What Our County Officials Have Done Since Our Last Issue. V. P. FISKE. »I M . 3 mi . 1 73 ( Iteraiser, one year In Advance S U B S C R I P T I O N -] W ith Weekly Oregonian or Semi weekly Journal ( W ith Oregon W oodm an.......................................... ui.-1 I J ° " ' w . ’PHONES: BKUq 11 I Office, M I T T A L I Kmiclence, 1401 S'*7 K.-i.|«nre, 113 Put rimi I f One A nnthrr for the Upbiiiltli*Q o f Town nod County. n ext presidential candidate unless he can close his month on Japanese We Hear o f More Cures O f tro u b le« orlylntninB in Im pu re bl./od, ■croful.i. loss 01 - p i i tlte, catarrh , rh. uma- U«m, b y H ood's S araaparllla than b y all o th er »o-ealled rem edies com bined. S om ehow those cured by H ood’s seem to stay cu red, aud they itladly tell the good n ew s to others. S c r o fu la S o r e My w ife Im.l a scrofu ­ lous sore on her leg fo r y . M a n y «litTi-r- ent meiticlm - ga ve but l i t . >*i benetii. M ie turned to Hood's Sarsaparilla aud the sore quickly healed. It is a Hood blood m edicin e." J. N Darr, Crosby, Tessa. A fflic te d 16 Y e a r s - 'T I ""!'■* S'"' “ P«j Hllft has cured . ie o f scrofula, will; '.voi '!i I have been troubled 1« year and caused by vaccination. My l i t '1" daughter had a scrofula sw ellin g on her neck nnd il >od’i SarHHi'iirilln nlno cured her.” Mils. N ou a H uohf . y . Hughey, Teuuessee. H ood s Sarsupurilla is sold eve ryw h ere . In the usual liqu id, o r In tablet form called S a r s a t a b s . 100 D o . tb One D ollar, P re- pared o n ly b y C. I. H ood Co., L o w e ll, Maas. affairs. Our labor vote is not in lo re with coolie work or wages, in the west where they especially see so If the postotfice d epartm ent really wanted to do somethin*? for the good of the conn rv editor if sh- ul I make all subscriptions payable in advance and have each paper use a m ailer, with the dal«* «»f modi siib-eription 's exp iration p lain ly marked T h is would save the publisher many d o l­ lars annually. T h e election of another republican senator from K en tu ck y is hut another practical illustration of the desire of our best people to abolish machin For the good tlm t the U n ited there State« 1ft p o l­ itics and ring rule. It m ik es no in. difference whether the party in power truly is dem ocrat or republican. T h e con ­ is yet us be thankful. much of it. * tinued dishonest ami arbitrary use of In order to make T aft look tin* part th eir prestige towards various ends, of a G. O. I*, elephant, cartoon ibis w ill at last bring about its own u n ­ Dirty p olitics ta in tin g the merely have to attach the trunk and doing. highest oflioes the voter ha« w ith in his satchel. ^ g ift som etim es prove too grea» a s encli Bryan is m aking no h it with W all for even the mo-i seasoned nostrils. street by announcing that in H oono Prospects for the securing of 160 acres of land ea* h by actual settlers v o lt’« position he would he he just like him, on ly more so of Polk county from the Southern P a ­ A member of a com panv playin g cific railroad seems to he v irtu a lly an “ Ten N igh ts in a Bar Boom ,” ha* been accom plished fact. T h e m atter is arrested in Kansas. He must have | now to he le ft to the highe t c o u r t in showed the effects of it our land, and if the terms of a con ­ tract— when entered in to with a big X 'W th at tin* H orn has been prop­ e rporntion— really have any m ean­ erly rounded and t he north hound trip ing, when n ot for the benefit of said \beuun, it will of course be all up-hill corporation, then the suit is as good work for the battleship fleet. as won. Hom estead hunters from the ------- -------- , — - W h ile H arry Thaw is insisting that east are lookin g at these lands with he is sane, he probably i« satisfied that lon cin v eyes, and a« soon a« the ra il­ the other inm ates who talk the same roads are made to com ply with their con tract with the go vern m en t each way are mad an March hares. allo tm en t of 160 acres will he eager­ ly seized by an actual settler. T h is Hinee the discovery that Con. res is costing the 001111*ry 1150 a minute will wonderfully the visitors to the House galleries have a righ t to expect a perform ance that will look a little more lik e Notice to the People of Polk County. their I hereby give you notice that the time to spray is tit hand, so don’ t wait for me to call on you and notify you that the law requires fruit trees to be sprayed during the winter or spring months,wit h lime-sulphur spray. Von can buy tin1 spray ready for use hv diluting the solu­ tion with ton or tw elve gallons of water to one of the liquid sprav. The prepared lime-sulphur is free frog) sediment and by thorough spraying you will get good results. It is death to Scale, Apple and Pear Seal), Canker or Dead Spot and other fungus diseases. J. B. N U N N , Fruit Inspector. m on ey’s worth. One-fourth of what we eat, says on writer, keeps us. T h a t looks like poin ting the way to econom y, hut m ost of us will continue eatin g the other three-fourths lieoausn they keep the folks who need the money. R oosevelt will not he able to shovt T a ft on to the republican party a « its Q * < increase population. , j your kidneys once every three minutes. ft The kidneys are your blood put ifiers. they fib ter out ihe waste or impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they faii to do their work. | Estate of Francis Kucher, deceased— I final account filed and i»et for hearing Pains, aches and rheu­ R G ildner to R E W illiams, 120 matism come from ex­ 1 March 28 at 1 o ’clock p.iu. acres in t 9 s, r 8 w 1 cess of uric acid in the Estate of T. A Ireland, deceased—4?. blood, due to neglected A L Headrick et al to E II Pugh, | W. Leonard relieved from acting h < ap­ 0 acres in t 7 s, r 3 w .............. 1700 p ra is er. and M. N. Bowman, appointed Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady E II Pugh et iix to Jessie II Pugh in his place. 9 acres in t 7 s, r 3 w ......... . 2000 heart beats, and makes one feel as though Estate of Robert R iley, deceased— in­ they had heart trouble, because the heart Is .1 F Franondiener et ux to W II ventory and appraismeiH filed and ap­ Carter. 8.04 acres in t 6 s, r 7 w 200 proved. over-werking in pumping thick, kidney- Mnrv A Ciingun to C liff and V E poisoned blood through veins and arteries. Estate of Jennie Condon, deceased— Johnson, lets in Dallas......... 1,100 it used to be considered that only urinary inventory and appraisment filed and ap­ troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, Lucy L Howell et al to C liff and V E Johnson, lots in D a lla s... 1 proved. but now modern roience proves that nearly Estate of John lory, deceased—inven­ all constitutional diseases have their begin­ Frank Fuchs to Lucy Van Tassel, lot in D allas.............................. 1 tory and appraisment filed and approved ; ning in kidney trouble. administrator authorised to sell person­ If you are sick you can make no mistake «tä te of Oregon to .1 E Miller. 140 The hack is the mainspring of acres, t 7 s, r 5 w ............... 8000 al property at private sale. woman’s organism. It quickly calls by first doctor!';5 your kidneys. The mild and the ex tram uhmry efiect of Dr. Kilmer's A F Campbell et ux to W A Mess­ att 'iitifin to trouble by ic-hing. It S w a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy is ner 820 acres, t 8 s, r 5 and 6 w 1 Commissioner’ s Court. tel!», with other symptoms, such ns soon realized. It st-.ids the highest for its I) M Hew itt et ux to Martha A Koari petiliun of J. M. Prather pre- m , \ ou.< .«• headache, pains in the j wonderful cures of the most distressing cases Moreland, lot in Monmouth 2-100 sinted. Ini x, weight in the lower part of ! and is sol i on its merits Mrs A P* Campbell ami hd to Charles (in g«-;-yf lot in Dallas 270 th - ixxlv, that u woman's feminine i by ali druggl-.tr in fifty- In the matter of the road petition of Marth» E \\Y ter to Peter Cook Deitrich <». Rempcl an ! fortv other** for organism needs lmnu diateatteinion. | cent and one dollar riz- land in t 6 p, r 5 w ................. 10 1 establishing county road; ordered t b it In such eases the one sure remedy i «3. You may have a the motion of p lio i.e i- t.» * tr:* « *6 which speedily »m o r e s th - canoe, sample bottle by .nail Home o.': -i.-pfu ^ I) L K evt el ux to W illiam Car- son, lot in Perrydale ^ 200 names from the remonstrance l»e sus and restore« the feminine organism free, also pamphlet tilling you how to tine \V Smith et ux to .1 K Si.epard, 77 tcintxl. to a healthy, normal condition is out If ycu have kidney or bladder trouble. acres in t ft e. r 4 w 2608 Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Ordeted that the road petitioners l F Yoakum et ux to \V T Foster fit Co., Binghamton, hi. Y. hoi.il he approved in the above named 2 acre», t 8 s. r 6 w . . 100 road m atter; also ordered that R. B. Safeguards your food against Do not make any mistake, but re­ .1 N Smith to C D Nairn, interest Winslow, County Surveyor, R ob eit Lee in land in t Os, r A w .............. 550 I and Geo. Me Bee appointed to view, lo­ m e m b e r'lie name, Swam p-Hoot, Dr alum and phosphate of lime Mrs. W ijl Young, of 6 Columbia j K ilm er's S\v«imp-Root, and the address W \Y Uilrey et ux to L E Bow­ cate and assess tho damages as provided Ave., Rockland, Mo., says: man, lots in Dallas ......... 260 bv ¡aw and to report to the court at the ingham pton, N. Y . on every bottle. “ I was troubled for a lon g time w ith J E M iller to Emma M iller, 120 ; April term thereof. dreadful backaches and a pain in my acres in t 7 s, r 5 w ................. . 1 Ordered that the road petition of Z. side, and was m iserable in every way. E M Young to J E Daws, lots in Hiushaw, et al to establish county road I doctored until I was discouraged and In d epen den ce................... . 2000 from Falls City to Black Rock, be con­ thought I would never g e t w ell. I read It C Craven et ux to Dallas City tinued for bearing to the A p ril term. what L y d ia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable hank, lots in Perrydale 10 pleased to receive all visiting W ooomea. Compound had done fo r others and T hu rsday; I Ordered that the sheriff be given Anna Huntley to Peter Kurre 6.50 Initiation followed by a banquet will be decided to tr y i t ; afte r ta kin g three C. J. Pugh, Fulls City. acres in t 8 s, r 4 w ...... ......... 1 1 credit in his 1607 settlement with $4.01 the attraction of the evening. A num­ bottles I can tru ly say that I never fe lt D. A. Bilyeu, Dallas. on tax receipt No. 4904, on account of F W Fenton et ux to M E W heel- ber of visitors from the other camps of so w ell in my life.” Friday : ock, 100 acres, t 8 s r 5 w . 5000 his receits having been drawn for one thecounty are expected to be present. payment twice. C. J. Morrison, Indep. .Mrs. Augustus Lyon,of East Earl, F W Fenton et ux to M I) Whecl- This is on«* of the big camp entertain­ W .J . Steele ami fam ily, Indep. ock. 58 acres, t 8 s, r'o w . . 3000 Ordered that the official bonds of I*a., writes to .Mrs. Pinkham : ments leading up to the big may picnic Henry Yotli, Glen Butler and Percy “ I had very severe backaches, and Saturday : M .1 Harris, trustee, to N ( i Har­ at Fulls Cite. pressing-dwwn pains. I coil'd not sleep, ris, 20 acres, t 8 s, r 5 w ........... 1 Hadley, us road supervisors, be approv­ J. C. Havter, Dallas. and had no appetite. L yd ia E. Pink- ( J \Y Johnson et ux to J T Hunt ed. Mrs. (i. 11. Clarke, Lincoln. ham’s V egetable Compound cured me et ux, lots in W est Salem . .. 150 Hyde Clarke, Lincoln. The e unty treasurer presents paid and made me feel lik e a new woman." M D Hubbard to N and F W Mrs. Hyde Clarke, Lincoln. and cancelled warrrnts as follow s: Hughes, 41.00 acres, t 7 s, rftw . 1257 IL D. Cooper, Indep. Road warrants........................ $ 520.05 F A C T S fC * » S "C K W O M E N . il II Craig et ux to J IV Inman et \V. L. Too/.e, 1 Tills City. Special school........................... 425.78 For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ux.Jot i»' West Salem .... .. 550 lv II. I low er, Monmouth. C ities........................................ 43.47 hum’s Vegetable Compound, made .7 P Holmes et ux to J W Inman C. lx. Hubbard, Dallas. County school orders...............2,528,16 from roots and herbs, has U-cn t lie et ux. lot in W est Salem .......... 125 Countv warrant fu n d .............. 43.07 standard remedy for female ills, A N Gilbert et ux to I L Patter­ TlTe F«>rosters of Am erica team, of and has posit ively cured thousands of son tit ux, land in t ft s. r 8 w . 23.0 *0 ......$3,560.48 Total Snohomish, W ash., has a clean record women who have been troubled with i David Peter et ux to Maria Peters for the season, the only clo«e game be­ 114 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w .................. 4560 displacements, inflammation, ulcera­ , It bus snowed this week. ing the one played by tho Nome Arctic tion, fibroid turners, irregularities, Mr. Harrington is on the sick list. Brotherhood team, when the game was iieriodie pains, backache, that tw*ar- called with two minutes to play and Mrs. Robinson went back to Am ity I have for sale some very desirable fng-d:>wn feeling, flatulency,indigea- ! last Monday. the score 22 to 20, in favor of »Snoho­ bargains in farm property. U . S. to Pacific R ailw ay Company. t,ion,dizziue8s,or nervous piostiat! >n mish. The game was stopped by the A tine home of 45 acres, lino creek Mr. and Mrs. Snelling went to their U. S. to C. S. (¡raves. National Guard authorities, who were bottom soil; good buildings, water farm Thursday and came hack Sunday. compelled to use the floor for state in ­ an l orchard, ( ’ lose to school, church, Mrs. Viola B. Shurtleff, widow of F. spection. Other teams taken into camp Mrs. Holm an’s dog fell in Jim Sher­ li. It. On It. F. D. route, rural phone. N. Shurtleff, «lie«! Monday afternoon at this season are the Bellingham Y . M. C. wood’s well, but was taken out with­ A snap at only $ 2 ,-5 ) 0 3 o,clock at the residence of her son-in A.. Everette Y . M. C. A. (tw o games) out being injured. law, Otto F. Bran»lea. 394 ( ’ lay street. Dawson, Pullman and Portland Y . M. One 100 acre, well improved farm ; It was announced that there would he Portland, Oregon,as the result of a par­ C. A. "lilt WET V LATHER 35 acres plow 1 in«l, 20 acres stump- a telephone meeting at tiie sebooihouse alytic stroke sustained in 1901, since The Foresters team is out with a age, posture, balance fine fir tim ber; COMFORT AND last Monday to elect new officers, hut which time she 1ms been an invalid. sweeping challenge to the world. Dallas, good eight room new house, fine liv ­ P R 0 1 E C T I0 N there were only five numbers present. Mrs. Shurtleff was born in Kansas, Oregon preferred. If anyone doubts ing water, iiue erchard. Price Another meeting w ill be hold Saturday afforded by a August 23. 1839, and was married in their ability to play the game, all ar­ O n ly $ 3 ,0 0 0 morning. ■ to y 'tg j j Iowa in 18 *8. W ith her husband she | rangements can be made to play a game | I crossed the continent in 1862, arriving • or series of games. No team will be One 80 acre farm, finely located, Fiske, the best prim er. r/SH SRK^ desiring a I in Oregon and settling first in Polk ! sidestepped. A n y team good buildings. 45 acres plow land; j county, afterwards moving to Portland, | game can communicate with the man­ all stock, implements, seed, feed, in where, with the exception of a few ager, Edward Lyaons, Snohomish.— Ore­ fact everything goes except house­ ! years passed in New York , she resided | gonian. hold effects. , C le a n -L ig h t : until the time of her death. O n ly $ 3 ,0 0 0 D urable Her husband was a Mason of high de- Guaranteed j gree, was employed in the Indian ser­ ^W&tarprcof vice and afterwards was Deputy Collect-1 Owing to the basket ball game Tues­ »300 or Customs for several years, and on ac- j day night the entertainment scheduled by the Dallas Woodman camp count o f his efficiency was then appoint­ E ve ryw h ere Dallas, Orego i- ed by President Haves, Collector. L a ­ was postjsmed until next Tuesday even­ ovJt* I Tim following in taken from a Nevada ter. he was appointed, by President ing, when Dallas Woodman will be p a p er: Arthur, one of the general appraisers of m oney. Ltitlto W illiam s who eame over from the customer service of the United Your rro r.r rM rrnj ymir nr m y II you don’t (k oeo ia WVdncMlay evening, n*|M>rts States, and lived in New York while that a strike o f sensationally rich gold Ilk. bcbulnlg » H.»l we l’»y Inn». employed in that capacity. At the end ore I uik been made in the old tunnel of of his service in New York he returned the UumlH-rland mine, of the Boston to Portland and died a few years there­ P O O L A N D B IL L IA R D H A L L Nevada Company, within the past few after. He was a n.an of industry, en­ Now located in th; Kerslake Building days. The whole face.of the tunnel was ergy and ability in all the places in t W hen ill A irlie j j (E veryth in g upto-dale ), in ora that showed plenty of free gold to which he served, and was o f the high­ Don’t neglect your cough. T the eye, and which would essay hun­ ♦ Visit the est integrity, and was trustworthy. dreds of dollars to the ton. T o those A fter her husband’s death Mrs. who are acquainted with the ( 'umber- Shurteff lived with her only «laughter, Statistics show that in New York City land mine, which is situated in Dry Mrs. Otto F. Braudes. Mrs. Brands, a Cool drinks, fresh candiesa J Gulch, where a-m illion of dollars have few days ago, fell ill ami is now at the choice line of cigars and tobcco. X been taken out in placer gold, the dis­ alone over 200 people die every week from Good Samaritan Hospital. j. is hereby given that I. E. C. Rieh N OTICE mond. have been appointed by the coun­ , covery of ore of sensational values does A fter the stroke o f paralysis o f seven ; 1 ty court o f P>lk county, Oregon, adm inistra­ not come as a surprise. Home four consumption. tor o f the estate o f W illiam W illiam s, deceased. ’ voara ago, »Mrs. Shurteff was practically years ago leasers took out and worked All persons indebted to said estate are requir­ I helpless, . through the Cumberland mine tons of ed to make im m ediate payment to me, and all persons ha\ ing claims against said estate, are ore that yeilded over the plates better hereby required to present the same to me, And most c f these consumptives mipht than $7500 to the ton. The nature of properly verified as by law required, at Dallas, tin* ore deposits in the Osceola ('am p Polk county. Oregon, w ithin six m onths from W e are just in receipt of a shipment the date hereof. are such as to lead one to believe that bo living now If they hnd not neglected Hie of trees direct from Lewis Lerov, a Paled this ath dav o f February, ions. INSTRUCTOR ON the rich body of ore re a c h »! by the K r RICHMOND, prominent nurseryman and walnut Cumberland will lead to more of a larg­ A dm inistrator o f the estate of grower in France who is in a ]>osition warning cough. W illiam W illiam s, deceased. er and richer nature. This claim is to furnish the best the world affords, i L. D. Brown, next to the Hornet owned by the Pilot Varieties: Franquette and Mayotte, Attorney for Estate. Studio: Room 2, Wilson building, knob C old M illing and M ining Co. In These were grown on special can tract | You know how quickly S c c f i ' s Dallas, Oregon. fact the CunilH*rland’ s tunnel extends fin* its. We will guarantee these to be within a close distance of the Hornet geniune imported stock and true to claim, making it an absolute certainitv E m u t-ito n -enables you io .hiow off a name. Are going fast. W rite today that their rich ore runs through the hit­ lor prices VJOTK’ K IS H E R E B Y (JIVEN T H A T TH E i ’ N- ter’s claim. At Osceola, according to NEW TO-DAY Tne Chas. Benedict Nursery Co., cough or cold. dersigned has been du ly appointed by the Mr. Burritt, a most hopeful and opti- •ountvcuurt o f the state o f Oregon for Polk dealers in general nursery stock, C arl­ ii i i «tic feeling prevails, and this season •ounty, ladm luistrator, with w ill annexed, of ton, Oregon. will witness heavy operations in this A dvertising under this head 1 cent a word the estate o f Thomas M. Bailey, deceased. .'11 A LL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND «1.00. persons having claim s against said estate are great gold camp. The New Moon in each insertion hereby required to present the same to me “ I suffered habitually from eonstipa- this district is nearing the ore body properly verified, n% b y la w required, at the ! tion. Doan’s Regnlets relieved and *+ ***& *+ *& $ % & ***& *% *> ***> with its long tunnel, while Mr. Forest ballila city bank. Dallas. Oregon, w ith in six strengthened the bowels, so that they (ioody, the great rustler and irrepres- TEAM FOR HALF, weight about 1400 pounds. months from the »late thereof. - I. A. May, Pallas Both phone*. Ml*.» Dated this 20 th dav of February, 1WK. ! have been regular ever since.” — A. E. ' able operator, has a force on the Cum­ W O . V ASH A LL, ■ Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex. I - A dm inistrator with w ill annexed o f the es­ berland, ami has a showing in its work­ tate o f Thomas M. Hailey.deceased. ings which would make the ordinary COME good young Pigs for sale, by Eugene L. P Brown. Attorney for estate. Smith. Pallas. Mutual Phone. Hla< k 555. mining man go fairly wild. A t present Mit» Osceola looks better than ever. Black At tho recently organised horse show I Horse, near Osceola is also making good. ass«K*iHtion in Salem, W m . fa to m , of In tliis Oseeola camp are lots of mines L' A KM FOR RENT 140 aero* under the plow. Dallas, H. C. Constance, of In depen ­ paving dividends. The Raymond A Ely I Inquire o f J. J. Lovick, Lew isville \«Idress dence and Jas. Nesmith, of Riekreail, | Monmouth. Oregon Mutual phone. 4 on white paid $7 a month ami some smaller d ivi­ line. When I want my laundry done If V O T I CE IH H EREBY (O V E N TO A L L WHOM were elected vice presidents for Polk dend« for years. The Meadow Valley, ‘ X it may concern that the county court o f up nicely I take it to the Polk county. I >regnu. has appointed me ad­ county. The association propose push­ Chief of the Hills and 15 other* paid inistrator o f the estate o f Nancy W. Harris, ing plans for a big horse show on Ap ril dividends from 115 cents to $1 a month. pERM AN (URL wants piaci as housekeeper m late o f said county. A ll perçois h aving claims 4th, at which time they w ill have G Address ta»x A»S. city. These statistics have been carefully look­ against said estate may present them to me at my residence near Oak Drove in said emjnty. games, races and various other attrac­ ed up and are practically correct and My postofllee address is R iek reali. Polk coun­ tions. we want to ask these knockers, hoVv i;S * • l.ls ll W A LN 'I'T trees for tin* next 80 ty. Oregon. Claims, if any, must he presente«! ----- ---------------- could you have made money any faster L days 1 w ill sell walnut tries in quantities w it'iin six months from tn edare of the Hfst Feel languid, weak. run-down? than to have invested in Nevada stock? ¡»f from 1 to lax*» at the reduced rate o f 10 cents pu blication o f this notice. I'Uch K. K. Meexley. Falls Pity. If EMERSON L HARRIS. Headache? Stomach ‘ ‘ «iff” ?— Just Did you ever hear of a camp of three N O R TH MAIN STR E E T BO TH PHONES A dm in istrator o f the estate «»f Nancy W. Harris plain case <»f la ty liver. Burdock Blood years old like Goldfield producing over Bitters tones liver and stomach, pro $2000.000 a m »nth? The Pilot Knob >r sale early seed potatoes l*v L. I. Burseli, motes digestion, purifies the blood. Dallas. Ml 2 Gold M illing and Mining Company own 10 claims in this district and have done At the ten and reception in honor of sufficient developement work that their 1)1’ R r the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. * prilli,’ whom, throo vario ties, R«’< showing proves that they have the !>est ■ ('huff, s.-ot. h rii' nu»! DofUn« «’ Price *.* and Mrs. Chas. M cDevitt. which was so t opportunity in that district. Osceola rent* h bushel. J%mes K. H«*xr?«. M«-C*»jr. PHONE successfully arranged by their daughter, PHONE will prove itself one of the very best in Tbr new postal dep^rtmeat rutin« Mrs. Geo. W . Con key. assisted ny Miss- ! B E LL 511 MUTUAL I4I| Nevada in a short time. es Emory, Opal ami Mrs. J A. Lynch. ; C O R SALE Fr«**h young c«»vr, two sow* w ith ■ oukrs it necessary for ns. or Ipril * young pig*« nn«l "lx "horns. J. W. Rohiimon. several beautiful presents were receive«! tf Mutimi phone 111 nek 15. by them, consisting of some handsome 1st to drop iron our sibsrriptioR list ciit glass fr«.in the Indies Aid of th eM . E. ; D A L L A S , O W TG O N church, ami Haviland China from the oil who Mt. o»w wif year io arrears. C(!OS for Imtchtng fr««m « very (In** pen of F.astern Star, and two chairs in leather | Mrs. Rufus Smith is very low with L K. I. Ke.N. 9» 50 for thirteen : White Leg­ horns ft for thirteen. One extrn good R.l R« >.• ■t ’ - V y m Administrator’s Notice. ’3 ^ «AÀ, -i *. 0 ■ ■A' 0 r 4 v ‘» ,’' " » ri d ip * ! m : Horse Show Association. A COMMON EXPRESSION Administrator’s Notice. Dallas Steam Laundry *\Ç V ■ A F R IE N D fO F i ’IE N D . T in - ' , h.ivo U 1 cut I » b L it v'ou; . . elf. • to ni k... if a merco over a 1 A M . ; • ; ! colds by Cham- ’one more than all k cf rade and com* v ilized w orld. \ V C T A f u i l i Nsj 1 ■ ; ’ ' w h o A ; ; TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS MONMOUTH M «com ber, D a li«», Ore, Mrs. Lark lla ll and daughter, Dora, 2V expect to start in a few days for a visit in Idaho. Mrs. Fred Huber and daughter art* expecting to start soon on a visit to Eastern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs W ill Robertson return­ ed Saturday from an extended visit at Sheridan ami Ballston. For Sale bv B e lt dc. C he rrin g to n Mutual phone. Black MU* P<)R s A LE—EarlvVerm ont an«l earlv Yielder« * potato?». W E. (ireenw om l. Paila* Beil phone «51. M12 p o o s for hatehtng B*rre<1 Rock*. Pekin L «türk« an«l S. C. Black Min«*r«’H.s. Some choice O. I. V pig» for »ale. Reasonable pric- ea. C. I. Ballani. Riekreail. Ore, tf Miss Maud Cartmel, with her uncle ami aunt, who are here on a visit from L ' o r SALK Tw o fn o d c n t n givin g milk and One am) a Missouri, have gone to s|>end a few days » w ill h? freah in A pril ami May Oi h alf miles n«*rth o f Dalia*, on route l Mm F. at Newport. M Dunlop tf kaqueat. will be place* i* proper hoods Final Settlement. for rode boo W t bate to be arbitrary a the matter, bit hove oo choice - il is either do this or be ndoded fro« the mod IN y i* bee to do is to pay op to dote, and then we ore el- lowed to fhe yw credit fa owther yeer ’ OTICE IS H ERE BY G IV E N T H A T TH E FI H n «l a««*ount o f V. L- B u tler j e d ito r «>f the relate o f Henry K ill«, de I r r u r d h «* been lltosl In the c*«io ty court o f , Polk c.mnty * t«»e o f Oregon, and that the 14th i day o f Matvh ISOS, at the hour o f 10o'elock a. m.. ha* been du ly appointed by aueh court j for the hearing of «»njeeiion* to rorh Anal ««• 1 count an«l the eettlement thereof, at whieh I tim e any prrooa Intereet«*«! in *ueh extate may j appo-ar an«l file ohjertion* thereto In w ritin g I an«1 content the *ame. • Dated, thia 12th day o f February. i'.wa. N Exe« utor. ex . KIRKPATRICK C R O C E R IE 3 ; I . 5 psr cent discount, cash (or thirty days) 5 percent