Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, June 27, 1907, Image 4

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Allthe County News Graphically Writ­
ten up by Our Brainy Rustlers.
! Misses (irace and Varlie Dudley, of
! Wren, were in the valley visiting friends
and relatives last week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Clyde Beach, of Linn
county, were in the valley over Sunday
' visiting Mrs. Beach’s sister, Mrs W. L.
, Tow nsend.
Mr. and Mrs. Da” Ross, of Alsea, are
out on a visit to the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, andtoget
cherries to can.
Herman Seifert has sold part of his
ranch ami rented the other part. He
has bought a place at Sodaville and
will move Monclay.
There was a school picnic at Vincent’s
grove Saturday, ami some fine i ddress-
es from Prof. Goodrich, of Philomath,
and Rev. Guy White of San Francisco.
City i few days this week. He is nurs­
ing v very bad eye which was injured
one day last week by the head from a
~ R. L CHAPMAN......
spike which he w as driving hitting him
in ti e eye. He narrowly escaped loos­
an d
ing it.
C. L. Fitchard is operating in hops
O F F I C E : Chapel a nd Parlor*. N. M a inst.
pret y heavily this season he having al­
written contracts for 287,000
Bell Phone 103. - Mutual Phone 1306.
pounds of this years crop. He also owns
Calls P ro m p tly Answ ered Day or Night.
a 100 acre hop yard w hich will produce
If you would enjoy tomorrow take
in the neighborhood of 125,000 pounds. I Cham l»erlain*s Stomach and Liver tab­
Fitchard is not only a dealer in hops, lets tonight. They produce an agree­
hut has recently invested in a timber able laxative effect, clear the head and
tract on Beaver ( ’reek near Philomath. ! cleanse the stomach. Price 25 cents.
The timber is easy of access, a county Samples free at Stafrin’s drug store.
road running through it, and as it lies
on B aver creek it can be logged flown
Courtesy West Side-Enterprise.
b a l L sto n .
that creek into Mary’s river ami then
At the annual school meeting Tues­ into the Willamette. The location is
day evening M. Mix anti B F. Jones splendid for logging which makes the
were elected directors and Claire Irvine tract quite valuable.
Rosa Maxfiekl who has been sick for
some time is improving.
re-elected clerk.
Mr. Kraak Rector, of Dakota and Mr
Miss May Butler was visiting her
Percy Dickinson, of Parker, art* on a
brother, Henry last wick.
fishing trip on the upper Luckamute in
The crops in general are looking well
the Ball Mountain country.
Frank Plunkett is still buying beef in this section of the country.
Mr. anti Mrs. Aaron Clinton, who cattle.
Cecil Royal and wife are at the home
have been visiting at the home of John
C. 1*'. IUce has bought a fine lot of of his parents for a few weeks.
Cox in Marion county, departed Wed­ I sheep of H. Seirfert.
nesday for their home in Missouri.
Mrs. Sam Bull has gone to McMinn­
Marvin Elkins, of Corvallis, is out to ville to be treated by Dr. Goucher for
Mrs. T. D. Campbell anti children ; the valley on a visit.
have returned to their home in Port­
land after two weeks visit with friends I J . P. Logan is putting a new fonnda-
Mrs. J . J . Burch and daughter, (Jrace,
here. Thev were accompanied home by j tion under his Hour mill.
have been visiting her «laughter, Mrs.
Mrs. Guy Walker.
Miss Winnie Logan is helping in the Forest Craven, the past week.
Miss Emma Henkle left Wednesday ! telephone office at Airlie now.
John Campbell is lying at the point
for Portland, where she will join Miss
Dr. Newton, of Philomath, was in of death at the time of this writing.
Atla Aldrich. From Portland they will the valley Saturday fin business.
His son, Alfred, of California, and his
go to Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the
daughter, from Arlington, are with
Joe Price has recovered from his sick­ him.
summer with Miss Aldrich*« parents.
ness to be able to ride to Albany to con­
L. B. Miller was down from Kails sult the doctor.
The picnic here Saturday was not as
successful as it would have been if the
weather had not been so cool and show­
ery. The Ballston team beat the Sheri­
dan Ifoys 14 to 3. The dance was well
Henry Gilliam got quite seriously hurt
the day of the picnic as he was assisting
a lady with her horse which reared up
and struck his cheekbone and fractured
it. Ib* was improving the last we
heard from him.
Quite a good deal of building is goim*
on. Hop homes, barns, and more
dwellings are going up as soon as the
lumber can he hauled in. Some are
wanting $4 a thousand for hauling and
people are ijxit willing to pay the price.
Every part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and
strength. When this life stream is flowing through the system in a state of
purity and richness we are assured of perfect aud uninterrupted h e alth ;
because pure blood is nature’s safe-guard against disease. When, howe' er,
the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of
its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various
ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different skin affections
show that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too
much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores ami Ulcers are
the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca­
tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood
disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains.
These impurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways.
Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the
avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and
form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed
throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is
another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and
microbes of Malaria into our lungs, aud when these get into the blood in
sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some
are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old
constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are
constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis­
ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to
suffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best
remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation aud removes any
and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it needs, and completely
and permanent’-.- cures blood diseases of
every kind. The action of S. S. S. is so
thorough that iiereditary taints are removed
and weak, diseased blood made strong and
healthy so that disease cannot remain. It
cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores
Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious
Blood Poison, etc., and does not leave the
slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of
blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature’s
greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, nnd is absolutely
harmless to any part of the system.
S. S. S. is for sale at all first class
drug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write,
T H E S W IF T S P E C IF IC C O ., A T L A N T A , C A .
For some time I have been conducting a general merchandise business in
M oro, Oregon, with practically no competition. I have built up a trade
of over ¿ 9 0 ,0 0 0 a year, netting me a profit of over 15 % . T h is has all
been done with hired help as my time has been devoted to the real estate
business. W ith little effort it can be made to pay over 2 0 % on an in­
vestment of ¿28,0 0 0 . If I were going to remain in the mercantile busi­
ness, I would stay right here.
I have good reasons for selling.
My store is 80 by 80 feet; well stocked
with the best line of brand new goods;
no odds and ends. I have the best and
most profitable patronage; cash carrier
system and steam heat, Every modern
PROPOSITION: My |»ricr is tlu- actual invoice cost of the goods in stock at the
time of sale I will take either cash in full or part Portland or Willamette Valley
real estate or secured notes. I will pay all the expenses of any man who investi­
gates and does not find everything as I represent. This is a first class offer and I
know it. It is better than 9(1‘4 of the offers you read about. Investigate and
find that I am right.
REFERENCES: W. H. Moore, President Oregon Trust k Savings Co., Port­
land; French k Co., Bankers, The Dalles, Oregon; and VV. W. \1. Co. Bank,
Moro, Oregon. Write to me todav for full particulars and details.
More rain wanted in the hills.
Will Pearce, Ib Walling and Dor Gib­
son have each taken a timber claim.
John Cavitt, has been quite ill for
several weeks and improves very slowly.
The Roll in place of 18 acres was sold to
an eastern arrival for five thousand dol­
The Independence girls who have
been picking berries at Hood River fot
tin* past few we« ks have returned home
The party included Mrs. Eaton a d j
Misses Iva Cooper, Bertha Bohannon'
and Orbie Taylor.
H. T. Baughman will he in Indenen-
dence and vicinity for the summer. He
has been teacliin in the vicinity of Med­
ford but his term closed a few weeks
ago. Mr. Baughman has been doing
considerable work in pho ography and
will devote bis leisure hours during the
summer t«r making a large number of
Western Oregon scenes.
Marry Richardson, a son of Preston
Richardson residing in Independence,
dropped dead yesterdav noon after din­
ner. He had been afflicted for a num­
ber of months past with rheumatism
for which he was being treated. Only
last week he had been up town and from
the nature of bis illness death was little
expected. Yesterday morning be was
attacked with a sinking spell but got
letter, ( ’has. Dick who resided near-
assisted him and thought him getting
along very well but on returning to the
house found him practically dead from
another sudden attack. The cause of
death was probably rheumatism of the
heart or some other heart trouble. The
deceased had lived here about a year
with his aged father. He was about 37
years of age.
Harry and Guy McDowell have l>een
working near E«»la on the Independence
road putting in fills.
Our Ladies Aid gave a seven cent so­
cial Saturday evening, which was a suc­
cess financially as well as socially.
E. Schindler sold 40 acres of his liigh-
la ml place to Mr Kimball for $1,500.
Mr. Kimball will set it out to cherries.
Mr. Harley Adams bought ten acres
of the Plummer farm to build upon and
also to have a road from the Purvine
place which he iccently purchased.
Mr. A. Hampton has been looking
after his claim.
A Mr. McDonald, of Dallas, is in look­
ing for a ranch.
Travel to Newport via Rock creek has
begun for the summer.
F. Wittenstrom is fencing and other­
wise improving his home.
Miss Hampton has taken Royal
Plank’s place for a share of the hay.
Messers Oastleman and Holland arc
visiting the formers sister, Mrs. F. W.
Miss M. L. Hampton went to Elk
Citv <»n the 20th to attend a meeting of
the Rebekah lodge.
Lewis Chintile has been lioeing his
potato crop and has taken the Morrison
hay field on shares.
Mr. and Mrs. Barker, of Portland,
have been looking at a homestead here
with a view to purchase.
Mrs. Janet Brock who has been con­
fined to her brd with neuralgia for tlire«*
days, is again aide to he about.
The Rock creek librarv committee,
Warren Wright as president, donated
twenty-six hound hooks to tin* school
library of district H2.
A Wociau’s Practical Argument.
when a lady friend told me to trv the Cuticura
Remedies. She said she cured her little girl’s
ear. which was nearly eaten up with the
eczema. I got a cake of Cuticura rtoap and
one box Cuticura Ointment, and 1 washed
him all over with the Cuticura Soap aud
applied the Cuticura Ointment and heat once
fell into a sleep, and he slept with ease for
the first time since two months. When he
awoke I applied it again, and it gave him
much ease, and after three applications the
sores began to dry up and improvement began
to show, and in a few days the hide from the
bottom of his feet and inside oi his hands
began to peel off. I only used on • cake Cuti­
cura Soap and one box Cuticura Ointment to
complete the cure of thedreadfui disease, and
in just two weeks from the day I commenced
to use the Cuticura Remedies my bab.> was
entirely well. The treatm ent only cost me
75c., and I would have gladly paid $100 if I
could not have got it any cheaper. I feel sale
in saying that the Cuticuia Remedies saved
his life. He is now a boy ot five years, and
is as well as any child you ever saw. Mi
Zana Miller, Union City, R R. N ,. 1, Bianeh
Co., Mich. May 17 19 0 6 '
Tetter Cured.
A lady customer of ours had suffered
with tetter for two or three years. It
got so had on her hands that she could
not attend to her household duties.
One box of Chamberlain’s Salve cured
her. Chamberlain’s medicines give
splendid satisfaction in this community.
—M. 11. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala.
Chamberlain’s medicines are for sale
by Stafrin Drug Co.
Iowa cretin separators at Guy Bros.
your barber work
Dread Monday?
Fine Hair Cutting
and the best face
Chas McDonald has had a fine stock
well dug on bis farm.
Mat Coulee lias been busy the past
week running compasses.
Otto Teal, of Falls City, is working
in the Sheridan Lumber Co’s mills.
Amin Meyers and Mr. Jones, of Falls
City, passed through Buell Sunday
Mr. Anderson, formerly of Falls City,
is running a donkey engine for Hank
Mrs. Cal Harrington lias an ewe, one
year old, which sheared a fleece weigh­
ing 19 pounds.
Deerare getting quite gentle as one
was seen in McDonald’s grain field
Sunday morning.
Let* Ridgeway and sister have return­
ed home from Corvallis, where they
have been attending college.
Both winter sown and spring grain
since the recent rains are in splendid
condition and an avesage yield is ex
lotions in the city.
YOu dread the hard,
( back breaking work
<* i L I s of doing the family
Call and see.
< t L-I
V ;
I $10 per »I
f jrRcugh
lumber in
the Yard
W. B. Bowman And w ife are down
from Arlington to be at the bedside of
her father, John Campbell.
John Campbell died about 8 o’clock
Tuesday evening. An extended sketch
of his life will he given next week.
Alfred Campbell arrived home Sun­
day night from Southern California,
where he is engaged in mining. He
traveled 2030 miles to make the trip.
While assisting a lady at tin* picnic
Saturday, whose horse had become un­
manageable, Henry Gilliam wan thrown
to the ground and the hones of his left
cheek was crushed in just below the
eye. He was taken to Amity as soon as
possible where Dr. Wood and Mathias ; * * * # # * # *
did all they could to relieve his suff.*r-
ings, hut were unable to set tin* broken
hones. At last accounts lie was still
■— «...
prottv sick hut hopes arc entertained
that lie will get along all right.
Although a cold and dissagreeahle
day quite a large crowd attended the
Woodman picnic Saturday. The pro­
gram was nicely rendered and the Amity * ■ ” ■1 -
gave fine music. Prof.
delivered an ehspient address on the
Woodman order and fraternity in gen­
eral. Mr. New bill, of Buell camp won
the chopping match, and the ladies nail
driving contest was won hv Bernice *
Brooks, of Ballston circle. The game J
between Amity and Ballston was won
bv the latter. The hall in the evening
was one of tin* most successful ever giv­
en, an immense crowd being in attend­
ance. Altogether the picnic was a suc­
cess and everybody went home well sat­
) w ashing?
N or N a
m c o t ic
/im /K voL! irs M iu p trc /a n
Pimipkui , W -
Jlx.Sftuui *
R~k.lL, Wir-
_ )
I nones,
Aperfect Remedy EorConstipa-
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions, Feverish
ness and L o s s
S leep .
Fac Suivie Signature of
p a c if ic
(M M M fr «fr ü t ifr «fr «fr «fr «fr«fr«ÎMfr
states am
lin y y o u r w ines and liq u ors
d ire c t fro m th e w holesale
hou se a t w holesale p rices.
Four full quarts of Tillamook
1 Rye or Bourbon Whiskey - - -
at and
Below Cost
f #
W e have the largest and best stock in
tow n of Sou ven ir P o stal C ard s, and m an y
of them are extrem ely beautiful
1 ir
Stripped to a n y p a rt of O re ­
All e x p re ss ch a rg e s
p rep aid . T h e re is n o th in g
h eller, g iv e us a tr ia l.
Martin & Blodgett
I Fiisy to Haul
Funi. No Mills.
For Over
Thirty Years
W fm Semd -
Clmttitd ) ijmt
Uutlny/r'M rTmvar.
T h e n why
Dallas Steam Laundry
*D L
( ’an you heat this anywhere
in Polk county? And we
guarantee our lumber to he
up to grade in every repect.
All kinds of dimension lum­
ber. (in the old Garwood
place about lv» mile north of
the llallock mill.
B e a rs th e
S ig n a t u r e
.- ( H jL I » O N
ness and Rest .Contains neitlier
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
c do you do it? We
_ . ( can save you this
hard work, wash your clothes
cleaner, do it quicker, ami do it so
cheap that there is no economy in
washing at home.
We are doing it for your neigh­
I & K 1 Sí 1
Death of Peter Jorgensen.
Mrs. Lloyd Soehren is back from a
visit in Washington,
Mr. Frank Kerslake wont to Portland
Tuesday to make arrangements for band
music on the Fourth at the skating
rink. Ix>ok out for something unique.
is the place to get
The Kind You Hava
Always Bought
A\ t’gf table Preparalionfor As
similatiiig llic Food ntulRetí ulu­
lili)* the Stomachs and Uowcis of
| On Sunday morning Peter Jorgensen
passed away at his home in Salem, aft­
er a brief illness from pneumonia. Mr.
Jorgensen was horn in Denmark in 1843,
thus making him <>4 years old at the
time of his death. He came to America
in 1835 ami located in Kansas where he
! resided until sixteen years ago when he
removed with his family to Salem. He
leaves a wife ami three sons. Harold, of
Dallas, and (Maude and Ira, of Salem,
the latter a well known blacksmith.
The funeral services were'conducted
from the home Monday by the Rev. Dr.
( ’omer, of the First Baptist church. In­ *
terment was made at City View ceme­
8 old through« ut the world Potter Drug k Chem.Corp.,
Sole Prop».. Boston. Mas». Depot* L ondon, N ew bery, 27
Charterhouse S q ., Paris, Roberts. 5 Rue de la P aiz.
O b f Mailed Free, “ Hook on Beauty aud P u rity."
Do Not Neglect the Children.
James Sykes has been marketing new
jiotutoes since the 24th of May at 4
cents a pound.
Mr. and Mrs. Wieglenian, of Pennsyl­
vania, were visitors at the McDowell
W. C. T. U. SPACE.
Mr*. Chice Butz, Editress.
| “ What brings you here, Mary?” suit!
Trueedale to bin wife, as she entered
I the ii koor »tore, " it was ao ) o m
I some at home, and your business sel­
Suffered with Cuban Itch, and Sores dom allows you t«> he there,” replied
Covered Body from Head to Foot his meek and resolute wife. “ To me
John Hamar. of Stem Creek, was
: there is no company like yours, and as
Rocca visitor last week. He brough
— Would Claw Himself and Cry i you cannot come to me, I must come t«>
his spring wagon over to J . L. Morrisot
you. 1 have a right t«> shareyour pleas­
to In* altered into u buck board. Mr
ures as well as your sorrows.” “ But to
Morrison appears to have altout all th<
Dressed — Mother Advised to come to such a place as th is!” “ No
work in his line of business that he can
can be improper where my lms-
Try the Cuticura Remedies.
attend to.
I hand is—w hom God hath join**«! togeth-
| er let no man put asunder. She t»»ok
' up a glass of spirits which the saloon-
keeper had just poure«! out for her bus-
AT EXPENSE OF 75c. | ban«!.
“ Surely you’re not going t«»;
Courtesy West Side.
said Tom in huge astonishment. |
tl« boy in the Spring of 1901. when
'Charlie Collins, of Seattle, is visitin; only an lit infant
of three months, caught the I “ Why not? You say you drink to
Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . S. Collins, Cuban Itch from one of my neighbor’* babies. forget sorrow, ami I surely have sorrow
Hores broke out from
this week.
his head to the bot­ ; to forget.” “ Woman, woman, you are 1
tom of his feet. He , not going to give that to the children !” !
J . M. Stark returned Friday from a
would itch and claw I cried Tom, as she was passing the glass
trip to South Bend, Washington, am
himself and cry all
of liquor to them. “ Why not? Can]
the time. He could
>ther towns in the Grays Harbor county.
n o t sleep day or night.
children have a better example than i
I had to wheel him in
Mrs. It. J . Taylor, who has been in
their father’s? Is not what ih good for
hi* carriage most all
the hospital at Portland, returned bona
him good for them also? It will put
the while to keen bun
Friday. Her condition is much improv- I
them to sleep and they will forget that
still. He could not
bear to have his cloth­
they are cold and hungry. Drink, my
ing touch him. and
only a light dress is I children, this is fire anu bed and food
Otto Brown and wife are to he new |
ami ciothii g — Irink, you see how much i
citizens of Indepe dence. Mr. Browi
, can ’t begin to speak
good it does your father.” With
will he employed at Taylor’s barber
in wolds i he suffering
seeming reluctance, Mary suffered!
the poor child had to
endure. 1 called one | her husband to lead her home, ami
of our best doctors to .that night he prayed long and fer-
An interesting features of the race
treat him, and lie said
meet the latter part of the week will hi
he hud the Cuban j ventv that God would help him to
an auction sale of hunch grass horse-
Itch, and Ala ireat- ; break an evil habit, and keep a newly
ment did not do any ¡formed hut firm resolution. His reform-
from the vicinity of Mayvillo.
good. He se«*med to
get worse. He suf­ ' ation is thorough, ami Mrs. Truesdell is
Mr. Buckner and wife returned Iasi
fered so terribly that
now one of the happiest of women, and
week from Summit with their daughte
my husband said be
remembers with melancoly pleasure her
who had symptoms of typhoid. Sin* i-
b e lie v e d he would
first and last visit to the dramshop.—
have to die. I bad
improving now, however, and is well oi
the way to recovery.
At this season of the year the first un-
nathral looseness of a childs bowels
should have immediate attention. The
best thing that can be given is Cham­
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
remedy followed by castor oil as direct­
ed with each bottle of the remedy. For
sale by Stafrin Drug Co.
Moro la the county seat ol Sherman
county; is surrounded by a rich wheat
district and is in the midst ot a popula­
tion of over 2,500 people. It offers the
best opportunity for a man of energy in
the Northwest today.
Hcheol meeting was held at J . L.
Morrison’s. F. W. Brock was elected
director for three years and Grace
Hampton clerk for one year.
R. Burnett ami F. Brock each took a
load of household goods to Dellas f«*r
K. L. Morrison, who is moving his fan
ily t° the county seat. We are heurtiL
I sorry to lose such good neigh!torn, but
j hope they will do well in their nev
, home.
Po it land Ore.
5* Front Street
! THE A N T I-
T h e y ca m e in ra th e r la te , b u t wo a re se llin g th em an y w ay b ecau se th e
p ric e i a re so low you c a n n o t aftoicl to m iss th e o p p o rtu n ity . T h e p rice s
ran g e for a nice new N o ttin g h a m d esign a t 60 cents to th e Host K ru ssols N et
at $5 a p air.
......................... .....
--------------- ■ 11 ■■■■■
t íá »
: Will sell you furniture and ranges
on the installment plan for less
■ - ■
1 —
- M. .
| than you can buy elsewhere for
Ladles’ Skirls, Shirt Waists, Fabric Gloves,
tace Hose and Summer Underwear
J u s t w hat y o u w an t for th ese hot d ays
M ens' and Boys C lo th in g , new an d
u p to d ate p a tte rn s in W o rsted and C a ssim e re s also Hoys W ash S u its,
Ellis & Keyt
——♦ • *
■ ■■ .....
Flannery -Engelson.
Married, at the home of the bride’a
parents Mr. and Mrs. (\ B. Flannery,
rerrvdale, Ore. June 23rd, at high noon, !
Miss Della L. Flannery and Mr. Engel
Kn gel son, of Portland* Barton Z. Riggs
officiating. Only tin* immediate rela­
tives of the bride and groom were pres­
ent. The parlor was simply hut most
tastefully decorated. Just after the
ceremony the guests were seat «si at an
elalmrat«’ lunch« n. Mr. and Mrs. Kn-
; gelson t<M»k the afternoon train for Port­
land, their future h«»n e. amid a shower
!o rice and other missiles indicative of
l>est wishe* of much happiness.
Eighteen Columbia logging camps are
to shut down during July.
Orris K. Karheart, of Hlackmck, se-
enred a license in Portland Tuesday to
wed Minerva F.a^tot.
J W. «Viler
n«»t erect his new
brick this year, but will have everv- ‘
thing in readirless to begin early work
I on it in the spring.
Call and see what terms we
Bilyett & Sparks
Sole Agents for Dallas.
We Have the World Famous Ecllipse Ranges
When a Man Marries
His Troubles Begin
fS .
If his wife insists on having his collars.
! tuffs ami shirts Inundeml :it lion t . af­
ter lit- has been a« customed t«» «irli ar­
tistic* work as we have given him. For
j highclass work on yonr, linen, for care­
ful treatment and /or that faultless col-
1 or and finish on your linen, there is no
laundry that can compare with the
L h v i order. In 0.11*. with J. J FMlw
o» U U
m Wlliwu oMrfMMMMif Mm,