I,. fi. WOODS, M. D. P h y s ic ia n and S u r g e o n , V^HAT W E H A V E L E A R N E D D U R I N G T H E W E E K F R O M A L L AV A IL- D k II hh , Oregon. 5 . ¿4 On and after Jun e 1, 1904, tli Ablw S o u r c e s D is h e d u p for O u r Southern Pacific in eonnectiju with the Corvallis ort, Ya- Will Yeater and wife of Bridgeport quina and Detroit at very low rates. i t o r i i e .y H - u l - L i U W . ! good for return until October 10,1904. have a pew girl. , t b o o k « in F o lk The days ticket to Newport and •Vu live Ui« ouly i»vt oi ninVy. Ke ..»vie i n n u tl» iurm ned. und money t » E. A Millsling bought the C K. Me- Y'lquina, good going baiuiuays and mi. No uouimiMion churned on lou.irt. H o oin« t reluming Mondays, are also on sale Lmie place at Muver. •id i Wilson'« block, Dalian from all east side points, Portland to Mrs. Lurk Hall « f Sa’em among E igeue inclusive, and from all west Eastern Oregon friends. J. L. COLLINS, side points, enabling people to visit (•Uud L* wis took 450 goats to Mr. tueir lamiheri and spend Sunday at Utorney and Counselor at Law, Willoughby at Eddyville. Ihe seaside. Season tickets from all east side S o l i c i t o r n i C a « n c e r jr . Frank Lnuglmry and wife of Luci- points, Portland to Eugene, inclusive, i u practice of bis profession lu «hie place U ah » mt thirty and from all west side points, are also ii»ute have a new born boy. year«, and will Attend to all bueWee on sale to Detroit at very low rate- it rusted to hie - are. Oifloe, corner Maui and t*oun Albert Mier who bad lived north of with stop-over privileges at Mill City ,H Oillae, Folk Oo, Or town la going to visit his uative »Swiiz or any point east, enabling tourists to erluud. visit llie Santiam and Breitenbush J. N. HA. It V Jesse Applegate who settled on Salt hot springe in the Cascade moun­ A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W . ( ’reek in li>43 is in the soldiers home tains, which can he reached in one J .y . it iiosrfbnrg. U IOI11 1, O slielJ building, Season tickets will he good for re­ c. L A 8 , - - O JK IE G O IS I George Stoll who was in our jail s< | turn from ail poiuts until October 10. .ong tor having too many wives lias Three days ticket will he good going oeeu released. ni Saturdays and returning Mondays O SC A R H A T T E R . •nly. Tickets from Portland and vi­ Ben YVIut-eitker and family have | cinity will be good for return via the moved from Independence to their A . t t o r n e y * a t * I - , u, w . east side or west side at option of pas­ :omitry home. senger. Tickets from Eugene and Mrs. W. L. Phillips and dauglitei vicinity will be good going via the Office upstairs in Campbell’ a build who live west of Airlie will make a Lekmoii-Spiingtield branch if desired. ing. Baggage on Newport tickets checked ong visit east. DALLAS - OREGON. through to Newport; on Yapuina to Mrs. P . A. Johnson of Pedee has Vaquina only. neen visiting her daughter, Mrs. T art­ Southern Pacific trains conned » . L. BU TLER K 1 er of Corvallis. with the C. :0u » in 5 p w Leaves Dallas for M >nnout ii an I Inue eiuleiice— 1:00 p m 7 30 o in. Miss Myrtle Gardner has finished Up to next Monday the count* court will receive bids for a three beni uer school north of here. ridge and 40 foot till at toe Osbom Cbas. Di umeller baa bad the road R. C . G R A V E N K. »5. tv i i.i.i A Ms, place north of Indep ndence, also for P r e M n le i ii. < tis ln e r. i concrete arch ami fill at the Hirsch- to Mill Creek well graveled. W. C . V A S 3 A L L , a s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r beig place north of Independence. E. N. Branson lias rented the 300 H ALLAS L I T li i iA i N h acre Riggs farm on Salt Creek. OF DALLAS, OREGON, There is weeping and gnashing oi J. W Bevvley Ims bought the livery Transacts a general kinking unsi* teeth among the Portland wholesale ucss in all its branches; buys and sells liquor dealers because the local option business of McLaughlin Sc Brewer. law will soon begin to tell on their re exchange on principal points in the Fuulconer Sc Son have sold their United States; makes collections on all ceipts Because it will hurt their bus­ A. Cowan from points in the Pacific Northwest; loans iness they think it not good for tin s’oek of goods to S. money and discounts paper at the bes> country. Their trade from Eastern Tennessee. rates ; allow interest on time deposits Oregon alone amounts to about $2,- Mrs. Etta Sunderland was married 000,000 annually. Hereafter most, of ihat will he more usefully spent, iher* it the home of VVm. Armitage to a will he fewer drunkprds and more Portland man. ---------- ♦ • * ------------ happy and prosperous homes. What T h ro w n From W aagon. ever lessens the trallic in strong drink R A IL W A Y Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown is so much of a blessing 'o humanity. from a wagon and severely bruised. __ T IM E T A B LE: The Rathbonc sisters of Falls City ! Ie applied Chamberlain’s Pain Balm i 20 p m 7 30 a m Iv Dalian ar 4:86 p m 9.55 am 1:38 p m 7:48 a m lv*Teats Sidimr ir 4:20 p in 9:.'S9 highely am are ela ed over the success of freely and says 'hat it is the best 1:39 p in 7 49 a n» Iv Gilliams ar 1:17 p m 9:38 am Mr. Babcock 1.45 p m 7:55 a in iv*Brid-/upoit ar 4:10 p in ¡9:30 am their Poverty hall. The music was liniment he ever used. 1 55 p in ■> 0 > a in ar Falli < '11> l\ I .¡.0 |> in furnished *; Ju am bv the Independence or­ is a well known citiz n of North Flan, Daily >ep( B u n d s ) . chestra, and qui e a number came Conn. There is nothing equal to •Trains »top on signals only. lrom Monmouth and Dallas by spec­ Pain Balm for sprains and bruises. It LO U IS C E R L IN G c R , JR .f ial motor. The floor managers were will effect a cure in one third the time Oeneral Manager. Hoy McMurphy, Valoris Dennis, John required by any other treatment. For Chamberlain, Sirs. A M. Vassal I, Mts sale by Wilson Drug Co. Rena Waterhouse ami Nelle Ford. M AR K ET REPORT. The prizes for the best represent«- ivts of poverty were given to Mrs. TIM E T A B L E [Corrected w eek ly b y G ooch 3 ro».| Rena Waterhouse and Harold L ov, of W heat, per bushel, 75 cte. CORVALLIS MAIL— DAILY Falls City. About fitly numbers Bran, per ton $22 7 80 a m Lv..................Portland................... Ar 5;50 p m a ere « < Id and a neat little sum realiz- ¡0:46 a m Lv.................... Derry............. ........Lv2;18 pm .MhMlmg*, a ton, *25. SALEM, FILLS CITY & WESTERN S O U T H ER N P A C IFIC U:45 p m A r.......... Corvallis.......... Lv 1:20 p n r ed. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of: •"' i regon Central and Eastern railroad. DALLAS PA88KNOKR—DAILY, EX SUNDAY :00 p m Lv.................. Portland.................... Ar 10:20 a m :28 p m A r.................. D allai.......................Lv 7:00 YAMHILL Yu VISION; Passenger depot foot of Jefferson street A IR LIE FK EIM irr— t k i w e e k l y L «av e7:40a m ........Portland........... Arrive 3:32 pm L farc 3:50 p m ................ Da'las......... Arrive 8:20 a m Arrive 5:05 p m ........ Airlie ..............Leave 7:00 a m Hi i — A LL K IN D S O F — IRON WORK TO O RD ER There is a state law which positive­ ly says that saloons shall not be kept open on Sunday, Fifteen Salem grog shops monkeyed with said law on a recent Sunday when there was a big exclusion in town. Prof Drew »f the Willamette university informed against 11 hem ami when arrested they prepar­ ’ d to fight the case hut later on de- I ridt d that ihe cheapest wav out of it was to pay the fine of $10 and costs of ,$6 50 The saloons of both Dallas, 'and Im'epemlenee are inviting the same fa e. Again we say there is a stii'e law T Fading the opening of saloons on Sunday. ------------ « • * -------------. Repairing Promptly Done. L E T T E R LIST. These letters remain uncalled for in the Dallas poptoffice for the week end ing June 13th, and parties calling for them will please state that the have been advertised: A .. . J . M A R T I N , Mrs. Magda Csmphell and family, D A IN T E R , Mr William Curry Mr. C. C Garfield House, sign and ornam ental, grain Mr. A1 son Haves ag, kalsoming and paper hanging. Mr O If. Hancock Mr. R. M. Wagner. I h u i , * - O ruoov A J Hisley, E**q Mis« Elma Harris, W M Miller, R-I-PA-N-S Tahules Mrs Clarence Merchant, Doctors find Charles McDonnell, A good prescription E a rn Mard^n, Mrs M H Miller, For mankind Mias Ida Robert«-^2. Hi# ' c#nt pH'-ka«* is « n narh fo r n«n*l 'veaw inn*. j 10. BIDDLE, « f a m i l y bofttl«. 80 All - PROP. <*'*nt*in« « su p p lv for a » - U U m m C . G . COAD, poeUnaater. Shorts, per to n , $23. O ats, per bushel, 30 cts. Flour, per b arre l,$3 50. Flour, per sack, $1. Buckwheat Hour, $2.50 per cwl. Gerinea, $1 60 per cwt. Corn meal, $2 50 per cwt. [Corrected weekly by Dunn's Grocery. Potatoes, per bushel, 50 cts. B utter, per pound 2 5 cts. Lard, per pound, 1 2 i cts. B aco n ,sid es, per pound, 15 c.U. H am s, per pound, 15 eta. Bhouldeis. per pound,9@11 cts Eggs ,per dozen, 16 cte. C h ick e n s, per doxen $3er pound, cts. C abbage, per pound, S e ts . Onions, per pound, 3 cts. Beans, per pound, 5<&7 cents. Corn m eal, per pound, 3 cts Hay, per ton, $7fo$12 S u e d By H I . D o cto r. “ A doctor here has rued me for $12 40. which I claimed wa» excessive for a case of cholera morbus,” s i»r K White, Coachella, Cal. *'At the trial he praised his nodical skill and m elt, cine I asked him if it was not Cham herlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea lienv'dv lie used as I had giant reason to believe it was, anil he would not say under u tili that it was not ” No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. ABANDONED FARMS GOING. kept easily tit 150 degrees C. in the in­ dustries numerous uses are suggesved, as in filters for fatty or gelatinous mat­ ters and for warming carriages or trains, etc. S u m m e r lte n id e n ts A r e llu yiiiK T h e m I n X e u liuiufttNlilre. EUROPE’S OBJECT LESSON. Governor Bucheldor, lecturer of the national grange, has issued an address B i s h o p C o l t o n ’« T i m e l y P r o n o u n c e ­ m en t A g a im t S u n d a y O p en in g . on New Hampshire’s abandoned farms, in which he says: Bishop Colton of the diocese of Buf­ T r a ln l n ir D r n f M ute» to H e a r. “An encouraging feature of New falo lias announced himself as strong­ To train deaf mutes to hear and to Hampshire life at the opening of the ly opposed to any measure for the Sun­ measure their sense of hearing hi».ve | new year is the extent to which tliej day opening of saloons lu New York been subjects of experiment in Europe state’s abandoned farms have been city and Buffalo. It is the first time IK O N W IT H fc’ E L F IIB A T IN G B IT . by Dr. Marage. A siren giving v o y 3! adopted by prosperous and well pleased that ^Bishop Colton as bishop has felt metal is movable and can be placed at sounds was used, and the intensity of foster parents. The first statistics col­ called on to make a statement through any desired angle. By virtue of this tlio sound as it became audible became lected by the commissioner show 1,343 the press on a public question. The form of conrttruction the iron is of progressively less, many cases of com­ abandoned farms within the state. The statement says in part: great con veil i^n^e in soldering metallic' plete deafn-vs being thus made to give proportion of unoccupied farm land “From my standpoint as a Catholic edges so local**t as to be difficult of ac­ place in si.\ weeks to the power of within the state grows less with each bishop the opening of a saloon or place hearing on‘ nary sounds. The trei.t- i year that passes. cess. where drink is sold on any part of A Bunsen burner Is used to generate inept proved to bo pleasing instead of “By far the larger number, however, Sunday is objectionable. It 1» the spir­ the heat, will* b is utilized to its fullest fatiguing or painful. The hearing wuh of the purchasers of New Hampshire’s it of the Catholic church to keep the extent, owing to the prevention of measured at different stages of tl»e abandoned farms have been summei Lord's day for rest and spiritual ob­ radiation by t ie open space beneath treatment by the air pressure neee.4- 1 residents, vacation visitors, permanent servance, and anything that would the copper let and the concentration sary to make the siren audible, and ly domiciled for from two to eight clash with the religious observance of of the flame v>f gas and air directly on the results were claimed to indicate | months of the year among our hills. A the day is something that the Catholic the bit itself. This system of heating that few persons are deaf and dumo canvass of such residents, now being church in this country is opposed to. develops a sndleiently high tempera­ beyond all cure. "There have been in Europe sgd re­ made by the state bon ’d of agriculture ture to permit of the employment of a and not completed at tin* time of writ­ sults from the allowing of the sale of P h o to g r a p h « N erve A ction. comparatively small piece of copper in ing, lias given thus far the names of intoxicants on Sunday—namely. It Dr. Oharpentier in a communication j 2,100 owners of summer homes in 0111 broke in on the religious character of the bit and also economizes In the before the Paris Academy of Sciences state, most of the said homes having i the day, and instead of seeing, iih we amount of gas consumed. It is reported that a soldering iron of described an Interesting discovery ns to , been creat'd from what were one« do here in America, a quiet, restful mid rtllglqilis day it takes the charac­ this kind, which does the work of an | the possibility of photographing muscu- j abandoned farms. ordinary soldering iron possessing a i lar and nervous activity on a plate cov- j “It is estimated that these 2,10 ter of a (lay given up to pleasures of heavy copper hit, consumes only about ered with a layer of platin cyanure of I adopted sons of the state, by them every kind which are ofttimes sin­ three and oncfhrlf cubic feet of gas barfnnv ful. We should take warning by them selves, tbeir families, their guests an per hour. The size of the flame can be Nervous sensations and impressions their employees, add to the populntioi and not give way to the siitull minor­ regulated at will, while the apparatus and muscular efforts are flashed on the of New Hampshire every summer a ity, for once our American Sunday Is can be attach»-*! to any gas je t and op­ plate and produce a special fltiores<*eiice. least 20,000 people. Their holdings o- lost to us we shall never, like them, be erated without the aid of bellows. The showing, for Instance, the action of the real estate represent a permanent in able to regain it.” short length $M:\1 comparatively light heart nnd muscles of the Interior of the vestment of $“».000.000, and their an weight of the Ti »11 make it a most con- , body. nual expenditures for all purpose» | venient tool t'» manipulate. within the slate ore at least half »1 ; much.” SLEEPING OUTDOORS. W hat It H « n »one For Tw o C b u rch M eriden (• 'on if | ( 011* 111111» t i vc*. With ti»e mercury 30 degrees l clo v *«ro two Meriden (Conn.) women h ivt been sleeping «11 nignt in tne open air on the versndu’of their home. They are both consumptives. Last July their ciaes were declared hope less. As a 1 .At resort a physician :id vised slefnlng in the open air. They have not slept a night indoors stnew. Throughout the winter they have es­ tablished tbeir tied on an Upper veran­ da promptly af 9 p. in. Their bedomill­ ing has eonMsted of one blanket and one comfort ible. In case of rain or snow a r»ihfw r covering is used. On | extremely c>A1 nights an extra blanket R ACE FOR U FE . is added. S p u r r i n g h is ja d e d h o r se to re n e w e d Their physician says both women efforts v* I k n the ani»nal should be refreshed have lost m n'ly nil trace of ttibercu- ! v uh prt per food and rest, is about as sen as prescribing nerve tonics, alcoholic losls and thn* three months nior-» of «¡bU compounds, coca mixtures and cocktails heroic tre. tm 'nt will cure them. Tb 1 which onlv spur tin the already weakened complexion of both has become a cud- | nervous system. Neither does it do to put nerves to sleep with narcotics. When dy brown from exposure, ami ind »»r» the y o u feel worn out. broken down, jaded, and they comp/MU of the heat if the tem­ feel the effects of brain tire as well as n e rv e perature of l ie house is over -0 <;<• weakness, sleeplessness and fatigue, ta k e Dr. P ie r c e ’s ('»olden Medical D is c o v e r y , a grees. On * •>? them has gained W ei tonic which will do you lasting good, b u ild ty-flve pour ds in weight, on«l loth you up, in c r e a s e your appetite and s tr e n g th and improve the condition of the b lo o d . have hearty appetites. X C ar l « » « » H eater. The carious electric heater of M. Ca- mllle Herrgoft consists of con duel ing wires woven into carpets and oilier fabrics, an 1 It is designed to giv • a moderately high temperature to the fil>er, henif , cotton. .linen or silk, it does not nfT.*T the pliability or appear­ ance of Uhr material. It Is da ii ied that the h. ite r Is perfectly safe ;»nd thst the wires cannot I k .* raised alwve a certain temperature. The arrange­ ment can lie applied to many purposes, i ’arpets, rr.jts, etc., can be kept at (he temperature of the hotly or higher, and ¿ u nt we*, medfrsl an.nitcafjons can be When the blood is impoverished the n e rv e « feci the effect. Nervousness in nine c a s e s o u t of ten is the "cry of the s ta rv e d n e rv e s for food." Feed the nerves on ric h b lo o d an d all nervous manifestations will c e a s e . " I t has been seven m onths since using Dr. T e m p e ra *? **« S o c ie ty * « W o r lt. The twenty-second annual meeting oi I the Church Temperance society was held recently in New York city. Bishop Leighton Coleman of Delaware presid­ ed. The annual report of the society spoke of the work of tire saloon substl tutes. among them the Squirrel inn at 131 Bowery. In the year there have been 03.805 attendances, an average of 257 a day. The restaurant has supplied a good dinner at 15 cents. The high price of provisions, however, lias made ' it difficult to supply a good meal for so small a sum, and the loss has been $500 on the year's work. The society begun the year with u deficit of $1,000, but through the aid of the Women’s Auxil­ iary begins the year 1904 with a bai- i mice on hand of $293.02. ^ A l c o h o l ’« A » » fu l D e a th R o lf. ; During the Inst thirty years there . ! died in Europe alone of alcoholism a to­ J tal of 7.5O0.UOO people. That Is more 1 people than were killed In nil the wars of the nineteenth century. The author ify for these statements is Mattl llele- nius, a member of tlie faculty of the Cniversify of Denmark, who goes on to show that iu Denmark one out of every seven men who die between the ages of thirty-five nnd fifty five Is a victim of alcoholism. E n « l t » h H e e r G a s « 1e r « . Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, and I only The pet capita consumption of beer used three bottles of th e m edicine when it made m e feel like a new man ’ w rites 8 . A M iller, j In Great Britain is 4 per cent greater E»q (care of Mr. Amos H vre. R. D. to), Dayton, than I11 Germany, commonly supposed Ohio " I haraught should always be kept in the house. { “ I ured Thed ford’« B la c k D raught io r liv e r and k dnejr com - p lain *“ and found n oth in « to « x c «2 it ” - W 1LLIA M C O F F M A N , M a r- bInheail, 111. T H Z D F O R D ’3 BLAili- DRAUGHT