Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, August 25, 1905, Image 2

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D ALLAS, FRIDAY, ADO. 25. 1905
U.LU.«*» B*»*v h i » « *«"■'*• 4 7:80
A .
« d it o *
a n d rmiFNirro».
S U B S C R I P T I O N R A T E S ':
f \ 5 0 .............................................. Per -voar
| 7 5 ................................ Per six months
4 0 ............................Per t h r e e months
A d v e i t i l i n g rates mad e k n o w n on
a p p li c a ti o n . Cor re spo nde nce is solicits
F i n e J o b P rintin g done at reasonable
W h e a t, per bush el, f i .
B r a n , p e r ton |22 50
S h o r ts , p e r t o n , |23.
O a ts, per b u sh e l, 45 uts.
F l o u r , per b a r re l, #4 20.
F l o u r , per s a c k , $1 10
Corn m eal, $ 2 5 0 per cwt.
P ota to es, p e r bush el, 75 ct s.
B u t t e r , per pound 2 0 cts.
Lard , p e r p o u n d , 1 2 j cts.
B a co n . s i d e s , p e r pound, 15 cts.
H a m s , p e r p o u n d , 15 cts.
S h o u l d e r s , per p o u n d , 9 @ 1 1 cts.
E g g s , p e r dozen , 15 cts.
C h i c k e n s , p e r dozen 43(<z$5
Dried f r u i t s , p e r pound, 3 @ 1 0 ota,
B e e t s , per p o u n d , l i ce n ts .
T u r n i p s , per p o u n d , 1 $ c t s .
C a b b a g e , per pound, 3 cts.
O nio ns, per pound, 44 Ctl.
B e a n s , p er p o u n d , 4(4a> cents .
Corn m e a l, p er p o u n d ,3 cts
Hay, per ton, *8(<t$12
♦ • . ~
Our warehouse men are buey re-
rieving grain.
rm rsrn m r:
-3SK 3
T h e children of Wm. Yocom and
Frank Gould have diptlieria, oue of
the former being quite low.
Over-Work Weakens
M'ae Winnette Sears, who lias a ffnlieAUtiy Kidneys Make Impure Blood«
largo music clase hare, gives lessons
AH the blood In your body peases through
at Carlton, once a week.
your kidneys once every three minutes.
nvs. -
The kidneys ere your
Threahing nearly over and fall
- * bloed purifiers, they fib
wheat averages about 20 hushele,« few
ter out the waste er
fields going at high as 24
impurities in the bleod.
if they are sick or out
Mrs Strs n g , of Eastern Washington,
of order, they fall to do
haa been visiting the Ott family. Be­
their work.
ing Scotch she alao visited the Mc-
Pains, aches and rbeu»
mat ism coma from ex­
cess of uric acid in the
Mrs Sm ith , who has heen the guest
blood, due to neglected
of Mrs. Miller, haa gone back to kidney trouble.
Nebraska, and Mrs. Miller and her «on
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
Albert, are visiting in Southern Ore­ heart beats, and makes ons feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heait is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney-
Reuell Wolverron, of Monmouth, is poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
Clerking for Longhary A Eilis.
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
I,eland Murphy has relumed from but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin­
the eastern Oregon grain field..
ning in kidney trouble.
H. M. Ben nett died, on Mill Creek,
If you are sick you can make no mistake
last week, leaving a wife and two by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Sw a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy is
Dr. Lee Steiner a former Dallae soon realized. It stands the highest for its
physician, now at Lakeview will «oon wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and Is sold on Its merits
locate at Salem.
by all druggists in fifty-
Mr. and Mrs. W ankey , of Fall« City, cent and one-dollar siz­
and Mrs. J . 8 . Talbot, of Portland, es. You may have a
have gone to Newport.
sample bottle by mail H uom of HwuapJUx*.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
Mr. and Mr*. E. 0 , Kirkpatrick and out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mr*. Sena Lynch Belyeu rolled in Mention this paper when writing Dr. KUmer
from the hay yesterday.
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
T h e prune harvest will soon begin,
Do not m ake any mistake, but re-
they being plsntifnland of good qu al­ member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr.
ity and bearing agrood price.
Kilm er’s Swamp-Ro ot, and the ad­
Georg* Rowclifle and Georg* R ic h ­ dress, Binghiimpton, N.
mond «coompanied by their better bottle.
halves sre seeing the big Portland
Y . on every
T a k e .
W IN E« ’
a t H o m e
Art you * »uffertr?
Hu your doctor been unsuc­
Wouldn't you prefer to
yourself— AT HOME?
Nearly 1,500,000 women have
bought Wine of Cardui from
their druggists and have cured
themselves at home, of such
trouble* os periodical, bearing
down and ovarian pains, leucor-
rho-a, barrenness, nervousness,
dizziness, nausea and despond­
ency, caused by female weakness.
These are not easy cases.
Wine of Cardui cure* when the
doctor can't.
W ine of Cardui does not irri­
tate ttie organs. There is no pain
in the treatment. It is a soothing
tonic of healing herbs, free from
strong and drastic drugs. It ia
successful because it cure* in a
natural way.
Wine of Cardui can be bought
from your druggist at $ 1.00 a .
bottle and you can begin this
treatment today. Will you try it?
I n o asse r e q u irin g s p e c ia l d ir e c tio n s .
&ddr«fte, g iv in g sym ptom », T h o L ad lsa'
A uvihory
D o p t. T h e Ch*U&uoOga
M ed icin e C o ., C h a tta n o o g a , T e n n .
Several car load* of fine Bartletl
pear* have been shipped from the
Wallace fruit farm, on the river near W H A T T H E Y H A V E T O S A Y A B O U T
T H E D O I N G S IN T H E C O U N T Y .
E ola hill*.
Misses Lola and Blanche Smith
Hr. and Mrs. W. O. Vassal), and a
W e spe nt three days there last week Kausar lady friend, have gone to the A n U n o q u ii M c c I a n d C o m p l e t e Re f.oui Rhochester, Minn, are visiting
s u m e of W r v a t Y o u r F r i e n d s are j at the home of N. 8 . Smith.
and found it a lugger and moreimpor exposition and will extend their visit
a n d H a v e B e e n L a t e ly D o i n g .
taut affair than we had imagined. to Seaside.
Supervisor Smilhwick of this road
Having spent two weeks at the Otn
I district lias Installed a fine water tank
Mr. and Mr*. F -a n k Hubbard and
tenntal exposition nt i'hiladelpliia in
H as 3 t o o d t h e T e a t 2 5 Y e a r s .
■a* the E ola watering trough which ia
1876, we contrasted the relative merits Misses Nellie Ford, l-elia Frink and
'I’lio old, original Grove’« Tasteless
and think that, considering the stir Bertha Foster, of Bridgeport, are al Chill 'Ionic. You know what- you ar<* highly appreciated by the traveling
roundingings, our fair outshines that. the exposition.
taking. It is iron and quinine in a
W e met a number of persons who had
North and south eroa* walk, have ta«t< less form. No cure, no pay. 60
A g u a r a n t e e C u re for P ile s .
attended different past expositionsand been placed scros* llie streets ut the ents.
Itching, blind, bleeding, or protru-
all agreed that the she of the Portland east corners of the court lion«* square
...... ^
— ■
ding piles. Druggists refund money
fair is more attr action than any of by J o h n Grant and Win. Shellon.
if Pazo Ointm ent fails to cure any case
them. No two of any of the many ex
J o h n Stump, Win Riddel and U. S.
no matter of how long standing, ir 6
hibit buildings are alike and the dis­
Hops are growing finely.
to 14 days. F irst application gives
plays within them are all exceedingly Grant, of this county, will he pro m i­
Miss E lla Carpenter has gone to the ease and rest.
50 cents
I f your
fine. Oregon products ara far morn nent showmeu, at the Angora goat
druggist nasn’t it send 50 cents in
numerous and of hatter quality ihau exhibit, in conn ectio n with theexposi-
stamps and it will be forwarded post­
home people could possibly believe
Amy Peterson is among her friends paid by Paris Medicine Co.. 8 t. Louis
without seeing the display. Having
Clias Muth*, of the Lincoln flouring h* re.
heard so many critisiams of tha Polk mill, has found out that sotnehod
Recent showers were a great help
Ci.unty exhibit, we were surprised to has been stealing flour from the mill,
find it so good but must admit that and will prepare to give a warm recep­ to our gardens,
several other counties are ahead of tion, to mid-uight visitors.
of Needy is c h r k i n g at
Mis« Ju l i a Nunn has been visiting
California and Washington
Cooks store.
have great buildings of their own full
• • «► ■■ ■ — —
Dave Bowman ami wife have return­
of great and good things that would at a logging camp, some time ago, and
J o u r n a l o r O re g o n ia n .
ed to Eastern Oregon.
compare favorably with any others in young Oleman, who was more recently
The regular price of the Semi*W eek­
the world. Many other states have accidentally shot, in K ings Valley, sre
Mr. Hall ha« moved iuto the resi­
ly Journa l, the Oregon or the Itemiz-
grind exhibits and there are not a few neither ezpected to recover.
er is $1 50. T h e two Portland paper« dence property he bought.
Irom foreign couutries, T h e govern
Hurry Lacey of Pedee says his hops
mant exhibit is very comprehensive and those of his neighbors, VV. W give the news of all over the «tale and
Our hop men are feeling much bet-
and could not be firmer. I t would Miller, Clias. Maxfield and Mr. Gillen the Itemizer contain« what i« going | tor than those who raised grain,
take a lull day to properly see the dip pie will b- fully as good as Isst year.
Thr eshing will be nearly completed
play and western people will never H i. slater, Mr«. Holland and family arranged to furnish either of these pa
pars and this paper for 1*2 A better this week, the out put of grain being
again have such an opportunity. are visiting him.
new« combination you cannot make. rather less than expected.
Moat of the trail attractions are com
F ra n k Coad lias prepared »nine fine
monplace, that is, more pretense than
Peter Cook, who has some Sontb
merit. Prof R. F . Robinson showed specimens of commercial woods euoli
Dakota friend» visiting him is adding
us through the educational exhibit ami as fir, oak, alder, maple, apple, yew
C. C. Garfield is building a dance a front porch to his bonne.
Oregoni ms have reason to he proud of and hemlock and will send them to­
what is there shown. Polk county morrow to he added to the Polk county bull at the Horsts Bros, hop yard.
Dra. Cary, of Dallas, Sm ith , of Sh er­
ranks well in that regard. The min exhibit at the exposition.
Mrs. Skinner is taking care of Mrs idan and Mathis, of Amitv, have heen
eral wealth of our state aa there shown
here looking into the diptheria scare.
In the M. E. ch urch at 8 :1 5 next Glenn.
is almost hayond comprehension and Wednesday. Miss E M. Pollock will
No serious cases yet.
Fifteen you ng people visited Mr.
is just beginning to be developed give a recital, including several h u m -
Elbe Clerk and Lula Mayfield are
Whoever can spend the time and orons productions, among them Frau
cooking with ti e Brooks <fc No vbill
means should spend at least two or K a tr in a Schneiders visit to New Y o rk ,
thresher. Mrs. Gregg and Ethel Bcr
thru* day» there for never again will in costume. Senalor Doughty ami
ry are with the Gregg outfit, and Mrs
the moat of us have the ch a n ce to see Mrs. J . C. Uglow will give some fine
Do no n and Grace cook for the Near«
anything to equal it.
musical numbers
Prices of ad in is
crew and all hands are fattening on
•ion, 25 cents and 15 cent* for ch il­
their cooking.
* ,SH MM®
Btl. F.Coad
J . M. Ftirley, administrator of the
Catherine Garwood estate wa, antlidr-
ized to sell certain personal property.
The will of Mary H. Roger* was ad
mitted to probate, George, Ambrose
and Clif Ball were upt>ointed execu­
tor« withont bond« and the property
wa, apprui*ed by Fra nk Luca«, Win.
Bridw.ll and J . B. V. Butler.
T h e guardian of 8 . W . Fletcher
made hi« fin*) report and wa* ordered
t o t u r n o v e r t o J . i l . Hawley, admin­
istrator of «aid e«t*to all property, in
his hand«. Mr. Hawley, a* adminis­
trator of tile Fletcher eatate gave a
|5J),000 bond with S. M. Daniel, E.
Bogart, L , 8 . Parkin«, W. E. Ilridwell,
Dr. Crowley, J . B. V. Butler, M. Mul
key and J . H. Mulkey a« sureties. J .
D. K . l t y , C O. Merritt and O. L . Haw­
ley were chosen to apprai.e the prop-
0 ty.
Upon petition of Martha 1 loi in an,
it wa* ordered that J o h n 1 ). Holman,
administrator of Nathaniel Hoi man
estate was cited to appear 8 ept 4 th
and ihttw cause why h* should not
render final «Mount and close the ail
J . W. Convert, chi* f engineer i f the
Salem, Falls City *fe Wee-tt rn Railway,
was married to Mias Grace Petit, Wed­
nesday evening et the home ef Mrs.
Morton by Rev. 1). M. Metzger. Her
parents live near Monmouth and for a
year past she liu* been a waitress at
Hotel Gail here. F o r the present
they will live in Fall* City hut lute«
will go to the Alsea counlry, where
he ha* lumber interest*.
Miss Marvin, secretary of the new
stale lihrav commission, hat heen over
from S a le m , to advise, assist and en-
CO 11 rage lilt! astablishment of u public
library here. Arrangements could he
nuule to have a traveling library of
sixty standard hooks fo come and stay
six months. Next Wednesday eve­
ning at the firemens hall at 8 o'clock
there will be a mesa inerting to dis­
cuss the matter. A good public libra­
ry would he a valuable addition to the
interests of any town.
Humbugs and fakes of various kinds
continue to come along and people
continue to bite at them, especially
those of a medical nature.
T h e y A p p e n t to o u r S y m p a t h i e s .
-Send u i the names o f dealers in I
your tow n who do n o t aell our
goods, and w e will .send you a
collection o f pictures, in colors, o f |
famous tower a o f the world, m
B O S TO N .
N I W YO B S .
R*v. Goode ha« been
with appendicitis.
<*< j , ì
£ O U C M T / a hJ
Clip this out, return to us with the names
and addresses of yourself and two of your
fik*nds. and the date when you wilt probably
enter a business college, a n J we will credit
you with 15.00 on our 165.00 scholarship.
O ijr school eff-rs exceptional advantages to
students of Business, Shorthand, Ensltsh.etc.
T h e Evangelical church people have
bought a fine new bell.
H e a lth
»»<« Sti*en{]ih
with J a YN E’ i S T o n i c
V e r m if u g e .
A pleasant, potent and
pofnia^irt Iiwigorstor for W O M EÇL^ILD PJD N
Monmouth State Normal
Bogins Its 24th Year September 26th.
! Three Courses of Study
' preparing foi County and S t e l e certifi­
Higher course* recognized in
U a- hingtun and other State«.
Demand For Normal
Trained Te a c h e rs .
Mrs. Dr. Pfaudhoefer ia getting bet-
Longer ti mis, higher wage« and
better npportiinitiea for promotion
award the Normal graduate for hi*
mte rpiiz e. School directors appreci.
.. t t h e enperior ability of Men mull til
gradueli's and tbe demand far exceed*
tlie supply. Special attention given
to met Inals work in graded and un-
giatleil «chools. Catalogue« contain­
ing full information will be sent on
application. Correspondence invited,
J a c k Trueax and f unity are coast
Fra nk McMurphy i* clerking for
Mr Sowar«.
Mr. and Mr«. Alvin Travis are here,
from Idaho.
Mr§. Albert Teal has h id her par-
i enta as guests.
Zirn Hinthaw is erect’ ng a resilience,
for Ben Musters.
E. D. R c s a l e r , P r e s i d e n t .
or .7. B. V. Butler, Secretary.
. . I —'—
Bryan A Lucas are sending lumber
to the eastern states.
Sellers Bn»«», have sold their thrasher
to Brown & Hubbard.
Sam Hick« is putting up a dwelling,
on bis farm near here.
A W a r n i n g to M o t h e r s ,
Clam B ake!
Too much care ca n no t be used with
small children during hot weather of
the Bummer month« to guard
bowel trouble«. A« a mile it i« only
ueceasnry to give the child a dose ot
castor oil to correct any disorder of
the bowel«. Do nor use any substi
tote, but give the old fashioned cantor
oil, and tee that it in fresh, a« rancid
oil nauseates and has a tendency to
gripe. If this doe» not check the bow­
el« hive Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera,
and Eiarrho ea Remedy, and th en a
done of dastor oil, and the disease may
he checked in its iucipiency and all
danger avoided. The castor oil urn!
this remedy should he procured at
once and kept readX for in s ta n t use
as aeon a« the first indication ot any
bowel »rouble appears. This is the
most successful treatment known and
may he relied upon with implicit con
fi den co even in cafe« of cholera infan
turn. For safe by the Stafriu drug
August 26th and 27th, ’05,
Row ing race». Races between the gasoline launches on the bay, open
to all. hcnll and rowing races between the crack oar«men : W J .
Patton and R. Hanbow,of the Portland Rowing Club ami E. 0 Gloss,
Clu mpion of tha northwest, winner of the Canadian Regatta, August
14, 1905. Grand maritime drill and life saving exhibition by tbe U.
8 . Life Saving crews. Drill to consist of capsizing tbe life boat, surf
drill, throwing the life line, rescue, etc. There will also he tub race.«*,
open to all. A musical en te rta inm ent will h • given during the day
and night. Excursion on the bay on gasoline launch* « ami tug “ Lorens"
will take out parties over the bar at all hour« during tbe day. All
races will take place Saturday, August 20, 1906. Monster clam bake
Sunday, August 27, 1905. Crowning the Queen of the Reg atta, to be
elected by popular vote of the people of Lincoln county. C o m m ittee;
Ed, btillivan, A. E. Jacob« u, B, Gildner, and ( apt Robert Jones.
Three-day rate» from all points en the southern Pacific and Corvallis
ifc E »stern, good going Friday, Saturday and Sunday excursion train
on the C. db E and returning on Sunday or Monday
Maximum rates
from all S, P. poin t» $3 00. From O. Sc E. point« $2.50 for the round
trip. Sunday excursion fom Albany, Corvallis «ml all points west.
Sunday, August 27,1905. Albany, Ccrvaltis and I hilornsth, $1.00;
Wren to C i wood, $ 1 ; west of Chitwood to Storrs. 75 c e n ts ; Toledo,
50 cents.
Miss Cusick has gone back to Spo-
Threshing over and yield less than
Mrs. Martha Davidson has heen vis­
iting AJ rs. Anderson.
Mr. Snell ha« «even men at work on
A. Anderson« new house.
Mrs. K nighten aud daughter,
Alice, have gone to Coburg.
Anna Hecker, of W ells, is taking
music lessons from Mr«. McRey no lds.'
Mi*» Roxana Fiake has returned
from visiting her aunt, at Crystal
Ja m e s Getty is up from San Frau- I
Spring« on the La Creole.
cisco and Grandpa Wilson it down |
from Corvalli«.
There is prospect of an unusually
M. N. Prather who has re*timed 'urge number of student» at the Mon­
mouth normal school this year.
with Ids family from a m onth s out
ing at Fi«hUke has sold some beet
Arthur Starr and wife have been
cattle to B utcher b perl inn
spending a couple of month« in con­
nection witli the Portland exposition.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and well tried remedy. Mr»,
T he bilious and dyspeptic are con­ j Winslow’s Soothing Syrup lias been
stant »ufTcrer« and appeal to our sy m ­ used for over sixty years by million« cd
pathies. There is n o t one of th*’m, mothers for thei r children while teeth­
however, who mav not. he brought ing, with perfect success. I t soothes
back to health and happiness by the the child, soften» the gom e, allays all
use of Chamberlains Stomach and pain, cures wind colic and is the best
Liver Tablet«. These tablets invigo­ remedy for diarrhoea. 1 « pleasant to
rate the stomach
and liver
and the tHHte. Sold by druggists in every
Mrongthen the digestion. They al-o pa: t of the world. 25 cents a bottle.
regulate the bowel«— For «ale by the It« value is incalculable. Be sure amj
Stafrin drug company.
ai k for Mrs. Winslo w’s Soothing Sy*
ru* and take no other kind.
N o th in g o n tn e M a rk e t E q u a l to
C h n m b -r l a l n ’a O o llo , C h o le ra
D ia rrh o e a N a m e d *
This fact i* well kunwu to druggists
everywhere, and nine out of ten wilt
give their customer* this preparation
when the best is oek for. Mr. Obe
W i l m t r , a prominent druggist of Jt p
tin, Mo. in a circular to hi* customers,
•ay*: There is nothing on the mar­
ket in the way of patent medicine
wbiali equnl* Chamberlains
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
bowel complaints. We sell and tecoin-
inend this preparation. For sale by
Stafriu drug company.
* J im Robin «on and Mr. Waterman
and Mrs. C. W. Moore, eolith of Lib er­ have gone to work on the Spaulding
ty last Humlay.
wagon road.
A t th e F a ir.
you r
Mis* Pauline Beara ol Bethel and
M. I I . Van Uroe* of Portland were at
the home of Van Sear* Su nday .
Jam es , «on of Tho mas W right wh**
live» on the old Asa S i n e ' w place wa«
recently killed at a mine in Curry
m u n ty
f A nnually to HU the new positions crefttef* b ?
î railro ad and Teleirranh Com panies. We want
j y o u n g m e n and l a d l e s -a'good iiat.it«,to
We furnish 75 per ce n t,
the “’o p e ra to r * and
Statio n A gents in A m erica. O ur six schools are
the largest ex cltisiv t T « k g ra p h Scho ols in the
Ks: tblished 20 years and endorsed by all
leading R ailroad O fficials.
W« e x cu te a S?50 Moud to every stu d ent to
furnish hi.ii or lie r a position pavin'/ from -40 to
; #H 0 a m onth In Sure-» e ast o f th e Rocky Moun-
T tains, or from
to «100 a m o n th in M tes * e * t
S. H Teibem w and wife report, a
big fim** a* the fair. Uncle Sam s*ys
the Rockies, im m e d ia te ly
he is going hack alone so as to have a ; of
stu d e n ts run enter at any tim e
still better time.
Mi»« E. M. Pollock who will soon
go ea*t, to take up work in a univer
«¡tv will give a rcci*al in the M. F . j
church next Wednesday night.
T he fiiniilip* of .Ta». Elliott, Conrad
Stafriu and Harry Hollister bavo rc-
Grain is making a poor yield espec­
! turned f om Slab Creek and Corneil
ially oats.
i Hughe* from camping beyond Leban­
Thresh ing, in thi« vicinity will b» on.
finished in h d»y or two.
Ed. Coad sod wife nre summeriug in
u ro n
For fu ll pai ticu lar* reg.irding any of our Hi h .^ is
w rite direct to our ex ecu tiv e otH«;e a t C incinnati,
Ohio. I atalog ue free.
C i n c i n n a t i . O hio.
A tla n t a , (in.
T e u ir k a t in T e x .
B u ff a lo , N. Y.
L a t r o .i s c . V is .
S a n F r a n c is c o , C a l.
Equalization Board Meeting.
H illock A Poole are building a fine
day. tho
28th day of A ugust
1904, the
hoard of Equalization will atten d nt th e office of th e
Mrs. C. E. Stants and Mr*. J . Bag- Portland at the home of her parent*, county
9 new residence for J o h n ra in ier , near
cle r k o f I*clk co u n ty , O regon, pod publicly
• Elkin«.
ley went to CorvalHs Monday h im !
exam ine th e OMeminent roll and co r e c t all errors in
soon return to take charge of the San- valuation, descrip tio n , or q u a litie s of lamia, lots or
o th e r prop erty , and it shall he th e dutien of perw.n«
R. M. Boxley and wife, who reside brought home a hack load of peaches. tiam academy, at Albany.
And now it« peaches and crenm at ev­
interested to appear a t th e tin e and p lace appoint«
B e st I nstru c tio n — L ow est T u itio n
• on the Ira Smith place are back in old |
ed. and if it shall appear to su ch board o f equalize-
ery meal.
W RIT! FOR C A TA LO S U I l 2 “ IT 'S H U
T h e Ashland normal school of which tion th a t th ere are any lands, lot# or o th e r property
a Mr. Met i twine or in the name o f a person or persona
, .
Hugh Hannah and wife and Mrs. B. F. Mulkey ¡§ p>e»ident, will not not the owner thereo f, or assessed under or beyond
A cooein wlmn, Mr. E lh e rllia fl o*,l M l r t l frt 8 i m p w n . M t ,Mt w„eW , „ r suspend, a« chizens have guaranteed its actu al value, o r any lands, iota o r o th e r p roperty
: b u s i n e s s i n s t i t u t e ; •veil
for fifty y. * r e >. at h.e home here ArilonR.
H a n na h , health h e . money to meet tho t xpenses, they ) n**L a*srsHed. said board shall m ake th e proper co r­
M. A . A LAIN, F a t s .
from Iowa.
Dated a t D allas, Oregon, th is 4th dav A nguat,
not been good and it wa« thought a fully expectin g the next leginture to
• ee sixth
PO R T LA N D , O R K . *
C. 8. GRA V ES,
Mr*. R M. Sm ith , and her son Roy,
• • • • e • •
Assessor for Folk county.
have returned from the southern p a r t ,
Mr*. V . A. William« and Mr*. L a t i n
of the state.
Wiseman of T h e Dalle* and Wall i
Rem em ber that nearly everybody
looks in this paper for notice* of lost
or found articles. All such article*
W alter Wilson who visited his should be promptly adverlisd.
Walla, respectively, »nen» a couple uT!
brother A. K . Wilson, h e r. a few vear.
Le w ie a n d C la rk E rp oeltlon.
Shrewd m erch ant* nmko attr active
WH«kg hero with th»»ir *i*ter Mrs. C. !
ago died at the home of Mrs. Mary offerings ami let the public know
During the Lewis and Clark expn- E. Staa ts and other kindred.
W iL o , in the Eola hilts l a .l week. about it. No other medium is so N ° T K i "
O T i S P L T L ? £ «ition the Southern Pacific company
He was enronle from Missouri, to cheap or »o effective a*
ex ecu tors •(
the 1 . » wnUn.i iwunuui*J.t will 8*‘‘*
sell ro,md
round trig»
trip tickets
tic kets to
to Port-1
Aunt Sarah Behring died here
gond news« ¡ I pohit«d
Mary H “
•pend the winter, ut Los Angeles.
, „ Ut. mo’Su ti t t g u i L S T “
I '“ h J . limit thirty days, a t one and one Wednesday. August 18th, and
i«,- !
! u., »ml«ti this» h.ring. i * u m . I ' I * i r 4 fare for **,e round trip. F or i buried in the English ceniarry,Itev
George Joh neon the saw mill men
All postmaster* or agent* are a u t h ­
“" " - ' " o - « . «o •• •*’ "*>r' parties of ten or more traveling on Thompson, of Independence, conduct- I
will install a boiler and engine in a
orized lo retain 25 cent« from a regu­
->"»'• '"»n one ticket, one fare for the round j ing the funeral exercises
Sh e cross
large and fine new body of timber,
lar yearly subscription to the Item - j I>»t«*i a l Dalian,
W. 1905.
farther w e t than any logging I,*,
j trip
For organism) parlies of ou«* •*<) tha plains in 1853 and leavp« aiithi j
izer hut no commission can be allowed
G. H. BAI.L,
ever been done west of Dallas. The
IniiHlnttl or more, individual tickets, | children and a number of grandchild |
on combination rates.
C. A. P ALL.
at one fare for »he round trip. Stop ren. Sh e whs a little over 80 years
log« will bo snatched out by a donkey
ExfvutiT*» <»i miti ntatc
over of ten days will be given at Port ­ old.
If you or any ot vour neighbors have 1
engine ami wire rope and floated down
the stream to the mill.
anything extra fine in the wav of
land on all one way ticket* reading
T h e ice cream socials, at the old
j stock or poultry, or if you know of j
through th a l point during the expo­
cam p ground near Lewisville, are well
any thing elec that might interest the
sition. Tick et* must he deposited
attended, and a pleasant time «pent
public, plesse tell us about it.
with J o i n t Agent a t Portland and
by all. T he first SaturdHy evening in «
T h a t I* dysprpni*.
Sawed Oik posts from 6 to 10 feet
September i* tho time for »he next 1
If you have goats, sheep, hog*, cal-
extension of time.
one,mid it wil he in the n s t u r e o f a
tie, hot so. or anything else lo sell, atl- long, «awed oak gate poo la, and oak
It ms«*** Ilf* miserable.
I contest. T h a t ia. each school district *
Its sulTen-r* eat not because they term.' fo, | vertise the fact and buyers will mam •Ini*« for irt) cen t* a load at the mill
b a l l s to n .
- b u t »Imply beeens« they
a* now reprenented, Airlie, Lewisville *
¡appear. Everybody ex perts to find for sale by
j Threahing nearly complet'd, the and Montgomery will have a ticket
They kno-v they «<■* Irritable and fretful; sm h notices under our heading New
'yield being only fair.
, seller and a lively time i# expected a»
Today. T h e cost will be less than
bur they cannot be otherwi se.
They eomule’n of a b u d taate in tho I >ou imagine.
: lb»«* Pen«* of ('aliform* has been vn- I each district will try Jo be purchaser ❖
of mo«» ticket#. Tur n out everybody I
mouth, a Wndenic* al the pU
uw .tom-
iting at tt»e home of N h Gregg.
Many men aud women are failures O d the Boise farm weal of Dallas.
and put a few nickels in your districts |
e o ^ qn uuoqqy tecHny of putty fulocM,
( has Hasbrook and family of OkU- : treasury.
■®J<Ucl»*\ heartburn and wbat not.
The effectual rotuody, proved by perma­ to b .Hit« of industry in earlv life.
— —
! homa. are hen* with hit mother,
nent cores of thousand» of severe cases, la Home samples can be found in Dallas
Mrs. Tho#. Woodley.
J o h n Byer« who has a marker gs^ l. ,
and scattered over the country. I t is
Mr. and Mr», la#. Van Groat of en on the Phillipps place ha« sent
a parents duty to train their children
Por land are at the home of b«r m oth­ some fine cucumbers to the Portland *
to he self hslpful.
er, Mr*. J o h n Campbell,
Executors’ Notice.
Abvcys Resstciul'Br
Füll Nome
j j ..axai'tve R ro m o A a in in s
C u re s a C o ld In On.e D a y , Gr*p m T w o .
Posts and Slabwood.
D ifficult Digestion
Martin & Blodgett.
H o od 's Sarsaparilla
Buggies, Carriages
and Hacks
FOR T H E M O N T H OF A U C U 8 T .
We have more stock of this kind than
store and must sell some to make room for others. ♦
Come early and get the benefit.