r THE PJÌ.K C3UHTY ITEMIZER d o YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? D ALL A S, IB ID A Y , HOT. 24. 1905 • »u .« I»0 L i » v V \ '- .V . K um ay M ummnu A W 7:8O A S H , KDITO* AND eHoPKiaToH. 81/B SO B IP T lO N R A T E S : p I 50 ....................................... Per y*-»r $ 75 ............................Per six month« 49 ..........................Per three mouth»« Vdvei tism g rate« made known on im plication. Correspondence innolicit- •ill. Fine Joh Printing done at reasonable •>i ice*. Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures m ade by Dr. K ilm er's Swam p-R oot, the great kidney, liver and bladder rem edy. It is the great m edi­ cal triumph o f the nine­ teenth cen tu ry dis­ covered after years of scientific research by | Dr. Kilmer, the em i­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing , !ame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. K ilm er’ s Sw am p-R oot Is not rec­ om m ended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so m any ways, in hospital work, In private practice, am ong the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has , been made by which all readers of this paper ' v/ho have not already tried it, m ay have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling m ore about Sw am p-R oot and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. 1 When writing mention reading this generous ( offer in this paper and | send your address to j Dr. Kilm er & C o.,B ing- ' hamton, N. Y . T he I regular fifty cent and Hom« of swamp-Root. ! dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. “ Cut it O u t” says many a doctor to his lady patients, because he doesn't know o f any medi­ cine that will cure female troubles except the sur­ geon's knife. T hat such a medicine exists, however, is proved by thousands o f cures made by All agreed that the prt achera praise was n.*t in the least exaggerated for # Mr Smith had been one of the purest f ami beat hum » they ever knew. The other brother« R. M. Smith of Mon­ mouth and U. M Smith of Portland were present. The Hater* Mrs. Flora Campbell of Chcnev. Mia. Matilda Humphrey of Vale and their brother *v- -s*. W light Smith Mi W aitshurgcould not I • oni*. D i. M.taou and »ou, C U v. came I i f , up fiom Portland lo at'eud the <♦> 1 tuner.*). ï'.4 . ——— <•* >;•. *-■ & * & & : Retiring from Business N o P o iso n in C h a m b e r l a i n ' s C o u g h Rem edy. * xV -v $ 2 5 .0 0 0 Worth of Merchandise Clothing. Mens Furnishings, Dry Goods and Ladies’ W ear M 'S- now offered you a t leas than cost. 3 Must be closed out by From Napier New Zealand, Herald <*> J A N U A R Y 1 ,1 9 0 3 . J j| Tw«» years ago the Pharm.ny board | nf New South Wales, Australia, had i mii Hiialvsi» made of all the cough W ® 4 -; a /. / ’ A v . /¿ V / * '. .V . V - V * -V * /* '• •4/ \< : medicine« that were sold m that mar V jl.s* s !./ an X ^ A v >7 ¿V . V M 'S 'S V . -'S v >. >. | ket. Out of ihe entire list they found only one that they declared hhs en­ tirely free from all poisons. Thi* e x­ Having"decir. district, ia now fini«hing his 12th year Mannsville, N. Y. 4 ‘ M y doctor said Cotton and W ool Blankets all sizes C h ick en * , per dozen $.‘io/$6 All olir ovcrcoata to every Liuti ai eoa*. Kilmer’s Sw am p-Root, anil the ad­ no medicine would help me. After as a member of the supreme court at and qualities at cost. From 40cent* up. Pried fru its , per pound,3(&10 ota. dress, Bingham pton, N. Y . on every New tali «tylca. taking Cardui I gave up my sup­ the age of 54 The president has ap- porter and tun now w e ll." Ou.ting Flannel at Cost. From 4^ Evirything in Futniahing«, Hoarry, Beets, per p ou n d ,1 cents bottle. I pointed him lo succeed Judge Bellin­ cent« up. SliirU ol all kinda al cosi, T u rn ip s, per p o u n d , 1 cts. ger. Hia present term waa for six C abbage, per p o u n d , 14 cts. years at a salary of $4.500 but the new verything at Cost. O nions, per p ou n d , 14 cts. office will he for live and the pay $H,- Beans, per pou n d , 4$l2 and has continually grown in prom­ Mr. and Mr«. Richardson have been T H E D O I N G S IN T H E C O U N T Y . ----------- — ♦ • ♦ —- • ■ ■ - - visiting their daughter and Mr. Tyler inence and public esteem. Governor They are all put in at this sole so a* - tv . Job printing. Chamberlain will most likely appoint to ju«t aave nurselvfia the money out A n U n e q u s l ' e d a n d C o m p l e t e R e hia non in Salem. as Ida successor, T. G. Hailey of Pen­ Sam T hurston, who went to Ari­ on them. Thin ia your golden opportun­ s u m e of W h a t Y o u r F r i e n d s a r e School Superintendent Starr has dleton, lie being one of the most in­ zona for his health which ha s greatly ity to tit yourself for winter ai the a n d Have B e e n Lately D o in g . been inspecting the school work here fluential and capab'e dem ocratic law improved. gieat (doting Out sale. and ia well pleased with it. yera in the state. The M <»l»ex Jacket and Coat are H a s Stood th e T e s t 2 5 Y e a rs . -------♦ • *■ Frank Woods has gone back to Bri the bist mi i a*. . /> . v . ,v , /i\ /!' ¿¡S. H. 0 . Sym our’s residence which war It requires constitutional . -'7 - . m '? / m m • ❖ ❖ ■♦. -v- . >T< . ahortly after three o ’clock last. Friday y / a \ AV /iv ' a \ /¿v /¿V ^ >4* /I n A / a A >1'. >iV. /5 . / a Job printing. treatm ent acting through iujured by fire has been repaired. and the tirat »hit g that greeted them V V.- V, S , S ' ❖ *❖ * *❖ S ' >f^> ❖ ' -"S 'J ^ John W . Miller of Dallas is working waa a large sign at the depot saying. the b lo o d , and the best is a Additional local news may he found at the Bryan mill and Wm, Drew is s Dallas, the town that dues tiling* on the first pag*\ cou rse o f the great medicine section The bova bra««« band and 250 school hand. Shipping tag* for sale here in any children beaii'.e* about half of the Last Saturday evening John Murphy town people and many from the coun­ quantity desired, also blank note and f«ll from hie porch and broke hia leg. try were there to welcome them receipt hooka. w hich has p e rm a n e n tly Dr. Pfamlhoefer set the injured limb They did not have tim e to inspect For load check«, warehouse receipt« co re d thousands o f cases. but he died at three o ’clock Sunday ■ nr industrial plants hut walked F or testimonials o f remarkable cures morning. He waa laid to rent in the through lhe business afreet«, admired hop tickets or any oilier job printing! tent fo r Book on Rheumatism. No. 7. Odd Fellows cemetery Monday after­ our court house and huw two great com e to this office. C . L H ood C o., Low ell, Mass. noon. stream« of water thrown high in the Whenever you know of praise worthy air by our fire boy«. Every possible a t­ act- by any body in the country, please A g u a r a n t e e C u r e for P iles. tention and cnurtPRV waa shown them HK Allie Ten I anil the John R onco houaeH are for Itching, blind, bleeding, or protru- by our people and I hey evidently ap tell us about it. Such thing* should rent l>y H. U. Cam pbell. I ding pilen. DruggizU refund money preoisted if. They seemed to know be mentioned to encouraged others to I if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case all about our goat, prune and hop do likewise. no matter of how long standing, ir 6 ¡ prominence and the several l>oxe* A\ 4' 4N 4 ' ,4 \ r K e n t F o r the* B r r e d t r * . '•y /¿ . ,4 A s. .4\ S' 4\ V.V 4 S' N N jfc 4 S' ' & S '\ ; to 14 day« First application given of our fin«- apple« distributed among With the breeding season over, give k\ /4 '. .4 '* 4 '* .4 '* .4 '. .4 '. .4*. ,4\ 4\ ,4\ ,4\ 4>. 4\ 4\ 4s 4 ' 4 ' / a à ease and rest. 50 cents If your them after the train left made them the old fow ls Intended for future use druggist nasn’ t it «end 50 cents in feel good and glad. a summer’ s outing—turning them out i stamps und it will he forwardod post­ ---------- ♦ • ♦ ------------------ to pasture In a shady grove or among paid by Paria Medicine Co.. St. Louis T h e Th in g; For C o n s tip a tio n . the berry hushes. Blank note* and receipts for sale at \ ; Mo. “ A h a certain purgative and stom- this office, al-o all kinds of legal - -------- --------------------- ach purifier Cnam berlain’s Stomach Guaranteed medicines, O n i o n s F o r I’ o i i l t r y . blanks. AROUND GRACE CHURCH. Liver Tablet« aeem to be the e x­ For con fined ohlckeus tin excellent spices, extracts, toilet ar­ Ethel Gwinn is still confined to her and W hen you wish to «ell goats, cattle I act thing lequired, strong enough for green food Is onion tops chopped floe ticles, stock and poultry room. or other «look it would pay to adver- I the moat robust, yet mild enough and And ml veil In »»c rn.^h twice n week. »ise in the Itemizer. *»*f«» for children without that terrible food. Grandma Loe is recovering from u griping an com m on to most purgative«” If you wish to either buy or «ell severe illnesa say R. S. Webster & Co., Udora, On­ wood or anything else, this paper can 1 Some of us spent a pleasant evening tario, Canada. For sale by StufFrin quickly bring you a customer, Traveling; agent lor l’ olk county. at the home of John Orr. Drug Co, Advertiser* invariably have tlie ad- | C '/rvx '- rnv Pot. 25 c . Rebecca Miles is in school at Salem F O R M E R P O L K IT E S . vantage of those who do not let the and Esther is studing music. pub ic know what they are doing or E P. Vooez who formerly attended want to do. Jasper Bowlston and Roy D’ Armoml the Monmouth normal school is doing Grading is luting done on the rail-i Circuit court begins Monday De- otick is h er kr y g iven t h a t t h i u n - Sundayed with Walter Metzler. from Hillsboro to Tillam ook. j eetuber 4th a successful business and ia chairman W hen you have stock of any kind j dentigtietl have filed their final account in the matter of the estate o f Sarah R¡trier, deceased, The sweet toned new piano of Mrs. of the county. or «ale or want to buy « anything -*■- r- it: J- C. Roush, of Idaho, and Mi*« El i Next Thursday is Thanksgiving and W INE OF CARDUI OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- Rheumatism Wif&s I'1 Is 4396 f mw This great closing out sale begins September 23, 1905. | | | Come early while the good things are plenty and the assort- S\ ment complete. Going out of business. Everything at cost, V * Fixtures for sale. Store for rent. Hood’sSarsaparilla ^ $25,000 worth V ' 1 of merchandise |Oj Must be sold r R. Jacobson &0o.. Dallas. fatch for atkins .Wagon! ixlways Remember the Full Name | axative Rromo A citrine C EO . H IN S H A W T w e lv e B eh n k e- W a lk e r Graduater are holding fine po­ sitions with the O. R. & N. Railway Co.; Final Settlement. N and Saturday, Dec. 28, 1906, at the h our s.f 1 o'clock m ., has been appointed by the county court of e state o f Oregon, for Polk coun ty, art the time for the hearing of objections to aaid final account and the settlement thereof. All persona are there fore notified to appear at said tim e and show cause. If auy exiat, why the aaid account should net be ap proved and the administrate™ of aaid eatate and their bondsinen dincharged. Dated t his 20th day of Nov., 1906 J. HITN vr , I. RITNKR Adm inistrator, of the estate o f Sarah Ritner de ceased N, L. Butler, attorney. 6 Rogers is heard by the neighbor». Mi*« Elva Taylor of Itidejiendence, Mr. a id Mrs. Metzler and Am anda, i« cashier for n big meat market tin re also Mr. D ’ Armond and wife spent and Mi«« Merle Davcv of Salem, is stenographer in a law office. Hunday with George W hiteaker. F o r O v e r S i x ty Y e a r e . An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. W inslow’« Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions ol mothers for their children while teeth­ ing with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind co lic and is the best, remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to S E A L E D P R O PO S A LS W I L L H E R E *I the taste. Sold by druggists in every oeived at the office of the auditor and police judtfe of the city o f Dallas, Oregon, until H part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and o ’clock p. m. on the 4th day of December, | Its value is incalculable. 190fi, for the con traction of a newer in the ¡ ask for Mrs. W inslow ’s Soothing Sy- allev through block No. 10 in Haiti city of ! ru. and take no other kind. Dallun. Said newer to be oona trac ted at the i Proposals for Sewer. Lot Brown who is now at. Baker City and ha* bewn admitted to the state War by the supreme court, says that J, N. Harts «on, Harold is head carrier for an evening paper there. Dr. O. M Dodson who practiced meibcine in Dallas some thirty years ago ha« been a physical» there for twenty years. His brother McMinu Ik dion was an early day resident of Salt Creek. F u n e r a l D elayed. Awaiting the arrival of hi* brm he­ time and in the manner and of nuch material* irs from Marshfield the funeral of ae are *|>ecified in the ordinane«, and plans John H. Smith was not held until! 10 PEEDEE and H|*c¡fícatione of auch newer now on tile o ’clock las» Sunday. A special tr in in the office of the auditor and police judge Ned Freer caught a gray wolf. from Falls City brought many of aforesaid. The right to regect any and all bidn la hereby reserved. of hia liM on g friends from around W e are to have a Chr.stmas tree. Ihvne hy order of the city oouncil o f the Bridgeport. The services were at »In* d t y of DalUa, Oregon, made and entered on- A falling snag killed a cow for Reu­ Evangelical church and by Rev. C. C. the noth day of November, 190ft. ben Hastings. Poling. T he house wa« full of people D A N P. IJTOUFFKR. Auditor and Police Judge of the city of Dal in full sympathy with the occasion. laa, Oregon. Mrs. Ned Freer and Mrs. W ill Bush Dated Novemlter i l , lUOft. have been to Albany. 5 0 0 0 TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED A nnually to till the new position» create«* bv railroad and Telegraph Companies We want y o u n g m e n *"n. his eife and their Fre«l and Torn, w«**e at lie home of Bluforl Bush reren tie, bomb --------- ----------------- B U E N A V IS TA T H E fí !C re L E S e v e n w i t h the Marshall- Wells Co., futir with Meier & Frank Co., four with Tull A Gibbs, four with Hazel­ wood, two with M. Seller & Co., three with the Morgan Co., two with Olds, Wort- man A Ivins, two with Lip- man, W olfe & Co. B e h n k e - W a l k e r g r n d u te s ge\ along in the world. They prosper, for they have a business equipment that is valued bv the firms where they obtain situations. Then, too, we wateh out for them, and see that the moment any Rraduate is out o f work for any good reason, there is an­ other position available. No other college takes such a personal interest in its grad­ uates as does the Hehnke- Walker Business College. L a s t y e a r w e p la c e d 207 pupils in positions. This year we can pises 500, judging from the great demand that exists for Behnke Walker graduates. N e x t m o n th w e m o v e into new quarters; Elks’ Build- ing; finest quarters; built to our order; uew fittings; bus­ i n e s s d e s k s ; fine light; cheery; y o u ’ll he proud to study there. W rite for cat­ alog that con taina a spe­ cial offer o f how you may ob­ tain a handsome souvenir by l>erformi»ig a alight servieo for ua. Write direct toT>p»rtment 14. M A N M r G e t t y is p o in t in g Ins h o u s e . M J. Krentx and daughter a ,d L sh Nash have been sick. Porter Bro*. have rente! one of the A. J. Richardsons farm*. IiOwell Simps m of Albany is here with his grand parents, Mr. and Mr*. I 223 Commercial afreet. Salem. Æ 'P J S O S C U * E F O R UHU VMIRt C l (Lit Fällt« I Hwt ftrrup. »*••««• Ooo* Ca* | itaM. -**W Sy or«c«Ut*. B l/ S tH C S S C o i~ t.e o e PO RTLAN D . OREGON. Cures a Cold m Om Day, Grip in Two. fill pay to let it be ihe Itemizer. known through H um bugs and fakes of various kind* continue to com e along and people continue to bi»e at them, eopecisdly those of a medical nature. *a Q uivy, of Suver, were married this = will he variously observed. Home are I week. i planning help for the needy I There is a new boy at the home of j Social M eetings. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hiefarth near | The D h II hs camp of W oodm en have Oakdale. j decided to devote the last meeting ! . . . » i The mud 1 « being scraped front | night in the month to a social time Rem ember that nearly everybody j Main street and dumped in to an old for themaelve* and families. Next Tuesday night will be the firm one look* in thi* paper for notices of lost fire cistern. or found article«. Ail such article«! . of tuat kind and a number of invited »iHHtld be prom ptly «dvertU.1. ; " • L .G 1ll“ n* ,fo,,r m'le8 ‘ ¡'.uU,,h°' guests will be present. Tlie com m it­ K 1 J ! towu, sold thirty stock cattle, the tee in charge are A. N. Holman, Shrewd merchants make attractive! calves going at $5 and the old ones for Loyd Hoehren and G. N Cherriuglon. o ff ring* and let the public know $12. The orchestra will furni*h good music about it. No other medium is *o for those who wish to dance, iheie will Wom en will vote at the Anii»v City be game« of all kind* and a «hurt pro­ cheap or so effective as a good news- election December lut and may decide gram. Come out with your family, pa per. whether or uot the town is to have « W ooum sn, and make merry. Volunteer correspondence always saloon. welcome from all over th* county. If CO UN TY COURT. your neighborhood has been neglect­ The report that no more Und pat­ ed. you are invited lo send the news ents would be issued in the HiUtz r *«er PROBATE. from there. vat ion is untrue, a« a letter from the JriaiE Ed. F.Coad W e shall feel thankful to all who wi. register of the land office shows. stop us on the *tre t or anywhere else .. *, | *. . , - , .. The mutter of the Thomas Xnrwest Holier* Hayes ha« I »ought the v to give neighborhood news foi the . Mrs. j. , „ .. . e*ta»e was continued to November 28 Shaw hou«»* in South Dallas and , . . . , . . .. .. Itemizer. Or if y >u fail to see us send Joe . ii u xt .» in n . a t o n e o c lo c x tor service of citation, has sold her North Dallas property it on a postal card. to 1 nr son Wiltia u ami that near the ' The Thomas Butler esta'e was finally Nearly all who advertise undar oot j foundry to her son Albert, recently closed. heading New Today have their wants • from th.» east Final account in c ire of ^arali Rit­ met. If you with to buv or sell any- i thin? try' it nntl be convinced Unit ! <• "V .rnorChanibcrU ifi h »»»n n n o n c- ner estate w»* filed an I is to be heard ed Die appointment o fT h o s .G H uley at 1 o ’clock Decern lier 23. I printer’s ink pays. ---------- — • .... of ¡V ndleton, as Micceasor to Judge The Itemizer wants additional cor- D e c e m b e r J u r y List. W olverton in the supreme court. A respondent* from every neighi*orlo*Hl The following persons have been new Judge will be elected next June, not now regularl> represented in it. bin lie will hold the office until Jan. dra wn to ^erve at Judge B u rnell’* tei m W on t you or some of your neighbor« 1, 1907. He i* forty years of age, ha* of circuit court, beginning M onday. write to us about it. b mi district attorney and mayor of Dec.m bvr 4th: 0 E H untlv, U L All postinaater* or agents are antli- Pendleton and i* a leader at the bat FraZ-r nnd Win Cockle o f Iude|ien- orized to retain 25 cent* from a regti-j jn progrevrive industrial move dei ; H M Ebbert an ' W E Burns lar yearly subscription to the Item nient«. < f M on m ou th ; J C Frink and Jn-tin izer hut no com m ission can t*e allowed , II»••»ter of Fulls C i»v ; C A Miller, K on com bination rates. 1 The y«.nng ladies literary flocirty * H F .wk. I M R o » m f tsfui, M K Whi«e If vi hi or miv yourn[«.. n ;« . i,.k *»!■» T h Bovct f>‘ Riel, real - J D Bev- ...vtl.li.K extra Hue in the wav of >" tl.e n.l'.K ecl.H pel tonight an.^ev ens o f Airli e; (i 8 Neleon, |^*vi Conner The rtp»f H B Flannery of Perrydale; Chas .took or punltry, or if yon know o f erylmdy is invited lo attend a n y fling el*e th at m igh t inte rest the p.irtic-ipintf will b© VN nmie Kell**, Alderman *n*l J L Purvfne *»f Spring Nola t oad, Edna Hall. Edna Have*. V a lle y ; S M Rraly o f B u ell; John public, please tell US a bo ut it. Ella Roy, Alta Ravage, Ada Osfield, M cC row .T J Graves and C I, Hawley If you h i ve goats, sheep, hog*, cat­ Georgia Martin, Lillian M cVicker. McCoy ~ Wm Finpia and Ellis Da. tle, horse* or anything else to sell, ad­ Edna Morrison sn«l Kniri»y Me Devi ti vertise the la •» and buyers willaoon There will l.e a roll call with respon Davidson of Parker; C J Hus-ev of ap^iear. Everylaaiy expects to find se* in literary quotations, (br every- Butler; W L Bristow of L«»wi«ville; tin h notice« under our heading New body, and sn em itiifi the girls with D D Gorsline of M cC ov; R C Craven, W H Besecker, J T Guthrie and C L Today. The cost will be less thun presence und applause. Hubbard of Dallas. you imagiue.