Q eika G leaned o f A ll From th e T each in g * D en om in ation ». We have passed out of the era when men -think for each other, and now, conscious of his own personal power, man thinks for himself. -Uev. C. J. Harris, Uni versa Hat, Atlanta. Be G enuine. And Holler's W ort To he like oneself and like no one else is the most difficult achievement of civilization. Compact population is the death of individuality.—Kev. Hen­ ry Frank. Independent. New York. Too Mod» P ro sp erity . ft Tent for the Jew«, aDoimon ui «¿cep- | W ew Y r n r ’a I n T i b e t . tlonal laws and a spirit of kindness In­ Feb. IS Is New Year’s day In Tibet, I£ hm > C o B e c o m e a V i c t i m o t scribed In the code which will pass and foi ii..* se< •-coding; three wreaks y ia lflh rn Id en tity . from the letter of the law into daily L is a i • ;h<* * . ue oi strange proceed “One o f Hie M rci rest piece* of evi­ practice. Uiisaia needs the Jew s fo»* I u ^ h Its go\ eminent passes from the her industrial and commercial develop­ dence against an accuse«! man when | lama to u monk of the IX .mug tnonn.s ment. Iiiivi!« u«*»'(fs the skill of tlie tlier*.* iy.tiL.i d«»iibt coniiecti*d with 'ht* ter.v. who buys the rigid of rule by auc Jewish hand, of the Jewish artisan, Identity «»l the criminal is the state­ tlon. He is «-tilled the talno and. re the power of the trained Jewish intel­ ment of any one or more wltuess.it Celvlng the lion, ige of all. ex ore! sea his lect. the Jewish capacity and zeal for that lie is tlie man: I could pick him authority by imposing heavy Lues for work. The day may not be near, but out of a crowd/ and yet despite the his own protit. 11 is men visit every It must surely com«». Russia must awful weight this often ha* in decid­ bouse in Lassa to collect heavy taxes grant to the Jew s within her empire ing the result of n trial it is In reality aud fines, so that ull tlie poorer people freedom to live everywhere, freedom to we. k and fallacious aud would fall to leave the city at the New Year. From choose their labor, business and profes­ piece* If a g«*od. practical test were the country round priests flock iu lor sion, freedom to own at least and to made of th«* wltiuns* alleged remarka­ numerous religious ceremonies, which cultivate the land. It may seem cruel ble perspicuity.” sui«l the man who Is culminate iu the selection of a human to believe that the Jews must remain fond of criminal research. “1 think It scapegoat for the sins of Lassa. The In Hussia, that they cannot escape has Iwoii the experience of nearly ev­ face of the victim is painted half black from its cruelty nml Its injustice, yet ery man who has traveled any to meet and half white, aud ufter he bus been thus it seems. Mommsen says: “It is with numerous p«*ople who will take beaten by the populace as a symbol him for some one else. At least n doz­ a duty never to despair of poor Imnmn of the transference to him of the sins Ity. Liberty will yet come even in en tliu«*s in my career has this occur* of the people he is booted and mobbed rc I. Tlds has lieeu In hr«>ad daylight, despotic Russia.”—Rnbbl Moses J on the street or some public place out of Lassa. whither he may not re­ Gries, Hebrew, Cleveland. turn for a year. where with «dear vision and unham­ Prosperity is often ruinous because It is associated with a forgetfulness of God. A dependence on self is substi­ tuted. Atrophy of the finer faculties of the soul takes place.—Rev. O. Ii. Burns, Methodist. Philadelphia. I.ovc So ill el 111 flic. Every man inis in his soul a wealth j f affection—that is. a tendency and a necessity, too. to love something, to de­ sire something and to strive for some- tiling—aud that affectlou is going to GOOD HIGHWAYS AND METHODS OF lay hold upon something.- Iter. M. N. BUILDING THEM. Preston. Congregationnlist. Chicago. K 0 AD IMPROVEMENT. T lie The newspaper must give the people C o n s t r u c t i o n o f B r i c k T r a c k R o n d * R e c o i u m e a i l e d —T l » « l r C o a t a n i l U u - wlmt they demand. It may by tact n i h i l i t y —teiu p lo y rn e u t of C on v ict* and finesse gradually guide its readers In H i g h w a y ilu ililin g . to a different point of view, but it must be to the | uhlk* what a wise wife Is to The present general movement for her hush*!ml “while she bends him better roads and the prospect of na­ she obeys him.” — Itev. Charles Scud­ tional aid in road building have greatly ding. Episcopalian. Lagrange. III. stimulated the study of the best meth­ ods of road building. T rillin » T o w ard Sodom . While to the general public the idea The world is full of men who are tenting toward Sodom. They never in­ of building permanent roads is to use tend to reach the doomed city, but broken stone, after the system ttrst they will not renounce it. It is folly employed by John Macadam about the to think that you can escape where year 1785, other methods should be others have suffered loss. It is folly carefully studied in order to build the And C U T IC U R A Ointment, to think that you can take your chil­ best and most durable roads at the dren into a polluted atmosphere and lowest cost. the great Skin Cure. It seems u remarkable fact, in view have them escape contamination. The Not only arc they the purest, sweetest, and man who will not overcome tempta­ of the great improvements in every­ most effective for preserving, purifying, tion is tenting toward Sodom.—Kev. thing connected with modern life, that and beautifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Polemus II. Swift. Methodist. C hicago. we are still building our roads the Hands of infants and children, but they same way they were built over 100 T h e M o »l Stnp eiid o iiM K n o t. afford instant relief and refreshing sleep for The resurrection of Jesus Christ years ago. says the Waynesboro (Pa.) skin - tortured babies, and rest for tired mothers, in the severest cases of torturing, from the dead is the most stU|*endous Herald. This resulted from the uni disfiguring, itching, burning, bleeding, fandou, ¿ ‘ 7 Charter­ ing durable roads of crushed stone i. house S t j.; P ari*, 5 Rue de la P a i x ; Burton, 187 Columbue of our hope and the source of our con­ A --e- Potter D rug K Chem . Corp., Sole Prop*. BtfrSw id fo r “ A ll A bout B ab y a Skin , S calp , aud lia ir . solation. I say it is the greatest fact found In the laek of suitable stone in in the world, for it is a fact. Without most localities where good road stout tlie resurrection there would have been is found. In New York state, for In C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y . no preaching of tlie gospel.—Uev. Dr. stance, where road building has been very active in recent years, stone has Stafford. Catholic. Washington. Preaching hour» at 11 ami 7 :30. been shipped over 300 miles in some T h e D iv in e In H u m a n i ty . instances in order to obtain stone oi M. E . C H U R C H , How is that wondrous life mani­ Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ fested in man? To answer this ques­ good quality. The lack of good road material has ening. 8unday school at 9:45. Ep- tion of all our hearts we have three wortli league at 6 :3* Prayer meet­ words — inearmitiou, transformation, caused careful study of various meth­ ing Thursday evening.— Jag. Moore, fellowship. All these principles stand ods of road building by experts, with the result that for general use a mod­ paator. out in bold relief on tlie Mount of ification of the old stone wheel tra-.’k Transfiguration. Here is God in hu­ or tramway oads, which have been In man form and flesh - Incarnation; here B A P T IS T C H U R C H . constant use for over a hundred years Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ is the Son of Man glorified with light without maieriul werr or cost, has ening. Sunday school at 10. B. Y. and power—transformation; here is the been higlilj recommended. The old P. U. at 6:30. Prayer meeting Wed­ communion of saints with the glorified tramway roads could only be built at nesday evening.— J . M. Green, paa­ Jesus and the union of the human in reasonable c«,st in a few localities hav­ Christ with the divine — fellowship. tor. ing suitable «tone, but by substituting These vital principles are manifested paving brie* for the stone slabs this in sacrifice and their fullness realized superior form of road can be cheaply PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. in experience.—Uev. C. P. Smith, Meth­ buiit in every locality. Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ odist. Mindeii. La. In fact, even in the favored localities ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­ M o r e i t e l l j r l o i i . L cmm T h e o l o g y . where good load stone is abundant the tian Endeavor ut 6 :30. Prayer meet­ Multitudes of people in tlie world to­ use of these yrlck wheel tracks consjd ing Thursday evening.— W, T. War- day have their theology and their reli­ erably decreases the first cost of roads die, pastor. gion all twisted up together and are while they practically do away with all unable to ilisnssociate the one from the repair expenses as well as the dust and other. Probably there never wus a mud and nt Die same time enable three CHRIHTIAN C H U R C H . Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ dine In tin* history of tlie world when to four tin?*:* the load to be hauled ening. Bible school at 10. Senior It was more important for the disciples with the sari;»* team force. f Jesus Christ to have greater intel­ Christian Endeavor at 0:30. Bible This iniprti ed method of road build­ class and prayer meeting Thursday lect tin lily than to* lay; there certainly ing has bee adopted in a number of never was a time in the world when it localities and ti c cost has been found eveuing. was more important for tlie disciples to be from Sl.J.K) to $2,500 a mile, ac­ of Jesus Christ to have a luminous cording to »ie reiavive cost of mu- House of God’s presence in their lives ter.nls. ¡ab-o etc., while the average KVA N G K I.ICAI. C H U R C H . Preaching Sunday morning and ev­ and bis power over and through nil cost of cvi. ‘ ed * lias been throbbing aud restless about SiU’bu • ening at tlie Dallas college chapel. than in the *\v York, where Sunday school atlO. Christian En I days through which we are passing.— the g.-oaii road buiidi tg (leaver at 6:30. Prayer meeting Thurs­ Kev. Dr. X. Boynton. Detroit. nas rei-eiK.’j a • :i «. ne. T o n < o m n i a m l m e i i t N X e e « ? e « l. day eveuing.— A. A. W inter, pastor, A sc o i f tills brick track road In The young men of today face a con* the T’nitcd Ftatea department of agri­ dltion in business, particularly where culture p ounds during the last four S a n i t a t i o n I n t h e H ort L o t. There are a few fundamental facts large capital is involved, of the power season.; slows no maier.al wear and of money in evading law. Legal tech­ has been uniformly free from dust, to be remembered in order to avoid losses by reason of the presence of bog nicalities are so many and intricate mud and l’U’-S during that time, while cholera or swine plague in the herd. that then* appears to lie a way out. and an adjacent section of crushed stone it is often r e g a r d n s shrewd and road has l»**en nearly ruined during The first Is that these are specific germ diseases, disseminated by bacteria, and businesslike to defeat the decision of the same time, partly by the washing the contagion cannot be spread from tlie courts. Tin* influence of this is felt of wa »*. For hilly roads these brick wheel one animal to another or from one herd down to the smallest retail trans­ to another except by these minute or­ actions. so that we are in danger of a tracks are especially adapted, as by ganisms. They may be carried in a national dishonesty corrupting and dis­ depressing the tracks oelow the ad­ multitude of ways—by the hogs them­ integrating in its tendency. It fosters jacent road surface tlie water is suc­ selves. on the clothing of persons, on the spirit of avarice so that trades cessfully carried down the hills on vehicles. In feed, by dogs, birds and unions and trusts instead of seeking to them witho it washing the roadway other animals or by streams. The servo the people are arrayed against and without the use of the objection­ breeding or feed of a bog cannot cause tlie public to tHke advantage of every able water breaks, besides enabling either disease, although bad methods necessity and to make tlie most of ev­ three times he grade to be used with­ ery weakness. We need courses of out disadvantage. may so weaken the constitution and Government road officials recommend vitality that the animal becomes more sermons on tlie Ten Commandments.— susceptible then would otherwise be Kev. W. A. Bartlett, Congregation«list, that long teim convicts be employed in penitentiaries in making the brick. ce the case. Second, diseases caused by Chicago. R u fl a l n n m l t h e J e w * . ment, etc., lor these roads, aud short bacteria may be prevented In large Emancipation is the only remedy. term eon vie* s he used in making the part by tlior.my.h disinfection. Third, Russian prince roads, to tlie moral and physical Let bacteria are g.*- rally preserved In The distinguished Demldoff says there is only one rem­ terineut of F.e convicts, and claim that filth, and tl •••<• ») “ sovnnl u < rieunli ness will go f « i*. r «• ng out edy for the sit lint ton—an equal govern- in this way die building of these supe rlor and mod durable of roads nhodid cost but $8«*) to $ 1.200 a r ule In many localities, '•'his makes an interest!ou comparison with the cost of . I mile in Nev. York state for crushed stone roads some of which have been T IM E C A R D NO. 2 4 . book nearly ruliwd by two or tb.ee years »d No 2 for Ysquint* : use. while v l.cei tracks similar to th» Leaves Albany ....................... 12 : 1f> brick traek\ brilt of stone, near ,\l- ! Leave* C o t v i U i : * .................. 1:15 bany, N. Y . In 1K33. at a cost of j Arrives Y a q i i n a ...................5 : 1 0 a mile, show very littie near in mule No l returning : than seventy years of constant *nnd Le iv s Y squi na . . .... 7:15 heavy tmllh Leovcs Cor y a II la ................ II 30 4 1. If convict^ were thus '«uploved in Arrive« AlLunv 12:13 p n such peni.« trial ies as Sin ,' 8;ng. New No. 3 f »r IL troit : York, for ii. dance, where the best of Leaves All»»ny ................. 1 :(H) « m brick «-lays .-onI«* be delivered at very Arrive.« Detroit 6 (Ml |i m low cost by boat, and from which the N«». 4 from Detroit brick, etc., could in* cho-.nly shipped L* «ve« Detroit 1» : ' 0 p m by boat to marly every p«» nt along ti e Arrive« A ih m v............. 1 1 23 p » proposed Ne v York arid t ’hlcago ro. d. Tram No. 1 airi 1» in All •any »U tini that road co ild probably he built f »• to rm nifi't with Un * S. p ««»»I till*« Mimt less than on* fifth of I lie cost of bulU train, as »\e!| as giving tw•o *ir three Ing It of ct tubed st me. have tin «s' hour- in \ Hi« ii y l»ef •»* d«pariere oi times the SKeoothncss and more rh; n 8 P. N »-»hh«niM«l train T lie S t . J a n i M G a z e t t e of London, ten times the durability of n crush« d Train No. 2 roooe. t* wi ill H i p H. 1’ England, say»: For th« teacher, the pu- stone road aid at the same time '** ll, the student and the litterateur, there nearly dusth>* and mw'.irsn. trsin * ut C *rv Hi- ami A’h ’llV givi»! i nothing better ; it cover» everything. direct servi e to Newport an«1 itiijri- Brick mad* rt sing Sing could also cent l»e«elie«. Th« New And R n l s r g e d Edition recently le­ be cheaply celiveied at all points n Train N«». 3 f«»r D r t r « > il, . .. ............ aned has 85,000 new word* and phrase«, a com­ New York state nnd also be shipped t«» pletely revised Riographlt'al Dictionary and nil | h »Iut« a» mg L ike Erie by host, hu*h *«d «itber m >iin' m Gazetteer of the World, KM) oages and 5000 thus enuhltng the greater pa rt of t»«» h»*v. s \U-anv nt 1 I» m li illust rational troll ai bout fl p pro|>osed New York and fTiicngo PtViff Our name is on the tttle-pajres of all the to I k » built bj this super.* >r system arm For further information pp)v t« authentic dictionaries of the Wehster series. at a coat so ow as to be lasignifiva it when comp« ***d with Us substanrl il ED W IN S T O N E , LE T U S SEN D YO U F R » S Manager. “ A Test la Pronunciatioa" which affords a ami lastiug benefit** A WORKING TOOL C orullis ani Easier.! B a i W . r*S for the student and the writer, as an authoritative reference for schools, teachers, families, business and professional men, there is one book which offers superior advantages in the solid value of its information, and the ease with which it is obtained. One’s admiration for Webster’s International Dictionary increases daily as it comes to be better known. It never refuses the infor­ mation sought and it never over­ whelms one with a mass of mis­ information illogically arranged. S f . C o c k re ll, a g e n t. Albany H . H. Croni»*«, agent, Corv.dlis. pleasant and instructive evening’s entertain­ ment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. G. A C. MERKIAMCO., Pule., Springfield, Mass, T h e K in d T o n H av e A lw ays n o u g h t, au d w h ich Lus b ecu In use fo r ov er 3 0 year», h as b o rn e th e sig n atu re o ' an d h a s b ee n m ad e un d er h is per­ sonal supervision sin ce its infancy. Allow n o on e to deceive you iu this. A ll C o u n terfeits, Im ita tio n s an d “ Ju s t-a s -g o o d ’* a re ?>ut E x p e rim e n ts th a t trifle w ith aud en d an g er th e lieaU li o f In iiu its an d C hildren—E x p e rie n ce ugoiust E x p erim en t. What is CASTORIA pered thought a man doe* not know If T h e U m b rella T ree. I atu myself or some one else. Change The umbrella tree is found in Ceylon the condition*- sunshine for darkui'ss. an ordinary street scene for one of in greater prpfusion than auywbere crime, perhaps murder, with its attend­ else in tlie world As a matter of scien­ ant excitement aud nfind disturbance. tific fact, these trees grow to their greatest heigtit aud attain to their greatest size in very wet. rainy conn tries. This growth frequently is due to the fact that tlie tree re« 111 ires a great deal of moisture and not bet a use The Leading Paper of the it is needed to keep off the ruin. The Pacific Coast tree forms so complete an umbrella that a number of persons might take The San Francisco shelter under its spreading bram-lies. Tlie foliage is. as a rule, so thh’k that- it serves to keep off tlie rain ulmost per fectly even iu a heavy downpour. C astorin is a h arm less su b stitu te fo r C asto r O il, P a r e ­ g o ric, D rop s an d So o th in g Syru ps. I t Is P leu sou t. I t contuins n e ith e r O pium , M orphine n o r o th e r N arcotic substunce. I t s ag e is its g u a ra n te e. I t destroys W orm s and allays F e v erish n ess. I t cu res D ia rrln e a and W ind Colic. I t reliev es T e e th in g T ro u b les, cu res Constipation nnd F la tu le n cy . I t assim ilates th e F o o d , reg u lates th e Sto m ach an d B o w els, g ivin g h ealth y aud n a tu ra l sleep. T h e C h ild ren ’s P a n a c e a —T h e M o th er’s F rie n d . t» b N U IN E T lie $1.50 a Year Inoladin* posts»» to say j « r t of Ik» U n itedbtatee, Canada and Mexioo. It is bast because, bssid*# printing all the news of the world each week in an interesting way a n d f u lly illustrating m a n y articles, it has special depart* ments devoted to— These are presided over hr edltora having a thorough knowl­ edge of their apeeialtiea. Th* pages devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Ftultry and Live Stock are well Illustrated nnd filled with matter of th* greatest interest to all engaged In these industries, every lin e b e i n g written by those who are In eleae touch with conditions prevailing on this Coast. • SEND POR SAM PLE COPY. It will ba aanl Iraa. Do you wart th . Chroniela Reversible Map? Showing the United State*, Do- mlnio. 1 ? of Canada ami Northern Mexico on one side, MAP OF THE WORLD, preeentlng to view in one oontlnuous map. with all areas In true proportion, the en­ tire surface of the Earth on tke other side. D r in k Send $2 and get the Map and “ Weekly Chronicle” for one year, postage prepaid en Map and Paper. The Daily and Map Bj »oil. paata«. paid Only $8.75 a Year Address M. H. de YOUNO, Proprietor «Sen Francisco Chronicle," San Frandaoo, Cal, CIRCULATION DRPAEUBIfT nnd say if it bo possible for n man wno litis c m light perhaps one moment’s view of the fleeing criminal to go Into the witness stand and ’Identify* the man. Suppose we were to advertise for three or four men Inuring a close resem­ blance to the prisoner (and they would not bo very hard to find In a city of this size). dr«»ss them exactly like the accused and lot them mingle and Inter­ mingle among themselves, and it is al­ most a foregone conclusion that the host witness in the court will lie so puzzle«! lie cannot tell one from anoth­ er.” —New Orleans Times-Democrat. L I T T L E THINGS. I »«p o rta nee T h ey at T im e » m uu ic li» AfiMlrit o f L i f e . of K orea. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. T H C C E N TA U R CO M PA N Y , T T M URRAY S T R C C T , N t W Y O R K 0 ( T V . The disposition to be muaeoi me inn nil re of the farm, both fermented and unfermented, must be determined large­ ly by the nature of the crop aud soil. Where Improvement of the mechanical condition of the soil is tlie principal object sought, freah manure is best adapted for this purpose to heavy soils and well rotted manure to light soils. Where prompt action of tlie fertilizing constituents is desired, tlie best results will probably he obtained by applying fresh manure to th«» light soils, al­ though excessive applications in this cure should be avoided on account of the danger of “burning out” of the soil in dry seasons. Fresh manure has a forcing effect ami is better suited to early garden truck, grasses and forage plants than to plants grown for seed, such ns ce­ reals. or to fruits. Direct applications to root eropa. such as sugar beets nnd potatoes, or to tobacco often prove in- , Jurlous. The manure should be spread ; when onrrieil to the field ami not left ! in heaps to I 'ach. The rate «»f application must be de- termfned by Individual circumstance*. As a rule. It Is bettor to manure lightly nml frequently than to apply a large amount at longer Intervals. AGRICULTURE HORTICULTURE POULTRY LIVE STOCK MINING LITERATURE FASHIONS and SPORTS The K iiiu Only the king of Korea may rear goats or have round columns ami square rafters to his house or wear a coat of brilliant red Only the king may look upon tho faces of the queen's hundreds of attendant ladies or Imve any building outside of which there arc more than lhive steps. Four steps would lie high treason and would cost their owner a traitor's death. T h . vary b«M w*ekly N.wan.par published In th . entlr. Waal. Aa- “The longer I live,” observed the cashier of a bank downtown, "the more j l realize tlie importance of little things. Here is a case in point.” he continued,! .cfciring to a letter he Just had re- ! v M Ì vm I. "A few weeks ago I had two < in my office, one an excitable ; «:» 11 « big «lepositor. and the: ’ ..1 : lit- f.resilient of a manufacturing . '*.«■« rn -il tin* writer of this letter.' li..- ¡minr.facturer left. au«l s < h > u aft r,| tke excitable man discover«*! th t sonic one had taken his hat. He stormed about the place until one of the clerks suggested that perhaps the manufacturer hud taken it by mistake. 1 :.e excitable man demanded his a«l- >' *ss him slatted out to iuiul him down hi ! give tifili a piece of his mimi.* ••The other day I rend a letter from ill;» manufacturing concern and was astonished t * se*’ among the names of Its o.beers that of my excitable caller hs vi«c president. My curiosity wa* r»-»used, ami I made some inquiries. ’ »«e I burn that the excitable man s s o pleasantly received when he -d for fib* hat that Ills anger cooled •f « !;«•**. The»» he g«»t to talking about p.,.» ni.iiutPactiirer'* business and the »»■•►!u»y lo* was making. A few days 1 r* he investe»! heavily In the cou- •*! 1 » im I was rhs-ted its vice president tl bM':»u«’ o f tb.il little mistake 1. » t * N« v V«>rk Kress. tf»«- C a u s e o f It Fcedlugr F o r C o l o r I n t h e Y o l k . Different rations very clearly affect the color of the yolk in eggs. Messrs. ^ H U G E D U C K FARMS. Stewart and Atwood of Virginia have found that when the grain ration con­ T h e y A r e t o B e S e e n o n All t h e W a - sisted of wheat, oats or white corn, fed l e iH H js of C h in«. either alone or in combination with i Enormous Hocks of tarn«* ducks, num­ each other, the yolks were so light col­ bering many thousands, are to b«‘ se«»n ored that the eggs would bo quite un­ ou all tin* waterways of China. These suitable for fancy trade. When the are carefully li«*i*ile«l by tin* duck grain supply consisted entirely of farmer ami his sons and guide«! by white corn the yolks were very light them to suitable feeding grouuils. A colored, while, on the other hand, the recent writer speaks »>f seeing them feeding of yellow corn imparted to *»n toe Vangts«» in midstream, floating the yolks that rich yellow color which down in compact masses with the rac­ is so desirable. ing current am! surrounded by their guardians in tubs, who. armed with Nevra a n d N ote», long bamboos, smartly whacked any Imports of cheese into the United birds that h >ppen«»d to stray. States now exceed the exports. These ducks always appear to be of Dried blood has been found very satis­ til« 1 * same age. a curious fact that is ex­ factory by C. W. Burkett of North Car­ plained by the (’hlnose use of incuba­ olina In feeding horses when the ani­ tors on a larg«* scale. They are very mals are run down and thin in flesh. chary about revealing details, but It Macaroni, vermicelli and all similar wotilti appear that these incubators are preparations constitute, p . k a whole, either ma«!<* of manure and lime in the the most Important Item of breadstuff's open * Ir t>r it. rooms heated by char­ Imported for consumption into tlie coal Urea, the eggs In this ease being placed in baskets covered with straw United States. Successful results with ginseng In or cotton wool. To Illustrate tlie magnitude of these Iowa are claimed from planting among operations it may he mentioned that a evergreen;) and In walnut groves. Content Is coming Into greater us«» boat on a rlv«»r will somethin's encoun­ each year. . 11.1 many new purposes for ter a floating mass of eggshells num­ wnich It Is excellent are bt»lm: found. bering tens of thousands and coming It Is claimed that flies may abstract from a 11 Incubator where ducks have as much na a pint of blood from r * just been hatcheil. animal in a day. A ll. Harry McKhaue. twenty-six years old, and his brother, John McSbane. thirty-one years old, were held in $1.- 000 bail for examination by a New York magistrate charged with Wielding knives In an affray with three mem­ bers of the Gilbride family, Thomas, Michael and William, all of whom B R IC H T ’S * D iS E A S E . were in Bellevue hospital with wounds The largest sum ever paid for a pre­ of greater or less severity. A fend has existed between the two families for a ; scription changed hands in San Fran­ long time. “ 1 suppose drink is the j cisco, August 80, 1901. The transfer cause of it all,” remarked the magis­ involved in coin aud stock # 112,500, trate. “Yes, I guess that is true.” re­ and was paiil by a party of busi­ sponded John McSbane. “We all were ness men for a specific for B right’s «liserse and diabetes, hitherto incura­ good friends once.” ble diseases. They commenced the serious inves­ tigation of the specific November 15, 1900. They interviewed scores of the cured and trie«! it out on its merits by putting over three dozen cases on the treatment and watching them. They also got physicians to name chronic, incurable cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up In July, 1883, I began to break out with | to August 25th 87 per ceut of the test Eczema on my head, legs and arms, aud cases were either well or progressing oegan treatment with local doctors, but favorably. did not get much relief. They said the dis There being but thirteen per cent * han become «¿¿ironic. I then quit then; of failures, the parties were satisfied and tried various ointments aud soaps fo: and closed Die transaction. The pre- another two years, but as soon as cold weather came 1 was as bail off as ever, so I cedings of tlie investigating commit­ finally decided to let medicine alone, and tee and the clinical reports of the test for twelve or thirteen years diti nothing cases were published and will be mail towards curing the Eczema, except bath ed iree on application. Address John ing. This sc- ined to do a?>ouk as much J . Fulton company, 409 Washington good as anything I had tried. street, San Francisco, California. During the time I lost about one-half of my hair. I began S. S. doubtful of a cure, because the disease had run so long, but soon discovered y»»ur medicine was doing me good, and continued to take it. I used seven bottles, when I was com pletely cured, not having a single spot on my body, which before was almost com­ pletely cove red. F C. No* FOLK. 1017 Hackberry St., Ottumwa, la The hea«l, feet and hands are usually the parts affected, though the disease ap pears on other parts of the body. While ex ternal applications allay the itching and burning temporarily, it is the aci«la thrown off by the blood that cause the irritatior and eruptions upon the skin. The acids must be neutralized aud the system cleans P O R T L A N D - T H E D A L L E S R O U T E . ed of all humors and poisons before th* cure is permanent S. S. S. is guaratt teed entirely fre of Potash, Arseni* and other miner als. Bock on tin skin and its dis eases sent free. Medical advice furnished free. Regulator Line. Steam er»: Bailey Gatzert Regulator Dalles City Metlako Th* Swift Specific Ccmra^y- A llta f t. S '. I'ca ! C o n n e c t i n g at Lyle w i t h t h e Columbia River and Northern line "trv Ni’p?iis- M’ liui 1 , rr y,;u going to d* R a i l w a y C o m p a n y for viti» the hero nnd heroine o f* timi Ban inizine story yon are running n«*wV W a h k a i c u s , Daly, Marry t l.»«*i«i y B onis (Vrtalniy. Tb»*v Cent er vi lle Coldenti ale will be married in the last chapter and all other Klickitat v*ilt»y point«. N aggiia-l’iu glad of it It will m-rte Stedineni leave PortUnd dalH , except 9*n d »r, »*. them right!—Chicago Tribune. 7 a. m ., eonne*-timr a t Lyle with O. R. .V N. trxiu for • V A S S VEGETABLE S IC ILIA N For detrtiled information of tickets, berth reservations, etc., call or write to Alder street wharf, P« rtlsnd, Or. A high-class preparation for the hair. Keens the hair sofr and itlossv and prevents splitting at the ends. Ceres dandruff ¿-id I *1 o rtv s r e s t o r e ^ o l o r jo ^ r a jM i a i r ^ A f M a il % « *, . Y * .M», Y. H A RE AD Y P R E A C H E R . N otab le IiiR tanee «>f P r e s e n c e M i n d In t h e P n l i > l t . of Frederick flic Great, being informed of the «lentil of one of his chaplains, a man of considerable learning and pi­ ety. determined to select a succeaaor with the same qualifications and took the following method of ascertaining the merit of one of the numerous can­ didates for the appointment: He told the applicant that lie would furnish him with a text the following Sun­ day. when he was to preach at the royal chapel. Tlie morning came, and the chapel was crowded to excess. The king arrived ut the end of the prayers, nnd on the candidate ascend­ ing the pulpit he was presented with a seal«'«l paper by one of his majesty’s aids-de-camp. The preacher opened It and found nothing written. He did not. however, lose his presence of mind, but. turning the paper on both sides, he said: “My brethren, here Is nothing, and there is nothing. Out of nothing God created all things.” And he proceed«*«! to deliver a most eloquent discourse on. the winders of the creation. Tl» e S t o r y of a C re*t. There Is a curious tradition concern­ ing the almost miraculous preservation of the life of the first E:irl of Kildare, which explains the origin of the crest used by the Offaly Geraldines. While an infant, so tlie record runs, he was In the castle of Woodstock when an alarm of fire was raised. In th?» con fusion that ensued the child was for­ gotten. and on tbv servants running to search for him the room In which he lay was foun«! in mins. Soon aft«»r a strange voice w'as heard iu one of the towers, and on looking up they saw ah ape. which was usually kept chain ed. carefully holding the child in Ids arms. Tlie earl afterward. In grati­ tude for his preservation. adopt«»d a monkey for his crest.—Londou News. A are *« o f B i r d » . Small singing bints live from eight to eighteen years. Knvens have lived f«»r almost u hundred years In captivity, nnd parrots longer than that. Fowls live ten to tw«»nty years. The wild goose lives upward of a hundred years, and swans are said to have attained the age of 300. The long life of birds has been interpreted na compensation for the great mortality of their young A F » In i O mi I mm I o h . “ 1 can’t for the life of me make out what my wife Is driving at In thla let te rr Goltlendale &t 6:8«) p in., train ATriYtwc at O*. len- “Of course you <»an*t, old chap Don’t rtnle 7.2*5 p. in. Steamers arrive Th« lu ll«* « 3*' p. m. Steamer leaves The Dalle« tUiiy. except Sun- yon see that she forgot to add the post­ dSy, at 7::W a . m. C K A N. t- n ;«vfcnf «JolilfB script?**—New Orleans Thnea-Demo dale •* m ten u eeb «rith thi* st -..mer f*»r P«>rt | e rs t land, arriving at FortUa* at ii pm . HALLS Hair Renewer A ALW AYS Bears the Signature of Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle CASTORIA ! H. G. CAMPBELL, Msnsger. G raded X If r o l l o n . Honsekeeper- Do you love children? Applicant-It all depends on th* wages, m m .