Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, June 02, 1905, Image 4

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Sore« Covered Neck and Cheeks —
Itched Day and Night — Noth­
ing Did Me Any Good — Was
Growing Worse.
AT COST OF $4.50
Miss N e llie Vander W iele, o f Lake-
tide, N. Y ., w riting under date of
A p ril 18 , 1904 , says : “ I do wish you
would publish this letter in the news­
papers, so that others suffering as I
have may see it and be helped. I suf­
fered for many months with an awful
skin disease, sores coverin g m y ears,
neck, and cheeks. Scabs would form
and they would swell, and itch day
and nignt. Then they would break
open and blood and m atter run out.
I had tried many different remedies,
but none o f them did me any good.
I was grow ing worse when I tried
the Cuticura Remedies. The first
application helped me, and when I
had used tw o cakes o f Cuticura Soap,
three boxes of Cuticura Ointment, and
three bottles o f Cuticura Resolvent, I
was com pletely cured.”
Humours, Eczemas, Itch in g«,
and Chafing* Cured by
T h e agonizing itching and burning
o f the skin, as in eczem a; the frigh t­
ful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss
o f hair and crusting o f the scalp, a9
in scalled h ea d ; the facial disfigure­
ment, as in pimples and rin gw orm ;
the awful suffering o f infants, and
anxiety o f worn-out parents, as in
m ilk crust, tetter, and salt rheum, —
all demand a remedy o f almost super­
human virtues to successfully cope
with them. That C u t i c u r a Soap,
Ointment, and P ills are such stand*
proven beyond all doubt by the testi­
mony o f the civilized w orld.
Cuticura Hoap, ointment, and P ill» are «old throughout
the world. Potter Drug * Chem. C’orp.. Sole Proprietor«,
Bolton, t u r Scud fo r'* How tu Cure Skin Humour«."
C H U R C H D IR E C T O R V .
Preaching hours at 11 and 7 :30.
M . K . C H IIR C H ,
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. .Sunday school at 9 :45. Ep-
wortli league at 6 :3a
Prayer meet­
ing Thursday evening.— Jas. Moore,
B A P T IS T C H U R C H .
Preselling Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 10. B. Y.
P. U. at 0:30. Prayer meeting Wed­
nesday evening.— J. It. Thompson,
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­
tian Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer meet­
ing Thursday evening.— W , T. War-
dle, pastor.
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening. Bible school at 10. Senior
Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Bible
class and prayer meeting Thursday
Preaching Sunday morning and ev­
ening at ti»e
Dallas college chapel.
Sunday school atlO. Christian En
deavor at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thurs­
d ay evening.— D. M. M etier, pastor,
D rin k er
S teadily
D riven
H e a r b y t h e V l e r e l l e u a I, a w
p e t i t i o n — l*o | »n la r
l‘' i » l la e le N
Governm ent
o f C oin-
I n-
T h e drink truffle Is on Us way to ex­
tinction. The protest o f science, the
Cervallis and Eastern Railroad.
T IM E C A R D NO. 24.
No. 2 for Yuqiiitm :
Leaves Albany................. . 12:4f> p m
Leave« Corvalli«..........
I :48 p m
Arrive« Y a q u in a ............
6 :20 p m
No. 1 returning :
Leave« Yaquina............. . fi :45 a m
Leuve« Corvalli«. . . .
11 30 a in
Arrives Albany. . . .
12:15 p m
No. 3 for Albany-Detroit:
Leavv j Corvallis . . .
fi :00 a ni
Airive* Albany ..........
6 :4t) a m
Leaves Albanv for Detroit. 6 :i() a in
Arrives Detroit . .
12 :02 p in
No. 4 from Detroit
Leaves Detroit. .
12:33 p ni
Arrive« Albanv................. ô:15 p ni
Leave Albany for Corvalli« 7 :15 p ill
Arrive Corvallis . ,
7 .55 p m
Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time
to connect will, the M. P. aouthbound
train, a* well an giving two or three
hours in Albany before departure of
S. P. Northbound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the H. P.
train« at Corvallis and Albany giving
direct service to Newport and adja­
Train No. it for Detroit via Albany,
leave« Corvallis at 6 a m and connects
with the 8. P. Albany-Portland local
train having Albany at 7 a m. Train
No. 3 leaves Albany for Detroit at
7 ¡30 a m., arriving there at noon, giv-1
ing ample time to reach the Hreiteu- .
bush hot tarings the same day.
Train No. 4 connect* at Albany with 1
the Portland-Albany local, which ar­
rive* here *t 7 10 and run« to Corval­
lis, leaving Albany at 7 :1a aud ar- j
riving in Corvalli« at 7 55 p m.
For further information apply t o !
General Passenger Agent
r. C o c k re ll, agent. Alban y.
11. H . Crvuiae, agent, Corvallis.
recent Kansas good roads convention.
I "W e pay for an e ’ lK a*’
» - o f M e d i u m Htme P r o d u c e M o « l
youths o f our l
V a lu a b le H u«a.
1 to prevent l!»o* I 'l
l -
tUj breeders and farmers like ex- the ativuuu,.«
.ei> large litters, thinking therein covered, tbfa s. .
f .*e greater profit, writes Ed Eleven good roads 11 w ill be t » . i * .
in Swineherd. 1 doubt this, for my ex- itable to gather i:.e <\.ii rea to, e v •
iH-r.euce o f thirty-five years as s breed­ I nt central points, where graded schools
er o f thoroughbred hogs has taught | give a chance for a hi her education.
For Infants and Children.
me different.
It has taught me thut
"E v e ry child should be compelled
the sows tliat furrow from seveu to teu i to rhle the round trip every day that
pigs to the litter save a larger num­ | school Is in session. The small school
ber than those that farrow Horn twelve abolished woulu pay the expense.! o f
to fifteen to the litter. Aud I have | the free delivery of the children at the
learned, too, that the pigs in the medi­ schools and faavo a surplus to help sup­
um sized litters a n stronger as "p igs” port the central schools. Teachers of
Aggelatile Preparation for A s ­
Bud more valuable as "hogs” than siriendld attainments would take the
similating IticFüodandKegula-
those that composed the extremely place o f the present country teacher.
ting the S Limiate and Bowels of
large litters. I f I can get sows to save
"T h e people o f this country are all
seven or eight pigs each, these num­ being taxed to support free rural d eliv­
i N l . V N I S V ( H1I D K I . N
bers are satisfactory to me, and It Is a ery o f mail, a »id It Is said that in some
large enough mimber for any sow to cases doing away with postofflees. as
care for in the cold weather o f Febru­ In the cuse o f country schools, has
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
ary and March.
made free delivery n saving, and,
M M an ti Rest Contains neither
I f we want litters that are uniform whether it does or not, w e want our
juint,Morphine nor Mineral.
in size and desirable in number we share, as w e must do the paying. L ife
o t N a r c o t ic .
in tlie country would be different with
N e v e r sold in bulk.
and room y—good sows chosen from dally papers and mail at our doors.
litters that were strong and even and
"T h e fam ilies of wealth are com­
/wv* • ra d o -s à N tm im m a
J. A . F o lg e r CSX C o .
containing a goodly number.
pelled to remain In the city on account
w -
E a l s k l i a h e d las U J O
J ix Smum •
The condition o f sire and dam at o f not wishing to take the children out
S a n F ra n c is c o
R e s o lv e d , T h a t the d iffe r e n t m a r in e in- I
& U U »~
a u ra n e e c o m p a n ie s In the city o f N e w |
termine the number o f pigs that will at any time they chose, as the children
Y o r k w ill a llo w a d eduction o f 6 per cent
o n th e n e t p r e m iu m * w h ic h m uy be taken
be farrowed, and the care the mother would be carried to school and hack
Horn: u -f j -
a f t e r th is d a te on a ll v e « « e l » . a n d on ve « - 1
and her litter receive will determine again, W’ hlle the head o f the fam ily
a d s to g e t h e r w ith o u tfit«. If on w h a lin g |
a n d on H ea lin g v o y a g e « , te rm in a tin g w ith - j
W e cannot expect sows that have creating business for pow er lines. Our
o u t loss, p r o v id e d the m aater a n d m ate accustomed to drink and became drink­
A perfect Remedy tor Consti pa
m a k e a ffid a v it , a f t e r the term in atio n of
ers. They urged that tlie remedy for been starved from spring to fall to people In the country would have a
lio n . Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea
the risk , th a t no a r d e n t sp irits h ad been | drink was to “ remedy the conditions”
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­
d ru n k on b o a r d the v e s s e l by the officer«
On the other city, attend the theater, trade or visit
a n d c r e w d u r in g the v o y a g e o r term fo ri so that men would not be subject to even Utters o f pigs.
ness and L o s s o f S l e e p .
w h ic h th e v e s s e l an d o u tfits w e re in sured. ! exposure.
hand, w e cannot expect sows that have friends, and life on the farm would be­
Facsimile Signature o f
And a powerful speech, with tliat res- j The replies touching upon this topic been full fed on corn the entire sum­ come an ideal one. There would be
olution as a text, delivered In the house showed thut no such conditions existed. mer and full to give desirable litters no complaint o f people wanting to
o f representatives, Jan. 27, 1847, was O f the 2,000 employers o f lubor who either In quality or numbers. These leave the farm, but people of means
would all have summer homes in the
one of the principal things thut led to had employees subject to unusual ex­ two extremes must be avoided, and we
tiie abolition o f the spirit ration in tlie posure, 1,010 reported that such em­ must Intelligently look after their country, while those o f moderate means
ployees drunk no more than employees wants and care for them In this In­ would leave the tenement house, buy
United States navy.
u few’ acres on some o f the power lines
terval o f rest.
It was to ascertain what progress had who were not subject to unusual ex
and make for themselves a home of
been made in this Industrial movement posure.
The next series o f questions was to
love, com fort and plenty.
C e llin g the Flock.
that tlie United States department o t
"T h e man o f moderate means, tlie
labor made the Investigation that re­ ascertain the extent to which drinking
A good shepherd dislikes to turn oil
sulted In the tw elfth annual report of habits were recognized by employers a ew e as long as she shears a la ir ueece workingman, would own his few’ acres
the commissioner o f labor, prepared by and to what extent, if any, totul ab­ and raises a lamb or two. Bnt watch and have his cow, chickens, garden,
stinence or ubstinence when on duty the mouth. A sheep with scattering or etc., where each child would in some
Carroll D. Wright.
In that Investigation a schedule of was required o f employees. The net loose teeth Is past her prime. Sell her wuy help in the support o f the fam ily
questions was sent out to 30,414 em­ result o f the inquiry was: Employers nt first sign o f decadence, and she will and acquire habits more valuable than
fatten all right. When you sheur, know­ such a child is liable to in the city.”
ployers o f labor. These included 12,114 making some requirement as to ubsti
engaged In agriculture, 0,073 lu muno- uence, 3.527; employers making no re ing each Individual o f your flock, watch
rad.71 tor o f 1 eqcfit to all who live upon
;he teeth and put a special murk on
tacturlng, 0.582 In mining and quurry- qulrenient. 8,205.
N E W Y O R K ’S H I G H W A Y S .
it or who move upon it. A man likes
O f the 3,527 employers making some those to be turned off. I f they are dry,
lng and 2,005 on transportation.
to locate in a land o f good roads. They |
The series most interestingly disposed requirements as to drink. 1,284 re­ they will generally be good mutton In M i l l i o n « S p e n t o n R o a d I m p r o v e ­ tire the lightning rous to attract Intel- !
i t i o n T a b l e F o r D e t e r m i n i n g the
m e n t In th e U m p i r e State.
o f a number o f prelltuInary questions quired totul abstinence on or off duty.
the fall. I f so, it Is best to let the deal­
ilgent settlers. A good road Is a faith- :
Atfe* o f C attle.
It is Interesting to know what rea
In his annual report H enry A. Van
er have them. I f not, treat them like
and answered several propositions
ful friend and a cheerful companion,
The question o f determining the ages
sons these numerous employers had for the culls. I f by mischance you have Alstyne, state engineer o f New York,
urged as to the cause o f drink.
it Is the best o f Investments and the I
of cattle by examination o f their teeth
One school of thinkers had asserted requiring some form o f abstinence on a toothless sheep, let her go If you can; pays particular attention to high wuy best o f advertisements.
Is one that has given much concern for
improvement, which he considers of
that night work Is a great cause of the part o f their employees. O f those !f not, nurse her and give her warm
many years to the management o f lead­
drink, that employees who labor at asked this question. 1,794 responded quarters and mixed rations o f ground equal importance with canal work.
Ar«*h!>l.*tlioi> F a r l e y * « G o o d W o r k .
ing shows, says Breeder’s Gazette.
The building of these roads by state
uiglit lack the companionship that day with reasons. It is remarkable thut of corn aud oats, with a little good stock
Archbishop Farley of N ew York re
The subjoined schedule, preput ed l>y
workers have and that the solitude thus the 1,702 persons only thirteen could lu food. Grain is too high to Indulge In aid has been iu progress since 1898,
cently administered tlie total abstinence the International L iv e Stock Exposi­
much fattening o f culls.—Farm Visit­ during which time there have been re­
engendered leads them to tipple. What any w ay be construed as "m oral rea
pledge to 100 children who had present -1 tion association, repi events the consen­
ceived petitions for the improvement
was the result o f the Inquiry?
ed themselves for confirmation. Arch-1 sus o f opinion o f a number who have
In other words, these 1,794 employ
o f 5,000 miles o f roads iu fifty counties.
O f the 1,001 concerns replying who
bishop Farley is making a special effort | been consulted in referent e to this im­
H o o f D r e s a ln a r .
Acting upon these petitions, surveys
employed night lubor 1,400 reported ers of labor merely exercise tlielr per
to increase temperance sentiment In his portant subject. It is not put out by
T h e follow in g w ill be found a very have been made and plans have been
that employees engaged In night work sonal liberty to select their employees
diocese, in which effort he lias the ac­ the international management as rep­
were no more addicted to drink than from that class whose habits are such fine hoof dressing, says Breeder's Ga­ adopted by the boards o f supervisors
tive support o f Adrian Iselin, the mil­ resenting absolute accuracy. It is be­
that they are apt to render the best zette: Melt together neatsfoot oil, two ami the money o f the various counties
those employed by the day.
lionaire whose gifts o f land fo r park lieved that these specifications deal
quarts; molasses, tw o quarts; yellow
has been appropriated for 1,398 miles
Another class o f sociological dreamers and most satisfactory service.
purposes include tlie provision that no very leniently with feeders; that if
Rem ove from o f roads located In thirty counties.
The commercial conception o f “ per­ beesw'ux, one pound.
insisted that overwork was the great
intoxicating liquors shall bo sold on or they err at all it is In the direction o f
O f these there have been put under
au seo f drink; thut the American work­ sonal liberty” Is not that a man Is and aw ay from fire and stir in slow’ ly
near the grounds. Mr. Iselin recently givin g the feeder the benefit o f all
ingman, being crowded by the fierce obliged to contribute to the debauch­ two quarts of crude petroleum. To contract an d fire now In process o f con­
purchased a road house near Fort 81a doubt:
competition o f the tl nos, took to the eries o f others out of his own pockets color black make saturated alcoholic struction in nineteen counties or are
solution o f negrosln and add one pint actually completed and in use in twen­ cum and turned it into a temperance j T w e lve Months.—An animal o f this
bottle to “ tide him over” at such times
tavern to prevent the soldiers from age shall have all o f its milk (calf) in­
R E A R IN G G E E S E .
>f it when stirring in tlie petroleum. ty-eight counties 585 miles o f roads.
mid so became addicted to tlie drug.
cisor teeth In place.
Hie addition o f lampblack instead of For tills work the state has during the •pending their pay for liquor.
Laying aside tlie common knowledge
« t i e n t o B e g i n H a t c h In t f— ( i r a n a F o r
Fifteen Months.—A t this age the cen­
above coloring does fairly well.
last seven years appropriated $3,273,-
that the British and German workmen
t h e O o n liiiK a .
ter pair o f incisor milk teeth may be
000 , the counties appropriating an equal
irink more and work less than the
Geese generally commence laying in
replaced by center pair o f permanent
A n C n n ilr M ad e C ro a t.
A x h o i f F o r Hour*.
am ount
American, this investigation developed the bitter part o f March or first o f
_____ ____________
I f we can add a pound or tw o In
this fact: Of the 535 employers respond­ April in the northern states, but the
Keep wood ashes in a convenient Incisors (pinchers), the latter teeth be­
D i r t R o u U n a n d M u c i u I h i i i .
ing who had employees subject to over­ laying may be promoted by feeding an •veight o f body or fleece to our lambs
place, so the pigs can eat a-il they ing through the gums, but not yet in
An illustration o f the comparative j wish, says Farm Journal. Ashes fur- wear.
work 130 replied that such employees egg producing ration, and by removing through the sire it Is profit easily made.
Eighteen Months. The middle pair
cost o f hauling over good roads and ! ,iisli mineral matter—potash, lime, so-
crank no more than the others not sub­ the eggs from tlie nests and feeding
bad roads is furnished by C. E. Ash- I da. e tc .— which helps build up the of permanent incis »rs at this age
ject to extra exertions.
well u larger number o f eggs w ill be
burue, Jr., In the Louisville Courier- | bones. They have a good effect ou the should be fully up and In wear, but
Aud still another school o f the theo
laid, writes A. F. Hunter in Ueliable
Journal. The Incident came under his I digestion and kill intestinal worms. I f next pair (first intermediate) not yet
rtsts affirmed that It was exposure that Poultry Journal. When they begin lay
own observation, and the roads were wood »sh.es are not plentiful, g iv e coal cut through gums.
made the workingmen drink; thut men lug they should be watched a bit to
H e says: " A machine I isbos
Tw enty-fou r Months.—The mouth at
who were subject to inclement weather, locate the nests, as the goose will cover
No breed o f cattle is making progress In Kentucky.
this age w ill show tw o middle perma­
especially intensely cold weather, were the eggs with straw, liay or other ma­ more gra tifyin g to its advocates than weighing 18,000 pounds (eight tons)
R R IP H T ’ S n :«?EASE.
nent (broad) Incisors fully up and in
I »rone to take a nip to ‘‘ warm the terial to conceal them. Then, too, in the Polled Durham. A display such as was draw’ ll four miles on the Brock
turnpike, a macadamised road. It re
blood” at critical times and
The largest sum ever paid for a pre- wear and next pair (first intermediate)
cold weather there is danger o f the *he breeders o f this hornless type of
qu’ red four mules (4.000 pounds to a Fdiption changed hands in San Fian- well up, but not In wear.
eggs becoming chilled; hence they shonhorn made at the recent interna-
mule) and one and one-half hours* of
T hirty Months.—T h e mouth at this
should be gathered aud put aw ay In u tiouul show not only presents convinc­ time at a cost o f 15 cents per mule per eiseo, August 30,1901. The transfer
age may show six broad permanent
dry, cool place and turned h alf ovei ing proof that they have made sub­ hour, or a total cost for four miles of involved in coin and stock $112,500,
The Leading Paper of the
incisors, tlie middle and first Interme­
about tw ice a week uutil they are put stantial Improvement, but Indicates I 90 cents. A fte r traveling four miles of and was paid by n party of busi­
Pacific Coast
thut they are aggressively on the trail
ness men for a specific for Bright’s diate pairs fu lly up and in wear and
under liens or the mother goose.
I macadamized turnpike the route lay
the next pair (second intermediate) well
When set under a common hen five o f the older beef breeds. W hoever un- j 1 a little less than 2,000 feet (less than disease and diabetes, hitherto incura­
up, but not In wear.
The San Francisco
eggs are probably all she can w ell cov­ derstunds beef form and quality does j two-fifths o f a mile) on a dirt road. To ble diseases.
Thirt.v-slx Monti)«.—Three pairs o f
They commenced the serious inves­
er—a good sized goose w ill cover tw elve not need to be told that Polled Dur­ travel this 2.000 feet It was necessary
broad teeth should be fully up and in
eggs all right. It takes thirty days to ham* have acquired both. Those who to use ten o f the best mules and seven tigation of the specific November 15,
wear, and the corner milk teeth may
hatch goslings, and no eggs should be studied the exhibit o f these animals in , men. and with this force It took nine 1900. They interviewed scores of the be shed or shedding, with the corner
cured and tried it out on its merits by
set earlier than about a month before the show ring at Chicago this year can hours to complete the journey.”
putting over three dozen cases on the permanent teeth just appearing through
gras« usually begins to sprout in your entertain no doubt as to the usefulness,
The Weekly Chronicle
the gums.
treatment and watching them. They
locality; then young, tender grass deserved popularity aud dual purpose j
Thirty-nine Months.—Three pairs o f
The very best weekly Newspaper
character o f Polled Durham«. Nor can j
also got physician* to name chronic,
published in the entire West.
incurable cases, and administered it broad teeth will he fully up and in
stern. Sprinkle the eggs tw ice a week any one question the stability and per j
with tiie physicians for judges. Up wear and corner teeth (incisors) through
after the fifteenth day and tw o days mane nee o f this type. It has come to |
the gums, but not in wear.
to Aiigust 25th 87 per ceut of the test
before the eggs are due to hatch. stay and grow. It is w axing strong. !
Inrluiling postage to any vert of the
It fills a want and serves an important I
cases were either well or progressing
United States, ('anadu and Maxico
( n lfo r m lt y In H o r n .
them from the nest, wrap each one lu purpose. Many farmers and ranchmen 1
In raising hogs I think it best to
It is best because, besides
There being hut thirteen per cent
a piece o f old flannel or woolen cioth p refer nature’ s dehorner to the saw or '
printing all the news of the world
<»f failures, the parties were satisfied have all the sow’s farro w about tlie
and put lu a warm place by the kitch­ dippers. F or this reason the Polled Dur­
each we?k in an Interesting way
and closed tlie transaction. The pre­ same time. Tills may be done by keep­
en stove. I f left in the nest there Is ham bull, whose polled trait lias been
and ‘ u 11 y illustrating m any
codings of the investigating commit­ ing the boars away from the sow’ s,
danger that the mother w ill trumple firmly fixed, is attracting the attention
•'.rticles, it has special depart­
o f those who would like Shorthorns .
tee and the clinical reports of the test says a Kentucky stockman. Then two
ments devoted to—
cases were published and will ba mail­ weeks previous to the time the sows
When they are about twenty-four better without horns.—Breeder’s Ga-
| When a child I had a very severe at ed lree on application. Address John are to be bred the principal part o f
hour» old or when the hatch is done zette.
C o r n P op B reed in g Stock.
j tack of Diphtheria, which came near prov- J. Fulton company, 409 Washington their food should be thrashed oats.
Then turn the hoar with them, and
Corn should constitute not over half i“ K fatal. Upon recovery the glands of the street, San Francisco, California.
coop, with a board floor, and g iv e them
they w ill be likely to farrow’ near the
the ration for breading .look. th. ,n^ rI e™ J * 7
“ ftCT
a feed o f stale (but not moldy» bread
same time
. . .
i. *
the iree use °* iodine, the right one was
crumbs that are moistened with sweet amount hoi..* .m alleat with young an- reduced to it. normal .ire, but the left
By this method you will have hogs
IraalH. nays A m erle.ii Agltculturiat. A . I one continued to g r o w -v e r y slowly a!
milk, or w ater if you haven’t the milk
of uniform size to put on the market
and S.-OKTS
Fresh, clean drinking water should be the body luerea.es In . 1 » and near, first, uutil it wag about the . lie o f a goos:
which w ill bring remunerative prices
maturity the proportion o f corn to otb ' egp, which began to press on the wind
by them also.
Keep the brood coil
These are presided over by
ami besides save a vast amount o f
P'P*. causing difficult breathing, and be-
editors having a thorough knowl­
flued In a small yard with plenty o f er (train can be gradually Increased un
trouble in oaring for pigs o f different
edge of their specialties.
young, tender grass for a fe w days or til during the fattening stage the ra ] came very painful. An incision was made
• Urge qu.nt.ty o f pus discharged
pages devoted to Agr.culture,
a week and feed four times a day on tlon mav. If desired, consist almost
- ...
The gland was removed, or as much as
Horticu’ture, Poultry and Live
breadcrumbs, moistened with milk or wholly o f this grain.
could wHtll M fety
uUen out
For ten
T h u m p * fn H o r a e «.
Stock ar; well illustrated and
water, mixed with cornmenl and wheat
P «r e B**ef Blood Beat.
| years I wore a little piece of cloth about an
filled with matter of the greatest
Thumps Is merely a symptom of
The Texan calf has proved very sat- inch long in niv neck to keep the place
interest to all engaged in these
some diseased condition o f an animal.
Fine grit or crushed oyster shells Isfactory In the corn belt thus far be- open. During this time I had to have it
industries, every lin e b e in g
Give horse a purge o f three-fourths of
should be accessible always. Keep the cause the buyers have taken only those cut open by the doctor every time I took
written by those who are in close
an ounce o f aloes In a quart o f raw
cold or the opening cl ogred. Iu the Spring
touch with conditions pt «veiling
youug goslings out o f the water or which showed the marks o f good breed
linseed oil at one dose and follow with
on this Coast.
i f the
»«p e r s u a d e d
from being exposed to u hard rain un­ Ing. says National Stockman
one dram o f nitrate o f potash in drink­
ily w ife to use S. S. S., which I did,
til they have grown a full coat of feath
grow er continues to follo w his policy strictly in accordance with directions. I P O R T L A N D -T H E D A L L E S R O U T E . ing w ater tw o or three times daily for
ers. They should have the shelter of o f using pure bred beef bulls, thess took twenty-six large bottles, and was en­
It will be sent free.
five or six days. G ive only light exer­
a dry, warm coop at nignt and should calves will 1 * In uniformly good beet tirely cured, for I hsve not suffered since S t e a m e r s :
cise.—Farm and Ranch.
Do you wart the Chronicle
not be allow ed to run in the tall, wet quality far ahead o f the natives It la that time.
B. S R a G l A N D .
Royal Bag M fg. Co., Charleston S. C.
grass early In the morning. A fte r they possible to buy. They show none of
W a i p p l n « flie F lo c k .
nre well feathered they need little food the evils o f mixing breeds and purposes
W atering sheep at stuted intervals Is
or care.
which put so many natives In ths
Only a constitutional remedy can reach
Showing the United States. Do­
not a bad plan, but allow ing them free
rear rank as t<eef cattle.
It I* the an hereditary disease like Scrofula. When
minion of Canada and Northern
access to it is better. W hat is true o f
m irin g the winter season farmers
opinion o f many experienced men that
Mexico on one side. MAP OF
wateriug them Is true also o f salting
cannot spend their time to better ad
the quality o f native beef cattle la d e and the scrofulous deposits are carried ofl
THE WORLD, presenting to view
vantage than In tlie discussion o f ways
there is a gradual return to health S.S.S
in one continuous map with all
terlorattng, and the reason Is solely tbs
and means fo r securing improved high
is well known as a
areas in true proportion, the en­
mixing with datry blood. K eep this
blood purifier and
tire surface of the F.arth on the
C o n n e c t i n g a t L yle w i t h t h e
blood for the dairy cow
It Is out of
It is the
other side.
P ou ltry P oin ter«.
I f souls art* perishing for lack o f
place tn the steer
Loose oatmeal is one o f the best ma­
church attendance and people cannot
Send $2 and get the Map and
strictly vegetable
young grow ing chickens.
get to church on account o f bad high
‘ ‘Weekly Chronicle” for one year,
remedvsold. I f you
R a i l w a y C o m p a n y fo r
It can be fed dry.
ways, then w e want good roads to save
postage prepaid on Map and
C m «
B oa « «
W ou ld
B r in « Q o o é
D a ly ,
Confinement and idleness cause the
Scrofula, write us W a h k a i c u s ,
« « • h o o l » —O t h e r A * Y « « t i
vice o f feather pulling.
As short pieces o f road are improved
C o ld e n d a le
and our physicians C e n t e r v ill e
The Daily and Map
will advise you free
iu different localities the m ajority of
W ater is ns important as food and
By mail, p o » t a « « paid
the people realize more and more the vantam-« than money to be derived Tke Sw ift Sgeeiflc Company. Allants. 6a.
•bould be supplied cleau and fresh.
Steamer» leave Portland d a ih , except Sunday, at
advantages o f good roads.
When fow ls are permitted to roost iu
Only 18.75 a Year
, Goldendale at 5:90 p. ni., train arriving at Gokten-
Country people are beginning to see
dale at 7.95 p. in. Steamer» arrive The [toMe* 0:90
foul, damp houses it causes droopish-
clearly that the extra expense o f a good
| day, at 7:30 a. m. C R A N . train I ea v intr Golden ■
road !■ much more than offset by the
dale at Silfla m connect» with this -tvainer for Port
When the hens are laying abundant­
M. H. de YOUNG.
mild in action.
saving on wagous and horses.
ly lime should he kept before them at
“ San Francia**) I h rouir le,”
Poor roads cost the country $1,500,000
( all time«.
For detailed information of tickets
«ve ry time the sun goes down.-Good
m San Francisco, Cal.
It Is s good plan to feed wheat as the
Koada Magalne.
berth reservations, etc,, call or write grain food at this time, a* corn t* tea
C IR C U L A T IO N H * F A « T U E NT
s open is oi philanthropy, the plea of
womanhood, the wide «w eep o f tem-
peranee education, are having their ef­
fect. The answer to prayer U near.
Not always docs Jehovah answer
w ill) tire and thunder and inarch of
armies, but often by sileut emphaais of
natural law s. The wrong and the curs«
suddenly tind the universe embattled
Against them.
When the business Interests o f this
business nation have uo use for drink­
ing men, then the drink truffle will
have to go.
And that time is fast drawing near.
For more than half a century th«
c o m p e t i t i o n o f the times hua tended to
drive the driuker to the rear- not for
any sentimental motive, but purely for
commercial reasons. As far buck us
1884 the temperance reform took the
shape of a propaganda for the operat­
ing of Industrial aud manufacturing
concerns without the old time “ grog
rations," and so satisfactory were the
results that on Oct. 2 of thut year th«
hoard o f underwriters of New York
met at the offlee o f the American In­
surance company of that city and
passed the follow ing resolution:
o f q u a lit y
r eads
J. A . Folger & Co.
I t is a c r o s s
t he
top o f every tin o f
Golden Gate Coffee.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
$1.50 a Year
Regulator Line.
Bailey Gatzert
Dalles City
Reversible Map?
Columbia Rivsr and Northern
v e r s P i I ls
. .auUtul brown or rich otack ? Use
easy lake,
They cure
M iriiiA lC «-,
«. «.
U . G. C A M P B E L L, Manager.