Polk County itemizer. (Dallas, Or.) 1879-1927, December 04, 1903, Image 3

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K. v. A. A W i.iisr will preach at
Liberty st 3 o'clock next Sunday.
A Store that Satisfies
I W o rk Shirts
Dress C o ods
50 c
Th# im e»l collection in tlio val-
lay. We h ive all the newest iveav
e* at any priot you want to pay.
The khid that ara so hu r<i t o (
Semi for sample*. Semi for our
Tlie '
handy catalogue of sLiudard paU find, yet easy to find In i«,
rir »gem malarial» airJ lienl pat- ¥
tern«. It ¡8 free.
Cloaks and Suits
Clothin g
You cannot do belter than to v»s-
it this department. We want you
to come and try on aa many styles wonder(ul value» at $5.60, $7.50, N
aa you like. You will not before ♦ 10 ami $13 50. Unilerwear, an*, R
ed to buy. Jacket* from $5 to $30, »»e a te r», liat», nrckwear, ale. at
t h e l o w e s t prices.
•uiis from $J to $35.
W hat shall it be? Why they are here as a m atter of
course. All the late fiction of the da y —those th a t are
selling by the thousands in the east. No store any­
where can serve you more efficiently. You know that
and so do countless h undreds of others in your vicini­
ty. We w ant your mail older for anything published,
besides we give a good liberal discount off publishers’
Mrs Juliet Johnson, who has lived
at Laf lyett-. for half a century, died
there last week.
Mr». J. «.C ham bers it down from
Ki’ gene « iih tier broth-r. Henry Nei»
and »iater. Mrs. Oils Martin.
Judge Burnell’» term of circuit
court begins next Monday, the docket
being »mall and unimportant.
Hereafter we can for $3 furnish tbi.
paper ami t h e Homestead, one of t h e
best agricultural papers ill the »Lite.
Toys of every description, many
nowihiugs. Bring in childr n, they
enjoy looking over the line.— The Bee
Hive Store.
John Nelson, who bought the Frank
Sergeant place near Ferrydale, liar
sold it and gone back to his old M in­
nesota home,
R L Chapman and T J. Cherriog-
•on have been chosen director» of the
l.acreole club in place of D. J. Riley
and Dr. Hay ter.
Guv Bro«. bud out about 4000 tick­
ets for llieir sewing machine drawing.
Number 2423 held by Mr. Black south
of towu got the machine.
TtfEiV ZV /M TE. C-0/r*£fi.( r#AJc.
S alehs greate ^ stopb -
S e n s a tio n a l S a le
o f Ladies' S u its.
S k irts and W a is ts
Just when you n«ed them most
we reduce the price. These «re
exceptional bargain* and are well
worth your time to investigate these
economic price*.
Ladies’ .Suit*
$ 4 .3 7 to $ 1 9 .8 5
Formerly $8 75 to $27 50
M ens’
C lothing
A man ought fo think about hi«
cloth* • lief ore buying them, *o a*
not to have to • think atout them
when h»* wear* them. W e a*k you
to think aliout the advantage«
plainly discernible in every feature
of cur splendid suit*. We bate
done a lot of thinking and work,
and now we are proud to off.-r yon
tlie result*. V ’ e believe you wil-
appreciate them.
Ladle*' 8kirt*
$ 3 to $ 1 5
Formerl« $4 50 to $25
Ladies’ W »i»i*
73 c en ts to $ 8 .8 5
Formerly 85 cent* to $12.50
$10 to $25
Most parents are inclined to do
something extra nice for deserving
boys st the holiday seasou. What
could be better than some needed ar­
ticle of clothing. Go to Johnson's
store aud suggest about what you
THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE waut to spend and they will »how
you the heat that can he had for the
money. From un overcoat dowu to
a necktie they can please you. Re-
Our crokinnle boards ar out of the mem her the place.
ordinary. This season we are show­
ing a line entirely uew out west— The
T . J. Cronise, the picture man over
Bee H ive Store.
Dalrymple’s store, hie won golden
The grocery store of Dunn Bros in opinious among tlie people of Polk
Dallas will compare favorably with county hy his excellent taste and
any other this side of Pori land. They skill iu photography.
keep everything u»ed by the heat peo­
ple in the county.
Burial goods to suit any purse or
W hile prosecuting Bert Gordon for taste may be hud at the undertaking
stealing a gambler’s money it may de­ parlors of Coroner ( ’ lough on Slate
velop that aaid gambler is as much of street. Hu is popular with Polk coun
a lawbreaker as Gordon, in running a ty people
gambling den where foolish men art-
daily being cheated out of their hard-
Right along throughout the year
earned money. Poor Gordon laiiguish-
» in jail while the other lawbreaker i» the New York Racket store enjoy»
a constantly increasing trade. H un­
having an easy and thriving time.
dreds of people trade there because
they have le»rneu from experience
that nowhere else in town can they
B etw een P o r tla n d and W illa m e tte gel the same goods for as little money.
V a lley P oln ta.
Lo4t round trip rates have been
Do not forget ladies that Mrs. Cliace
nlacetl iu effect between Portland and
Willamette valley points in either di is giving a reduction of 25 per cent
rectiun. Ticket» will he sold Satur­ on all trimmed hats. Remember
days and Sunday» and limited to re- that money saved it money made. Go
tiru on or before the following Mon-1 aud see th i guods.
lay. Call ou the Southern Pacific
company’s agents for particulars.
Furniture Dealer Kerrlake has a
Barr’s Jewelry Store
big trade because he kieps so much
that is needed in every home snd hi»
price» are right
See ins , iotuiea and
Wesley Trent lias a large boil on picluie frames for Christtu»*.
his arm.
«• »
There is not much work but elinp-
Gaynor’s shoe store has a few equal»
ping going on now.
but no superiors iu the «alley, they
There is a new girl baby at Archie know what the public want and are
prepared lo meet all ioolwear de­
Brown’s; also one at Beck’s.
Branson’s woor^aaw ia nut sawing
wgial for some of theE ola folks.
I t is ssid that the Dunns have such
Mr. Holman, Dave Jacobson and H. a genial way of meeting and seivi tg
Hayden have not sold their hope yet. people that whoever once goes there
for tiis groceries is sure to return for
W e have organized a literary and
debating society to meet every Thurs­
day evening.
Christmas is coming snd people are
The F.ola school has 42 scholar». beginning to thiuk about holiday gifts
The directors pn' in eight new seats it is always more aeusible to give
this term and still they are short on something useful. A t Faull’e hard­
ware store may be found many arti­
W ill Annekin and Geo. Long are cles that your friends would appreci­
cutting wood for Mr. Holman. They ate more that flimsy ornamental stuff.
get a dollar a cord, hut the wood is Bo sure to see his goods before decid­
ing w hat to buy.
not very good for cutting.
Storing Up
Christmas Surprises.
Do not imagine it is one hit trio early to make Christmas se­
lections now. Oil tlie contrary, the advantage of early selec­
tion ia so well understood bv many discreet buyers that we al­
ready have a number of packages tucked away in our rale, “ to
be called fur the day before Christmas.’’ Is uot that a hint
you might profit hy. You can choose now without (he haste
and Hurry of later on ; you can »elect Irom the full, complete
new Christmas stock, tefore many others have had a chance
al i t ; and we will lay your purchase aside and keep it for you
until the week before Christmas, when you can call and pay
for it and carry it home. Think this over, please. The Barr
Christmas display is all ready and waiting for you.
The very highest grades of teas,
coffees spices and extracts may always
be had at the Yokohama tea store.
Ask to see tliefr useful things for the
holiday trade.
T h « Dallas sawmill, after a lung
shutdown for extensive repairs, is
again making lumber.
Cotioly Treasures Dalton paid the
last of. tlie state taxes for 1903, tie
Games at all prices from 5 cents up having la»t week turned over to the
»tale treasurer $11,672.
, to $3 inch.—The Bee Hive Store.
In the Liheity school taught by
| Mi«s Bratt -n, who has been trirn-
Mr». W. A Wash there was not t
j VI is . Ch**ee’s milliner store
»ingle case of abaeoro or tardiness
lias gone home.
doling the past month.
A. P
Ki kland has changed his
A bla S o u r c e s D i s h e d u p f o r . O u r
po» toffice address from Joseph to La
Sweat or fruit acid- will not discol­
N u m e ro u s F am ily of R ead ers
Grumie, Oirgon.
In A h r e v i a t e d P a r a g r a p h * .
or paod» deed with Pulliam Fadeless
dyes. Hold by the Wilson Drug com­
Select you- holiday goods early
For groceries go to OsfioM’s.
j W e store them here until you want pany at 10 cent» a package.
Mrs. Bertie Craven Nordby has a
1 them.— The Bee Hive Htore.
M. Hayter, dentist, Wilson building |
lino new son in Portland and that is
Mrs Ruth Conkey in in San Fran- wuat makes Gr.ndpa Wes Craven
Spectacles and blesses al Pfennig’» C sco f pending the winter with her
step so high and feel so rich.
Mster, Mrs. Joey Wagner, and taking
W ill Trttorn Iras bought vixty acres
Go and see the new hath tubs,sink«,
h Prions in vocal music.
of the Cuttler place for $3,870.
lavatories and fittings for latest style»
at W agner’s shop where
The Fall» City Odd Fellows have
kerchiefs in silk and linen. Silk sus­ you will find an up to date pluoimer
leased the Tice ball for three years.
penders and many other new things.
The state has accepted bids for
Claud Oviatt aud Miss K alb erin » — The Bee Hive Store.“
wood to be delivered at the state in
Bhoppert were married at Sheridan
J. M Walter, who lives in the P i­ atitutions next summer, the price
laat week.
oneer settlement, expects to raise 300 being $2.75 for young fir and $3 50 for
I i L. Churchman haa sold Iris in­ to 400 chickens next year. His son old.
terest in the Sheridan flouring mill to and his brother have just arrived from
Claud Stott.
North Dakota.
Frank Hubbard and wife of Falls
City spent Thanksgiving with her
See Meiser A Meiser before sub­
We have a regular art gallery, a
scribing to rtny ntagiri ire. They will gratiu display of all kinds of pictures, father, Mr. Alderman, at Dayton.
Prof. Alderman of McMinnville is her
duplidate any club offers.
all new and at prices far below com­ brother.
Pineapple saltwater taffy is the lat­ petition at 25 cents up to $3.50 each.
I f next woeks grand jurv are inclin­
est confection at Brown & Hhaw’a. — The Bee Hive Store.
ed to probe into it thev can find out
This is a very fine article, try it.
You can find toys in endless varie
that there is no little gambling in
The Presbyterian Sunshine hand ty at Riggs grocery, such as cars, dolls Dallas, in spite of tlio laws to the
will have a dime social at the home animals, tool clients, whistle*, tops conlrury.
of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Koser this ev­ horns, tops, drums, wagon*, magic
la liters and archerina boards. G«»
M. A Coulee of Buell and W . W
soon and get first choice.
Revene of l ’edee will read this paper
A well assorted line of mechanical |
The swale creek that runs down and the Oregonian in consideration of
toys just in. They please the y o m g
t.,n silver dollars deposited here by
and old. Come and see them.— The through the western edge of Dallas each of (hem.
empties into the Willamette at Inde
Bee Hive Store.
pendence. Fish have been an 1 are
The union revival meetings closed
A fine new stock of chinawAre. bung caught out of it nearly all th
tfler a months continuance, and al
glassware and toys at Meiser«' Don't way to its source near the Oakdale ihough there were hut lew conversions
purchase your Christmas g ift$ until quarry.
the different pastors »ay that much
you have examined their goods.
Try those new coffee creams at good was done.
It is said that an ice factory with Brown A Shaws; they have a distinct
When selecting a Christmas |r -i-
cold storage facilities is to be erected flavor
Also the following new kin da: ent you are invited lo visit the mu-ic
here before spring. There in a good Dipped raspberry, sponge, pineapph , and sewing machine store of George
opening for such an enterprise and it s ill water taffy, maple fudge, choco­ W. Will at Salem. His line is exten­
ought to prosper.
late panoeha, cocoannt crisp, tea bis­ sively u»ed at present.
cuit and chocolate chews, all new.
W hen you want a pleasant purga­
Get a Victor, Columbia or Zama
tive, try Chamberlain’s Stoma h and , Burnt work has bee >me the most phone gramaphone
[or a holiday
Liver tablets. They are easy to tak popular and useful art of the day present for your folks. George C
ami produce no nausea, griping or o»h 1 1 nok « ’ the new and pleasing novel­ Will, the music dealer opposite the
er disagreeable effects. For sale by ties in this work at Mrs. Chace’s and Bush.hank in Salem, haa them.
Dave your order nt once, either there
Wilson Drug company.
The cheapest and best stoves in the
or at the studio of Mrs. Weaver. P ri­
Robert 8. Conner was Inirii at the ces much lower than ever b efon . city, extra line line of woialcliopper»
mol», granitewore direct from the lac
home of his father, Job Conner on Just the thing for Christmas gifts.
lory at interesiing prices, and farm
Salt Creek in 1856 and died in S.in
A prettier assoriment of decorated machinery for »ale by Manning A-
Jo*e, California Nov. 26, 1903. In
Ferguaon iu Halem.
1877 he married a daughter of J. M. lamp-i than are now on display by T
Davison Gooseneck, lie had been a A. Biggs you never saw See his
W ill. Muscott haa bought Joe Slow’»
very active business man and was chocolate set*, tea sets cake plates
well known throughout this county. salad sets, cup« and saucers, dinner truck and now li.ia the whole hiisioi-«.-
Go in in DaMa», owning three trucking
H e was a prominent Mason and Od*! plates.olive ».rays and »he like
Fellow and had served as county as and take a look at the beautiful and bams. H i» »on Henry bus relurue,
sessor. Whoever had dealings with useful things spread out on hi« show from ussl of the mountains. Mr. Stow
Robert Conner pronounced him an tables and you will be sure to wan» will engage in feeding hogs for tin
some of them.
honorable man.
No other veterinary surgeou in the
state lias cured more animals or
know» more . Lout their disease» than
Dr. Keeler, whose whereabouts may
be learned by inquiry at the steel
bridge feed yard.
E. H. Catlron and family have been
down from Wasco visiting his mother
4t Monmouth.
Mrs E. J. Hosier, who lived at In
dependence for many year, will .pend
the winter at Ulyinpia.
it .« » / a it/a ¿ /¡a £ .*»£.*1 £ .<* £.’* £ .'*£ m £ ¿££
£ ja i
Both new and second hand poods
cheaper at Keralakee than anywhere
else in town.
Mr». Minnie Luper was up from
Amity last week S l i d Mis» Eiiiniu
Ludwig i» down from Corvallis.
Simpson A Johnson »hipped a car
load of cattle from Hover last week.
Eat at the George lunch counter to­
day aud you will want to go buck
there tomoirow.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem .
~ T fO i
£ /à’fci<ai £ ',o i £ jst'fc.j*fk!*'££**.¿¿’iti'edit
; *** » v »»v
k lx jiv
C lo s in g O ut Sale of
Pianos and Organs.
Beginning Tuesday, November 10th, we will d ote out the
stock of pianos and organs^now at
Kerslake’s Furniture Store, Dallas,
> jra-
A t practically wholesale price» for cash or payments to suit.
W ill also accept orders for delivery at sale prices up up to
Juuuary 1st.
^ Here is Your Chance
T o buy a piano or organ without paying agent» commission.
Call aud leave yohr order November 10th.
Eiler’s Piano House
Old instruments taken in exchange.
g ven hy two prumiiient citizens in
tlie year 1923 to their old asaociatee
of 1903. A number of distinguished
gt esta will he present and contribute
pleasina numbers to the evening’s en­
tertainment. The audience will be
pleased to learn of the experiences and
successes of their old friends of 1903.
Besides these features the hosts will
show several life size paintings by
celebrated artists.
Prayer meeting at our church last
Sunday evening the first time in
several months.
Mrs. Orr has been quite sick again.
Linn Nesmith had a party for his
Mrs. Fetzer has been among Inde-
pendsnee friends.
Peter Cook ia traveling for an east­
ern jewelry houae.
Jesse Lucas has typhoid fever at
the Salem hospital.
There will lie preaching the 13th nt
3 o’clock, and all those wishing to
At the north end ot Main street is s
Cal Hutton, who worked for John
join the United Evangelical church, firslclass feed and seed store. The Vaughn Inis gone to Dallas.
will be given the opportunity.
proprietor, Mr. Ullrey, ts very apt to
E. N. Cook has shut down his ap­
have what you want iu either line
ple dryer and gone to Hoo.1 River.
aud will treat you right.
J. B. Nesmith and family attended
W . B. Duncan lust a valuable cow
the Dlckinsoii-Guff Wedding at Itule-
It would make the eye of all young
last week.
folks and many old oues dance with
Preaching- next Sunday by tlie Bap­ delight to see the many pretty new
tist biethreu.
things lieing received at the Morris
Miss Stella Crawford has returned jewelry store for tlie holiday trade.
to Woodburn.
The stage lo Saluni always connects
Tracey W alling »pent Thanksgiv-
with the south bound passenger train.
ing iu Portland.
Rev. M cKhiley vitlicd
Portland Iasi «veek.
ft ten J.» i i
Order vour flour and feed from the
Dallas mill
Jt will b- delivered any
Dr. W. H. Darley anil Boh Duncan
where in town. Nowhere else c»n
was out from Salem lust Friday slay­
you gel belter Hour.
ing ducks.
Wayne and Worth Hvnrjr have re­
Holiday goods are beginning to Ar­
turned from a trip to Portland And
rive at the Wilson drug store. Tl»ey
The Dalles
may not have as great a variety as
E. F. and H. M. Averill, o f Salem, some others hut sll they have ia of su
spent Thanksgiviug with JV»i. Craw­ perior quality and al reasonable fig­
ure*. See their numerous good books.
ford’s family.
Nothing could he more appropriate
Ralph ami Clayboruo Ktieiwird, of
he agricultural college, spent Thanks­ for a gift.
giving at home.
Hawkins’ tlie tombstone man, does
Rev. A . W. W ight, who was aiur
firslclass work at fair pricess
nioUter for six mob th-two years agt*
one doubts the truth of what he says
ieeen.lv died in Albany.
about (he quality aud value of his
Lina aud Lovd Phillip* royally en ­ | u u d is
tertained the young people at their
home last Friday evening.
Mr. Ri»ser, Fred Toner. U.
Gunsmith Risser hei ig a sports
Lougliary and C. L. Starr have listen ’ Mist Addm Clark, superintendent man himself, knows what hunters
a lake not far from town and hav» if the Oregon City »cho-.i», Ii is heeu need and wlnt* w ill please them
rare »|>nrt
among the swimming here visiting her lather Caul. P . K. Those si ho use his Am m unition a I
fowls. They ki-ep their decoy duck» Clark.
ways brifcK in game.
----- -----
and rubber clothing in a small bui! I-
iog near by.
R aop la B elieve in It.
It 1ms l>een cynically said lhat any
Mr and Mrs. Gilbert aro visiting in
A t laat Saturday’- gnat mealing
thing c m he sold by advertising now
Chairman O W McBee appointed U. Salen
allay». This is not so. Many lini
S. Grant, II. L. Fenton and W A
A well ia fiein|Ltlrilleil Cor o il <>u tin incuts have be< it rdvertised, hut onlv
Avres a committee of arrangements A lex Holn.ee place
, „ IH, Perry Day's’ Painkiller, has stood
with authority to fix time and place
The Htiscs »pent Thanksgiving in tlis test of sixty ^vears use Tialsy it*
of goat allow.
Without exception
popularity is greax»«.' than ever and is
goat men ar-- in favor of the show and Salem. Rues lias been sick.
based not ti|>on what anybody says,
of arrang,meota lieiiig made for the
Levi Ilosteth-r and fam ily mild Ed bu' upon wbut tlie remedy does There
sale of fine stock al that time.
is l.ut one Painkiller— Ferry Davis.
,’obeily have moved to Astoria.
C. W. Stafford snd family have lo­
Hom er W hite and wife, of Am ity
M re. J. O. A d a m * D ead.
cated s i Stephens near Oakland, on*
have been here visiting his ,Mr*nt*.
Site waa born in Indiana in 1846
of his neighfKirs being Tlio*. Winni-
and marri. d thirty eight years ago
ford, who we must» red into the Coo
Mr. Brown and fam ily, of W est Ha*
federate army in E st Tennessee 40 leni, have moved to the Set ley |dace. They lived in Iowa for many years
s n d came to Dallas ten year* ago.
years ago. He wan with us in tin-
Seth Fawk caoie borne from the 0 . Hhe was a quiet, home loving Chris­
campaign around Vicksburg wbe e
General Grant took us in out of the A . C. to spend Thanksgiving with lii> tian woman, who made no enemies
but many friends. For several montb*
wet iu 1863, after which Uncle Sem mother.
she had been in declining health and
boarded us free gratia for nearly Iv t
The live pupils in school are Gay­ spent sometime in a Portland sanitar­
lord Brown, M ary Thompson nnd Jas. ium
S h e tiled yeaterday. her funeral
Exposure to a sudden rhanga in the Sullivau.
will be held today by Rev. Loy and
weather produaes cold in Use head
Our school has 20 pupils. M ary Rev. Green, and probably toinorrm»
and catarrh ia apt to follow. Provided
Allen sod Esther Hampton sacre ou the remain» will be taken to Portland
with Ely’s Cream Balm, yon armed
the roll of hu«»»r last month, sad the for cremation.
againstnasal catarrh. Price 50 cents
visitor» were (v a Roberts and Ivan j
E pw orth L e a g u e B azaar.
at -Irugg ste or Ely Bros., off Warren
Friend’s making articles for it wi'l
Street, New York, will mat) it. The
Balm cures without pain, ttoea not ir­
A t the literary on Thanksgiving j p]eu»e letlve them at Mr. Pollock’s not
ritate or cause aneeaing. It apreads night we noticed George ami M a i-! iHutr than Tuesday. Dx not miss the
itaelf over an irritated and angry aur- colrn Ps'.rlheM-r hot tie from the i). A. | p,ogiams next Thursday and Friday
face, relieving immediately the pain­ O., E»ti>er ri. wtlu. rtr, frotii Dallas | «.veiling», admission only 10
ful inflammation, cleanses and care*. college,. *n d Fred Crowley ii<nn tl*« , Thursday evening’s prugram will be
| presented in the form of a rcoeption
Cream Balm quickly cures the cold.
T H E R E C T O R O F S T . L U K E ’S
A s h b u r n f i a m . O n t a r i o , T e s tif ie s to
t n o C ood Q u a li t ie s of O h a n b o i -
l o i n ’s C o u g h R e m e d y .
Ashburnham, Ontario, April 18, '03.
I think it isonly right that I should
tell you what a wonderful effect Chem
berlain’s Cough Remedy has produc­
ed. The day before Easter I was so
distressed with a cold and cough that
I did not think to be able to take any
duties the next dsy, as my voice was
almost chnk.d by the cough. The
same day I received an order from you
for a bottle of your cough remedy. I
at once procured a samp's bottle and
took about thiee doses of the medi­
cine. T o my relief tlie cough snd
cold had completely disappeared and
I was able lo preach three times on
Easter day. I know lhat this rapid
and effective cure was due to your
cough remedy. I make this testimo­
nial without solicitation, being thank­
ful to have found such a Godsent rem­
edy. Respectfully »our*,
E. A. L anofalot , Ii. A .i
Rector of St. Luke’s church.
T o Chamberlain Medicine Co.
This remedy is for sale by the W il­
son Drug company.
Perhape You W ond er
If the tormenting cold that made last
winter one lung misery will be as bad
this year. Certainly not, if you taka
Allen’s Lung Balsam when tickling
ant' rawness in the throat announce
the presence of the old enemy. Do
not expect the cold to wear itself out.
Take the right remedy in time, A l­
len’s Lung Balsam is free from opium.
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are :
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases” that’s
N K W T O -D A Y .
what the doctors call them,
which in common English AdvrrtiHinif under th ii hMullnic will coat 10 cents
for anytning under 16 words for one insertion or 26
means—long sickness.
cents for throo insertions.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need HK I turn Ander
o f s morocco card esse w ill plet
it to Mrs. Anna Dunn.
Scott’s Emulsion. For the T
seed for «s ie by Css« Gibson, s mile south
feeling of weakness they p \J i i o RAT
f Rickrsstl.
need Scott’s Emulsion.
young cows, three cslvet snd tw o steers for
It makes new flesh and T WO
ssle or to trade for s work horse hy O. B. Tes**,
four miles southwest of Dallas.
gives new life to the weak
ROOMS over Kills A K syt’s store also r« otn in
W ilson block for rent s t $t s month by W.Os
2 Drown.
Scott’s Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out BOUT IOO ex*,rs fine bred Plymouth Rock chick*
of the rut. It makes new, A ens for Is le by W. M. Hsrgesnt user Psrrydslp.
rich blood, strengthens the A f \ ACRKH improved lend fl*e miles from Dallas
d on the rallreed nasi Bridgeport for sale by
nerves and gives appetite K. x G T. a n Shuts.
Addre«» Delias.
for ordinary food.
)R nale by U. N. Harrington near Dallas Poland
Chin* pigs of spring and summer farrow, sired
Scott’s Emulsion can be by F my
imported boar Oregon Corrector— 73,961.
Pedigrees furnished and recorded for every pig sold.
taken as long as sickness Also 20 choice nannie goals and a few tear ling bucks
lasts and do good all the
sheep to
Fenton, o f Dallas.
iu bauds of any size t ossi red.
H » f, sitares
There’s new strength
R 8 A L B - A 116 acre d elrr ranch, sur ai D
and flesh in every dose.
of Dallas on the main r ad. Apply to B.
F north
U. Campbell, the Dallas real estate agent.
W e will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
H McDaniel, near Rudi reali, has good baled
•wheat hay for sale.
B . aur, lhat ihta ptemtv 1»
,ha lottn r,l a lalxl la on lh .
wrapper of every bottle ol
EmuUion you buy.
tfRRHH milch cow* for sale by
J _______________________
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
50c. snd )l i ill drugglita.
D, L. loft
the very bust rates obtainable.— U. O. i
P« rt> at Urtual raise by Oscar Hay ter, Dallas,
h ave money to loa ^ o b
\ V
I7 R
. !