....... ,M v w T W u m OUR STAFF OF RUSTLERS. f4E P J L K COUNTY ITEMIZER 0 ALLAS, FRIDAY, HOT. 11. 1904. ■ K vili W . k T‘M . P u d a i M o ia u i « A .. W A S H , «trito* AMD PAOFALMToA S U B S C R IP T IO N BATES: ,1 50 ..................................... P e r year | 75 ........................... P er six m onth* •10 ........................P er th re e month* A rfv eitia iu g ra te * made known on Application. C orre*pondenoe iauolioit- •1. P in e Job P rin tin g done at reasonable T h e nation has gone overw h elm in g­ ly republican, all the northern and even M issouri fiom state* the solid south goin g for Roosevelt. Oregon has gone that way to the tune o f about 40,000 m ajority. M r R.msevelt is to­ day the moat popular aovreign ouearth The people have aaid that regard- less ohparty li ie< they approve of what he has done and have fa i'h in what lie will do. But the dem ocratic party is not dead, neither will it die for it rep lesent* too m any principle* that are dear to m ankind. Prohibition has carried in Benton, Coo* snd possibly L in coln , T illam ook and Y a m h ill coun­ ties. Had it been purely a local op ­ tion coolest the tumperanc* would have received oausc twice as many votes, hut in their eagerness for quick broad cast results, the prohibitionist* of Oregon have done their cause far m ore harm than good. T h e socialist* polled s surprisingly strong vote in this state. C O U N T Y COUR T. PROBATE. J udos Ed. F. Cnad Kobt Parrish, J. H . C o llin * and F. A. Patterson were chosen appraisers o f the H enry H ill estate. T h e M ary E llen Gibson estate ap prnisenient was approved and the am ount, $5,966 was charged to execu •or. Report o f sale o f real property of the Jas. I. Ball estate was approved and the adm inistrator directed to make deed. COMMISSIONERS. W m . R idd ell. Seth R iggs The sum o f $68.86 was transferred from the gen eial fund to that of road d istrict No. 12. T h e allowance to Mr*. Scudder was ordered discontinued. T h e resignation o f T ra c y Htaats a» deputy sh eriff was accepted and the appointm ent o f Mark A Ford to the position was approved and h i* salary fixed ai $50. T h e sheriff’s delinquent tar roll for 1903 was received and the clerk o r­ dered to issue a warrant for the col­ lection of same. Publication of delinquent lax sale was awarded to W . A Wash. Court adjourned to Nov, 26th. BILLS ALLOWED. Roads and highways. Joliusou Lum ber C o ............... $ 76 81 Sewer Pipe C o ......................... 11 8? M iller A A lc o r n ........................ 15 35 Jacob B e c k e r ........................... 21 75 Fred H e b d in g ......................... 3 00 .1 M Farley ............................. 117 00 In d Lum ber C o ..................... 115 00 G W Me B e e ............................. 93 00 A Brown ................................. 10 80 F K H ubbard........................... 4 68 F J Morrison . . . . . . . .... 28 50 Bryan A Lucas ....................... t 00 W in F a u lt................................. 3 30 Salt Creek M i l l ....................... 30 07 Salaries T racy Htaats........................... $ 65 00 A N H o lm a n ........................... 65 00 Floyd M y e r ........................... 65 00 E F Good ................................. 66 65 J E B e e s le v ............................. 62 9f E M S tn ilh ............................... 136 59 J T Ford ............................... 177 8« C L S t a r r ................. 85 67 F E M ver ............................. 78 O' W m R i d d e l l............................. 14 00 Seth R i g g s ............................... 12 60 l ’so|iers D U .M eador ......................... $ C E H untley .......................... V io la Bed w e l l ........ ................ F 8 W ilson .............................. M cCready A E a r h c a r t ............ Miscellaneous Glass A Prudhom m e .......... $ H H o lm a n ............................... J G V an O rsdcl......................... O b s e rv e r ................................... W es t S id e ................................. A M T r e u t ................................ 40 R L C h a p m a n ................. 8 D r M c C a llo n ............................ E llis A K e y l ............................. II J L C o n d r o n ............................ 185 Coad A M orriaon...................... 154 Y o u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r o T a k in g . W hen y. u take G rove’a Taatelei-e C h ill T o a ic, because the form ula ia p lain ly printed on every bottle, allow in g that t is sim ply iron and quinine in a tasteless fotm . No cure, no pay Price, 50 centa. Sec the new shoe store ad of Irvin A I’rttevs. It is a blanch o f their | Salem store end they are located in 1 the new Collina bu Iding near the i poatofllee. The i tfii ial election count was made yesteidsy. the cou nty clerk being as-1 aisle I by JiM t'ce H olinan. o f D ills «, and Justice W i|«-n. of f iidcpendctire. T h ere were 2590 r e a t - r i i i of whom o n ly 2274 \ntcd. T h e repu blicans, vote wa- 1380 democratic, 521, prtihi ! biiion 120. aoci ili«t 126 and popnllsi 27. T h e republican majority ia 359 over the dem ocrat* and 586 over the four other parties combined. M inv I dem ocrat* io P olk county a* well s i •U over th * land evid en tly took littl* ! stock in Judg* Parker a* democratic presidential Umber. THE BEST MEDICINE f0* WOMEN I f you are n«rrouh and tired out continually you could have no clearer warning of the approach of serioui female trouble. Do not wait until you suffer un­ bearable pain before vou seek treat­ ment. You need W ine of Cardui now just aa much as if the trouble were more developed and the tor­ turing pains of disordered men­ struation, bearing down paius, leuconhoea, backache and head­ ache were driving you to tho un­ failing relief that Wine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousand* of women and will bring you. W ine of Cardui will drive out all trace of weakness and banish nervous spells, headache and back­ ache ana prevent the symptoms from quickly developing into dan­ gerous troubles that will be hard to chock. Secure a $1.00 bottle of W ine of Cardui today. I f your dealer does not keep it, send the money to the Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., and the medicine will be sent you. Thousand* H ay « K U a a j Trouble and D o n ’ t Know it. W H A T T H E Y H AV E TO S A Y A B O U T TH E D O I N C 8 IN THE O O U N T Y . Hew To rtstt Oat. Fill * bottle or common glss* with your sratsr end let it *tand twenty-four hour« a •edlment or set­ A n U n a q u a H r d a n d C a m p l a t a Ra tling indicates an a u m a s f w n a f Your F r la n d a ar a unhealthy condi­ a n d Have l e a n Lately D o ing . tion of tho kid­ neys; If It ataina J o u r n a l or O r e g o n i a n . your lln*n It I* evidence of kid­ E ith er of them slime or the Item i- ney trouble; too xer wouhl cost you $1.50 a year, but frequent desire to «re have made a com bination by pan it or pain In whiob you can Ret this paper and e i­ the back Is also ther c f the Portland paper* a year for convincing proof that the kidney* and blad- ♦2. T ile hom e paper would « iv e you dor ore out of order. all the county news and either o f the W hat to S o . others that of the stale and world There is comfort In the knowledge io Pliose who deaire to keep posted must often expressed, that Dr. Kllmar's Swamp- read current newspapers, there beiiiR Root, th* great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In th* nothing th at can take their place back, kidney*, liver, bladder and every part T ell your neighbor* about thie a ttra ct­ of tho urinary passage. It corrects Inability iv e offer. to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effscia following use of liquor, PARKER, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often Mr. Fuqua is away buying cattle. during the day, and to get up m any.times during the night. The mild and the extra­ M r. A. B. Lacey is at hom e on ordinary effect of S w a m p -R o o t I* soon visit. realized. It stands the highest for Its won­ Mrs. Joe Jam e* has been visitng derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should havo the Mrs. Boone. best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. size*. You may have a sample bottle of this M r snd Mrs. C. Boone visited her wonderWl discovery parents Saturday. and a book that tells more about It. both sent Mr Fuqua sent two veal calves to absolutely free by mall, Portland Tuesday, address Dr. Kilmer & Bon* of s-.naip.iooa Clin* Allen and C. Boone were cal­ Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. ler* at Mr. D ickinson’*. Fred. Suver went to Independence where li* ia attending school. Blank note# sud receipts for »ale at this office, al-o all kiud# of legal blanks. Shipping ta g» lor »ale bore in any qu an tity desired, also blank n ote and receipt books. Josh V iggers and wife are up from Portland visitiag her parent», M r. aod Mr». I. V , Lynch. For load checks, warehouse receipt# hop tickets or any other job p rin tin gl com e to ibis office. E lli* A K ey t have juat received 150 cage* of new crop Ked Oak corn which goes at ten c en t« h can. I f you v iih to either buy or sell wood or an yth in g else, this paper can qu ickly brin g you » customer, W h en you have stock o f any kind for sale or want to buy an yth in g it will pay to le t it be k n o w ir through the Item izer. Hum bugs and fakes of various kind» continue to com e along and people continue to bile at 'h**m, especially tho«e of a medical nature. W IN E sf C A ftB V i yo u r Shrewd m erchant» m ake attractive offerings and let the public know about it. N o other medium i» «o cheap or so effective as a good new » paper. S trength with V olun teer correspondence always welcom e from all over the cou nty. I f your neighborhood has been n eglect­ ed, you are in vited to send the news from there, I/O not m ake any mistake, but re­ A ll postmasters or agents are au th­ member the uome, Hwani|>-Root, Dr. orized o retain 25 centa from a regu­ Mrs. E lli* Davidson went to Port K ilm er's Sw am p-R oot, ami tlie ad- tiresH, B ingham pton, N . Y . on every lar yearly subscription to tlie Ite m ­ land Saturday to visit her sister. izer tun no com mission can he allowed bottle. on com bination rates. Mr*, and Mrs. Perry Diekinnon vis­ ited at hia brother G eorge’* T h u rad a.. T h e Item izer wants additional cor­ LONEOAK- respondence from every neighborhood Only M a k e s a B a d M a tt e r w o rs e . J. D. P h illip s bad s 6 ms crop of po- not now regularly represented in it Perhaps you have never thought of tutoee. W o n t you or some of your neighbors it hut the fact must be apparent to e v ­ write to us about it. UNHEALTHY KIDNEY8. R obert Hatton it n igh t watcli at ery one that constipation is caused by Dr. D a r ri n S ay s T h a t “ T h o u s a n d s a lack o f water in too system, and tile the sawmill. I f you or any ot your neighbors have Havo Kidney T r o u b l e a n d do not use of drastic cathai tics like the old M r. Hayes is im p ro vin g the land be an yth ing extra fine in the way of K n o w it." fashioned pills only makes a bad m at­ stock or pou ltry, or if you know of recently bought. " Y e s , ” said l)r. Darrin io our repor­ ter worse. Cham berlain’s Stomach an yth ing else that m ight interest the more R. B C arpenter i* suffering from a public, please tell us about it. ter, "k id n e y and bladder diseases are and L iv er Tuhlets are much mild and gentle in their effect, and carbuncle on hi* neck. more prevalent than most people sup County Com m issioner Seth R iggs pose. T h e svmptpms »r e so n in ner■ when the prolier dose is taken their H . S. But* ia packing prunes for has gone to the St Louis f*ir. A fter on# and different that thousand» suf- action is -o natural that one can ha/d Mr. W ard of Newberg. ly realise it is the effect of a medicine visiting relatives in Illin ois, he will go T< r snd do not discover the real caure of their trouble until they are in the T ry a 25 cent bottle of them . For E. E. Black, J B. Nunn and Frank to New Orleans and n about six weeks sale by W ilson Drug Co. fatal grip of Bright's disease or diahe H olm an are enlarging their market return through Texas and California. tea. gardens. O A K C R O V E . I f you have goat#, iheep, bogs, cat­ Th# warning of k idn ey trouble is Miss E tta and E ugenia Phillips lm ve backaches, aching pain over the hips, Seth W h ite sold his huckskin horsa come borne fro n their schools to at­ tle, horses or an yth ing el»e to sell, ad vertise the fact and buyers will soon swollen ankles, sediment or deposit in to Linn G iy. tend the teacher* institute. appear. E verybody expects to find the urine, bloody or h igh ly colored Rosa A llen is home from a lon g vis­ sin li notices under our heading New urine, scanty urine, voracious appe­ C h a m b e r l a i n ' s C o u g h R e m t d Y is Today. T h e cost will be less than tite, thirsty, mouth dry, tongue furred it at Portland, P l e a a a n t to T a k e . you im agine. and swollen, weakness and wasting of Frank Fawk liua returned from the T h e finest quality of granulated loaf flesh, skin p ile, waxy or dry, bad odor hospital at Portland. Teachers in all parts o f the county sugar is used in the manufacture of are hereby in vited to send brief mon­ of perspiration and puffiness under Quite a number of our people will the eyes. Clm m berlain’s Cough Rem edy, and th ly reports for publication. G ive the root* uaerl in its preparation give number enrolled, A d vice and treatm ent should not bo attend the national grange. tardies, visitors, neglected by those having any of th»» T h e lhdiea aid had a q u iltin g at it a flavor sim ilar to maple syrtip, names of tho* 3 not absent nor tardy m aking it quite pleasant to take. Mr. or on roll ot honor and an yth ing else ahovn sym ptom s, which can h*» easily Texella W h ite ’s W ednesday. W . L. Roderick, of Poolesville, Md., in of special interest. cured, otherwise will result in a fatal Our minister, Mr. Gittena. had a speaking o f this rem edy, says; " I have malady. narrow escape from death last Friday, need Cham berlain’* Cough Rem edy " I have for years,” continued the D e a f n e s s C a n n o t be C u r e d with nty children for several years by local applications, as they cannot doctor, "m a d e a specialty of success­ w h ile stepping front a m oving train fu lly treatin g all fori a o f bladder and A ll members here are urged to at and can truthfully say it is the best reach the diseased portion of the ear. kidney diseases, and w ill he pleased to tend the local grange N o v : 12th st preparation of the kind I know of T h ere is only one way to cure deaf­ talk with anyone regarding their case 7 :3 0 p . m. A full initiation will he The children like to take it and it Its* ness, and that is by constitutional and give my candid opinion, or render given to enable candidates to take the no injurious after effect. For says by- remedies. Deafness is caused by an W ilson Drug Co. Any service they may requ ire.'“ inflam ed condition of the mucous li­ degrees at Portland. ------- — V w------- ning of the Eustachian tube. W hen Another S ale m Testim on ial. C a bin et N e e d l e s Free. this tube is inflam ed you have a rum ­ T h e B es t Linim ent. Mr. Edi»o? : Thirteen years ago Dr. T h e Journal will send free to any bling sound o f im perfect hearing, and ''C h a m b erla in ’s Pain Balm if con Da»tin visit d Salem and cured my reader of this paper a cabinet of need­ when it is en tirely closed, deafness is daughter, Martha Dove, o f diabetes. sidered the best lin im en t on the mar­ les all size# and kinds, who remits 50 'h e result, and unless the in flam ­ ket,” write Post A Bliss, o f Georgia, She was nnatde to retain m in e and V t. N o other lin im en t will heal a cut cents for the Daily and Sunday Jour­ m ation ?an he taken out and this had to get up many tim es n igh t and or bruise so prom ptly. N o other af­ nal for one month, or th * Sunday tube restored to its norm al condition day. l)r. Darrin cured her so she has Journal for four months, j r the Semi heating will be destroyed fo re v e r; nine ns ver had any return o f the sym p ­ fords such quick relief from rheum atic W ee k ly Journal ¡or five m onth«, or cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh toms. M y daughter resides in West pains. N o oth er is so valuable for tire W eek ly Journal for five m onth* which is n oth in g but an inflam ed c o n ­ deep seated pains like lame back and Salem, Oregon. G. B. D o v e . Address T lie Journal, P oitlan d , Ore dition of the mucous surfaces. W e pains In the chest. G ive this liui ------ « w- ------- will give O r e Hundred Dollars for any I)r. Darrin can be consulted free at m ent a trial and you will never wisli A literary society has been organized the Hotel Gail, Dallas, Oregon, after to be without jt . Sold by W ilson at Brusli college with V io la V e n d e r case o f Deafnes» (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by H all's Ca October 30th and until December 4. Drug Co. as preside n l ; Carl lis r r it l as vice pres tarih Cure Send for circulars free from 10 o’clock to 5 daily, evening 7 ¡dent and Mabel Evans, srcrelary B A LL S T O H . F J. Cheney A Do., T oled o, O to 8, Sunday 10 to 2. On the evening of N ovem b er 19 limy Sold by druggi ts, 75 cents. Take T h e doctor makes a speciality o f all R ay Fish has been up from Port- will dehnta as to which is most useful, H all's F am ily Fills for constipation. diseases of the eye, ear, nose and land. a traction engine or a horse. throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, Peter Cook's grandaughfer has been la grippe, heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases, or those who suffer over fiom Hubbard. A W O M AN T O BE P R E T T Y from apathy and indifferen ce; also Mrs, R ea Craven, of Dallas, ha* NOTICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T genito-urinary and skin diseases in been litre visiting her parents, by virtue of an execution ¡«»tied out o f the either sex, such as blood taints,’ semi H e a t H a v e I.nxnrlaat en d G lossy H a ir, oireuit court, of the state of Oregon for the David Bowm an and wife have gone nal weakness And lost vigor, vnricoce No Matter W hat Color. county of Polk, on the 13th day of <)« hack to their eastern Oregon home. le and stricture. tober, li)04, upon a judgment rendered i Th# finest contour o f a fem ale face, the the justice court for justice’s and countable * E ye« tested, glasses fitted. Dr. D ar­ T h e in fan t children of G eorge New •w eetest smile o f a fem ale mouth, loses district No. 2, in sftid county, on the 23d day rin will treat all who may apply before bill anil Clias. Horton have been sick something If the head is crowned with of April, 1896, and thereafter duly trans December 4th at half his form er pric­ scant hair. Scant and fallin g hair, it is cripted to the said circuit court, and duly George Clark mid wife have been now known, is caused by a parasite that docketed in the clerk’« office of said circuit es. to Portland (or furniture for their new burrows into the scalp to the root o f the court on the 10th day of December, 1903, in u hair, where it saps the vitality. The lit­ certain action begun in »aid justies’* court, in Report of Brush college school for home. tle white scales the germ throws up In which W . S. Bean was plaintiff and L. B the past m onth: Enrolled 34: no case* burrowing are called dandruff. T o cure Denny wax defendant, »aid judgment being F o r O v e r S ixty V e e r s o f tardiness and these were never ab­ dandruff permanently, then, and to stop in favor of »aid plaintiff and against the said An old and well tried remedy. M sent. Robert Cutler, Delia Olsen, Ma­ Mrs. fallin g hair, that germ must be killed. defrndmit, and there being now due and un­ bel Evans, Ida Thom as, Carl H ar-itt, W inslow's Soothing Svrnp has been N ew b ro’s Herplclde, an en tirely new re­ paid on »aid judgment, the »uni of &KH» 11, with inletest theieon from the 13th day of Rosa Dumrell, Alice Schindler. Carl, used for over sixty years by m illions ol sult o f the chemical laboratory, destroys May. lM9i>, at the rate o f 8 per cent i»er an­ Earl and Russell Beckett. Treat# E mothers for th eir children while teeth­ the dandruff germ, and. o f course, stops num, such exeouti n being directed t«> me. the fa llin g hair, and p reven ts baldness. Moffitt, teacher. in g. with p erfect success. I t soothes Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in the she. iff of Polk county, | did. on the 17th the child, softens the gums, allays all ■tamps fo r sample to Th e H erplclde Co., of October, 1904, duly levy upon all the right title and intere»t which the defendant L. B. pain, cures wind colic and is the best Detroit. Mich, Denny hail on the 10th day of December. remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleaaant to 1903, or ha» since acquired, or now has, of, in Bel! A Cherrington, special agents and to the following described real pro|»erty, the taste. Sold by druggists in every towit: L ot 3 and the southeast quarter of part of the world 25 cents a bottle. section 22. in township 6, south range 4 west It* Value is incalculable. Be sure and of the Willamette Meridian, in Polk county, ask for Mr*. W in slo w ’s Soothing Sy­ state of Oregon, containing ldS.OOacres. Al- »Oj the southwest quarter of section 23, in rup and take no other kind. JA Y N E ’S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a »ta u n t, potent and permanent Invigorator for ' W O M E N . C H IL D R E N an d M E N . Always. Remei&ber fee Full Name I axative Rrorao Auinine 1 #*■!— WET WEATHER C O O T John H olm e* haa bought th * John -oil hop yard. Mr Bedford phy hop yard. has rented the T h e r e is n o s a t i s f a c t i o n k e e n e r th a n b ein o d r y and c o m fo r t a b le when o u t in th e h ard est s to rm Y O U A B E S U M O F T H IS IP Y O U WEAR Mur John Ptt'nam has been down from eastern Oregon. S at urda y, t h e 20 th of N o v e m b e r W ill Squires ir farm ing the land on the Chapman place. W ATEDPBOOP > 1 L MADe E D IN MACK C L O OR T YtUOW H 1 N Edwin E llio tt ha* put up w ife fence around hi* lot. TOWlt (AYADIA’Y tiUiritTtOlIOtOhrt» CAM, ► BACKED BY OUR GUARAWTE ~ .1. YOVVL H CO-. RONTON, *1AV' ,U J A i A J K Y O U * D ftA L iK . H. W W ilk e n in g has rented Mrs. Ida Rrnwn’a place fot ■ next vear. N th** »late of Ot*-ip»n for |vtk vouitty. Ml pe »m ' M elvin W il-o n will go north to hsiMing «-hoiiHt* ii'A iM the PNtnte of «M decedent the rf.*rv »'-tit'.«» 1» |>r*-tnt the Bn me, duly reri- work and will be goo# moat of lb# Arc rtrnf. a « h\ Inw iHjinepl. within six month» fn-n w in 'er. this d%!e t<> w*e in xitti ell )M«nn« a «- hiy "• vM r4t«te ere mjnlrwl to p*y the « aiuc to mi­ T Ii* W est Salem literary aceiety ha* tt one). I%u»t Mil» 11 th dev of Nov . A. P., 1904. begun its regular Saturday even ing I f next year ia seasonable this coun­ ty will have rou tin g grain anil grass crop#. * ,‘-y IM*«»iTiSWfTC on Bex. 25 c. % NEW SHOE STORE W IL L OPEN % % Wednesday, Nov. 16 Everybody welcome whether you buy or not S » I IRVIN & PETTYS THE B Practical Shoe Men s * Leaders in Uptodale footwear At low prices. 3 * % Postoffice Block, Dallas j* VAUQfIN & W E A V E R S A N IT A R Y P L U M B IN G . . . H O T W A T E R AN D HOT A IR H E A T IN G Oregon Call at W iseman’s old stand and see the complete line of Hardware they haveonsale. Their stock is new and first- class. Everything need ed in building. They wish to call special at­ tention to their fine as­ sortm ent of STO VE SA ND RANCES. | Agricultural Implements t # * P L O W S . W A G O N S - C U L T IV A T O R S H A R R O W S B U C C IE S S P R IN C W A C O N S & Plumbing of all Kinds. All sorts of machine oil. Our blacksm ithing is S is guaranteed, G reat variety of things for farmers. * WAGNER BROS DALLAS Adm inistrator's Notice. J- bn W illiam son ia building a r« «TICK IS HF.%KRV GIVEN* TO WHOM IT niAj e ’«»cprn that the ond»* reined hue beef house nn hi* lot near the llo 'n ia * hop • illy a | jwUntei »tininiNtratx-r. of the ontute • >f W. M yaid. G-f|*pr. n-centir «lecca—d. by the county conrt of Onr school haa 130 scholars cn the roll. R ather loo many for one teach­ er to manage successfully. 1904, at the hour of one o’clock, p. in., of said day, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand on day of sale, subject to redemption iu the manner provided by law. Dated this 21st day of >Jck, 1901 J. T. FO RD . Sheriff of Polk county, Oregon. If he n il* not «ippAy i t< r our frr- cr.tfUc^e of gormwtt> an Mr* Sites, (if P rin erillc, spent Snn- d iy st the Chapman home. meetings for the winter. said township and range, containing 100 acres: excepting therefrom, however 11 acres conveyed to J. H. Bobbins by deed recorded at page 417 of volume 8 of the records of dee«Is tor said county. A la» 10 acres otf the north side of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-seven, in said township and range. And that I will sell the same at the front d«M>r of the couutv court house in the city of Dallas, in Dallas, in Polk county, Oregon on IM IH IIW I Cures a Cold in Qne B a y , G rip in Two. S h e riffs Sale. - W EST SALEM. . tiny*# affine, many who pretended to atteud cucii institutes »pen t much tim e loafing on the street» hut it i» no D «n »ey Turner ha» rented part wt|>«r, tie A R E W A IT IN G Po- all who « r e co npetent. Prom«» notion in huaioertft is the result of »bility to do, W e ran touch you bat which will often valuable oppor- u n i'i » O t.r «.urges will g iv e you»» lra ii.in g that will start you rip lit and h e lp y m o v er the m ug!) piece«. 8tu- l**nts takin g M ir com bined business oid f I io i ttiHhd course secure em ploy- •went la-fore graduating. L iv in g ex )*q)pea low. i>ur catalogue w ill in ­ terest you. C A P IT A L B U 81 N E S S C O LL E G E , S ils n , Orsfon. W. I. STALEY, Principal. You Can’t Beat Them. I w h »tp vervn n e »ay* that «rpttr« th# c 1'ai« and c > fft Ifttti.d'red h er,. T h y , »*r f*xqri-il#* in ih eir |tprh»c« 1‘ ni-ii :and f..m il *s **• 1 r and I o f i o l i »m l t U*:«n when M illrv w m tln r niskp» th«.-# i»f vm i» > nb w i»r frien d » w ilt an 1 wrirklw with pen*pir»tm n. Our fin# laundry work is bcvnnd com petition . SiLEM STEAM LAUNDRY i J. I .