R? U The Best and Largest Paper in Polk County. IH DALLAS V O L. X X X IV . OREGON i THE ITEMIZER TO ISSUE SPLENDID SOUVENIR EDITION. given with every cash purchase at Campbell & Hollister’s. Come in and ask us how it’s done “It Costs You Nothing” CAMPBELL * ¡»L IS T E S ! CASH STORK conducting th. tunerai cerem oi ies, and the remains were followed to the grave by many liv in g friends, w ho rem em ber her for her many excell nt qualities of min 1 and heart S h e had lived a mo. i praiseworthy life and was an ex cellei l exan,pie of the traits that go to n.akeing a trustw orthy wife, a loving m other and exc.t llent fiien d. Mrs. Boyer was I k » : in Bvron, G erm any, a hour 74 years ago She came to A m erica in 1870, lucath g Your grorer returns your money if you don’t in Iowa, where in the same year she like it; we pay h'.m. was i nited in m arriage with M ila l Bo ­ er. who still survives her, being left to m ourn the loving helpm ate of over a Death of Mrs. Boyer. quarter of a century. T hey lived in Io­ Mrs. Katherine Boyer, who has been w a'for 12» vears, thence going to Kansas a resident o f Dallas fur nearly 20 years, for three years, and a little over It) years passed away at a Salem Sanatorium on ago came to make their future home M arch 31st. aged 74 years. She was af­ in Dallas. They cam e here with the flicted with kidney troubles, and this, i W agners, none of whom are n »w left' together with other ailm ents, incident ! here except Fred. The on lv i.-sue of to old age, caused her death. Sin* was their marriage was a daughter, Mary, laid to rest in the Odd F ellow ’ s cem e­ I who with her husband, Chas. Paul, aie tery here last Friday, Rev. N. W . Sager | living a Sheridan. COFFEE F i v e degrees of excel­ lence: ★ good; *★ better; *** fine; ***★ finer; ***** finest: all Schilling’s Best. For Saturday and Monday In order to keep you all in touch with this progressive store, we thought it adyis- able to give a few specials such as the people of Dal­ las and vicinity are not often treated to. Nft 8 g o o d , h e a v y T in B o ile r , w ith c o p ­ p e r b o t t o m , u s u a lly re ­ t r i e d at $ 1 .5 0 . QOp T h is sa le ................ irO l, 111 ). 0 Wash Machines t * i John Ridgeway H e a v y , w ell m a d e , g a l­ v a n iz e d w ash tut», m e d ­ iu m size, w e ll w o r th i r * $1 00. S a le t Bread Raisers G o o d ,l a r g e b re a d ra is e r, w ith c o v e r , a n d w o rth m o r e m o n e y th a n 5ÖC w e ask . S p e c ia l Curtain Stretchers ^ Ironing Tables M a d e o f c le a r w h ite h ard w ood W e ll b ra c e d leg s a n d c e n t e r c lo s e ly fo ld e d . T r y to tfl o r m a tc h o u r p r ic e P * •*>'J ®°'*crs A fu ll lin e o f B u g g ie s a n d H a c k s o n d is p la y o n m a in flo o r , in I m p le m e n t r o o m . His Life An accident out of the ordinary, and on e that proved alm ost instantly fatal occured near the Ridgew ay farm, some eight miles south west of this city on March 31st, in which John Ridgeway m et his death. Mr. Ridgew ay was en­ gaged in clearing land and while cu t­ ting down a large tree it .odged against a britt.e alder which splintered from the weight and a sharp portion of which struck him on the tem ple burying itself in his head. W hen found life was extin ct, hut the cause o f death was plainly apparent. The deceased had been living at Sum pter, in Baker cou n ­ ty, hut returned to Sheridan som etim e last fall to assist in the work here. He was a son of Mr. Len Ridge vay and a hard working industrious young man of about 30 years o f age. H e leaves a family consisting o f wife and one child. T he funeral was held A pril 2nd at 11 o ’clock , services being conducted by Rev. J. F. Dunlop, and interm ent made in the Blair cem etery.— Sheridan Sun. Militia Happenings. E x t r a h e a v y t in , w ith c o p p e r b o t t o m a n d r im . N e v e r s o ld fo r le ss th a n th a n $1 .7 5 . S a le $ 1 .2 5 p r i c e ........... tiie Loses While Cutting Wood. F u ll s iz e T u b , c o r r u ­ g a te d in te r io r , 190 0 p a t­ tern . M a k e s h a rd w ork easy A lw a y s s o ld at $10. S p e cia l $ 8 .3 5 at ....................... F u ll s iz e ,w e ll m a d e in b e s t s m o o t h w h ite b a s s ­ w o o d . W e ll w o r t h y OC $1 75. T h is sa le. l u . J J The city fathers met in regular ses­ sion hist M onday evening with all the officers present ex cep t Councilm an Shaw. The m atter of certain im provem ents in H ighland addition were referred to the street com m ittee. 1*M Riddle was given until duly 1st to com plete cem ent walks on Ins Main street property. T h e driveway in front of the ice plant was ordeied payed in line with walks adjoining. It was ordered that no fire apparatus he loaned to any one. Claim s a llo w e d : $ 29.00 (r. (). Tennis, sala ry ............ 50.00 C. J. Sm ith, work at quarry 18.80 F. J. M orrison, sa m e............. 1.00 M. Em bree, hurrying dog. 138.00 W. V. C o. lights for Slarch. 12.85 L. I). Brown, fe e s.................. 5.24 V. P. Fiske, p rin tin g ............ 1.50 1). W . Sears it Son, living . A saloon license was granted J. C. Shultz, to date from April 1st, 11)08, with T. II. G uy and l T. 8. Laughary as se­ en ret ies. A warrant of $50 for the free library was ordered drawn. Joe Black was not allowed to use the city park for a cow pasture. C ouncilm an Van Orsdall was made a com m ittee of one to interview' residents along the line to see what amount would he subscribed toward the repair of the cem etery walk. On m otion o f Van Orsdall the auditor was instructed to call for bids for the m acadamizing of certain streets in Dal­ las as heretofore ordered by ordinance, such bids to be published in the Oregon­ ian ami Dallas papers ; bids to state that rock can be purchased from the city at 65 cents a -quare yard, roller can l»e hired at $7.50 a day. Bids to be accom ­ panied by certified check am ounting to 10 percent of bid. th e It is a p le a s u r e fo r us to s h o w y o u th ro u g h . Dallas Furniture Go. N O . 20. W h a t A ils Y o u ? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent* have frequent headaches, coated tongue, biller or bad taste in morning, "heart­ burn," belching of gas, acid risings In throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and Let it be not said o f Polk county that she is behind her kindred symptoms? any considerable number of sister counties in exploiting her resources. Yamhill coun­ th If iK yoTNi^ve ^ above^ um om s you are suffering ty recently raised several thousand dollars for a publicity from N ^liousn^/>urpld liver with Indi­ tes tiori\*£>dA’Tq»*Tfcm^ Dr. Pierce’s (»olden campaign, as did Benton and Linn. Lane county has a; Mndic^l discovery la,made up of the most medicinal principles known to well organized Commercial Club that is bringing in thous­ valuable med’cal science for the permajienfr cure of »ildi abnormalconditions^ It 1» w ~moa ands o f home seekers and investors. efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonic, The Itemizer intends to start the movement in Polk bowel regulator and nerve strengthened "Golden Medical Discovery " Is not county by issuing a twenty to twenty-four page bound a The patent medicine or secret nostrum, a edition containing a vivid write-up of tne resources and full list of Its Ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under the people who have developed them. The edition will be oath. A glance at Its formula will show It contains no alcohol, or harmful thoroughly illustrated with half tones reproduced from that habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract photographs. The cover will be o f an attractive design made with pure triple-refined glycerine, cf proper strength, from the roots of the with a photograph of our magnificent courthouse on the following native American forest plants, viz.. Golden Seal root, Stone root, Black front page. A copy will be sent to each subscriber and Clierryhark, Queen’s root, Bloodroot, and extra copies may be had upon application. It is our in­ Mandrake root. Tl.- following leading medic:.! authorities, among a host of Oilier*, extol iho fotegolng tention to print a large edition and extend the circulation roots for the r re of just such n I inputs us the .s indicate: Prof. K. Hat tholow, to all parts of the east where people are selling their farms aiwvesymptoj.’ M. 1» . of Juti’erson Med. College. Phiia : Prof. 1J.C Wood. M. I)., of t niv.of Pu : Prof Edwin M. Hale. .M. 1).. of Hahnemann Med. College. in order that they may avail themselves of the opportuni­ Chic::go; Prof. John King. M. !>., Author of American Dispensatory; Prof. Jno. M. Scud- ties in the undeveloped northwest. The Itemizer will dor, M. i>.. Auihorof Specific Medtcihcs; Prof. John .■•on. M I).. Med. Dept. Fnlv. of spare neither money nor energy to make this edition a big J Laurence N. Y ; Prof Finley LUingWood. M. I).. Author of Materia Medio a and Prof. In Bennett Medi­ cal College. Chicr.-ro. Send name ami ad­ success. dress chi Post al Card to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buf­ falo. N. V.. a id receive free Itooklet giving exiracts from wr!tin r*of ali th • above modi* ra) n:»h(»rsa d man y others endorsing, in the ! state, not already the headquarters of a stron .r »si terms, each and every in- CITY COUNCIL MEETS. I conij any, has subm itted an application j *rro ! nt of v !•.S.*li "Golden Medical Discov­ ery "i*- comt»*»«ed. I for mustering in of a body of recruits, j Dr Ph>rce Pleasant Pellets regulate and i A m ong the likely aspirants for co pan­ ”’>iie s» marh. liver and bowels They Claims Allowed and Other Routine ics atv Dallas, Silverton. Newp n t. New- I i*>vig •r\ • n-iii in conjunction with "Golden M-’d • • i Disc, very ” if bowels are much con- j berg. Can by, M edford, Ma r.-h field, As- j Business Transacted. •tii* Tb< «-’re Mny and sugar-coated. toria. Ranier, Seaside and Grants Pass. | FATAL ACCIDENT. Galvanized Wash Tubs A P R I L 9. 1908 X hmoo D Clothes Have Prestige ■jjj- o W HAT IS P R E ST IG E? ^ Many years of continuous merit—a huge wave of public favor—a mighty volume of appreciation— # guaranteed security— KNOWN WORTH. jg £ Is n o t th a t w h a t y o u re­ q u ir e in b o y s ’ C l o t h i n g ? I f y o u h a v n ’ t n e w c lo t h e s & an f o r y o u r b o y t o w ea r E a ste r, get th e m an in th e m a n d w e o ffe r e a ch -/»y\ s u p e r io r v a lu e a n d w ear. #■ S in g le a n d d o u b le b re a st­ #- ed \ In l'**’ \ tj V Wei! Known Ptstor Summoned to r ,> Three More New Candidates in the Field. W e give below’ a com plete list of the candidates w ho have registered for the different coun ty offices, together with their party a ffilia tion : RRPRKHBNTATIVE \V. D. H enry, Spring V a lley ............. Dem C. L. H awley, M cC o y ...........................Rep COUNTY JUDGE Glen 0 . H olm an, B ridgeport.............Rep E d. F. C oad. D alla s...............................Rep J .G . VanOrsdel, D allas.......................Dem J. E. S ibley, Dallas ...........................Deni COUNTY CLERK Asa R obinson, Ind ep end ence........... Dem Fred S. Grow lev, Fails C ity ...............Dem II. S. Portwood, M on m ou th ............ Rep E. M. Sm ith, D a lla s ............................. Rep SHERIFF J. M. Grant, Dallas ......................... Dem THE CITY ELECTION. More Interest Taken Than Was Expected. A s a rule election day in Dallas can W . W. Arrant, L uckiam ute. . . . . . . Rep F. K. M yer, D a lla s...................... . ...... Dein he expected to be a rainy one, judging from the experience of later years, and C. H. Graves, D alla s.................... . . . . Rep on arising Monday m orning we were certain that it would follow the regular COMMISSIONER program . But it soon cleared off and W m . R iddell, M on m ou th . . . . . . by the tim e of opening the noils it was as nice weather as one could wish for, TREASU RER and it so continued throughout the »lay. J. D. Belt, Ind ep en d en ce.......... ...... Dem As there was only a councilm an to Rep Hardy H olm an, D a lla s .............. elect in each ward, it was expected the Dan P. Stouffer, Dallas ............ . . Rep election would be tame, none o f the ca n ­ Eilward C. Dunn. D a lla s .......... . . . . Dem didates w ho had filed their intentions be­ ing particularly interested in the m at­ SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT ter, but sim ply engaging in the race* at H .C . Seym our, Dallas. Rep the solicitation of friends and in the line o f duty as a good citizen, loyal to SURVEYOR the interest of the town. No particular Rei» B. F. Beezley, Falls C itv . . . . strife was in any of the three wards, no serious question being at issue, but friends of the candidates got in and Saturday’s School Meeting. worked for them suficiently to make School Superintendent Seym our in­ the day quite interesting after all. In the first ward A Ire l U glow, Ralph form s us that the school m eeting held at Salt ( ’ reckon last Saturday was one of Adam s and W . H. Boa Is were on the ballot, and a total o f 97 votes were cast the most interesting that has yet been held. Every district in the section was as follows: 40 represented and on ly one teacher in the Uglow ................................ entire «District was absent. The children A d a m s .......................................................... 37 Boa I s ............................................................ 20 of the district gave an extra nice pro­ Tl ie second ward cast 104 votes, with gram, and the ladies treated all present to a very com m endable lunch. C . L. J. C. Brown and George M yer as the Hawley could not l»e present, but the contestants, the result being : others assigned subjects made valuable B r o w n ..........................................................29 M um 9ft The third ward cast 85 votes with Frank Kerslake on tlie ballot, but vo­ ters wrote in the names of R. L. C hap­ man and M . M. Ellis with this vote. K erslake....................................................... 18 C h a p m a n ........................................... 8 Ellis .......................................................... 40 T he season is already at hand for khaki and olive-drab uniform s. C om ­ pany com m anders are authorized to change from the blue at their discretion . I and a little m ore warm weather will pro »ably sec the blue uniform s shelved for tlie season. The Am erican Lake join t m aneuvers are now reasonably ceita in . The disnatch from W ashing - 1 on, L) C ., printed in yesterdav’s O re - 1 gonian, records that the senate returned the $1,000,000 m aneuver appropriation , to the arm v bill. Provision was like-1 wise made for the increase o f pay for i the arm y, navy and marine corps. ! W hen congress eliminated tlie a n -! propriation for sum m er m aneuvers s e v - ' era! weeks ago, it was feared that tke bfg joint m aneuvers at Am erican L ike were dimmed. Local guardsman had .*11 but m ade up their m inds that a cam p of instruction at the coast was to be the extent of this year’s outing. T he senate evidently has an eye to the future and un derstin d in g of the im portance of m ilitary training for as many men as possible. Organ­ ization of the new com panies of infantry is to be taken up in the near future by the State M ilitary board. A liuoat every prospering town in the For the C h ild ren To succeed these days you must have plenty of g. it, cour- pge, strength. How is it with the children? Arc they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget A y e r ’s S a rs a p a r illa . You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. n ir r lt ll W M tihO tIw w iW » h*Y' pood h«*1fh n:.'M4 the bowels »re .n yu rp er e*nu»|»*«* •••• r ft v ns >wri»vt l»v pltltiF •»»'*» 1 * >e*of Aytt • i »»»«. Ah cu>»«•«>. by J. C. Ayer Co . T owel!, Mae* Ateo in&nufMtureia o ( > ru invine*. A ifers ViUt CURE. CrtJKV PECTORAL. We heve ne serre»* * We pno’.Iefc the fo-TT-T a* of* ear rjr.ee. Two Close to Death. Much excitem ent was created in the sawmill in Independence this m orning w hen a tightener pulley went to pieces. Parts were flying in all directions, creat­ ing a panic am ong the workm en. Charley M cCauley, head sawyer, bandy escaped death when a piece took the rim of his hat just missing his head, and \V. A. G ovro, who operated the trim m er, had a sim ilar experien ce when pieces went on both sides of him . ------- ------- Mohair Meeting. H. L. Fenton, secretary o f the Polk C ounty M ohair A ssociation, announces that a m eeting of the association will be held at the court house in Dallas, Sat­ urday, April l l , for the purpose of changing the date for the sale o f the m ohair pool, as the prim ary elections are to l»e held on the day already set. Other imiiortant business is to be trans­ acted and he urges every mem tier of the association to be present if possible. All who are able are advised to bring their m ohair Vi Dallas at that tim e. s u it s ; som e s le e v e s , so m e t r o u -e r s e x tr a fu ll. /T \ f'j f\ ’ / \\ v, ( > / . Albina Church. One of the most im portant an nounce­ ments in connection with the appoint­ ments made at the annual conference of the r n ite d Evangelical church held at Dallas, is 11»at Dr. C. C, Poling will return to Oregon, anti has been appoint­ ed to th ■ Second United Evangelical church at K erby and Fargo streets, Al- l '1i V . l l e Vvill l»e here in about two weeks. Dr. Poling has been president at the W estern U niversity at La Mars, la., for the past two years, going there from the presidency of Dallas college. He had a special work to do for that university and having finished it is ready to resume his duties in Oregon, where he has been in active work for nearly 20 years. Dr. Poling has many friends in Portland and throughout the state who will he glad to hear that he will return. Rev. A. A. W inter has been sent back to the First church, Tenth and Sherman streets for his fourth year.— Oregonian. p la in w ith c u ffs ; c o a ts cu t lo o s e ; j I - : j ! y. > I J w> i y j 1 / / terns. \ f A ls o a g o o d lin e o f R u s ­ . ... I sia n a n d S a ilo r b lo u s e S u its X I RAGOOJ^ fo r b o y s a g ed 3 to 8 . Ederheim er, Stein & C o. MAKI*I xjg- j The Bee Hive Store 3} ^ $ Ages 7 to Id. v T ........ ,. . ■•A .w iW w .yt .»V. M ade f rom the best goods in a l l p a t- the new shades and pa COMPLETE LIST OF CANDIDATES NOW IN FIELD. t w o -p ie c e w ith DR. POLING WILL RETURN. TO DATE Y o u w ill o n e w ith o u r g u a r a n te e o f talks and created interesting and in­ telligent discussions. Mrs. B Z. Riggs, Prof. Burton and I,. R. Trevor took the iniative in the topics assigned. PO L IT IC S UP now . find th e “ X t ka oo o I)” la b e l DALLAS, # f t # * # % # # # # :: # $ OREGON t * $ # # $ $ * * ft $ # SALEM’S HORSE SHOW. T he horse show at Salem last Satur­ day was a grand success in every par­ ticular. A large crow d was in atten­ dance, and the anim als show n went of the best. Prizes to Polk county ex h ib i­ tors were awarded as follow s: Thoroughbred stallion, 3 years and over, “ K am sach,” W . \V. Percival, In ­ dependence, first. Standard bred stallion, 2 years and under 3, “ A b B ender,” Mark Holm es, M cCoy, second. Standard bred mare, 3 years and ov­ er, ‘ ‘ M innie L ovelace,” I). W . G ibson, W est Salem, first. Percberon stallion, 8 years anti over, “ P resbyterian,” S. T. Sm ith, Sm ithfield, third. Pereheron stallion under 2 years, “ P edro,” H. C. C onstance, Indej rJejKin- dence. first. Pereheron colt, “ P ortia,” T. W . Brunk, Eola, second. G elding, 2 years or over, ’ ’ D an dy,” R. W . Hogg, Eola, second. Mare, under 2 years, “ P ortia,” T. W. Brunk, Eola, first. Jack mule, m are m ule and team of mules, M. M. Jones, M onm outh, first. Saddler, W illa m ette.” W . W . Perci­ val, Independence, first. ------------ « • * ------------ The Evil* of Constipation. Are m an y ; in fact alm ost every se­ rious illness has its origin in constipa- pation, and som e m edicines, instead of preventingconstipation, add to it. This is true of m ost cathartics, w hich, when first used, have a beneficial effect, but the «lose has to be continually increased, anti before long the remedy ceases to have the slightest effect. There is one preparation, how ever, that can be re­ lied npon to produce the same results with the same dose, even after fifty years daily use. and this is Brandreth’s Pills, which has a record of over 100 years as the standard rem edy for con­ stipation and all troubles arising from an im pure state of the blood. Brand- reth ’s Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used and can be found in every drug and m edi­ cine store, either plain or sugar-coated. — — ^ ■ - — Boak at McMinnville. Next W ednesday Head Consul Boak, of the W oodm en of the W orld, accom ­ panied by a num ber of his associate liead officers will lx* at M cM innville fo r. the purpose o f initiating a large class of j candidates. ¡Several degree teams from j the W est Hide will participate in tin- work, and larye delegations o f m embers are expeetd from adjoining towns. A num ber of Dallas W oodm en contem ­ plate i going dow n. T he fare lias been • place*! at *»n** »nd on»» third “o thii your tim e for a trip to the m etropolis o f I i Y am hill. ------ ------- Collection* Promptly Made I ran ugh f »r over n y ir S s t • » : “ V frieml bought a bottle o f C h \ m : ■ . m s ' . Ct <; t R e m e d y , brought it to ni * an l in d ' li A I h \ >u' ! t • ho it. I did •o an I to my surprix«# it helped *n F»»ur I»otties o f it cured me o f my c o u g h ." For Sale bv Belt & Cherrington