LOCAL AND GENERAL. L. N. W O O D S , M. D. Physician and Surgeon, REDUCED E XCU RS IO N RATES. « H A T W E HA V E L E A R N E D D U R I N C THE W EE K F R O M A LL A VA IL. Pallas, Oregon. F r o m 8. P. a n d C . t E P l i n t * t o t h e S ea sid e and M ou n ta in R eaort* for th e S u m m er. On uud lifter June 1, rf. C. 1904, the A b le S o u r c e * D l e h e d u p f o r O u r Southern Pacific in connection with the Corvallis it Eastern railroad, will N u m er ou s F a m ily of R e a d e r* In A b r e v l a t e d P a r a g r a p h * . have ( n «ale round trip tickets from K a k in . is L LJL,E£ Y & E A K IN , points on llieir lines t«> Newport, .Ya- J ft s Howe went to Portland for the Iquina and Detroit at very low rates, t l o r u o y i '- a l - l j U W « good for return until October 10,1904. Fourth of July. , • t 4 v<» tUe ouly »ui oi *uaur.iot book» In Polk The days ticket to Newport and m nty• Ite ,.UW u .eifAcU lu m i- ted. «nui uioiiey I Zuch Howe (ms been down from I Yaquimi, good going Saturdays and au. N i c •lumisAion charged on toaoH. ItOOUlS 2 hi« Seattle home. j returning Mondays, are also on sale id .1 W iUon’s block, Dalian from all east side points, Portland to Hr Minfhorn has reopened bis san Eugene inclusive, and from all weat itarium at Nye Creek near Newport. side points, enabling people to visit Fr» d Ko*»»»r has recently received a | their families aud spend Sunday at very fine Berkshire sow from the east the seaside. Season tickets from all east side S o l i c i t o r an 4 In lin e r y . Rev. A. A. Winter will preach at points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, , i v> (,„eu u practice of Ills profession In this place about thirty years, and w ill Attend to all business Liberty at three o’olock next Sunday. and from all west side points, are also ,»rusted to his care. Ortlce, corner Main and Court on sale to Detroit at very low rates Mark Emhree willsoon eo to the Ya * •> siias, Polk Co, Or. with stop-over privileges at Mill City qiiina bay country for an indefinite or any point cast, enabling tourists to slay. visit the San tin m and Breitenbush J. N. H A R T G \Yr. H ollister recent m m .iger of hot springs in the Cascade moun A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W . 'h e Hub C loth in g store, has moved tains, which can be reached iu one d »y. to Portland. II >om l.OstielJ building. Season tickets will be good for re­ : 4 .L L A S , - - O K B Q O N H M. Edgar, of Salem, has bought turn from a»l points until October 10. ' be H C Miller machine «bop at I n ­ Three days ticket will he good going dependence. on Saturdays and returning Mondays 03CA.R H A ÏT Sa. After half a century of public ser­ only. Tickets trom Portland and vi­ vice in Oregon Judge Boise has retir­ cinity will he good for return via the A .ttoriiev'O 't'.Liiiw . east side or west side at option of pas­ ed from the bench. senger. Tickets from Eugene and OiBce upstairs in Campbell’ s build­ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Warren, came vicinity will be good going via the ing. up from McMinnville to spend the Lebanon-Spriugfield branch if desired. Fourth with relatives. Baggage on Newport tickets checked DALLAS - OKKUON. through to Newport; on Yapuina to Bob Thurston was over from Craw- Yaquina only. fordsville, and I).ive Riley up from Southern Pacific trains connect S. L . B U T L E R B f Portland on the Fourth. with the C. A E. at Aloauy and Cor- B U T L E R & COAD Another shipment of our popular vi Ilia for Yaquina and Newport. Attor n ey s-at- La w English teapots has arrived. Come Trains on the C. A E. for Detroit will leave Aloany at 7 a m, enabling the mil see tin m. Meisers. D A L L A S , OREOON. tourist» to the hot springs to reach W ill practice in all courts, Onice, Mrs. H. C. Rowell, of Sheridan, has there the same day. over bunk. been here visiting her brother, T. T. Full information as to rates, with Notson, and other relatives. beautifully illustrated booklet of Ya- During the coming year Scott Leav quina hay and vicinity, time tables i»t will teach at Dayton and Neff Ful­ etc., can he obtained on application to Edwin Stone, manager C. A E. rail kerson and wife at Philomath. TRUCKMAN. road, Albany; \V. E. Coman, G. P. A. The fine flavor of Hazelwood ic» Southern Pacific Co., Portland, or D a lla s : O re g o n cream causes everybody tolike it. Go my S. P. or C. A E. agent. Rate from Independence to New to the Roy confectionery and samt>l« A fair «b a re o f patronage solicite- it. port $1.20; from Independence to ,nd all o-ders p ro m p tly tilled. Yaquina, $3.70; from Independence Mrs. Esds formerly of Gooseneck o Detroit, $3.00; three days rule from and her daughter Mrs. S. P. Syron an Independence to Newport. $2 55. ----------------« • « . ---------------- down from Washineton visiting Mrs. M ARKET REPORT. L*e Humphrey and other kindred. J. L. COLLINS, aturney and Counselor at Law, W. F. MUSCOTT, M 3 T 33 TIME TABLE. Thomas Crowlev, who was rain d on the old Fulkerson place m*a< Crow 'ey, hut now of Oregon City, eipects to spend the winter in southern Cali­ fornia. Leaves Independence for Monmouth anil Airlie — :30 a in 3:30 p ui Leaves Inde|>endime for Monmouth and Dallas— 1:10 a iu 0 15 p m Leaves Monmouth for A irlie — .50 a in 3.50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 1:20 a in 7:30 pm Leaves Airlie for Moninoutn and Independence— *:00 » m 5 p m Leaves Dallas for M jiihiouiu an < Line oinleuce— .:00 p in 7 30 o in. R. C. C R A V cN There is nothing like delightful Huzelwcod ice < ream on a warm sum­ mer evening Good for men. women and children, and on sale at Roys co' - fectionery it. K . W I L L I A M S . Pi'ttAtiienl. « ashler. W. C. V A S 3 A L L , a s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r The evening Telegram had two men here last week taking notes and pic- urea from which to get lip a special O F D A LLA S , tiHMJON, illustrated edition descriptive of I)al Transacts a general banking nusi- las mid vicinity. uess in all its brandies; buys and sells Dr. Embree and family have mov­ exchange on principal points in the United States; makes collections on all ed hack to Dallas from Portland where lie went a year ago. Both their mar­ points in the Pacific Northwest; loans Honey and discounts paper at the best ried daughters live here and Van is *ates ; allow interest on time deposits. >n a stock ranch east of the mount­ ains. U A LLA $ (J IT 1 UAM i SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN R A IL W A Y ________________TIME TABLK: 1 20 p iu 1:30 p ni 1:39 I» in 1:45 p m Mrs. Mary A. Dunn, a sister of J J. Williams of Dallas died in Portland Julv 4»h. She crossed the plains in 1845 and was raised where Airlie now mauds. Her first hushaud was Luth p er Doolittle. m 0.56 am 7:30 a in Iv Dallas ar 4:35 7:4« a in lv*Teats Sidingar 4:20 p in 9:39 am 7:49 a n> lv'G illiam s ar 4.17 p in 9:3« am The Monmouth 7:1-5 a in!lv*Bri(tgeport ar 4:10 p m|9:30ain 0 ) a m ar P ä |I« City It 4:00 p m 9:20am been in existence Daily except Sunday. just elected the 'Train s stop on signals only. L O U I S G E R L I N G E R , JR., General Manager. SOUTHERN PACIFIC T IM E T A B L E C O R V A LLIS M A IL — D A IL Y 7 30 a m L v ................P ortland.................A r 10:4;} a m L v .............. D erry............... .......Lv 11:45 p m A r ......... C orvallis......... Lv A t Albany and Corvallis connect with Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. 5;50 p m 2;18 p m 1:20 p m trains oi D A LLA S PASSENG ER— D A IL Y , EX. 8 U N D A Y 0 0 p m L v ................ Portland................ Ari0:20 a ni :26 p m A r ................ Dallas ................Lv 7:00 Y A M H IL L i»l V ISIO N: Passenger depot foot of Jeff.-non street A IR ..IE F R E IG H T - T R I W E E K L Y lea ve 7:40 a m ........ Portland...____ A rrive 3:32pm f i v e 3:50 p m ............ Dados.......... A rrive 8:20 a m Arrive 5:05 p m ........ A ir lie ........... I,cave 7:00 a m Dallas Foundry I ----A L L K IN D S O F — IRON WORK TO ORDER. Repairing Prom ptly Done. Ml. BIDDLE, - PROP. A . .1. M A U T I N , T* A I N T E R , H ouse, sltrn *n$12 A S u s t a i n i n g D ie t. These are the enervating davs, when as somebody has said, men drop by he sunstroke as if the Day of Fire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sustained; and this leads us to •»ay, in the interests of the less robust of our readers, that the full effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is such as to sug gest the propriety of calling this med­ icine something besides a blood puri tier and tonic,— say sustaining diet. It makes it much easier to hear the heat, assures refreshing sle#p and wiil without any doubt avert much sick ness at this time of year. Adm inistrator’s Notice. VTOTICE IS H E nE R V G IV E N TO WHOM IT il umy C'lnrem that, the undeixigrieil had been • Inly appointed administrator, of the estate of Leah Nichols, recently dei ea^ed, by the county court of the state of oiejfon for Folk county. All pe'aons hnldin; claim«i against the estate of said decedent ar theref ore aotl B ll t'> m m l the name, duly veri- rte-i, an by law required, within aix months from this date to me in Monmouth; and all peraon* ovr- in. *a I estate are required to pay the name to me at n s. Dated this Ith day of July, A. D., 1004. IRA G. FOWKLL, Administrator, with will annexed, of the eatate of Leah NichoU, deceased. Toilet Soap P» rhape the best soap for that purpose today on Ih© market is B A K E R ' S S E V C N -X G LYCE R INE S O A P . It is absolutely pure and softens and whitens the skin h s no other soap will It is soothing and heal- inp and nothing could he better for bathing babies. For particu­ lars about it address PORTLAND TOILET S6AP CO.. 25g-257 Liberty street, Salem. Farm machinery, vehicle*. automobiles, hi 1 cycles, »©wing machines aud supplier j P O R T L A N D ONBCON You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions nd it never fails to do this w o i I t stops Now> tffiat the spring showers supremely reign midst the glimmering of the sun; Notf sta rts our outing once again, out list number one. Ju st a few? pieces vPashed av?ay. But plenty more on display. Hair Vigor fallingofthe hair,also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap­ pointed. Isn’t that so? Our immense showing this season make the few closed out styles look like a mere bagatelle. W e still have stacks of trade winners for both the hard- to-suit and easy-to-please customers. As to the other requisites, in filling orders, we briefly say: M y hair faded until it « m about white. It took just one buttle o f Ayer's Hair V igor to restore it to its form er nark, rich color. Your Hair ViKor certainly does xh :.t you claim for It.” — A. M. H ugo a n , Rockingham, N\ 0. f 1 00 a bottle. AJMrn^cjsTs. for — J. C. AYKR CO.. Fading Llair The Best on Earth, T h a t’s all. SOME W H ISK Y F A C T S The Busiest People in Town ELLIS &KEYT THE DEVIL'S HOLD ON THE UNITED STATES SHOWN BY STATISTICS. Enongh ery M o n ey S pent F o r L lq n o r E v ­ Y e a r to Pay O li N a t i o n a l D e b t . F i v e T ln ie N r.n M u c h (à o e a F o r D r i n k F o r Hooka and iUAKHiinea. The capital stock o f nil the national hanks In the United States is $iiS4.t><)0,- 100. Every y e ir the people of the United States spend nearly twice that amount for liquor, says the “ American Prohibition Year Book For 15*04.“ The total amount o f deposits in all the sav­ ings banks o f the United States is $2,- GÜU.000,000. Nearly imif that amount is spent every year for li«|iior. The to ta! national debt o f tlio United States, less cash in the treasury, is about $370,000,000. E very year enough mon ey is spent for liquor in the United Stales to pay it off and leave an enor­ mous surplus. The total value o f all the farm products iu the United States In 1900 was $3.000,ODO.OOO. The annual drink bill is more than a third of that amount. The total"bonued debts o f all the* states and territories Ls about $177,- 000,000. The drinkers o f the United States could pay all these debts with the money they spend every two months. T h e people of the United States spend annually for literature, including news­ papers, periodicals and books, a total o f $174,905,025. The same people spend annually for malt and alcoholic liquors the enormous sum o f $1,074.225,928. W hisky and beer cost annually live times as much as books, newspapers and magazines, and yet w e are an In telligent people! I f a man buys $100 worth o f boot? and shoes he pays $20.71 o f that amount for labor; if he buys $100 worth o f fur­ niture he pays $23.77 for labor; if he buys $100 worth o f wooleu goods he pays $12.80 for labor; If he buys $100 worth o f liquors lie pays only $1.23 for labor. There are 254,498 liquor dealers In the United States. There are nearly 2.000 women saloon keepers in the United States. N ew York leads with 848, Ohio hns 337, Illinois has 190 and Pennsylvania 183. N ew York, with a population of 3,500,000, has 10,821 saloons; Chicago, with l,700.tHJ0 population, has 0,750 sa­ loons; Philadelphia, with 1.300,000 peo­ ple, only 400.000 less than Chicago, has only 1,750 saloons. St. Louis, on the other hand, with less than 000,000 pop­ ulation, has 2,250 saloons, or almost precisely the same proportion o f sa­ loons to population us Chicago. Bos­ ton, with practically the same popula tion as St. Lotiis, has only 980 saloons. Chicago aud St. Louis have one saloon to every 250 men, W’otnen and chil­ dren; Boston has one saloon to every 572 people. In California there are only 20 vot­ ers to every liquor dealer; in Louisiana the proportion is even greiter, there being 1 llqnor dealer to every 15 vot­ ers; Illinois bas 1 liquor dealer to e v ­ ery 51 voters. The proportion is smallest in North Carolina, where there nr© 124 voters to every liquor dealer. In Utah the proportion is 1 liquor dealer to every 114 voters, which would seem to indicate that the Mormons, w hatever °lse their faults, are not greatly given.to drinking liquor. In 1880 the consumption of alcoholic liquors per enpita in the United States was 10.09 gallons. In a little over thir­ ty years it had nearly doubled, now amounting to 19.48 gallons per capita. A N TIA LC O H O LIC SALOONS. Lord G rrr*« It» “ T ru s t" Demon at rate* L iH r l e n e | * . Loril Or«;, n iv e ; «om • Interesting ln- formutiu.i about til« "nntlnlcohollc" sa­ loons. which have been e.tal»il«hetl throughout Knclan l. In n letter to the London T id e * . There nre now 114 “ ■aloons" manured by the Earl (¡re y trust, and a hundred additional bouses w ill lie acquired ns »non ns the present leases expire. No attempt 1« made to combine religion v. ith temperance. A “ tro--:” snlocn Is mam.Bed exactly like any other salon»—or public house, as It Is called there—with the excep­ tion that yon connot -ret alcoholic stimrlanta. T b c ban i: n or barmaid Is on dnty. ami the bar I* attractively fit­ ted np, but It »nppllea “ ooft” drinks, « I t h a stiohK leaning toward ten and coffee. Yours with the best wishes of DALLAS, OREC. The R lK lit to F a t. H ot food Is served at such low prices that more than one restaurant keeper has been driven out o f business in the small north o f England towns. The curious thing about this philanthropy is that the promoters are making mon­ ey. The business o f turning old estab­ lished bars into coffee houses is paying a big dividend, and envious publicans regard it as a miracle. It Is not feared that it will become necessary for the people o f this country IT e n lt h F a d « o n t h e B r a i n . to eat grass, as the populace it France To get all sorts o f health lads on the was told to do by one or the aristocrats who aided iu precipitating the great brain is a disease In itself. It is a very W ith a few revolution, with its scenes o f terror. prevalent disease too. Even if the price o f meat should he foolish rules to observe, a whole lot of advanced to such a lucrative figure for hygienic quirks to udjust to and a the packers that none hut the rich schedule o f superstitious sauitary no­ could afford it there would still he tions diligently follow ed by day aud other things that cannot be cornered dreamed o f by night, is a malady P a r i « Student«* Tem p era n ce Lenxne. that the people could subsist on. Even which begins us a mental deraugement The students o f the Latin quarter of corn bread would keep men and wom­ and ends in a complete pbysicul fizzle. Paris or at least a certain number o f en and children from starving. The No room le ft for a spontaneous life, no them are getting up an antiulcohollc i bounty o f nature in this land of plenty place for free, joyous liberty. Not a league, which will form part o f the Is such that the dealers who speculate I minute’ s space for rollicking disregard. French League o f Temperance. The j In meat and butter and eggs cannot E verything fixed, every minute dis­ members only abstain from distilled I monopolize all o f the fruits of the soil. posed of. introspections without num­ Honors, but drink all fermented bever- j As the dogs eat the crumbs that fall ber. Forebodings, misgivings, hover­ ages, such as wine, beer and cider. The i from the master’s table, there w ill al­ in g vaguely about the mind, like flocks fees for admission and membership | ways he something to sustain the lives o f carrion crows. Such a life is uot are n franc fo r e>eh member, and tho i o f the people who carry on the Indus | worth living.—Medical Talk. league intends to use every possible j tries o f the republic. V ic t o r ia W n « I2 x r ln «lv e . means o f Impressing on the public the j But that Is beside the question. The j importance o f temperance, such as | point at issue is whether the people in i When Queen Vie orln v I h II oi I any o f postcards, advertisements, tracts, hos- 1 a land that teems with abundance her subjects It x.,a by no menu« n pitnl propaganda, temperance res tan- j have a right to eat meat or not. and ! mutter o f course that people ataylng In rants, and later the establishment o f a j that question seems to have been ren 1 the house shoulil hare the privilege o f journal. derod timely and somewhat Important «IttluK down at table with their nuituat by a condition o f the market that cuts fellow visitor. It was her majesty's Six Hundred V ic tim « a W e e k . down the prices o f cattle and bogs to custom not only to take with her to the “ More than (100 persons are killed farmers to a level that Is unprofitable house where she designed to “ lie" (a* weekly In this state by drink,” said thf to tbe glo w er and puts them up to a the old phrase was) fo r a nlitht or two Rev. W illiam N. Yates In an address point that makes them oppressive to her own bed and bedding, carriage«, horses and servant« (Including occu. recently delivered before the Women** the consumer. Christian Temperance union in Phila­ It may be remarked In passing that slonnlly her cookl, hut also to condo* delphia. The time is nearing when th* the people o f France have not been herself nt meals to the company o f her own suit, sometimes Inviting her host saloons, like the theaters, w ill be close© eating grass for some years and tha to stwp the wholesale loss o f life.” the Americans have not the least ex­ and hostess to Join her at luncheon or dinner. ,. pectation o f ever being turned out to pasture. It w ill be oil the better for the meat trust If it can assimilate these facts voluntarily and without mmeccs sary delay.—Kansas City Star. - “ t r. t . ~ : A ik/ r »- 9 0 m f i l l ; fl S l THE MARRIAGE QUESTION. T h e profesror who announced that "lo v e im l rom ance d ie out w ith th e sound of the weddii ; : k *11 s ,'' w as the first to start the ball rolling. It w ould s« etn a brave woman who m a.ries w ith th is ech o in her ears, yet we have not heard that there w ere few er m arriages «luring the year. Th ere are un­ happy m arried lives, hut a large precentage >f these un happy hom es are due to th e ill­ ness of the w ile , m other or «laughter. D m in g a lo n g p« tiod o f practice, Doctor Pi» rce found that a p rescrip tion m ade up en tirely o f roots and herbs, w ith o u t the us«» of alcoh ol, cu red n in ety-eight p er cent, of such cases. A fter using th is rem edy for m any years in his private p ractice he put it up in a form that can be had at an y store w here m ed icin es are handled. Back* r. P ie rce 's F avorite Prescription now feel fu lly warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal m oney o f the United States, for an y case o f Leucorrhea, F em ale W eakn ess, Pro­ lapsus. or F a llin g o f W om b w h ich th ey can­ not cure A ll th e y ask is a fair and reason­ able trial o f th eir means o f cure. Dr. P ierce’s Favorite Prescription cures headache, backache, nervm isness, sle e p ­ lessn ess and other consequen ces «>f wom ­ a n ly disease. "F a v o rite P re sc rip tio n " m akes w eak wom en stio n g and sick wom ­ en w ell. A cce p t no substitute for the medicine which works wooden for wfee wwuieii. IliiK H lr in S o ld ie r C 'lin lr * . A French w riter in describing tho Russian soldier says that it is a pleas­ ure to see a detachment o f Improvised musicians marching at the head of cavalry singing with the full strengtli o f their lungs to tho accompaniment o f flageolets and olnrinets. Music plays an Important part In the life o f tho Russian soldier, from the regiments o f the guard and tho famous Preobraschenskl regiment, with tlietr bands over u hundred strong, to the regiments on service in remotest Asia | ami the dreary Pamirs, with their 1m- j provistNl chotrs. In addition to these Improvised bands each regiment has at least one “ funny mail,” who with his capertngs and Jests beguiles the toil him o f the inarch. | It is said the Russian infantryman prefers to do without Ids instrumental music rather than his singing men. That Is not surprising, considering j that, with the exception o f the guards' and a few favored regiments, the mu­ sic o f the drum Is the s«»!e Instrument- j nl music he Is privileged to hear. K i| > ld T y p e w r i t i n g . An official stenographer, Doming, at Albany, years ugo reported court pro­ ceedings on a typew riter at the rate of 150 and 170 words a minute. He elim ­ inated tbe vowels, using consonants only, with a dot to separate words. H is typew riter was Incased In glass to «leaden tbe noise. The paper was run Into the machine from a roll. Law yers could read the notes. D rsgp g Pains 2825 Koeley St., C h i c a g o , III., Oct,, 2, 1902. I sniF :re«l with falling and con­ gestion of the womb, with severe nains through the groins. I suf­ fered terribly at the time of men­ struation. had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try 1 knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but I had nev^r trie«! Wine of Cardui, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. CK A i Mr». Bosh ix now in perfect health because she took W ine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, be.aring flown pains and blinding 1 headache's when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak­ ing Wine of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa- tiont she is on the road to health. For advice in oases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. “ The I^adies Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. H iN E O R im