L * VJJLì 3 a VA Û a Æà ■ •- NO. 44. D A L L A S O R E G O N NOVEM BER 18.1904 V O L. X X X . CAN I W U S i r I I CUNIO. Dr. D a r r i n Says Y ss, a n d Q lv e s O v - e r w h a l m l n g Proof of Hla Ass er­ tion. Auers Mrs. Ahbie Waieham was 26 "esra s »nfferer from epilent'e fit*. The many so trs that »he will carry Ib'Ougli life You can depend on Ayer’s I e»r evidence of fall, »he »u-t»intd an Potash Fills th e ;* v V a result of this modi horrible affliction Hair Vigor to restore color to — > pilepsv. She consulted the liest G rain Sacks your gray hair, every time. i h 1 Potath is a necessary nourish- medical talent, «it different physician* Follow directions and it never pronouncing lhe care incurable She W mer»t for grain and all other crops. fails to do this work. It stops wat recommended at laat to Dr. Dar­ Write to day for our valuable rin, but in her own mind, and in the books on "Fertilisation’ *— full of m nd* of her friend*, with but lilt's lt> pe of *v*r being cured. Appended intt rmauon that every farmer should are her own worile: possess—sent free to applicants. “ I hr Darrin treated me with elect­ faliingofthe hair,also. There’s ricity and medicine and from the firet, OERMAN K A L I W ORKS great satisfaction in knowing I began to improve, and after a thor­ 93 P Street N ew Y o rk you are not going to be disap­ ough courts of hi< treatment I am happy to ray I am cured, I hays pointed. Isn’t that so? hail no indication of a return of my “ My hair faded until It was about white. It took Juat ono bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor to year*. h w I u I affliction for the paat 11 restore it to its former dark, rich color. Your I give this in the intereat of tlmae sim­ Hair Vigor certainly does what you claim for It.” — A. M. iiouuAM, Hockingtkam, N. C. ilarly afflicted end moat heartily rec­ 01.00 a bottle. j . c. AYicn co„ ommend Dr. Darrin’» ayatem. I had All druggist*. — f o r r - Lowell,. Mass.i epilepsy 26 year* before going under Dr. Darrin’a care. November 14 he cured me of a care of deafneaa in one minute. I refer to Mr. B. F. Haley J. L . C O L L I N S , and Mr*. Gri ham, corner of First soil ttterney and Counselor at Law, Main alreeta, slro Mrs. F. U. Dewey, 386 |)avia street, Portland, all of whom S o lie ilo r i b C k a a c e r j. knew of my condition, then and now. "R efer any and all tom e at Monta- M m been n practice of hie profession in fthie place about thirty yeare, and will attend to all Imsineee villa, Oregon, by letter or in pereon. it ranted to hu care. Office, corner Main and Court Mr*. Abbie Wareham. [O rig in a l.) U OailM, Polk Go, Or. 8 clatlc R h e u m a tis m C ured. “ I don’ t believe that.” " I w ill prove It to you, sir." (T o the Editor)— I wish to state my J. N. H A R T “ Hess.” snapped the first speaker, case in brief. Five yeare ago I wae ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. afflicted with sciatic rheumatism and “ are there uuy gooseberries In the waa oured by Dr. Darrin with electric­ house?” Room 1, Oslield building. " W e ’re to have gooseberry pie. for ity end medicine. 1 remain perman­ C .A .X .X , A - B , - - o i i a a o n . ently cured. Refer anyone to me at dinner, father. Mother made one yes­ terday.” 545 Hood street. Portland “ A ll right.” said the father. "Y on J. A. Bennett. OSCAR H AYTER. J u d g e C ro c k e tt C u r e d of Deafness can prove it nt the table." It Is a well known fact that certain For ten . ear* prior to going under A tto rn e y a t-L a w . Dr. Darrin’a electrical treatment, vegetables are poison to certain peo­ Frank Andrew’ s had told Mr. September 12, 1896,1 had been grad­ ple. Office upstairs iu Campbell’ • build­ ually growing tleaf, with a constant Dutton that he could not eat gooseber­ ing. ringing in my eara. For the past five ries without producing a rash on his year* I could not heur ordinary con­ body. Frank and Bessie Dutton were DALLAS - OREGON. versation. W ith treatment by Dr. devoted to each other, and her father, Darrin I can hear nearly as well as ev­ who wished to dispose o f her hand to er iu my life. I can couacientously suit himself, was annoyed at the situ­ N. L .B U T L E R recommend Dr. Darrin’s new cure for ation. During dinner h e-sat without deafness, and can he referred to at Mer­ speaking, now and again casting dis­ A tt o r n e y - a t- L a w satisfied glances nt his daughter and lin Oregon, by letter or in person. D A L L A S , OREGON. her lover till the dessert was brought Garrett Crockett. on. Frank ate a lnrge piece o f goose­ W ill practice iu all court«. Office, Dr. D a r r i n 's Pla o o of B u aln a as. berry pie. and In less than half an iver bank. Dr. Darrin can be consulted free at hour a rash began to come out first on the Hotel Gail, Dallas, Oregou, after Ills arm. then on his neck and face. October 30th and until December 4, "Singular,” said Mr. Dnttcn thought­ from 10 o’clock to 5 daily, evening 7 fully. “ I wouldn't have believed It.” to 8, Sunday 10 to 2. " I am sorry, sir,” replied the young TRUCKM AN. The doctor makes a speciality of ail man, "th at I can't as reuilil?" satisfy diseases of the eye, ear, nose and D a l l a s : O r e g ’on yon ns to the truth o f all my state­ throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, ments. 1 wish I could prove Mr. Cros­ la grippe, heart, liver, bladder and A lair share ol patronage solicited kidney diseases, or those who sutler by Cotton a humbug. I would gladly suffer the discomfort o f the rash to do »nd all o-ders promptly tilled. front apathy and indiff rem e ; also s o .” genito-uriuary and skill disease* in Now, the uian Mr. Dutton had pick­ either sex, such e* blood taints, semi- j ed out for ills daughter was tlds same ual weakness and lost vigor, vsricoce Crosby Cotton, who had returned to le and stricture. the east from the fa r west with a for­ All curable chronic disoa*ee treated tune. He was not a refined man, and L a atm Independence for Monmouth and Airlie — at $5 a week, or in that proportion of :S0 a m 8:80 p m Bessie Dutton detested him. H er fa ­ may require. The j Leaves Independnce for Monmouth and Dallas— time as the case ther was not quite satisfied that Cot­ 1:10 a m 6:16 p m poor treated free, except medicines, Leave* Monmouth for Airlie — ton was r.s rich as he pretended to be, front 10 to 11 daily. No case publish­ .60 a in 8:50 p in and this, with Bessie's repugnance, Learee Monmouth for Dallas— ed except by permission of I he pati nt. had delayed him In forcing the match. 1:20 a tn 7:80pra All business relations with Dr. Darrin Leaves Airlie for Monmouth and Independence— Cotton iu order to Inspire confidence :00 a in 6pm slriictly confidential. Electrica' ap gave a dinner to a number o f his Leaves Dallas for Monmouth ant ln«ie *endenue— pltanses furnished. One visit is d.-air- i:00 p m 7.30 p m . friends, the Duttons being present; also shle, though many c >ses can be treat­ their especial friend, Frank Andrews. ed at home by writing symptoms. Mr. and Mr*. Dutton had nltvays lived R. C . C R A V E N R . K. W IL L IA M S . Eyes tested and glasses fitted. P ru a iU e u t. fla s h ie r . very plainly and were people to be W. C . V A S S A L L , assistant C a sh ie r easily Impressed with a little display. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald, of U A L L A S C IT I ISAAK W hen the dinner came o ff It appear­ Dallas, have a newborn ami. O r D ALLAS, OKKGON, ed to Mr. Dntton that the host's great THE BIG STORE I ■\ Hair Vigor W > r JrL j f f * «*{ ■ -■ --ferì' ■ -< * !■ * * * * * * - «t -V - ’S P . -. •£ . > i •»*«• -l * -.r r "Æ wm » ■ »- - W vS S fJ J . IW -r v «- , »•-» À . Fading H air GOOSEBERRY W. F. MUSCOTT, MOTOR TIME TABLE. Dr. McCallon and Druggist Balt were Trsiidacts a general banking ousi- uodd in all ltd branched; buys aud sells in the capital city Saturday. ixcliauge on principal points iu the The president and the governor have United States; makes collections oil all set apart Thursday, November 21, as points in the Pacific Northwest; loans Thanksgiving day. money and discounts paper at the best Mrs. H. E. Koxer is hack from a vis­ rates; allow interest on time deposits. it of several months among her east­ ern relatives and friends, wealth bad been lavishly used to apt a splendid table. Frank Andrews, who wus more used to dinner parties, no­ ticed that the chicken salad was made o f veal, and a fillet de sole wits con­ cocted o f a very ordinary fish called a flounder. But be made no comments. For over a third o f a century Dr. Pierce’» Golden Medical Discovery has sold more Half an hour is all the time requir­ largely Ilian any other blood purifier or ed to dye with Putnam fadeless dyes. stomach tonic. R A IL W A Y Sold by druggists, 10 ceuls per pack­ Bigger age. TIME TABLE: sales to­ 1 SO p na 7:30 a m;lv Dallas ar 4:35 p m 9.56 am day than At the home of her parents in Lin­ 1:80 p u 7:40 am Iv ‘Teats Sidinffar 4:20 p in 9:39 am ever be­ 1:80 pm 7:49 a m lv'Gilliams ar 4:17 p in ¡9:36 aui coln, November 9, Mias Lillie Gerth fore. Is 1:46 p m 7:kr iv'Brid^eport ar 4:10 p ini9:30am that not was married by Rev. E. Githeus to A, 1:06 p m *:03 a w ar Palls City lv|4.-00 pjn| 9:>»*iu the true H. Anderson, of Clackama- county. Dolly except Sunday. test r •Trains stop on signals only. They have gone to live on a farm Cures oth­ LO U IS C E R L IN C E R , JR .f ers, why near Hubbard. General Manager. not you? Maltes Peterson without the line of alcohol, like Dr. Pierce’» :08 p m L v ..............Portland .. Arl0:t0am ing and evening. Golden Medical Discovery. This vegetable : N p n A r .............. Delia* .. .L r 7:U0 hold quarterly conference at Falls City. medicine coaxes the digestif* function» His district includes everything west rod help» in the assimilation Wf food, or YAMHILL DIVISION: Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street of the Willamette river aa far south o ' rather takes from the food just the nutri­ A IR L IE F R E IG H T -T R IW E E K L Y Laat year ment the blood requires. Leave 7:40 a tn ...... Portland..........Arrive 3:32 p tn Corvallis end Philomath- Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery fcte'o 8:60 p m............ Danas........ Arrive 8.20 a m he was at Centenary church in East purifies the blood end entirely eradicates Arrive 148 p m ........ A irlie........... Leave 7:00 a m Portland, it being one of the most iiu the poisons that breed and feed disease. It thus cures scrofulsr, eczema, CTysipclas, portant in the city., boils, pimples, and other eruptions that A . J. M A R T IN , mar and «car the skin. Pure blood is essential to good health. The weak, run­ P A IN T E R , L. V . WOODS, M. D. down. debilitated condition which so many people experience is commonly the effect House, sign and ornamental, grain of impure blood. Dr. Pierce’» Golden PKytician and Surgeon, Medical Discovery not only cleanses the ag, kalaoming and paper hanging. blood o f impurities, but it increases the ac­ tivity of the blood-making glamls, and it Dallas, Oregon. enriches the body with an abnndant supply - • O rkoo * of pure, rich blood. No matter how powerful the intellect or I . B. • l»L «T . H. C. Emm. the resources of intellectual power it must R-I-PA-N-S Tabnles be bneked tip by physical force. Every S I B L E Y <5fc E A K I N , Doctors find day the voutn or man must manufacture a pint o f rich, arterial blood, that is pure, A good prescription A tto r n e y H -n t- L a w . stimulating to the brain, and that can re- bnild the ti-sucs that were destroyed in For mankind. T . hsv. th. < »lr M of »bwract book, is Potk yesterday’s work. l s e k M U n o w k for iima! oreasfone. m i l . Raliabis »Detract* farmehed. and w w y to Dr Pierce’s Pellets en re bilioasneflfc et W yte^C vH itales a eepply fer a M Ho etHomlooiOB charged • • loosM. Room* t M 8 WHbmTi Wloffc, M IM S 1 LEM, FILLS CiniWESTERN SOUTHERN PACIFIC u L l ^ i. W h y pay $12 and over for a suit of Do not be deceived by these old advertising tricks. Buy your clothes which we sell for $8 and $10? goods of us. W e are lower than any of them all the time. ELLIS & KE YT W e excell them all for prices, material, etc., and do not sell for cost either. DALLAS, OREC. nor could lie very well tio so to ms i &Lr. Dutton's cheeks were beginning it to the assembled company. friends, the Duttons, because be was - Æ ffiT Æ K S * » m ™ «. “ Gooseberry!” he cried. to get rosy, his tongue a trifle thick, not placed beside them at table. There, true enough, was the rash o f i while his lips were purged iu h satis­ It was evident that Mr. Dutton was fied smile. Mrs. Dutton wns compli­ the gooseberry, and the Dutton fam ily j H a s M an ara. very much impressed with the enter­ menting the host on the sumptuous- knew that instead o f champegne they H og manure is very v aria Me to com­ tainment. The host sat at the heud of ness o f his fenst. especially the variety had been drinking gooseberry wine. position owing to the variable natnr. the table, his red face giowtag. On his H ow the dinner ended was not re­ of the food supplied to thla animal, but­ i o f his wines. Then when for a moment right sat Mr. Dutton, on his left Mrs. the ripple of chat lulled something ported, but Croeby Cotton did not mar- j ts generally rich, although «m tolnto« Duttou. and next to her father sat Miss happened. Frank Andrews was ob­ ry Resale Dutton, and Frank Andrews a high percentage ot water. It *ener- Dutton, casting longing eyes at Frank, served holding up hi.« arm, which he was the happy man who finally led her atea little heat in decontpeeto«. who was pluced at the other end of ______ __ 1 had bared to the elbow, and displaying to the altar. Cotton’s wealth turned the table, but opposite. With the soup was served a white wine, which Andrews tasted and pronounced “ Call fornia;” then a reu wine, which he sipped and pronounced also “ Califor­ nia;” then a sherry, which he sipped and pronounced also “ California.” Nevertheless he held his peace. He cast occasional g!..nok out for bargains. Youra reepactfully, THE HUB CLOTHING CO., Kirkpatrick brick, Dallas. Arrangements h a v e already been made with Mr. Frank Morrison to remodel the store.