i TH E POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER. T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 13 , 1907 . A C hicago wom en says she is going to “ try to stop sm oking on th e streets and in all public p la c e s /' I t m ig h t help her som e if th e m en would refuse to give her a light O v e r-W o rk W e a k e n s Y our K id n e y s . Unhealthy Kidney* Make bn pare Blood. Rural Carriers’ Meeting. UNDER THE BIG CLOCK. What Our County Officials Have Done Since Our Last Issue. I.U. V A N 0 K S 0 E L A. J. BARHAM Bert Wells, rural mail carrier on Route 1, informs' us that the Rural C a irie r’s Convention in Portland hist ( week wa* a highly successful meeting. Auud girl. m ovem ent of the county roads cam e in Mr. Elkina has moved his family across l«»r tlie greatest share of discussion. M- B. G rant, of Dallas, was elected second , the river for the sum m er. vice president, ami A. P arker, of Imie- Mrs, Goff,’ of Allfeny, was selling jMjndei’ce, a m em ber of tlie executive straw berries here Monday. comm ittee. The first term «>f the Capital Sum m er --------------- Mr. Reese, of McMinnville, was the Normal will b»*giu on May 1, PH)7, ami guest of A. Anderson Monday. continue eight weeks. The He»*ond term Big Woodman Initiation. begins on Monday. Ju n e 24,1907, and Charles Moore and family, of Mon­ Next Tuesday evening Falls Uitv continues until the August exam ina­ m outh, s|M*nt 8 uinlay with his m other. camp will visit Dallas cam p, ami as a tion. Classes will oe formed iu all the Mr. Reynolds and family, of Inde­ little side issue w ill bring down some branches for state and couniy pap»*rs. pendence, went out to th eir farm Sun­ 20 candidates to ride the goat. A hjh *- T uition for each term $10. The Sum­ eial train w ill Is* run for the visiting m er School of Prim ary Meth«als will be­ day. neighUtrs, ami it can he guaranteed Cricket Bevens and familv, of Airlie, th at there w ill be a big tim e in Wood­ gin on Ju n e 11, 1907, ami continue 12 visited his sister, Mrs. R. P. Hall last man circles th a t night. Dallas cam p «lays. It will be in charge of County S uperintendent E. T. Moores ami Miss week. has a reputation for hospitality, second M argaret Cos per, exem plified W’ith class­ A. Anderson, our road supervisor,*is t<> none, and their team can certainly ! es troni the public schools of Salem. doing some excellent work. He has cause any candidate to not rest uneasy These instructors havi* a reputation for fear th a t he has not received all th at throughout the state for thorough and some five or six team s hauling gravel. is coming t«> him. uptodate m ethm is, and th e -schoolh <>f M. N. Pratffer and sons and Harvey --------------- Salem ami Marion countv ruuk high Nash s|M*nt a few «lays at the Spaulding Miss Delbert Nelson, of Perrydale, among the sclnxds of th e Pacific coiot. loggingcam p on the Luckiam ute last Ad«lress, J . J . KKAPS desire to thank the friends who have vo­ week. or County Hupt. E. T. Moores, ted for her in th e Newport cont«*st, ami J. K. Neal, our energetic m erchant, to withdraw* her nam e from the list. Salem , Oregon is doing a goo 1 business, as he constantly has new go«Mis arriving hv the way of Parker. Dr. Butler, of Independence, was called to see Mrs. M. N. P ra th er and Mrs. A. J. Hall last week and both are Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. better. J. M. P ra th er Is circulating a petition Certain relief and usually complete recovery for a new road to go past his place to Albany. This is a road th a t has long will result from the following treatment: been needed. W alt. Davidson and wife, who have Hope, rest, fresh air, and— S c o tt's lived in Oregon City for five years, and are moving to Dallas, spent a few «lays Em ulsion. with his parents last week. The children’s day exercises at the ALL D R U G G IS T S i SO c. AND Sl.OO. Evangelical church were a decided suc­ cess. Miss Tressa P ra th er deserves great credit for train in g the children. VanOrsdel & Barham All the blood in your body pomes through , T he city council will have a haul your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are yeur i V. R. F IS K E . job lx*fore them in th e ir present e n ­ blood purifiers, they fil­ deavor to stra ig h te n o u t some of our ter out the waste er Impurities in the blood. $1 .V rooked streets. T hey should receive •- ( Item izer, one yeAr in advance . ........................ If they ere sick or out SU BSCRIPTION ■>; W ith Weekly Oregonian or Semi weekly Journal .. 2 t> the assistant e of every property ow ner COMMISSIONE!«*. of order, they fell to do .. 1 7. ( W ith Oregon W oodm an..................... ..................... (heir work. ni th e ir a tte m p t to m ake our town the Wm. Riddell J. B. Teal Pelns, aches end rheu­ U1I.LM ALLOWKl): ‘c ity b eau tifu l.” matism come Irons ex­ i Office, 257 M I 'T r \ I ^ Office, All salaries allowed. cess of uric ecld In the Ml U AL j Kcaidenoe, 271 ’PHONES: BELL / Residence, 113 Bv reference to th e co m m issio n ers’ blood, due to neglected C urrent Kxpemtea ; proceedings it will lx* seen th a t our kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady 4.00 county c o u rt is e x h ib itin g th e ir p ro ­ heart beats, and makes one feel as though I’aeiHe Coast Stam p Work«.. ...... Patronize One Another /o r the Upbuilding o f Town and County. Geo. D. Barn ani Co 45.00 gressiveness in the way of c o m m e n c -, C. L. C rider........................... . 2.70 2.10 ing su b sta n tia l and |>crm aneut bridge over-working in pumping thick, kidney- Folk Co. Item iaer.......... poisoned blood through veins and arteries. W hen a n y coterie of m en can arl i- E. M. Sm ith .......... .......... 32.10 It used to be considered that only urinary J. ( ’. H a y te r............. ........... ........ 30.50 tr.irily d ic ta te to the* free and w ork. T h is should have been becun year» ago in Folk county, in fact in troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, 1 '* 8 . L m g h a ry ..................... 4.70 u n ited people of th is supposed to but now modern science proves that nearly Are impure matters which the skin, liver, every county in Oregon. It is a m is ta k ­ til constitutional diseases have their begin­ Uoa«lrt and HiglAvavs: | he g reatly en lightened republic both as kidneys and other organs cannot take care Security V ault Co ........ .......$105.00 en idea of econom y th a t has caused ning in kidney trouble. I to th e buyrn • and sc Ming price of any •t without help. If you are sick you can make no mistake Ralph Saverv .................... 10.30 he m akeshift b rid .e building of for- by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Huston A S im on. . 3.00 Pimples^ boils, eczema and other erup­ a rticle of com m erce it is tim e for s ner years. Such work could lx* con and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Beall «t Co 240.70 tions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, h a lt to he called. It is tim e f o r th 27314 inued for an indefinite n u m b er of S w a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy is Dalla* Lum ber C o ............... bilious turns, fits of indigestion, dull head­ | people to arise in th eir m ajesty am ....... 7.50 soon realized. It stands the highest for Its ( ’has. K. Spaulding C o. . . aches and many other troubles are due to see th a t all laws tending to such ai years and the c o u n ty U* no lx*tter off wonderful cures of the most distressing cases J. E. M urphy...................... 1,15 it th e end of th e tim e th a n a t th e lie- and is sold on its merits J. Compton . Loo them. They are removed by end are e n tirely and forever alxdisl 7.50 John Schaller A Son winning. T h is co u n ty pays o u t by all druggists in fifty- ed. T he people of th e U nited State- .1 K Neal 1.50 cent and one-dollar siz­ S a r s a p a r illa nough each year in th e b uilding and 325.00 Beall A Co ..... You may have a In usual liquid form or In chocolated are supposed to have laws on tin repairing of bridges to he e n title d to es. 6.55 . . sample bottle by mail Kom« or n«.uap-Ro«x Wade. Dearce «(c Co I s ta tu te botks of th e federal govern­ tablets known as S a r s a ta b d . 100 doses $1. 36.80 free, also pamphlet telling you how to find O & W Sewer l*i|»e Co som ething for th e m oney. T he only 4.25 A. Sam pson...................... m en t and th e several st tes for the out If you have kidney or bladder trouble 3.75 benefit of the masses and n o t for a way to b did bridges, is to build them , Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Win. R av..................... ... 212.75 Y). P. Stapleton .......... T h e C h icag o E x a m in e r finds th a t favored few, who have lx*en able b if th e co u n ty can only afford to &, Co., Binghamton, N. Y. 5 00 Do not make any m istalte, but re ­ F . J . Morrison ................... th ere are o th e r th in g s in S pring be­ com b in atio n of vast m oney powers to build one bridge each year, let it lx? m em ber the nam e, Sw;uupVR«><»t, Dr Pauper account. sides love and poetry. C arpet b e at­ co' trof and regulate th e price* of a m one t h a t will sta n d th e wear and tear K ilm er's Swamp-Root, an«i the a«lf text will build no m ore wooden bridges, CIRCUIT COURT. m d th a t !x*fore m an y years have D a m a s , O keoon . su in g for divorce because her husband books for o u r public school?. T he\ INDEPENDENCE. Galloway, Judge. com pelled her to e a t p u m p k in pies set th e price berth ways, uqd by influ­ elapsed we can becom e fam ed for th e Jacob Schnehli vs. Peter Schindler, Courtesy West Side-Enterprise. th ree tim e s a day, o u g h t to win easily ence b ro u g h t to besir upon a fool sta te sta b ility of bridges th e sam e as we suit in equity: G. S. Shepard for plff. | W. W. Peroival received a carload of if she can prove th a t th ey were pies te x t book com m ission change the* ire now for th e salu b rio u sn ess of our - Dismissed for want of prosecution. hogs Tuesday to be shipped to Portland * * m ade by herself. books w henever d» sired, brin g in g in clim ate, th e e x tra hearing facilities of Elsina E. M atthews vs. Irving M at­ m arkets. IF YOU W ANT TO SELL our soil, and th e m any o th e r in d u ce ­ i thews. divorce; C harles A. P etrain for | an e n tirely new lot of books— all M. Gillespie has gone to Toledo to look “ Speaking m y in d iv id u al opinion plff. Decree of divorce granted. m ents which we have to offer as the handled by th e sam e p arties and who over the country with a view of getting and for no one else, I believe th a t since garden and fru it acm e of th e W illam ­ Bertha II. Wood in vs. Leon A. Wood- hold of some tim ber lands. derive th e profits— and the people in, divorce; Carson & Cannon for plff. th e passagp of th e Dingley bill th ere e tte V alley. W e adm ire the course Frank McDougal, a teacher in the sim ply have to pav for no better Defendant defaults. has been a change in th e business con­ th e c o u rt has tak e n in th is m a tte r, l>ebanon High Hchool, is here visiting his books, but give and added per c e n t on And (le t Quick R e tu rn s Dallas Lum ber Com pany vs. E. C. sister, Mrs. F. W. Treanor. d itio n s pf the c o u n try m ak in g it wise and e arn e stly hope th a t they will c o n ­ K irkpatrick et al, injunction; Oscar old books exchanged fe»r th e new. The a n d ju st to revise th e schedules of the tin u e to follow o u t such a policy. We Hay ter for plff; W. T. M uir and J . E. 1 The 2-year-old «laughter of Mr. and late st in stan ce of th is frau d u le n t way See B. G IL D N E R , Sibley for defts. Dismissed w ithout Mrs. George Wilson tlieaying for all this. It is not tin TEACHERS FOR NEXT YEAR. divorce; Oscar H ayter for p lff; J. L. ^ The Wood horse won easily. th o .in te re sts of b o th th e city and in m an u factu rer, it is not th e middle Collins for deft. Divorce granted. m an. hut it is th e c o u n try m erchant Chas. H untley and Al Bentley have The school directors m et last night dividual property ow ner w ould be l>est Lucy E. Buchanan vs. John Buchan­ returne«! from th eir fishing trip’ out to j nd th e consum er. How long will r and elected the following teachers for an. application for restoration of lost the head waters of the Luckiam ute. sub-erved. E very person who lays a people of supposed su p erio r m ental next year: papers and correction of decree ; Oscai They lamled nearly 500trout and had nice c em en t walk and park strip a bout Principal and teacher of ninth and H ayter for plff. Decree as prayed for. a gran«l tim e as they always do on these calibre stan d for th is so rt of thing, ten th grade, V V . 1. Reynolds. his property, enhances its value R ichard C »ok vs. Jennie Cook, divorce; expeditions. Eighth grade, Ralph Hill. are we to lie c o n tin u a lly buncoed be­ enough, if n o t m ore, th a n *o offset, N, Iy. Butler for plff. Divorce granted. Seventh grade, W alter Ford. Sixth grade, Miss Bessie Young. th e difference between a board and a cause of socalled good wages and far­ Special Trains on Fourth. A num ber of cases on th e docket were Fifth grade, Miss Sadie Lynn. continued for various reasons. cem ent walk, and if such property were fetched prosperity. Are we to sit com - A h announced la^t week there will lie a Fourth grade, Mrs. F. II. Morrison. \ special train from McMinnville on the .p la ce d on the m ark e t could la; m uch plaisantly and allow every a rticle th a t Third grade, Miss Eugenia Phillips. ! m orning of the 4tli. It will come by we ent and wear to be shoved up in Marriage Licenses. Second grade, Miss Evangeline Hal t. m ore readily sold th a n th e unim proved tlie way of W hitson and Independence, price notch by notch u n til it becomes First grade, Miss Ella Carpenter. II. Cox to Alice L. Kiny. and six coaches have been granted the lot. Also w hat a vast difference it prohibitive. T he Item izer say* NO. m uter com pany by the S. I’, fo rth ed a y s Canfield to Clare A. Hol- Colden R, m akes in th e looks of a tow n, and in ­ For Over Sixty Years. use. I t will leave McMinnville a t 7:15 lander. We have th e power if we will b u t ex* c id e n tally gives m ore tow n pride and i and th e round trip fare will be $1.50, An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. eri it. \\ ill we ever com e to th e ! regular fare from here there on our ^rnM jlion to th e residents. Lets have W inslow’s Soothing Svrup has been Probate Court. tra in s, from W hitson, $1.30 ; from Ami- tu rn in g point. and are prepanxl to do any no tnhre board walks. used for over sixty years by millions of Ed. F. C«»ad, Judge. : tv $1.35; from McCoy, $1, from Derrv, kind of stam ping, such as m others for their children while tee th ­ E state of George Higgs; bond filed 75 cents. This train will arrive here at shirt waists, pillow tops, doil­ ing, with perfect success. It soothes the and approved, Raymond W alter, 1). S. 0:25 and leave hack at 7:35. The idea ies, center pieces, and em ­ child, softens the gums, allays all pain, : Bentley and Frank Quenel appointed for going in this round about wav to broidery hats. Bring us your ! reach Dallas we cannot conceive. The cures wind colic and is the best remedy j appraises. goods and we will stam p them people of A m ity and McCoy could have for diurrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. a t reasonable prices. Estate of I. B. Jack ; petition to sell been just as well served by coming on Sol«l by druggists in every part of the real estate and dem u rrer heard : order­ tlie Yam hill division and the fare made World. 25 cents a liottle. ItH value is ed th a t the dem urrer 1 m * overwilled and much lower. The round trip fare from incalcuable. Be sure and ask for .Mrs. the prayer of petition lx* granted. ! Airlie will lie 85 cents. W inslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. G uaranteed under the E state of Ann Sylvester; a d em onstra­ Food and Drug Act, Ju n e 30, liXHh Ser- tor’s additional undertaking on sale of rial Num ber 1008 . real propertv approved.. A HARD STRUGGLE. E state of E. C. K eyt; sem i-annual ac­ BASE BALL NEWS. count No. 4 filed and approved subject C O L L IN S B L O C K to final settlem ent. Many a Dallas Citizen Finds the All Humors Hood’s 75 ....Dallas Flouring Mill... Summer School BANKING BY MAIL TIMBER YOU MAY KEEP AN A C C O U N T W ITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON ANL) YOUR NEIG H BO R K N O W S N O TH IN G O F IT 4% Just Received A Stamping Outfit INTEREST W R ITE FO R O U R B O O K L E T ON BANKING BY MAIL UNCLE SAM’S POST OFFICE MAKES OUR BANKING B> MAIL SYSTEM A-SUCCESS SAVINGS BANK OF THE Citle <&uarantrr Si Crust Company 240-244 Washington Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon China and Notion Store, W. H.Roy&Co. The Games Played and Unplayed, as Reported by L D A L L A S, - OREGON In estate of Chas. A. M ettison ; peti­ tion to sell real »‘sta te ami for appoint­ ment of guardian addition fil«*d. Peti­ tion set for hearing on th e 27th «lay of June, ami th a t relation be served us re- quired by law. M a n a u k k ( I k oi k i k M orton . cool cooking, less work and least fuel-expense use a NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove — the ideal atove for summer. D oes everything that any other kind of atove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealei's, or write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. The X7 is the best lamp for Jl-routid household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con­ structed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer’s, write to our nearest agency. STA N D A RD OIL C O M PA N Y T L am p 1; (In c o rp o ra te d 1 We have a li.ie of Millinery that is up-to- date in ever)' respect, brought direct from ; the most fashionable millinery centers, and we have tlie trimmer to suit your taste in every particular. Before going to the larger U as for any tiling in this line, come and see wiict we have to show you. D. L. KEYT, PERRYDALE, OREGON Manager Ueorac Morton, of tlie I’. A. I'inm lli liRHe hull team, lias kimllv con­ sented to keep iih fully informed on all m atters regard init this irreat American ¡(tame that transpire within these im ­ mediate limits. If he does not keep our readers fully informed, do not blam e ns: Last Saturday a game was played at Salt Creek, mention of wliieli is made else where, lint we were tumble to obtain ; tile lineup. In Dallas the I’. A. Finseth’a 11 laved a pickup team , defefeating them so lin'd Iv •lull spectators got tired and left. S r roil pit lied tine hall, and Ned Shaw behind the bat was a pippin. The score was 20 , to 0. LINKUP P. A. Finscth Shaw, Ned Syron, F. . . . G underson, G Fenton, ( ’ , M u sh , F : Barham , E ........ Elders, L W illiams, l ’ Bovdston, ( ’ Pickup «*at«*h«T . Baker, W pitcher Lanner, L sh o rt stop Gilson, F 1st base Bennett, E 2ml base. Brown, G 3rd base. Bennett, s I fichi . Ramsey, R c field Miller, O r field H ubbard, J dii next Satunlay the Be«* Hive team w ill plav tin* Chema wa Indian Ixiys at the Dallas grounds, th e game to he Vail­ ed at 2 o'clock shari». At this tim e it is imjHiambh* to give the Chemawa team s, lineup, hut we append that «»f th e Dallas team : C atcher, Ned Shaw. Pitcher, Floy«I Myers. Short stop, G. Gunderson. First base, ( ’arl Fenton. Set*ond hase, Frank Syron. T hird has»*. K. Barham. Right field, Chas. Bovdston. C e n te r ib id, Clam i Shaw . Ia»ft field, Lynn Elder. This may I k * l«»nk<*lemaa Isaac ,t«> David Mat ting, 40 acres in t 6 8, r 6 w, 1 Ja n e Issac to David M artiny, Ì10 acres in t «I s, r 8 w ,...................... 1 f(. (». Campbell to J . L. Brown, M n in D allas................................. 300 R. L. Sears to G. W. Berry, lots in Ballatoli,..................................... 500 every variety of bakery stuff, but especially cake. People think bakers cannot make anything but angel’s food. W e think we make CAKE ■ i if m just as palatable as you have at home. Don’t get mad because we think so. Tlie Dallas 'Bakery Dan Brown, Prop. Spices, Extracts, Toilet Articles, Stock and Poultry Food. ATCH FOR ATKIN’S AGON W And buy of the traveling agent for Polk County. W a tk ln ’s Rem edies Geo. Hinshaw. . Public Auction Sale On Fritlay, J u n e 2 1 ,1907 at 10 »»’clock, tlie undersigned, having s«»ld the big­ gest part of his farm , will offer f«»r sale at public auction at his farm , 3 miles northw est of Airlie. the following prop­ erty : 250 head of sheep, 275 hea«l «>f gnats, all nannies, 9 head »try cows and calves, 8 head of 1-year-old colts, half blood Morgan by I,amU*rt Boy, 1 m atch­ ed pair 2-year-«»Vi horse colts by Lain- liert Boy, 2-year-old fillies bv M udtert Hoy, 5 li<*rtd m ares w ith c«»ita at si«le by Ia«mlH*rt Boy, l saddle pony, 5 work m ares with colts, 4 hea«l of hog*, pl«»ws, wagons, farm ing im plem ents. Terms*. All sum s nm ler $10 «*ash in hand, all snms over $10 hanks hie note <»n out* y ear’s tim e at 7 p e rc e n t interest. Mil­ lard Whit»*, auctioneer. J. W llmwn All w anting g»ssl bl«»orted «*• «’k had l**tler be certain to attend this sale. Hon. D. L. Kejrt, Q. N. t ’herrinyton amt Conrail Stafrin took high Maaonir degree» in Portland th is week. J. K. Mark», who naed to run a m eat m arket here ami »tarte,I th e ice work», now a re.»lent »< A urora, haa been in town the last few days. i SUMMER EATS SUMMER DRINKS BIST IN TOWN Struggle Hard. W ith a hark constantly aching, W ith distressing urinary disorders, Daily exL-tence i.- but a struggle. No nee»I to keep it up. Doan’s Kidney Pills w ill cure you. Mrs. M. C uster, »»f 436 VV Fifth street, A lbany, Ore., says; “ I have had no occasion t«» use I loan’s Kidney Pills for nearly three years and th a t fact alone is proof of the value of the remedy, At the tim e I got it at Foshay «ft Mason’s drug store I was suffering an acute at- taok of kidn»*y com plaint, th e result «»f a cold which settle«! in my kidneys. It made me so weak and 1 une that 1 eouhl scarcely move from on»* placet»» another. Tin» passages of th e kidney secretions were so frequent th a t I got little if any rest at night. I continue»! using Doan’s Kidilev Pills until cured, and in March. 1903, Í told the story of my experience for publication in our local papers. Now that the cure lias nroved perm anent 1 am fully couvinced of the value of Doan’s Kidney Pills and wish every sufferer to know it. For sale by all