’■ if V. C- e c t ■try £ J L mt Î : :rl$ v 3b' ' i.. i , a i *f4fe - V -v > - Ayers D A L .L A S O R E G O N VO L. X X X . ,,. >'. úJ'Jün, .»I. 1). HIS EYES Ütc.i AT LAST. °!iyiician and Surgeon. t>.'l .. O -fri.Il. ^ rt. 0, K a r in . a . 3L /t£ V A dfc E A K I N , u o r n o y N -ii t -L iU W « Vttorney and Counselor at Law, Nullcllor ■■ C k » « e r f . Hu been n practice ol bin proluuiun In »boul thirty ...n , »ii*i will »Itend to »11 buwl.ru utriuU'U to bi. . »ro. Oilto., corner H.i» »ad Court M 0*11»., Polk Co, Or ______ J. 5 . H A B f - l t - “ OREGON. X. L . B U T L E R E F. O A1> B U TLER & CO AD Attorneys-at-Law D ALLAS, OREGON. W i l l practice ill all courts. Office, over b a n k . funn er begins to realize w h at be is up ngainst. —Chicago American. OR. J. J. M U R R A Y , V. S., Veterinary Surge«« and Dentist Gradual« of Am ricau vco ritia y college, New Yi.ik, 1»N1. Office m Black'« livery slubhi, Dull;'«, Orej on. RAILWAYS IN CONGRESS Their Republican Friends Hold Up Needed Legislation. — W .F . MUSCOTT, ~ TRUCKM AN. D a lla s : O r e g o n RATES SHOULD BE A fair share o f p atron age solicited and a ll o -d e rs p rom p tly filled. F ra n k W. B a rry REGULATED. T e lls of H o ld u p L y R e p u b li c a n M e m b e r s o f C o m m it ­ MOTOS TIME TABLE. tee on In te rs ta te ic L e a d e r W i t h Leave« Indopondeuce tor Monmouth and V ir ile - i :30 a ni 3:30 p m Loaves Independnco for Monmouth and Dallas— 1:10 a m 0 15pm Leaves Monmouth for A irlie — .50 a m 3:50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 11:20 a m 7:30 p m Leaves A irlie for Monmouth ami Independence— i:0u » i n 5 p m Leaves Dallas for M mtnoulh an» Tn.ie endenoe— 1:00 p m 7-30 u m . R. C . C R A V E N W ALLAS OF ^ • » « » » » » » « » ♦ » » ♦ « * » * * • « * * • * t.H S h tor. C. V A S S A L L , a s s is ta n t C a s h ie r L IT * D A LLA S , H ANK t h e S h ip p e r s . P robably no man In the United States knows more about the com­ plaints of shippers over p a r ru.iroads in regard to the cliissiL.-.«ti a of freights and the discrim inations in freight rates as w e ll as the almost n.ii- B. B. W IL L IA M S . P r e m t lu n l. w. C o m m e r c e —R a i l ­ r o a d s C o n t r o l C o n g r e s s —D e m o c r a t ­ veranl domnnd on the part of the «hip per» liiat congres» grant p ow er to tin luteratnte commerce commiKsiou to regal te the freigh t rates than doe:-- .\ir. 1 rank VV. Barry, commissioner o, the n .tlonal board of trade and seen - tury of the interstate commerce law convention. A bill has been Introduced In tin I'.onse em pow ering the Interstate com rnorce commission to regulate rate» and the organlratious back o f Mr. Bur ry are attem pting to get It through congress. It w a s referred to the com mlttce on Interstate and foreign com­ merce, w h ere it is now held up by tile Republican m em bers o f this comiuli tee w ork in g In the Interests o f th railroads. Mr. B a rry Is confident th. if tire bill can be got before the who.- house it can be passed, the pressure i Us fav o r being so groat from i ll sc., tl.i’.is o f the country that m any Hcpi!1 llc".i.: w ould he compelled te rote f | A g ricu ltu ra l Im plem ents • OREGON, T ran sacts a gen eral b a n k in g ousi- ucss in all its bra n c h es; buys and sells exchange on prin cipal points in the U n ited States; m akes collections on all points in the Pacific N o rt h w e s t; loans money and discounts paper at the best ra te s; a llo w interest on tim e deposits. SALEM, FILLS GITY8WESTEIN P LO W S • W A C O N S * C U L T IV A T O R S H A R R O W S B U C C IE S S P R IN C W A C O N S % A ifa ^ 9 Plumbing of ail Kinds. l # A ll sorts of machine oil. Our blacksmithing is JF is guaranteed, Great variety of things for farmers. T $ W AGNER BROS - D A LLA S I ____ 1 20 p 1:34 p 1:30 p 1:45 p 1:55 p _____TIME TABLK; m|7:30 ni 7:40 in 7:40 m 7:55 in 13 05 H l i Lu m b e r of all K inds Daily except Sunday. ‘ Trains stop on signals only. L O U IS G E R L IN G E R , J R . , General Manager. 500,(XX) feet, half of it air dried rustic and flooring. None beter or cheaper. At mill on Upper Salt crock or delivered if desir­ ed. SOUTHERN PACIFIC T IM E T A B L E C O R V A LLIS M A IL — D A IL Y 7:30 a m L v ...............Portland................Ar 5;50 p m 10:40 a in Lv .D erry..................L v 2;ld pin 11;45 p m A r ......... Corvallis......... rallia.. . Lv 1:20 p ni A t Albany am! Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. W . E. M artin. •V . \y <♦) PROP. v/ ■(< v. v vy \y B uy Y o u r G ro c e rie s ?•"% OF L O U C H A R Y & E LL IS DALLAS, - ORECON ( PHONE - - 44 The very best of new goods arriving by ev- fc. er.v freight. Prices are right and all goods are guaranteed. W e want your produce. * ‘ , — A L L KIN pH OF— 1$. * .$ <♦> * IRON WORK TO ORDER. ’ .$ /a\ Repairing Promptly Done. V - / i \ . .y . .' /1\ 4 ?. zy .'4? vy \ v vy y . 'j '. \V ,/4\ \y /1\ /¿\ >y V . ay T* A I N T E R , House, «¡kn and ornam ental, grain , u g, kalsoming and paper banging. r> »M .aa, * - O »«(!<>• R -I-P A -N -S Tahules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind. Tk« 5 c o l • 1. enough for uau^ o c e d me. fam ily bottU, 00 centt, contain« a supply for a 1 m AM dru^pMts s»ll tboa. 5 .j -'lv v . ' .V , vy vy/ vy .V . /Á /ÁS / a \y sy >y y ___________________________ .___________________________ A . .1 . M A R T I N , In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Polk county. Lydia Jane Hare, plaintiff, ) v» > William S. Hare, defendant, ) To William S. Hare, the above named de­ fendant: Corvallis and Eastern Railroad. Y A M H IL L L*l VISION: Passenger dej*ot of Jeff.*rson street A IR -.IK F R K iG H r—T U I W E E K L Y Leave 7:40 a m .........Portland ....A r r iv e 3:32 pm Leave 3:50 p m ........ Dallas........... Arrive 8:20 a MB A rrive 5:05 p m ........ Airlie ...........Leave 7 0 0 a m ♦ « ♦ i N ew G ro c e ry Store Collins Building, - Dallas Proprietor • A. Haldeman _ Complete stock of the best in the market. Mono- o pole canned goods. Butter, eggs, poultry and all kinds of farm produce wanted for either cash or trade GIVE ME A TRIAL xhky xiLv •- -»■ / xd/Z \ik/ vvVz XiláZ xdiZ XkL z N v V /mV Z^^« Z ^ ^ T I M E C A R D NO. 24. No. 2 for Y a q u in a : Loaves A lb a n y .................... 12:45 p m L 'a ro a Corvallis................. 2:n tile with the clerk of said court on or be­ fore the Btb d iy of May, M0#. And you arc hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, as herein reouired. the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and de­ fendant and for such other and further de- •ree «as to the court may seem just and prop- r. This summons is published hy order of the Hon R. P. Boise, judge of the above en itled court, made at chambers at Albany, Oregon, on the 12th day of »March, 1B04, the first-pub .¡cation to be made the lBth day of .March w»d the last publication to l»e made the 6th iay of Mav, l'KH. ___ __ a m lv l»alias ar 4:35 p inji).55 am a lit lv*Tjats Sidimrar 4:20 p m 10:39 am a m llv Gilliams ar 4: ¡7 p in »:30 am ft m ;^ B rid g e p o rt ft' :4:!0 p nilS:30an> a m ar Kails City Iv|4:o0 p in|d:20ain •» -L y x»V/ our spring goods w ill begin to MNiHMsa;«..« IN TH E N A M E OF TH E STATE OF R A IL W A Y n . .i- ■ W e would announce that Ta* well, £ o r» I t 'Ib e Dem ocrats o f coarse ute iu f vor o f this bill—In fact, their leader. Mr. John Sharp W illiam s, has Intro duced Just ouch a bill in the house. In an interview In W ashington a f e v days ago Mr. B a rry sakl: “ M any railroads object to any and all legislation which may seem to cur tall their unlimited freedom from gov eminent regulation or control. The;, desire free license In the conduct o f their affairs. They seem to be ab le in this congress, as they have been lo r a num ber of years through their control of committee members, to prevent even consideration by congress of any meas­ ure which does hot meet their approval I think they are shortsighted In exer­ cising such p ow er — which Is derived solely on account of lack of informs tion on the part o f the people general!;, as to how things are done at the cap 1 tol— and I believe that before long tin will commence to reup the harvest tha they have sown. “ E v e r since the decision of the su­ preme court which stripped the inter state commerce commission of the pow er to correct rates which it may find U be unjust or u n law fu l—power which i exercised w ith the most beneficent re suits for about ten years after the lav w as enacted In 18S7—the commercial and m anufacturing Interests of th' country have been persistently plead lug w ith congress to so amend the lav with respect to the defect found by tin supreme court as to restore necessar; pow er tov^he commission. Bills hav been Introduced In the last three con grosses to this end. In the last con gress the so called “ Elkins law ,” wide! w a s but a portion of the measure ad­ vocated by organized shippers, was en acted. It has produced excellent re suits in preventing discriminations 1» fav o r o f individuals, and shippers linv profited m orally, but the principal an« most substantial benefit,.has been de rived by the railroads. W e nrc nov striving for legislation to further a me*« * x U bz ' goods exclusively A . tto rn e v a t - L a w . Office up stair« in C a m p b e ll’ s builtl «■ «1« y •». C. AYKU CO., K e e p th e b o w e l s r e g u la r w ith A y e r ’s P ills, Just o n e pill e a c h n ig h t. lu g . va L v Z»aN z»tvv. z»fv\ ^»tvS zn5N /mV /mV z»f“ s Z»p\ Weak Nerves o k k o o n vhgy /»XN are going to carry Missouri OSCAR HAYTSR. DALLAS .■ wB .• \vkjy zmV /Ttrs /m\ “ For more tlmn .50 vears I have used A ver’* Sarsaparilla In m y f-iinily. It Is a tr> nd fnnic at all tlm ei, and a wonderful in tliiutio for im pure blootl.” —D. C. Hoi/r, West llavon, Conn. I II ‘ . R oom 1, Ostield b u ilJ iu g . C ..A .X .X .A .S , .1. / xvLy /mV breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. I 00 a bottle. a w s. >L y Sarsaparilla ale and your blood is thin. ? our doctor says you are threatened wi th a nervous J. L. C O L L IN S , - a v.Jfv' / 'j x When the nerves ara weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, n e r v o u s and Irritable. You r cheeks are W ¡u v * the only so o f a ia ir . .» book« in Folk ouni j . Ko .Aülo * ...trac - luruisuod. amt ^ to ir ii . N j c .inniiisioii oh irgodou loa**». Hoorn» 2 ad s Wilson's block, D a l l a s ________________ a t t o r n e y N O . 17. A P R I L 8. 1904 Crnniae, agent, Corvalli*. The micro*«opc* shows that in the blood of every j vTsu.i stiff«, ring from typhoid the little gent*» csii X>r found as Fhi wt! above. Tla y arc » urpo^ed *o ge t into the water or tr.iik we dri :k. The germs multiply ro th ' one get «»I is capable of producing a! .Mitotic* hunch' d trillion germs in twen­ ty four h« :.rs. That if- why if they ever g«-t into the Crater supply of a town they nr-aij.ly ro fr,*-t that neatly everybody chinking the water comes down with tl e cii . i«c. ’l l:« re are exceptions, however, and tic y r v the p« rsons who.-« lualth is P' « feet, •• hose blood is pure, and liver a ijve. When the germs into a h.c-alth.y bi iy they »re thrown off with the other poison«. Recent Chicago tt*alatics show that one-eighth of all ti e deaths in the Kist two years in that city have resulted i pneumonia. Tt»e best advice we cati give is to put the body into a p« rf cil> sound, healthy condi­ tion. Be assured that you have rich, red blood and an active liver. Many v< ars r»go I)r. R V. Pierce, who is consulting «urgi on to the Invalids’ Hotel amf Snirnnri Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., found certain herbs and roots which, when made into an alterative extract (without the use of alcohol), seemed to be the very best means of putting the stomach, blood and vital organs into proper condition. Tins seemed to him as close to nature’s way of treating disease as it w'as possible to go. For over a third of a century Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has had i wonderful sale ami the cures resulting from its are numbered by thousands. It i- a tis*ue builder, better than cod liver oil because it does not sicken the domich, or offend the taste. It strengthens or re news the assimilative or digc«tive pro- ce* scs in the stomach and puts on healthy flesh when the weight of the invalid is reciuccd below the normal. Accept no substitute for "Golden Med­ ical Discovery." Nothing else is "just as good’ f Dr. Piercc’a Pellets cure biliouaneait personal property, lu* w ell knows that he lias got to ‘pay the freight.’ R eal­ izing this fact, he becomes directly and Intensely interested In the subject of governm ent regulation of transpor­ tation rates, and this question w ill certainly force Itself upon us as a vital Issue in national legislation. “A s evidence o f the feeling that now exists It is necessary only to point to the fact that the present congress has before It concurrent resolutions passed by eight state legislatures petitioning fo r this legislation; like petitions from over forty national, commercial and m anufacturing organizations over the country, such ns the National Grange, Fatrons o f H usbandry, supported by tw enty or more state gran ges; the N a ­ tional G rain D ealers’ association, tho National H a y association, the M illers’ National association, National L iv e Stock. Lum ber, Grocers’, Shoe and Leather, H a rd w a re and Cotton nsao- elatlons and about 175 local boards ol’ trade, cham bers o f commerce and man- ufacturers’ organizations, em bracing within their memberships over 500,000 of the leading shippers of the U nited States. Such pressure is surely strong enough to interest any member o f the national legislature w ho Is earnestly desirous o f serving the needs and w ish­ es of the people. “ Since the opening o f the special ses­ sion of the Fifty-eighth congress Inst N ovem ber and up to*tbe present date the Congressional Record reports nu­ merous petitions and memorials filed every day, w ith the exception o f three issues, I believe, bearing upon this subject. U n d er such circum stances It Is strange that reluctance should be evinced to meet and solve the question. T he opposition that w e are encounter­ ing merely dem onstrates plainly tho pow’er of obstruction w ielded by tbe railroads.” V . a h t n r l n n ’, A i.ilr »»« I . « » T lie W r o iiK N o t io n . “ I w ou hL like to get a ribbon for my typew riter," said the man to tbe young wom an w ith tlie yellow, home destroy­ ing hair behind the notion couuter of a department store. “W om an or mnehlne?” asked the clerk. “Machine.” “ S U lloiiery counter to your left.”- Clevcland Lender. T r u s tfu l. “A woman will not esteem a innf whom she cannot trust,” said the mor alist. "Y e s,” answ ered Mr. Meekln, "and ! am delighted to note tlint Hcnrlcttr a lw a y s trusts me to put the ent out and fix the furnace fire and lock the basement door aval do a lot of thlngs.- —W ashington Star. J | I 'e r h u p . It W a s j "I wonder what time Mary’B youtit ’ man left last night,” snld mamma. “It must ’a’ been exactly 1 o'clock j inn,” said the younger brother. ! "T h e Idea! Ilow do you knowT' "W h y , Just ns he w a s leavin' I beard- him nsk Mary some question, and sh. said, Must one, only one.' I’klL'tdel M n J ,.t y . W ith out ko I iir so fo r ns to sny that | M inority LemU— W illiam * w a s ont of order In a r k lr g that W «»h ln (?ton '» farew ell address he rend before the bouse on I'eb. 21 the A lb a n y A i ' kus . ay* Mr. I syne r n * rlclit In »upprcMa- ln * It. “W e would not sny that the farew ell nt’ dn .s eont dns treasonable neatlinents. In t It ¡S I ere m ajesty o f the worst kind. W ashington nvoldod entanKlIn.' itlUanecs. T he pn sent celt I* to' entan-rle ourselves In avoidable alliance«. W ashington w a s slow and deliberate, ltooscvelt la w ell, w e all , know Roosevelt.” New members of congress discov­ er quickly that their service is not sough, upon important committees and that, however eloquent they deem themselves, the house o f rep­ resentatives will not listen to them. A group of the new members of the last congress, awakened to this sit­ uation, organized the Tantalus club. The first of its members who got the floor was by prearrangement lis­ tened to be tlie others with rapt at­ tention. They interrupted the speech with applause and on its con­ clusion formed in line to grasp the hand of the speaker and congratu­ late him, a tribute which congres* pays only to exceptional outbursts of oratory. Home of the old mem­ bers, not suspecting tbe manufac­ tured character of the demonstra­ tion, fell into line too. They werr more cautious the next time. phln Lodger. W o u ld Then H . I .c fu l. G rinder— W h a t! Asleep at your drak, and work so prreslng! Meekly—E xcus. me, sir, baby kept me a w ak e all n igh t Grinder—Then you should have brought It with you to the ofilce.—T ow n and Country f m AL _ MOld homo without Thcdforirs Blaek- Pn»ui;ht. We have u*cd it iu the family for over two year* with the best, «.f result». I have not had a doctor in tho houae for that length of time. It I t a doctor in itself and always T' adv to make a peraon well nmt nppy.”—JAMR8 H ALL, Jack­ sonville. 111._________ D/vaiis* this preat medicine relieve» stomach pains, frees the constipated howrla and iuvigor-’ ntfs the torpid liver and weak­ ened kidneys Ho D octor is nco**»ary in the home where Thcdforda lilark-Draught if kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi­ cian, have been kept in neaith for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford's Black - Draught cures bilious­ ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, had blood, headaches, diarrhera, constipation, colic and almost every other a.lment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con­ trol *iie health.