the fro»*» the time the I mix In which the all concerned. T he fact of the m at­ gained during many years of continuous Iti ease the amounts received hy said truth •‘Finally it began to grow quite dark, The friend mentioned that a prints were sent to the dealers was service and growth. ter is th at lie does not know how such team from games played on such tour and. thoroughly alarmed ut last, the I Oli A N B K B R Y pliints for snle ut 2 r e p o Opr Dallas basket hall team cam«* man even lightly intoxicated cannot opened in the shop no hands but those __________ _ .¡ifc not sufficient to cover the necessary a tax would work ou t any more than home Saturday from their trip to Sno watcher got a boat and a couple of L ii K rnlier. Address K iek rcu ll. lad« if and reasonable expenses of such ton*, pronounce word« of length. This gave of the junior partner of the Arm were dent phone. we do. I t m ight I k * a good thing for liomish feeling particularly jubilant, bargees and rowed out to ids friend. we will pay the amounts set opposit" the young wife an Idea, which she pro­ to touch them. The owner stipulated and received the glad hand from an ad “Out there the mystery was soon ex­ expressly that the member of the firm 1 I P W E B F 0 0 T th e land owner and it m ight not. A miring lot of the fans on getting off the our respective signatures hereto, or ceeded to put Into execution. bin- \ second hand O sborn L'OK sale ehenp plained The man was stuck fast to A23 such shave thereof, in proportion to tin* When the young women met again, was to take them out of the box. frame | A practical application of such a m atter train. From the statem ents made in the buoy, which bad been freshly I der A. V. Mi t ’arte r, D allas. whole amount subscribed, as may he re­ the suspicious wife announced that the them himself, hang them on the walls 1 f R O O FIN G is the only way in which it could he favor of the Snohomish team, they had tarred that morn lug.” — Washington quired to cover any difference between worst had been ascertained. She burst and when the show was over follow A expected the battle of their lives in an ™OR HALE Fou rteen head of irood gouts, h a lf such receipts and expenses. No signer definitely dem onstrated. A rgum ent endeavor to secure the eliamoionsliip of of raeh sex. In q u ire o f W. Fran k C am p b ell, into tears and took from her hand bag the prints hack through these various T H E B E S T ROOFING ios ISO, R. F. D. 1, S a le m . Rhone No. 2x1. AU hereto shall he liable in any event for based on theory ah me is not w orth the Pacific coast, hut it proved entirely a impel*, which she handed to her stages until a porter was ready to ON T H E M A RKET any greater amount than that subscribed. otherwise. The score at the end of screw the cover of tlie packing box 0:1 the (taper it is w ritten on, until facts All amount« payable hereunder are to friend. Made by the Northwest Roofing ¿ game on Thursday night stood 41 to 14, EL P W ANTED a few e n e rg e tic m en to t r a v ­ again. The prints were so rare and “I gave him this.” she sobbed. company, Portland. Does not hue* I H el aiid d e m o n stra te an a rtie le of g reat m erit he paid to the order of II. L. Fenton, of The and figures can be given to substun- our hoys playing as g o o d a game as friend read from the list the fol­ fine that the junior partner cheerfully th a t is needed i'i all hom es, b u sin ess houses, Dallas, Oregon, financial agent of said t kle, Guaranteed for 10 years. Notice to Creditors. tia tc such. As yet, argu m en t against they have played this season, their op­ faetories. etc. Call e v en in g s. Room I, S ta frin team, for the uses and purposes above low ing words: “Phlloprogeultiveness. agreed to nil of these conditions for ponents being simplv out classed as far b lock . over S im on ton A; S e o tt’s g ro ee ry . L. A, L. C. KO SER the single tax is very faulty in this as basket ball is concerned. On arrival di: proportion«hieness, pseudaesthesla. the sake of showing the engravings. A 2:1 mentioned. TIIAT THE I N M athews. VOTITI- is 1 1 K It K It Y UIVKN W itness our hands, this 8th day of T hat the prints were extrem ely rare phthisis, parachronism, hypochondria­ respect. However, it has been suffi­ they found a wire here stating A der-dgiied lias been du ly »■ iipoint**d exeeu- April. l ‘.M)8. l»oys were all tor nf th è e sta te of O liv er R. P le k ilis. deeeased. may he ap;»re* 1ated from the fact that sis. photochromy, ayucategorcmotlc.” cien t to inspire m o st" hind owners that the Snohomish Buff O rpington egg, f l for K f l. \. Cheirington ..................... $50 i th è ( ‘utility Court nf th è S ta te nf O regon, l'or si k and could not play a return game, hy “ And.** added the unhappy wife, with before two of them In particular came F alls City. ' .1 K l'.-lk e o u n ty . and h as qtiH lllied. All persons 50 I Jo h n ('. Uglow ........ with the idea th a t such a tax would but on Sunday they received another Ini vi ni; e la im s a g a in st th è salii e sta te are bere i fresh sob. “the wretch missed nearly Into the private collector's possession n otitled to pivsent th è san ie, duly ve riti ed ho made n special Journey to Stuttgart, all of them !”—New York Tribune. > (i R L. C hapm an................ .............. l ò i e !b e r w ith th è proper v o u ch er* th e re fo r. to i ; o R sale R egistercil Pol a ml C hina hoars n ml pearance for the previously arranged W hat th e Item izer wants to advise is Germany, to pee them, and when he th è und ern ia ned, a l h U re sid en ce In aaid * -'ows. WHI cxclmiig«* for cow s th a t w illin ' I M Sm ith .................. •'•«( game on Wednesday night, A well illl- eoun ty w itliin s lx m on tila frnm th è d ate o f Ib is fresh ca rlv th is fall. K. K. H ew itt. M onm outh looked at them he left an open order to J . B. Teal ..................... .TO1 In a F re n c h C h a te a u In W in te r. th a t organizations be in not too big a ed house greeted them on Wednesday notiee. TF. Oscar H a rte r ....................... 50 Dated and tirsi pu h lish ed . M areh 2 » . I'. him . It Is unt all M1. ns to l>c invited to a a dealer In that city to buy them, no hurry to draft resolutions takin g a night despite the apparent difference in HARRY IMCKI NS. J . G, V an O rsd el............... 50 French chit retail lu midwinter, uo mat­ m atter what they coat. He got them th " playing of the two teams and the | K xeeu tor of th è e state of T o let > S h fc p on sh ares. About «0 bend hy 1st I. N. Woods definite stand on th is m atter. There game was soon on. 50 ter how di-tlngulshed the host or how u.q lie pal l the highest price ever Mr. Tharp, of I ..f Or O liv er R. IMekena deeeased ►er, Jo h n M artin, 6M Pion eer, A16 Dallas Meat Co . . . . 50 Dur­ L. li. Brow n. a tto rn e v fo r K state. is lots <>f tim e yet, anil such a law is Moemoutli, acted as the referee. : >wn !•>:• mich e.»g.a\ings to brin g .- | K <' Kit k oat rick ........... ............. 50 romantic and a rtistic the domicile. At not to be hurriedly decided upon for ing the game lit) Held baskets were least It isn't for the steam heated Bos- New York F ro :;. 11’ ANTED Five or six fr. -h m ilch cow s. Slat» IV. L. F e n to n ............................. ... .. 50 thrown by our hoys and 5 i»y their op­ " j*ri< - am i full im rtieu lars lirst le tte r. inu. lapped In the luxury of Hum­ ... 50 or against. Oregon is the first state ponents. The Snohomish bunch were •inai Settlement. Jo h n O rr, R ie k r e a ll: M onm outh Bell phone W I. Soeliren C !,.• ¿-G ar. - .m. A visitor lo n dlstrnct- I 8 I in. bars . . 60 mer warmth a gentlemanly lot of young fellows, and to attem p t such a law. so let us look “Caddy, how »11 mv strokes is that W .? W hite . . . ......................... 50 Ingiy lovel abode near Fontainebleau much good feeling was engendered be­ V O T IC K IS H E R E B Y i.lY E N TH A T T H E Fl in to the m atter thoroughly and ren­ tween .the five, but they have been .1 mil a eeoii'it of Max H aley, .... a d m in ­ V I* t M n says he put in twenty four hours of for this hole?’* asked the golfer with (.'OR SALK UV0 acres. 21 m iles n o rth o f D allas is tra to r of th e e sta te of W. T. H aley, de Conrml S t a f r i n ....................................... 50 der a decision a t the polls th at we greatly over rated as basket ball play­ erased p V sica l nugulsh there and simply the plaid cup. h as been tiled In th e c o m ity court of ' at |2.'» an acre. M utual phone. Bed If»!. Car .1 C H avter.............. 50 came a wav wondering how his hosts **i can’t any, sir ” Alf» pidk eount> s ia te of O regon, and th a t th e S a t ­ Sw enson. may not have to repudiate in ers. The score lasl night was 4H to 12. P A Fliifoth 66 urday. May I'.tOH, at tin- hour of lito ’eloek “Can't say?” a m ., h as horn duly appoin ted hy such court u || Roy 60 endured the arctic temperature of the years to come. All reforms are cer­ “No. sir; I can only count up to for the h earin u of o’h fcrtio n s to suoli tiual nr C O R S A L E M am m outh Bronze tu rk ey eggs W R Kilts ................................. 50 ico ns. “I f I m eant to live In foreign tain to have opposition a t first, and cou n t and tin s-’tllcm o iit th ereo f, at w hich • Albert A lderm an. S alem , Box so ro u te 1. Kd Biddle ......................................... 50 lands.” says this shivering person. ‘‘I twelve, sir.”—Fick-Me-Up. t in o - an y pers.m in te re ste d In su ch e sta te may for what seems to be ju st reasons, and appeal and Mio olije« lio n s th e re to in w ritin g i ’ w M n t lu w s ............ 66 would go through the chiding process and c o n test tlie sam e. ............. ............... 50 which inures human flesh and blood in (.’ ARM FO\\ REN T ■140 a c re s u n d er th e plow. Hall A Hayes we should go slow in turning down a Dated, th is 2nd day of A pril. I'. mik * illq llire Of J . J . L " -, c. K L ew isville \ddr. ss I Li i i.i- Marcont ile ( « » 80 M y X H A LEY France. What do these people do to M onm outh. Oregon. M utu al phone, 4 on w hite .lo mson B ros......................................... A dininist rato r. 50 render the blood In their veins to Ine. tf l i t Wabotar 60 course like lire and net like an eternal ( ’ L Crider .........................50 furnace?” T h a t’s a question Ameri­ l i l ’ R E Se» pring w heat, th re e v a rie tie s . Red H T Seym our............................................60 A Mr. Thoina«, representing the Port­ ’ Chaff. teh r if e and Detlatiee. P ric e 90 F J Coad Rapid changes of temperature are hard ............................. |0 cans abroad might well like to have ce n ts ft b u sh el. Ja m e s K. Hears, McCoy. tf land Rose Festival, was before otir com­ answered.—Boston riernld. C fl Coad .............. 25 on the toughest constitution. mercial club last evening, for the pur­ O K W illiam s ................... SO L'O R S \ L E Tw o good -ows givin g m ilk am i d c OffMat . QS pose of interesting Dallas citizens in the Heat of the Gun. * w ill he fresh in A pul and May. One am i a i M <»• ut ... ....... SO It has been computed that the ten» m atter of exhibiting tin* town*« resources TIME TABLE No.86. Ii ,1 f m iles n orth of D allas, on route I. Mrs. F. The conductor passing fiorr. the heated ........................................... 25 pera ture of the surface of the sun M. D unlop. tf R R ilill hy means of a float to he iu the Portland Trains from and to Yaquirta C S Oraves ......................................... 25 would I k * expressed by 18,000 degrees No. i inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature parades at that time. It is pro|M»sed to G W Myer ......................... 25 S in a m. l.vlives Y ftiin tn a .......................... I F Yoakum .. ....................... 2*5 of Fahrenheit's thermometer, or be­ design a float of a large size in some Arrives i;i»r xale. 11 a. m. at corvsUla.................... of the platform—the canvasser spending an W V F u lle r.......... ........ 25 tween eighty and ninety times the tem ­ 11 IS i», tn. .................... j em blem atic way representing the re­ A rrives a t A lban y perature of bofllug water. This Is II \V E th e foil . » tog a r t i - les for hour or so in a heated building and then No. J - sources of the town, the whole business horn- e u e m ile south of Itrid * * *«»rt. about five tim es the highest tempera­ 12 Vi p. m Lest»»» Alban/ ...... ................ New O ffice r» E le c te d . drei thre«« iron to lie built in Portland, and all we j Leaves C o r r a i t l * .................... . 1 IA j» m walking against a biting wind—know the ture that man Is able to produce by a r­ » hair« ft I V |>. m , Tl'^ I>i«ltm Mrr.-mitil.' Coin >aiiv I ip M tificial me-»ns The light given off from have to do is to pay a lump sum as the A rriv es a t Yatynlna tw o C difficulty of avoiding cold. iis fu rn itu re i a ll ; I t li.ir ...... »¡no mnently .’»wl the su rface of the sun is reckoned as cost, sav front $300 to $800, and have Trains t*» and from D etro it: am ■. let *« h ! the following new nffW ra: Pre- l>eing r».3DD times more Intense than »tatHa Mharp no further care in the m atter, fu rther! No. a-> ‘ ident, D .1 Riley : vice president, 'I Leaves A lb a n y ........ ..................... than the accept«nee of the design and a rriv e s s t D e t r o i t ........................ » lard S co ff’s Em u lsion strengthens the D Kilt»; secretary and treasurer. Win. that of the molten metal In a Bessem er Hone. Owing t*» his m ultiplicity of converter, though that Is of an almost raising “ f finances. Some nr 31 were «IP body so that it can better withstand the blinding brilliancy If we compare It mj I hw interest-. II. I. Fenton resigmsl » D etroit j preset.! . nd seemed to U* in favor of! Day. An ;v s at All»» with oxyhydrogen flame, the sun sheds I th.« tn.m igi*ment. and Mr. Kllis and Mr danger of cold from changes of temperature. I the pro t. A comm ittee of arrange-! T r a it - for Do •allis I Il«»\ve w ill «erve jointly in that capaci- a light eque! to 14fl times the intensity i merits v named, consisting oi I (' j t* The r»*|s»rt ot tin* secretary showed of the limelight ALLEN t» H \ H»any Motu« tliiit an excelle »t hnsines«* !ia*l lieen K irkpatrick. II. L. Fenton a id II. ( ’. | es at C o rv a llis W hite It will help you to avoid taking cold. t runs teted ami a «5 percent dividend ! Eakirt, w ho will today inquire further [ C h ild r e n ’* F a v o r it e T o y». was declared. A lban y, ’ -* P j into the feelings of our business n»cn A hundred and thirty-two schoolboys US p. s a t C o ri a llia Proposals tor Street lii;pn»\t 1 Hoarding the m atter and report their A L L D R U G G I S T S : B O c . A N D O I .O O , * Y t Craven i is out from his imber of Paris ar.d seventy-two girls were I d incut vited to describe their preferences in A lbany t » p. | fl tidings. j ranch for a f« w «lavs visit. 14 p. in i a t C o rv a llis the way of toys Among the former The Itemizer never desires to he con- i C E I LED 1 . 1 * other Frank Glover and L. D. Daniel will thirty-one voteti for a railway train, ^ I hr MtltlU strued as knocking an advertising pr*.po- j Leaves A lbany 1 give the front of their buildings anew 12 '*> p. m I « Da lla - or.«.« t. « n if i I «V ita k. I* M Moii.i . 1 :Xi p. m j April ! .»at of jm int, and Mr. G lover’s meat twenty-three for tin soldiers, ten for “O. I'» * or th*« grading and ina. F U L L L IN E O F H EIN Z’S jsition when a reasonable amount of re- \ rrlves at C o n s ills steam engines, nine for building bricks ¡ Hon " i t h .*«*.* ertatn p a rta . 1 «*tr .«» as «1 * market will he otherwise impmve»!. turns can he seen as probable for the Train* for Albany : ord in ailice tal in No. la* of «aid city . bei and eight for toy typewriters and me­ BOTTLED GOODS nino b|o k* and fot ir u r e e t Inter*» : The Dallas hand has been reorganized amount of money expended, but we do chanical horses Forty girl«—a solid Itnim >ve ; *«»• ii gradi ug a:. 1 ntacadnn land will meet t»»n»orrt»w night for their I.. »«v» • * C o rv a lH a .............................. ........... ft AO a . m. j Itelieve otir citizens could use s’teh .t ; A rrive» a l A lb a n y .................................. 7 10 a. tn. tit lM> com |*lelte«l on o r b efore O cto b e r l. l’>kH 1 first weekly prnctlce in <*n** of th»* m ajority-declared without hesitation Tho c ity will furnt«h cru shed rock a t t sum of money to much hotter advan-1 No 9 — q u a rr y at ft's ««•’lit* |>0r yar»L ftnd will le»*e I r.avins adjoining the Item ixer office. that a doll was superior to any other I tage by using printed m atter telling o f ! Leave* C o rv allis .............. ................... 12 B p m . atoanii roalite r ftt $7 .\n per -• ••■en ar th è ' orti. (or wor lio n * a t A lbany ........ ............ 1 .to p, m. the lea»lersl.tp of NN ill Howe, and will child seems, happily, a long way off.— our resources and carefully d is trib n t-! Arm««* aud it'or. Ka< It bit) iniu*t ho »«'com patii c 1 l»v No. 7- When I want my laundry done i.*il oh«*» k paya co rti« b li t«* th è c i t i •*( Dall «non I h * in g n »I form. A numb r of our Pall Mall Gazette. ing it where needed. Floats are very | L««avr« C o rv alll* ........................................ rt oofp.m. fur 10 p e rc e n t of tho am ount hld. to b«« forfè! 1 old players ire with the organization. bidder cane th«• •hall fa ll to »iv *• « 1 In »' htv A rrive* a t Vlbany . ft;40p. n» up nicely I take it to the nice to look at, and show business en- . » r a e x e c u te a c o n i ra«-t. T he envelo |»»‘ oc No II On April 8th. at the G ail I» del. Rev. N a p o le o n a * a R e a d e r . I terprize. but they s«s*n pass out of the turning th e b hi m u*! I h * direrttMl to th è umita V \Y. Sager u n ite! in marriage Frank Leave* C o rv alll* .............................. l l :0 0 a .m *1 y net 1 au d ito r and mark«'<1 Bi«l oni sta« Napoleon was a reader—persistent, I minds of those who view them , especi­ A rrive* at A lbany 12:15 a m fm p n «ventent Bond in an am ou n t ••qual M»>*e”, of Silverton. and Mary Ellen omnivorous, indefatiuable. By the All of th e above train * eonne« t w ith Southern th e c o n tra c t p rice w ill be re q m re d for fa ith fu l G uthrie, of south Dallas. The contract- ally when so many are in line, and are camp fire and in his traveling carriage, Pacific tra in * both at A lbany and C orvalll*. a* p e rfo rm an ce of c o n tra c t. ■ ing i»arti*s will make their Imme at I forgotten. A neat folder or other print­ well ** tra in * for D etroit, giving d irect serv ice T he c ity re serv e* th e rig h t to r e jw t a n y and a ll bid*. Silverton. On the i>th he united Joseph in his teni|*orary staff office or his own and Brct«*nhu*h Hot Spring* ed m atter lives on forever, and when to Newport ltate.1 A pril 7. 1WW For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n ap p ly to 1 (Hividson and Mattie V G arrett, at the bedroom his favorite volumes were I UKO r . N B Y IN I, Hen Pa* Agent. L. D BROW N , lit quit« advertising is when you burn ever kept within easy reach.—Reader , A u d itor and Police Ju d g e of the City of Dal ! par*m age here. They eome fr*un Rail- A lb a n y O regon la *. Oregon. H H LINO A gent. C orvalU a. ! stun and will make their home there. j tt up. Is certain if tike you Hood’s Sarsaparilla. This g re a t medicine cures those eruptions, pimples ami boils that appear at all seasons; aorofuLt sores, suit rheum <>r eczema; itself equally well to, and also cures, dys- pepsia and all stomach tro u b le s ; cures rheu­ matism and catarrh ; cures nervous troubles, debility and that tired feeling. cures adapts t h e p o l k c o u n t y it e m i z e r . T H U R S D A Y , A P R IL 9, 1908. L Y D I A E . P I N K H A M ’5 VEGETABLE COMPOUND ’PHONES: « H SS I NOTICE TO VOTERS. ! B m S mm *. Marriage License*. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Patents. Probate Court. City Property Fur Sale EASTERN TRiP ASSURED. B. F. JONES Attorney-at-Law CHAMPIONS PACIFIC COAST DALLAS CITY BANK DALLAS BOYS ARE NOW THE TOP NOTCHERS. Beat Snohomish to a Two Times. ♦ ♦ FOR A FLOAT At the Portland Rote Show Next Month. Wise Talks by the Office Boy Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Heinz’s Vinegar on tap A COMMON EXPRESSION Heinz’s Pork and Beans, 10c We always have the best WILLIE Dallas Steam Laundry NORTH MAIN STREET BOTH PHONES