RELIGIOUS T H O U G H T . begun to lay, ami Within a wwk «>ue half o f the beua were laying regularly. The other lot of (iiiodo Iwiand Reds were Just beginning to molt. and the egg proJuitk/U had dropp^n! down to two or three eggs [ km - day In a flock of twenty hem*. Roth lot.-» of White Leg- torna were a trifle ulov *r lu m u ltili than the Rhode Island Rods, bat other wise the treatment affected them In a similar way. BHOWÌH (•ooxe Cnltnre. Then* la no reason why every farmer who has plenty o f gras* range should not keep geese and increase his in- Promoted by Shampoos of G (m a MADIHON BOY. disclosure o f the nature of the ot! r M 'o s «o v » r C alean* 4 F r o m ( h e T « * u c b t u it * t ii A l l D p i i u i i i I u u I I u i m . Cortallis and Eastern Railroad. T IM E CARD NO. 2 4 . No. 2 for Yai|iiim.: fcw v e. Alt.«ny .......................12:45 p i,. L««»e« C orv.lli«.................... 1.-45 Arrive« V h (| Lome» Corvulli« .................11:110 n m Arrive« A llw n y ................... 12:15 p m No. 3 for Detroit: Leave, Albany .................... 1 :00 » ni Arrive« D etroit............ 6 00 p m No. 4 from Detroit Leive« D e tr o it.................... fi::l0 p m Arrive« Albany . . ........11 25 p m Train No. 1 arrive« in Albany in tint.- to connect with the 8. P. «ontlitmuml train, aa »ell aa giving two or three hour, in Albany before departure of 8 P. Northbound train. T h e St. J a m e s G a ze tte o f London, Train No. 2 connect« with the 8. P. Kr.gland, says: Tor the teacher, the pu­ pil. the student ami the litterateur, there train« at Corv.illi« and Albany giving direct aervi •« to Newpoit ami adja­ la nothing better ; it covera everything. cent beaebe«. ! T h e N ow and T’ nlnm r,l E dition rw en tljr 1» Train No. 3 for lietroil, Brei’ en* •nod h a , a v o w new w o r d . And phriwiw, a enra. bu«lt and other mountain reenrt« (.le le ly revineil lllnteaphical I 't i l i o n . r y and leave« Albany at 1 p m . reaching De­ O a w t le e r o f the W orld , IM I |«aea and a n ) liluat rat Iona. troit at «bout 0 p. in. For further information E D W IN apply to STON E, Manager. r. Cockrell, agent. Albany. H . H . Cruniea, agent, Corvallia. O ur nam e la o n th e tH Ie-in er* o f all the a u th en tic d M io n a rie a o f IV.e tVetwter w r i t » LET US SEND YOU FREE i " A Teat la Pronunetalten" w hich a ffoeta a |.le«aan t and I n a tm r tlm eren ln e*« e e fe r fn l- m ant. Illustrated pam phlei alan fre e , f l. * ( ' . MKHKt AM O il.. P u t» .. Sprln carM . Maw.. im t s corn ' n:i of • tn H t.i " »Id u -¡ai «.* » * i id • • * • »«'elation »I il»« - n .¡ture !ii nui' «*i . nd »• f gravitatio n K- II.II* A corresp* • b »de­ The Chr.siiau Scientist** ami tin* Di­ scribes a lady bei:».g U ..e , i.le hunt­ vine Sc ientists and the spiritualists arc ing uud Ui. ’ s. “ Th ia • met with all Unitarian in their theology as well u similar accident on a prev.odd occa­ ns onr sister church, the Fuiversalists. sion.'* Another “ hud been In i he This growth o f the Fuitarian heresy is Transvaal between six a n ! seven the result of scientific hleas.—Rev. Dr. times.” and still another correspondout Utter, Unitarian. Denver. declares, with n spirit which only does G di T e P r o g r n i u n i r . him credit, that he has “ never put his In every realm God's programme is name to an anonymous letter.** “ This to move from the lower to the higher, evening's performance cannot take from the simple to the complex, from j pi »«•«». It will be repeated tomorrow the imperfect to the perfect. This li­ i night.** Is a provincial anno 0 ^* 01116111 . the eternal law, and, siuce Cod is in tills world, it must be moving on to­ No F o r O v e r v a lu a tio n . ward the belter day.—Rev. I'oiemu» “ This ring,” said the jeweler, “ will II. Swift. Methodist. Chicago. | cost you $50. wlvh our extra service gratis." L I y I i i k . llr « ‘ M t liin x l i e u l t t f e * . “ What Is your 'extra sen d ee?" To him who believes that Jesus Christ is the King o f ages, the same asked the young man who was looking yesterday, today ami forever, the at engagement rings. “ When the young lady calls to make scenes he passes through are living inquiries we'll toll her it's worth $150." ami breathing realities. With eyes en lightened by divine faith, he sees them re-enacted before him, and ho is him s«»lf a prominent actor therein.—Rev. The Leading Paper of th« Dr. James f\ Lougblin. Catholic. Fitts burg. Pacific Coast N ew 1 I i « m ; u I m of I iilta r lu n s . There is purpose behind all that is and Is to !•»». If any soul awed by the majesty and sublimity o f the match­ less truth to which the day o f resur­ rection gives emphasis asks, “ Why «in I to live immortally V It may find an­ swer whni It considers, on the one ha ml. Its own actual ami possible self and, «>n tin* other, th*» actual and possl- Me conditions o f other souls and the moral universe. We are all meutnlly and morally more than we were at birth, but what measureless heights «>f Intelligence and goodness tower before us toward which we have not ns yet made th«» slightest advance! We have nil made contributions toward the im- provement o f other liv«*s and the ad­ vancement o f the kingdom o f heaven, hut how much remains o f the work that must be done before all men are perfect, even ns their Father In heaven Is |*erfect, and harmony reigns through­ out the nora! nntverse!—Rev. Freder lek l*. Pri-st. Uni versa list. Chicago. Cnt G reen Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle Tho very best woekly Newspaper published in the entire west. $1.50 a Year Including postage to any j o n o f the United Btatee, Canada and M exico. It Is best because, besides printing all the news of the world each week In an interesting way and fu lly Illustrating m an y articles, It has special depart* meats devoted to— D ry Reversible Map? Law ' Showing the United States, Do­ minion of Canad.a and Northern Mexico on one side, MAP OF THE WORLD, presenting to view in one continuous map, with all areas In true proportion, the en­ tire surface of the Earth en the other side. Send $2 and get the Map and “ Weekly Chronlole" for one year, postage prepaid on Map and Paper. Map By m ail, p o s ta l« paid Only I8.75 a Year Address M. H. da YOUNO, Proprietor “ Ban F rancisco Ckrou ioU ," Ssn Francisco, CaL CZBCU LA TI O N DBPABTM SM T G ood Q n r t llt ie n C ln l in e d C h ic k Food. F o r C lii« ‘ k e n T h ie v e * . F or ?'hl* JSewr Variety. Our first claim fot* the Buckeye Red I h that it can be depended upon to. re­ produce Its color and stay red, says Mrs. Frank Metcalf o f Ohio, originator o f the breed. In American Poultry Jour­ nal. Our m»xt claim Is their excellent lay­ ing qualities, a quality severely tested during the last loug winter, when one customer reported an average o f seven . eggs a day from thirteen pullets and \ three hens from Dee. 1 to Feb. 10, this ! in Michigan, with the thermometer o f­ ten 15 to 20 degrees below zero and not ! a very comfortable coop. The third claim is that they are an ideal market bird, being large (cocks ; ! | | ! i ! j ' j »2 X RN VCT, IIUCKSTB B SD COTE, What is CASTOR!A L a ic r iU lN E CASTORIA Bears the Signature of W rit boot infoi i , 1 | meai The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, NEW TORN CIYV. >tt#rnej HANDY BROOD COOP. H e r l i e r l S p e n c e r W h s litia iin n . Herbert Spent« r in the attitude of superintending his household affairs was practical and amusiug. At one time the pouileivr luid not been g.vLug satisfaction, so Mr. Spencer culled ids housekeeper and gave her directions to transfer his custom to another tradesman whose shop faced the de linquent's. “ Ami, Miss Smith,” said the author o f “ Synthetic Philosophy,” “ be particular that the first poulterei sees you giving your orders to the second poulterer!” The C h u rn » o f la* been 1 About thii .rusted to I a OallM, F The main points to be considered In making a brood coop are convenience, simplicity and economy, says an In­ diana poultrynmn in Reliable Poultry Journal, i make my coops out o f heavy ury gooils boxes. The first illustration shows one of these coops and is intended to show I I 5* P h il o * :» !» !: y . Office i ing. DAL £ Will pi ever ban DKY GOODS UOX COOP. bow ill! parts arc j ut together. It will he seen that one « :id of the box which has tin* cl«\its on Is sawed off. leaving the other denied end for the bottom. The points In this coop which 1 wish to call especial attention to are: Have the boards forming the floor run toward the front, instead o f crosswise, as It makes it easier to clean; see that tho floor is well nailed to cleats, so hoards will not warp, and saw end of box off with a slope o f Rix inches to the foot and cover with sl)!n>Jes. Boards will turn writer for awhile, but shingles will last long enough to pay well for using them. The second illustration shows the front. A frame is made out o f inch square strips to fit the front of coop mil covered with serpen cloth except an opening 7 by li inches, which is pro- vided with two slides, one two and one- half inches wide and the other four and one-quarter Inches wide, leaving room for play. On damp, chilly days A fair >nd «11 O' MOT U vm Ini :30 a m L«*vAa Ind lU O im Leaves Mo .Mam Leave« Moi 1:20 a m Leaves Airi :00 a m Leaves Dal :00 p m R. c. t*r. OK ML C. V. H ALL Tran«« ins. iu « U C ll«llg < "c M i United 8 jointe iu nouey « «tea ; «II SALEM 5S fr 1 SO p m 7:2 1:S8 p m7:« i:39 |> tn 7:« ls46 p m7:i i :&5 p m4:< Daily cxc ‘ Trains « FRONT VIF.W OP COOP. Regulator Line. DALLES ROUTE. Bailey Gatzert Regulator Dalles City Metlako C o n n e ctin g at Lyle w ith the line to ten. bens five to seven ponndai :d having rich yellow legs and skin, • lump, nienty bodies and hue. delicious P iiP lv h T ir n t. ah. skin v >t coarse and tough and no Nnggu*--What arc yi.n going to do R a i l w a y C o m p a n y (or « x» »*>s o f bom* uud gristle. Our fourth with the liero and heroine of that FlevtrlcUy. W a h k a icu s, Daly, via tin Is that they ».re puod sitters ami magazine story you art* running n ow ! Coni-crning the fundaments! nature Coldendale Marry them? Bonn--Certainly. They 1 Centerville m others. o f electricity Itself liiere Is still no and all other Klickitat valley points. Our last claim la their greet beauty. will be married in the last chapter | certainty, but then* are several hy­ Steamer« W t e Portland daih, except Sund.»v, at Naggus— I'm glad of It It will serve While they arc « f rmcr's fowl, brel potheses. says Electrical World. There 7 a a»., conneotinvr *t Lyle with C. R 4 .N train for v fe with ail eye to the them right!—Chicago Tribune. | Ooldentialo at 5:30 }» ■)., train Arriving at Oo'den- are several tlieorles for explaining both Lv • f j r n . dale at 7.TO p. m. Steamers arrive Ttie Palled *».:*o electricity and magnetism in terms o f I p. m. Steamer leave* The Dalle* daily, except Snn- dar, at 7:;» a nt. C K Ai V train leAvirjf Golden- I the ether. None of these theories a r m i y V E G E T A B L E S I C I L I A N , dale at Siltia m connect* with thi- d v ta n r for Port­ capable of being submitted to experi­ land, arriving at Portlam at S pm . mental demonstration, ft Is certain, l»owf-rer. that, sima* the Interconnection For detailed information of tickcta. between electricity and magnetism la Perhaps you like y< -rav h :’r; then keep It. Perhaps not; Iterlh reservations, etc., call or write known, a demonstration o f the nature h a « — !| i ■ retT>cn:!'r- :i . ; i i i ’r Renewer always restores color to I to Abler street wharf, l’ortland, Or. o í the one must, bv enrol la rv. Include a Columbia River and Northern 4 * 9 Mair Renewer ¿ray ha»r. Stons fj lino hair, also.______*,"VT«iaTVr&e«V1**" P r a r tic n l and I iir x o e n n lv e H our « M n t lc o f D r y (in u tl* l i o x e « . “ He pretends to be a philosopher." “ Yes; but I notice one peculiar thing about ills philosophy." “ Wliat’s that?” "It’s only other people’s hard luck that he is able to accept philosophical­ ly.” —Chicago Post. The filthy secretions and foul mucus thal ire continually dropping back into th* throat, find their way into the stomacl I P O R T L A N D - T H E ind are absorbed into the blood. Catarrl j then becomes con Steam ers: stilutional.and tb only way to get rif of it is through !ht blood. Write us i you have Catarrh, and our physici­ ans w*ill advise yor without charge. The Swift Specific Compary, Atlanta, G ’ y A L W A Y S | ! A bill h;*.3 been passed in the legis li* W a s n ’ t A fr n ld . latore of Iowa making the stealing of When Bishop Phillips Brooks war chickens a penitenti:»rv offense, punish­ 'commanded." ns the phrase goes, to able by two years’ bnprisjument and a fine of $200 as n maximum penalty. ! speak before the queen some one ask The poultry industry is now a very 1 ed him if ho was afraid. “ No,” he n* valuable oue. prize birds bringing hun­ | piled, smiling, “ I have preached befor* dreds of dollars, and this measure is my mother.** much needed. Poultrymen are elated A r --.u«lny Present. at the passing of this measure. I)l«»k — S c ’s 1 * 0 . 11 jolly, isn’ t guille* all tl.«» time. Nick—Yes. bul F o o d V a l u e o f F b k *. The weight of eggs Is about a pound she can’t help It: It's Inherited. Her and u half to the dozen. A pound o f mother 11 « d to pose for a dentifrice nd eggs will go as far as a pound o f meat ! —Detroit I re*« i'í¿.»s. for any family. Think o f this when B R I G H T 'S D I S E A S E . you are feeding and earing for your The largest sum ever paid for a pre- fowls ¡ scription changed hands in San Fian- cisco, August 30,1901. The transfer The basest and meanest o f all human involved in coin and stock $112,500* beings are generally the most forwai’tf I and was paid by a party of busi­ to despise others.—FieUliug. ness men lor a specific for Bright’s diwnse and diabetes, hitherto incura­ ble diseases. They com m enced the serious inves­ tigation of the specific November 15. 11900. They interviewed scores of the I cure«l and tri^d it out on its merits by ¡ putting over three dozen ea^cs on the j treatment and watching them. They j al»o got physicians to name chronic, I incurable cases, and administered it v&i with the physicians for judges. Up I suffered for a long time with a ba« to August 25th 87 per cent of Jhe test case of Catarrh, and look a great deal o* cases were either well or progressing favorably. medicine without any benefit. There being but thirteen per cent I had a continual headache, my cheek: had grown purple, iny nose vas alwuy: o f failures, the parties were satisfied stopped up, my breath had a sickening anc and closed the transaction. The pre- disgusting odor, and I coughed ince& 9 t;ntl} cedings of the investigating com m it­ I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote you tee and the clinical reports of the test I commenced louse it. and after takim several bottles I was cured and havt cases were published and will b¿ mail­ never since h. J th ; slightest symntom oi ed lree on application. Address John J. Fulton com pany, 409 W ashington lue disease. Miss M ary L. S torm . street, San Francisco, California. Cor. 7 th & Felix Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Wheeling, W. Va., May 29 , 1903 . I had Na^al Catarrh for years for which 1 I used S. S. S. with very gratifying results. I tried local applications for some time, and getting no permanent relief I cametc the conclusion that the seat of the trouble was in tlie bl od. Knowing S. S. S to be agootlblood medicine I began its use and after using it for some little while ii did away entirely with the offensive mu­ cus in the nostrils, and I did not have tt hawk and spit, especially in the morning. I to dislodge the catarrh «1 matter. 1627 South St. F red h . P rhssy . , VOL. C a storia is a h arm less su b stitu te f o r C a stor O il, P .u e - Iforic, D ro p s a n d Soothing: S yrups. I t is P lea sa n t. H con ta in s u e ith e r O p iu m , M o rp h in e n o r o th e r lia rca tld su b sta n ce. Its njje is its g u a ra n te e . I t d estroy s W orm s n a il allays F ev erish n ess. I t cu re s D iarrh oea a n d W in d C olic. It re lie v e s T eeth in g: T r o u b le s, c u r e s C on stipa tion a n d F la tu len cy . I t a ssim ila tes th e F o o d , reg u la tes th e Htomaeh a n d B o w e ls , g ivin g 1 h ea lth y a n d n utural sleep. T h e C h ild re n ’ s P a n a c e a —T h e M o th e r ’ s F rie n d . O F F E N S IV A TH E BUCKEYE REDS. M any B ixby T h e K in d T o n H a v e A lw a y s B o u g h t , a n d w h ich h as lie c u in u se fo r o v e r 3 0 y ea rs, h as b o r n e th e «¡¿pia tu re o f — a n d h as b e e n m a d e u n d e r h is p e r - so n a ls u p e rv is io n sin ce itsin ia iic y. ' « « a ; '! . A llo w n o o n e t o d e c e iv e y o u In this. A ll C o u n te r fe its , Im ita tion s a n d “ J u s t -a s -fr o o d ” a r e b u t .E xperim en ts th a t tritie w ith a n d e n d a n g e r th e h e a li’ ; o f In fa n ts u u d C h ild ren —E x p e r ie n c e a g u lu st K xp ertn icu i. I fe u a . A good dry baby chick food is made as follows: Cracked wheat, 25 parts; pin head or roiled oats. 20 parts; cracked com, 15 parts; millet seed. 10 parts; b«*ef scraps. 10 parts; chick size grit, 5 parts; granulated charcoal, 5 parts; broken rice. 5 parts; rape seed. 5 parts. Sometimes we omit one or two of the ingredients or change them for 1 something else should any he «li.ll -nit j to obtain or too high in price. If the chicks have free range or a large run, n sufficient quantity of this fo«xl is ! placed in “ chick feeders" in the morn­ ing to allow them ail they will want for the day.—L. E. Keyser In Western Poultry Journal. Do you want the Chronicle? The Daily and D one F o r We have seen it stated that there are some people who art* of the opiu ion that cut green bone is of no ad vantage to laying hens and even lean to the belief that the feeding o f it is frequently attended with Injury, says A. V. Meerscb lu W «£* tu Poultry Journal. You can find pcbnle who wili contend that about ovary article of food which has ever been recommended by experienced poultry men is unfit for that purpose and is likely to make serious trouble if so used. There are people in the world who find pleasure in being contrary, and some of them have even gone into the poultry busi­ ness. It is to be regretted if they have convinced the beginner that cut green bone cannot be fed to laying hens in reasonable quantity with entire safety uud satisfaction. SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. It will be sent free. -H Proper Amount ot Fred. The San Francisco AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE POULTRY LIVE STOCK MINING LITERATURE FASHIONS sad SPORTS These are presided ever by editors having a thorough knowl­ edge of their apecialtlos. The pages devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Poultry and Live Stock are well illustrated and filled with matter of the greatest Interest to all engaged In these industries, every lin e b e in g written by those who aro In cloae touch with conditions prevailing on this Coast. & Every uiau muat learn to study the wants of Liis poultry to tell Just what quuntlty of animal food to give, says an Iowa farmer in American Poultry Journal. 1 advise every man to wat«*li the droppings from his poultry. That Is the thermometer in feeding. Three and one-balf to 4 per cent o f fat Is found In the droppings of a well fed fowl. If you find an excess of fat, your feed Is wrong, and you are feed­ ing something that Is going to waste. It Is a good plan to take up a few droppings occasionaliy, stir them in an old tin with hot water, allow It to cool, and you will see the umouut of fnt they are passing. No one cun tell you the exact amount to feed.. Oue advantage of feeding grain in the morning is oue loses le s s fat in droppings. Their mas­ ticating organs are more active iu the morning. In feediug mash first you will find often droppings will con­ tain from i> to 8 per cent of fat, which means a great I ons of egg or flesh form­ ing substance, whichever you are feed­ ing for. tl» e I t e m u r r c c t i o n . Christianity stands or fails with the truth of the resurrection. If Christ be not risen, then there is no Christian­ ity. The resurrection involves the* whole story of the Incarnation. He who has risen must have died, he who has died must have lived, and he who has lived must have been born. Thus the empty tomb of Jerusalem proves the holy manger o f Bethlehem.—Rev. A. Lincoln Moore, Baptist. New York R lfirhteouM ncN H a n d I * r o « i i e r i l y . come at very little cost, as they can j Only o f the godly is it said—wbatso be kept on grass and water from ssprhu ever ho dooth shall prosper. On the until lute In the fall, says a corresj>onu ent of Commercial Poultry. Nearly other hand, a positive curse is pro­ every farmer has some meadow near nounced on the disobedient, and the his buildings which could he utilized to esscntiul curse is the lack of pros u very good advantage by devoting It perit.v. The keeping o f the Christian to goose culture. The only time you religion is the greatest known producei have to feed any grain is in winter, o f prosperity. Instance every Christian and then very little is required to keep nation. Nevertheless there must lu them in good breeding condition. Feed many fools for prosperity is a frnltfir Bold throughout ths world. Cuticur* Soup, SSe., Oint­ cause o f overthrow. — Itev. Dr. G. Bick ment, 30c., Jtesolvsot, 30 c. ( in form oí ChoooUu-C oated a little oats, cut clover and green corn Mil*. 2.3c. iter rial of 40). Depot»! 1-oudojt, 27 ( horter- stalk leaves, oyster shells and plenty ley Burns, Methodist. Philadelphia. hi.tie* *i., Para, « Hue tie 1* Pal* ; Bo*ton, 147 Columbas Ave. Potter Drug U. C’hem. Coni., Sole i’rops. C a u s e o f U n b e lie f. of water and a little corn at nlgut on m r Send for “All About th« Skíu," «te. Men are no. driven to unbelief by th< real cold days, and your breeding will be In the best of condition when failure to comprehend the hand wbicl C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y . the breeding season arrives. Madison creates a universe, hut t«> the «».ir wide! Boy, who took first prize for Toulouse listens to music of an atom. Sin is no! Preaching hours at 11 and 7 :30. ganders at the New York show this continued and multiplied on the eartl M. e . ch u rch , year, Is owned by Clarence B. King ot for the lack of tongues to utter right eoiuhiesB, lmt from the lack o f saneti Preaching Sunday m orning and ev Itomulus, N. Y. fl«»d ears on the part o f those who ening. Sunday school at 9 :45. Ep- preach It, ears so keen that they mn> wortli league at 0 :3* Prayer meet­ A G o o d W h ite w a s h . in g Thursday evening.— Jus. Moore, A whitewash needs to be well trade hear among the discordant sounds ot pastor. to do the work, as It too often falls off earth every bit of harmony that speaks In flakes after the wood is dry. Slack of hope for the life that utters It.—Rev. en your lime in hot water, make it a> W. Everett Johnson. Episcopalian, New B A PTIST CHURCH. thick, if possible, as soft soap, then York. Preaching Sunday m orning and ev­ T h e M an W h o F a ll« . thin with kerosene oil. Now you have ening. Sunday school at 10. B Y . The world has laurel wreaths for P. U. at 6:30. Prayer m eeting W ed­ a whitewash that will both stick to the what it calls success and forgetfulness nesday even ing.— J. M. Green. pas­ houses and kill the lice. Apply the whitewash while hot and for the man that fails, yet history has tor. be sure that ail cracks and corners gel been made and iimn redeemed byjn eu plenty of it. Do your whitewashing in who failed to win applause. The poll PKKSIIYTKRIA N CH U RCH. the morning, so that by night the tIdan who Is “ regular” gets the place. a rule, ami the man who stands for Preceding Sunday morning and ev­ houses will be dry and comfortable.— principle, who makes a brave fight and ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­ Poultry News. gets defeated, is looked upon with pity tian Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer meet­ But It Is far better to battle for tin* in g Thursday evening.— W , T. War- G iv e th e L a y e r* Ito o m . dle, pastor. One of the most important conditions right in the face of certain defeat than for layers Is to be provided with plenty to win in the wrong. The time will uf room. We often sue a hundred hens come ut last when the crown will be CH RISTIAN CH URCH. crowded up In a room only large given to the man that fails. — Rev. Preaching Sunday m orning and ev­ enough for thirty. The space required Bruce Brown. Christian. Chicago. ening. Bible school at 10. Senior f n l t y o f « li e C n lv f F E e , of course depends on the size o f the Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Bible The universe is a unit. There Is as birds. The small breeds, like the Leg­ class and prayer meeting Thursday horns, will do very well with only five much matter today to the grain as evening. square feet of floor space, while the then* was the day God made the world larger breeds will require from six to Forms change and are destroyed, but matter never. What is true o f matter ten square feet. Commercial Poultry. EVANGELICAL C H U RC H . is true of soul. Made in the image ot Preaching Sunday m orning and ev­ God. made alive Ly his breath, we M a II iik Huff O r p i n g t o n s . en ing at the Dallas college chape). When uidLug Puff Orpingtons, never have divine origin, and therefore ai Sunday school atlO. Christian En thesouis in the universe are from him deavor at 6:30. Prayer m eeting Thurs­ put a cock with hens any dnrkcr and very little lighter, as the differed A i ; pple may be cut in a thousand day evening.— A. A. W inter, pastor» ■■!■■■■■■ i - ■ shade« will not Mend into a medium parts, an ! you may find all but one I sluu o. but. on the contrary, will make hut your apple Is not whole. The uni­ FORCING HEN S T O M O l T. :» mottled appearance, some featheri- verse c f souls divided into numberless being darker than others. Mate hints hosts, one gone, you no longer have a R e s a li o f a n E x p e r im e n t S eem s to ns near the same shade as possible and unit. -Rev. C. J. Harris, Culversalist. P r o v e Its Y n lu e. you will get the best results.—Southern Atlanta, Gu. A trial of Van Dreseir method of C h r i s t i a n F e llo w « !» I | > . Poultry Courier. forcing liens to molt has been made hv We are saved- by fellowship. Oh the West Virginia experiment station what a great and often forgotten truth! T h e < lie u p e n t F e e d . and results are published in bulletin Dry feeding seeius to be gaining in We are saved by fellowship, first, by 83, says American Agriculturist. The favor rapidly. We have not had half the holy fellowship of Jesus Christ, experiment was begun 0 i i g . 5, llMrg. a dozen cases of bowel diseas«» siuce and then we are also most profoundly with two pens of Ithude Island Reds we began to practice It. We f«*eil pro-j Influenced by our fellowship with each and two pens of \\ bite Leghorns, aboil! other. How careful ought we all to two years old. One pen of each brooo pareti chick feeds altogether for the be of what we think and do and say! first two weeks and then begin to girt received no food for thirteen days, ex The existence o f the Christian church wheat and c*rack<*d corn. These f«»c«ls cept what they coniti pick up in then is accounted for. first o f all. o f course, seem high priced; but, counting results, runs, which had been sown to oats by the plan of God and his purpose in In the spring. These runs were 13 teer they are really cheap.—Poultry Herald. Christ to s«*cure a glorious church as wide and 1UU feet long, and nearly ah the bride o f Hie great bridegroom. Je­ II oiimom F o r D n c k a . the oats had been pickt* I from th- My duck lions«»« are two feet high at sus Christ, but after that the church Is heads. The other two lots of fowi. back, eight feet deep, and only high accounted for In this fact o f a heaven­ were fed ns usimi. enough in front to clean easy, says a ly fellowship o f kindred souls, which At the end of the third cn days correspondent of American Agricul­ the church makes possible and which four lo.s o f fowls were fed liberal!..* turist. I never have over forty ducks It realizes for every true child of God. Thirty days after the test began th In one pen, and prefer thirty, for then —Rev. Dr. K. Trumbull Lee. ITesbyte- p«*n of Ritmi'* I au..I Rods wlic-ii b;. , rian. 1'hihidelphln. they will not get «.»rooked breastbones. receive,1 in* r« *1 hud prai th -iffy T li* D iv in e P u r p o s e . r V im l'l tl t t'.c « lupi •«o unravel.1!’ Commune often with yourself. B< honest. Dare to look In your own s«>ui —liev. Henry Frank, ludepcudeut. New York. T ru th A nd light dressings o f CUTICUB.A. the great Skin C ure and sweetest o f emollients. This treatment at once stops fall­ ing hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys h\ir parasites, soothes irritated, itching surfaces, stimulates the hair foliicles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the hair g row upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, w hen all else fails. farmer • need*, they «re as handsoine ns any mere fane!« - ’« fowl on the innr k« t t'xlay. The n lea are a dark, rich vi!\ ijr red. vig • • •;« :nd hardy, with r< l 1 yam n 1 «■ r lol ¿s and yellow legs. They nr.« a |1-satire to look at. The bona have dark red necks rod «eft brown bodies, which make the in a fit­ ting comp nion for their beautiful con­ sort. H. G. CAMPBELL, Manager. the small siide is taken out to allow chicks to run out or in, and on fine days both slats are lifted to allow the moth­ er hen freedom also. These slats are put In place each night, making a ver­ min proof coop. The front Is held In place by one screen door hook on each •kle, as shown in illustration. Each coop Is also provided with a storm front made of boards ami large enough to lean In front o f coop and shield It from driving rains. The cost o f these coops, exclusive of work, is about 75 cents. SOI 7:t0 a m L ’ IV « nr , I lt;45 p m J At Albar Oregon Cei D ALLA SMp m L :»p*A Pass Im n o r tn n e e o f < le n n lln e * « . Cleanliness curing the summer sea­ son is of the u p in os t importance. The little details in maintaining proper san­ itary conditions in yards, bouses, feed and water utensils are I mportant that it would seem almost needless to keep everlastingly preaching from the same old text, yet It is so utterly dis­ regarded Ly so many that a paper falls In Its doty if ft does not ke«*p ham­ mering sway ou the old subject. Lice killers and disinfectants are so cheap und no reliable that there seems little need of any poultry raiser not using them. The success o f the poultry busi­ ness comes from watching the little details, and cleanliness Is easily main- tamed by doing a little each «lay. A little effort at the right time will save the necessity o f a hard day's w ork.-- AI t*ave 7:40 ^avo S*M inrlv# ft.« R-