THE PúLK GOUKTY ITEMIZEfi T O IL E T TIPS. OUR STAFF OF RÜSTLEB8- DO YOU GET UP Lulu Lock e lias rented a room at Mr. Becker’s in which to keep house for her little brothers while they go to school. Boil cucumber peelings In water and W H A T T N E Y H AVE T O 8 A Y A B O U T use as face lotion. T H E D Ö IN G S IN T H E C O U N T Y . Never put anything on the teeth un­ V K j LS.3, F R ID A Y , J A N . 29. 1904. Orval Smith and wife, who was Miss Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. K atharine Coon, are here ou a visit less you know its properties. A pinch of borux in the bath w ill cor­ A n U n «n i.a M r d a n d C o m p la t a N a • u m a « f W M t T o u r F r la n d s ara Almost everybody who reads the new» from Eastern Oregon, tho gu est» of O B L IM H ID B v i K T F u ID AT iiOk.MINO A t 7 :SO. rect aii objectionable tendency toward • nd H ava B e a n L a ta ly D ö in g . papers la sure to kno ow of the wonderful her sister, M r». G A . W ell*. an oily skin. curea made by ¡Dr. VV. A . W A S H , T h e M ethodist revival m eetings «) Don’t be afraid o f soap. It is not the Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, Y o u K n o w W h a t Y o u A r o T a k in g . have closed with about 25 conversions K D ITO K A N D P H O P K lK T oB . the rreat ktdney, liver enemy to the complexion that many and R ev. W ood o f Corvallis is holding W h en you take G rove’s T»»»**le88 and bladder remedy. people consider it. It is infinitely better It Is tha great medi­ meetings at the E vangelical «church. for the sklu than the dirt which wHl C h ill T on ic, because the form ula is cal triumph of the ntne- plainly printed on every bottle, show­ collect In the pores. C o n g , atulatlons. ¡¡jjjj teenth century di*- in g that it is «im p ly Iron and Quinine Don’ t use a sponge. It no longer fills #1 50 .................................... P er y**ar covered after years of Mi. J< hn H . Culloin, editor of the in a tasteless form. N o cure, no p ty. a long felt want on the toilet table be­ scientific research by Garland, Texas, N « w » , has written a $ 75 ........ .............. Per six months cause it is apt to become filled with Price, 50 cents. Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ i letter of congratulation to the m anu­ 4 ') ..........................Per three mouths nent kidney and blad­ germs poisonous to the skin. Use a bit A ilv e iU s in g rates made known on facturers of Cham berlain’» Cough Re PARKER. der specialist, and is o f antiseptic cloth or the hands. ap plication . Correspondence is solicit­ j medy as follow s: "S ix te e n years ago wonderfully successful In promptly curing An excellent dentifrice Is made from Mrs. J. O. Davidson has returned lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ I when our first child was a baby he ed. F in e Job P rin tin g done at reasonable tw o ounces o f powdered borax, one pint from California. bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst was subject to croupy spelf» and we o f hot water, two ounces o f tincture o f form of kidney trouble. would be very uneasy about him. W «1 •»rices. Cleve Parker is clearing land noith myrrh, one tablespoonful o f spirits of Dr. Kilmer’s S w a m p -R o o t Is not rec­ began using C ham berlain’» Cough camphor and one ounce o f concentrated o f Independence. ommended for everything but If you have kid­ Remedy in 1887, aud finding it such a ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found aromatic vinegar. F a l l s C it y S c h o o l M e e t i n g . reliable remedy for colds auu croup Ralph Davidson was home for a few Just the remedy you need. It has been tested Some women who are particular over days from Corvallis. On Saturday last in the school in so many ways, in hospital work, in private we have nevr been without it in the house there quite a number of teach- their toilet accessories make their own W e have five practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ nous** since that time. E. E. H iltibrand was c allin g on rel­ eis and citizens assembled to swap im- tincture o f benzoin. This they do by chase relief and has proved so successful in children and nave given it to all of atives and friends Tuesday. prtppion* on a variety of educational breaking up half an ounce o f gum ben­ every case that a special arrangement has them with good results. One good subjects. T be train made a special zoin and Immersing It In two ounces of A. B. Lacey has com e hom e for a been made by which all readers of this paper feature of this remedy is that it is not who have not already tried It, may have a disagreeable to take and our babies trip from Dallas, carryin g over tw en­ pure alcohol. The liquor is then strained few Jays visit with his family. sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book really like it. A n oth er is that it is ty. Several live questions were up and bottled. A. J. Richardson and Wife of Buena telling more about Swamp-Root and how to not dangerous, and there is no risk and elicited radical differences of W om en W h o R id e Astride. V ista visited at the home of Mrs. J. O. find out If y ^ i have kidney or bladder trouble. ftom giv in g an overdose. I congratu­ opinion. Those who did not take part When writing mention reading this generoua Should women In the hunting field David-on, Sunday. were at least s?» to thinking aud will late you upon the success of jo u r re­ offer In this paper and ride astride? Those chiefly concerned arrive at settled convictions on the m edy.” F o r sale by W ilson Drug Co. James Davidson and wife are home send your address to have more or lesa settled the point by subjects T h e question, what should --------- ----------------- on a visit after tin absence of over two Dr. Kilmer & Co..Bing­ instructors know and teach about cur­ deciding that they tnay If they wish, O AK M IL L V IC IN ITY . hamton, N. Y. The years iu California. for there la an appreciable number o f regular fifty cent and Horn* o f Bw*mp-Roo». rent events, caused all to conchrde A ll stock is doing well. On the side track here are twelve dollar sizes are aold by all good druggists. that they should keep fully posted as women In England today who habitual­ to what is goin g on of great im p o rt­ ly ride astride after hounds. They do large iron caissons for the steel bridge Everybody affected with grip or Do not m ake any mistake, but re­ ance and in cid en tally make it a posi­ so not with the desire to look manly, soon to be b uilt across tne Luckia- member the name, S w a m ^ R o o t, Dr. colds. tiv e part of their instruction. A t but simply because It la easier to do a mute. K ilm er’s Sw am p-R oot, and the ad­ Leander B tlieu bought a fine tom noontim e a generous lunch served by hard day’s hunting seated firmly Mrs. J. O. Davidson lost several fine dress, Bingham ptou, N . Y . on every turkey from L. I. Buraell. the local teachers was greatly enioyed astride than seated sideways. The fem ­ bottle. lately. T h e supposed and after that the school gave a num ­ inine api>earance is strictly preserved Jersey cows M is» M argaret M urray, o f Bridge ber of pleasant things. Fran k Butler by an Ingenious arrangement o f the cause was a change o f feed from vetch port, is w orking for Mrs. Bursell. skirt, which falls on either side o f the bay to straw and eating too much. o f Oakhurst aud School Superintend en t Denman of Benton county e n liv ­ horse. A fte r all. ladles do not ride bi­ W ill er Lewis has moved his house Mrs. Fuqua was given a birthday Dallas last F rid ay evening. cycles sideways. Accidents to women ened the occasion by incisive talks to a better location nearer the road. surprise party F rid ay evening. M any A party o f six surveyors have com ­ A m on g those present were Miss L o re t­ who ride astride are few and far be­ nice cakes and other delicacies were menced a prelim inary line from Falls H enry M iller go t out a car load of ta Smith of M onm outh, Miss Ire n e tween. The point o f the hunting habit brought in and a most enjoyable eve- C ity we»t iuto the mountains. ax handle tim ber for the N ew berg fac Carter of Sm ithfield, Miss E van gelin e nowadays Is that It must have a safety uing spent, about 35 guests being skirt which shall prevent Its wearer be­ tory. H a .t of Crow ley, Miss E dith M iller of T h e Epworth League aud members present. Oakilale, E . M Smith of Bethel, ing "hung up” in ense o f accident. The o f the M ethodist church met and T h e rural free delivery is greatly safety skirt is, as a matter of fact, not l rrank M cDougal of Salt Creek, Prof spent a pleasant social evening at the appreciated by everybody along the T o C u r e a C o ld in o n e Day. a skirt at all. but a covering more or M etzger, Mrs. K leb er W ood, W . I. route. Take L ax a tive Bromo Quinine Tab ­ parsonage. less o f the apron type that simulates Reynolds, 2 . R. H ill, Mrs. C. C. the old flowing drapery habit o f years lets. A ll druggists refund the menu) T h e parents, school officers and Campbell, Misses Canfield, Collins, A B lo w In t h e B a c k . ago, which was the cause o f so many if it fails to cure, E. W . G rove’s sig­ teachers institute was well attended Carpenter. Houck and Phillips o f D al­ An overcoat is a necessary nuisance agonizing accidents to women In the nal ure is ou each box. 25c. and profitable, a special train com ing las, Miss E tta T ro u t of G uthrie, H. and the tendency to taku it o ff on hunting field.—Philadelphia Inquirer. out from Dallas. C. Seymour.Mrs C. L. Hopkins.Misen warmish days in late autumn and P E R R Y D A l E. Jessie Bryant aud L yd ia C am pbell of Mrs. Agnes W illiam s, who is a tal winter is as strong as it is unwise. A In fa n ts' Eyes. Mrs. Nairn went Saturday to C a li­ Falls City. ented musician, will give lessons in treacherous wipd hits you in the back The eye o f a newborn Infant turns at fornia to visit her son A lex. vocal and instrum ental music at the aud uext m orn in g you have Irfmbago. once toward the light, significant In O a k G rove G ra n g e . Rub well and often with Perry D avis’ more ways tlinn one o f the future Miss Be8Me Enes, who has been in M. E. parsonage. T h ey are having a genuine and sub­ needs o f Its being. The eyes o f a baby Salem for the past four months, has Painkiller and you will be astonished stantial revival. A t a largely atten d­ at birth are hut Im perfectly developed; returned home, to find how qu ickly all soreness i» J u s t as a Fire ed m eeting last Saturday J. C. W h ite , the eyebrows and eyelashes are short banished. T h ere is but one p ain kill­ I. M. Robertson, W . O. M orrow, J. E. and thin; t!,c- eyelids are almost trans­ Mrs. Lu n g went to Portland to visit Spreads in dry grass and weeds, so er, Perry Davis. A lle n , O liver A llen , Mrs. J. C. W h ite, parent and allow much light to pass her sister, who is com ing from Seattle does an inflam m ation of the throat— the result o f a cold— grow down into Thad. Stevens, W . E. Simons, M. L. through them; the Iris Is very Imper­ to M cM in n ville. Te leph on e M e eting. the sensitive airjpaspages of the lungs. H am pton , Fin ley Edgar, Maud S i­ fect und lacks the pigment which At Falls C ity W ednesday afternoon A . C. T a y lo r and wife le ft Tuesday The cold, like the fir«*, should be very Tl)< re was a largely attended m eetin g mons, Maud Stevens and Rosa A llen comes with the growth o f the baby. W hen you be­ of those interested in having ph-y}e were installed us officers for the ensu­ It is the lack o f this pigment that for Ban Francisco, where she is to take prom ptly dealt w ith medical treatment. gin to cough, use A lle n ’s Lung B al­ lin e» from there to L ew isville and to in g term, and 0 . L. H awley was in i­ makes the eyes o f all newborn Infants tiated in the third and fourth degree». o f the same color—namely, a dark blue. Mrs. A VV. P lan kin gton and child­ sam. 1» will certainly heal the sore Dallas to connect with other lines al­ A t a called m eeting last M onday Gus The light, which is the natural stim­ ren from Bridgeport are visiting her throat and lungs and it may save you ready in existence. An agent of the from consumption. sie W illiam son , Seth W h ite , Frank ulus to the eye, If too strong becomen -ister, Mrs. D. L. K eyt. Bell Teleph on e com pany was present, Faw k, aud Emerson Harris were elect an enemy to the young. Infants should and offered that if the people along Oscar T a v lo r and wife of Salt Creek ed ancient members. These lb are to learn to use their eyes little by little, each route would put tip the lines his B U E N A V IS TA . take the first two degree* February the same as they learn to use their visited friends here this week. Mrs. com pany would keep them in repair Taylor will remain in Perrydale while Arth ur P orter is iu Portland having and r nt them phone« at $6 a year. 6th : Lym an Roberta. R ay and R oy limbs. The resting place o f the buby tier aunt is in Ban Francisco. his eyes treated. G ilb er', G. W ise, George Taylor. should be turned aw ay from the light J. M. Btaats o f A irlie and others were Seth Fawk, N. O. Faker, A rth u r A l­ o f the window and so directed that no Mrs. G etty and son W illie have re­ of the opinion that the public could to F o a n d a C u r e for I n d i g e s t i o n . lan, Elton Jones, Seth Smith,. E . C. strong rays o f light w ill fall directly best advantage keep 'h e whole thing 1 use C ham berlain’s Htomach and turned from California. Arm strong, Mrs. Gussie W illiam son, on the eye. Especially should the eyes in their own baud«, and an early can L iver Tablets for indigestion and find Mrs. E. L. Harris, Clifford Roberts be protected from artificial light. T h e Rebekahs gave a public in stal­ vast) will be made with that view. By that they suit m y case better than any and wife and Mrs. W . L. Gilbert. Tin- the Bell system any service outside of lation ami chicken pie supper. dyspepsia rem edy I have ever tried members of Sum m it grange have been town most be paid for. while the mu­ U S E F U L T O KÍM'OW. T h e K n igh teu fam ily were called to and I have used many d ifferen t rem e­ invited to attend the in itiatory exer­ tual system gives free access to any Salem by the severe illness of John dies. I am nearly 51 years of age and cises on February 6th. M inor repairs J aw Stains JIny De R em oved From one on a mutual line. A »w itch board K n ig h t«'n ’8 baby. have suffered a great deal from indi­ V ariou s A rticles. will be made to the grange property to c. st about $120 is to be established To remove tea and coffee stains gestion. 1 can cat alm ost anything I at once and when rum m er comes the in the W ilson drug store, and it will want to n o w — G eorge VV. Em ory, stretch the stained piece over a bowl building will be repainted. not be lon g before through service can a p p e a r in g o ld and pour boiling water through the Rock mills, Alabam a. For sale by the be had to nearly all parts o f the coun­ W ilson Drug com pany, C O U N TY COURT. stain, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. ty as well as the outside world. G. L To remove wine or fruit stulns put a Acta as • Bar to Profitable Employ­ Hawkins, G. N Cherringwm , T . A. PMOBATB. G O O S E N E C K . layer o f salt oil the stain as soon as ment. Riggs, E. V . Dalton, G. W . Hollister, Sibley, J. made and treat with boiling water the Grass is grow in g nicely. Harry Dunn, Dr. T on ey. J C. Hay You cannot afford to grow old. T h e J M. W an n real property was same as for tea status. In these days of strenuous competition ter, R. E W illiam s and E. C. Kirk Mr. G ieger is still grubbing. it is necessary to maintain, as long as patr ek attended the Falls C ity meet T o remove ink staius, while fresh ordered sold iu accordance with a peti­ possible ones youthful appearance. soak In milk. un'fAg fresh milk, as It be­ tion. T h e oyster supper at Buell was a It is Impossible to do this without re­ ing. T h e executor of the Isaac Mattison comes discolored. I f the stain has been great success. taining a luxurious growth of hair. The presence of Dandruff Indicates tha T h e S p i r i t of W i n t e r , estate was charged with an inventory allowed to dry use salts o f lemon, first wetting the spot, then rubbing the salts Mr K ou b, who is farm ing the Kea^ presence of a burrowing germ which The spit it of winter i» with ns, mak of V 5,765. lives and thrives on the roots of the on and rinsing well with cold water. It place, has lost a fine horse. mg it« presence known in many dif hair until It causes total baldness. T h e report o f »ale of the real prop­ nqiy sometimes be necessary to repeat — — ----------- New bro’s Herplclde la the only known fereut w av«— «om etim es by cheery sun erty of the C. G. Fisher estate was A P r i s o n e r in H a r O / v n H o u s e . the process. destroyer of this pest, and It Is as effec­ shine and glitterin g «n o w », and som e­ tiled to he heard February 8th. Mrs. VV. II. Lavha, o f 1001 Agnes tive as It is delightful to use T o remove paint stains rub with tur­ times by d rivin g winds and blinding Herplclde makes an elegant hair dress­ T h e final account of the I). J. pentine, or If very obstinate it then can Ave., Kansas C ity, Mo., lias for sever­ storms T«n> many people seem to W h it« aker estate was approved and be removed by touching with chloro­ al years been trouble«! with a severe ing as well as Dandruff cure. take a d eligh t in m aking bad th in g« Accept no substitute—there Is none. the adm inistrator discharged, and lit«' form. hoarseness and at times a hard cough, Sold by leading drugglsta Send 10c. In worse, for rheumati.-m twists harder, same iu the m atter of the C. C. W a lk ­ Machine oil stains should be nibbed which she says, u W ould keep me in stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., twinges sharper, catarrh becomes nturc Detroit, Mich. er estate. doors for days. I was prescribed for with soap and cold water. Ilo t water annoying, and the many sym ptom s of by physicians with no noticeable re- B elt A Cher rin g ton, special agents scrofula arc developed and aggravated Iu the matter of the W m . M cM illan will make stains permanent. sulls. A friend gave me a part of a Perspiration stains should be removed estate, in ven tory and appraisement There is not much poetry in this, bin were fded and approved and a w illow ’s by rubbing with soap and laying the bottle of Cham berlain’s Cough Re there is truth, aud it is a wonder that medy with instructions to closely fo l­ allowance of $50 a m onth for a year garment in the hot sun. more people do not get rid of these Shoe leather stains on white stock­ low the directions ami I wish to state v a * ordered, she al.-o to have the ailments. T h e medicine that c^ree that after the first day I could notice household g« oils. T h e petition to sell ings may be removed by applying o x ­ them— H ood ’s sarsaparilla— is easily \ T O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T H A T T H E c#un personal property was granted, and alic acid diluted in water in the pro­ a derided change for the better, and at L I t j *upsrint«!ndent o f Polk county will hold tho obtained and there 1 » abundant proof regular examination o f applicant» for state and this time after using it for two weeks, portion o f half an ounce o f acid to a that to sell real property was set for that ifs cures are radical and p erm a­ county paper» at l»alia» as follow »: pint o#- water. Rinse and repent until have no hesitation in saying I realize heating March 7th. For State Paper». nent. Commencing Wednesday, February 10th at § the stain Is gone. Wash very thorough­ that I am en tirely cured.” F o r sale oclock, a. in., and continuing until Saturday. Feb’a’y ly afterw ard or the acid w ill leave a by W ilson Drug Co. 13th, at 4 o'clock, p. m. OAK GROVE. Wednesday— Penmanship, hlstorv, spelling. alge mark o f Its own. bra. reading, school law. OAKDALE. For grease spots chloroform, ether, Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teach­ T h e Ladies Aid is to m eet at Mrs ing, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil govern­ T o health and happiness is Scrofula— turpentine or alcohol may be used, but H arris’ on W ednesday, February 3rd. Joe Card is having a lo t o f 16-inch ment. aa ugly as ever since time iramemorial. for very delicate fabrics naphtha la bet­ wood cut. F rid a y-P h ysiology, geography, mental arithme­ Everyone is invited to attend aud help ter than either, as it leaves no marks of tic. composition, physical geography. It causes bunches in the neck, dis­ Saturday - Botany, plane geometry, general his­ pick woo*. Its own, which the first named remedies Dial T ate mud fam ily have been tory, English lit-.-rature, psychology. figures the skin, infiames the mucous Mrs. E. J. H arris entertained the sick with colds. are liable to do. For County Papers—First, second and third grade membrane, wastes the muscles, weak­ certificates. girls of the O G. A, C. club at her T o remove acid atnlns, such ns vine­ Commencing Wednesday, February 10th, » t i ens the bones, reduces the power of gar or lemon Juice, which w ill often There is a new boy at the home of even in g. The o'clock, a. m ., and continuing until Friday, Feb’a'y home last Saturday resistance to disease and the capacity change the color o f colored fabrics, J. B. Maoomber. 12th at at 4 o’clock, p. m. evening was pleas* n tly spent with Wednesday— Penmanship, history, orthography, for recovery, and develops into con­ sponge very lightly with ammonia and games of various kinds and a dainty Louie Barnhart has q u it the butch ­ reading. Thursday—-Written arithmetic, theory of teach­ I lunch of cake and chocolate was serv water, using one tnblespoonful o f am er hu»inesH at Falls City. sumption. ing. grammar, school law. •* A bunch appeared on the left side of moil In to four o f water. Friday Geography, mental arithmetic, physiol« ed. my neck. It caused great pain, was lanced, Isaac Hughes died at the old home gy, civil government. T h e newly elected officers of our Primary Certificates. and became a running sore. I went Into a and was buried at Falls City. H ow to ('Ira n W ith (¡aunllnr. — 1l l l ^ r " --------- «-T o rth o, mphy, reodinf, literary society are: general decline. I was persuaded to try President, L . R. arithmetic. A woolen cloth dampened with gnso- Hood’» Sarsaparilla, and when I had taken W e will miss our good neighbor. R oberts; vice president, Beth W h ite ; Thursday—A f t of questioning, theory ef teaching six bottles my neck was healed, and I havo llne w ill make the dirt disappear as If methods, ph> eiolngy Truly yours, I secretary, Roy G ilb ert; treas irer, Both never nad any trouble of the kind since." | by magic w h e" used for cleaning porce­ Mr». W rig h t, who died here last week. C. L. STAR R , Mas K. T. fir m «* . Troy, Ohio. Fawk ; sergeant at arms, C liff R oberts; County Schoel Superintendent. Jim M urphy has just cleared and lain sinks, bata tubs or marble wash­ editor, A. K. A lle n ; execu tive c o m m it­ bowls. Gasoline Is also a sovereign fenced a new garden »p o t which he tee, Iva R obeits and Esther H am pton . remedy for bugs. It can be literally can irrigate during the dry season. 80 YEARS9 and Pills poured on the mattress, springs and E X P E R IE N C E Mr. Tro»p er, a nephew o f the late j A b o u t th e P ru n e s. w 111 nd you of it, radically and per- bed without Injuring the most delicate Som e »tx w«*ek*ago M «. J B Nunn UAiiunl!?; a* they have rid thousand*. carpet, and every bug w ill disappear. Mrs. W righ t, has m oved b -ck and will ' live on the John R obilU on chicken j loa Dallas »eu t a 50-pound b'*x o f I t a l­ The daintiest neckwear which it Is ian prunes to her »i»»e r at Canton, Impossible to wash. If left over night in ranch. M i«««»m i, and nske«l her to np«>rr an airtight vessel o f gasoline, w ill look T h e Germ an fam ily who hou.h» i what her neighbor» and the eery fresh aud new when carefully dried. and moved t«» the ('h a ». Farley ranch ! merchants thought of them. T h ey F a m ily Troubles. Òcarana i have added tim e scltol ira, and the one and all pronounced them better Nodd—W hy so depressed? C o p yr ig h t » A c. Umsper fam ily tw o, t o o c r sclnad. Anron. » •*—<•>' «n4 «MWlWInri w ! lookin g «n tl tieiter tabling then the Todd—I’ve Just had a quarrel with 18 CIVEN TO DETAIL T n lrk l, i m r l a l n our opinum fr a . w h «ih .r »<> . _imnnlf»- California product with which that my wife, and she doesn't ai**ak to me. tn .«n rV w M ,T O b »M r f a l u T o it y . on Patent» A t our school. That is whi.t counts, tlons »tried t&sssi&a* market has h»en supplied. T h e­ "Oh. w ell; she'll get over th a t" •ent free. Oddest M e n e ? J nod is on** r*a »«n « by « ur » t d n s chant« said that none of the C alifor­ ‘T h a t's Just It. I'm afraid she’ ll get Mra. K.l»ie Parry is visitin g relatives • re »ucceasful. B i incss men aypre- nia prun e« were superior ami n»*>»t of over It before tomorrow morning.— at Albany. ci..te this fart him ! many i sk f«»r no hem in ferior to ours. T h e y pay 7 Brooklyn Life. recom m endation hut our*. If you a t e 1 There is urgent need for more T-areeet Ctr- W en t r a te d w e e k ly cents for Cali for» ia prune« and «e ll Tern i», $3 * lo t rested in a usable ciim*-»iin», anil ; houses here. Didn’ t Menu It Jnst That W ay. them at 12^ cen t». There ieevith nt- wish to »et*ore it ft r the low at p s i - * Mrs. Pringle— You don't go Into my y u tru *t coot ruling «aid market. Can Miss Pearl Bryant will open a mil ble cost and in the shortest tim e cot» d ety much o f late. not our prune growers next season linery store here next mouth. sistent with thorough work, it will p »y ! Mrs. Poly got—No; society Isn’t what manage to get more than th^ee cent» you to investigate the advantages me It used to be. Protrected m eetin g« are being held fur their fruit? offer. Send for catahafne. Mrs. Pringle—Oh. bat It has Improved at the t r e e M etlin d iti and Christian Immensely since yon left It!—Boston chu rch«». c a p it a l b u s in e s s c o l l e g e W . H Reid 1 « hoil«ling a new home TranocrtrL SALEM , OREGON. across the street from the public Frank Butler aud E. J. Bryan at­ I school building. W. I. STALEY, PRINCIPAL. tended the Masonic lodge meeting at WITH A LAME BACK ? •uanoBirrioii u m ; Teachers’ Examinations. An Ancient Foe Hood’s Sarsaparilla J P atents ¿ u f t r it u w Scientific Nincrican. MfiwraSlp* Y C S , that is all Just eight more days left got that nuit or overooat or h I io o h , 1 »at. you to etc. at the Hub clothing store. If you want to get in on that big Discount Hale, with overcoats 20 percent off, suits, shoes ami everything else 15 per cent off, except overalls and slickers, now is your opportunity. We also have a large line of comforts and blankets per cent discount. that go at the 15 We have had a good trade during this sale and we want all that have not been supplied to come in during tho next eight day?, so you can get the ben efit of the discount, for February 1,1004, the sale closes. Now is your opportunity. R. JACOBSON & CO. C. W . Hollister, Manager. T h e Independence bank directors for this year will h i H . Hirschherg. A. R ow T im e and Lab o r Cun Be Saved Nelson, D. W . Boars, J. E. Rhodes and In H ousew ork. B F. Sm ith. Mr. H irschherg is pres­ Oilcloth on shelves, etc., should al­ ident, C. W Irv in e cashier and L . L. ways have brown paper put beneath I t W ip ru t hook keeper. It w ill then wear much longer und w ill not crack so easily, says the Boston Globe. T o lighten labor and make the trou- NEW hig day less tiring try standing on a cushion made o f old pieces o f carp et Until this has been tried no one can believe the rest it Is to the feet. l ’lates heated In the oven sometime» become smoked and burned. I f the STORE stains do not come o ff with washing a Dallas little common salt rubbed in is excel Mill Street lent and w ill entirely remove all marks. A new and com plete stock of wall Save all the empty match boxes and paper, paints, o il«, varnishes, stains when laying a tire break them open and colors. and use instead o f paper, or, at least, Pain ters and use very little paper. The fire w ill light very quickly w ith these, and they paper h an ger»' supplies and leave no ashes like paper. pictures framed to order. Before hemming tablecloths, table P ain tin g, in terio r wood finishing napkins, etc., the edges should be made and decorating done and satisfaction perfectly straight. Instead o f cutting) guarantee d. Bee us when you th ic k with scissors a thread should be drawn of doing any painting or ¡taper hang­ out, then you w ill get an absolutely i ing. N o charge for estim ates on labor even line. or material. T o prevent sticking and burning j when fryin g fish, etc., when the fat H EA TH &CORNES. conics to a boiling point sprinkle the: bottom o f the pan with salt. This a ls o ; prevents the fut from splashing. T o keep lemons fresh for a long time put them In a stone crock and cover | them with cold water. When spoons become discolored from eggs scour them with fine table salt. W .W . U L L R E Y , p r o p r i e t o r T h is w ill remove the discoloration, H o u s e h o l d ’ R IT T T s . Pajsr asi Flint Dallas feed Store which is caused by the sulphur in the eggs. I f grease is spilled on the kitchen table sprinkle the stain at once with coarse salt. This prevents the grease from soaking iuto the wood. The best way to clean doormats 1» to turn them upside down and give them a vigorous stumping with the feet. This frees the dust better than slinking the mat. I f milk happens to burn when you are boiling it pour it at once into a Ju.ij' and stand the ju g iu a basin o f cold w ater till cool, when it w ill probably be perfectly free from all disagreeable taste. Ilo w to lle lle v e T ire d Eyftt. Balt water is the best remedy for eyes tired from sewing, reading or w rit­ ing. Take a cupful o f water; add salt enough to make it quite perceptible to the taste. Hold your eyes to the w ater so that the lashes touch it; wink once, and the eyes w ill be suffused. Do not wipe them. This so refreshes the eyes that they feel like a new pair. Do not forget the good old rule, “ As soon as you feel your eyes stop using them.” H er Sense o f (b e Lad lcron s. “ Women hnve very little sense of hu­ mor,” said the cold blooded citizen. “ I don't know about that. Henrietta can see a joke as quickly- as anybody. Every- time the children talk about wanting to grow np to be smart and Industrious like their father she laughs.” —Washington Star. Sensation harness oil. qu ick clean­ er C lean « carpet, rug«, all kind« of woolen good«, w hile kid g lo v e», silks or sal in « and keep« m oth« from car­ pels. B»*ar in •uiiid m y poultry aud bee supplies. N ow is the tim e to make hens lay. Car load of bran, shorts and chop just received and at reduced prices. Hanson & Brown REAL ESTATE ACENTS Dallas, Oregon H ave in the southwest edge of town a number of desirable tract« of from one to live acres, which they would lie pleased to »how . Administrator’s Notice. otice is hereby given th at the uw - N uenigiieil w.i« on the 11th day of .Ian, 1904, by the county court of Folk county, Oregon, ap­ pointed administrator of the estate o f Ferdinand Williams, late of P olkcounty, Oregon, deceased. A ll person« holding claim » agaiiiHt the »Hid estate are notiHe«! t<* present the s me, duly verified a» re­ quired by law, to the undersigned at thjvlaw office of Frank Holmes in Salem, Marion county, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 25th day o f Jan, 1904. TH O M AS D. RICK8. Administrator o f the estate of Ferdinand W illiam », deceased. STOP THAT COUGH JAYNE’S EXPECTORANT w itH A n almost infallible rem edy for diseases o f the Throat and Lungs, know n and used the w o rld o v e r fo r almost a century. IT 1 --«'. A Welcome Ca’icr Our d elivery nvir. is m et with amilce not frowns, for w V ; he presents hi ings certain s a li» actum to wife, m other, husband, brother. In two w»»rdfi: It's righ t T h a t applies to e v c iy single ! article washed, starched ai d ire n* d in , this « stahlishhient M odern applinn- 1 c et and skillful handling l* II the ! story SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Leave order* in Dallas with J. J. Fuller or at the Hoy con feet ionery «tore.