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About Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
— THE P 3 U C3JHY ITP.MIZtR Over- Work Weakens Your Kidneys. 0 ALLA.S, raiDAT, P£B. 10 . 1905 . i Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. ¡►hips will be unique ami there will be I n any co.-lly marine models. 1 SU N N YS LO PE . Our «clmol close ! last Friday. India will have a display valued at Joe Houseman has moved his fami m pavilion 100 feet f-quarej ly to Momiiuu! 1 ». it being like an »»Id Indian temple. Rev. I. N. Mulk«*\. of B th -1. prea-di China will •xliibit on a bigger scale ed at Anti«>ch 8 M i id a v . than ever before including samples of Mr. Black was over from Salem many things that but few of our peo Friday taking orders for fruit trees. ple ever saw. — ♦- « w -------- Fred Simpson, »>f Albany, is h re S e ttin g A P riso n e r Free. A mar. with rheumatism is a pris visiting his sister, Mrs. Rrtsa Herron. 1200,000 in Ü Strength All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once «very three minutes. ^ The kidneys are your ^ Ê D I C I N ê 1 1 ““ * blood purifiers, they fib with W . A . W A S H , ter out the waste or impurities in *he blood. ■MTOU ANI» rU O PH IIToA. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do I This prrat stock medicine is a ! their work. oner Hi< fetters sr** nmie the less ; money saver for stock raisers. It m Three young men arrived front SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Pains, achesandrheu- galling.U caiise tiny are invwahle. To Missouri Monday and are «lopping * is a medicine, not a cheap food or f- matism come from ex him rp»ry Davis’ Painkiller comes as witli R. M. BozWv for the present. (51 50 ........... ...................... Per .v ' Hr I condition powder. Though pnt up V? cess of uric acid in the f 7 5 ..........................Per six months a liberator- Ullblied well into the 1 in coarser form than Thedford’s blood, due to neglected « »3a»-.tare, potent and permanent Invijçoratcr for 4 <j ...... ............ Per three months ( | Black-Draught, renowned for the P kidney trouble. A fra id of S tro n g M e d ic in e . swolleu joints it. not merely drives Adveirising rates made known on M miiv peoyL- suffer for years from cure of the digestion troubles of I Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady •a wav the pain, it makes the muscles 'W O M E N , C H I L D R E N a n d M E N . 1 persons, it has the same qualities ] heart beats, and makes one feel ‘ as though wr^lTication. Correspondence is«olicit- ft» pliable so that the prisoner become» a rheumatic pains, ami prefer lo do so they had heart trouble, because the heart~is free man. There is but one Painkiller rather than take the strong medicines j of invigorating digestion, stirring! over-working tn pumping thick, kidney Perry Da v ia '26 and 50 cent*, Pine Jo!» Printing done at reasonable | | tip the torpid liver and loosening usually given for rheumatism, not- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. theconstiprted I mwo I s for all «took K I poi.oned blood throve knowing that quick relief from nain orice*. N O R M A L GRADUATING EXERCISE y ! AIRLIE. land poultry. I t i . carefully pm- l * . '«.u-d to b. c e n t r e d that only urinary may he had simply by applying Knitter t ree Mnnuered. troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, j pared aud its action is so hraliliful M I but now modern science proves that nearly : Stock are wintering well in this lo Chamberlain’* Pain Balm and with 'The midwinter d a«* of fourteen re MuurkT Hewlett writua <»f the ¡»iviple I* seems tin t most of the govern that stock grow and thrive with an i n R all constitutional diseases have their begin- i ealit v. out taking any medicine internally ol I ’ertnlJo," the Itullnn town wli»»r« ceived their diploma« I hh I. Tuoilay occasional done in their food. i t » ning In kidney trouble. For sale by Wilson Drug Co, Boci'itoolo wns born and lived: “ Their evening ami (here will be tidy-two ors l»oih no»th and south »ire in sym If you are sick you can make no mistake i Clyde Turner is plowing for J. 8 . i . i L. 1 cures hog cholera and makes hogo fe women ate hainlsoiuo, aa thi.y ought to member« in the idass to graduate in ------ -♦ •» — ------- M .. '’ , » , . * p ith y with President Roosevelt <* idei c by first doctoring yoiir kidneys. The mild ; McCann, j grow fat. It cures ch die!era , COUNTY C 5U RT . bo, with green oyos, du-tky skinn, frtlr, June, On Saturdnv evening the Jun irers 01 of the of enlarging the powers me inter- imer- i ^ and roup and make 3 hens lay. It ¡ 3 . | and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s j taugb'd hair. They carry iheuiselves ior* gave iheir annual reception m d COM M 1S S I O N K K S . Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is Frank I/mdeman is digging post cures constipation, distemper and ' < ' { bolt upright, like ail uioiuitalueora, but promenade. ’The normal assembly state commerce commission. It is in ( ^ soon realized. It stands the highest for its hole« tor Porcy Hadley W in. Riddell. Seth Riggs colds in horses, murrain in cattle, j* with I totter reason thau moat, for their hull was tastefully d curate 1 ami the wonderful cures of the most distressing cases j the interest of the general public ns and makes a draught animal do L and is sold on its merits f ! Thin vicinity whm well represented The petition of W iley Norton an ' j 11 ,-tiros aro roinarknble. 'lho ute't sins Lucas on*h«str.i rendered lively music more work for the food consumed, f opposed to grasping monopolies find They gave -i\ by all druggists in f i f t y - »«* the phone meel'tig ait Monmouth others to change boundaries of school gay songs, are happy and free uiun- fitted In tin* occasion tiered, and If Hoeencclo Is not nt the • i\il war scenes in partomime. 1 he cent andone-dollar j Monday, of course the ma-ses will apnrove of it ^ It gives animals and fowls of all •“ »listrict‘No 39 was granted “ kinds new lit.*. Every farmer aud « es. You may have i butt....... It the mischief is. 1 saw here baccalaureate Hern,on on Sunday was J. D. Bivens is cutting his next Upon the petition of T, P Bevem* wlmt I have never seen elsewhere In by K v. E. I\ Hill, of R«»rtland, who 3 raiser should certainly give it a [* sample bottle by mail Horn» of Swamp-Root. The federal grand jurv in P oit’ and free, also pamphlet telling you how to find winters wo .d, and the Woodmen ac and others the boundaries of school all long Italy, a man stop and kiss a. lias hut few upt rior* in ihe pulpit. trial. applications Saturday district No 20 were changed. out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. cepted * will probably close its work tomorrow, It costs 25c. a can and saves ten girl In open street. No offense, either. Monday was cl >s day and that « veiuug Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer night. times its price in profit. after having tam blied the reputation The sheriff re orted tax sales He was a baker who came- a tloury the member« of the gradua'.i g eb»s* Ac Co., Binghamton, N. Y. amorluo- saw and considered the bend gave a hurlcMpie play each one repre- The wild reports that reached this! amounting to $293,45. of more^ prominent m* n than any PirrouL’aa, Kaa., March 28, Do not make any mistake, but re place coricerning scarlet fever at Dal- j Jacob Reimer was changed from j ol her Industrious head and stooped - 1 it > i n g m hi * member of ‘ he f .cully. I have boon using your Black-Draught other grand jury that ever convened ! and kissed her as she sat sewing at her T e MNfemldy room was ci«»wd«d wiri» member the name, .Swamp Root, Dr. las, kept many from attending the j school district No. 3 to No. 50. 5H Stock and Poultry Meui no 0.1 my in thestate Most of it is in connection fe»ock for some tim«. I have used all door. Her lovers and acciuulutaneos people, moat « f win in were well ac Kilm er’s Swamp-Root, and the ad good roads meeting. JS Vtnds of stock food but I have found Upon petition of Jas. Simonton and about Iter saw nothing amiss, nor was quainted with the characteristics of with public land frauds. N* arly all of ■ J AS* that yours is the oe&t for my purpose, g, dress, Biughampton, N. Y . on every Albert Newbill. who has been clerk A. Hill the boundaries of school ilia-! she at all ,*.t out After so flagrant an i h«>e |-crtoomit»d, » nd the many tako- J. 8. HA 86 ON. K bottle. them declare their innocence, but the j I ing for .Miller & Alcorn, the past year, tricts No 2G and 24 were changed. achievement the madcap went a whole < ID brought forth repeated peuls of trials to come o ff in April will tell has accepted a better offer from Dave PRO It ATS. progress of gallantry down the street, laughter. Tue day was tlie day of the correct tales. tSimpson, and will manage his store at none resenting Ills freedom. He danee I of oil day*. AM the no*malites and this place. with one good wife, chucked another s iheir friends were skirmishing around A cold wav« Inis been sweeping Ed. F. Cn;»d chin sml lifted a third bodily into the ; gening le,uly for the evening exercises Everybody interested in good roads j W H A T THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT throughout the eastern and middle I Bv N o'clock the hall was lull of per- are most urgently requested to at | Mary T. NeUpn was made guardian air, singing till the while.“ THE DOINGS IN THE COUNTY. Nex* Friday is the natural time for ! Mxis intcn s'eil in educuta n, and on tend the good roads meeting at Lewis- | of Gould Creasy. Mate* Th * river.« have been so gore T'.ie P rescrip tio n Dath. the legislature to adjourn and there i the capacious rostrum were the hoard | ville Saturday. Feb 11th. Nearly ev-j Administrator of the Cyrus .lone ed with ;ce (hat neither steamboats An UnequuMcd an d C o m p l e t e Ro The bath house at each of the famous of regen’ s, the (acuity the graduating was no opposition to it by any mem s u m e of W h a t Your Frie nds are I * rv farmer in this district has a had estate was charged with appraisement nor ferry boat« could run. Theta was heal ill resorts of Europe is the most class and the inch» stra. The young piece of road nearby and b» should nc of $611.63. ber of either party. But some slick and Have Been Latoly Doing. Imposing building in town, with stately ladies weie charmingly dressed in so much sleet in the southern state.« j:»n band early to give his opinion as j The administratrix of the J. A. Wil senators who kntw that it would re to the best wav in which it could be liams estate was charged wi»h an ap \ facaue ami inviting entrance. Inside white and the young gentlemen seem as to greutly cripple the t-lograp1- OAK GROVE. are long corridors, ladies to tho right quire a desperate effort to drag Sena ed full worth oi the diploma* they permanently fixed. If you stay away | pruisirieul of $1,853.50 and waaau*! and telephone service. While our lor Mitchell out of the mire in which | j.’ re(] frnw ley is „rnon, the pupils you w ill have no right to complain of horized to sell any of the personal and gentlemen to the left, lined with were soon to icceive. The fifty other dozens of little eell-Hke rooms, each seniors, the juniors and the freshman temperature was from 25 to 35 above he has been wallowing coupled a res«>- j that graduated at Monmouth. bad road«, Dinner furnished to those property at private sale. containing a bathtub, a couch and a I classes each en er d the hall iii a b rdy who have a .dick quarter. zero, it was that much below at Intion for adjournment w i'li one en Ralph Wilson, of Portland, visited The matter of the Mary Leigh es : thermometer. At the door Is a strong aud in giving their class songs and -------------------------- many places down east. tinned masseur. There is much confer i class yells evinced a spiri* of class tate was taken under advisement. dotting the senator as still pure and her. , while on his way to Siletz. A Little L o s s o f F lesh ring between the doctor and this at rivalry and enthusiasm. Pet hap« no and strength, little barking, obstinate | I f would require at least $50,000 to Rood. No one wanted to go »pains! ! « „ ] ] „ W hite lois resigned h~r school cough and a little pain in tlie chest | Adm inistrator of the R. L. Skinner tendant, repeated testing of tempera 1 other school in the state has a strong estate was finally discharged. adjournment but to procure that they ¡at PcndWton and is now teaching in hold n constitutional convention and tures and mixtures of water in the tub. er good natured class rivalry. One may not mean gallopping cor sump- j —------------------ After the patient gets into his tub the looking into the f t«* s < f that hod)'of C h a m b e r l a i n 's C ou gh R e m e d y a majority of the most experienced were forced to support the other part Portland. tion, but they are signs that prudence School has closed for this week a« will not neglect. A few doses of Al- j tin* mother’s favorite. The soothing doctor waits outside the door, watch in about 200 sliidem« could readily de and longest headed men in the state of the resolution. Many strong r e the teachers have gone to Monmouth len’s Lung Balsam cause a free din and healing properties of this remedy hand, timing the immersion. Then the tect that the great iiihss of them \v*.ie are opposed to it. No one knows publicans were greatly opposed to it and thence to Dallas for the extminn- charge of mucus and so loosen the ! its pleasant taste and prompt and per masseur gets to work with vigorous l of more than average brightness and t>ut were taken by surprise and had more than Judge Boise about the mer rubbing.’ still timed by the doctor. Final j good material out «it which to make tion. cough. 1 » heals the inllamed air pas munent cures have made if a fa' orit* sages and all its heneficient work is! everywhere, It is eapeciulp’ prized ly the patient appears dressed and re f worthy tea« ln-ra. Tire exerciser» open- its of the present constitution and he no time to make an organized resist John W hite made a trip to Indep a nee. If was simply a political trick accomplished without a grain of opium by mothers of small children, for colds freshed. The doctor talks diplomatic led with instrumental in sic ami after •ays it would he unwise to now change endence Monday tn«see what arrange ally on favorite symptoms, sympa the invocation by Rev. J A. Brcwn, croup and whooping cough, as it al m t creditable to the leaders in it. ments could be made toward having a it. His opinion is that the result of wavs affords quick relief, and as 11 thizes a iitti«*. flatters a little more and, i the noimal ladies chorus sang swe- fly W E ST SALEM. The course pursued will meet with a'f telephone line through Oak Grove in contains no opium or other harmful with o sweeping how. hands his victim J Tin *i Mim Gertruda Eddy, of Portia: <1 tinkering with it would be a less de the near future. If our people act John Holmes is on the sick list. moat universal condemnation. drug, it m aybe given as confident!,' into a carriage. — Everybody’s Maga | rendered the salutatory in an ersy sirable one than we now have. promptly there will he no difficulty in II II, Cross and family have moved to a baby as to an adult. For sala by zine. land phasing manner, the whole uu- obtaining it. Wilson Drug Co. I «hence giving spell hound attention. to Salem. The surface indications are that j TSie “»«rua«:e o f Mn»Io.,f ; The oration of Miss Eva Wash, of H a s Stood th e T est 25 Y e a r *. Misses Carrie and Fern Bentley are | The bes*t chamber music, like the comparative peace and satisfaction This vicinity is to have additional Dallas, was equ «lly well received and The Sknll SliHnker«. The old, origin"! Grove’s Tasteless at San Jose, Cal. finest symphonic music, is a sort of independent t lephone service. | -<« Was tin* valedictory of Mis« Mary reign in Russia, hut in fact it is far The I la 11 utilises Indians, living in th e 'd u ll Tonic. You know what you an transcendental language, which affects Chiekenp x 1 ms been the prevailing otherwise. For generations the great northern part of Peru and near the aking. It is iron and quinine in n Chas. W. Black has brought suit for the hearer somewhat In the same way j Quick, ' f Coquille. Each of them re- | ceived beautiful boquets and other southern boundary oi of Ecuador, follow tasteless form. form, No cure, no pay. 50 disease here of 1 Ve. m assofthat nation have been groan divorce from Mrs. Nettie Black. as the study of astronomy or the high ! token« of admiration 'Tile address lo one of the most remarkable vocations eut.8. Grandma Harris is sick at the home | er mathematics their ardent devotees. i:ig and chafing under the autocratic I The Pallas hardwood handle fac'orv the class by Prof Sheldon, of the state in the world. They are able, oy a, --------------------- of her daughter, Mrs. Heise. It sug;. sis the ineffable and the Infinite ha« close«! down for an indefinite time | j university, was full o f'ric h educate u- and despotic 1 m els of a handful of me n process known only to that tribe, to LO N E OAK. perhaps more vividly than any other l al meal. Alter the presentation of .Mrs, M. A Chapman has returned no better than themselves. T h e y 1 reduce the human head to one-third j Anderson Hinshaw aud Miss Lydia form of art. It also evokes many other ! diploma* -cveral hundred peinui* Its origin!!I size and retain (lie fra- T . 1>. I’ liillipa is laid up with a ver;. from a visit at McCormick, Wash. Ur «1 ley, of Buell, were married thin ! images iijk ! thoughts of a definite na have been anxious far a long time lo j j weni forw .rd l o congratulate lhe class turn and coloring to u perfect degree.' ,tore hand. Wi ek. ture. but in no two cases are these W ill Foster is living in the Fletch* cast off the galling yoke, but the op | The hend is „evertHl f rom the trunk. | j all of whom s«<mt«l favoritism the and working for Walker mental pictures Identical. A passage the death of ! er house John Embree mourns Assessor Graves and County Clerk j | .>chool and community. Everybody port line time seemed to never c »me the skull and frontal hone are remov-J ! his pet coon. : Fitts, Smith and wife took in the legislature suggesting a sunset to one hearer may said that a more snccesffal series of until now. For the present it may ed and in the cavity a soft mold of call up a battle scene to another. But | graduating « xerci.-cs had never been A R Southwick, our new rood su Wednesday. clay is fitted. It is then hung by the; Harvey Coats, of Portland, visited no reasonable person wishes to force be only a partial revolution, but the pervisor,was Around last week looking I scalp from a tripod over a pot of boil- |,ere Honda . Rev. L. J. White, of Salem, will his picture on his neighbor, especially j hehl tie it*. Nearly all the graduates entering wedge will be continuously | ing water anil steamed for three days, j I will soon tie teaching. at our roads. . . . preach at the Bnptist church next as the same passage may visualize it Harry Hibbard Inis returned to Ins j pressed and one after another conces After tins the shrinking process be- Sunday morning and evening. self differently to the same hearer on Clarence Bentley died here last gins, which requires skill and ia a h()[ns in Klgin. Lot Shieve U down from llcppner sion made until the people are com week and the body was taken to Ne- A Corvallis basket hall team will different occasions.—From “ Diversions and may conclude to remain among j secret that the Indians guard Jealous- Miss Hattie Hibbard is vieiHny of a Music Lover.” braa <a for burial. paratively free. The Russian armies come down today for a trial of «kill ' ly- The e heads are sold to the tour-; rr{en<l 8 in Roseburg. and navies have everywhere shown ! i*ifi nt $1.50 pncli, but ah the tribe is with our college team thi* evening. Tatar and Tartar. Min« D iv is .if Portland, is visiting For O ver Sixty Y ea rs. their sympathy for the masses rather ! savage ami the complexity of civiMza- A large number of sympathising “ Tartar” is a word which give« an T he ! tion has not mastered them, it is dif- Mi.s.n Lila Carpenter. An old and well tried remedy. Mrs. than the rulers. friend* met At tho Methodist chirch illustration of etymology gone astray., C lt a n s i ng | Bruit to obtain the heads at any price., w | , Mm#r Kn|nk Holman W inslow’s Soothing Syrup has been Wednesday afternoon to Jiear Rev. The name “ Tatar” (as it is correctly and H e a iin g ; used for over sixty years by millions oj Jus Moore preach tie.* funeral «*f Mr*. spoiled) is really derived from a Tura arc setting out berry patches. I ‘l n r .K 1 S F .\ T IM E .X T . C u * e for The Honeybee. : mothers for their children while teeth- Marie Ssilo”, daughter of Mrs. M .ry nian root meaning “ to stretch.” and The carlet fever patients in ou 'iiig . with perfect, success. It soothes How much honey does a bee find in lie h * o “ to draw the bow” or “ to pitch Harris, «*f near thi* place, i’lie re Portland is experiencing a m or«[ I a flower? A naturalist says he has ob neighborhood have all ree »vered. th«' child, softens the gums, nllavs all mains came up from Poriland Tues tents.” But when the horde* of 'Tatars served a bee extract a whole drop of revolution the mo*»t potent factor be- ! M r». Plaster and d uightor, Guida, of pain, cures wind colic and is the best day evening. burst upon eastern Europe from the Ely's Cream Brim honey from one flower, and again he remedy for diarrhoea Is pleasant to ing Sheriff Word, to whose determin* has watched a bee visit a hundred 'West Dallas, vi,wip’d here last week. Asi?itie steppes in the thirteenth cen I t.. a* 4 &P iind j.lea'U H i.L the taste. Sold by druggists in every injiiri tury the minds of students turned to e I vigilence a host of noble men h i d j (lowers without getting load enough to «0 UK part of the world 25 cents a bottle. the ninth chapter of Revelation. The / W i n t e r R a t e s to Y n q u l n a B a y . It in quickly ab««.rbu<l. Women are saying amcn. The mayor return to the hive. Bees work ad flàbf Uivtis relief at on. -. Tatar invasion was interpreted as a ful ( • c o r i f e S a n i!'» 0 < !ilitls N , Both the Southern Pacific and the Its value is incalculable. Be sure and vantageously within a radius of three It opeu« am! CleaiiM.-., ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Ky and chief of police have at la«t bee*' ; fillment of the prediction of the open Corvallis it Eastern railway will until George Sand, or une. Iiudevant, the the N'atqtl CasHaifes. miles of the hive, hut they will go famous French woman writer, scandal ing of the bottomless pit. A contempo converted to the belief that vile wom eight miles to get honey from a field of next April, on Wednesdays and Sat -ii and take no other kind. 'N Alla vs Inflammation. ized her literary friends by wearing rary chronicler writes of “ this detest Heals ami protects tho membrane. Restores ttis en should not he allowed to saarm buckwheat. They are very partial to urday« s ’ll tickets good for (10 duvs at BUENA VISTA. men’s clothes. A long gray overcoat,” able sutanie people issuing forth like Senses of Taste ami Smell. Lart;«* size, 50 cents a t around low down saloon«, where tin the buckwheat bloom. Bees have a summer excursion rales. Dr. Min- tfKlsts or by maii; Trial size, 10 cent- by mail. demons let loose from Tartarus, so ciru KI.Y offscourings of the earth congregate, most delicately developed syent. When *h»»rns sanitarium will he open. One H ROT UK US. ¿6 Warren St. Sew York. R. potereon sold Mr. Dudley 50 she herself says she w««««*. “ a woolen tie and—and—a pair of boots.” These that they are fitly named Tartar!.” and it has been stopped, thanks to | h bee leaven its hive it rises In the air can now go from 0 «*i val!i* by way of sheep for $157,50. Albany to Portland for $2.60 the same boots were her Joy. “ i longed to sleep public senlinu nt. and scents honey bearing flowers in Mrs. Hnrnish i* here from Alhnnv with them. On their Utile iron shod the wind and Billows the scent to the price as by the west side road. heels 1 was firm on my feet and trotted visiting Mr«. Goin. flowers. PARKER. from one end of Paris to the other.’ The receipt« at ♦he school inter- Slu* also snicked in public cigarettes, CliHnireN In Kntlonnl Feature«. George H inf haw, of Dallas, was here fainmont wore $ 10 . even cigars, so that her teeth were Whether we look al portrait galleries, Thursday. much discolored, it was this outward like Hampton court, or turn over Illus 'There was a teachers and school Mrs. Lida Davidson is now living « dicers meeting here Saturday. Hupt mannishness that won for her the title A C e le b ra te d S o e c ia lis t W ill S -n d trations in old books. It is evident that of ‘ Illustrious Hybrid.” However, her some physiognomical change has been in Portland, You a Con plete Special $2.SO Starr stated clearlv the object «M these , . hands were beautifully feminine, “ it taking place. The stout, plethoric, Treatment Absolutely Free local institutes,after which Prof. New- j Mr Becker was here from Buena was,” says one who knew her, “ a deli muscular, ruddy faced man of stolid hill «poke of the proper co-operation [ Vista Friday. I make this offer for the benefit of expression Is becoming exceptional, and cate hand, all grace, tact, firmness and of parents and teachers. After dinner! thoussnilR nil over Hie country tvlm liis place is being token by a thinner, (B . en P w î - v D* A B. Lacey made a business trip to I. R. Lov told how teachers and the flexibility. One could not dream of a cannot conic to me for trealment. more perfect combination of the more alert, active type. The modern Albany last week. schtiol hoard could unite in helping Kulney-<lmi «ae in one of (fie com French working class woman’s and the face Is more keen, leaner and of less Mrs Kerr spent l ist week wi»h her along in the same direction. Ministers aristocratic or royal lady's hand.” It motiitt of human «ilinentn; yet, | h >. coarse mold than that of the older Gates, Mean» and Prof. Newbill die- ! • ibly, Hie leant ................ I by i nline will be recalled that Georgi» Sand pioneers who laid the foundation of «laughter, Mrs. Ed Steele. (Misled several fanrora in education rv pliynicien*. I lie cniel nymplomn their country’» grentiieas.— ' “Aspects of boasted, “ The blood of kings is mixed Mr. and Mrs. Conn, of Airlie. visit-i »ml after some pleasing exercise* by visit- j ft ttre besksclie, loo little or too moeli Koelnl Kvolutloii».” in my veins with the blood of the poor ed Mrs. Peterson Sunday. i the school. Supt. Starr addressed the water, pain, burning iliatre»., panning ______ and lowly.” Siie was. as she termed it, f t ,, , , ,v . . . I audience. The ladies served an ex- water too often at night.albumen m i » P LO W S - W A CO N S - C U LT IV A T O R S “ astride” of the two classes, the peas A Kalph DavuIson is at home on the ^ , Oust. ... . , «•elleni noon«! iv lunch. Such meet- f t or Brights disease, diabetes, putting • f 1 . • ., antry aud the aristocracy. A correspondent of an English pap*'r larm atf:stn>g with the work. ■fi, H A R R O W S B U C C IE S S P R IN C W A C O N S * j ’ osis are sure to increase the interest ft the eyelids, hands ankles or whole 1 points out nine ways of pronouncing Mrs. James gave a dinner in honor natrons in school work, body, deposits in watei. A O n i t i < Proi laniatloii. the letters “ottgh.” These are, written ft i cm a graduate practicing physi phonetically, as In eoff, cauf (each Is of her lit*le daughter, Leuora’« birth- Somewhat over a hundred years ago ctan, and have f**r nearly a quarter « f allowable), enuff. thaut, tho. throo. hie day Hunil iv. T All sorts of machine oil. Our blaeksniithing is ft George 111. of England, with bis court, veiiltirv, made a special study <»f tfi»- cup, the Irish lough and the Scot’s pro went to Weymouth for his health. The ^ is guaranteed, Cireat variety of things for farmers. ^ T h e Boni Phy_ Ic. eaaep of the kidney*. I am a special- nunciation of sough, “ such,” the two mayor of Dorchester, a neighboring i*t. 1 have perfected a system or final consonants In the Inst two words sVhen you want h physic that is town, being much impressed by tho ex method of medicinally treating the representing the corresponding guttur mild and gentle, e<i«y lo take und c»*r pected arrival of the royal visitor, is kidneys, which I can so adapt to tit als in German. The editor In comment tain to act, always « « « Ch>vnil>erlaiii’.- There is no satisfaction keener sued the following proclamation: than being dry and comfortable the special symptoms of each individ adds, “ There is one other- ‘hough.’ ” s *-« mach and Liver Tablets For i»al “ Whereas, Ills majesty the king and f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t f t & ftftftftftZ when out in the hardest storm. ual case, as iO make a cure almost Wilson Drug Co. queen is expected to honor this ancient postnely certain. YOU ARE SURE OF THIS corporatkm with tii ir presence In the EXPOSITION NOTES.' T o prove to you what I a treads IF YOU WEAB “Does your huahnnd find any fault course of their tower. In order to pre know, the value of thi- highly per with your «•ooklngY" vent them from meeting no impedi A mmlel bat factory in operation fee ted and scientific method of treat “Certainly anawered Mr. M ih *U will be one of the attractions. ment In Ids journey the worshipful the mem, I will send yint absolutely free, ton’s w ife. “My husband has the chaf mare have thought proper that the fol a complete Hpeilial Treatm nt. ________ of the ing dish habit and Is not In a position - .... ........... ........ « ........... California will have $5,000 exhibit lowing regulations sii^ii be prohibited,j WATEDPROOF value of $2,50, speci lly adapted m to find fault with anybody’s cooking.' in a $40,000 «|H*(iul «Iruciure. as follows: Nobody must leave no dust, For futtire refe re nee. ft yon «re a your chm , upon r» quest If you dt -W ashington Star. .. ,4 . , , 1LED CLOTHIN nor nothing in that shape, before their MAD^ !M BLACK 0« YW.LOW aire I will also *♦ nd you my Book ami ! _________________ ' Ä doB#n worW " b" nd* I faitlidion« d»e«s.-r, you will »lw «yf want doors nor shops: and all wheelbarrows, RACKtD BY OUR GUAR. have been engaged to liven the ocoa- many r« n.arksMc ter tinionial S h e U n i n 't R I * h l r - o * f . iVntir linen immeenlalc^ and that is » imn u co. 5ovrt>N.M\».u.5 a L cabbage stalks, marble stones. Irish po lOrt»«; (IMwa vu nMlTLS TCffoNTOXAN,^ Send me your name and complete This conversation took place over tin* 1 ihe only way it i* reitirnrd to you l*y tato« and other minerals must In* swept A J K YOU* P IA L A S . J If l>F wjti no 4 •»i-ply vom adilre«*. slating ag« . height and telephone line at Richmond: “ Hello!” Crushed red granite from South - the Salem «team Uom irv. Un»- pric« s out of tic* *tr?*ots. Any one who shall r.d for r.ur fret nd li weight, the principal symptoms of “ Hello!” “ Are you 81?” “ No; I’m not America will be used on the Walk* | sr»- so low that any« ne enu afford to give oiicnse in any ol* these article* your es««* and 2 lo 4 ox «ample of your sixty yet.” She hung up the receiver and driveway« have Iheir linen txnltl. m at »11 linie*. «hall be dealt with according to law. water. Mention Hu« paper I will like hitting the box with a rock.— Rich without bail or umiupri**. God save #• n d you Free Treatment «m l valua- mood Missourian 1 lie people or larg« familw« fron, his majesty the king and queen and ninny «t.t«*« wilP^o to li.vo re hie advice. Addrssa Faanklm Alii«**, I his worship tliv* marc." ..»Ion * durinit the fair. M. D., L. L . B.. Dopt. K. 1102 to 1112 I * a » p "f»J*Pi in D*I1 m with J. J. Fidlsv g it ili SC., K lk h .rl, lm l. 2-10 j or »t th« Koy confactionery »t«r*,- The government exhibition of war K v KKI P«I»»Y MoUl»» *• I -30 J A Y N E ’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, 0ÜR STAFF OF RUSTLERS. COLD HEAD Weak Kidneys Treated Free. f .„ways Remember the I ii. 1 I Nome g .axative R roaa Cures a CoM in O p 3 &ay9 G , nine is T w o. | Agricultural Implements ft Plumbing of all Kinds. ft W A G N ER B R O S - D A LLA S I In Your Hat SILtSi STEiM LIUNC fit