--M ?» I '- i l T ! THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZE« 04LLA8. rSIDAY, AUG. 4. 1906. liau»«.» K*mt F i im i 1I ok » u <« a 7:80 W . A .. W A S H , EDITOR AND PRO?El*ToR. 8U BSC K IFTIO N K A TK rt: , l 7 50___;....................... i’«r y, #r 5 .................................Per six m o n th . f ............................ Per t h r e . month» A d v ei t i l i n g rate» made k n o w n on 40 a p p lic a t io n . C o rre » p o n iie n ce isaolicit- F i n e J o b P rintin g done at reasonable m irwH. COUNTY CO U RT. COMMIHHIONRKS. O ver In G illia m C o u n ty . T iacy S taats has been »pending leu day.« among friends there and found many thing» unlike they are here. T hey raise almost nothing else Lot wheat which grew* neither *o thick nor »o lull as with us. Headers are almost exclusively ns d instead of binders. He saw one combi lit d har­ vester to which were attached 36 nor- •«*•. If a man h»*»le • Ilian 600 acres of giouud be rents it to some ou t who has more. Iu going from one place to another on horseback no a tte n­ tion is paid to roads, they riding through the grain fields. Most of the ground is rougher than with us ami moat farmers have to haul slock wa­ ter. Neighbors are far apart and there are but few social or church privileges. Man) former Folk co un­ ty people live there and quite a nu m ­ ber from here are over there during the harvest season. T . 1). Phillips and i hi« »on, Ira, who went from here have about 800 acres of wheat. Among the | harvesters from around Dallas are: Jo h n W alker, Ham Kennedy, Dave McDonald, Chet R o w ell, Je«*e Mc Car­ ter. Ed. Richards, J o h n Bimonton, Loyd Coad and Ralph Cam pin 11. Win. Riddell. Se th Rigg* At a special *e«»ion of the court Tuentluv J . A. Hu nn um . I H. F ream , I) C . H e rrl i unci T . B Master* were appointed file ranger* for the county. | In matter of building Si»lney 1-ridge j Teal ik Mehrliog bid 1416.50, Thura- i ton k Gilbert $297 85 and C K Royal k Son $2 50 per lineal f«n>t^ the con­ tract going to Thornton k Gilbert. M ARKET R EPO RT. KKeOKTED W/OKKI.Y B Y I.OUGHAllY A KLI.IH W om en a s W ell a s Men Are M ade M iserable by K idney T rouble. Mr. Mi D. iwk II in vi.iting liar limigli. ; t*r. Mr» J. T. (intime. T h e T eats family found [ berries in the M i e n Uuiii. OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS- THE H A LL O F FAM E. Ben Lucas and wife, E , A Steuson Joseph Palmer of the National muse­ and wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. Orr, Mark um will shortly make a life ^nask of iml J o h n Burch have been to the e x ­ position. the president. » url Meyer, the balloonist, «ays that Shrewd merchants make attractive Mr«. Hugo, of Sacramento, has been off. rings and let the public know bird« steer with their beaks and not visiting her cousin. Mrs J a k e Burch about it. No other medium is sol with their tails. and Mr. Jeffrie«, of Idaho, ha« been at cheap or so effective as a good news- | Secretary of State Hay eaves all tht thd home «>f S. T. Burch. — ,— -------- paper. cartoons and caricatures in which he 1* J o u r n a l or O r e g o n ia n . depicted. l ie also has the finest col Volunteer correspondence always I T he regular price of the Semi-Week lection of Du Maurler cartoons iu tht welcome from all over the county. If | ly Jo u r n a l, the Oregon or the It em iz ­ your neighborhood lias been neglect­ world. Two of the official pallbearers of i n ’» $1 50. T he two ‘ Portland paper- ed, you arc invited to send* the news Abraham Lincoln are still living. Hen­ give the news of all over the «tate and from there, ry G. Worthington aud Alexander H. the Item izer contains what is going We shall feel thankful to all who wii ■ Goffroth. Roth were congressmen at on all ov« r Polk county, We have stop us on the street or anywhere else ! tin* time aud both are eighty years old arranged to furnish either of these p» per« and this paper for $2. A better to give neighborhood news for the j at present. Itemizer. Or if you fail to «ee us send \ William Anson, nephew of Lord news combination you ca nnot make. ----------• ■» • --------- it o d a postal card. Lunsdowne. the English states in au, O a k M i l l V ic in it y . cousin to the Duke of Marlborough aud j Nearly all who advertise under our a near relative to the Duke of Port- j Henry Black i» reroofing hi* house. heading Now Today have their want« laud, owns a horse, mule and cattle I met. If you with to buy or «ell any- > Measles and whooping cough amoi g ranch tn the San .Angels district of j thing try it and be convinced that Texas. printer's ink pays. Captain John Stover Jacob«, the old­ Wm Gilson is building an ad»lition T h e Itemizer wants additional cor-l est fireman in Boston, died a few days to his house. r e s p o n d e n t from every neighborhood j ag ». aged eighty years. He was fore­ Clay Mfiler who has been «ick i« not now regularly represented in it. I man of the first steam fire engine com­ W o n t you or some of your neighbor» j pany In Boston and was one of tlie As­ write to us about it. sistant engineers a t the big Boston fire In 1872. All postmasters or agents are autli- i Count ami Countess Louyny Intend orized to retain 25 cent« from a regu­ to purchase a large estate in England lar yearly subscription to the It em ­ **l have tried all kinds of waterproof izer but no commission can be allowed and reside there permanently. Coun­ tess Lon.vay is the former crown prin­ clothing and h a v e never found anything on combination rates. cess of Austria and a daughter of the at any price to compare with your Fish If you or any ok your neighbors have j king of Belgium, with whom, however, Brand for protection from ail kinds of anything extra fine in the way of she Is at loggerheads. weather." ( T h e n em o am i » ( U r n ., o f (h e w rite r o f th is stock or |M)ultry, or if you know of j John Rutter, chief engineer of the n nau llclti'd A lte r m ay In* hail upon i|.l'lioa»lo») anything else that might interest the Grimsby «(England) trawler Satyrlon, Dishfst Avar! AVurM'x lair, 11 ) 04 . public, please tell us about it. was drowned with the rest of the crew recently on the Iceland const. Soon The Sign of the Fish If you have goats, sheep, bogs, cat­ A. J. TOW ER C a Boston, U. S. A. tle, horses or anything else to sell, ad­ after the Satyrlon sailed a messuge ar- J rived at Grimsby telling him not to go vertise the lacl and buyers will soon TOWER CANADIAN appear. Everybody expects to find to sea because bis uncle had died aud j CO.. LIMITED silt h notie» s under our heading New left him $40,000. Toron», Canada Lord Curxon Is »ending a message to Today. T h e cost will be less than M ilk e n o f W a r r a n to * W ot W e a th e r C lo th in g ull the tribe» In India In a novel way. you imagine. l ie learned a speech in all the dialects Many men and women are failure« and then spoke It Into phonographs. today tiecauae they were mil trained Those talking machines will bo sent in h a b its of industry in early life. I broadcast over India, and all the peo­ Home samples can be found in Pallas 1 ple will so be enabled to hear the voice ¡ * a y o ’ O N V iX M O d ’*• MA*‘* M and scattuied over the country. It is of the viceroy «peaking In their native • «an y n i « i v ¥ w a parents duty to train their children I tongue. to be self helpful. Aunten Leigh.au authority on all mat­ ter» pertaining to Eton, has discovered • ii»4 sat- JÏ inaoiviio eoi men JA P A N ES E JO TT IN G S . N O iiin i 1S3.Y.J1— no i ions is n i is a g that Thomas ly nch , one of the signers • • •DXS, ij«!lSu v m jo q ç ‘ssa u isn a jo t u s s p u s Japanese dead are buried iu a squat- j of the Declaration of Independence, • O) s a ir iu r \ 3 p T c u |vuu«)d»jxa • i3j*u |ootp* jn Q ting posture, etiln upon knees. was ail Etonian. Perhaps the most • -dit|siv¡ot| ggpyn jno uo on R * Wrinkles are poetically termed by significant fact in connection with this • |ipaj3 him » m r u » *»*» 110 .» i»u ttn »| » ja iu a htMtorlcsl Item 1» that Etonian» of to­ J X|qr*loi«1 Ilf« noX Uiq.tt »»cp a q i pu» ‘ «puauj the Japanese “waves of old age.’* • jn oX jo o * i puv jp s jn o * jo s*s« *ip p » puv Dnujlro, the great Japanese trage day are proud of the fact discovered • tduicu dip tp:.« sn O) iu » )* J *jn o su p d|Q dlan. 1« also the most skillful of all the by Mr. I*eigh. duucers of Japan. a / a > - l n a s Japan has one of the largest steam­ H O R S E S AND H O R S E M E N . ship companies In the world, with service to the Vnited States and te Cotillion. 2:10, will b* iimn I on tb. Engl ami by the way of Suez. Now York * i - oo o«ta from 6 to 10 feet tl<« Kill wood track long, «»»we»I oak gate post«, ami «>*k BEST BY TEST : a ifu u x sN i s s x N is n s ; HVWONX'inW 3HA 3 Posts and Slabwood. Catarrh l'rod Ackerm an o f M ail.Hold. O.. ha* p u n baaed tho faat pacer H illy J., 2:14',. from Joel M lliim of I pper Sandusky, O. Is a constitutional dlsenM. It ortainates4h a s»’r»>fulou* condition of tbe blood and depend* on that condition. It often causes headache and dicclness. Impairs the taste, smell and (tearing, af­ fects the vocal ot «an«, disturb* the stomach. It Is always radically and permanently cured by tt.a blood-purifying, alterative ami tonic action of a load at lly mill Martin & Blodgett. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Moon's n u - . vm Un N . «.marni slab* for Ml cen t* for sale by It. T. Callahan of Buffalo baa aold bl* band Nome s|W«dway twicer Noolla. wa* on n-eoni 2 HIV,, to a reiinaylTaiila O n#tl»c Boise farm west »»f Dallas. turflto Creaaur*. 2 HIV,, tbo property of Fred ttoyd, lieeorab. la., tylll be trained and campaigned by R. I. Parker, Cedar I i s t t t f S f l l Ail I . I t * i L T Jy Ukpida I B m < C smu S Srms. r«*»te viviuS Us* NN | n !• o-> %r ini,,' • -_____ R| This rreat medicine has wrought t!»e most wonderful cures of all disease* depending on scrofula or tlie tcrufulou» habit. 1 few Mi«» Eva Staats is visiting friends land, are here w ith Mr». H. S. Fudge. in and arouud Corvallis. Forest Craven is back from Salmon Mr. Fredrickson began threshing river and Cecil Koval from Eastern on the Steele farm Monday. Oregon. Lee Brown passed through here with a nice drove of sheep Tuesday. Last Saturday Brooks and Newbill threshed »500 bushels of oats and 1200 of wheat for George Newlnll on tin* B o ra Tarter, Mrs. Conn »nd the 1 Peters place. Bristow« are taking in (he fair. Those that were dangerously with sore throat here are better. ill your Mat Glaze and Sam Titlieropr aie working at Die planing mill. H. P, Slirivcr passed through from the county seat to the Siletz. Kidney trouble pr«y* upon the mind, dis­ J«*»»ie and J o h n Plank inton »re courage» and leseen» ambition; beauty, vigor ; back front the coast but left Miss Effie J a c k Morris is with a surveying par­ and cheerfulness soon ty in the CaFcaile mountains. ..I Y disappear when the kid­ I h e r o . ney* »re out of order Mr. McCullom has been to Portland ! Fred. Talbot lias been hauling m i or diseased »nd Mr and Mrs. Plankinton to chinery for the Coast Hinge mill. Kidney trouble has j W ag ner Bros, have been haying on become so prevalent Prrrvdale. that it Is not uncommon Lulu Miller ia here front Newberg i tli©ir ranch alnjve the Kay Kim©« for a child to be born and Mr. «nd Mrs. Gilliam have been ! place. P afflicted with weak kid­ Mr. and Mrs. Tetherow are going neys. If the child urin­ over from Salem. ates too often, if the Min. l la l l i » f o n a l able of Ooo.eueck to Portland ami Mr. Bancroft and urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child Mr». N **ly, of Salem have bean wife to Newport. reaches tn age when it should be sble to ¡»ml i control the passage, it U yet afflicted with at u,e Ht‘11 home. B A L L8T O N . bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of George V i t k ia lulling hay around j Henry Clark a erecting a dwelling the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of li^re and Mr. Schn eiders haler is at | Toii.i Nance is working near Amity. these important organs. This unpleasant work beyond Dallas. trouble is due to a diseased condition of the A g i i * r a n t a * me tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50 or other stock it would pay to adver­ in Falls City Tuesday. ents. tise in the Itemizer. A license for the union of G. W R IC K R EA LL. If you with to either buy or sell Belt and Miss Josie Wood was is*tied T h e A rthur family have moved to wood or anything else, this paper can ! this week. the Cook property. quickly bring you a customer, T h e county court will have a special j Warren Burch and 1). F ritz were Advertisers invariably have the ad­ meeting August 18 to receive bid« for vantage of those who do tint let the a bridge Hcross the Y am hill river near over from Lincoln Sunday. puh ic know what they are doing or Boiler. Flans and »peri Heat ions m»> Will Rowells horse, Ted, won some be seen at the clerk« office. want to do. ' of I he race« at Independence S a t u r ­ day. When you have stock of any kind o r «ale or want to buy anything it j Mrs. J o h n Vaughn has been vi«i- f il l pay to let it be known through i ing her sister, Mr». Griffin and her the Itemizer. brother, F. Doutv in Portiaud. Humbug« and fakes of various kinds A brother of J . R. Castelein has continue to come along ami people been down from Washington and Mis« continue to bite at them, especially Libbie Vaughn ia here from Eastern those of a medical nature. < )regon, Remember that nearly everybody looks in this paper fur m-tices of lost or found articles. All such articles should he promptly advertisd, but Bun Heczlev hue been surveying for Mr. K uapp Delia*. A W a r n in g to M o t h e r s . H ealth and S tre n g th with JAYNE’S T o n ic V e r m i f u g e . A pleasant, potent site permanent Invigorator for WOMEN. CHILDREN and MEN. it much easier to bear the he at, assures * T he Butt rick and Stewart threshing refreshing sle»*p, and will without H"y machines are running. doubt avert much sickness at I hi* Mws Carrie Domes has returned time of year. fiom a Salem summer school J . D. Slagle and family and the Hall family have gone to the exposi- Mr and Mr*. Alvis Lynch are taking 1 lion. an outing bu Rock Creek. Full grain i* turning out well but C. F . Belt and wife have gone to «nine insect has injure»* the spring Cateadla. he br ing afflicted with asth­ sown. ma. I J . K Fours, J . 0 , Fletehor und Mr. P. L. Winterstein from New York, I have I kjimi sllippiii« fal cullla was accidently killed near Airlie yes­ to Portland. terday. I Therft w i* • siiciul gathering ut the The South Methodist church b< 1 home of Eil. K iy t . i c e cream and cuke ha« been transferred I») the Evangelical being served. church. After lingering for month», S. \V. Paul Haiise and wife of Goldendale Fletc h er (lied J u l y 28 from parli»l are here at the home of h r uncle f the bruin. parulv.i* ami softening F ra n k Collins. He wuxluid to rest beside his wife, who T h e tent meeting i« on it* fifth a ml died eight veurs ago. Mi** Elme de- last week. Evangelist Kelli ms will go *t rves greet credit for her fuiihfiil cure of him. All ihe fumilv except east to hold revivals. Amos, who i* in Euslero Oregon, were Mi«s Lucy Ooolidge and her .-¡eter ul the lunersl. Mrs. Hattie Yott are out from Port- --------------------------------- - ami lit ttie old home place half way NORTH D A LLAS. to Monmouth. Their mother i« 70 Sam Haves bus come home to he years old. i ranted for u cancer. Anyone having good, clean baled Lillie Hanson has be*n working for oat hay for »ale will please repoit the fact to this office. It would pay tn Mr». Fred. Koser at Rick real 1. advertise about whatever you wish to Herb 1 .ee is sit K lam ath Falls help­ buy or sell. ing to bnihl waterworks for Mr. Gates. J o b printing. j Too much care ca nnot be used will) small children during hot weather of Yam hill county was established in Mrs. Ida Hayes ami Miss Iva Swen- l lie fortv foot addition to the Simp- j j j )e summer months to guard igainsi son Bros, store adds greatly to its ap­ bowel trouble-. A* a stile it in only 1845, its south line from the George | ge„ „ cooking for the M id d b U n in' arance. necessary to give tin* child a »lose of Gay brick house m*rth of »Spring Valley | Bueshing crew. uue east of the Will i met te river and C. E Staats is furnishing meat to e stor oil to correct any disorder o f Lert Miller is engineer at E lliott* west to the Pacific ocean. Uncle Ah the Fredrickson and Brown threshing the bowel*. Do nor use any substi I tote, but give the old fashioned castor Faulconer owned the land on which thresher and Ja s. Mitchell and sons mn chines. oil, and »ee that it is fresh, ¡is rancid the town <4 Sheridan was built, it be­ arc with the Evans m achine at Parker. Wallie Brown, who has just pur oil nnu«eats« and ha« a tendency to ing named after General Phil Sheridan Ruth Adams h«» been visiting » t chased a new threading outfit, will j gripe. If this does not ch eck the bow - T h e J u ly Pacific Monthly is the Oak Point and L in m e Mi'chell at rapidly clean up the .field» in the ! ol« bive Cham berlain’« Colic, Cholera, best number ever issued. It is largely Perry»lale and Mr* J a s . Mitchell has Lewisville neighborhood. I and Eiarrho ea Remedy, and then a devoted to Portland and ¡»finely illus­ been to the Portland fair. dose of dastor oil, and the disease may trated. Every Oregonian should rend T h e ice creotn social at Maple I be checked in its i* cipiency and all I it with pride. Though ii «ells for ten Grove was a great success and tin re T he castor oil and ¡cent«, tlie paper alone would cost more will oe another ut Ihe n i n e place I f * . " ser av? idef ‘ . . . . , Soinrdny evening, August 5 , and proh-1 dlli reme,1.v should he procured . 1 than that. Order a eopy front the ¡ once and kept, read.v for in s ta n t use i publishers in Portl and ably every two weeks hereafter until . as «eon as the first indication of any otice is hereby given thvt the c»»un hop picking is over, rs t\ su p erin ten d en t o f Polk co u nty will hold the Many improvement« ¡ire being m de :, t . ! Very‘ i bowel .rouble sppeur*. This is Ihe body and have a good , social °., time. reg u lar e x am in ation o f ap p lican ts for statu und most successful treatment known and at the forty acre | rune orchard of ‘ It. i co u nty paper* at I »alia* a * follow s: F o r M ate I'ap ers. may be relied upon with implicit con L. Chapman noith of town. Ho h a a | N o t h i n g o n t h e M a r k e t E q u a l to C om m encing W ednesday, A ugust 9th at S fidenee even in cafe* of cholera infan I adtletl a di, ping and «{»reading ma- o clo ck , a. iu., am i co ntinu ing u n til Satu rd ay /* U f. C h a m b r la ln ’s C o lic , C h o ie r a l i t h , a t 4 o 'clock, p. m. turn. For safe by the Stafrin drug I chine that will dispose of 500 hmmels D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y . ednesday - j'eiiin uuship, history^ sp ellin g , alye- j of fruit per day. Prunes t Polk county people who have Mrs. Knighten has been visiting says: There is nothing on the mar- ' I Mrs. Boone. visited the Portland exposition hove certificates. Com m enciiig W ednesday, A u g u st 9 th , at 9 ket iu the way of patent medicine not been particularly proud of our e x ­ o’clo ck , a . in ., and co n tin u in g u n til F rid ay , Aug. Mins Nancy P ia tt has gone to Scio U th a t a t 4 o ’clo ck , p m wh'oh equals Chamberlain* Colic, hibit there aw compare»! with some W ednesday— Pen m ansh ip, h is to ry , o rth o g rap h y , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for for a few weeks. oi her countie«. The people at homo reading. Thursday— ritten a rith m e tic , theory of te a ch ­ bowel complaints. We sell and recoin- J . T. Ja m e s am) wife are at the sea­ are in part to blame for u j t furnishing in g . g ram m ar, W school law. mend tnis preparation. F or sale by shore takidg a res*. more material and the management Friday G eograpny, m ental a r ith m e tic , p hy sio lo ­ 8tnfriii drug company. g y , civ il governm en t. ther»* ha* evidently been at laidt in Prim ary C ertificate s. Claud Boone is buying wheat f»>r not making what was ut hand more W ednesday — Penm anship, o rth o g rap h y , rending, the Albany milling company. LO N E OAK. a rith m e tic. attractive. Let there be at once a Thursday A rt of q u estio n in g , theory of te a -liiug, Chas. Allen and Cleve Parker have change for tlie l^et'er so that strangers m ethods, physiology T ru ly y ou rs, Mrs. E. H Hubbard is visiting her 0 . L . S T A It II, visiting our display may form a better been to the big «how in Portland. daughter at Koseburg. C ounty Scho ol Su p e rin te n d e n t. impiensiou of our sect ion of tlie sUte. E lm er Lewis and wife have been M :*a Mabel Wheelock and her sif­ When our exhibit deserve« praise it down from Falls City. ter, Ei mon, have been out from Mon- w ill gl't it. moutn. Mr«. E E. B la ck ha« been among D e a t h o f M r s . C e xrge R o g e r s . Marion co unty friends. F o r O v e r S ix ty Y e a r s . Mrs. M.irv Roger* »lie«! at her home An old and well tried remedy. Mr«. in Monmouth Wednesday. She wm a Hughes Ar Mr-Bee are threshing NEEDED I Winslow’s Soothing Syrup haa been daughter of J hs . F»wk an early day ar. und here and the yield is good. A nnually to fill the new position s created bv ! use»! for over sixty years by millions «>1 settler of Halt Creek who afterwaid* railro ad and T e le g rap h Com panies. W c w ant Mr«. Alice Fergustm and ion , have I mothers for Lfieir children while teeth­ y o u n g m e n and l a d i e s <>r gomi h a b it* ,to Her first bu bind bet n visiting tier uncle, C. L. H u b ­ ing, with perfect, success. I t soothe* lived near Kola. was Wm. Ball a i d their * »ns George bard. the child, soften« the gums, allays all and Hnm live i t R.-illston. H e r * c n AND RAILROAD ACCOUNTING T h e two year old daughter of M . ! pain, cure« wind colic and i« the best husband wa* J . W. Bridwell who died furnish per ce n t, o f th e O perators and aud Mrs. P. Helgerson died this week remedy for diarrhoea, 1« pleasant to a few years ago at their home be tv e n sta Wc tio n Agents in A m erica. O ur six sch o ols are the ta«te. Sold by »lruggi«ts in every here and Monmouth and later on she the largest exclusive T e le g rap h Sch o ols iu th e of diptheria. leu t of the world. 25 ce n ts a bottle. became the wife of George Ro er« woo world E stablish ed 20 y ears and endorsed by all lead ing R ailroad Officials. Wm. Buiz, Will Garbutt, Robert) It» value i« incalculable. Be sure and We e x a lt e a *250 Rond to e v e ry stu d e n t to lived for yea « this aide <*f Indepen Hatton and Percy Hibbard are with ask for Mr«. Winslow ’« So othing S y ­ rnish him or her a position paying from <40 to deuce. In all the relations of life she fu #00 a m onth in S ta te s east of th e R ocky M oun­ tlie Elliott thre -h er. rup ami take no other kind. ta in s, or f r a il STS to 5100 a m o n th in S ta te s \ve*t was a praiseworthy woman. of tlie Rockies, i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n Mr. Uiterhack, an Oklahoma h a n k ­ g r a d u a tio n S a b b a th or S u n d ay , W h ic h ? S . W. F l e t c h e r D e a d , M utiei ts can e n te r a t any tim e No vacatior s. er, hi« wife and daughter, and three Seventh day or first day. which? F or fu ll pai ticu lars regarding any of o ur Scho ols He came to thi« region thirty-five Misses Notio n, Iowa teacher«, are w rite d irect to o ur ex ecu tiv e office a t C in cin n ati, How may we know which? Biblical years «go and bought a large farm Ohio. C atalogue free. Kiiestsof their cousin, Robert Mat- ami historical reason* fperly which Equalization Board Meeting. however, who may not he brought Thu demand for this special meeting will he divided among his -ix children, back to health and happiix'ss by tin» is iu Uie agitation of t lii- question in J o h n C. F letc h er, Mr*. M. F . Corri­ gan, A. II. F letcn er, Mr«. W. A. Key t, n«e of Cliamherlains Stomach an») Dallas and the frequent references to o tice is hf . kkby g iv en th a t on m »» n - day. t.lio 28th day of A u g u st 1904, the Liv« i Tablet-. These tablets invigo­ i* «ml to Se ven’ll Day Adventist« Stanley and Elm a Fletcher. T he Board of Equalization will atten d a t th e office of th e neighbors and friends were very kind rate the ►tomach and liver and which have been made in a public way co u nty cle rk o f P c lk co u n tv , O regon, m d publicly and helpful in their time »> f l«*ng c o n ­ ex am in e th e assessm ent roll and co> ree t all e rro rs in *lr»»ngthen the digestion. They also here. T h e further con*i»leration of valu ation, descrip tio n , or q u alitie s of lands, lo ts or regulate tlie bow el*— For sale by the the supject by Mr. Burg will be in the tinued and severe affliction for which I o th e r p roperty, and it shall be th e d u tie s of persons they are trulv*grateful. j in terested to appear a t th e tin e aud place appoints c ta fiin drug company. i Adventist church Tuesday ami Wed- | ed, and if it shall appear to stndi board of cquvliza- ! tic»»lay evenings, August 8 ami 9. Tin* I tion th a t th ere are any lands, lo ts or o th e r propci ty M cCO Y. , assessed tw ice or in th e nam e of a person o r Demons SALT CR EEK . lathi* of the discourse on Sunday after not th e ow ner thereo f, or assessed untier « r beyond Mr*. Austin Eilie has returned to : its noon will be the following three text* actu a l value, or any lands, lo ts o r o th e r prop erty Mrs. A, Hart ha« been very ill. | » " t assessed, said board shall m ake th e p rojier cor- of scripture: 2 Corinthian« 3 : 6 18, Oklahoma. | reetions. Mr*. F a st from Mirn esota , if at the i Colo** ia ns 2 :1 4 i8, Galatian« 3: 8-25. W hile weighing cuttle, J . C, F l e t c h ­ : Bated at D allas, O regon, th is 4th dav A n g u st, 11 A> 5 . C. 8 . GKAVkH, | tiring your bibles and study then er wn* seriously hurt. Volli h^me. A ssessor for Folk county . scriptures with us. Ask your neigli- J o h n an»l Ben Friesen orking i0 come with you. for D. Nachtingal. M r« .C ha rm jn _ i) f California, ia vis­ L e w is a n d C ia r k E p o s it io n . iting the Lewis home. During the Lewis and Clark »*x|»o Rev. G Eichler from Taco m a nil ion ihe Southern Pacific company will sell round trip tickets t»i Pori preached here Sunday. ! l«u»l, limit thirty day«, at one and »»nc * K- Wi i r i Ti t Ts ai > Henry Gertz an»l Ja co b Bayer thinl fare for the round trip. For their cream to C. Buhler. | parties of ten or more traveling on oneNieket, one f«re for the round Mr. and Mrs Klassen have returned trip. For organized parties of one to tnrir home in Canada. hundred or more, individual tickets, Mrs. Ratrloff and daughter, Hilda, at one fare for * he round trip. Stop C Z r in r Bex- 2 5 c . over of t«*n »lavs will be given at Port have been among Salem friends. land on all one way tickets reading Lena and Maggie Rubier are bark through t h a t poi»it during the expo- from the fair snd Lizzie VVarkenliu sit ion. T ickets must be deposited has teen over from Salem. with J o i n t Agent a t Portland an»! --------- -- -------- charge of fifty c*nt« will be made for F A L L S CITY. extension of time. Home measles in town. Teachers’ Examinations. N 5000 TELEGRAPHERS LEARN TELEGRAPHY N Alw ays Reiskemlsir the F ïi Ü Name | a x a t i v e f t r o i a o 0 u in in e Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two. J M ’ s D re w i* w «> rkiiig fo r Mr A S u s t a i n i n g D ie t . Rob- in«» * i i . T b e thre*ber* are running lì»** creek. down Sa*)» R«>bin*on lias moved into the l o m b a r d bouse. Mr» Neallv i among kindred. «>ver from Salem Mr. Mack built a baru for Mr. 8 hap- herd at Biidgtpo rt. ♦ T be*e are fine enevating »ley«, «Hen | ❖ a«, *on»eb»>dy lisa «ai»l* men «Imp bv j * the auuatroke a* if the Day of Fire h id dawued. T bev «re fraught with «Ian | ❖ ger to people wlm»e*vst» m» are poorly ♦ Mi«h«iiifHl au«l this lead« u« to say, in * tbe in te reet of the less rnbuat uf our | reader*, that the full effect of Hood,« Sarsaparilla is atirb a« I»* * n fu * * t the ; propriety of calling thi« meilicine •ontethr’ g l»e*ide* a bb»*ai purifier and tomc‘-H»ay a *u*taiiiing diet. It niakee| Bu^^ies^ Carriages an A T C R E A T L Y R E D U C E D PRICES FOR T H E M O N TH OF AUCUST. We Have more stock of this kind than we can store and must sell some to make room for others. Come early and get tlie benefit * WAGNER BROS DALLAS