y (i o . C ^ c -t .w gr* f V/ / -é lernt m m t The Best and Largest Paper in Polk County. SMALL INCREASE. Overcoats # To Close Out argani * See Our Window for Prices S NO. U. DALLAS OREGON FEBRUARY 6 . 1908 VOL. X XX IV. * «fr # I A L L NEW GOODS AND THIS SEASON’S # P STYLES i S C a m p b e ll & H o llis te r CASH STORE out in their entirety will prove of great and lasting value. The paper by Mrs. Ira Powell on Our Public Schools from a Mothers Point of Courtesy W est Side. W e are agents for tlie Western Sales V iew was an especially good one, Mrs. Book company, with offices in Portland, Eph. Young ia moving hi« household Powell bringing forth some original and and who get out the best sales books goods to his farm north of town. valuable points for which she is greatly manufactured. W hen you want any­ Mrs. K. C. Eldredge and cnildren to he commended. thing of the kind, come and see our The Normal faculty quartette, com­ have returned from an extended visit samples and give your order to a home posed of F I) Re«sler, L. R. Traver. P. c meern. Do not send away for anything with friends at Portland. (>. Powell and W A Pettys exercised o f the kind. Miss Maud IIiff came up from P ort­ their vocal cords to the supreme delight land the latter part of the week for a of the large audience, and brought forth short visit with her brothers. many congratulations upon their powers Mrs. Nichols was an arrival Sunday in that line. The ladies of the Social Hour club from Los Angeles, California, and will visit about two months with her par­ treated the visiting officials to a most ents, Mr. and Mrs. John H owell at beautiful and well prepared lunch, end the noon recess was most agreeably ^ Monmouth. spent in discussing the nice things that Mrs. W ord Butler has returned to her thev had provided to tempt the inner home from Portland, where she un der-' man. | went an operation gome time ago. Her H. C. Seymour brought up the Indus , many friends will be glad to learn that trial fair, and after a magnificent talk she is well and on the way to perm a­ from him of its progressand capabilities Your grocer return* your money If you don’t nent recovery. a number of others enthusiastically re­ like it; we pay him. Bvron Atkins, local manager o f the sponded in a manner tending to show W illam ette Valley Co. business in Inde­ that its success is a matter of deep in ­ pendence, has received notice of his terest to all, and there Are no knockers transfer by the company to Corvallis among those most intim ately concerned. and that it is desired the change take Ed. C. Dunn announces in another place at once. Mr. Atkins will leav> OTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an as soon as arrangements can he made column his desire to serve the people of order and decree of the honorable county for Corvallis to take up his duties with Polk as county treasurer. court of the state of Oregon, for the county of the company there, lie has been with Polk, duly made aud entered of record on the Mrs. Frank Coates, of Lewiston. Ida­ 19tn day of December. 1907. in the matter of the light and water company in Inde th“ administration of the estate of W. T. Haley, pendence now for about twelve years ho, and her neices, Misses Crystal and < --nstaniM- Hyland, of Portland, visit.*d deceased. The undersigned, administrator of and his many friends r«»gret very mud said estate will, from and after the here with her brother, Mr. F. C. K irk ­ that it becomes necessary to him to go patrick, this week. She left Monday to 10th day of February, elsewhere. A new man w ill be placed join her husband at Fresno, Cal., where 1908. offer for sale, and sell at private sale to in his position here at an early day. they will reside hereafter. the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the The Independence Dramatic cl ill right, title, interest and estate of the said W. T. Ilaley, deceased, at the time of his death; played to a splendid house S atu rn !^ and also all the right, title and interest that the said estate by operation of law or other­ evenin » the original thiee-aet coined The east w wise, may have acquired other than, or in ad entitled “ The W idow .” djtion to that of said intestate at the time of composed as follow s; F elix Featherly his death in and to the following described a friend of everybody, O. Byers; Fran1 premises to wit; The southwest quarter of the southwest Icebrook— an English swell, W on! But quarter of section six In township nine south, ler; Major W ellington I)e Boots— of tin of range three west of the Willamette meri­ dian ; and containing 45.37 acres more or less. militia, Byron Atkin s, Trap—a servant Also the following described parcel tow it: Be­ to Featherly, C. K u rre; Mrs. Featherly ginning at the quarter section corner between — very much mistaken, Florence Bur­ sections one and twelve in tow nship nine south of range four west of the Willamette meridian ton; Mrs. Major De Boots— who has a in the county of Polk and state of Oregon, and secret. Mrs. C. M oore; Fanny— a serv­ running thence 128 rods, thence south 20 feet: ant to the widow. Mrs. G. Atkins; Mrs. thence west 128 rods; thence north 20 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.36 acres. Swansdown*—the widow. Mrs. C. Kurre The Independence orchestra furnished 8ai>l parcel of land being a private roadway. A T All said premises are under fence. Ten acres music f o - the evening and the attend­ of caid premises are in orchard, the trees being ance was above the average houses for in full bearing, and consisting of choice ap­ the winter and was entertained fully as ple. pear and cherry trees. Bids for said premises w ill be received by N. well if not much better than by half the L. Butler, attorney for said estate, at his offit • fr «v e l ng aggrrgat ons putting iu an ap­ in the city of Dallas, or by the administrator. pearance here this winter. MAX IIA, EY. Barham & W inslow have several farms for sale that they will take* Dallas city property for as part payment. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS INDEPENDENCE. COFFEE You are both judge and jury for Schilling's Best. Administrator’s 'ale. N The BEST MEATS OK A LL K IN D S BARNHART & GRANT Lumber $121-2 PerM . In our v »n i at PerrvHalr wo have a lot o ( all kinds of roujeh lumber which we are anxious to d i»p «*> of. and will for a abort time offer at the above price. SAIT CREEK LUMBER CO. TRUCK AND DRAY CO. HUBBARD * BROWN Phone and stand at Cherring- ton’s drugstore. “ — ^ .m . Our clearance sale will continue all this month. 0- ^ Plenty of goods for everybody. J You can buy goods here for less money than at any ^ ^ other store in the valley. 0 0 SOME OF OUR SPECIALS Ladies’ Jackets, $5.00 to 10.00 values goes at $1.00 Ladies'Jackets, 10.00 to 15.00 values goes at 1 .5 0 1 Ladies' Skirts, 5.00 to 10.00 values goes at . 2 . 5 0 m » Ladies’ Waists at half regular values -af- 50c to 65c Dress Goods, fancy mixtures at . 38c » $5.00 Grey W ool Oregon Blankets at . . $ 3 .8 5 1 12 l-2 c yard-wide Bleached Muslin at . . 10c 95c ■ $ 0 $1.50 M en's Fancy Shirts a t ................. a a /m\ 0 J 8 0 ® jp - Great slaughtering of all men’s and boys’ suits and overcoats — prices are absolutely the lowest ever quoted. New line of Table Linens, Napkins, Towels and Bed Spreads just in. They all go on sale at clearance sale prices. Remnants, odds and ends, and odd garments of every description must be sold at any price, regordless of cost. The Bee Hive Store Store closes ^ at 6.30 p.m. Except Saturday Iw / vfV ' 0 L i f T m f“ fv\ /l|t\ v .il /Itv*. L f -'Tv''. Xmf n .i.. xvby y >t. ^ \viy y .1/ s 0 ö / m v ö /H tV -'H IV ö /H tN /m ' VnF /H r'. /H a \ L í 'f r \ / '?V\ . >ti. - . ,L> *ì* . vi. y 4» "li/ o . .1.. T u f / 'j' \ H' \ A * a UJ v / ’p ' tua / 'j '' / 'p s 'P L jf .^Pyvx lu F y . T /HV \ 'Ifl N 0 D allas O Oregon Y T i j F T ij F / P px / H r s ViLy y di / . .1. -■ ■ >1/ y y. >L / y .1/ y -Q * 0 'if ' i\ O / m : \ 0 - / 0 m \ - .H 0 tf\ A 0 ffi, 0 A r - ' ö 'N 'V & ^vp t ' ' 0 ■'ryvV 0 va L v ■|P’ V iiF 'H t x v t j f y 0 / m \ 0 / m \ 0 > >1, / viL/ v il, / 0 0 0 - GREAT R E D U C T IO N S FOR FEBRUARY at D. L. Keyt’s Big Store PE R R Y D A LE , OREGON 0 0 FREE TALK TO PORTLAND. | J. G. VanOrsdall is out for county j | judge on the democratic ticket, having tiled notice of such intention with the On county clerk. Administrator of the estate. Rough ““ The citv council met in regular ses­ Secretary II. G. Campbell desires the sion last Monday evening with all the Item izer to announce ihat there will be conncilmen a pal officers of the city pres­ a meeting of the stockholders of the ent except Councilman Shaw. Dallas cannery association at the court VnnOrsdel reported that the W iliam - | house next Saturday afternoon at 2 ette Valley company refused to furnish o ’clock, *n d all are requested to be the new incandescent street lights as present to assist in the work of a per­ ordered at the last session for $1.50 manent organization, which is neces­ each a month and also the supplies. sary before the company can he incor­ Grant reported the U llrey walk as porated, Other important matters for moved hack to the established street the benefit o f tl.e- association w ill be line. brought up and discussed from all views. The auditor and treasurer submitted I It is especially desired that the grow­ their quarterly reports and they were I ers of the county l>e present, and those referred to tlie finance committee. w ho have not yet taken stock will be W Claims allow ed: gtven an opportunity of doing so. Our Observer. printing ................... $ 38.25 | cannery ,s now an assured fact, ami it 0 W G Vassal, fees ........................ 31 80 now only remains for the stock holders Wm. Hanor, la b o r ...................... 1.50 to take the necessary interest to make it C. L. Hubbard,salary .............. 72.45 a business and commercial success right L. D. Brown, tees........................ 33.50 from the jump. W. V. Co., lights .......................... 131.00 B. F. Cox, h a u lin g...................... 1.20 PASSES* AWAY. A t this point the council sat to hear L if and determine objections ami remon­ strances to the proposed improvements of certain streets in the city of Dallas. Edwin Cadwell No Longer Among 1). J. R iley and M. F. Smith, by Geo. xvi¿. U*. Cutler, app< a od t * object to certain / O > t'v parts o f suen improvements. No ac­ tion was taken and the hearing ordered For fifteen years the above mentioned closed, and the council decided to make kindly old gentleman has been a resident such improvements, excepting, howev- o f Dallas, and by his courteous, gentle­ er^Oak street from Church to Jefferson, manly manner had enshrined himself ana Washington street from Main to in the hearts of all who knew him. For Church, and the same was passed O r­ some time he had been lingering on the dinances providing for these improve­ brink of the grave, and last Friday night ments and to regulate | mk )1 rooms and his spirit took its flight to that unseen skating rinks were read first time. world, that bourne from which no trav­ eller ever returns. He was an old timer Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a and an honored member of the Dallas Methodist church and from that edifice Favorite. it is remains were taken to lx- laid to rest. “ W e prefer Chamberlain!** Cough Ilis former pastor, Rev. Hiram Gould, Remedy to any other for our children,” was in charge of the se vices and in elo­ says Mr. L. J. Woodbury, of Twining, quent language and with an overflowing Mich. “ It has also done the work for heart «lid he pay the last tribute to the us in hard colds and croup, and we take ol«l friend whom he iiad known so long pleasure in recoubnending it.” For and well. A large crowd at both the church and grave on last Sunday after­ sale by lielt A O h erm igton. noon bore unmistakeahle witness to the esteem in which Mr. Cadwell was held A rthur Traglio Dead. by our citizens. Pneumonia was the Arth ur Traglio, a young man of the cause of his death follo wing congestion Fola hills, aged about 28 years, died at of the heart. a Salem sanitorium on February 2nd, as Edwin Cadwell was horn in Morgan a result of an operation for an abscess. County, Illinois. April 25,1834, and died His parents are residents of this county, in Dallas, January 31, 1908, at the age of and besides them, he leaves three broth­ 74 years. H e spent the earlier part of ers to mourn his demise. He was his life in Illinois, and in his young exemnlary young man man. oi _ good habits, manhood moved into Iowa, where he and tin- friend all who knew him, resided until the time of his corning to and his death will cause a void in the fam ily circle hard to fill. lie was a Oregon in 1893. He is survived by his # - wife and one adopted daughter, .Mrs. member of the Woodmen of the World j W illard Seifarth, of Portland. and was laid to rest by the Salem camp | ------ ------ of that order. Next to Postoffice MEETING AT'M ONM OUTH. O u r Entire | l S to c k R e d u c e d ! CANNERY MEETING. They Allow Bills and do Routine Stock Holders to Meet Next Satur­ Business. day Afternoon. » ♦ ♦ ❖ ❖ ❖ T h e Knocfc-i>ut Blow. The blow which knocked out Corbett Polk’s Voting Strength Not Greatly was a revelation to the prize fighters. Prom the earliest days of the ring the Increased over 16 Years Ago. Knock-out blow was aimed for the Jaw, lie temple or the jugular vein. Stomach punches were thrown in to worry and It will probably occasion surprise to veary the fighter, but if a scientific man many of our readers to know that the >.ad told one of the old lighters that the voting population of Polk county has nost vulnerable spot was the region of not greatly increased over what it was the stomach, he’d have laughed at him for an ignoramus. Dr. Pierce is bringing away back in 1892— 16 years ago. A n ­ 'i0î àt * t0 l t e Put,l*c a Parallel fact; that other astonishing fact iH that the vote i ihq stoniach is the most vulnerable organ cast in 1898 was larger than it was in out ofYhw pn^o ring as well as in it. W e 1906 by nearly 100. It is to have been protect bnrhantis, throats, feet and lungs, but th eV M m ^N u 'e arc utterly indiffer­ supposed, and rightly, that the ent to, until diseh^finds the solar plexus county was increasing greatly in popu­ and knocks us outT Make your stomach lation. The larger farms have in many yurid and strung by ik- u ^ uf Duoior instances been cut up into smaller lü ^ V jJ jü Id yu . M fflc M Jaijcovery.^n a a viv 'c j i » s u i i Tp ^ tracts, and now support several times _______ Iden Medical Discovery* the number of people on the same land cures "weîCk stomach,” indigestion, or that th ey did then. Most of the towns dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and im­ pure blood and other diseases of the or­ in the county have increased in popula­ gans of digestion and nutrition. tion and a number of them greatly so. The "Golden Med leal Discovery ” has a pecific curative etîect upon all mucous W hat then is the reason for this non­ irfaces and hence cures catarrh, no increase in our voting strength? Is it .latter where located or what stage it because our people are lack ng interest may have reached. In Nasal Catarrh it in the exercise of their great peroga* is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. five a« American citizens? Is it b e­ • !ge - Catarrh Remedy fluid while using he "Discovery " as a constitutional rem- cause they have gotten it into their dy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov­ heads that the voting priv ilege is a U ii- ery” cures catarrhal «’ Iscuflbs, as of the h*s« expenditure gf tim e, and not con stomach, bowels. 1.ladder and other pelvic duetive to bettering the inte-ests of the organs will be plain to you if you will masses. It would seem tons that this is read a booklet of extra cts from the w rit­ the only plausible explanation of the sit­ ings of eminent medical authorities, en­ uation. It is well known that there are dorsing its ingredients and explaining many men in Polk county who do not their curative properties. It is mailed vote, but it hardly teems conprehensi- free on request. Acdrt ss Dr. II.V. Pierce, ble that there are hundreds of them, as Buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives all the there eartainly are to bear out the fig­ ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce’s ures. And, judging from the slowness medicines from w Inch it will be seen that in registration so far, it does not seem they contain not a drop of alcohol, pure, that many men are going to vote Ifiiis triple-relined glycerine being used instead. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus­ vear, as so far only about 240 voters have signed up. In 1892 the vote cast trât«! (Vmn.on Sense Medical Adviser will l e sent free, paper-hound, for 21 one- in P«»lk county was 2,817, in 1894 it was : tamps, er cloth-bound for 31 stamp*» 2,229. in 1898 it was 2,858. and in 1908, cc-ut Address Dr. Pierce as above. two years ago nearly, the total vote cast was 2.564. How does that strike you? W A IT E D A representative In this county School Superintendent Seymour in­ forms us that the school officers, teach­ a lance real estate corporation. Spec­ ers and parents meeting held at Mon ial inducements to those w ho wish (o mouth last Saturday afternoon was a become financially interested. decided success in every particular. He Because we make medicines says the attendance was extraordinarily for them. W e tell them all The Real Estate Security Co. good, every «listrict in the f'lkin s sec­ about A y e r ’s Ch erry Pectoral, Chicago. Ml. tion being represented by the three d if­ Fori Dearborn Building. and th e y p r e s c r i b e it fo r ferent interested bodies, and that many coughs, coids, bronchitis, con­ teachers from outride points were a bo sumption. T h ey trust it. Then there and evinced much interest in the subjects under discussion and the rem­ you can afford to trust it. edies proposed for the tiettermetit o f the Ask your own doctor. various ills. I hereby announee myself as a candi­ The best kind o f a testimonial — L R. Traver gave a masterly hand­ date for the Democratic nomination for “ S o ld fo r o v e r s ix ty y e a r «.’* ling of the subject o f Home Conditions the office of in Our Puolic Schools that Should he COUNTY TREASURER b y J . C . L j * t C o ., X o w b I I . M a * > Im proved, greatly enchancing the value Also ffisn jtuturors of of his address by the passing of interro­ of Polk County, to be voted for at the f s a r s a p a r il l a . gation cards among nis audience and primary election, April 25, 1M0R. precipitating a i-pontaneous disciltsion If elected. I promise a faithful perfor- that was o f great benefit to all wrho | mance o f the duties of the office and a W e b*wo r o so rro to ! V7o pnbiish painstaking regard for the welfare of heard it. tho fo r m o :«« o f o il o t r asehtoiDes. C. I,. H awley gave a good talk on agri- the people's money culture, one replete with Aver’a Pills great v aid ths Cnerry ith valuable p ou t EDO. C. DUNN Pectoral In brwas.tr. a up a cold. era and suggestions, which if followed Candidates’ Column A ijers Next Monday You Can Use The Independent for Nothing. Service to Portland over the Inde$>en- «lent telephone line commenced last Monday. W e now have the lines in tine w< rking ord< r and can call op R u t­ land direct. W e desire to give our pa­ trons a little extra service to get them acquainted with the wor king of the i.ew line, and w ill make next Monday a free «lay for the purpose of phone use be­ tween Dallas and Portland. That is every one calling at our central «»ffice can call up Portland friei.ds or business men and hold a short talk with them. Do not ffirget that this offer is for next Monday an«l next Monday only. This applies to everyone whether they are subscribers or not. C. H. M ORRIS. Mrs. J. B. Nunn was up from P ort­ land over Sunday. Goo»] reading has become almost a necessity in every home. T h e Success Magazine is just the one you need ; good for all members o f the fam ily. L. A. Matthews, agent. Pacific Phone Main 216. The union service o f the Christian Endeavor societies at the Evangelical church last Htindav evening to celebrate the 27tb anniversary, drew out a large crowd. An interesting program was rendered, and the occasion fittingly <>b- ■ served in every particular. & # +++ & # R IN G this month our store will offer D U bargains in certain lines heretofore un- — heard o f in this vicinity. The goods are here and we must get rid o f them. Read this offer,come and see the goods and be convin­ ced o f the genuineness o f our bargain offer. 0 •5* & # 0 0 -0 : 0r 0 tft 0 0 0 #**^fr#**#*#aî*i****#a*^