0 U 8 ASSOCIATE EDITORS. AUthe County News Graphically Writ* ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers. What to Do When Bill., u*. The rixlil thing to (to when you feel bilious is to take u dose of Chain »erlain’s j St- much and Liver Tablets. They will j cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Try it. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Belt A Cherring- ton’a drug store. PIONEER. COULD NOT WALK F Mass of Itching, Burning Humor on Ankles— Feet Fearfully Swollen — Opiates Alone Brought S le e p - Many Treatments Failed but Archie Reed killed two large skunks Mrs. Konneman is quite well now. last week while helping bis grandfather Mr. Simpson went to Salem Friday, haul wood. R. L. C H A P M A N ...... Ruiph Digby came home February 1st. Mr. Mark Hubbard went to Dixie F UN E RA L DI RECTOR last Friday for a load of chop. Mark is and Mr. Jim Sherwood went to McCoy to TORTURES OF ECZEMA a rustler and a good farmer. EMBALMER get a load of grain. OFFICE: Chapel and Parlor*, N. Mainai. YIELDED TO CUTICURA A fine drove of beef cattle passed IMI.I.AS. OKEOON: Mr. Seymour came to the Pioneer through here last week enroute for Sa­ school and made a short visit. Bell Phone lift. • Mutual Phone 1306. lem, Inung purchased of Burford Stone, ‘ Cuticura Remedies are all you claim C all« Prom ptly Answered Day or Night of Wiilamina. Mr. Happe. of Washington, has them to be. I hud ecsema for over two years. I had two physicians, but Miss May hell Townsend ha- just com- bought a part of Mr. Konneman’s place. they only gave me relief for a short time I Dieted a very handsome worsted quilt, ana I cannot enumerate the ointments and lotions I used t o no purpose. My being called a beauty by many of her ankles were one mass of sores. The For Over Sixty Year*. I friends,as it contains many different de­ FOR THAT PRIZE. itching and burning were so intense that signs in drawing and fancy work. An old and well trie« 1 remedy. Mrs. I could not sleep. I could not walk for nearly four months. One day my Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been husband said I had better try thè Cuti- used for over sixty years by millions of ROCCA. How the Sewing Machine Contes­ Remedies. After using them three mothers for their children while teeth­ cura times, I had the best night’s rest in ing, with perfect success. It soothes the tants Stand. muntila unless I took an opiate. I used W. R. McDonald, of Dallas, moved child, softens the gums, allays all pain, one set of Cuticura Soap, Cuticura cure.- wind colic ami is the best remedy into this country last week. Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent Pills, Below we give the standing of the and my ankles healed in a short time. foi diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tlie taste. J. W. Wooley has returned from his Sold l>v druggists in every part of the several «‘oiitiMtants for the Hewing ma­ It is now a year since I used Cuti- chine *\ hich got»« to someone on May 1st. business trip to Yamhill couuty. w »rid. 2-"» cents a bottle. Its value is cura, and there has been no return of the eczema. This gives the standing for last week, B. F. Loberg. who has been visiting meuleuable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. “ I had a small lump in the corner of and each weekly letter received will I S. P. Bell, has returned to Portland. Winslow’s Soothimg Syrup and take no my eye for over a year which was very count 1 X) points: other kind. Guaranteed under the painful and got larger all the time. I January we.it out and February caiue Food ami Drug Act. June 30, 1906. Peedee ....................................... 600 thought I would try Cuticura Soap and Buell ....................................... 400 jin cold, the thermometer ¿trapping to 27 Serial Number 1098. Ointment on it, and now it is gone. I Bunnyslope ................................ tv Hi at 7 a. in. We had quite a snowfall on am seventy-three years old and have lived on the farm I now occupy for Buena Vista................................ 000 the 3rd hut the rain carried it away. twenty-seven years. Cuticura Reme­ Kings Valley ............................. 600 dies are the safest and most reliable I PEEDEE East Dallas ............................... 500 have ever used for all skin humors. Mrs. Year’s Skin Disease of Twenty Liberty ....................................... 600 David Brown, Locke, Crawford Co., Popcorn ................................... . 600 Ark., May 18 and July 13, 1907.” Mrs. Guy Metcalf is on the sick list. Standing Cured. Butler ........... 300 May Frees is visiting Mrs. Jim Brown Falls Citv .................................. 600 and son. Ballston-B.................................. 200 I want you to know how much Cham* Corvallis ................................ 200 berlain’s Salve has done for me. It has Lester Brown is making rails and North Dallas ............................. 600 cured my face of a skin disease of al­ For Life Is the Despairing Cry Monmouth.................................. 4(H) most twenty year’s standing. I have building fence. of Thousands Bmithfield .................................. 500 been treated by several us smart physi­ Roliert Batchelor is visiting his sister, Ballston-C ................................ 200 cians as we have in this country, and Mrs. Dulcie Bush. Of skin-tortured and disfigured vio- tims of humors, eczema.», tetters, and Rocca................................... \ . . 300 they did me no good, but two boxes of Wm. Shewey and Guy Metcalf are rashes, who have tried and found want­ P ion eer....................................... 300 this salve have cured me.— Mrs. Fannie making shingles and hoards. ing many remedies, and who have lost Perrydale.................................... 400 Griffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain’s faith In all. To such Cuticura Soap, John Ritner is building the bridge at Ointment, and Pills appeal with irresist­ Salvéis for sale hv B It & Cherrington. Turner across the Luckiamute. ible force. They are absolutely pure, Sewing Machine G iven A w a y . sweet, gentle, and wholesome. They Pine Burbank and wife visited at afford immediate relief in the most dis­ LIBERTY. Thomas Kinshin’s last Sunday. As much as any one thing for the bet- tressing cases, and point to a speedy cure termentof the Itemizer its editor desires About one inch of snow fell last Mon­ when all else fails. Compute External and Internal Treatment for a weekly letter from every vicinity. Mr. Stiles lias his ground already to day but the hard rain that night took it Every Humor of Infants, Children, and Adults Beginning with January 1st and end­ set out his orchard. consists of Cuticura Soap (25c.) to cleans«* the Skin. away. Cuticura Ointment (50c.) to Meal the Skin, and ing May 1st we will give a $50 Home Cuticura Resolvent (Sue.), (or In the form of Chocolate Mrs. Jim Brown visited at Will Bush’s 8S Mrs. J. I Reasoner, who has been sewing machine to the corres|>ondent toated Fills 25c. per vial of 60) to Purify tlie Blood. Sol Sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. last. Sunday, also her little daughter, who is most regular in his or he com­ very ill, is a little better. Corp . sole Props., Boston, Mass. Sylvia. ea-Mailed Free, Cuticura Book ou Skin Dl munications. We want your locality There is no school this week, it being represented every week, and offer this teacher’s examination week. Will Bush is hauling manure on his incentive for regularity. gardens. He experts to raise garden Mrs. Brown, of Dallas, is here with — POPCORN. truck and potatoes to sell this summer. her sick daughter, Mrs. Reasoner. The Kir Grove school took in $8 at S M IT H FIE LD . Rob Steffy and Mr. Brooks are cut­ their box social for the preacher and Miss Fdna Barrack is visiting with ting wood for Arthur Dimmick on the took in some $90 at their pie social to Ora Cavitt. Howe place. Oda Reed is on the sick list. get a new desk for the school. Curt MeCowen is visiting with the G. Toy and Wong Sing, who have rented Mrs. Mack Hubbard is not well. W. Porter family. G. F. ami L. H. Me Bee and **lrs. W. J. A new coat of snow fell Saturday Farley’s hop yard, have also rented Mr. EAST DALLAS. Spring work is being delayed by so night on the hills. Steffy’s 18 acre yard. much wet weather. DISFIGURED Mr. Hays is improving his farm. Don Lewis was on the sick list yester­ day. T Last Wednesday night the Woodmen of the World held a large and enthusias­ tic meeting and started the boom for Mrs. Frank Knoll is visiting rel ilives t ew members well on its way. lnitia- i ions were also held. .n Portl uid. The question asked in the Iteinirer as Mr. R. L. Adams was here on busi coming from Falls City must have been uss Monday. a hypothetical question for no one here Mrs. L. I. Bnrsell is quite ill with need ask such s question as applied to any person redding here, as there is heart trouble. work for all and any man can make a w . P. Lewis has sold his place and good living here all the time. moved to Falls City. Henrv Fern is preparing to plant 500 BALIST0 N. prune t ees this spring. Rev. Young has recently closed a very successful revival meeting. Joe Davidson has again started his Messers. Railev and Patton are chop­ stirrup mill. ping wood for W. 1). Gilliam. George Ball attended the hop meeting at McMinnville Saturday. Mrs. Doc. Miller, of Falls City, w ■ ¡siting old friends here last week. N. M. Connor, who has been in Port­ ------- ------------ land for treatment, is somewhat better. BRIDGEPORT. Joe Dunlap and family have been bad­ ly afflicted with the grippe. Ben Edwards had the misfortune to lose a very valuable horse. BUENA VIS TA . Henry Voth lost a valuable horse last week. X. K. Taylor is building a new add! tion to his house. Will South is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John South. Mrs. Ethel Robinson is vieiting her ••»rents, Mr. and Mrs. Knighton. Herman Prather came down from i ’orvallie to attend the institute. m The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been tu u use s e a for v e u over r e i u 30 v J lu years, has borne the ilrnatnre of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-ffood” are but Experiments that tritie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. Carl Graves is having his old orchard grubbed out ami will plant a lot of new t rees What is CASTORIA The public school has some very in­ teresting literary exercises every Friday afternoon. Frank Talom is able to he around again. He has been seriously ill with mump« and grip. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. Peter Cook has sold his store to Bud - elrnan & Pondexer, of Portland. Mr. Cook will remain here for a while as ho has n^t yet decided what he will do in ♦h" future. He still has charge of the C. C. llall, a traveling salesman for warehouse here. Sanborn, Vail Co., visited over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E. C. Hall. PERRYDALE. The local institute held here Saturday was s grand success. There were some mral thoughts presented by the s]»eak- Lee Nelson was a Portland visitor this ■ ii. About 105 partook of the excellent week. hinch served by the ladies. Mrs. John Duigman was on the sick list last week, hut is better now. BALLST0N. Mrs. B. H. Flannery is visiting her daughter in Portland this week. Ches Craven was seen on our streets Mr. H. J Elliott attended the funer­ Monday. al of little Marie Walker in Dallas last N. F. Gregg and wife were in Portland week. several days last. week. Mr. Frank VanNortwick’sfamily, who Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, of Sheridan, have been sick for some time, are con­ valescing. are working for C. O. Focht. Mr. .T. L. Morrison and family visited A Salvation Army man held services at the home of her sister near Amity at the Methodist church Sunday. last Sunday. Mrs. Frank Kimsev, who has been Frank Connor was kicked by a horse quite sick, is able to be out again. Monday evening while unhitching a Several from here attended the hop team. It is nothing serious. growers meeting in McMinnville Satur­ Miss Ola Keyt, while starting a fire day. with coal oil, burned her face and arm John Jordon, an old gentlemen, was very badly. She is slowly recovering, Mkefi to the poor farm near Monmouth Miss Nellie Link and Miss May Dun- Monday. gan will take the teacher’s examination Mrs. Wm. Swartz, who has been sick this week, Miss Kate Jennings will take for the past two weeks, is said to be charge of the primary division while improving. Miss Link is absent. Floyd Mathes came up Portland Sat A good program is being prepared for urday, where he has been for treatment the entertainment that is to he given at He is much improved and looking fine. the Methodist church next Sunday even­ Peter Cook has sold out his store of ing, and an offering will he taken for the general merchandise to a couple of gen­ purpose of purchasing song books for tlemen from Portland. We wish them the church. success. B UT1ER. Mrs. Glen Butler has a baby girl. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrof ula, pimples, rashes, etc., are f the Texas people, who re­ to «-row worse. I saw S B . ■. ad- B L O O D C A N N O T O E C U T A W A Y . cently left Oregon, find Texas not to in every drug and medicine store, Dallas this week taking the teachers’ hooked a pair of skates and spent Tues­ day afternoon enjoying themselves, vertised and oommenced its use ., , , examinations. and after tskimr it a while I was 1 he cure must come by a thorough cl^aus- their liking at all, and semi word that ither plain or sugar-coated. learning how to skate. completely cured. My blood i« jng of the blood. In S. S. S. W i l l be found they are coming hack in the spring. A Ralph Dundas of, W illaniina was trans­ now pure and healthy from the ° , . , , , Mrs. O. H. Cobh had another attack act ng business on the Grand Rounde SUNNYSL0PE. •ffeot of H. 8. ft., and there ha« not a remedy for sores and Ulcers < f every kind. good advertisement for Oregon is it not? of heart trouble Tuesday evening. This b ___ e e n __. j t n y iign « i g a i o f t h e s o r e s i n e « It is an unequalled blood purifier— one that reservation last week. Wesley KUiott is clearing out the fence S. 8. 8 cured it. makes the third spell she had this win­ goes directly into the circulation and rows around his young orchard on the 'William Fish hack was a LuckiamtPe THOS. OWKN. Preparations are being made for a ter hut, we are glad to report, she is W est Union, Ohio. promptly cleanses it of all poisons and west slope of Mt. Pisgah Wesley is a visitor last Tuesday. basket social to be held at the school- some better at present. house the 22nd of February. taints. It gets down to the very bottom of | regular New Fnghimler for thrift ami Milt Bosley has been building a new A surprise party wa« held at the home the trouble and forces out every trace o f im ­ neat farn ing. Neat farming speaks the fence on his premises. Frank Shalek and family moved back of Mr. and Mrs. j . W. Palmer last Sat­ man, just as much as neat housekeep­ purity and makes a complete and lasting to Sheridan and Mrs. Lebo has come to All enjoyed themselves until ing does the woman. Fishh ick Bros, have been cutting wood keep house for her brother, L. F. Tharp. urday. cure. S. S. S. changes the quality of the near midnight, when a dainty supper Winter was so long in coming we are for John Stump, of Monmouth. blood so that instead of feeding the diseased The coyotes are getting very plentiful was served after which the merry crowd not one little bit glad to nee him; hut John Murphv, of Monmouth, was a in this vicinity, several having l»een seen wended their wav home. PURELY VEGETABLE parts with impurities, it nourishes the nevertheless he has come and hushed Bunnyslope caller last Saturday. irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy Mood. around close, and quite a number of the birds to silence; stilled the brook- Then the sore begins to heal, new flesh is formed, all pain ni 1 inflammation lets’ s murmur, and grasped the buds Allen Towns, ami wife, who have been sheep and goats have been killed by CARLTON. leaves, the place scabs over, and when S. S. 8. has purified the blood the ami hlossoius with his iev hand and sick for some time,are slowly improving. them. sore is permanently cured. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. trailed his robe of snowy splendor o’er Allie Griffith, of Dallas was a visitor Miss Marv Elgin is visiting her moth­ W rite for our special book on sores and ulcers and any other medical advice grassy vale and wooded hill. But each at the home of A. J. Shipley la«t week. Stood the Test. er of this place. tiling in its place is host, and everything you desir*. W e make no charge for the book or advice. Allcock’s plasters have successfully Jasper Thompson is visiting with his is in its place. So is tin* snow. THE S W I F T S T E C t r S >-c . 1 F M V T 4 . Among many others Mrs. Ivan Yancy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, near stood the test of sixty years’ use by the public; their virtues have never been is suffering with lagrippe. Salem. equalled by the unscrupulous imitators Clarence Elgin, of Corvallis, is visit­ Hadley Eggleston »tnd family, of Mon- w ho have sought to trade upon the rep­ month, are the guests of his brother, utation of Allcock’s by making plasters ing his mother this week. D< h \ this week. Mr. A. G. Brinckerhoff was in Port­ with holes in them, and claiming them A ll­ land on business last week. Quite a number of tho*»e interested in to l>e “ just as good as Allcock’s.’ Mrs. Wash I»aughlin. of this city, went the phone met at the home of Will cock’s plasters stand to-day endorsed by not only the highest medical authori­ to McMinnville last Tuesday. Mack Friday evening. ties, hut by millions of greatful patients Hattie Damarest went to McMinn­ Grant HelHev. of TaImage, and A. L. who have proved their efficacy as a ville to see the dentist last Tuesday. Chute, of Monmouth, are cutting wood household remedy. on the former’s place here. Grant Elgin, of Corvallis, visited his Worth 10.00 at $7.95 Worth 8.50 at ................. $ 6.25 fa lls c ir Y mother, Mrs. Sarah Elgin, last week. Joe Bogvnski. who has been attending “ 12.50 at school in Monmouth, was brought home 9.25 “ 10.00 at................... 7.35 Mr. Willard Linville. of Corvallis, is | “ 18.00 at 13.98 Saturday, on account of ill health. Cl if Putfh is Uid up with nppemlicitis. visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. D. Mor- i “ 12.50 a t .................. 9.45 son. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tuttle, of In­ Hubert Womlerly is at his home very “ 14.00 a t .................. 10.85 dependence, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingram, who has been 1 Mrs. William Herron and family Sun­ sick. “ 15.00 at ................. 11.95 quite sick for several weeks, is improv­ day. There are several new babes in town. ing slowly. “ 16.00 a t ................. ... 12.25 Still we grow. 2.00 Suit at 1.45 Thomas McClain, of Buena Vista, has j K1NGSVALLEY. “ 18.00 at ................. ... 13.25 George Green has sold his restaurant been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. A. Kau, j 2.25 “ 1.85 business to Thomas Edgar. “ 20.00 a t ................. ...11.25 of this place. 2.50 “ 1.98 Dick Rogers was an A irli visitor Sun- Frank Butler is again on the mend Mrs. Wm. Landis left for Golden- day. with hopes of his complete recovery soon. banks, Nevada, where she will make " 2.36 Frank her future home. Miller was an Airlie visitor A lady is looking Falls City over with 8.50 “ 2.85 Sunday. the idea of o|iening a private sanitarium. Rev. Billington, of Albany, is holding 4.50 “ 3.68 Worth 1.00 at ................ 78c W. S. Alcorn was laid up several Lee Fenton was a Falls City visitor a revival meeting in the Christian 5.00 “ 3.98 days last week with 1 «grippe. last week looking after his many busi­ church of this place. 89c “ 1.25 at 6.00 “ 4.98 Mr. flout, of Corvallis, was in the val­ ness interests here. Miss Dclva Roberts, who has been “ 1.50 a t .................. 1.15 Rnndolph Butler rode the Woodman caring for her grandmother, has return- . 7.00 “ 5.45 ley Sunday buying beef cattle. “ 2.00 a t .................. 1.39 Mr. Dave lirant, of D.illas. was in the goat last week, and the neighbors say ed to her home in Portland. “ 2.50 a t .................. the goat needs repairs. 1.89 valley Saturday buying beef cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, who have Falls City has but one candidate for j been residents of this place for several “ 3.00 at ................. 2.39 Bruce Miller played the violin at an years and who have many friends in ; Artisan dance at Wells Saturday night. County office this year. We want Ben , “ 3.50 a t .................. 2.93 this city, have remove«! to Salem where, Beealey for county surveyor. Worth 35c at 19c Worth 50c at 38c they will conduct a rooming house. Pré« Price returned from Dali«« Mon­ snd George Vick sre on a trip j ----- ^ m m • ■ — “ 65c at 49c “ 75c at 57c day, where he was appointed adminis­ to Charles Mill Creek this week where they Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a “ 1.00 at 73c “ 1.25 at 89c trator of his deceased brother’s estate. have s o m e Urge timber interests. Tom Allen received won! from his Favorite. F. A. Lucas has returned home from wife that «he had arrived at her desti­ nation in Southern Oregon ami will N ‘- a couple of weeks trip to Portland and ; “ We prefer Chamberlain’s Cough various places on timber business. Remedy to any other for our chiklren,” ! gin to teach school in a few days. A visit to the numerous logging camps says Mr. L. J. Woodbury, of Twining, Mrs. Willard Price returned home Mich. “ It has a lso done the work f«»r from Portland Sunday and say*» her ami saw mills in this vicinity this week us in hard colds and croup, an«l we take daughter, Mrs. Link Allen, is growing show them all working, and many cars pleasure in recommending it.” For being loaded with both loga and lum­ weaker all the time, with no hope of re­ V ber. I sale by Belt A Cherrington. covery. FED AND JCEPT OPEN B Y I M P U R I T I E S IN T H E B L O O D CASTORIA i * The Dallas Shoe Store THE MO BOOT ? f V ? V v V M r s . J. C . G aynor, P ro p v » ¥ V I Í V V : J