5 I hett, 2;19?L dam Jennie F ; reported TORTURING DISFIGURING Skin, Scalp and Blood Humours N r » H O W XT tVOBKH From Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age Spud!!? Cored bj Cuticara All Elsa Fills. The agonizing Itching and horning o f the skin, aa in eczema; the frigh t­ ful scaling, as In psoriasis; the loss o f hair and crusting o f the acalp, aa in •called head; the facial disfigurements, as In acne and ringworm ; the awful suffering o f infanta and anxiety o f worn-out parents, aa in milk crust, te t­ ter and salt-rheum — all demand a rem­ edy o f almost superhuman virtue» to successfully cope with them. That Cutlcura Hoap, Ointment and Resolv­ ent are such stands proven beyoed all doubt. No statement is made regard­ ing them that is not Justified by the strongest evidence. The purity and sweetness, the power to afford Immedi­ ate roll« f, tb- certainty o f speedy and permanent cure, the absolute safety and great economy, have mude them the standard skin cures, blood purifier» and humour remedies o f the civilized world. Butba the affected parts with hot water and Cutlcura Soap, to cleanse the surface o f crusts ami scales aud soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cutl- enra Ointment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation and inflammation, and soothe and heal, aud. lastly, take Cutlcura Re­ solvent, to cool and cleanse the blood. This complete local and constitutional treatment affords Instant relief, per­ mits rest and sleep In the severest forms o f eczema and other Itching, burning and scaly humours o f the skin, pcalp and blood, and points to a speedy, permanent and economical cure when all else falls. | cow, Fasten the rope to the pole, so when the cow lifts up her head and walks along the back end o f the pole will drag on the ground and the for­ ward eud w ill lift up. When she comes to the fence, the end o f the pole will run under the fence and hold her head down. She cannot Jump. D r ie d B lo o d F or C a lv e «. I The Kansas experiment station In | reporting u i » oii feeding dried blood as I a preventive o f scours says: ••Dried blood is not on./ good for a ! weak calf, but is an excellent remedy for any calf subject to scours. W ith | the seventy head o f young calves un­ der experiment at the K n s a s station during the past year there has not been a single case o f scours that dried blood has failed to check. "In feeding dried blood a teaspoon­ ful at a feed is a great plenty. Ib is should be continued until the scours disappear, in ease o f a weak calf t ic allowance may be gradually increased to a tablespoonful at a feed." T o prevent the dried blood from set tling to the bottom o f the pail, where the calf w ill be unable to get it, it mu) be stirred in the milk while the calf is drinking, or the milk and blood may 1 m ; fed immediately after being thorough­ ly mixed. "Since dried blood is such n cheap and effective remedy, it w ill pay any one who raises young calves by hand to have a little available whenever a calf shows sign.; of disorders in its di- i gestive tract.” Ila l ; B eef P ro d u c tio n , i When feeding for baby beef, the feeder can use mixed bred calves that have been raised on creamery skiiu mdk and whole milk. It is a saving to vac cina te the calves early so as to prevent blackleg. Sold throughout the world. Cutteum lUaoleeat. flOe. Feed the calves twice daily, morning form of Choeolote CoeUd PIIU. 2Ac per t U I o / 60). tinrnt, Me., Soep. 2Ac. Depotti V a n A a m .it Charter* and evening. Feed in lots in tin* same ho«M Kq i Park. J Rue de la Phln Boatoa, I «7« oiumbu# A r t. 1 otter Drug * Chetn. Carp.. Sole Proprietor«. order each time and exactly at the m r Send lor ** Ilow to Cure £ eery Humour.* same time each day. The hours of feeding should be arranged so that the CHURCH DIRECTORY. calves will do all the work o f eating in daylight. Feed them what grain and Preaching hours at 11 ami 7 :30, roughage they w ill eat up eleau within M . K. C H U R C H , three hours after fe«*dlng. Mix the Preaching Sundry m orn in g and ev­ grain with the roughage and feed ening. Sunday school at 9:45. Ep- whole. Keep salt In boxes under the worth league at 6 :3* Prayer meet­ sheds where the calves can have free ing Thursday e v e n in g — Jas. Moore, access at all times. The calves can lie pastor, sheltered with a common board shed. Closed on the north and open on the south side. B A P T I H 'I C H U R C H . W ater should be supplied in tanks Preaching Sunday m orning ami e v ­ ening. Hii’iday school at 10. 11 Y regulated by float valves so that the P. U. at 6:30. Prayer m eetin g W e d ­ tanks are kept fu ll and the calves can nesday e ve i.in g .— J. M. Green. pH»* drink at w ill. I f the weather is cold, !t Is best to keep a tank heater going tor. In each tank so ns to keep the water at a temperature o f about 40 degrees.— P R R S B Y T K R lA N C H U R C H . Farm and Home. P r s id lin g Sunday m orning and ev­ T t ilic i-c n t lii T e s t . ening. Sunday school at 10. Chris­ A foreign paper presents statistics to tian Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer m eet­ show that out o f 47.038 animals im­ ing Thursday e ve n in g .— W , T . Wai ported from Denmark Into Germany & die, pastor. C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H . P reach in g Sunday m orning and e v ­ ening. Bible school at 10. Henim Christian E ndeavor at 6:30. Bibl» class and prayer m eeting Thursday evening. — L. G reen, pastor. K V A N O K L I C A L ( 'H U R C H . Preaching Sunday m orn in g and ev­ en in g at the Dulla.i college chap« 1 Sunday school at 10. Christian E ii deavor at 6:30. Prayer m eetin g Thurs­ d ay even ing.— A. A. W in te r, pastor. IMMI8 which passed the tuberculin test were found to lx* diseased when slaugh- :em l. This means that the tuberculin test was totally unreliable, for in over 20 per cent o f the cases it failed to de- toct tin* disease. Such figures are open to grave doubt, says Stockman and Farmer. In competent hands the test has not shown any such percentage o f error In this country. In fact, it has failed In few cases. The chief failure o f the test is that It makes no distinc­ tion between encysted and harmless bodies o f tubercular matter and actlvr nod dangerous ones. D r .iff A dm in istrator's Notice. V H T I C K IS FISHERY G IVE N T IIA T TH E UN 11 dcMiifi.e.l wnh on th » '8th «lay of Mav, 1004, hy th* county court of |»olk eou tv, Oreiroii, ap- jKM 11 tcil aduiiiiistritor of the eatate of F. E Wei •Fer, late o f I’olk county. O regon. < i smi. All peiMone hohti'ig claim * against the mi «I«1 rafale are notified to preacut the a me, duly verified aa re quired hy law, to the undi raiifm-d in Sulem Oregon within aix month* from the date o f thin no» ire. Rated thin la: day o f June, IW04 z. .r. moos. Adnil dalrator of the eatato of K. R. ceeaed. W eider de H u n ter to E «!«u ril V II. T bei > is an individual attach 'd to the court whore calling wen) It classi­ fied in the directory would couie under the heading o f "d ra ft lim iter." His sole duty is to precede the king and search for drafty places In the hall or room In which the ceremony partici­ pated In by ills majesty is to be held. If, for instance. K ing Edward attends a banquet the "d ra ft hunter’ ’ visits the room and sees that every precau­ tion is taken for shielding his majesty from the slightest draft. T lif « oat of W ar. A prominent Frenchman who has given much study to the subject says that were his country to be drawn into a great war in present conditions It must be prepared to meet nn ex­ pend it tire o f 30,000,000 francs a day. So stupendous Is the absolutely un­ avoidable outlay when a m ighty na­ tion in those days becomes Involved in a conflict o f the largest proportions that taxpayers are affrighted anil ap­ palled at the mere thought o f the thun- o f the '.'’ ins The practice o f dehorning animals that arc to be p it into final yards has conic largely Ini.) vogue during the Inst ten or fifteen years. It Is gener­ ally conceded that, all tilin g» consid­ ered. it Is much mere humane to de- I orn than it is to allow li< ued animals t » run hi the yards i '/ether, says Iowa Homestead W hile the practice is com mcuvlabie. It * m the opinion o f a mini l>er o f feeder» with whom w e have dis T I M E C A R D NO. 24. cussed the n u tter recently that it lias No. 2 for Yaqu in a : I e.m carrie » a i.Ulc ton f *r. When all unie -Is th ^ «.* put Int« le a v e s A lb a n y ...................... 12 :45 p m le a v e s C V rvallis.................. 2 JM) p m feed yards are .rn l the tendency A rrives Y a q u i n a ................6 :20 p in Is for them to bv.uch together to much during fly t'.nu*. In this way aui No. 1 retu rn ing: 6:45 a m m.'tls becom* too warm and con.se I am vi a Y a q u in a .............. la'Mvcs Corvallis .............. 11 .30 a m quently will i: t make the gains tha they other.« i.e \v< dd If they could I» Arrives A lb a n y ...................... 12:15 p m No. 3 for D etroit: kept sentiere 1. Tin !r object, o f com ;« lieaves A lb an y .................... 7 :00 a m In bunching te it ! r is t«» lessen th 12:20 p m agony cam l by flics. Another dlsad A rrives D etroit . . . . . . No. 4 from D etroit vn’ t ’ rc o f c I oao ban h > 4 is that h le a v e s D e t r o i t .................... 1 :00 p m frequently ro.cn it.« In tramping out th-' Arrives Albany .. ............ 5:56 p m grass nuil nt in Rural i E D W I N ST O N E , N ew Yorker: Take a pole eight or ten «Manager. feet long, tie a rope ground It nearly T C ockrell, agen t. Alb an y. la the middle, big eud nt the Isick. and H. H. Croats#, agent, C orvallis. S " the rope fast to a halter oa th# Corvallis and Eastern Railroad. I 'r o f e a n lo i i t lie Id le L o u O u u ’ m S m a r t F op S e t. M it n 1« The out or work man in the «mart set who form erly lent himself for a consideration us a "guinea p ig " direct­ or, "touted” for tradesmen on com mis­ sion or sold furniture, country houses or motor cars lias found a new profes­ sion. It Is that o f society spy." According to a correspondent o f Truth who signs him self " A Shop­ keeper and a Gentlem an," the "societ; spy” is invaluable. I f u west end in;«, is in difficulties or his w ife lias o ver­ rated his pat.once, the "society spy" Informs the trade at once. I f a west end man who has bee. for years on the brink o f bankrutc.\ wins a large sum at the card table, there are Intimate friends who profit by making the good fortune known. A t a tim e when there ure so many who are rich or appear to be riel whose names are unfamiliar the sbo»*- keeper might make serious mistakes were it not for the information which is so given. The tradesman Is only too happy to pay for information which enables him to avoid a severe loss. Tradesmen in form er days seldom ventured to ask such questions, and their customers, as a rule, supported each other. Now. says Truth’s inform ­ ant. the difficulty shopkeepers have to contend against is that most o f their customers, especially if they are inti­ mate friends, have not a good word to say for each other. Modern English society Is today an "association o f ene­ mies who profess to be friends.” — London Leader. W u | ro of U i i k I I n I i II ; i i i c r i n m . The many executions taking place these days would give the lie to the story had it not already been contra­ j dicted that the hangman suffers pov­ erty. But the court o f aldermen real­ ly does possess the record o f an appeal j for increase o f the hangman's salary. Jack Ketch w rote that as executioner he could ;*et no other employment; ; that lie had to k«*ep an assistant, but that hangings were so rare as to make ; it impossible for him to live. He must have compared his own lot witli that of the French hangman in the palmy days o f that officer before the guillo­ tine killed his profession. "T h e post is sacred here,” w rote a diarist in Paris, "and approaches the noblesse In the right o f using a sword and the priesthood !n being proscribed entry nt all spectacles but that o f the pro­ fession. I f blood unsullied can ennoble, then I know o f none so pure, for a French hangman can marry none but a French hangman’s daughter.” Far different was It from the Ketches of old time, as the follo w in g record shows: "E xecutioner’s fees. Ts. Od.. stripping the body. Is. 6d.; use o f shell 2s. 0d.’’ —8t. Jaim s Gazette. Rult* fcw woaxin.; vrUL a?; rn uowjjj are u: tie in i:;u v L a i . : a?th e c :m.. . E .0ITO R IAL FLINGS. Dear ftk:*.ptiect, Sun Francisco, C alifornia. in his $(1,250.000 estate. H ad It not Laura Hope ( rows in the role o f Rosie, been for the fact that the young man’s the lodging house keeper’s daughter, In mother had left Idni a large fortune "M erely Mary Ann.” the future would have been rather Tyron*» Pow er has been engaged to • link. s u r iw i Julia M arlowe In "W hen Charrington’» first temperance work Kniglithrud W as in Flcwer.” He will was to start a crusade fo r reclaim ing also appear as Ingomar in Miss M ar­ the outcasts o f the W hitechapel and lowe's elaborate revival o f that play. the Mile End districts. H e then built Boils show the blood is in a riotous, feverish a bail ling within a stone’s throw o f condition, or that it has grown too weak and slug­ •.rie;■-.-À/A T rade M a r k » M AXIM S FOR T H E Y O U N G . his fath er’s brew ery and carried on Ids , . . b a D esig n s gish to throw off the bodily impurities, which temperance campaign there. The hull C o p y r i g h t s A c. I f courage la gone all is gone. then concentrate at some spot, and a carbuncle An rone ¡»pndlnR n sketch and description may i was called tin* G reat Assem bly hall iulekij ascertain our opinion free whether an 1 Put tiie best o f yourself into all you or boil is the result. T o one already enfeebled and cost $ 200 . 000 . Am ong those who invention ts pr<*ha1»ly patent able. Conimunlca- < ions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK o n l’atenta do. by disease, boils seem to come with more frequency, __ assisted Charrington In this venture sent ires. Oldest nueney for securing patenta. Patents taken through Mttnn & Co. receive Fly from pleasure that bites tomor­ causing the intensest pain and greatest danger to the already weak and w ere tiie Rev. C. II. Spurgeon. Lady t p r liil notice, without charge, in the row. Henry Somerset, the R ev. F. It. Myer, debilitated sufferer. A ll skin eruptions, from the sometimes fatal car­ the Countess o f W arw ick and the late I f you lose heart you weaken your buncle to the spiteful little cat-boil, are caused by bad blood, and the A handsomely Illustrai ort weekly. I .unrest cir­ E nil o f Shaftesbury. head. only way to avoid or get permanently rid o f them is to purify and culât ion <>f nnv scientific Journal. Terms, #3 a Charrington has now started nn en­ rear : four months. $1. Sold by all newsdealers. A w h o man can keen silent; a fool build up the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract the humors tirely new scheme which he thinks w ill cannot. and poisons; and nothing w ill do this so quickly and thoroughly as eclipse nil others In the temperance Branch OSlce. «25 F 8t„ Washington, D. C. rroaperlty in evil Is the greatest mis­ S. S. S., which is the acknowledged king o f blood purifiers and great­ line. It Is the combination o f n sani­ fortune. est o f all tonics. W here the bloml has become impoverished and i, tarium, retreat and home for aristo­ A i iliru o nviy rend whc.t an nge can poor and thin, no medicine act, prom ptly in building up and restor­ cratic drunkards. W ith this object In not uiend. ing its richness, purity and view he purchased tiie island o f Ose t, In Black w ater bay. off the Essex coast, No of!!« cun make a worthies# man strength. The time to cure A it ,c h ,n y , p » . , J u n . n , teoa. respectable. for $30,000. W ork Is rapidly being a b o il is b e fo re it d e v e l- - « * 1 ? . » * » o f t ^ . n t y or th irty I w m i o r « l* , aan«t*d with tare., awful boll, on my fao. and pushed on a home for the Inebriates, H urry not only spoils work, but ops, W hen It IS in a state body. A i aoon t i they would b««l up in one plac* which when completed w ill be under of incubation or formation *bey would break out in another port of th« body, spoihi life .«Iso. OI in cu o a tio n o r fo r m a tio n and th l. .o n tln u .d for t.n y . a r . I tr l.d c r .r y - the management o f a competent doctor A noble failure Is better than n dls I in th e b lo o d ; f o r b oils are, th in y lo o u ld hoar o f to yet relief, but n oth in * r.ml w ill he open to both sexes. There a fte r all o n lv thl» imnuri did mo any rood. I had but litt le faith in 8. 8. 8. r. put; bio siu i e. s. alter an, only the impuri- doln(r m. „ ood Whon I bo«»n It, but att.r takiu* ---- w ill also be cottages and small houses A man sh ml« have "th e w ill to do | ties an d p oison s b u b b lin g tt for a short w h ile th© boils began to disappear. m ■ | ■ __ fo r those who wish to liv e hy them­ the soul t » dare." UD t h r o u g h t h e skin an d I eonttnuod on w ith the m edicine, takiu y six b o t - H A f l 3 1 B i k l l —l l l f i selves. up in ro u g n m e s k i n , a n d ties, and a ll the boile entirely disappeared. F iv e f l k i y i l l u l v l i B l I l V a Share t h e I m . in U mi o f others, and yon t h i s w i l l C o n t i n u e i n s p i t e years have elapsed since that tim e, and I have ^ will !i; liL'ii your own. o f D o u ltic im r a n d U n rin cr been bothered since, ahowiny that the cure • D R IN K E R S N O T W AN TE D . li u i i , ™ lai?C,nK was permanent. I had aome th irty or forty o f P O R T L A N D - T H E C A L L E S R O U T E . More hnriu may come o f work U l ♦ t ill th e b lo o d g e ts r id o f the moat painful boila one ever had, and to be . . a — ^ i . 1 1 J M . 1. . wwau« m . 1-1 A * . done than o f work undone.—Excb ingc- K v f n t h e It a i’t c m l o r M n » f H e n T o t a l e ly rid of its accumulated p o i t o n . e s. a tir » . 0., puts me under a debt o f gratitu d e to Steaim-rs: A h it u lu e r . H E N R Y Z IN N . The way to stop boil* is you Recently there appeared in the Bos­ HO RSES AND HO RSEM EN. to attack them in the blood, ton papers this advertisem ent: "W a n t­ and this is what S. S. S. does. A ll danger o f boils is past when the ed—a bartender who does n it drink.” W alter W itbertll, a New Ilninpahir« blood has been thoroughly purified and the system cleansed of all mor­ A cull at the place mentioned i:i the trainer, has taken charge o f the lior»»*. bid, impure matter. 1? you ace subject to boils, then the same causes advertisem ent led t > the Information ai J. F. Howland's sioik lai'in. Burin thut produced them last season w ill do so this, and the sooner you begin that it is very 1« :d t>i find a persou lie. who w ill sell «'.* nks to others who to put your blood and system in good Philadelphia road rider» have pnU does not hiias: !f «'.rink, for even if he order the better the chance o f going $2.XF,UO0 in liie last six luonilin tot begins as a .* »dor man he very soon through the spring and summer season C o n n e c t in g a t L yle w it h th e trotting horse» to d rive on the speed becomes a hard drinker and is int. - without boils or other painful and irri­ w jr . pacii ted. Moreover, in these late tating skin eruptions. S. S. S. is guar­ Oscar L.. 2:08%, owned by Joliu Gra­ d rys a total abstainer v !!1 n:»t take anteed purely vegetable, and can lie R a i l w a y C o m p a n y for dy. Ardmore. B a .. slipped o n the kt tl. * pi ee o f a bartender; hence the sn- taken with perfect safety by old and W a h k a i c u s , rvrvntiy breaking a leg. anti luid to l * D aly, I l : i proprietor’s difficulty. destroyed. young, and without harm to the most delicate constitution. It is C e n te rv ille The fact that railroads nml many C o ld e n d a le anJ all othvr K li. k iU I valley ;> •ima. Emm »t R owho . who ha» been second mild and pleasant in its action, and unequaled as a cure for boils and < ther corporations and business men trainer for Roy M iller several years, kindred eruptions. require total abstinence o f their em ­ W rite us if you would like medical advice or other Ik n m tr s I n v f Pnrtlstnl «is lli, except Sander, at has Joined the working staff at Dr. Mc­ «form ation . ployees Is well known, but It was hard­ 7 a. nt., conne-t-ng at Lyle with C. R A N . tr .'n for Uottlendnle at fti.’ki |> in . trai>i arriving atw>»-«ten- ly tJ 1 h » cxpe«*te«l that th s method o f Coy’« Delaware farm. i* at M:lti* m connect« with thl- nteatner for P.»rt j adopted by the saloon proprietor. This may be coniftrued to be n hopeful Indi­ eon. 8ln* lia« won more I m at» tbun any Ayer’s Pills. Keep ssying l»n«i arriving at I'orUam a t© pm . cation that sorre d. y the saloon busi­ Cleveland matinee trotter. this over tnd over sgsin. F or tleU iled inform ation o f tickets, ness w ill be universally admitted to be dealt Itu«l-4'»ti lias purcliaw'd from The best laxstive. L£AT. m 2.: berth reservations, etc., call or write so altogether dangerous and bad that Float Jolly. Tipton, Ind., the gelding uo one dcgnuhnl enough can be found F iv d MiH’lure. 2 : 15 ^ b j W. Beo- Vo Abler street wharf, IW tU u d , Or. to have any thing to do with I t 1 H . G. C A M P B E L L , M anager. R eversib le M ap? B O IL S P Y R A M ID S O F P A IN Scientific American. MUNN & Co.36,Broadway- New York so B a iic y G a t z e r t R e g u la t o r D a lle s C it y M e tia k o Columbia hiver and Northern THE »W IT T t p c c m c C O ., ATLANTA, G A. Ayer’s Pills B U C K IN G H A M ’S D Y E W»nt ycur ir.cu?tas.hc or bcarJ d . t i f c l b r o v a c r r i d t '. - x k ? I : « n » « « a ».^ u . « « . » • »■