Rupy M ilk . C oncerning »hit trouble, w h ich la caused by an outside germ w hich geta Into the milk after It Is draw n. Profess­ or Farrington recom m ends the follow ­ ing: The best way to overworn« this trou­ ble Is to carefully w ash the cow*» udder and brush her legs, afterw ard drying VV. W . Jeruinne, W ashington corre­ both w ith u clean tow el; then the milk­ spondent o f the M inneapolis Journo >. er should wash his hands, thoroughly hail sant that paper un article showing steam the |> ill Into w hich he milks und, W« h*«« O» ouïr m* of »b*r.-v b-Kjk. lu Polk the good results o f the oleo law. lu after throw ing aw ay tlie first streams „ , „ 1, mglubl. i l ik i o o lurnUhtoi. auU uiouoy lo 9.1iicli he s«>s: o f milk draw n, milk the cow with dry n» Ho oummiMlon oh.r.ed on lo».i» Hoorn. * “ Statem ents rent out in the press dis­ hand-: Into this clean pull. The milk » . 1 Wllwm'. block. ___________ patches from W ashington to the effect should 1*.» protected ns carefully as pos­ that the m anufacture o f oleom argarine sible from dust and then strained into J. L . C O L L I N S , has been bu-ivnslng In the past few the cans In w h ich It Is to be transport­ months ami that the output will soon \ttorney and Counselor at Law, be equal to that o f Inst year are not ed or In w hich It Is set fo r cream rising. The strain» r cloth, carryin g cans and borne out by a careful analysis o f the separator, f one Is used, should »e S o l i c i t o r IB C 'b k B C r r r . returns to the Internal revenue bureau. Hu keen k predice of hie profeeeion In tbl. piece given an extra w ashing and scalding a eboul thirty yeere, end wfll ettond to »II buelreee As a m atter o f fact, the high water alme tod to hie cere. OlMce, come, Mein end Coon mark o f production for the current fis­ order to lf*«troy any o f these germs which have been the cause o f the ropy IB Delle«, Polk Go, Ur cal year was reached In D ecem ber and milk Tlirr» is no doubt that this trou­ January, in which mouths m ore than ble m ay be overcom e In this w ay, and J. N. H A HT 8.000.000 pounds w ere produced. Since the success one lias In doing It w ill de­ ATT O R N E Y -A T -LA W . that time there has been a grad uni pend entire’: on how carefully he pro­ fa llin g off, In A pril, the last month for tects the in'Ik from the germs, which Room t.O sfield building. which the returns have been m ade pub­ - O R H IÖ O N must get in > the milk after It te drawn O.A.X .X .J U B , lic, reaching only 6,250.000 pounds. from the cow. Friends o f the oleom argarine bill which No PrtM'fMM B a tter In C anada. becam e a law hist session claim ed that OSCAR H A T T E R . T he Dom inion parliam ent has passed by forcing the m anufacturers and deal u bill m aking it illegal to m anufacture era to sell their product fo r w h at It A tto r n e y a t-L a w . process butter In Canada, it is said. really Is and not fo r butter n decrease H on. Sidney Fisher, m inister'ffjf agri- In the output as com pared with pre­ Office up «taira in Campbell’ a build­ eulture, w ho fathered the measure, vious years w ou ld result, and this ap­ claim ed that the m anufacturers o f the ing. pears to have been realized. T he total process butter exported It from Cunada DALLAS - OREGON. output for the ten m onths ending April 30, 1003, w as 04.080,181 pounds ns and that Its sale In other countries would injure? the Canadian trade In V. L. HUTLKK K F. C AD against 09.302.803 pounds fo r the corre­ sponding period o f the preceding fiscal pood butter. He is o f the opinion that B U T L E R A COAL) year, when the old law w as In opera­ Canadian dairy products are bound to tion and all oleo, colored or uncolorcd, reach a high standard hi England and was taxed at the uniform -rate o f 2 that if C anadians wish to capture that D A L L A S, OREGON. cents a pound. T he decrease In pro­ market a first class article w ill have to W ill practice in all cu uru . Office, duction Is therefore 34.450,0)22 pounds, be produced. An tow n Ilicrh S corer. over bank. or 34.0 per cent. T aking it altogether, The third scoring o f the Iow a educa­ the now oleom argarine law from the tional content was recently completed. standpoint o f protection to the consum ­ T he hi h ’V, -icor■* went to a new mar. er may be so Id to be a success/* '• ’ - !'m f\ L. U uuiiigton o f Dickens. TRUCKM AN. Atto r n ey s-at- La w W.J. STOW, D a lla s : O re p o n SALEM,FALLS CITK S WESTERN A iair Bhare of patronage solicited and all o-ders prom ptly tilled. RAILWAY MOTOR TIME TABLE. . 0 p tn 7.45 a mllv Dallas ar 4:35 p in'9.65 am 1:36 p nii8:00 a m IV'Teats 8idiiiffar|4:20 ~ p in 9:39 am .V.« p in 18:03 a tn lv "Gilliams ar 4:17 p in 9:30 am : y 5 p mi vlO a m lv* Bridgeport ar 4:10 pm P :30 am 6 pm j 8:20 am ar Falla City lv|4:00 p ui A: 20 am Laavea Independence for Monmouth and Airlie — . :S0 a m 3:30 p tn Leave* Independnce for Monmouth and Dallas- 11:10 am 0 15pm Leaves Monmouth for Airlie — .50 a in 3:50 p m Leaves Monmouth for Dallas— 11:20 a m 7:30 p tn Leave* Airlie for Monmouth and Independence— •:00 am 5pm Leaves Dallas for Monmouth anl In«ie »endence— IKK) pm 7 30 pm. II. C. G RAVEN R. K. P r e s id e n t . W . Q. V A S S A LL, a s s is ta n t C a s h ie r OP DALLAS, OREUON, Transacts a general banking ousi- uesa in all its brunches; buya and sells exchange on principal points in the United States; makes collections on all points in the Pacific N orthw est; loans money and discounts paper at the best rates; allow interest on time deposits. DR. J O R D A N ’S IN lM iIM T IT .,lim iM M M ,M le w ik ^ k X r r I ire paying the Highest Sash Prices for Hides, Pelts, Wool. Tallow, Furs, did Iron, Hubber and Metals. A L. RK M IN G TO N w h o had n «coro o f 9 ..12 per c e n t The chem ical nnnlysia o f the butter w as: Fat. 83.71» por cent; water, 13.12 por cent; casein, 1.4(1 por cent: Halt, 1.60 poi emit: average overrun. 19.38 per cen t J. L. S T O C K T O N A C O ., Successors to «•east BMUlvSr e*r»J lijr til* •f«WR i ipetteiift on tk* C«ML E s L y* yeara. | S T P R IL IM thoroughly «» «H e a t e d , | l> CORVALLIS MAIL—DAILY 7:90 a m Lv.............. Portland.............. Ar 5;50 p m 10 46 a m Lv............... Derry.................Lv 2;18 pm 11:46 p tn Ar........ C o m ™ ....... Lv 1:20 pm Aft Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Central and Eastern railroad. DALLA8 PA88ENGER—DAILY, EX. 8UNDAY :00 p m Lv.............. Portland............. Arid:20am Dallas ...........Lv 7:00 :20 p m A r ----- YAMHILL D1 VISION: Passentier depot foot of Jefferson street AIRLIE FREIGHT-TRI WEEKLY Leave 7:40 a m....... Portland.......... Arrive 3:32 pn 1 Ci vc 3:50 pm ........... Delias............Arrive 8:20 a r Arrive 6.-06 p m..........Airlie.............Leave 7:00 a i Dallas Foundry! — ALL KINDS OP— IRON WORK TO ORDER- Repairing Promptly Done. EG. BIDDLE, - PROP. M A R T IN , P A IN T E R , House, sign and ornamental, grain n g , kalsoming and paper hanging. • O rcoo * R-I-PA-N-S Tabu lea Doctors find A good prescription For mankind. The 5 cent package ia enough for anal m_____ Ik« family bottle, «0 cent«, cm ft* in* a «apply for An draf«drft« w il them SALES A T BOTH STORES. W E AIM T O CLOSE OUT ENOUGH OF OUR GOODS IN NINETY DAYS SO AS SOUTHERN PACIFIC • MAMMOTH CLOSING OUT AND COMBI­ ML «JORDAN—DISEASES Of MIN NATION O BS KWBAN a CO . test a » * * SL. f A TIME TABLE fir . 54 State street, Salem, T lio n e 2,071 Main S A L E M , ORECON. Trmtmoet per , | ly letter. A #”»•#«•• Cure in every case ' write for Book. af , M ailos F lu . (A valweWt book < O iu .e s . J. BROWNSTEIN i SON T . Holverson A Co., r f*** and *Crt«1ty p*1w*t*. J. General Manager. <1 from lyst*» »itfc*it it* use ofMere«*ry>. Traasaa fitted by Ml E«p«it l * i b , ) aal e*fe for Haptar*. a fack end 1 A . LO U I8 G E RLIN G ER, JR .f aaaaTi 1 (MUSEUM OF ANATOMY * Daily except Sunday. * Trains stop on signals only. w il l ia m s . C a s h ie r . DALLAS CITY HAMM ' v is it TIME TABLE: TO BE ABLE TO COMBINE THE T W O BIG STORES IN ONE. Great Price Reductions On Ladies Jackets, Suits, Mackintoshes, Shirts, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Etc. It will pay the people of Polk and Yamhill county to drive over to Sa­ lem to Stockton’s great sales of these two big stores. W E A R E IN I T . Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly cures manycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak. lungs, whooping-cough, croup, w in ter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three sixes: 25»-., enough for an ordinary eold; 60c.. Just right for bronchitis, hoarse­ ness. hard colds, etc.; »1. most economic«! for chronic cases and to keep on hand. J. C. AYEK CO.. Lowell, Mass. THE ELECTRIC WHIP. Science has outwitted the bulky horse, according to horsemen who were present when a new electric “ whip” was tested recently at the stock yards. The first test was made on a horse which the stable men had been unable to drive for a yeur. The effect o f the “ whip” was in stantaneous, the horse being only too willing to travel. Other tests were equally successful. At the conclusion of the tests, which were viewed by more than 2,000 persons, John J. Kllsworth of the Kllsworth & McNair stables raid: “ The machine is a wonder. It is humane— far more so than a whip— and it is more efficacious.” The “ whip” consists o f small cop­ per plates let into each side of the horse’ s collar. From these a wire leads along the tongue of the ve­ hicle to the wagon itself, where D A LLA S , O R EC . there is a small battery. All that is required to set the horse in motion is the pressure of a button. The “ whip” is the invention of J . A. Giles, n rural mail carrier in Geor­ gia.— Chicago Tribune. Shattering an lllualon. “ But, my ungel,” protested tho husband when his wife had for tha first time set her foot dow n and told hin. she « . uld not do what he want­ ed her to, “ you promised the min­ ister to love, honor und obey me.” “ Ministers,” she retorted, “ are often visionary. Besides, at such a time they have to be humored. Any­ way, if there are any objections to be made it seems to me the preach­ er is the one to speak first.” —-J udge. The Editor Laughad. “ I left a poem with your editor yesterday,” said the young poet. “ Yes,” replied his friend in the office, “ I saw you, and after you went out he read it, and it seemed to make a big hit with him.” “ Indeed? Oh, I ’m so gladl It was a sonnet 6n ‘ Death,’ and I’ m • quite proud of it.” “ Oh— er— 1 thought it was a hu­ morous poem.” — Philadelphia Press. :: Indispensable i: j! St Jacobs Oil ¡ : PAINS and ACHES ;: q q o v E ’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC f io Not Hlndrancat. “ Don’t you sometimes find that you are hindered in your art by peo­ ple who insist on your working for mere money ?” “ No,” answered Mr. Van Dab­ bles. “ The scarcity o f such people is what is causing me considerable inconvenience at present.” — Wash­ ington Star,____________ __ ^ure|>o o«f4o Pay ...5 0 (f n t s ... Rsnewing Oilcloth. Enclosed with every bottle is a 10 cen t package of Grove’s B L A C K ROOT L IV E R PIL LS. CURES A COLD IN ONE DAT CURES SRIP IN TWO DATS Our fine new display rooms— none finer in the state. 269 Liberty Street SSi.rJfi ft06«°a.oN. Y ou do not have In buy anything or pay a cent for enough of the finest furniture polish to rejuvenate your entire house. THIB âlONATUaa Next door to Jos. Meyer & Sons. Stores: Salem and Albany ELLIS &KEYT or o f standing. >16, claims for a pavement o f indurated milk the ad­ vantages of durability and noiseless- ness. Perhaps also in times of dis­ tress and turbulence it might pro­ vide a resource attractive enough to eeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeee divert, the populace from hnrricades and bombardment o f the public How to Build a Log Fire. The season when a good log fire forces. It is sober truth that at the is comfortable in the evenings is at approaching dollmakers’ exhibition hand. To make an attractive, one, there will hie a great variety of ob­ which does not have to be coaxed jects made from indurated milk. with applications o f kindling wood These include dominos, dice, cigar now and then, shake out a double holders, “ canes,” umbrella handles, sheet newspaper and leave the edges “ forks” and spoons. loose, so that it will light easily, Chintz Covered Walls. ft will take longer to ignite if An iden utilized in. an out of the crushed and spoils the effect o f the kindling wood, which is thrown way attic room which had to he loosely on the paper against the converted into a bedroom at the andirons. The backlog should he .least possible expense was that of * \ For «11 ache« from head to foot \ * o f the largest size the fireplace will covering the“ wnlls with old fashion­ hold. Green wood is preferable at ed chintz— not paper, but the gen­ this time of the year. It should he uine woven material. The sort put close back to the wall. If it is chosen had a ground o f cream, on has curative qualities n split log the inside should be which full blown roses were strewn, to reach the turned toward the front. Three just the daintiest thing imaginable logs are enough to start a fire with. and costing only a Jew cents a yard. Give it a good start und then let it The Toom never having been used of the human family, and to |b- alone. Nothing is worse than a for anything but purposes o f stor­ Have and cure them promptly. age, there was no wooden surhase. smoky, constantly poked wood fire. [ P r ic e 2 5 c. a n d 5 0 c. and the chintz was hung before this was put in, so that the lower edges Milk Paving. A land flowing with milk is an o f each strip were concealed. ancient idea, but streets paved with A Clever Idea. it is a notion essentially modern. A dish drainer was thought out It is being seriously proposed to the municipality o f P a m hv a contract- by an invalid whose mind is much stronger than her body. It was so cleverly thought out that it saves at least one-third o f the work— the " f lom i ootif f e «in f th o u g h t i lias stood the test of^25 years. A n ­ great, great work— of dish drying. w ou ld noumh ra y *in m y h om H h ." nual sale over 1,500,000 bottles. "T h ree years o f delicate health The dishes are firmly held at their l)oec this record of mer- trying doctors’ prescriptions and lower edges in the bottom of the jt appeal to y o u f patent medicine«** without benefit wire basket. They ar» rinsed on m ight well sap the courage of any both sides at the same time and do woman. And vet Mrs. Bryant proved that the question o f the cure of wom­ not steam. There is a central bas­ anly disease is only a question of ket which holds knives, forks and using the right remedy. A few doses spoons upright, insuring perfect o f * Favorite Prescription ’ restored her courage and revived her hope, drainage and preventing soaking b e e t l e siie could see " a decided and loosening of knife handles. No cuauge from the first/* Three pretty finger tips are scalded in hot rinsing water. W H A T? The House Furnishing Co., thing people eat, vdear and use is to be considered, bought, sold and delivered to someone that needs it, leading the profits vdith the merchant and $ e pur­ chaser, share and share alike.^Tlvnk of the untir­ ing energy required of the buyer, the things he must know? and remember, and the sellers, the clerks, vdhat exactions, vdhat criticisms, and patience cour­ tesy, untiring labor.^Success hoped for to c o d n i t all.a>We indite you tocome in, be partners,and share the profits vdifp usfrWhuteder your vdants may be, if they can be supplied by a first class, \dell equipjied sfore, come to us and your requirements shall be met for less money than anyvdhere else&Abode all remember the partnershipceThe store is yours as mj i h as oursecYou help pay the rents, the clerks, and all $ e expenses, giding of your labor and ener­ gy the same as w ?e do that it all may be a success, our store in factfrWhen you come feel at home.wOur clerks are men and vdomen of years of experience, quick and obliging, and alvdays speak (pe truthwYou vdill find it a pleasure to be vdaited on by them. Respectfully submitted for your consideration, m onths’ use o f the m edicine re stored her to perfect health. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription cures irregularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflatt timtion and ul­ ceration, and cures female weakness. Mrs. Sarah Brvant FrwMfnt of Memphis fVuriat Science Ciub. residing at 171 Atkinson Art.. Memphis. Twin . writes: "I M in r i with delicate Jieslth for three years, trying doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines until I font courage and t It-.tight ! *< uld never regain my health; l*»t s few doee* of your ‘Favorite Prescription made me change my mind. Could see s decided change from the first, so I kept on taking it for three months faithfully sad am now in perfect health.” ■ V I T APPEAR ON EVERY BOX o r THE GENUINE. Dr. Pterce's M edical Adviser, ia paper covers, is sent free on receipt o f 11 one-cent stam p, to pay expense o f m ailin g only Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. RufUlo, N. Y. When oilcloth has been down for a few months and is losing the shiny surface it can he renewed easi­ ly, and it will last twice as long. Melt a little ordinary glue in a pint o f water, letting it stand on the top o f the oven till dissolved. Wash the oilcloth thoroughly and let it dry. Then at night when the traf­ fic o f the day is over go over the whole thing carefully with a flan­ nel dipped in the glue water. Choose a dry day for it, and by morning | ' " have the glue will be hard and » will put • fine f^oss, as good as new, on your floor. INKCE 5 T I 0 n “ I w »i troubled w i t h ____ u h trouble. Thedford'e Bleek- Drati ;ht did me more good In one week then »11 thedoe- tor'a medicine I took In a Venr.’ — M R S . S A R A H m. B H IttFIK U ). KM.tte.llle, lnd. Thedford's Black Draught quickly invigorates the ac­ tion of the stomach and cure, even chronic cases of indigestion. If you will take a small dose of Thed- ford's Black Draught occa­ sionally you will keep your stomach and liver iu per­ fect condition. THEDFORD'l BLACK-DRAUGHT More sirknesa it caused by conatipation than by any other disease. Thedford'a Black-Draught not only re­ lieves constipation but cure« diarrhoea .and dysentery and keep« the I»owels regular. A l l drufffflata aall A Noval Pillow Covor. » 6 -c a n t pAckagaa. A very popular variety o f pillow is covered with squares cut from English and trench flowered cre­ tonne. Big bunches o f flowers are printed in the center of each square, and the corners are gathered in a rounding shape, with a large cre­ tonne covered button over the gath­ ers. Denim and silk pillows are treated in the same way. “ T h e d f o r d ’ « B la c k - Draught ia the beat medi­ cine to regulate the bowel» I have ever used.*'— MRS. A. M. G R A N T , Sneads Ferry, N. C. COttSTIPATIOn