OCR STAFF OF RUSTLERS. ^ THE POLK COUNTY ITEMIZER WITH A LAME BACK ? W H AT TH E Y HAVE TO SAY ABOUT T H E O O I N C 8 JN T H E C O U N T Y . :) V J , 13, F B ID A.T, O O i. 7. . lim 'IKD K v W . u i F w o a t MoUMKtt A iV . 1904. Kid ney Trouble H akes You A n U n e q u a l l e d a n d C o m p l e t e Re • u m e of W h a t Y o u r F r i e n d s are a n d H ave B e a n Lately O o m ^ . Ï:30 Y V A .S 1 1 , BP ITO B AMD BBOPBIB1»». ,1 I S U B S C R IP T IO N BATES: 50 .................................... Par y<’« r 7f> ........ .............. P er *ix months 40 ........................P er th re e months A ilvo i tis in g rates m ade known on q d ic .lio n , C orrespon den ce is solicit- sr P in e Job P rin tin g done at reasonahh FA LLS C IT Y . H R Ross is to open gallery here. a photograph j Randolph Butler has recovered from . a severe hurt. vliss M oore, from the Portland hos­ pital, is nursing Joe Graham. Miss L u c ille Reed w ill begin teach in g at O aiihural next M onday. M r and Mrs. Frank Butler attended Pom ona grange at Independence. | Thed/ord’s Black-Draught cornea nearer regulating the entire system and keeping the body in health than, any other medicino made. It is always ready in any emergency to treat ailments that are frequent in any family, such as indigestion, biliousness, colds, diarrhoea, and stomach aches. Thedford’s Blaek-Drauglit is the standard, never-failing remedy for stomach, bowel, liver and kidney troubles. It is a cure fqjr the domes­ tic ills which so frequently summon the doctor. It is as good for children as it is for grown persona. A dose of this medicine every day w ill soon j cure the most obstinate case o f dys­ pepsia or constipation, and when taken as directed brings quick relief. J o u r n a l or O r e g o n ia n . E ith er of thorn alone or the ftem i- zer would coat- you $1.50 u y « tr, hut we have made a com bin ation by which you can get this paper anil e i­ ther c f the Portland paper« a year for $2. T h e home paper would g iv e you all the cou n ty lie * * ami either of the others th at of the Htalo and world | Those who desire to keep posted must read cu rren t newspa|»«rs, iliere being ! nothing that can take their p l.e e l'ell your neighbors about this a ttra ct­ ive o flv i. S H E R ID A N . Frank pleted. new store is com ­ Steve Braley has moved back to Hie vicin ity of B uell. IICNVILLS, ILL., Deo. 23,1002. THwlfonT. Hl*ck-I>mURlit ha* been our family doctor for tiro years and we want no other. When any o f us feel badly we take a dose and are all right In twelve hours. Vie have spent lots o f money for I doctor bills, but KOt along Just as well | with Black-Draught. ¡ j . BADEll. Ask your dealer for a package o f I Thedford’s Black-Draught and If he I does not keep it send25c. to T h e Cbatta- [ nooga Modiciue Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. and a package will be mailed to you. Yocum 's Mr. and Mrs. Edwards have m o v e '1 back from Pendleton. R R Jones and son, L lo y d , are log­ gin g for the oak m ill. T h ere is now a cem en t walk in front of Bewleys livery stable. Mrs. Busan Bryant has gone hack on a visit to her old Nebraska home. John R idgew ay, o f M ill C reek, has had a stroke of paralysis. T h ere was 1.51 inches o f rain in Septem ber and the highest tem per­ ature in the shade was 89 degrees. Miss E lla W h ite was married lis t week to Rev J. J. Patton. AlMtiit a year ago uncle Bdl Brown Mu M aggie t^ilf! lu s com e from A laska an 1 will remain with Mrs. K (e ll so g< ud over gettin g a big price tor Mr*. J U. Gmvtf* lia* gn u . tmek to C Hanna nntii February, when ah*» hia hop« that he had $100 in nick'd* Portland. scattered over the court hou»e ya d will go hack to IhWMon. to be grabbed Op by bo>a ami girls R ev Thom pson and wife w en t to ! from all part« of the country An \ conference at Eugene. T rn m an Bevens and Thom as „Crow English p .p er got. hold of h ami wr >e Some seventeen carpenter* »»re at ly, of the K in gs V«II*»y vicinity, were for liie picture and an account ol it. in town Monday. N early forty years work on tlie Luckiam ite bridge. An d now io t i\ s a h tie r lo r n tlnit ago Mr. Bevens married M arv, d aught­ Mrs. M libel W bee lock. Mrs. Vernon er of Uucle Jack Grant, and Grandma o.»un ry to him asking lor $25 l l t i es­ and Mrs. W allace of Independence Grant now spends most of her tim j tablish there a home for neglec <1 g'.rle. H e k nows of *o iiiauy openings were here Saturday. with Mrs. Bevena alid bar grin d ui h uue for c h e r r y that the request Mrs. A . B . Lacy and children re­ daughter, Mrs. Joe Brown, iu M cT m i i will go unheeded. turned from the hop yard with $80 nounls valley I V Alley. you GET DP H ltcra b le. Almost everybody who reads the newe­ pepers ls sure to know of the wonderful cure# made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the rreet kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi­ cal triumph of the nine­ teenth century die- covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidnev and blad­ der specialist, and le wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's S w a m p -R o o t is not rec­ ommended for everything but If you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, In hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement hsa been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co..Bing­ hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Hom* of sWamp-Root. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. added to the fam ily pursd. Joe James and wife. Ed. Bteele and wife, Ed D’ A n n o n d and wife. Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Swink, .VIr. and Mrs. D M. Calhreath and C leve Parker Sunday ed am ong kindred and frffcuds here. TETe J a y n i ’ s T P e o p l e B e l l e v i n It. It has been cyn ica lly raid tiiat any­ th in g can be sold by advertisin g now- a-days, T h is is not so. M tn y lin i­ ment*» have been advertised, but illy one, P erry Davis' P ain killer, has stood the lest of 60 years u«e. T od ay it« p opularity is greater than ever and is based not upou what anybody says, but u p o n , what the rem edy d«**s T h ere is but one p ain killer— Perry Davie. " T h e O ld W hite Corner and the Dalrymple Store *£ Great IVloney Raising Sale oft Tremenduous price concessions on every thing in these two quality stores. Thousands of dollars worth of new goods have been received at both stores. ^ and all will he sacrificed in order for us to raise money. Think of it! b u e n a V is ta . W . H Murphy has finished d ryin g his hops. V . B Goin and M»ss M te Smith, are again in charge of our school. We Must Raise $50,000 in 60 Days. George M cLau gh lin paid his broth ­ er W illiam $-00 for th irteen cows. Thom as Kay Woolen Mill Flannels Double fold, 54-iuch special, $1.05. Double fold, 58 inch upectnl, $1.35 a yard. Double fold, 60 inch special, $1.35 a yard. 66-inch Oxford grey worth 11.26. Special. clothe*, 12^ K im on a flannels. 0 cents. 7 8 cents a yard. 60 cent n ovelty «u itin g * reduced to 8 9 oanta a yard. $1.25 and Bale price. 8 cents, Kimmni flan n el«. Sale $1 50 white quilts 9 8 cents. R abhit skin flannelette*, regular 12} cent value*. Sale price. 20 cent price. Bale price. N ew Wastings New gtyhft for waistings just re­ ceived from New York . T h e y are *he regular 50 cent grade. Our sale price. 16-23. 3 5 cents a yard. A . Anderson and wife, have been visiting his brother at M cM in n ville. A 8 our Bales progress day by day, the crowds get larger and larger, and pub­ lic enthusiasm grows. Fhe reason our big store has grown so suddenly in pub­ lic favor is th is: W e car­ ry the best goods that the m arket produces; we treat our cu slon .er« with the ut­ most com teay ; we under­ sell oui com petitors w ith ­ out in du lgin g in under­ hand m ethods; we never m isrepresent ourselves. P erh ap s You W on der If the to rm en tin g cold that made last winter *yie lon g m isery will be as bad ibis year. C e rta iu ly not, if you take A llen 's Lung Balsam when tickling and rawness in tiie th roat announce ■h** presence of the enem y. D o not **xp«*ot the cold to wear ¡»self out. Fake the righ t rem edy in time'. A l ­ len's Lu n g Balsam is Dee from opium. Call at W isem an’s old stand ami see the complete line of John Fosters fam ily have moved to Perrydale. te fa fc s ff' YouNsed ths Goods Ws Nsedthe Money LET OS TRADE PARKER. Miss Au stin ’s school began Monday. Mr. Fu qua is buying cattle in K in gs G O T H IS H A IR B AC K . W aa N o w Suit Casos Ju st Received. m T h is style, genuine sole leather suit case, with fancy boll and lin in g and box shirt fold. T h e g ria* est case in Am erica for the price. A great slaughter o f high grade me eham lise A n honest, levitim i te sale eon ducted on principles that will make <• friends » s lon g as wo remain in hum ness. 'Fhe largest and most com preht nsive, sloe k o f h u h * r a le , N E W , S T Y L ­ IS H m erchandise in the VY ilia mo tie valley. $20 and $25 suits for men reduced to $10. Boys suits $1 up. Mens suits $3 up. Genuine Riestley Cravenette rain coats. Sale price $9. m P e r f e c t l y B a ld W h e a H e S ta r te d t o I n If a w b r o ’ e H e r p lH d e . Hardware they have on sale Their stock is new and first- class. Everything need ed in building. They wish to call special at­ tention to their tine as­ sortment of STO VES A N D R A N C E S . and to anyonewho contemplates buy­ ing a new suit or a new overcoat: H ave you seen those elegant new fall suits at the Huh Clothing store? It not. do not buy until you have. If you want good, honest medium priced clothing, we have it in the famous H. S. & M. brand. To Hop-Pickers S T. L O U IS FA IR V O TE . Result of contest up to 10 o’clock V i d- nesday night, giving the ten receiving the highest vote: 6.713 Nora Robinson 7.303 Rose Bronken >,012 Hallie Reynolds 377 Lillie Baxter Bessie Muscott 31 >0 Rena Hope 8 Augusta Miller Pauline Nesm ith......... . . . 7 G oing to school this year? I f he is, buy him a suit of us and he gets a nice present with each suit. W e will give with each suit and each boys overcoat a nice box containing pen holder, pens, colored cray­ ons, pencils, etc. I s Your Boy THE FAMOUS BLACK CAT HOSIERY I T Kirkpatrick aoobson & CO. brick, Dallas. “He who works with poor tools is twice tired.” ? tw # *e » e # e **e s e w *$ w e e *e Agricultural Implements | P LO W S ■ W A C O N S . C U L TIV A TO R S H A R R O W S B U C C IE S S P R IN C W A C O N S GARLAND’S BUSINESS COLLEGE Plumbing of all Kinds. S IL V F R T O N . O R E G O N . X ^ 4» A ll sorts of machine oil. Our blacksmithing is X is guaranteed, Great variety of things for farmers. J. J. B. C A R L A N D , Principal. W AGNER BROS Send for catalogue. DALLAS m in Oregon Dallas O A K M IL L V IC IN ITY . Mr Rowe and fam ily, also Mrs. K nighten and daughter, have been to Alban y. ... ~ C. O. Burse 11 is over from B ilverton . I t is hard to find a m ore tin r- oughlv tired person than one who is tiMi.g a poor svstetn of short- littnd. W e teach the Ben. P it­ man system . T h is system has outlived a yard of cheap, easy sys­ tems, and is still d oin g business at the old stand. iR M iru c i S A N IT A R Y P L U M B IW i - HO T W A T E K A N D H O T A I R H E A T IN ti J . L. STOCKTON q* C O .| answer is— T h e y are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle and so aggreeaple that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine. T hen they not on ly m ove the bowels hut im prove the ap petite and aid the digestiou. For ale at 25 cents per bottle by the W il- boo Drug com pany. onic V V A U q fH N & W E A V E R T h e Constables have moved back to D o not make any mistake, but re­ Goo*eneck. member the name, Swam p-Root, Dr. Miss H attie T eats has returned to K ilm er’s Sw am p-R oot, anil the ad­ Clarence Olm sted w.ll move from dress. Bingham pton, N . Y . on every Dallas college. T h e band concert Saturday even ing Gooseneck to Centralia, W ashington. bottle. M i«» H a ’ lie M orrison, of Dallas, is will consist of solos, duets and qu ar­ teaching for us. tets and will he well worth attending H o w ’s T h i s . R. R . R iggs attended the Cooper W e offer $100 reward for any case Buchanan store and Verd Johnson A lb e rt T ea l is building for Frank of catarrh that can n ot be cured by now owns Ed. T aylors interest in the H ollow w edding B u tler a forty foot bridge across other store here. H a ll’s Catarrh Cure.— F. J. Cheney Mis* N ellie H ill’s aeverly burned Brown creek to h it cattle range be­ & Co., Toledo, O h io W e , the under Cecil Staats, who recently grad­ hand is im p rovin g. W e W a n t A R epresentative yond. signed, have known F. J. Cheney for uated from the agricultural college, In every com m u n ity, to whom can be | Mr*. Thorn has rented her property ; the last 15 years and believe him per­ has gon e to a Ht. Louis medical c ol­ J im m ie Yoak u m and sister have turned over each month e x p irin g sub ; to Mr. Fu gate and will go to tier Ida­ fectly honorable in all business trana- lege and upon his return will give five gone to California where he has a po­ scriptiona for ren ew al; also to secure \ ho homestead near where Mr. Ray ac'ion s and financially aide to carry treatm ent to the corns and bunions sition. new subscriptions on a special plan r out any obligations made by his firm. o f his friends. mond livos. which insures the bulk of the m agazine j F o r O v e r 8lxty Y e a r s . — W aldinu, R inn an k with h i« brother W . B. D u n ­ Mrs. Ida Brown w ill stay near Rick- weather wa* so good and the pickers the east. reall during the winter. can. Kev. M. B. Y o u n g has taken his so plentiful that within two week the R ailroad iron is being hauled from wife to Soda ville to spend the winter en tire crop was gathered. E lpliia W an n is clerk in g at the T h e farmers are busy d igg in g pota­ Hundreds with him. Miss Bessie is teaching at m ore than could get work cam e from here to build three m iles of track at toes, hauling in apples for the w inter N ew Y o rk R acket store. the S paldin g lo ggin g cam p. Salt Creek and the two boys are bach other counties to this in search of hop A few are doing some nice plow in g Frank Gibson has ha 1 a new barn at home and go to school/ Dave Simpson has bought the J. S. but most are waiting for a good rain yard em ploym ent erected on his place here A m on g the many people who went Mr«. Julia W a iter« was married re­ to Biilen, ; st week tc attend the W il cently and so was M i«s Grace Bran- la me t v University are, John Phil nan. 'lÆ c J ; lips, Loreim and Guv S m ith , Zoduk Barker, A lice and Rob. Shepard. Misses Carrie and Fern Bentley have g< ne to C aliforn ia for the form ­ Better T h a n P ills. e r’s health. T h e question imp been asked— In Grandm a D eV oe, form erly o f this what way aie Cham berlain’s Stom ach and Liver Tablets superior to the ordi­ place, died not long ago in M innesota nary cathartic and liv er pills? Our aged 84 years. S A L E M ,O R E G O N Strength-Giver A - DALLAS % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * flH M H t * # * ICE AND GOLD STORAGE CO Fidler A M arks, Props. YYIiole*a1e and retail dealer* in M IN E R A L W A T E R ROOT HEER G IN G E R A L E 8 0 D A S , A L L K IN D S r iC K L E S C ID E R V I N E G A R S W E E T C ID E R O R A N G E C ID E R BANANAS LEM ONS ORANGES Frederick Manuall, Maryland block, O ur ice is made of pure Butte, Montana, bought a bottle of New- bro’s Herplclde. April •, and began to mountain water use it for entire baldness. The hair fo l­ licles In Ms scalp ware not dead and In Cold storage a* tew rates. 20 day» he had hair all over hia haad. On July 2 ha w rite», "and today my hair la ns thick and luxurtart aa any one could wlah." Newbro’ a Herplclde w ork* on an old principle and with a new dla- covery—destroy the cause and you re­ move the affect. Herplclde destroy» the OF TIM E AND M ONEY germ that causes dandruff, falling hair, and Anally baldness, so that with the In a hnsi >ess education pays. T h i- cause gone the effect cannot remain. i« shown by the succ «s o f o f our stu- Stops fa llin g hair at once and a new growth atarts. Sold by leading lents in securing and holding respon­ W e offer rtrong btiei- dm legists. Send 10c. tn »tamps for sample sible positions to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich. net"* and t-liort hand Cotltres. T h o r­ Bdi A G herring'on, agents ough work ami individual in­ struction. L ving e*ppm-e* low. Our c a t« log tie w ill tell you all about our achool. Y ou rs for the takin g. fa iin v e j/ m e n f' C A P ITA L B U S IN E S S COLLEGE, j Sale«*. O r t g tt . W. I. STALEY, Principal. I DALLAS COLLEGE m LAGREOLE ACADEMY Classical, Scientific, Business and Elemen­ tary courses, Faculty specially trained in leading colleges and universities. Careful attention paid to individual needs of body, mind and character. Library, gymnasium, laboratory and dormitory privileges for both sexes. Expenses low. Fall term begins September 21, 1904. For catalogues or oth­ er information address or P R O F . D. M . M E T Z C E R PROF. C. T W H ITTL E S E Y DALLAS, OREGON. Do Not Kick li th .n g ' do not run to h ih yo u — y*• i in «-rente a dipDirbar.ee fonie fim* * il your s liiil looks like a n rtn ie g g»»i er ai.it a* if tin re w a cre>«m è tin .-l*»jch I f your collar« have n fr ngt on titem or :« button hole hip enougl to m i» your finger th to iig h , muni r (lie word. Just bring them to fisti laundry at d then v«.»ir face w ill lighl with jo y when you | a\e attained youi deal re at hist to look like a gentlem an SUED! STEM LAUNDRY V:.v«WxiWtuAii.' ™”