T R E E S ALONG HIGHWAYS. r T ile r Malrw (h e HoaSa A t lr a e d v * » • ( tbe f a r mu More Suluble. r i E L R f a f f l ftP E N C O W S A T CALVING T IM E . F e e d in g B efore Mud A fte r T h le Pe­ rio d —\ a It« r of Hot W a t e r, CHOICE M ISC E LLA N Y K oiunncr o f n D in k \oie. Our cow* art liberally fed at all A man who walked into the Bank o f iitucs of the year. A fte r they are dry Ei¡gland tbe other day amt laid a ten ■ hey are, o f course, fed less. The grain p«miitl note ou the counter was surpris­ feed at this time is usually mill feed-* ed to hear the clerk say: ‘‘ W o can't T H E HAY LOADER. bran aud tniddl.ugs or so called mixed cash this. The n »te was stopped twwn- 1 feed--w rites II. E. Cook In American ty-three years ago.” * ■ « o f ( l i e 4 ir e a t« * « l l.w h o r O ver tw enty years back the *v»te was Lady Suffered Tortures with Itching Vgriculturiat. Oats are a* g >od aud at M a c k i H f * o f l h o h 'o ru a . stopped by a clerk t!i n in the employ T b t picture allow a one w ay In which :iu equal price would l>e preferable. Scalp Humor — One Box of Cuti- o f one o f lite provincial branches o f applied borae|»ower may save hand la- H ay uud silage make the coarse fo. 1 - the London and t. ouuty bank. It h id cura Ointment and One Cake of I or. A Mural New Yorker correspond­ der raiiou. I f they calve im summer been brought In by an employee o f one ' The Kind Yon Have Always Bonght, and which has hcen Cuticura Soap Cured Her. lime aud there 1 « a disposition to u o f the bank’s clients in order to be paid ent in Illinois tells the story as fol iu lute for over 30 years, has borne the signature of caked or ini auied udder, we keep them luto the client’* account with some low «: * and has been made under his per­ lu fhe burn for a time. loose change. iu this part o f Illinois it is very diffl sonal supervision since its infancy. l a m Halistlcd it 1 « a bad practice tc By a strangi* oversight the clerk, a ft­ cult to get comj»elent help to harvest Allow no one to deceive you iu this. reduK* the feed while dry to a point er Jotting down the number o f the note the crops, and 1 consider the buy loud where the cow Loses nerve aud muscu­ and afte r counting the change, omitted A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but er one o f the greatest labor aaviug lar force. I f the feed 1« properly bal- Experiments that tritlo with and endanger the health o f to take the bank note. When he dls- mu chi ires we have on the farm. One ntccd uud the ash eon tent of tbe ration covered his error, note and messenger Infants aud Children—Experience against Experiment. man and a boy or girl who can d rive a is necessary, there w ill be no danger had disappeared. Neither was *een •* My scalp was covered with little team enn lord more hay tluiu three o f inflammation- iu fact, 1 find where again. pimples and I suffered tortures from men can in the old way. It takes the the system 1 * nourished and strong T lie clerk took counsel with a col- ! the itching. I w as scratching all day hay up cleaner Ibun any ruke I ever there Is les-t danger o f reteution o f the league at the counter, and for tlie sake and night, and I could get no rest. I saw. In 1908 1 had seven loads of afterbirth and caked udders. The main o f their own prospects the tw o young Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor O i l , Pnre- washed my head with hot water and rousou for this fear is the custom of men determined to suy nothing about Koric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is lMcasaut. it Cuticura Soap and then applied the feeding at this time feeds lacking in the affair, but to bear the lots them- , Cuticura Ointment as a dressing. One contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootie '•rotdn and ash. a practice sure to selves. Each paid £8 to make good the : box o f Cuticura Ointment and one cake substance. Its age ls its guarantee. It destroys Worms ring trouble. o f Cuticura Soap cured me. N ow tny loss and stopped the number. and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 1 have known farmers to feed four head is en tirely clear and my hair is The man who presented the note for 1 Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation grow ing splendidly. 1 have used Cuti­ quart* o f oat# Just a fte r calving and payment tlie other day had found it cura Soap ever since, and shall never aud Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the eel sun* It was the cause o f the cow among the paper« o f hi* father, who re­ be without it. (sign ed ) Ada C. Smith, Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. getting on well. T ill» U tradition feed cently died. 309 Grand St., Jersey City, N . J.” her out« for fVnir weeks before, atul I The Children's Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. Tlie tw o clerks Instrumental lu stop­ tm sure good w ill come from the prac­ ping the note were traced, and, though tice. ro w s fed In this way w ill pass both hud left the employ o f the Lon­ U k N U IN E A L W A Y S hrough the ordeal easily. don and County bunk long ago. each I prefer to have them by themselves ha« received buck his £f> after tlie lapse Bears the Signature of n box stalls, not lu an adjoining room, o f twenty-three years.—London Mall. Crusted Scalps Cleansed and HAY LOADER SAVES ONE SIAN. hut In the same stable where the tem­ P u r i f i e d by Cuticura Soap heavy clover down, and a severe rain perature Is the same and they feel S tre e t le e C re a m . storm came up In the night, 'l he next ciiite at home. As soon as the c a lf Is Assisted by lig h t dressings o f Cuti­ Typhoid fev er has been traced to va­ cura, the great s k i n c u r e , T h is morning 1 «tarted in and went over dropped I give the eow all the hot w a­ rious causes, and for long lee crea pi has treatment at once stops fallin g hair, the field with a hay tedder three times ter she will drink. The Animal ls more been regarded as a means o f conveying removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the hay was ready to draw iu. If or less feverish and -needs water, but this disease. In the Lancet some time destroys hair parasites, soothes irri­ it had been raked or bunched It would not cold or even cool water. I would tated, itch in g surfaces, stimulates the ago an account was given by Dr. W. G. have been spoiled. The loader saves prefer to give a small quautlty o f cold hair follicles, loosens the scalp akin, Barras o f an alarming outbreak o f on- 1 all the heavy lifttng. all the raking ♦ hnn none at all. But hot w ater—Just supplies the roots with energy and teric fever which occurred in Septew- I after and does not break so many is hot as she w ill take It—w ill take out nourishment, and makes the hair grow her last at (»ovan, Scotland, and which he kinks and do more good than a leaves off clover. 1 have never used upon a swe«-t, wholesome, healthy scalp when all else fails. but one team on it. and it is a very V. 8 . and drug store combined. T ry it. was clearly traced to Infected Ice T H « C E N T AU R C O M P A N Y . T T M U R R A Y STR E ET. NE W T O R * C ITY. cream. It 1ms been conclusively prov !' C o m p l e t e external and internal durable machine, not getting out o f re Whether the calf should stay with treatment for every humour, from pair easily, but of course it ought to die mother Is o f less Importance and cd that the disease may be spread by I pim ples to scrofula, from infancy to be under shelter when not iu use. H may he a nonessentlnl. It w ill largely the use o f ice und ice cream by the fact age, consisting o f C u t i c u r a Soap, will pay for Itself within tw o seasons iepend upon the peculiarity o f the that Its micro-organism has been culti­ Ointment, and P ills, may now be had on lhe average farm. nother. If she Is Inclined to hold up vated after having been frozen In ice ' o f a ll druggists for one dollar. A T A N K A G E FOR H 0 G 6 . •pinedy, a « Mr. Olm remark« h I. was to •er milk when the calf is taken away for a very considerable period. There single set is often sufficient to cure are so many agencies by which typhoid keep a sharp lookout lo r the hoes am! i would not let It suck, but milk her the most distressing cases. Its E ffe c t o n r n r «-«»* « O t m p n r e d W lt l» H E L P F U L H O G S. Cuticura Ilctolvent, liquid and in the form '»I Chocolate W H A T G O O D ROADO ARE. iml feed the calf. I f the udder is fever may be spread that it behooves 1 get ahead o f them by picking the flow ­ l i i u l o f C o ry . Coattd Pill«, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura >oan are the health departments o f cities to ers before the wiugeil pests got a •olo throughout the world. Potter Lrtik Ac them. Corp., A a i H i x l u a t t U A e e c a t o r y t o t h e l - p t o j caked and the eow is not Irritated by W hen the Indiana experiments with 157 Columbus A re.. Burton, Solo Proprietor». T i l . IJ IlT e re n e e l l e t w e e u O a r U t a h . D a te D a iry . lie calf it will l>e a quick and easy keep a watchful eye on all suspected «-bailee at them.—Lewiston Journal. m r send for “ »low to Cure- Every Humour,' and tankage closed, tw o pigs lu each lot w n yM nuf the mother should lw uote-.l and «—Medical Record. enin g. Sunday school at 9:45. Ep- after several years’ use there are lie some good milk cows that w ill be able was out o f office, was strongly o f this , was tlie same as that o f a pig weighing •atered to ut this time rather than wortli league at 6 :3* P rayer m eet­ perceptible rats made by wagon wheel, H oiiKkouv F ir«t. lo give, the full pail every day. The opinion, though, from motives, o f pa-I 195 pounds fed the smaller tankuge ra­ he arbitrary Judgment o f the owner. in g Thu rsday even in g.— ./as. M oore, or horses' hoofs, then w e can pro The importance o f the fa r east in the triotism, he would not hear o f the abo­ cream should be sold a fte r separation, tion and only t w o ounces more than aj pastor, bounce It a good roud. commerce o f the w orld ut the present lition o f the gothic type aud invariably but the skim milk should never leave I-V e d ln u r t h e D a i r y C o w . lf »0 pound ; ig fro . the lot fed on corn-; 8 ome o f you may think this but uu the farm. It is only by a perfect bal­ time Is strikingly Illustrated by this refused the g ift o f any book printed meal, shorts and tankage. There w ill A good cow I k u milk making ma­ Idle dream, impossible o f realization. ance o f hogs and cows that dairying But the auti- no difference in either weight or length BAPTIST CHURCH. ilin '. Usually she will give inilk In statement, made by the bureau o f sta­ m rouian characters. P rea ch in g Sunday m orn in g and e v ­ You need but travel a little In soul, In Kausus will yield Its largest returns gotlilc party Is now gaining ground, o f small intestines due to feeding the roportlou to the feed given. I f milk tistics: o f the European countries to undeceive T I 10 port at which in 11)03 was the and several newspapers and numerous highly nitrogenous feed. T be pig show­ and that hog breeding w ill bring the e n in g . Sunday school at 10. B. Y . t tho object It pays to feed the rigid You will greatest amount o f cash. largest vessel tonnage movement was scientific works are printed lu roman ing the greatest length o f small intes­ Eastern P . U. at 6;30. P rayer m eetin g W e d ­ yourselves in this respect .ind o f feed liberally. I f milk Is want Und that such roads ure possible, aud methods o f intensive farm ing are being n esday e v e u iu g .— J. B. Thom pson, •d only for fam ily n^e It may be that Hongkong. The total amount o f the type, which the emperor' himself is tines (G5 feet 4 inches) was fed on corn, not only possible, bul lu the loug run rapidly but surely transplanted to the he docs not need to he fed to her full tonnage o f the vessels entering and said lo •’avor.” pastor. tlie next greatest length o f small intes­ the mo. t economical. In this country fertile prairies o f the west, and farm ­ clearing from it was about 20 . 000 . 000 , a pa city. tine being 60V& feet from a tankage fed (a extensive drives or bicycle rides we ers are beginning more and more to S lo rd y Fx-di*IoIe*. or. if Chinese Junks engaged in the for­ pig. The only difference in the diges­ PRKHHYTKRlAN CHURCH. rejoice when we approach u town, for realize the returns from dairy cows. Johnny M cGraw has eight old O ri­ eign trade be Included, more than 21,- * tive organs that could be charged to P rea ch in g Hunday m orn in g and e v ­ there we expect to liiul solid roads. oles on h!s team o f N ew Yo:Tc Giants 000,000. London is second, with 19.- T h r e e H o e * to O n e C o w . the feed was tlie condition o f the stom­ en in g, Sunday school at 10. C h ris­ In most o f the European countries, now. T!i* y are M cGraw, McGlnnlty, Ailments and Cures 000,000, follow ed closely by Antwerp. W ith good cows farmers should be achs In the corn fed lot. These were tian E ndeavor at 6:30. Prayer m eet­ . hi the other hand, w e rejoice when we McCann. Bresnahan, Donliu, Bower- T lie tonnage o f N ew York in 1004 was ' filled with “ sour, offensive smelling in g Thursday e ve n in g .------, — ------- get out o f the towns with their bard, able to keep at least three hogs per man. Clarke and Gilbert. 18,000,000. Hongkong, it may be re­ cow, but this number may be Increased Uop.v milk U utmost ln\adultly ra m corn meal,” and tbe contents o f one o f — , pastor. rough paving blocks and reach the If a lfalfa is available to carrying the | •J by drinking from staguaut water, membered, is a free port at which many them weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces, smooth, clean country macadam. In D c lm n r * » F f a t . pigs over times when lactation is de t appears mostly iu summer ami fall vessels engaged in the Chinese, Japa­ while tbe next greatest weight of this country, especially In the western W. A. t larke, Jr.’s, Now York bred CHRISTIAN CHURCH. .ion'.list. Tl;o one way of preventing it nese and Australasian trade call. Lon­ stomach contents was 6 pounds 5 states, tlie plan Is to make the high­ creased. Farmers ure raising less com matinee trotter. Master Deliuar. re­ P rea ch in g Sunday m orn in g and e v ­ 4 to keep the herd on good, clean don would head the list but for the ounces, found in the case o f 0 pig fed way wide euough to enable us to turn and wheat and more a lfalfa and dairy cently won a Los Angeles wagon event e n in g. Bible school at 10. Senior .round and h ive the udders washed fact that often its vessels take part o f ¡ on corn meal, shorts and tankage. This out from umdholes and dusty trucks. cow*, but the time is at hand when la 2:17, 2:1S. very creditable time, am- C h ristian E ndeavor at 0:30. Bible m l wiped before milktng.—Farm Jour- their cargo from another British port, apparently ttour, abnormal condition o f In the old country the plan Is to keep the good dairyman must understand as Cardiff, and receive their foreign •iteur driven. class and prayer m eetin g Thursday the contents o f the stomachs was not tul. the road narrow enough to enable them hog rearing and com I due it with the «•learanee at It. 9courn In C a l v e « . e v e n in g .— G . L. Lobdell, pastor. particularly marked with the tankage to llx It properly. I .anil Is valuable < dairying. B R IC H T ’ S D IS E A S E . A llow in g the <*alf become very fed pigs. P e i d S k im M ilk , S w e e t o r S o a r. for cultivation, hut roadside weeds are Be«*« Siim c F l o w e r « . tungry anti then allow ing It to con- T lie largest sum ever paid for a pre­ When the carcasses w ere cooled aud The advantage o f feeding the milk a nuisance. A t the Keunebee conservatory a gen­ BVANOBMCAL CHURCH. time largo quantities In a rapid man scription changed hands in San F ia n - cut up the only appreciable difference ou the farm is the very great saving tleman was looking over the show o f ; P rea ch in g Hunday m o rn in g and ev­ »er 1 « a very common cau- e o f scours, cisco, August 30, 1901. T h e transfer that could be traced to the feed was a o f haulage to and from the skimming e n in g at the Dallas college chapel. vritea E. M. Mlchener, V. M. I>., in plants anti flowers when ho asked Su- ! in volved in coin and «took $112,500, somewhat greater accumulation o f In­ station, and where the whole milk is •perintendent OI 111 If he ever had iron ¡ The Leading Paper of the j S u n d ay school at 10. Christian En and was paid by a party of busi­ ternal fat In the corn fed pigs, and the sold there is tbe elimination of middle­ •'arm Journal. The young calf should jave its day's allowance given In hot ble with bees iu his glass houses. d ea vo r at 0:30. Prayer m eetin g Thu rs­ ness men lor a specific for B righ t’s flesh was somewhat less firm than that Pacific Coast men’s profits. As to feeding the milk “Yes,” replied Mr. Olm. “ In the | oss than four separate feeds o f equal d ay e ve n in g .— 1). M . M etzger, pastor, disease and diabetes, h ith erto incura­ o f the tankage fed carcasses. Feeding sweet or sour or feeding buttermilk early spring and through the spring I tankage did not show a marked influ­ ble diseases. from the creamery, one has to l>e gov­ quantity and at regular intervals o f ! time. No sudden changes should be months I have a great deal o f bother T h e y com m enced tbe serious inves­ ence on the relative amount o f lean erned purely by local conditions. A t with bees. They dodge Into one flow- ¡ mule In quality or quautlty o f food. tigation o f the specific N ovem b er 15, meat, but this feature was very plainly any rate, the thing to do Is to get milk, Contributing causes o f scours are spoil- j er. then into another, in which by 1900. T h e y in terview ed scores o f tbe Influenced by tlie breed. H a lf the pigs either sweet skim ndlk, sour skim milk sprinkling the pollen o f the first flower *d or tainted food, unclean drinking cured and tried it ou t on its m erits by were Berkshire* and half Poland-Cbl- or buttermilk. They will all make sat­ ressels, dark, damp, poorly ventilated they destroy the second.” putting over three dozen cases on the uas. The Berkshire carcasses showed isfactory returns if fed to hogs. For example, a pink bloom Into treatm en t and watching them . T h e y relatively more lean meat than tho and unclean stables. which a pollen covered bee had flown T I M E C A R D NO. 24. In treatment of scours diminish the also go t physicians to name chrom e, Pohind-China carcasses, ami In every The very best weekly Newspaper IClTect o f A l k a l i o u A l f a l f a . amount o f food, give one dose of from would close over nlcht. and flip onlv incurable cases, and adm inistered it Instance tlie depth o f fa t on the buck No. 2 for Y a ip iin a : published in the entire West. The relation of alfalfa to alkali soil one to three ounces o f castor oil ou an Leaves A lb a n y ..................... 12 :4f> p m with tlue physicians for judges. Up was less in the carcasses o f the Berk I has been Investigated by the C alif or- •»mpty stomach. I f the case is severe Leaves C o rv a llis ................... 1:45 p m to A u gu st 25th 87 per .cent o f the test shires than in those o f the Pol und-Chi­ j nia experiment station. It was found follow with this prescription: Take o f A rrives Y a q u i n a ....................5:45 p m cases were eith er well o r progressing na*. Inrlmlinff poKtugo to Any i art o f the that tHl» tolerance o f salt solutions In 1 . contiuu'ng this dally le a v en D etroit .................... 1 :30 p m HORTICULTURE 1 era) salts. An old a lfalfa tiekl iu good uent in the blood means a relaxation o f uuiil all discharge has stopped. P reg­ medicine wi.hout any benefit. A rrives A lb a n y .................... 0:30 p in POULTRY street, San Francisco, California. j condition was examined In which the I had a continual headache, my cheek* vital energy. N o . 6 for A l b a n y - nant cows should be given sodium hy­ LIVd STOCK alkali present lu the up|*er six feet of had grown purple, my nose was always Leaves C o r v a llis .................. 0 :30 a m MINING posulphite once dally in tablespoonful stopped up? my breath had a sickening ant an acre was: Sodium carbonate. 3,000; A rrives Alban y ................ 7:10 a 111 LITERATURE S h o fli’ X lhi* H«»r«r. doses us a drench. When cows abort disgusting odor,-and I coughed incessantly sodium chloride. 6 , 000 ; sodium sul­ No 8 f o r C o rva llis FASHIONS A horse that is being constantly iu pasture great care should be taken I heard o f your S. S. S. and wrote you L e a v e Alban y lor Corvallis. 2:40 p m phate. 102,000 pounds. In such old and SrO K TS worked should have bis shoes changed to burn the offspring on the spot where I commenced to use it, and after taking Helds the plants shade the soil and A r r ' e Corvallis .................. 3:20 p m These are presided over by it dropped, and the immediate vicinity several bottles I was cured and have or refitted every four or live weeks. N o . 7 for A l b a n y - prevent the surface ev:\(»oration which editors having a thorough knowl­ hould be thoroughly Mined.—Farm and never since had the slightest symptom ol H I* feet should he examined every day Leaves C o rv a llis ............. 6:00 p m tends to bring the a lfalfa upward. If edge of their specialties. The the disease. M iss M a r y L. S t o r m , j llanch. or two. T lie hoofs are more often A rrives Alb an y ................ 0:40 p m alfalfa Is to 1»e sown upon alkali soil, pages devoted to Agriculture, Cor. 7 th & Felix Sis., St. Joseph, Mo. B lo a tin g Cow». injured by had shoeing and by allow ing N o . C for C o r v a l l i s Horticulture. Poultry and Live the ollcall should be first leached dow n­ Leuven A lb a n y ................. 0:15 p m Regarding the treatment o f cow * suf­ ’the ahoes to remain on too long than by W heeling, W. Va., May 29 , 1903 . Stock are well Illustrated and ward by one or. If necessary, two thor Arrives C o rv a llis ................. 9:66 p m fering from bloat n correspondent o f all other causes combined. I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I filled with matter of the greatest ou gh Irrigations before planting. W ith 1 T rain No. 1 arrive* in Albany in tim e Kurni New Yorker writes; W e have used S. S. S. with very gratifying results. interest to all engaged in these the alkali, or at least the excess o f It, to con n ect with the 8 . P. southbound a way th it makes pun.during o f the ' I tried «local applications for some time, industries, every lin e b e in g S ol i n e e f o r e r R . kept below five or six feet by proper written by those who are In close train. paunch "look like 30 cents,” ami as and getting no permanent relief I cametc Sheep rpstore to the soli a larm-r pro­ Irrigation the alfalfa will thrive.—A. 8 . touch with conditions prevailing T ra in No. 2 connects with the 8 . P. fur as I ever have been able to find | the conclusion that the seat of the trouble portion o f the elements that they take Hitchcock on this Coast. trains at C orvallis and Alban y g iv in g out It Is not found In any text book. . was in the bl *od. Knowing S. S. S to be P O R T L A N O - T H E D A L L E S R O U T E . from It In gruxInK than do any other a good blood medicine I regan its use. i d irect service to N ew p o rt and adja­ W e have a piece o f strong rubber stock SEND FDR SAMPLE COPY, and after using it for some little while if H u l u l i l f a n d lii«o lu h lc l l a m a s . cent beaches. steam pipe, three-quarter Inch, as used . did away entirely with the offensive mu­ it will be sent free. Sten m o r s : Soluble humus compounds are the r r a a e «vniT« r o r itonii». Train No. 3 leave* Alban y for iu many creameries. This is about ! cus in the nostrils, and I did not have tc product* formed from the decay o f the Do you wart the Chronicle HI. there. Dick, John. Tom and Bill, Detroit 7 ; 30 ♦» m , arrivin g (here in * ight feet long. W o place a clevis In hawk and spit, especially in the morning, Insoluble humus. The notable humus • Hustle now with right good w ill: 1 he cow’s mouth and after oiling the t to dislodge the catarr hal matter. am ple tim e to reach the Breiteuburh Cast your plummet« a ft and fore. product* are chemically combined with 1627 South St. F k k d H. P r k ss y . hot spring* that day. tubing let down to the stomach. This ! On the port side throw one o'er; Nome mineral matter. The amount o f | Holst one to the starboard. John. let* the accumulated gas pass out In T rain No. 4 between Alb an y ami Showing the United States. Do­ The filthy secretions and foul mucus tbal water soluble humus in soils Ht any one 1 W hat? No bottom! Well. I swan! D etroit comibt is with the Eugene local a very short time. W e then give a dose ire continually dropping back into the minion of Canada and Northern time Is small; that lost by le*ch!ng and at Alban y, al*o with local from C or­ Mexico on one side. MAP OF o f salts or Uttseod oil. and that Is all throat, find their way into the stomach This spring mud doe« beat all—whew! in drainage water 1 * retduced through Guess the earth was fro «e clear THE WORLD, presenting to view there Is to It. With a herd o f 180 anl- j ind are absorbed into the Mood. Catarrh vallis. decay of tbe Insoluble h until*. which through In one continuous map. with all then becomes con- T rain No. 5 leaven C orvallis at 6 : 30 1 mats we find fn the couree o f a year gradually decreases In nmount unless N o w the frost is going out aieas In true proportion, the en­ i f l m £ 3 fo j A stitntional.and the a. in., arrives at Alban y 7 :30 a. m. in C o n n e c t i n g a t L y ie w i t h t h e ninny opportunities to nse our tubing She's all mush, beyond a doubt. fresh supplies o f huuiUM form ing m a t* tire surface of the Earth on the O 1 m x B v onl v wav to get rid Horseless vehicles? W hy. yes; tim e to catch Eugene local to Portlan d and have never had any had results. other side. rial* are added to the soil A wt M of it is through the Mules could handle one. I guess. am i train 10 Detroit. in « city o f N ew York spends more blood. W rite us if Send $2 and get the Map and T rain No. 8 leaves Albany for Cor* j money «ve ry year than did tbe govern­ W ish our congressman was here; R a ilw a y C o m p a n y fo r Ta ng led H air. "W eekly Chronicle" for one year, vou have Catarrh, Guess he'd see his duty clear valli* at 2.40 p. in. alter the arrival ment of the United State* before the postage prepaid on Map and Hair that lias become matted dur- Daly, «j| u « A aud our physict- W a h k a lcu s , As regards that good roads bill o f 8 . P. northbound overland. civil war. Tbe niunb ipal budget la Paper. In the legislative mill ).»£ severe sickness muv be un tan ­ four time* tl.e whole coat o f tbe state k Coldendale L J l W j B ans will advise you Centerville T ia iu No. 7 leaves C orvallis «? 6 :0 0 And would hustle, first and last, A lt '! all >ther Klk’kiUt valley point* gled bv moistening it with alcohol government. II amounts to over $29 without charge. |>. m., mi rives in Alban y at 6 :4 0 p in . Until he had got It passed. und combing the locks out little by « year for every man. woman and The Swift Specific Com pany. A tla nta , fin in tim e lo con n ett with the h e a l for Stoamor* leave Portland dail>, except Su-idav, at By mail. p o » U « » paid Trade ls paralysed, o f course; 7 a m.. eiinnei-tiAf at Lyle with C. ft. A N train for E u gen e and w «y point«. «•him. little with a very coarse comb. It could hardly be much worse. GoMervllCe At 5:*) p m . train urrfvln« 4t L »Men- ! T rain No. 7 1ctv * Albany for Cor- •tale at 7.*S p. in. 8te*m -n arriv« The Italic* «-.3* A week's pushing failed to start p. m. steamer leave« The Daite* dally, except Sun- A ught except an old road cart v alli* at 9 : 15 p. n»., after th< arrival of A Laundry Suggostion. tlay. at 7:30 a. m. C K .* .V tr«in leavtttif Golden That I’ d vowed to give away. Address d ie 8 . P. local from Portland. •lair at 0:10 a m connect* with thi« ~t«-amer for' Port To prevent clothes from being But !t brought a " I r today. Untl, arriving at P«.rtlaiR at 0 pm. M. H. d. YOUNC. F o r further inform ation apply to streaked by the use of bluing in Could w e have good roads In March, Prop ietor J .C . MAYO, hard water s tir the bluing in one My. but wouldn't It put starch "Ban Francisco Chronicle." For drUilod information of tickets, ^ into the vehicle trade half cupful of milk before adding \o General Passenger Agent, , San Prancieco, Cal. r-*M S-‘ 0P this MliiHt cf your h*fr? At this rate you wifi soon berth reservations, sl<-„ call or write ] TUI w e’d think our fortunes mads! r . C o c k rs ll, agent. A lb an y. th« water. CIRCULATION DKI'ARTMRNT to Alder street wharf, Portland, Or. And If congress helps a bit t a.-y be r ' . L . t remember that Hall s M :ir Henewer new er ki. H . Crouise, ag en t, C orvallis. | Maybe ws w ill have them.yet. 1 H. O. CAM PBELL, Manager. DAY t i NIGHT WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT CUTICURA CUTICURA GROWS HAIR In an luter**tlng adtlres* la-for.- • meeting o f the grange at Ortmn. N. Y.. Cuuuty Engineer J. Y. McCllutock •poke 00 the uiany advantage« of couutrjr life aud the importuLce o f ha»- lug good road». He advocated butkllug wide road. «0 that all veh icle, could aafely j-a»«. On the dealrabllity of having tree, along the roud he had th* follow ing to say: W e kuow that bedRM, small tree, aud hu.hea are not suitable aloug out road, became o f ilrlftiu g auowa, bul then- are great tree* which w ill grow up high and be a source o f enjoyment and uttructlveue... 1 kuow that aouie w ill object to tree* because tln-y wlli to Home extent reduce the productive IU-.SH o f a «trip o f land within tbeli range, but u. far a* I cult It-aru a good row of trees along a road w ill makt the farm more Pliable. Many o f yout farm « will 1 » bought by people from tin- city, ami to them surely the tree? will be un advantage. There «hould not Is- dense rows o f trees, but they should be placed far euough apart t< permit o f full development of each [re*. There are certain trees lu yout town which many people look upon « , personal friends, and many d rive« and walks are taken to visit them aud coin« under their Influence. The pride o f New England as well a> oh I England Is the noble old trees which connect hi one life the times of our sturdy forefather* und the pres­ ent. It requires time aud care to se­ cure g o o d trees, but they nre worth tho cost iu creating the beuutlful via tus which ure so effective lu architec­ ture, lu making coollug shade and I d trleate forms so refreshing to the body and delightful to the eye, lu making wind breaks which are beneficial to many c r o p s and In transforming a bleak, Hat country Into nu enjoyable living and looking place. With united effort you can secure nil the most at tractive features which rich men aud cities secure by lavish expenditure of money In the formation o f parks, and It will all udd to tbe value of your prop­ erty. V< HI W h a t is C A S T O R I A COL Ad v Ht Ht 11 « Pt tlev ro.it H ai hav l'or bor con sigi of t aiui noe pel­ li app deu thè w it nnt C A S T O R IA The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. Uto U m I abo at ruai to 0« Ol lug. W over j A «tul M Lea .::w a L oa 1 : 1 « The San Francisco Corvallis and Eastern Railroad. Lea .Ma Lea Chronicle 1:20 Lea 9:üo» Lea 1 : 00 ] The Weekly Chronicle R. < W. $1.50 a Year Ì3À r UeS: exc Uni poil moi M il i ïS 1:3« loto 1:46 jW D 1 Regulator Line. Bailey Gatzert Regulator Dalles City Metiako Reversible Map? Columbia River and Northern The Daily and Map ■ 7:8C IS A 11 ;4 A Or* 1 «;0( 9:i a An Ml Only I8.75 a Year O A I f » C J i | OE. I A i , L ,: O A l-d U O H a ir R e n e w e r — - a D X-