i THE P O U CilüW t iTtMI/tR D A.LLA.3, F R ID A Y , JUNE 17. 1904. RIGS THAT RUN W e are showing the best assortment of buggies, driv ing wagons and vehicles of every sort that has ever graced the floor of this old reliable implement house, There are the very popu­ lar cushion tired runa­ bouts in all grades, the hard rubber tired rigs, the hacks, surreys, and deliv­ ery wagons. Call and see them. Kv«m I' hiuat H orma » A 7:80 VV. A . W A S H , HI UTO K ANI» PKOPKirroR. d U B B O R lP lT O N K A T E S : , 1 ¿0 ................................. Per y<>ar 75............................Per six month» 4‘ > ....... .............. Per three momhs ! Adveitising rates made known on application. Correspondence is solicit­ ed. Fjne Job Printing done at reasonable ( •»rice«. $ F. A. Wiggins IMPLEMENT House C O U NT Y COURT. COM&I ItfSlONKKH. John Teal. Seth Riggs 25g-257 Liberty street, Salem. Farm : machinery, vehicles, automoniles, hi j cycles, sewing machine« and supplies. Rebate of $29 40 allowed on assess­ ment of G. A Stark. I n d e p e n d e n c e Rio n lc. Bids for concrete walk« around At the grove near 1ndependence on court house ranged up to $2,595, the bid ot J. A. Laurenson at 20 cents per Friday and Saturday there will be a picnic by the grangers and hop men. foot being lowest was accepted. The principal speaker for the occasion HILLS ALLOWED. wdl be Governor Chamberlain Tin* Current Expenses f>* liners convention will be under the Alexander A (Jo....................... $ 22 00 auspices of the state agricultural col­ C G Goad ............................ 10 00 lege, and many prominent farmers Glass A Prodliomme ............. 5 Oh will take part. There will be plenty F H Morrison........................ 5 00 of band music and a variety of amuse­ Irwin. Hudson Co......................... 10 75 ments. There will be a special motor T J F r y e r ............................. 12 50 from Dali s. Basket dinner each day Frank Gibson............. ... 8 SO A N Robins » n ............................. 3 30 How A b ou t You S u m m e r V a c a tio n J G VauOrsdel .................. 15 00 Newport on Yaqm ua Bay i* th• Vaughn it W e a v e r ............. 75 00 i leal seaside resort n the North P W A Wash 3 80 rifle (*• •' ! “ » Round trip tick»*'« at Roads and highways g»-ea»ly i rd need rail’ on salI* from ah Clay M fg.C o. $227 00 > »n hern 1Pacific coin 1» in Or« .o * on A S h u ltz ................ 9 00 •mil after III»« 1st A-k i.u«-nt* l'or Beal A C o .............. 10 85 furtber informatior» h nd a hand«* me J M Sears . . . . 80 oo illustrated »«)liv« nir biinkl«*.. or w «lite Alfred Simkins.................... 38 75 Edwin Stone, manager C. «fc E R J S Pettyjohn............................... 52 50 K.. Albana , (h or VV’ E. Coman, G J J B u h ie r ................................... 29 05 P. A , S. P. Co . Porti.... I T B H un tley................................. 50 00 13 54 . COLLEGE CL OSI N G EXERCISES Cap. Lumber C o................. Ind. Lumber Co . . . . . . 87 00 The fourth annual commencement J B Teal .................... I week w*.« a full one and the people S tlaries F E Mver $ 87 00 Mimed nut. hi largo numbers to the T J Butler 42 50 various gathering*, The Soro-is and 27 5 0 l'b e Homo «ecieties each gage a full G W 8 ifarth. .. ......... 85 no ! evenings entertainment to greatly W B Daggett.................. 85 00 pleased audiences. The Philadelphi A N Holm.in ................ 40 00 an» gave a banquet to their friend« Milo W o o d s .................... A Laughary .......................... 32 50 and the faculty at Hotel Gail, there E V D a lto n ............................ 62 50 hi ing *ome forty present. No wine 65 0 0 1 hut lot« of wit and wisdom flowed Tracy Slants................ $13?> 52 1 Poast« were given by Alex VanOrsdel J T Ford U H L o o g li. r y ...................... 213 ►6 n C o lli»«, H,irriso» Barnn lri- k, C L Starr 85 17 jC P G ite», Dan Poling, Prof Me'sgfu J E Sibley 68 8 5 1 and President Poling. Ori Btmdav Selb R igg« 12 2 0 1 'uorning at the Methodist church, John Teal 12 50 President Poling preached the »»acca- laureate sermon to an overflowing Registering Voter« B W ilso n .................................$ 26 20 hmiMt, nil the local ministers taking 18 80 part. Sunday evening there was an J W K ir k la n d ........................ 8 L Siewart..................... .. 7 00 address hv Rev Curran, of Hillsboro, and Monday evening another by Rev Pauper account M A T e th e ro w ...................... $ 5 00 |W. C. Kantner, of Salem. Tuesday I I 00 afternoon the athletic association gave D G Meador . ...................... . an outdoor exhibition of what they could do and that evening there was a B ig; F ig u r a s , 100,000,000 bottle« of P-rrv I)avi*' program by the librarv association. Painkiller sold in sixty year«. Just The commencement exercise« wen think. Nearly enough placed end to j held in the college chapel Wednesday end to reach around the world. What morning at 10:30. Four student« other remedy can boast such a record were granted diplomas, Misses Bertha of service« to humanity in curing j ind Inez Allen fro n the elementary stomach and bowell complaints and cour-e, M i«« Ethel Poling from the the many other ailments am! acci teacher« course in music and D. A dents constantly occurring even in Poling f oin the classical. The ora the most careful homes. There is on tions were of high Older and merited ly one Painkiller, Perry Davis’ . Be­ the applause of the audience. This 'ear marks the initial «tep in the ware of immitatious. graduate« donning the regular college cap and gown. Pres Poling addre«« S tee le -K e rr W edding, There was a prettv wedding in P »r ed 'he d a*« and presented the dipl »- Margurite j m »« in a way that was only hi« own ker at noon June l«t daughter of Mrs. Mary Kerr was ma ‘ 'T h e series of entertainmeu's closed ried to Edward Steele by Rev. r . C. Wednesday evening with an address Thompson. W hile Velena Fuqua by Rev I). V Poling anil a hmiquit played the wedding march the young by tip* alumni association. The ad couple advanced sod »food unattend­ Hies« w i« pronounced very fine and ed, under a b«*ll trimmed with orangi as toast m «»ter W B Daggett made Si une of the response« flowers and c alia 1 1 1 lies, in a lovelv thing« lively bower of 1 ice and flowers. The room brought down the linuae 21 II! wn« tattef dly decorated with rose , T h e 8 u m m e r Season long «pray« of Oregon grape and fern* i« full of d liter« particularly for tl e The bride was attired in while minis* line de soie, trimmed with satin rib children, who ro t knowing the resu t bon and Valen cien n es lace and carried of eating unripe fruit, indulge tln-m a boquet of bridal roses. The groom Belve«, with the usual griping pains it the stomach as a consequence ; moth wore conventional black. Afier the . , , , . . ... ini|>re»«ive crii'innny »m l coi.gmi nl.i ?r" ►"»»!• I '»• ' <■ » » »'■• *« "J «'«<•;•» « linn. 11.« thirty f.n.r Kii'*»t» p.ri.H,k l v rry l> »v » C hi .. l , I , ot » (lelifioiiH* dinner. T li, liBppt W,U v ’ •>"' *"•'«• p t'r left .... .In* ..ft. ... .. .. train to, , r 1» «•« « ►«•(-* -'•••»»I.« « h im » '* »«•« « L F irtlanil and The Dalle., where the. «• k' l " P" ry w II »pen I their ...................... .It.'. | ■ 2u 60 which they w < 11 be at borne to their Clayhorne Shepard *»f Zena «n friend« on a farm near Haver There Was a long list of beautiful mid nsefn1 |(\ m ì I St.iat« nf Airlii* grudnated *' presents which will give tin in a tin« | tlie »»»ite ngriv'iiltural c«dlege hi ì w» t k ► tart at housekeeping. Free » Iver and *nli-expansimi » re dead i«*ue» and «lintlld Itaxe m* ■ i *»li-i(b rat ani in thè iiCXt derttOcrati» ihmv Difficult Digestion That i* dyspepsia. It make9 life miserable. national convention. Frid IV and Hatiuday Jnn» 24tl Its sufferers eat not berause they want j ■ I 25 b Dr Lnw. thè well kn w» —but »imply berause they must. oc tln*op»iei n, will|be in Dalla* at II-- They know they are irritable and fretful lt (4 »il. flave Inni t* *t your ey * but they cannot. t>e otherwise. I for glasse*. They complain of a bad taste In th If you bave goats, sheep, hog»,ca' mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the »tom •ch, an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness tie, hor*«* or anything else to sell, ad headache, heartburn and whatnot. vert i»e the fact ami buyer« wills«»«« The effectual remedy, proved by perma ippear Everybody »xpects to fin« nent cures o f thousands of severe cases, is ww .9 ~ su. h notices tinder our beading New à lO O d S S a rsa p a rilla H oo p 7» F i llb ar* iba bw t cukartk; D ALLAS ICE H D COLO STORAGE CO F ld le r A M a r k s , P r o p s . Wli'.lt »»le A'i.1 retail .Icier, in MINKRAI. W ATER ROOT BEER QINUEK ALE MiDAS. ALL KIND!« P IC K LE * CIDER VINEGAR SWEET ClltER OKANOE CIDER BANANAS LEMONS G RAN G ES O u r ice is made of pure mountain water Cold storage at low rates. O CK S T A F F OF HUSTLERS, dq Y q u WITH A LAME BACK? WHAT THEY HAVE TO SA T ABOUT THE OOINCS IN THE COUNTY. Kidney Trouble Makes You An U n a q L k l ' r d an d C o m p l e t e Re • u m e nf W h a t Your Frinnds are and Have Baen Lately Doing. Journ al or O r j g o n l a n . Eilli. r of iliem b I. hu * or tin* lutin' zer w.iul.l co«I you fl.5 () a year, Inn wc liHve mule a coinbiu'itiou by which you can urt thi» paper and ni liter ( f the Portland paper« a year for *2 The home paper would give you all (he eornty news and either of the others that of the stale and world Those who desire to keep posted must read current newspajiers, there being nothing that can take their place Tell your neighbors about this attract ive offer. SOLA. Our Bchool will d o «* Friday. Mis« Hayden has «old two cow«. Mr Kenyon« $25 ami died how laid d o w n T. W. Brunk wan able to be at the polls on election day. John Trent is paiuting Mr. Hob mao’« new hop house. A stubborn bicycle injured the face of our merchant Jo- Trent W ill Bunts from acm »« the river W8h badly shaken up by a breakdown. H o w ’s T h is . VV e offer one hiirnlred dollar« re- w ml for any ca«e of catarrh that can- n< t he cur« d bv Hull’» Catarrh Cure. F. J Cheney <♦> <♦>' <♦> . <♦ Lee Lifibson and Ray Gilbert were I per Cent, and give terminal ground* pitcher* at the exciting Popcorn ver­ 1 in NVe«t Salem and right of way t* ---------------------------------------------------------------- '% the Dave Holmes place, he would add sus Uak Grove game of ball. $90,000 and build a railroad t'* Dallas $■ J O F L O U C H A R Y & E L L IS .T $ / "; Messrs Evan«, Hall, M orn« and They sent D. J Fry, E T Barms *nd << D ALLAS, ■ ORECON »> <* Vender are hauling away many loads Clarence Hamilton to investigate the i- ' PHONE - - 44 <♦> of ttrawberrie« winch they «ell at 75 route and it« ind icem^nts. Thev ' <♦> cent« per crate. ' .ji The very best of new goods arriving by ev- have reported favorable, the proposi­ tion ha« been accepted and a com ' .-ry freight. Prices are right and all goods are P O PCO R N . mittee to secure terminal grounds and ’ guaranteed. VVe want your produce. ^ ^ Our schuol picnic was a success. bond subscriptions to be secured b\ A\ A. A A. A, A. A. A, A. A. .A . .A . A\ first mortgage on the road. I f the •-+/ \f/ \t» 7/ *4? ,\ y >7 • Big crowd at quarterly [netting \ sl\ * A . * A ' A . ’ A , * A , A, A. A. A. /¿\ ,4 requirement« can be met, it is propo« S. ------------ -» • ♦ ------ !------- ¡5 » v y * '•?/' \ y \ y \y \y yy \y vv vy yV S Sunday. ed to begin work in July and com S U N N Y S l OPE. L. L Canuny is hauling wood for | plete it by Cbristma«. Mr. Ooovert Robert Clark and wife are down hi« brother. | lias figured out that the n»ad ought ftom Blodgett’s valley. McDowell Bros have a new Cham­ ! to make a net earning of $100 per dav. ■ ♦ • ♦ —— —— Rev. John Kramer was buried in pion mower and take. B U E N A V IS T A . the Cartmel cemetery Sunday. The Oak Grove team beat ours at a O. W . CO BB O. H . C O B B ' P h o n e , F a r m 32 9 E. N. Hall and family of your city Maurice Wheelork ha« returned game of ball Saturday. i Sundaye*l here. from teaching in Tillam ook county. Mr. and Mrs. Evans invited a num Grandma McLaughlin is out from Wm Herren and family «pent pun- her of young folks to sample their ice cream *nd strawberries. Independence with her children. Wagon and carnage makers and repairer» of all kind« of f. rm ma­ day with hi» brother Charlie at High chinery. New and second hand rigs to «ell or trade laud. A J H all's hors« ran away, threw T O K I L L T H E D ANDRUFF GERM. him out of the buggy and deni »li 1 1 • I R. M. Boslev has rented and moved into the Ira Smith house which has it. la th e Omlr Possib le W a r o f H a v in g ' eon occupied by F. C. Haynes. OREGON NORTH DALLAS A * E ffe c tiv e Cara. Hurley Hall ba« been down from George Foster, wife and sop and I f you see a woman or a man with lux­ Corvallis and R Peterson i.« back from Mrs Vlaitha Addison ar • here visiting uriant glossy hair, you may be sure nei­ Portland. the latter’« sister, Mr» Fi*hhack. ther haa dandruff to amount to anything. In nearly every case where women and Tree«« P-atber and Eva Biblwin men have thin brittle hair, they ow e It are aiiuvtg relatives at Bridgeport and Life. The poet’» exclamation: “ O life! I to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep­ Falls Cit> . feel 'b n bounding in my vein«,” i« h arations that “claim” to cure dandruff, but not one but Newbro’s Herpicide tells jov«»u« "lip I’er-ons 'bat can r»r »lv you that dandruff is the result of a germ Mrs Diekins *n an I family ; r* • *r never make i», in bo estv to tliem- burrowing Into the scalp, and that per­ h «re fr *m L «n '‘ c«»nn*v with her par «tlves, are imong die most unfortun­ manent cure of dandruff and Its conse­ ent«, Mr. add Mr*. Knighton. ate They do n«»t live but exist • f«> quent falling and baldness, can only be V. t * li» e implies more than to be. T* had by killing the germ; and there is no Planl no •* »iit«I rci eipt» for sale it L E E S M IT H ’S C Y C L E R Y live i* to be well and strong T«< other preparation that will destroy that tliis office, al o all kind« of legal germ but Newbro’s Herpicide. “ Destroy •»ri«e f«*«*l?t'g i qual to the ordinary «Ill- the cause, and you remove the effect.” blanks. (Enam eling and light latbe tie» of the «1 i v * ml to retire not over Sold by leading druggists. 8end 10c. In ! Hbippiug tag-^ for sain here in any work. ' 0 «ne by them, to feel bfe boundinv stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit. Mich. quantity dc«ired, also blank note and in 'heir ein« A medicine that line ii i & v in rnugiDii, special agents receipt book». made thoo-a«) t« of people men and women, well ami s*ro»'g. has nrooin- Have a coaster brake pub] Bather than carrv them over Wm. plished ;i crest work be«t«>wing the Place your on your wheel. Fanil will now «ell harks, buggie- iehe-ts hi s*ings, and that mwTicine and carri »ges at coat. orders for - IfiMids Surs parilla The wink, run B e l t e r th a n a D octo rs P re s c rip tio n Mr J. W. I'nnier, of Truha t, V’ a., «ay« that Chamberlain’« Stomach ard Liver Tablet« have done him more good than anything he could get from the doctor. If any physician in this country was able to compound a medicine that would pioduco such gratifying result» in case« of stomach troubles, biliousness or constipatinn, his whole lime would be used in pre­ paring this one medicine. For sick headache take Chamberlain’« Stom­ ach and Liver Tablet* and a quick cure is certain. For «ale by Wilson Drug Co. The Summ.it Epworth L «a bue have elected new officers. i> M «l not now regularly repn>en at Falls City. Storage at mir warehouse. W e ar»- Ji*hn Vernon ami wife, old time li largest buyer« of Chittim Bark. : Oregon Grs|»e R« m »I, Oregon Hui-an •esident* of Parker, were here thi^ | •f F ir and beeswax. W e buy for casi week. j »ell on com mission, or give you fre Mra Chas Miller, of Rickreall, visit- I storage Write or call upon us before <1 her aisier, Mrs. A. B. Lacey last you seP. D a n ie l J . F r y wb«»i.* . ve» k . I and r e ta il d r o ^ i s t , " a le n i, O re g o n . JA Y N E ’S EXPECTO RANT Mrs D ive Olin was quite sick last dav with Mr. and Mr». Conn near week. A irlie. A fter several yeirs absence O 0. Mr and Mr«. Ed Steele have return B -lcher is again with us «•d from a visit to The Dalle« and There f* to he a basket picnic a» P inland. the school house the Fourth. M i*« Lucy B *lter i« at h^me again L. H. Perkins had some chittim and K ill« i» visiting Mr. and Mrs t»ark stolen from his cabin whi’e he Pearl Alexander. wa* absent. R e d u ce d R ate s St Lo u is Exposition Fourteen men volunteered a days The Southern Pacific company will work Monday on the road bet wee »« 11 round trip tickets at greatly re­ the Polk county line and Norton’s duced rates to St Louis and Chicago mountain. --------------»*» « . ------------ account the St Louis exposition, on P io n e e r s and 4th of JulY. the following dates: June 16, 17. 18, Julv 1.2 3; August, 8, , lOjScptem On Saturday, July 2nd the annual her. 5.6,7 ; October 3.4, 5. Going trip pioneers reunion will occur at the ci must be completed within ten days ty park. The occasional address will from date of sale, and passengers will he delivered by Mayor J. C. Havtei b< permitted to «tart on any day that • ml tin annual address bv Judge Wm will enable them to reach destination Gdloway. In the evening there will within the ten day« limit. Return be a camp fire gathering and reunion limit 90 day«, but not later than D* c of Indian war veterans. On Sunday ember 31, 1904 For full information morning »oine prominent Portland a« to rates and routes call on agent minister will preach in the grove ami S. P. Co. at Dallas. that afternoon the Monmouth band will give a sacred concert there. A BRU8H COLLEGE. grand Fourth of July celebration will take place Monday. Hop« look well hut need rain. ihe liqu >r bust ns««, but more c«»n Mr- Ki rr ai d Mre Larev visited « rvat ive leni iterane«» men think i' best to gradually bring about the de M»s Dav)d*«»i) Sunday sued changes Horn»* conimoniti» John Arlausou is home from a two | .re now ready for pn hibition while weeks tiip to t'oos countv. I » hers must In* educated to the beli» i Bei a Arlanson and brother John that it would be best. ^'U»da\ed at Mr. J«dinsouV Hifhest °rice Paid st Fry's t rug httrs. Salem. Oregon. THAT f/DT\ vrliH COUGH Mifeses Shriver and Chamber», of Almost ever; ybodv who reads the newa- papers Is sure to know of the wonderful Dallas, is visiting Mia Celia Walling, cures made by Dr. I of Lincoln. & Kilmer's Swamp-Root, j the rreat kidney, liver j Mi-s T n ut who has been teaching near Dallas, ate spending the summer and bladder remedy. It is the great medi­ with Mrs. Lou Roy. cal triumph of the nine- | The ice cream social given by the teenth century die- covered after years of ; Lady Maccalaea at the Lincoln hall | scientific research by 1 la«t Satuiday evening was well at­ Dr. Kilmer, the emi- ; tended. nent kidney and blad- der specialist, and is | Mrs. Scott, wife of Rev. Scott, who [wonderfully successful in promptly curing was our pastor several years ago, i* up | lame back, kidney, may. bladder, uric acid trou from Fairview vpiting Geo. M cKin j bles and Bright's Disease, which Is the worst ley and family. | form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec- | The Zetia and Lincoln sell ol pic ommended for everything but if you have kid- | uic which was held ip Zcna 1 st Sat I ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found i urday was a success in every r «pect. | just the remedy you need. It has been tested ; Ihe program by the children w.ts ex­ I in so many ways, In hospital work, in private 1 cellent. Supt. C. L. Stair and State I practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- ! Supt Ackerman w*-re present and chase relief and has proved so successful in I gave excellent addresses. every case that a special arrangement has 1 been made by which »11 re»ders of this paper For Over Sixty Y ears . | who have not already tried It, may have a “ mple bottle sent free by mail, also a book | A il old and well tried remedy. Mr«. telling more about Swamp-Root and how to W inslow’s Soothing Syrup has been find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. I used for over sixty years by miMions of When writing mention reading this generous | mothers for their children while teeth­ offer in this paper antf in g, with perfect success. It soothes send your address to the child, softens the gum», allavs all Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing­ pain, cures wind colic and i« the hc»t hamton, N. Y. The 1« pleasant to regular fifty cent and Horn« of sWamp-Root. remedy for diarrhoea the taste Sold by druggM s in every dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. part of the world 25 cents a bottle. L o not make any mistake, but re­ It' value is incalculable. Be sure ami member the name, Swamp Root, Dr. for Mrs. W inslow’s Soothing Sv- Kilmer’« Swamp-Root, and the ad- ru and take no other kind ilie««. Binghampion, N. Y. on every - - — ♦ • * . bottle ROCK CREEK. Remember tlmt nearly everybody VVi11 1 VV. W . Zinn at Salem. look» in thi» paper for notices of lost or found articles. Ail such article» Circassian ice cream $1 a PARKER. should be promptly adverlisd. r«alav. The coat will bele«« th gallon. ou imagine. R dph DaVk!««n is home for a short Shrewd merchants make attractive (»olden State, 8o cents a Horn*' pronounced hot headed pr*> vacation. offerings an«l let the public know gallon. N o order for less h'bitioni-ts are in favor of rushii.i Mr* Villie Lacey ha« been here al»out it. No other medium is *o I ahead and at o c try t«> do away wnb ' • in Oklahoma than 5 gallonsof Golden State cheap or no effective as a good neaa Chittim Bark. V attended Mms Alice McKinlay comment eiiit-nt at Eugene thi« week. GUARANTEED TO NOT WARP. A Loving, Dainty Wife Like« ♦*> ber 1 ttshand arrived in iinniin ulate lin» n V\ «• nui cue in. nv ca-es of win te wives in ► i-t on -enping tin ir lim n to mir lau : » 1 1 » y . and 1 «li** a e good ji d* e^ i f In w lam il* y v oi k * l*« u’d I e done and km w a g«iod th ng wl.cn thev see it SÍLEB STEIM L1UNQFT L m t , ' r «.r, in D .I1, dr u I * l >7 M f « w • ith J. J. Fidl.r